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S07.E06: All The Proof

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I hope this Gorsch story is over. We have been punished way too long! He was a total disgrace in the field and the morning briefing. What the hell did he do for Grissom to be assigned Deputy Commissioner?

We had to endure that long stupid Gorsch storyline in order to make seldom seen Benny Severide rise to the occasion and go out a hero in Kelly's eyes? I feel dirty and need a good shower.  

I find it hard to believe these guys never knew of Telemundo and their beautiful women until now.  So after watching a few novellas, now they are spanish speaking experts and can apply it in the field? Yeah Right! Could have been a good story about learning a new language but just cheapened to just watching soap operas. 

Chaplain Zoom looked like he had some impure thoughts after seeing Sylvie.

That cake was enormous. I wanted finish it and not let it go to waste. 

Casey thinks Naomi reminds him of Gabby?? She hasn't been seen since the first episode but her name is always brought up some way in every episode. It's a stink that just won't go away.

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I couldn't bring myself to watch Fire & PD last night (don't watch Med) because I didn't want to put myself in a bad mood which these shows seem to put me in sometimes. Bummed to find out they killed off Severide's Dad last night. I like Treat Williams. Now I'm really glad I didn't watch since today is my birthday and seeing Severide sad over his dying would have made me miss my Mom even more. I read that Benny was able to get Gorsch out of 51 so if that rat stays gone it will make the show a little easier to watch. The actor who plays Gorsch is good at playing an annoying over confident slimy suck up.

Edited by Jaded
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The telenovela plotline was stupid but I smiled anyway. 

Naomi seems basically nice and not very self-centered, so I have no idea why she would remind Matt of Gabby. They have good chemistry, so I actually wouldn't mind them getting together except the inevitable breakup will probably be really annoying.

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Close  the door when you leave!  HA!!  Great line!

I feel really bad for Sevveride.  They had a complicated relationship and he has to live with his last words to him.  Knowing Benny stepped up probably makes it worse for him.  Kind of surprising that they didn't drag Benny's death out longer, but i'm glad they didn't.  Next week will be a tear jerker!

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Casey really seems to have a thing for women with God complexes. Or, they have a thing for him. In any case, they really need to explain to us what the status is between him and Gabby. Has either one of them, in fact, initiated divorce proceedings? They've been awfully vague about this ever since she walked out on him. And yes - let's be very clear about this. Gabby is not some hero out saving the world. She is an impulsive, reckless know-it-all who walked out on her marriage because it wasn't as important to her as helping people over a thousand miles away. 

I hope we've seen the last of Gorsch because he is so laughably idiotic it's ridiculous. I was just thinking during this episode that usually they rush through these stories in an episode or two and then forget about them so I was wondering how much longer we were going to have to put up with this. Please, please, please, writers - come up with something new! No more "someone is out to get station 51 and/or Boden." ENOUGH. They've done some iteration of this same story every single season.

You don't learn Spanish by watching telenovelas. It's not something you pick up through osmosis. I mean, maybe a common phrase or two but that's it. And I think some of the firefighters would be more willing to learn Spanish if someone on their crew is offering to teach them, especially if they keep running into situations where it's needed. 

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8 hours ago, mxc90 said:


Casey thinks Naomi reminds him of Gabby?? She hasn't been seen since the first episode but her name is always brought up some way in every episode. It's a stink that just won't go away.

The writers are making Casey delusional then, just like they are! Dawson is a lingering stink that won't go away. The air needs clearing and Casey needs to move on along with TPTB and writers.

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So Benny had to die to get rid of Gorsch.  Sucks for Severide, but would they really take the whole house out of service because one firefighter's father died?

I loved how the writers decided to put Gorsch in the field this episode - we already knew he was awful, and he gets kicked out of the house next shift, so why bother.

Was that dad high or just bad acting?  He didn't seem that upset for realizing his daughter got into his stash and was now high.

While I liked the result of the Telemundo plot with the guys getting into the telenovela, I hated their attitudes about learning Spanish.  Cruz was absolutely right, they should learn enough to at least know when someone is telling you their kid is missing.  They've been firefighters in an urban area with a large Hispanic population for how long, and haven't even learned niño means kid?  I do remember some high school Spanish, but I thought even without understanding hijo and perdido mean it was pretty obvious the woman was stressed about more than just being evacuated.   Herrmann's attitude towards the poor woman trying to get help finding her son was awful, I'm surprised he didn't yell "Speak English!" at her.  Normally I like Herrmann, but he was just being an ignorant ass.

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2 minutes ago, athelyna said:

 Sucks for Severide, but would they really take the whole house out of service because one firefighter's father died?


I'm sure it was due to Benny's service @CFD more than him being Kelly's dad, but yes, did seem over the top.

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Damn you show.  You killed Benny - and off-screen to make it even worse.  (Poor Severide and the guilt he will be fighting for the next umpteen episodes).   I love Treat Williams to  ridiculous degree.  I only hope this frees him up for a new weekly show.  I will miss his occasional visits.  Love him to bits.

Glad the Gorsch-weasel plot is finally over.  The writers really need to get over this whole '51 in danger of being split up thing' lather/rinse/repeat.  There is enough built in drama with the fires, rescues, and the relationships ...  there really is no need to threaten Boden/the gang/the station every damn season.  Please, just stop!

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9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

So after watching a few novellas, now they are spanish speaking experts and can apply it in the field? Yeah Right! 

At least when they encounter a pregnant woman on some incident, they will know to ask her "Whose baby is it? Are you sleeping with anyone else?  Are they rich?"

I agree completely about the Spanish skills.  I spent several weeks at an immersion school in Mexico way back when I was a firefighter in a primarily Latino community, and, although it helped considerably, I wasn't even close to being able to adequately translate everything people said.  That whole storyline was just some inspired silliness that this show engages in all too often. 

I think Gorsch had Benny waxed after Benny went to Grissom and ratted him out.  That would make a helluva story.  Gorsch will probably still submit those letters of reprimand because he's really that stupid to think that there wouldn't be any blowback based on his actions at the incident.  I loved Capp dropping that hint on him.  "That's your job, boss."

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This episode didn't suck. The telenovella plotline was silly, of course, but a fun little B-plot (or C-plot). I think the showrunner had to bring in Naomi as Gabby 2.0 for the same reasons they foisted Dawson on us, only maybe with an actor who polls better with audiences. And if that's the case, they got it back-asswards. I loved Ms. Raymund. She owned that part and sold it well. I just detested the character and her testicle lockbox for DoorMatt™. Why does Casey even need a love interest anyway? At least for a season or two.

I don't hate Naomi, I'm just getting bad vibes about where her character is going. But that said, I'd rather see a romantic interest for him from outside the fire service.

Speaking of Casey and the fire service, he did a good job explaining that he actually knows why, when, and how to vent a roof. So I expect to see 81 up on the shingles with a K12 and chain-saws next time there's a working house fire, m'kay?

Wish they hadn't killed off Severide's dad and retired Orlovsky in the same episode. Two grown-ups off the show at once, one replaced by a younger, hotter guy. Since this isn't a telenovella, and their audience is primarily skewing older (and I'm an old fart), I like older character actors in supporting roles. I was just as pissed when they offed Olinsky on P.D. last season.

Edited by NJRadioGuy
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4 hours ago, Xantar said:

Naomi seems basically nice and not very self-centered, so I have no idea why she would remind Matt of Gabby. They have good chemistry, so I actually wouldn't mind them getting together except the inevitable breakup will probably be really annoying.

Casey actually meant to say that Naomi reminded him of Hallie l reckon. She is in NO way at all like Gabby Dawson was but of course the writers are in complete denial about Dawson having left the show for good and seem to be hanging onto her in any way they can,  no matter how tenuous and maybe they are having a competition to see if they can get her name into every episode somewhere! 

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It was funny how Goursh was really out of his league and that the firefighters knew what to do. I do wonder if Grissom got Gorsch and the firefighter's reports as well then realized Gorsch really didn't know what he was doing even if Benny had talked to him. 

I don't think Goursh had anything to do with Benny as he had a stroke but I wonder if he had the stroke while Kelly was eating breakfast and I thought the waitress was a bit annoying. 

I did expect Herrmann to yell at the lady that she should know English and I admit, I wouldn't like to be watching a foreign channel that I don't speak the language of. 

Didn't care for the rest of the stuff other than I think Naomi will somehow be a stalker and I really expected Kidd's friend to come back and cause trouble and I still do. 

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5 hours ago, belletane said:

The writers are making Casey delusional then, just like they are! Dawson is a lingering stink that won't go away. The air needs clearing and Casey needs to move on along with TPTB and writers.

Matt to Naomi: "We are separating or divorcing....but..... honestly, I'm not even sure".

Sums up what's in the writer's minds! Are the they holding "hope" there's a chance she makes a return to the show?  


10 hours ago, Jaded said:

today is my birthday

Happy Birthday!


54 minutes ago, Waterston Fan said:

I really expected Kidd's friend to come back and cause trouble and I still do. 

Almost forgot about him. Maybe he'll crash the funeral.

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I laughed at the telenovela plot, because I have wished they had English subtitles so I could use them as a fun way to learn a little Spanish.  People around the world learn English from watching tv shows and movies with subtitles. 

I was not expecting Benny to die off screen, but at least he went out with a grand gesture on behalf of Kelly.  Kelly may feel bad at what his last words were, but he knows Benny came through for him when he needed him, which is a good way to remember Benny.

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Note to writers: No more storylines involving someone having a personal vendetta against 51. It's tired. Having a Deputy Commissioner who is no more than a glorified paper-pusher being incident commander just to flex his authority over Boden is a disgrace to the Chicago Fire Department that this show is supposed to be representing. Yeah, this is a TV show, but get real. Having someone inexperienced in all things firefighting being incident commander is beyond stupid. It's dangerous. There is no way in hell that happens in a real fire department. Just like when Chief Anderson decided to reassign everybody to different firehouses to get back at Boden for overruling him on a call. Just stupid pettiness.


And Naomi is nothing like Dawson, and the writers shouldn't try to make her out to be. She and Matt can be good together if they the writers give them a chance. And, with her not being in the firehouse, it means that most of their relationship will be offscreen, ala Boden and his wife Donna, and Hermann and his wife. 

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3 hours ago, WinJet0819 said:

Note to writers: No more storylines involving someone having a personal vendetta against 51. It's tired. Having a Deputy Commissioner who is no more than a glorified paper-pusher being incident commander just to flex his authority over Boden is a disgrace to the Chicago Fire Department that this show is supposed to be representing. Yeah, this is a TV show, but get real. Having someone inexperienced in all things firefighting being incident commander is beyond stupid. It's dangerous. There is no way in hell that happens in a real fire department. Just like when Chief Anderson decided to reassign everybody to different firehouses to get back at Boden for overruling him on a call. Just stupid pettiness.


You are so right. How's does the real CFD allow themselves to be portrayed like this? They must cringe every week when the whole management of CFD are constantly showcased as being evil and useless in this show, week in week out, season after season. 

It's not funny, nor is it entertaining. It's downright embarrassing.

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7 hours ago, Guildford said:

You are so right. How's does the real CFD allow themselves to be portrayed like this? They must cringe every week when the whole management of CFD are constantly showcased as being evil and useless in this show, week in week out, season after season. 

It's not funny, nor is it entertaining. It's downright embarrassing.

I often wonder if the writers and show runner of Chicago Fire actually do any research when concocting their plots because from what l read on here, it seems very doubtful! And if they do do any research it seems they just ignore the facts and just write to suit their own personal 'realities'. Don't know how much input (if any) the real life CFD has but by the look of things, very little.

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On 11/1/2018 at 4:07 PM, belletane said:

Casey actually meant to say that Naomi reminded him of Hallie l reckon. She is in NO way at all like Gabby Dawson was but of course the writers are in complete denial about Dawson having left the show for good and seem to be hanging onto her in any way they can,  no matter how tenuous and maybe they are having a competition to see if they can get her name into every episode somewhere! 

I thought it was odd that Casey corrected himself and said she reminded him of someone he KNEW.  Why would he refer to Dawson in the past tense, as if she were dead (I wish).  I would think IRL, if your spouse leaves to go save the world, you would still communicate or at least talk enough to know what your marital status was.  When the reporter leaned in to kiss him, why didn't Casey say he was married and just leave it at that?  He hardly knows this chick - she's barely a professional acquaintance - he doesn't have to explain his personal life to her.  If Naomi never returns, I'd be fine with it.

Glad Gorsch is gone, but since he made it a point to say he wasn't "done at 51", I'm sure the "shut down 51 storyline" will come up once again...and again...and again.

The telenovela plot was beyond stupid.  And does Stella speak Spanish because she wasn't watching/learning?

Where is Severide's mom?  It would have been nice to at least hear a throw away line from Stella or Boden or anyone saying "I need to call Mrs. Severide."   A few episodes ago, her and Benny were getting back together and now crickets.  

I'm not a medical expert, but I'm pretty sure a cardiothoracic surgeon isn't hanging out in the ER working on stroke patients.  It made no sense at all for Dr. Bekker to be there, let alone tell Kelly that his dad died. 

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Chiming into the learning Spanish subplot...yes, it's helpful and good to learn a language with a lot of speakers in your area. But it kind of bugged me how Cruz acted, putting all the burden on the firefighters like they were totally lax in their duties by not learning. Yes, they could learn some Spanish; but also the woman could learn some communicative English, as it is the de facto official language. Not a single word was mentioned about that.

And Hermann did have a point about learning Polish and all that...Polish is the 3rd most widely spoken language in Chicago after English and Spanish. But you can't learn every language. 

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On 11/4/2018 at 11:34 PM, juliet73 said:

I'm not a medical expert, but I'm pretty sure a cardiothoracic surgeon isn't hanging out in the ER working on stroke patients.  It made no sense at all for Dr. Bekker to be there, let alone tell Kelly that his dad died. 

Actually, on Chicago Med, they do.  Dr. Rhodes built some experimental, cutting edge hybrid treatment/operating room in the ER so that emergency patients wouldn't have to make the long trip upstairs for surgery, or something like that.  

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On 11/4/2018 at 10:34 PM, juliet73 said:


I'm not a medical expert, but I'm pretty sure a cardiothoracic surgeon isn't hanging out in the ER working on stroke patients.  It made no sense at all for Dr. Bekker to be there, let alone tell Kelly that his dad died. ...

Chicago Med is a magical hospital, where the pediatric ER doc sees adults all the time and the psychiatrist delivers babies. And the head of the ER schedules non-emergency gall bladder surgery in the hybrid OR in the ER. You have to believe.

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46 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Chicago Med is a magical hospital, where the pediatric ER doc sees adults all the time and the psychiatrist delivers babies. And the head of the ER schedules non-emergency gall bladder surgery in the hybrid OR in the ER. You have to believe.

A place wehere they shrink tumours in hours, cure whooping cough with half a day on a vent in the ER and co-joined twins are seperated as easily as ripping off a band-aid.

Severide should be pissed that they couldn't save his Dad.

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