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Jesus God, Leah!!

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Ah jesus. My dad's entire family lives in that town. They even have their own "holler." You can go up the road and visit just about everyone on my dad's side of the familly. I bet they know this guy. I bet some of my cousins have...you know what, never mind. Hell, this Kelsei person might be my cousin somehow.

My niece used to buy Gandee's Candies when Shane was still alive. She was devastated when he died. :(

Gross me out the door!

Mona, whenever I think I am 40-something and have lived too much much of a life to be shocked by anything, you come along and just horrify me. And I love it. <3

I'm sorry but can I get some clarification on what a holler is? I'm from New Jersey, and I've heard the phrase (on The Ashley, mostly!) "The hollers of West Virginia," and I looked it up on Urban dictionary, and it said the valley in between mountains?


Apparently one is NEVER to mention if they look up something on Urban Dictionary. My friend's daughter was completely mortified when I mentioned that I did this. I managed to embarrass her in front of her friends, and I wasn't even trying. I got a whole whiny/tyrade/lecture/speech all-in-one on the car ride home about how one must never admit openly to looking up something on Urban Dictionary.

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I don't know about how the court works there but, here? You better not do that if you want to keep your custodial status. It's stupid. But it's looked at like you can't properly care for your children, made a mistake thinking you could, and custody will automatically be shifted over to the other parent. No joke. I don't understand it because, um, hello? I have an emergency, I'm gonna have the kids' dad take over so I can deal with this. Nope. Get a babysitter if you want to keep custody of your kids.

Makes no damn sense.


Custody won't shift unless one parent takes the other to court though.  So as long as the parent who is watching the kids for the other parent doesn't act like a dick and drag them to court, it would be no problem.  Also, in many custody cases the other parent has "right of first refusal" meaning, if the custodial parent needs childcare for whatever reason, the non-custodial parent is supposed to be asked first, before anyone else.  That kind of goes against what you're saying.  

Apparently one is NEVER to mention if they look up something on Urban Dictionary. My friend's daughter was completely mortified when I mentioned that I did this. I managed to embarrass her in front of her friends, and I wasn't even trying. I got a whole whiny/tyrade/lecture/speech all-in-one on the car ride home about how one must never admit openly to looking up something on Urban Dictionary.

Oh dear. Sorry to offend, I had no idea it was such a social faux pas. The language is rather vulgar on the website, so I guess I can understand that. How old is your friend's daughter? I'm 23 and my friends have spoken about urban dictionary several times.

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Oh dear. Sorry to offend, I had no idea it was such a social faux pas. The language is rather vulgar on the website, so I guess I can understand that. How old is your friend's daughter? I'm 23 and my friends have spoken about urban dictionary several times


I think they're embarrassed because they may feel that if one has to look something up on Urban Dictionary, then it's like admitting they're not "cool" or in the know.

  • Love 5

Gross me out the door!

Mona, whenever I think I am 40-something and have lived too much much of a life to be shocked by anything, you come along and just horrify me. And I love it. <3

OK, I'll save the origin story of my parents' friend named "Gummy" for then.


Also I'll have to count up the times members of my family have gotten romantically entangled with someone who is technically related to them by marriage, and the story of how my uncle's wife left him for my sister's high school boyfriend*. It's entertaining for sure.


The fact that Teen Mom is the only reality show currently being filmed in the Elk River Valley is kind of amazing to me. I want my mom to get out of there so bad, but she won't leave while my grandmother is still alive, which I understand. The good news is that people in that area like my grandmother still exist, and they make up the backbone of the community. Tough as nails, well into their 80s and still live alone, drive safely, and take care of themselves, and take no BS from anyone. 


*Edited for clarity: the boyfriend she dated in high school; he wasn't high-school aged at the time this happened. 

Edited by monagatuna
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I think they're embarrassed because they may feel that if one has to look something up on Urban Dictionary, then it's like admitting they're not "cool" or in the know.

Okay, I guess that makes sense but it still seems silly to me. Every time a new slang term is introduced, everyone hears it for the first time once, you know? Like when "on fleek" started to be a thing, I would just see pictures of eyebrows with the caption. It's not like there's a whole lot of context clues to go on.

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Custody won't shift unless one parent takes the other to court though.  So as long as the parent who is watching the kids for the other parent doesn't act like a dick and drag them to court, it would be no problem.  Also, in many custody cases the other parent has "right of first refusal" meaning, if the custodial parent needs childcare for whatever reason, the non-custodial parent is supposed to be asked first, before anyone else.  That kind of goes against what you're saying.

That's exactly my point. Nobody asked for "right of first refusal" in our case. That means, when I had a family emergency two states away, had I left my children with their dad, he could have gotten an emergency hearing while I was gone and obtained custody. It was my weekend so I left the kids with my dad. I know it sounds odd. It IS how things are done here, though. Family court is no joke.

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Now that I'm officially an old fart at 37, Urban Dictionary has become my go-to. Thanks to them I finally know what "thot" and "fleek" mean.

I had to look up "bae." For the longest time, I thought it was a typo for babe...or a nickname for Rumplestiltskin's son in Once Upon a Time.

And I had to look up the title of a certain Nicki Minaj song, featuring Drake and Lil Wayne that scarred me for life.

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I imagine Jo did ask for this. That's the thing, it has to be asked for. My ex (nor I) asked for it. We have to abide by the basic guidelines. Which are exactly as I posted. It's weird, all the same. :)


So then why didn't you ask for it?  I'm not asking that to start shit, I'm genuinely curious.   You sound like you don't like the fact that you can't leave your kids with their father when you need to because your custody agreement won't let you, but that agreement can be easily changed via modification of the existing order.  


ETA: Sorry, I just read your response above.  Sounds like your ex is the kind of dick that WOULD drag you back to court if you left the kids with him in an emergency.  What a jackass.  Sorry you have to deal with that.  :(   I doubt Corey or Jo would pull that shit, tho.  That was my point.

Edited by lezlers
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No, no, no. I don't mind how things are. I was just commenting on how weird it is. The court really does look at these things in an odd fashion. One would think the other parent would be the correct choice to care for the children, if needed. But no. You could lose your kids for thinking that!

I didn't and wouldn't ask for it. My ex works out of town most of the month. This is why we just agreed to the basic guidelines; he's not in town enough to need more time. (Plus, most of our kids are adults now. A couple have their own kids. We only have one minor child (teen) left between us.)

Edited by MissMel

I had to look up "bae." For the longest time, I thought it was a typo for babe...or a nickname for Rumplestiltskin's son in Once Upon a Time.

And I had to look up the title of a certain Nicki Minaj song, featuring Drake and Lil Wayne that scarred me for life.

Big Poopi calls Kail "bae". What a dork. Yes, dork. I am showing my age.



Like when "on fleek" started to be a thing, I would just see pictures of eyebrows with the caption. It's not like there's a whole lot of context clues to go on.

 Going to check Urban Dictionary. No shame in my game. 

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"Next, on a very special West Virginia episode of 'Why the Fuck Are You Famous, Again?'..."

I'd love to see a special West Virginia episode of "Celebrity Rehab" where we'd see Leah with her addiction problems including her addictions to Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Then, she can switch over to that special West Viriginia episode of  "Sex Rehab" where the whole Messer family can be treated.

  • Love 2

I had to look up "bae." For the longest time, I thought it was a typo for babe...or a nickname for Rumplestiltskin's son in Once Upon a Time.

And I had to look up the title of a certain Nicki Minaj song, featuring Drake and Lil Wayne that scarred me for life.

I had to UD BAE when Pink came out with panties that said, "USA is BAE." Ilearmed when one is speaking of a person and not a place the "A" becomes anyone instead of anything.

I imagine Janelle only wears "Janelle is BAE"panties, with the tops of selfie cupcakes stuck onto them with sticky meth lab leftovers.

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I'm just glad I'm not the only over 35 Mom who still watches MTV :)


Girrrl, I'm going to be 45.  I was there for the original Real World with Tami, who is now on Basketball Wives, and watched when Dr. Drew and Adam Carolla had their show, Lovelines.  It's funny how tame the  MTV reality shows of the time were, compared to now. 


I could be the mother of Leah, or Kailyn, or even Farrah.  I have kids who are 22 and 23, so technically, I guess I could be a grandmother and I watch MTV.

Edited by zenme
  • Love 9

We're the Golden Girls!

Picture it: West Virginia, 2014. A woman with three girlses and two husbands sneaks out for a night of passion. She runs to an ex, and for the next 35 seconds, they have the most mediocre sex you can imagine. As she sneaks out, she is caught by a deer cam. That woman, was Leah Messer Seems Calvert. The man, was Robbie Kidd. And to this day, it don't make no sense to Mama Dawn.

  • LOL 1
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Huh? That never happened. He kindly asked her for water.

Thanks Tatum for clarifying for me that rumor about that supposed agreement between Leah and MTV.

It's from the same rumor mill that says anybody who spends time with somebody on the show who has ever had a drug or alcohol problem is their "sober coach".

That always cracks me up. The meth looking guy Adam hangs out with was automatically labeled his sober coach as if it was a fact.

Rumors and opinions become " facts" very quickly.

I don't remember Corey barking at Miranda about the water. He was sitting, she was up and headed his way so he asked for water. I've been sitting right next to my husband and have asked him to get up and get something for me because I'm too comfy to get up. He does the same, we get it for the other with no problem. And no barking.

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I go way back to the original Golden Girls: The Facts of Life.


To keep with the Leah Messer topic here, I share with you a quote from Golden Girls that I think is very fitting for Leah:


Blanche: "I treat my body like a temple."

Sophia: "Yeah, open to everyone, day or night."

Only til 2 am on schoolnights. Kids gotta get their 5 hours of sleep, after all.

I'd love to see a special West Virginia episode of "Celebrity Rehab" where we'd see Leah with her addiction problems including her addictions to Mountain Dew and Cheetos. Then, she can switch over to that special West Viriginia episode of  "Sex Rehab" where the whole Messer family can be treated.

Followed by a double episode of Tattoo Nightmares...

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Leah's such a sleepyhead and always running so late to get the girlses to school on time, that I'm surprised she just doesn't have Demon Child blow dry her own hair while in the bathtub to save time.

I'm honestly impressed that Leah bathes them at all. I wouldn't be surprised if when the cameras weren't around, Leah just sprayed the girlses' with dry shampoo and some perfume.

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I'm honestly impressed that Leah bathes them at all. I wouldn't be surprised if when the cameras weren't around, Leah just sprayed the girlses' with dry shampoo and some perfume.

And likely doesn't wash their clothes. What did Jeremy say about their home? It looked like a homeless shelter or something?


Gracie is so adamant with wanting to wear make-up. I suppose Leah sold her a Mary Kay kit when she was under the influence. She probably thought she was selling to a legit customer.

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And likely doesn't wash their clothes. What did Jeremy say about their home? It looked like a homeless shelter or something?

He did say that. Kind of funny when you consider that he lives in a trailer most of the time, though he seems to keep it tidy, or just keeps too busy to be there enough to get it messy.

Probably some stinky Britney Spears "designer imposter" perfume in a spray can.

You just know Germy reeks of Axe body spray. Nipples too, come to think of it.

Germy, maybe. What, isn't Farrah's Passy line of scents catching on? Going by his social media likes, he seems to have fairly lowbrow taste (that's not always a bad thing). Civil engineer Nipples probably smells of whichever "investor" or "stockholder" he last saw at the hotel.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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Now I don't feel so bad watching I am 44 with 14 year old twins, it is crazy to me that the Teen Mom's became parents not much older than this I look at our boys and their friends and in no way are they anywhere near ready to be parents. I could not imagine becoming a mum at 16 and then a grandma at 32 like Delta Dawn, I just hope the cycle is broken and all the girlses at least learn from the past mistakes and hold off on children until they are a lot older.


BTW with all us 'oldies' watching I do not think we are holding up the MTV line of reducing teen pregnancy we were all past the age when the show started

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Oh please! You're all babies.

I have kids who are 30 and 31, older than some of you, and I have 2 grandkids.

I was a teen mom so that's my excuse for watching.

I have a 30 year old too. :-) 



I was there for the original Real World with Tami,

My favorite season!!



When Leah reaches my age she will have under her belt, four marriages, three former common-law partners, four orders of child support for four of her six children, and three grandchildren who will be living with her as she receives food stamps.

Edited by GreatKazu
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