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Jesus God, Leah!!

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During the “very amicable hearing” the exes decided the twins will spend 3 nights per week with Corey and his wife Miranda Simms, and 4 nights per week with Leah and warm body husband of the year [insert name here].    Hahahahaha


Wasn't that pretty much already the agreement? Or am I missing some huge detail?


Did they go to court to change it from 3 nights to 3.25 nights or something?  I'm confused.

Wasn't that pretty much already the agreement? Or am I missing some huge detail?


Did they go to court to change it from 3 nights to 3.25 nights or something?  I'm confused.

That and the dispute over Ally's (sp?) healthcare. It does seem like a lot of fuss (and legal bills) to end up near the status quo. She's lucky to retain part time custody with all the shenanigans going on.

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I hope with the few extra nights that Corey is getting now, that they haven't increased his child support and maybe even cut it down a little.  I'm all for dad's having to pay child support, obviously, but I have no doubt Leah is one of those moms who misuses that money on things not related to the girlses. Like buying trashy clothes, hair extensions, and nails instead of keeping her kids neat, clean and on a healthy diet.  And I am glad Leah didn't get her bid to cut Corey out of Ali's medical decisions, that was some shifty shit she was trying to pull there.

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It's pretty much 50/50 custody. I hope he doesn't have to pay anything. Why should he, when he has the kids the same amount of time? It shouldn't be HIS problem if their Mother wont work at a real job to pay for them. If she doesn't want to, she ought to turn over custody to him.

At least that's my opinion. Sadly, it's not how the court looks at it, although, I think it should be...

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From Jeff Simms twitter


Tracy ‏@2rde4u  Dec 9
@JeffSimms So Leah signed in does this mean we will still b seeing u again to?

Jeff Simms
“@2rde4u: @JeffSimms So Leah signed in does this mean we will still b seeing u again to?” I'm not sure, that has not been settled.



By the way, how is Leah going to try and fix someone's hair with her new company when she can't even brush her daughters hair.  I see this new business falling apart just as fast as her Mary Kay business did.

Edited by Mkay
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 I have no doubt Leah is one of those moms who misuses that money on things not related to the girlses. Like buying trashy clothes, hair extensions, and nails instead of keeping her kids neat, clean and on a healthy diet.  And I am glad Leah didn't get her bid to cut Corey out of Ali's medical decisions, that was some shifty shit she was trying to pull there.

She probably is trying to justify getting the hair 'did' and her 'nells' as a 'bidness' expense to promote her company by looking 'glamorous' and thus necessary for earning income for the family.

  • Love 4

It's pretty much 50/50 custody. I hope he doesn't have to pay anything. Why should he, when he has the kids the same amount of time? It shouldn't be HIS problem if their Mother wont work at a real job to pay for them. If she doesn't want to, she ought to turn over custody to him.

At least that's my opinion. Sadly, it's not how the court looks at it, although, I think it should be...


That's what I thought - so realistically neither of them should really be paying support, right? I dunno.. I don't think I'll ever understand how all that works. I've known people who had partial custody and paid nothing, and people who had full custody but paid their ex "child support" even when the ex had zero custody, just to keep the kids happy (kids begged not to go to Mom's house and Mom just wanted the money, so Dad paid child support even though the kids were never there). Every time I hear about more drama with Leah/Corey/girlses I just hope the kids are happy regardless of whatever else is going on. From what we see on the show it seems like a lot of people are working hard to make sure they are... I hope so.

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They're recycling old sitcom plots! Shocking!




Married with Children: Season 3, Episode 14
A Three Job, No Income Family (2 Apr. 1989)


"Al Bundy finally convinces Peggy to contribute to the household income but feels emasculated when Peggy starts bringing home huge "commish" checks from her cosmetics sales job, earning more money than Al himself. . . Things go from bad to worse when Al finds the book containing the names of Peggy's customers."

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Say what she will, but...

I think this might be a case of Germy Lynn's actions revealing the real truth of the matter. Moved out to a mobile home, working 7 days a week, picking up on other 'women' via Twitter and Wing Stop, making accusatory passive aggressive posts via Twitter before deleting his accounts because one of his 'hos sold his tweets to her, and the biggy, not being present for any family celebrations like birthday parties or Thanksgiving...

Didn't Leah do something similar before she and Corey divorced?

I am still waiting for all this drama to be made public, the Facebook arguments by her family were pretty good but I need Leah to go full nuclear and spill. Soon.

That Sandy is one classy grandma.




Sandy Kay All I seen was tits

December 12 at 8:46pm · 4


Dear god.  I'm glad I didn't look at that before I went to bed last night; my dreams have been scary enough as it is.

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Sandy Kay:   Yes kelly she needs to give Leah some of hers ha haha

December 12 at 11:31pm · 1



Sandy Kay 9 hrs ·

I really need a job

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So Leah's sister's nickname is Oreo and the family members are laughing about how her boob size has finally passed up Leah's. 


Wow, my family is looking even more awesome right about now. 

It's an interesting juxtaposition in between all the Bible verse spam and "I stand for traditional family values' stuff on the same West Virginians' Facebooks...I guess this is the lesson Oreo learned from her sister being on M Tee Vee. Education doesn't make you a living, your bra size does...Grandma commenting on grand daughter's bust reminded me of the mirror selfie Joey Maes (sp? Teen Mom 3) put up on his page basically naked and his own grandma was commenting on it. Gaaaaah.

Dear god.  I'm glad I didn't look at that before I went to bed last night; my dreams have been scary enough as it is.

Don't Google image search "Jenelle Evans nude" for laughs in that case. SCARRING. I thought people were joking about those pictures existing.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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So apparently someone in the extended family (which might be half the population of Kanawha county) had leaked a rumor that Leah was getting pills from Grandma...


Sandy Kay
November 5 ·

It was told on facebook media so ima answer this one time on socail media I dont do pills as a drugggie an I dont give them too my grandchildren you can tell all the lies you want but you just rember tryinging to tell this too my children is gonna be a mess youjust rember that magazines will do anything for a story an they will give your name up at some point .an when they do you better belive you will not like me .dont call yourself family or any part of me an tell things you dont know about this will be the last breath I will waste on this trash .or the trash telling it


Dawn Spears

Tell them ALL even the so called damn family I said KISS MY ASS! and if they don't like that come on down to my damn house and GET THEM some! They will need a more than a pain pill when I'm done they will get a whole CLIP full of pills! I'm tired of the bullshit pill stuff


Sandy Kay Yea me too an I do belive I lnow where it came from

I can't get past "rember". A bunch of Rhodes scholars in that family.

Maybe it's like 'totes'. They drop a lot of syllables because they're pressed for time in their busy day as pillars of the local community. Or plars of the moonty.

If you showed most people Sandy Kay's rant and June Shannon's Facebook fight with Uncle Poodle, I suspect that a lot of them would think it was the same person.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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And for coloring armpit hair. Maybe Leah's salon can get in on that trendiness too.




Ew. Coloring armpit hair?  Maybe there's a market for all the people who lasered it off years ago and now want armpit hair extensions and hot pink pits?

Edited by NikSac
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from the inqiz article:


"On Sunday, Corey tweeted a Bible verse, which read, “2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light,” and his wife, Miranda Simms, re-tweeted the message, and wrote, “Amen Baby!”"



but is Satan disguising himself with heavy makeup?

LMAO at the whole ridiculous lot of them.

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Today's Blind Item:


This B list reality star from that MTV cable franchise who has been in this space so many times as of late that I am losing count, threw a family oriented party recently but spent most of her day crushing up pills and snorting them and only took one set of photos for ten minutes. Leah Messer "Teen Mom 2" (birthday party for her twin daughters)

  • Love 4

Today's Blind Item:



This B list reality star from that MTV cable franchise who has been in this space so many times as of late that I am losing count, threw a family oriented party recently but spent most of her day crushing up pills and snorting them and only took one set of photos for ten minutes. Leah Messer "Teen Mom 2" (birthday party for her twin daughters)


round of pictures: http://radaronline.com/photos/leah-messer-daughters-ali-aleeah-birthday-without-jeremy-calvert/photo/833926/

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If they weren't so ridiculous, I'd have lost interest in them years ago. I can't believe that three generations of women in the same family are so clueless, in a multitude of areas.

Trapped in a cycle, I suppose. Education could change things but 'the schools aren't well' and they are surrounded by other people at a similar level of development. Here's to hoping the AAA-girls get out of it.

It's all about keeping appearances with her. Even if it's public knowledge that the marriage is a joke, that's OK as long as she can keep putting up the pictures on social media and as long as she is still married on paper. No wonder her business idea is about cosmetics. She would have been better off with the medical career if she were up to it. Healthcare spending probably won't be dropping soon in West Virginia like a lot of things with the recent crash in fossil fuel prices likely sending the state's economy farther into the toilet.

Edited by cheatincheetos

Leah's Meemaw is quite *special*, isn't she? That broad is a trip. Grammar and punctuation aren't a top priority in the Messer/Simms/Calvert family.

It also seems that Leah's Meemaw is against sex education. Ironic, no?

She did make me smile when she threatened to give Dawn a 'whipping' on Facebook.


"Sandy Kay

2 hrs ·

I have 3 great grandchildren triple A girls that I love an miss but there mommy won't bring them to see me I love the grandaughter too but she don't come see me or call me she must really be mad at me. Has anybody else seen this gang ?I hope there ok if you do see them remind her I love her"


Which one of her grandchildren could that be?

Edited by cheatincheetos
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I'm still amused/terrified that Mama Dawn is supposedly a nurse.  How fast would you run away if you showed up to the doctor's office and found out she was the brilliant healthcare professional who would be sticking a needle in your body?

She's not, neither is Lee. If you look on the website for nurse license verification, neither of them are listed as either LPN or RN.

What scares me is people who think Leah could ever qualify for nursing school, much less finish it. She didn't pass the entrance exam the time she did take it, when MTV had them accept her even though she was not qualified. I believe she lasted a whole two weeks before dropping out.

  • Love 1

She's not, neither is Lee. If you look on the website for nurse license verification, neither of them are listed as either LPN or RN.

What scares me is people who think Leah could ever qualify for nursing school, much less finish it. She didn't pass the entrance exam the time she did take it, when MTV had them accept her even though she was not qualified. I believe she lasted a whole two weeks before dropping out.


I remember that ludicrous episode.


She couldn't pass the entrance exam, yet that college was going to take her anyway.  


And the woman she met with looked like she just stepped away from her Glamour Shots photo session to meet with her.  Yeah, somebody clearly knew the MTV cameras were coming.


I actually rolled my eyes so hard at that episode I'm surprised the neighbors didn't hear it.


The entrance is the relatively easy part.  Students in nursing school have to be on the ball, and stick with it even through the tough parts.  


Hell, the only thing we've ever seen Leah to stick with for any length of time is her sexual interludes with Teflon Robbie.


Her as a nurse?   Not in this lifetime.  

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I'll never forget when I took my test, I was in there for over an hour. Some guy comes in to take the test, we left at the same time, 20 minutes later. I passed, he did not. He couldn't figure out why he failed. I don't think he understood the directions. He kept giving me dirty looks, and stormed out of the building when the woman who scored congratulated me on passing, she said I passed at a the high level they were looking for, so I probably had a placement in the next class.

That episode really made me angry. Just getting into a nursing school is hard enough, but to have failed the entrance exam and still get in, over qualified candidates, took the cake. They must have let her in with the agreement she wasn't going to stay (or at least passed the test on the second try.)

Out of a class of over 1oo, less than 40 graduated, from my class.

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What scares me is people who think Leah could ever qualify for nursing school, much less finish it. She didn't pass the entrance exam the time she did take it, when MTV had them accept her even though she was not qualified. I believe she lasted a whole two weeks before dropping out.

Good grief. What if she wanted to be a brain surgeon? Would the network still twist arms to get her admitted?

I'm still amused/terrified that Mama Dawn is supposedly a nurse.  How fast would you run away if you showed up to the doctor's office and found out she was the brilliant healthcare professional who would be sticking a needle in your body?

Probably a lot of people in that county are familiar with using needles, though not necessarily for legal purposes...

I spend a lot of time as a professor at a community college preventing students who don't read, can't write grammatically, and who can't follow directions from entering nursing school by gearing my (required) class to emphasize those three things.  My mother, who was a nurse for decades, is constantly appalled by the lack of ability of people who want to go into the health sciences at my school.  I view it as a public good; after all, most of these students will stay in the community, and I know that I might be treated by any one of them in the future.  I don't want to have to run screaming from the hospital after seeing my nurse/doctor when I need help.


I hope that school, if they regularly admit people like Leah, has a really vicious first-semester series of courses that weed out the unqualified.  Then again, it is West Virginia (one of my sisters has lived there for over 20 years, and it's just about as bad as it's portrayed).

  • Love 4

Did Leah even graduate high school??

She graduated Herbert Hoover in 2010, the spring after her twins were born. She had help completing the graduation requirements from Garnet Career Center's SAEMP (School Age Expectant Mothers Program). The quality of the high school education that she got is another matter, of course.

Edited by cheatincheetos
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