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Jesus God, Leah!!

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On 3/1/2017 at 0:04 PM, GreatKazu said:

Welllll ttthank goodnesssssss.

Seriously, why all the extra letters?

"Adalynn most definitely has a boisterous and creative personality." Who the hell wrote this? Not Leah, that's for sure.

Adderall is boisterous alright. She is too much and so damn annoying.

Both her and Grace  are like that, I notice. Constantly screaming and shouting and extra annoying. And mind you, I don't have kids, so who knows, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I just feel like maybe they'd behave a little better if she wasn't so permissive and tolerant of them yelling and screaming and acting all hyper all the time. Put them in time out or something or even yell at them to "be quiet right now!" 

I know Leah has stated, on more than one occasion, that she spanks her children when they do wrong. Dr. Drew noted it and brought it up at one of the reunion shows and said that studies show that spanking your children tends to correct the behavior in the moment, but tends to worsen it, long-term. 

Maybe that's why Grace and Adalyn are so poorly behaved smh 

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8 minutes ago, SheTalksShit said:

Both her and Grace  are like that, I notice. Constantly screaming and shouting and extra annoying. And mind you, I don't have kids, so who knows, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I just feel like maybe they'd behave a little better if she wasn't so permissive and tolerant of them yelling and screaming and acting all hyper all the time. Put them in time out or something or even yell at them to "be quiet right now!" 

Parents lead by example, and Leah has not been a good example at all. The scene that was recently shown in the Top Worst Moments (or whatever that special was named) where Leah and Germy are trying to leave for Gracie's competition as Adderall is being pummeled with the trash that is coming down on her in the SUV. Germy is informing Leah about the hazard that exists in the car and all Leah can do is get defensive and start yelling and cussing. The camera showed Gracie's face as she sat there staring at her mother.  It is no wonder her girls resort to some yelling and defiant behavior. It is not the worst behavior, I have seen worst, but the girls are watching how their mother behaves. You know they are not behaving that way with Miranda and Cory because they are much more tolerant, calm, and don't issue empty threats.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I don't see them as that poorly behaved given their environment. She seems to yell a lot...I don't think more scolding and yelling would do much. What would is probably more tenderness and genuine interest in them as people. 

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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

No, you do know what you are talking about. Parents lead by example, and Leah has not been a good example at all. The scene that was recently shown in the Top Worst Moments (or whatever that special was named) where Leah and Germy are trying to leave for Gracie's competition as Adderall is being pummeled with the trash that is coming down on her in the SUV. Germy is informing Leah about the hazard that exists in the car and all Leah can do is get defensive and start yelling and cussing. The camera showed Gracie's face as she sat there staring at her mother.  It is no wonder her girls resort to some yelling and defiant behavior. It is not the worst behavior, I have seen worst, but the girls are watching how their mother behaves. You know they are not behaving that way with Miranda and Cory because they are much more tolerant, calm, and don't issue empty threats.

I remember that scene! It made me realize something about Leah: you can not address problems with her, bc she won't hear you - she will deny, deflect, make excuses, yell, scream and frantically try to point the finger back at you. It made me understand why Jeremy spent so much time away and eventually chose to walk away. There were obvious problems and anytime he tried to address them, Leah would just get defensive, never bothering to think about why he was pulling away, what it must be like for him to work all week and then come home to a filthy home and a car so over-packed that you can't even see out the back window, or see thousands of dollars worth of frivolous charges in your joint-account, etc. Mind you, I'm not saying Jeremy was father or husband of the year, he's not, but given the circumstances, it's no wonder he wanted out. 

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1 minute ago, SheTalksShit said:

I remember that scene! It made me realize something about Leah: you can not address problems with her, bc she won't hear you - she will deny, deflect, make excuses, yell, scream and frantically try to point the finger back at you. It made me understand why Jeremy spent so much time away and eventually chose to walk away. There were obvious problems and anytime he tried to address them, Leah would just get defensive, never bothering to think about why he was pulling away, what it must be like for him to work all week and then come home to a filthy home and a car so over-packed that you can't even see out the back window, or see thousands of dollars worth of frivolous charges in your joint-account, etc. Mind you, I'm not saying Jeremy was father or husband of the year, he's not, but given the circumstances, it's no wonder he wanted out. 


Leah cheating on him was the final straw. Oh, and the drug use. Leah offers nothing that makes it worth staying in a relationship with her.

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7 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


Leah cheating on him was the final straw. Oh, and the drug use. Leah offers nothing that makes it worth staying in a relationship with her.

Yeah and they totally left out the part where she cheated on him! It was so odd because literally anyone who even remotely follows the show on social media or in tabloids knew about it. Regarding the drugs...I was never really sure what to believe. It's tough to know unless you can see a marked change in the person's behavior from beforehand. With Leah, there's no way to know - like maybe she's always been an irresponsible, scatterbrained hoarder and spent money like it grows on trees, maybe that's just her natural personality - we don't know, because we don't know her, we just know what MTV shows us. Maybe she's been like that the whole time and they just didn't show it in editing until it became central to the storyline...

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1 hour ago, SheTalksShit said:

Yeah and they totally left out the part where she cheated on him! It was so odd because literally anyone who even remotely follows the show on social media or in tabloids knew about it. Regarding the drugs...I was never really sure what to believe. It's tough to know unless you can see a marked change in the person's behavior from beforehand. With Leah, there's no way to know - like maybe she's always been an irresponsible, scatterbrained hoarder and spent money like it grows on trees, maybe that's just her natural personality - we don't know, because we don't know her, we just know what MTV shows us. Maybe she's been like that the whole time and they just didn't show it in editing until it became central to the storyline...

I am not sure how Leah got them to exclude that! I think it was speculated that she would only sign on to film that season if they did not address that, and Jeremy agreed to go along with it because he wanted to get paid. If he got a 6 figure payday just for sitting there silently while Leah prattled on during that awkward as fuck dinner date about how the cheating rumors weren't true and people were so mean to gossip about them, I can see why that was acceptable to him.

As far as drugs, I think even her minions concede that is likely true. A few of her leg humpers on Twitter said it started because Leah's OB over prescribed her pain meds, or maybe it was anxiety pills, or maybe even anti-depressants? Whatever the meds were, it was the doctor's fault. That sounds like something Leah or her family would say, so I think she has at some point admitted some problem with prescription drugs, even if it wasn't on the show.


However, Leah has been irresponsible, lazy, and frivolous with money since she began filming at age 17.  How a daughter of single mother making minimum wage who has been on federal assistance before is so wasteful with money I don't know. Even at 17, with two babies on the way and Leah having never had a job and relying on a 19 year old to support 4 people, Leah was bitching about how Corey never took her out on nice dates to the Cracker Barrel or wherever it was she wanted to go.  The entitlement has always been strong with that one.


You know what? I wonder if Leah and Mama Dawn are like the mom and daughter in that Reba McEntire song "Fancy", where the mom spends all her money on clothes and makeup for her hot daughter in the hopes that she'll be able to whore herself out to some rich man that will take care of her. If Mama Dawn invested a lot of her resources on Leah, in the hopes she'd score herself a rich man, that actually explains a lot about Leah.

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2 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I don't see them as that poorly behaved given their environment. She seems to yell a lot...I don't think more scolding and yelling would do much. What would is probably more tenderness and genuine interest in them as people. 

Exactly. The kids screaming a lot is probably partly because they've learned it from the adults in their life. But, I really think they're looking for attention. When Addie was screaming in the car, sure it was annoying as hell, but I saw a little girl desperately wanting her mother to pay attention to HER - instead of her "storyline" for this damn TV show. 

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28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. The kids screaming a lot is probably partly because they've learned it from the adults in their life. But, I really think they're looking for attention. When Addie was screaming in the car, sure it was annoying as hell, but I saw a little girl desperately wanting her mother to pay attention to HER - instead of her "storyline" for this damn TV show. 

Exactly. Discipline is important but it comes AFTER everything else. Good discipline assumes you already have a kind and solid relationship, mutual respect, shared activities and routines, clear expectations, interest in your kids' lives, values as a family...Without those *all* you have is discipline. Most of Leah's interactions with her kids seem to be punitive. 

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39 minutes ago, Tatum said:

You know what? I wonder if Leah and Mama Dawn are like the mom and daughter in that Reba McEntire song "Fancy", where the mom spends all her money on clothes and makeup for her hot daughter in the hopes that she'll be able to whore herself out to some rich man that will take care of her. If Mama Dawn invested a lot of her resources on Leah, in the hopes she'd score herself a rich man, that actually explains a lot about Leah.

Lol, I love that song and I could totally see Mama Dawn being one of those types and I can also see Leah grooming Gracie to do the same thing. I think Leah's eventually going to end up like Uncle Rico, where she tells everyone under the sun how she could've done big things if only she hadn't gotten knocked up in the back of Cory's truck.

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16 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Didn't Jeremy cheat too? He also has a serial cheating problem. I always assumed he just wanted to move on since Leah was a mess, he lacked any ongoing interest and he had his own "indiscretions."

I don't know if that was ever confirmed. He was accused of a flirtation with a waitress from Buffalo Wild Wings, but that may have been after they were officially separated.

I don't know that he ever truly cheated on Leah (he may have, but I don't think that is verified, the way hers have been). But, he is definitely guilty of distancing himself from her once the infatuation died off. People lose interest in their SOs all the time. It's a part of dating. That's why you don't marry someone you've known for 5 min, that has already shown questionable judgment and integrity, and then compound that by intentionally impregnating them, Jeremy.

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5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Parents lead by example, and Leah has not been a good example at all. The scene that was recently shown in the Top Worst Moments (or whatever that special was named) where Leah and Germy are trying to leave for Gracie's competition as Adderall is being pummeled with the trash that is coming down on her in the SUV. Germy is informing Leah about the hazard that exists in the car and all Leah can do is get defensive and start yelling and cussing. The camera showed Gracie's face as she sat there staring at her mother.  It is no wonder her girls resort to some yelling and defiant behavior. It is not the worst behavior, I have seen worst, but the girls are watching how their mother behaves. You know they are not behaving that way with Miranda and Cory because they are much more tolerant, calm, and don't issue empty threats.

This entire franchise has been one giant sociological study of parenting. It's no surprise that the girls with the most emotionally healthy and stable parents--Chelsea & Maci--have ended up doing okay; maybe not amazing, but okay. And most people here don't have fears for the future of these girls' children. All the other TMs had screwed up childhoods, are unshockingly screwed up people today, and are in the process of screwing up their children. I hate to say it because it sounds so incredibly bleak, but I don't have a lot of hope for many of these children. Maybe Leah's first two kids will be okay because they have Cory and Miranda, and maybe Kail's first two kids will be okay because of Jo and Javi (maybe), but it's going to take a lot of work on the fathers' parts to overcome what these kids are experiencing at home. This show has proven again and again that money doesn't make everything magically all better. It's the foundation that counts.

Sorry, that's bleak. But "bootstraps" just isn't a thing that happens with much frequency, no matter how much Americans love to perpetuate its idea.

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58 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I don't know if that was ever confirmed. He was accused of a flirtation with a waitress from Buffalo Wild Wings, but that may have been after they were officially separated.

I don't know that he ever truly cheated on Leah (he may have, but I don't think that is verified, the way hers have been). But, he is definitely guilty of distancing himself from her once the infatuation died off. People lose interest in their SOs all the time. It's a part of dating. That's why you don't marry someone you've known for 5 min, that has already shown questionable judgment and integrity, and then compound that by intentionally impregnating them, Jeremy.

No, I meant the tattoo model. She posted texts and messages that she said were between them and said they would meet up for sex while he was away working. She could be lying, of course, but I certainly don't doubt it given his track record. The Wild Wings thing (lol these affairs do not exactly sound that erotic) was separate. When there's smoke there's usually fire.

I had more hope for Jeremy but then he showed his racist ass and cheated on the next one. He's at least a lot more reasonable and hard working than Leah but ugh.

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21 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

No, I meant the tattoo model. She posted texts and messages that she said were between them and said they would meet up for sex while he was away working. She could be lying, of course, but I certainly don't doubt it given his track record. The Wild Wings thing (lol these affairs do not exactly sound that erotic) was separate. When there's smoke there's usually fire.


Huh, I never heard about that one. Surprises me though. Not that I don't think he's capable of cheating, just that given how much Leah loves to play victim, I can't believe she never threw that out there.  You know, she's home, busting her ass raising three kids alone, trying to launch her "career", and Jeremy is out boning tattoo models, or at least trying to bone tattoo models.

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1 hour ago, Vandy10 said:

This entire franchise has been one giant sociological study of parenting. It's no surprise that the girls with the most emotionally healthy and stable parents--Chelsea & Maci--have ended up doing okay; maybe not amazing, but okay. And most people here don't have fears for the future of these girls' children. All the other TMs had screwed up childhoods, are unshockingly screwed up people today, and are in the process of screwing up their children. I hate to say it because it sounds so incredibly bleak, but I don't have a lot of hope for many of these children. Maybe Leah's first two kids will be okay because they have Cory and Miranda, and maybe Kail's first two kids will be okay because of Jo and Javi (maybe), but it's going to take a lot of work on the fathers' parts to overcome what these kids are experiencing at home. This show has proven again and again that money doesn't make everything magically all better. It's the foundation that counts.

Sorry, that's bleak. But "bootstraps" just isn't a thing that happens with much frequency, no matter how much Americans love to perpetuate its idea.

The foundation is something I have mentioned on more than one occasion. It is why the girls have such contentious relationships with their partners as well.

I see a lot of kids in need of therapy.

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8 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Both her and Grace  are like that, I notice. Constantly screaming and shouting and extra annoying. And mind you, I don't have kids, so who knows, maybe I have no clue what I'm talking about, but I just feel like maybe they'd behave a little better if she wasn't so permissive and tolerant of them yelling and screaming and acting all hyper all the time. Put them in time out or something or even yell at them to "be quiet right now!" 

I know Leah has stated, on more than one occasion, that she spanks her children when they do wrong. Dr. Drew noted it and brought it up at one of the reunion shows and said that studies show that spanking your children tends to correct the behavior in the moment, but tends to worsen it, long-term. 

Maybe that's why Grace and Adalyn are so poorly behaved smh 

The fact that she doesn't feed them when they are hungry and then loads them up with sugar probably factors into their behavior too.

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2 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

This entire franchise has been one giant sociological study of parenting. It's no surprise that the girls with the most emotionally healthy and stable parents--Chelsea & Maci--have ended up doing okay; maybe not amazing, but okay. And most people here don't have fears for the future of these girls' children. All the other TMs had screwed up childhoods, are unshockingly screwed up people today, and are in the process of screwing up their children. I hate to say it because it sounds so incredibly bleak, but I don't have a lot of hope for many of these children. Maybe Leah's first two kids will be okay because they have Cory and Miranda, and maybe Kail's first two kids will be okay because of Jo and Javi (maybe), but it's going to take a lot of work on the fathers' parts to overcome what these kids are experiencing at home. This show has proven again and again that money doesn't make everything magically all better. It's the foundation that counts.

Sorry, that's bleak. But "bootstraps" just isn't a thing that happens with much frequency, no matter how much Americans love to perpetuate its idea.

This is so 100% true. The main takeaway of this show certainly isn't 'use birth control,' since none of them apparently do, but it IS that you'll probably turn out a lot like the generations before you. Yes, there are some folks who rise above very harsh circumstances and broken childhoods...but not very many. And that's only if you somehow have the emotional or intellectual resources to do so; not everyone does.

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There were a lot of rumors of Jeremy cheating that were being sold by Leah's family after DeerCamGate. We knew it was from her family because of "the truth will be revealed" type language throughout them. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated on her, too, but I don't think it was ever actually proven, and don't remember what actually aired. There was something out there before DeerCamGate, I think, where a woman was tweeting to Leah that she had been sexting with Jeremy. As proof, she sent Leah a copy of a photo that she said Jeremy sent to her of his penis, and Leah recognized it as him. He had denied any sexting, and I think they may not have actually met in person at that point. That woman was the woman I thought was the tattoo artist, but I really can't remember the timeline. Leah was often frustrated that when he worked out of town he wouldn't answer when she called, and he said it was because she just wanted to be on the telephone even though they didn't have anything to talk about for hours.

Leah admitted on the show that she had a problem with pain medication, but it is continuously ignored by her fans. She and her mom were sitting at a table while she told her MTV was sending her to not-rehab for her anxiety. It went something like this, paraphrased, :


Leah: Remember when I told you that I thought I was taking too much medicine after I had my spinal tap? And then I said I need to quit taking them? And I did?

MamaDawn: [Shakes head yes while crying] Ummm-hmm

Leah: Now I'm going to get help for my anxiety.

MamaDawn: If I thought you really had a problem, I would have called Corey meeself! [sobs]

 The editing was horrible, even by MTV standards, and it was very choppy. It was at this point that I decided her mom was using with her. It was so clear to the viewers that she had been struggling and using for a while, and for her mom to ignore when Leah first told her that she thought she might have a problem with pain pills made me think she was benefiting from Leah's addiction, probably because Leah was supporting her habit. Some of Leah's family were telling Corey she was deeply involved in drugs, one of whom was alleged to be her sister, who now looks like she too is having issues.

Leah probably also suffers from anxiety and depression, which was made worse post-partum, and she was self-medicating. She was also partying and enjoying the attention she was receiving. 

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Yeah, the sexting was allegedly with that Brittany Musick girl, I think she was the one who planned to meet up with him but didn't-- he would have but she was some aspiring model and decided to tell the internet instead. Melissa something was the tattoo model and she or someone else alleged they actually had sex. They met on Twitter. The Wild Wings flirtations were a separate cheating allegation from both of those. Unlike Corey, who I believe would only ever cheat in certain circumstances like with Leah, Jeremy seems like the type to just not be able to keep it in his pants. He might not go obsessively seeking it out but if it's available (say, if he achieved some minor fame through a show), I really doubt he'd refuse on the basis of faithfulness. 

It's really hard to follow the timeline at this point because so much shady shit was going on. All that to say that I don't think there would be that many claims if the dude didn't cheat or at least try to very very hard, especially since he's done it again. (People do lie, but no one since Leah has ever claimed to have cheated with Corey. Even dipshits like Adam don't get regular cheating allegations. I assume because they're just not cheating). I don't think that's *why* Leah cheated or that she even necessarily knew. I think they're both just incapable of being faithful. Really they weren't that bad of a match if they'd both just looked the other way, because they certainly won't be able to be monogamous with any new partners. 

Edited by Lm2162
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4 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Really they weren't that bad of a match if they'd both just looked the other way, because they certainly won't be able to be monogamous with any new partners. 

Leah ties way too much of her self esteem with how sexually attractive she is to her partner. It's why she cheats- it's not just that she's super horny, it's that she craves attention and affection and if her husband isn't giving it to her, she's going to find someone who will. All this is to say, if Leah knew her husband was sleeping with another woman (even if it was an open relationship and she was granted the same permission) she would lose her fucking mind. That would be perceived as an insult to her level of desirability if her husband could have her but chose someone else, even if it was one time.

Leah doesn't need to be in an open relationship- she needs to stay single and get intense therapy for why she only has any self worth when a man wants her.

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3 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Leah ties way too much of her self esteem with how sexually attractive she is to her partner. It's why she cheats- it's not just that she's super horny, it's that she craves attention and affection and if her husband isn't giving it to her, she's going to find someone who will. All this is to say, if Leah knew her husband was sleeping with another woman (even if it was an open relationship and she was granted the same permission) she would lose her fucking mind. That would be perceived as an insult to her level of desirability if her husband could have her but chose someone else, even if it was one time.

Leah doesn't need to be in an open relationship- she needs to stay single and get intense therapy for why she only has any self worth when a man wants her.

Well right, of course, I'm being facetious. I don't actually think Leah should be polyamorous. If she could pronounce it. 

Jeremy actually does seem like the type to want his girl to be faithful while "what happens on a pipeline job stays at the pipeline job" for him. As long as he brings home the bacon to slap her with, I get the sense he's like "who cares who I was texting."

Edited by Lm2162
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14 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

The fact that she doesn't feed them when they are hungry and then loads them up with sugar probably factors into their behavior too.

Spot on IMO. Another contributing factor is their lack of a consistent schedule. It might be okay to veer off on the rare occasion but these girls have no structure at all.

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18 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Well right, of course, I'm being facetious. I don't actually think Leah should be polyamorous. If she could pronounce it. 

Jeremy actually does seem like the type to want his girl to be faithful while "what happens on a pipeline job stays at the pipeline job" for him. As long as he brings home the bacon to slap her with, I get the sense he's like "who cares who I was texting."

Someone else pointed this out (can't remember who) but Kail really would have been the perfect wife for Jeremy. As long as she wasn't cheating on him with black guys anyways.

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3 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Someone else pointed this out (can't remember who) but Kail really would have been the perfect wife for Jeremy. As long as she wasn't cheating on him with black guys anyways.

Oh, the racial slur-filled Instagram rants that would ensue then! 

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Did anyone see how Nessa was fawning over Leah for going to the gym and doing yoga with the girlses on vacation? She said, and I kid you not, "You're so healthy!" Bahahahahaha

She clearly hasn't watched the show. 

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10 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Did anyone see how Nessa was fawning over Leah for going to the gym and doing yoga with the girlses on vacation? She said, and I kid you not, "You're so healthy!" Bahahahahaha

She clearly hasn't watched the show. 

Between Nessa, Sad Panda, the Facebook groupies and the ass kissing producers, I'm starting to wonder if the rest of the world watches a different version of this show than we do. I mean, really Nessa? You think Leah's a size 00 because she does yoga and recites affirmations? Okay....

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2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Between Nessa, Sad Panda, the Facebook groupies and the ass kissing producers, I'm starting to wonder if the rest of the world watches a different version of this show than we do. I mean, really Nessa? You think Leah's a size 00 because she does yoga and recites affirmations? Okay....

I was coming on to say the same thing. Even the girls who claim to be Leah's #1 fans don't appear to know much about her. I mean, granted, stuff happens off camera that doesn't make it on the show, even a reference, but they still catch Leah doing plenty of shit that makes it into an actual episode, and her crazy ass fans still deny it happened!

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1 hour ago, EmeraldGirl said:

Leah couldn't even explain what her workout consists of. Two shots at it, and all we got was "I don't know ... Cardio". Do you do weights? Umm, yeah weights.  No way this chick is really at the gym. 

Yes! I thought the same thing. Leah got caught lying on the spot and was trying to wiggle out of it.  GymGate, haha.

Edited by Miss Chevious
Double word
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25 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

Not unless she gets her exercise from running to her dealer on the daily.

That's cardio ya'll! That ol heart really gets to racin when you ain't sure you'll make it to pick up your pillses on time!

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Did anyone see the Pedialyte on Leah's counter? I know it could be that she was giving it to one of her daughters if one of them was ill with diarrhea, but I couldn't help but wonder if Leah herself was drinking it. Some people who are hungover swear by it. It is also something some people who suffer from eating disorders drink.

Edited by GreatKazu
auto correct put in an apostrophe...WHY?
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Leah snapchatted this today. Could it be a new man or is it just her brother? With all the #sendinglove's being passed around TM Land, I can't tell. There could be some truth behind the pregnancy comment Addy whispered last week.

I was going to make a joke about how even if it actually is just her brother, Addy's comment could still hold some truth in backwoods WV, but decided not to ;) 


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10 hours ago, iheartla said:

Leah snapchatted this today. Could it be a new man or is it just her brother? With all the #sendinglove's being passed around TM Land, I can't tell. There could be some truth behind the pregnancy comment Addy whispered last week.

I was going to make a joke about how even if it actually is just her brother, Addy's comment could still hold some truth in backwoods WV, but decided not to ;) 


I looked up pictures of her little brother and that looks just like him. 

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On 3/7/2017 at 11:14 PM, GreatKazu said:

Did anyone see the Pedialyte on Leah's counter? I know it could be that she was giving it to one of her daughters if one of them was ill with diarrhea, but I couldn't help but wonder if Leah herself was drinking it. Some people who are hungover swear by it. It is also something some people who suffer from eating disorders drink.

Yup. Saw it. Could be for one of the girls but more than likely herself. I know from experience that that stuff is a must have for withdrawal if she couldn't find drugs.I also used it when my ED was out of control. She needs the high octane Ensure!

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1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

Yup. Saw it. Could be for one of the girls but more than likely herself. I know from experience that that stuff is a must have for withdrawal if she couldn't find drugs.I also used it when my ED was out of control. She needs the high octane Ensure!

I'm not convinced Leah has given up drugs, but I hope she's using the Pedialyte to help her get over the addiction, not to enable it.

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On 3/9/2017 at 10:49 AM, FairyDusted said:

Yup. Saw it. Could be for one of the girls but more than likely herself. I know from experience that that stuff is a must have for withdrawal if she couldn't find drugs.I also used it when my ED was out of control. She needs the high octane Ensure!

It is true, you do learn something new everyday. I did not know this. I know a lot about drug and alcohol addiction, but this is certainly something new. Tell me more about Pedialyte and the need for it by drug users.

Edited by GreatKazu
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1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

It is true, you do learn something new everyday. I did not know this. I know a lot about drug and alcohol addiction, but this is certainly something new. Tell me more.

Which topic? LOL! I'll take it to small talk to reply.

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On 3/9/2017 at 1:49 PM, FairyDusted said:

Yup. Saw it. Could be for one of the girls but more than likely herself. I know from experience that that stuff is a must have for withdrawal if she couldn't find drugs.I also used it when my ED was out of control. She needs the high octane Ensure!

I'm not trying to make light of anything, but what's ED if it isn't the ED of which I'm aware? NOT FIRSTHAND, EITHER!

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Just now, Uncle JUICE said:

I'm not trying to make light of anything, but what's ED if it isn't the ED of which I'm aware? NOT FIRSTHAND, EITHER!

ED for Eating Disorder. Anna is a spiteful bitch. I'll answer the other in small talk about the withdrawal business and what you need. Not you of course. The general you. LOL

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Do we have any idea if Leah is still in college? I hope so, but she seems radio silent lately! It seems like, since her storyline is all about starting college, it would be terrible PR to announce now that she was dropping out, but it seems like she's be flaunting her success if she was still there

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