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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Really? Leah has enough time on her hands to stir up FB drama between Corey and his ex? What about all the work she should be doing to get her girlses back? And I question the maturity of this chick Amber for playing into this middle school drama. I mean, it isn't as if Corey named his baby Amber or Leah for that matter. Perhaps it is as simple as he liked the little girl and really liked her name. Besides which, as I have been reading around the interwebs, Remington seems to be gaining popularity as a baby name.

A lot of the young adults in WV seem to be lacking some basic reasoning skills. It must be really freaking boring there if they have nothing better to do then start petty fights and snort pills.

  • Love 6

Really? Leah has enough time on her hands to stir up FB drama between Corey and his ex? What about all the work she should be doing to get her girlses back? And I question the maturity of this chick Amber for playing into this middle school drama. I mean, it isn't as if Corey named his baby Amber or Leah for that matter. Perhaps it is as simple as he liked the little girl and really liked her name. Besides which, as I have been reading around the interwebs, Remington seems to be gaining popularity as a baby name.

A lot of the young adults in WV seem to be lacking some basic reasoning skills. It must be really freaking boring there if they have nothing better to do then start petty fights and snort pills.

It is. I'm going out there for the holidays, and besides seeing my mom and gramma, I'm most looking forward to going to Roni's since it must be pretty good. After all, they are always there.


WV is a great place if you ski, snowboard, whitewater raft/kayak, skydive or BASE jump. Most of the people who do that there, however, are not locals. The rest of the state is a lot of bored, poor people with nothing to do with their free time. 

  • Love 4

Just as I thought. I mentioned Leah would resort to her next step in the victimization plan. She will cry suicide.




Leah Messer’s own mother, Dawn Spears, the source revealed, is particularly concerned about her daughter’s mental well-being, claiming that Dawn has been asking friends for any advice on how to help her daughter.


Muther Dawn has shit for brains. She goes to ask friends for advice? All they will do is give Leah a month's supply of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Muther Dawn, get your fat ass in gear and do an intervention.



Another source close to Messer believes that the young mom, who has already been divorced twice, is being further hurt by her inability to “come clean” to her close friends about her struggle with her emotions and her past drug use. Just this last summer, Messer spent a month in an inpatient rehabilitation facility, being treated for depression and anxiety.
“It’s obvious that she has struggled with pills, but she refuses to talk about it,” said the source. “If she won’t be honest, how is she ever going to truly get better?”


You mean there is actually someone in Leah's circle who actually speaks the truth? Who is this person? Certainly not a member of Leah's family.

  • Love 6

Just as I thought. I mentioned Leah would resort to her next step in the victimization plan. She will cry suicide.




Leah Messer’s own mother, Dawn Spears, the source revealed, is particularly concerned about her daughter’s mental well-being, claiming that Dawn has been asking friends for any advice on how to help her daughter.


Muther Dawn has shit for brains. She goes to ask friends for advice? All they will do is give Leah a month's supply of Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Muther Dawn, get your fat ass in gear and do an intervention.



Another source close to Messer believes that the young mom, who has already been divorced twice, is being further hurt by her inability to “come clean” to her close friends about her struggle with her emotions and her past drug use. Just this last summer, Messer spent a month in an inpatient rehabilitation facility, being treated for depression and anxiety.

“It’s obvious that she has struggled with pills, but she refuses to talk about it,” said the source. “If she won’t be honest, how is she ever going to truly get better?”


You mean there is actually someone in Leah's circle who actually speaks the truth? Who is this person? Certainly not a member of Leah's family.


If the bold is a direct quote, I have no idea who the source could be, as there are no glaring grammatical errors and is a totally logical statement (Leah can't get help if she won't admit she has a problem), and I've not seen anyone in Leah's camp that I would expect to  be capable of accomplishing either one.


You guys, I was reading the comments on The Ashley's story about the stolen money, and the commenters that went to Leah's official facebook page reported that Leah's fangirls are making some extremely disturbing comments there. Things like wishing health problems on baby Remi, so Miranda can know "how it feels". There are people who are wishing for a serious illness or disability on an infant to punish a woman for saying something "mean" to another woman these psychos have never even met.


Serious question: is this next generation seriously the stupidest and most spiteful of all previous generations, or does social media just bring them to the forefront?

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You guys, I was reading the comments on The Ashley's story about the stolen money, and the commenters that went to Leah's official facebook page reported that Leah's fangirls are making some extremely disturbing comments there. Things like wishing health problems on baby Remi, so Miranda can know "how it feels"...Serious question: is this next generation seriously the stupidest and most spiteful of all previous generations, or does social media just bring them to the forefront?


I've seen some Leah fangirls make some idiotic comments (like how Corey wants the money for himself to blow) but if I saw any of them wishing harm to an innocent baby...I might have to go full Commando on them. As it is it takes a lot of holding back not to blast most of them for their incoherent, immature rants when I see them. I've probably said it before, but I suspect the reason her stans are so rabid and hateful is because they are very similar to Leah herself. Dimwitted, petty, immature, entitled, and selfish, most likely from white trash backgrounds with limited education. I've seen a couple of Leah stans bitch about hating Miranda for being "stuck up" and "snotty" and I'm like, have any of you actually listened to the crap Leah spews? The white trash princess who puts down people on welfare, bragged about Jeremy's and her "wealth", and generally acts like she is the hottest and most precious piece in WV is the definition of too big for her damn britches.


I don't think it is the whole younger generation that is the problem, because I've met many young people who are thoughtful and intelligent. I think that problem is that the most ignorant and the loudest among us, of any age, now have access to to the internet and think that because they are "anonymous" that gives them free reign to say whatever they want. They do say the internet is making people stupider.

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I've seen some Leah fangirls make some idiotic comments (like how Corey wants the money for himself to blow) but if I saw any of them wishing harm to an innocent baby...I might have to go full Commando on them.


I didn't read those comments myself, they were summarized on the comments to The Ashley's story about the stolen money. Possibly they were exaggerated, but I kind of doubt it. I don't let myself read the Facebook comments because 1. they're irritating, and 2. I don't want to be moved to comment using my real name and have it show up in my friends' newsfeeds that I cared enough to engage with these losers.

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Whhhyyyyy... Just when I think my opinion of Leah can't be ANY lower she opens her mouth again. If she is "so over" Corey why does she have any opinion of what his other child is named? Remington is not an uncommon name, yes it's not common for a girl, but that really doesn't mean much, people cross the gender line with names all the time! In fact my name is Leigh, which is spelled the girl way, but is most commonly a boy name (Lee, I only add that because the h throws people off and they often say my name Leah). For all we (or Leah) know Miranda suggested the name and Corey chose it dispite an ex using it. Leah has enough "stress and anxiety" going on in her own life why is she trying to create more.

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I agree. So, are they saying she did not press charges (that they can find proof)? I realize a lot of physical and sexual violence goes unreported, but taking the time to document and publish evidence of injuries while not seeking legal remedies seems quite backwards. I am going to side eye anyone who claims to be the face of domestic violence but does not press charges.

I know next to nothing about medical stuff, so thanks for the detailed explanation Leighroda! I felt like I was reading CSI or something, but in a good way. I have seen women with two black eyes after a nose job and I do agree that the bruising strongly resembles that.

It's too bad I'm so suspicious of her, because I'm always so impressed when rape and domestic violence victims come forward publicly. It's an extremely personal issue and if I were the victim, I don't know that I'd be okay with my name and picture being published in regards to the story- even though logically victims have nothing to be ashamed of, there is often a lot of shame there, sadly. So it's always cool to me to see someone say, I'm talking about this thing that happened to me, it wasn't my fault and it could have happened to anybody, and I'm not going to hide in a corner like I did something wrong. If someone was making this up to get attention, that would be so disrespectful to those that have been through it. I mean, on top of all the other reasons why lying about it is wrong.

Lol, thanks... I just finished school recently (I was already an lpn, but I'm about to be an RN) so the easiest way to me to study/remember things is to explain it to someone else... So I do it a lot... I figure if I can explain it to a non medical person then I really understand the concept.

  • Love 1

Leah wanted Cory back in her life. That was clear at the reunion where she professed her love for him. She ran back to him after breaking off her engagement and having that miscarriage. Cory didn't want her back. She then runs back to Jeremy and they marry. She then used her social media pages to show what a great man Jeremy is, and what a great relationship they had going on. I guess she had to convince herself of those feelings and by doing so publicly, she could convince others as well. It was probably her way of shoving her marriage into Cory's face. Sort of "You had your chance with me and blew it" type of scenario.  Her public  proclamations of love for Jeremy on her Twitter and Facebook were such a contrast to what was going on the show where all she did was complain and whiiiiiine about Jeremy and her life!!!! My theory is, Leah couldn't handle Cory not wanting her back in his life and her way to numb that pain was with drugs. Cory being with Miranda just heightened her hate for him for not wanting her back.  Leah being a druggie just caused her to lower her inhibitions around Cory, whom she sought to get him to take her back so they can be that family she claims Cory didn't work hard for.  Leah has the mentality of a 12 year old, going after the girl who took her "love" away from her. Why else would Leah constantly bash Cory?  What is the end goal of all of this bashing? Why does Leah put so much effort into a guy she proclaims is a major asshole?  In Leah's eyes, Cory is all of those things and more but, Leah had sex with him. What other reason would there be other than the desire to have him back in her life? If it was just about sex, Leah could find that anywhere in town. She wouldn't focus solely on Cory. She is the town hussy.

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Right...Corey has been married twice, but his real true love is this Amber chick, which he demonstrated by naming his daughter after his ex girlfriend's daughter. Yeah, we caught him all right.

Since this item came out I have to keep shaking this image out of my head of Corey making out with Amber Portwood. Thanks, tabloids.

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Honestly, Corey didn't stick his nose into it by pointing out what a stupid name Adderall has.  Maybe Leah should have a think about the fact that she gave all her kids silly names that were basically versions of her own and ended up with "Ali", "Aleah" and "Addie".  Remington sounds practically royal compared to that lot.  

IMO Leah is jealous because Miranda is not only far more attractive but actually has her sh*t together - she didn't get pregnant at 16 and she has/had an actual career.  Then Miranda has the nerve to steal Leah's man and kids which is clearly Miranda's fault and has nothing to do with Leah's dick addiction and oh, I don't know, the legal ruling of a judge.  Clearly Miranda is the bitch harpy from hell (*sarcasm*).  

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I 100% agree with you greatkazu, I guess that's where you get the "great".

To be honest I would completely understand if Leah were truly depressed at this point, none of what she is going through is easy as far as the addiction and losing the girls, it's just unfortunate she refuses to be honest and see how much support she would get that way, than this everything is great act.

I don't have kids but I have had a girl name picked out for years (assuming if I do have kids that I have a girl and the baby daddy is on board with the name), it's the name of an acquaintance of mine, does that mean I'm obsessed with her? No, I just like the name, I feel slightly creepy about it... But I really just like the name. I can't post it here because it starts with an A, and I case Leah or anyone in her family come across this I don't want them to steal it, but now that I think about it, it's only 2 syllables.

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An old acquaintance of mine liked my first son's name so much that she used it for her son's middle name. I didn't think she was trying to SWF me or anything, she just really liked the name. 


When my ex-fiance and I were together, we talked about naming our potential son Levi. I just found out that he and his wife are using Levi for a middle name for their son. I do not think this has anything to do with me, that he's pining over me, or anything like that. 


Sometimes people just really like names, and they should use the names they like, no matter where they heard it. 

  • Love 5

How much you want to bet Leah knew of someone's children who had several vowels in their name and changed the spelling to make it different from the usual spelling? Where did Leah get the idea to name all her kids with "A" names? That girl didn't come up with that on her own. She surely got the idea from some friend or relative and thought it was "cute".


I named one of my children a particular name that happened to be the same first name of this classmate I went to elementary school with. I didn't name my child after that classmate I named my child after someone else who happened to share the same first name as that classmate. My friend from my school days happened to say to me after I told her my newborn's name, "Oh, that's the same name as that kid we had in elementary school." It didn't even dawn on me about the name being the same as our old classmate as I had forgotten about that kid.


To the poster above who mentioned having picked out a name for your child and you hope to have a girl one day and a spouse who will agree with you, you remind me of myself. I had chosen a girl's name when I was a young girl. All I had to do was find a spouse who would agree with me. My spouse didn't  like the name. One day, while I six months pregnant, he called me from work and told me he changed his mind and loved the name. I told him, "No matter what, that was going to be her name." LOL

Edited by SPLAIN
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Leah speaks out...  LOL at "My girls need me happy and healthy". Meanwhile we all know damn well she exists on a diet of pills and dick.



Yes, but I can see Leah subscribing to this theory of her needing to be happy in order to serve her girls as a justification for always putting herself before her girls. "I can't be a good mom if I don't get enough sleep so make your own breakfast", and "Come with me at 11 pm to meet my dealer because momma needs her happy pills", and "You need to be okay with my new boyfriend moving in because if Momma isn't getting male attention, then Momma isn't going to get out of bed".

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I 100% agree with you greatkazu, I guess that's where you get the "great".

To be honest I would completely understand if Leah were truly depressed at this point, none of what she is going through is easy as far as the addiction and losing the girls, it's just unfortunate she refuses to be honest and see how much support she would get that way, than this everything is great act.

I don't have kids but I have had a girl name picked out for years (assuming if I do have kids that I have a girl and the baby daddy is on board with the name), it's the name of an acquaintance of mine, does that mean I'm obsessed with her? No, I just like the name, I feel slightly creepy about it... But I really just like the name. I can't post it here because it starts with an A, and I case Leah or anyone in her family come across this I don't want them to steal it, but now that I think about it, it's only 2 syllables.

I had my daughter's name picked out when I was 11. Both of my kids' names came from movie characters. I saw the original Bad News Bears when I was 11 and fell in love with the name Amanda. My son's name came from Karate Kid.

  • Love 3

I had my daughter's name picked out when I was 11. Both of my kids' names came from movie characters. I saw the original Bad News Bears when I was 11 and fell in love with the name Amanda. My son's name came from Karate Kid.


His name is Mr. Miyagi? (sorry couldn't help myself)

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
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Lmao. No, he's a Daniel San(son?) not a Grasshopper San.

His full name WaxOff Sensei.

In college I met a girl named "Anlyn" my middle name is also Ann that plays a part in me liking it too. Like I said I didn't want Leah to steal it, but it's only 2 syllables and only has one vowel... So I should be safe. While I do want to use it I'm trying to keep an open mind because I have several friends who had names picked and either the baby daddy didn't like it or when the baby was born that just wasn't their name (I'm looking at you Seewalds).

Leah is right the girls need her to be happy and healthy to be a good mom, so she should actually get the help she needs and not just pretend life is a bowl of cherries. Not that I wish harm on anyone, but I kinda hope Leah remains delusional so the girls will remain in Corey's custody.

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Lawd have mercy, I thought of all of you in this thread today. I apologize this is slightly off topic, but I promise it does CME back to Leah and this thread. So, in the last 6 months or so I have had episodes where I am passing out, I'm only out for a few seconds, I get right up, the only injury I have sustained thus far is the first time I hit my face when I went down and broke (a very very very small fracture) my nose, and busted the inside of mouth and got stitches inside my lip... It's only happened 3 times but I was referred to a neurologist after the first one because there was concern it was a seizure (long story short I was in nursing school and at Clinicals the first time it happened, literally in front of the nurses station, since it was witnessed by my class several people said I was shaking, so I saw a neurologist) and today at my appointment the potential of narcolepsy was thrown out there, I started laughing because of the timing and this whole Leah thing (I think it almost earned me a psych consult because the dr thought I was crazy for thinking it was funny). I think I'm fine, my doctor and I are pretty sure it's just a reaction to stress (it is possible to have a vasalvagal reaction to stress, it's called vasalvagal syncope, and the last 2 years have been extremely stressful... I moved to a different state, both of my parents died, I finished nursing school...etc) but if it persists I am going to have to go through the testing for narcolepsy (among other things)... I'm not gonna lie, I really don't think it's narcolepsy, but I kinda just want to go through the testing to see how it matches up to whatever Leah winds up saying.

Sounds like Dysautonomia. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome specifically. It is related to VS, sometimes they're used interchangeably. Unfortunately for Leah, these are all things that have testing. See if you can get a tilt-table test. Can't fake those, Possum Princess!

Since the new baby's initials are RMS, I shall call her Titanic.

Edited by Isthisok
  • Love 2

I hope to god it's not dysautonomia, I don't have time for that. I do have postural orthostatic tachycardia, right now I'm doing orthostatic blood pressures 2 to 3 times a day to see if there is a pattern of when it happens, I have to keep a journal with the bps, heart rate and my activity prior (for non-medical people orthostatic means to take you blood pressure and pulse from laying down, sitting, and standing, and tachycardia means fast, so postural orthostatic tachycardia means when I stand up my heart rate goes up and my blood pressure sometimes drops which is what causes me to pass out). We know I have that, but we are still trying to determine if it is secondary to something. But, as far as Leah's story, my neurologist has been seriously considering restricting me from being able to drive, it's not happened too frequently so he hasn't yet, but he said it only take one time of me passing out while driving to have serious consequences, as of now we agreed I would avoid driving as much as possible, but I am still allowed to drive. I guess for all we know Leah has similar restrictions, but I doubt that stops Leah from driving. the only testing I've done so far is cat scan, eeg, and ekg...and everything is normal for now.

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I wish her well but if I were any of these girls I would be very wary of any people who wanted to date me. I remember reading somewhere that Cole agreed to move in with Chelsea if she paid his bills so  he could quit his job or something. I'm sure these girls are very attractive to 20 something year old guys who are either attracted to fame (Javi) or a free ride (Nathan, all of Janelle's loser boyfriends, Maci's boyfriend and possibly Cole.)   Chelsea is in no way supporting herself working a couple days a week at the salon. She's living off money Randy invested and her TM money.  She won't be able to support herself in the way she's used to living just by working at a salon part time so I hope Cole plans on working to help support his new family when this show is done.


I agree with being wary, particularly people that reach out to these girls via social media, like Jeremy (and I think also Cole?) did. If Chelsea meets a guy at a bar, he can always CLAIM to not know who she is. Any guy that uses social media to set up a date with one of these girls knows damn well who she is. That doesn't mean their feelings aren't sincere- if I were single and could use Facebook to ask Ryan Gosling out you can bet I would- but it is something to keep in the back of their minds.

Whhhyyyyy... Just when I think my opinion of Leah can't be ANY lower she opens her mouth again. If she is "so over" Corey why does she have any opinion of what his other child is named? Remington is not an uncommon name, yes it's not common for a girl, but that really doesn't mean much, people cross the gender line with names all the time! In fact my name is Leigh, which is spelled the girl way, but is most commonly a boy name (Lee, I only add that because the h throws people off and they often say my name Leah). For all we (or Leah) know Miranda suggested the name and Corey chose it dispite an ex using it. Leah has enough "stress and anxiety" going on in her own life why is she trying to create more.

My future son-in-law is named Leagh, which is different from the other Lee names I ever saw. I really love the name Remington, it is different, classy and unique. Before my daughter died of cancer, her older sister asked her to come up with a name for her first child, it had to be for either sex, and years later when she was expecting, our older daughter told us what it was, but not until she was 6 months along. She picked the name 'Rayne', and it was a baby boy, his middle name is Cody, and I really like it. Leah is just the green eyed monster, and now that she has divorced husband #2, I don't think she cares at all what people think of her, not one tiny bit. She is growing up to be just like her mother. Scary for those 3 girlses.

  • Love 1

Sounds like Dysautonomia. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome specifically. It is related to VS, sometimes they're used interchangeably. Unfortunately for Leah, these are all things that have testing. See if you can get a tilt-table test. Can't fake those, Possum Princess!

Since the new baby's initials are RMS, I shall call her Titanic.

Tilt Table test! Never thought I would hear that word again.After 3 months in a burn unit bed, life support in the ICU for 3 months, when they strapped me to that thing, I thought I would die from the pain! When you lay totally paralyzed for that long, things get a little tight. I had an extreme case of Guillian-Barre syndrome, was supposed to die, but I fooled every one and lived!

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Omg Gracie is Leah's mini me, I know we already knew this but dang.

Glad to see mama dawn holding the baby... Just in case Leah's narcolepsy come back.

I am pleasently surprised that I did a quick scroll through the comments and there wasn't any Corey bashing, most of them were generic merry Christmas, I didn't notice any "Leah is an amazing mom" ones either (but I did scroll pretty fast)

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Cory speaks out about the name of his daughter, Remi:


Recently, Corey Simms spoke out about the name copying rumors calling them untrue.

    “The whole name ‘stealing’ bulls*** is pretty funny, if you ask me. I guess everyone with the name ‘Amy’ or ‘Nick’ was stolen, too. It’s sad that in such a stressful time of mine and Miranda’s life, we have to deal with such unnecessary drama.”



The article also mentions Leah's claims that Cory and Miranda may have broken the law (LOL) because of their friendship with the girlses teachers. They somehow convinced those teachers to falsify the girlses attendance records. The same records that Cory used in court and "stole" Leah's kids.


When will this bitch give this shit a rest already?  Instead of a face palm, I want to slug her in the face.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I guess the board slowed down so Leah gave us the thanksgiving gift of talking out of her ass so we could talk about it here. But seriously now the teachers are in cahoots to take her kids away!? Leah, you are not such a big deal that people are all conspiring against you. I highly doubt a teacher would get involved in a custody battle, and in such a way that could easily be proven and possibly cost them their job if the were found to have falsified records.

I thought Corey already said he wasn't doing another season, did the article misspeak or did I miss something?

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Of course it's the teacher's fault also. She was so charmed by Corey that she falsified documents. So what happened to the time stamped photos? This girl seriously needs help with her head. Just shut up about Corey already. Does she think the girls aren't going to Google this shit when they are old enough? She needs to stop trashing the father or her twins. And she needs to quit her maniac thoughts and ideas about shit. First it was she had anxiety then it was her back then it was narcolepsy. So now that she has lost custody it is Corey is the big bad, the teacher is the big bad, next it will be the school district and the county and me and you and my daughter and her friends. We are all out to get her. Seriously Leah get off the drugs it is making you irrational and leaving in a fantasy land. Oh wait you were already like that but the drugs just enhanced it.

Like Corey said, they are going through enough with Remington coming early, and as someone who has twins and one with health problems, you would think this dumb twit would be more compassionate and instead just say congratulations to them and hope all is well. But noooooo Leah has to be the asshole she is and make it all about shit that doesn't matter. This girl has some nerve and needs to grow the fuck up and get her head examined

  • Love 9

Cory speaks out about the name of his daughter, Remi:



The article also mentions Leah's claims that Cory and Miranda may have broken the law (LOL) because of their friendship with the girlses teachers. They somehow convinced those teachers to falsify the girlses attendance records. The same records that Cory used in court and "stole" Leah's kids.


When will this bitch give this shit a rest already?  Instead of a face palm, I want to slug her in the face.


So are the girls in the same kindergarten class? Because whenever we had twins in my school (and there usually was at least 1-2 sets at any given time) the twins were always separated. When I was in grades 1-5, I ALWAYS got stuck with the mean twin. That little shit was an identical twin, and yet every little girl had a crush on his nice brother and not him. And I never got to be in the same class with the nice brother, who even at age 7, would hold doors and pick up dropped pencils. The mean twin would kick the pencil away.


So, Leah, if their school is like mine was, does that mean Corey is in cahoots with TWO teachers, who also coordinate between the two of them which days they will falsely mark your kids as tardy/absent? That Corey is such a silver tongued charmer.


ETA: oh she answers my question here:


she claimed that her daughter, Ali, had often been marked tardy when Aleeah hadn’t, even though the girls were obviously taken to school together at the same time. Does this prove that Corey Simms and Miranda Patterson are guilty of providing false documents?


So, she's claiming that they both lie, they just don't coordinate which days they are going to lie. Well, Leah, I don't believe anything you say, but if there's any truth to the above, I'd attribute that to you dropping both girls off just as the bell is being rung, and Gracie having a slightly shorter walk to class than Ali.


Any word yet on Leah's official narcolepsy tests? Surely she could have gotten that sleep study accomplished sometime in the last month?

Edited by Tatum
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Of course it's the teacher's fault also. She was so charmed by Corey that she falsified documents. So what happened to the time stamped photos? This girl seriously needs help with her head. Just shut up about Corey already. Does she think the girls aren't going to Google this shit when they are old enough? She needs to stop trashing the father or her twins. And she needs to quit her maniac thoughts and ideas about shit. First it was she had anxiety then it was her back then it was narcolepsy. So now that she has lost custody it is Corey is the big bad, the teacher is the big bad, next it will be the school district and the county and me and you and my daughter and her friends. We are all out to get her. Seriously Leah get off the drugs it is making you irrational and leaving in a fantasy land. Oh wait you were already like that but the drugs just enhanced it.

Like Corey said, they are going through enough with Remington coming early, and as someone who has twins and one with health problems, you would think this dumb twit would be more compassionate and instead just say congratulations to them and hope all is well. But noooooo Leah has to be the asshole she is and make it all about shit that doesn't matter. This girl has some nerve and needs to grow the fuck up and get her head examined

Leah's story has some cracks. In most elementary schools I'm familiar with, if a child is tardy, the parent/guardian has to come take the child to the office and sign them in when they get there in the morning. You don't just pull up to an elementary school after school has started for the day & everyone's inside, drop off a young child and instruct him/her to walk to their classroom. My guess is this is because of liability reasons - what if something were to happen or the child disappear between being let out of the car and making it to his/her class. This means students who arrive after school has started sign-in in the office with administration/administrative assistants, so teachers can't even falsify such records (and honestly no teacher would go through the trouble of doing that for any reason; teachers have enough work to do without trying to frame Leah) . I suppose West Virginia elementary schools might do things differently...but I kind of doubt it. And I doubt the school office/administration is soooo out to get Leah that it's one big conspiracy with everyone at the school to frame Leah by faking the girls' tardiness records.

By they're friends with the girls teachers, I'm assuming this means Corey and Miranda probably go to parent-teacher conferences, PTO events, volunteer at the school, come to the girls' functions etc so the teacher(s) knows who they are. You know, normal stuff parents who are able to do so given their work schedule, etc, do (and since Leah doesn't work & has so much help with Addie, stuff she could clearly do if she wasn't high and busy inventing stories to hurt Corey and Miranda).

I'm guessing if there's an issue with the girls, the teacher(s) contact Corey and Miranda because they're now the custodial parent during most of the school week and because they will actually respond/do what needs to be done for the girls.

Leah needs to have several seats.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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Not that I ever expect much from Leah, but I can't believe how immature and selfish she is being in regards to her children. All these accusations she is flinging at Corey and Miranda are going to get back to the girls, one way or the other. And whether she likes it or not, those girls love Corey,Miranda and the rest of their Simms family. Once they are old enough to realize all the crap Leah has pulled, I'll bet they are going to put her in the hot seat and she won't have any good excuses. It is almost sad, the total lack of self-awareness and forsight on her part. She'd rather risk her future relationships with her kids rather then keep her mouth shut.




So according to above article, Leah took said evidence to the school board and they admitted that the twin marked absent was not absent on the day recorded.  She is still convinced Miranda and Corey buttered up the teachers to falsify documents. Now she is trying to make a court case out of this. Personally, I'd like to see the proof of this supposed reversal the school board made before I believe what Leah and her "sources" aka Mama Dawn are claiming. I still find it hard to believe some teacher(s), no matter how friendly with Corey&Miranda, would risk their careers to falsify attendance records.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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Leah is an idiot. Has she ever admitted to any wrong doing? Has she ever taken any responsibility for her part in this, or in anything? Poor Leah, she tries so hard but everybody is against her. It's so sad.

Honestly, I don't think it's the twins she wants back, she wants those child support checks back.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7




So according to above article, Leah took said evidence to the school board and they admitted that the twin marked absent was not absent on the day recorded.  She is still convinced Miranda and Corey buttered up the teachers to falsify documents. Now she is trying to make a court case out of this. Personally, I'd like to see the proof of this supposed reversal the school board made before I believe what Leah and her "sources" aka Mama Dawn are claiming. I still find it hard to believe some teacher(s), no matter how friendly with Corey&Miranda, would risk their careers to falsify attendance records.


That article is unintentionally hilarious.


"She proved that the girls were indeed on time almost every day during the first month of school."


Here that guise? They were on time ALMOST every day for a whole month! Given that the 'first month of school' probably means 'the last 2-3 weeks of August' that is really not that impressive.


"“Leah had all kinds of proof to shut them down,” a friend of Leah told Radar Online"


Wow, ALL kinds of proof? I've heard about the time stamped photos she took of her kids at school every day, but there's ADDITIONAL proof?  I can't wait to hear what kind of documentation a woman who can't get out of bed until 2 pm or run a brush through her kids' hair managed to pull together regarding kindergarten attendance.

  • Love 3

So what about proof about the doctors appointments and missed therapy? This so called proof is probably not even the dates that were presented. And Leah stop the crap. Leave your daughters where they are and quit pulling then back and forth. They have been through enough.

Oh and is this the same claim about narcolepsy that still isn't proven?

Edited by toodywoody
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With this added information about Leah supposedly having "proof", it still doesn't make sense. Allow me to explain.


Not sure about other states, but if there is one thing the schools here in California are definite about, it is making sure kids are in school because for each student that attends school, the state gives money to the school for each student in attendance.  It is one way schools get funding and it is a determination for future funding. If a child is in school for at least one hour on any day, that is considered being in school. A note from a doctor or dentist will excuse any absence or being tardy to school, and the school can be assured they will get $$ for that student for that day.



"Leah took said evidence to the school board and they admitted that the twin marked absent was not absent on the day recorded"

Normally,  a teacher will mark a student absent if that student is not in their seat by the time the teacher takes attendance. If a student arrives after attendance has been taken, the teacher doesn't mark the record accordingly. The person(s) in the office is the one who is responsible for marking the school record accordingly such as "tardy due to (insert excuse here)". That usually happens when the parent arrives at the school and walks their child into the office to let the school know their child is arriving to school late and gives the office the reason for their tardiness. The school office will make sure to mark the student's record to reflect NOT being absent but tardy. Not only is that required of them to do, but it also assures the school will receive funding for that child for that day, if the state they live in gives them funding for each student that attends school. It is a school record and there is no messing around with that kind of documentation. Not to say it doesn't happen, but I seriously doubt these two teachers and the school office is in cahoots with Cory.


I can't see any school official just sitting there and immediately making a quick remark that the children have been erroneously marked as being absent especially when many students do arrive to school late long after attendance has been taken by the teacher. It would take considerate time to go over the records, talking to the teachers, checking for any documentation pertaining to any missed school days such as a doctor's note, all the things that would be necessary to verify that the teachers have been accurate with their attendance recording.  I bet anything Leah was told that yes her girls were marked absent DUE TO HER BRINGING THEM TO SCHOOL LATE and they missed the roll call. In Leah's mind, her girls were in school regardless if they were late.

Edited by GreatKazu
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