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Murdoch Mysteries - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:

I'm going to write back to them and ask where that leaves people who are in my situation.  I pay for the channel, but have no ability to watch this episode that I missed until either 1) Ovation re-runs them all again, or 2) DVD gets released.

3) You ditch Ovation & get Acorn. All seasons, all episodes are there.

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>>Our website and Ovation NOW apps have undergone an update and are now focusing on our library of content available to stream with no cable provider login<<

What they’re basically saying is that they’re not going to try to chase down streaming rights for every series that airs on the linear (cable) version of the channel. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s a sign that the cable channel isn’t long for this world and they’re setting themselves up for a streaming-only future.

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16.10 Dash to Death

On 11/15/2022 at 6:26 PM, Trey said:

I missed the first few minutes of the show so didn't see his name in the credits.  Thus, I was surprised and happy to see him playing a character.  I would have liked to have seen him run too.

I've never trusted Mrs Hart even though they've tried to make her more likeable, and I certainly don't like her father. Arthur wasn't too nice either.  So they can all kill each other and I won't care.  I don't really know why they introduced this pointless plotline. 

The victim was a thoroughly rotten person who deserved to die if anyone ever did.

It was nice seeing our Olympic athletes from long ago.

On 11/16/2022 at 12:58 PM, Grundoon59 said:

Season 16 E: 10 Dash to Death.  I saw the first few minutes but then got interrupted by a wonderful kindly neighbor bringing me over some food (hard to be mad about that) so it took me awhile to figure out who was who.  I did like the superimposed explanations of the historical Olympic figures - even for a non Canadian, that was cool to see- heaven knows if I am watching Olympic coverage, I am just as likely to watch CBC as a US network. 

I also liked the outcome of the race that Iggy entered - it isn't always where you place, it is sometimes the impact that you have. 

I have grown much more fond of Mrs. Hart than I ever thought possible in earlier seasons but I am not thrilled with all her family drama.  I hope the writers find a way of resolving it without losing her as a character.  Right now it seems like the future is very bleak for her. 

I enjoyed the mystery with the Olympic athletes, and liked seeing the names attached to each character.  I went to Wikipedia to look up each one.

I just want the writers to decide what to do with Mrs. Hart.  She's been all over the place.  When she was first introduced, she was suspicious and nefarious, then continued to be sketchy.  Then at one point they seemed to decide she was firmly good, and seemed like she was becoming friends with others on the show (like when she joined the women's volleyball team).  Then last season and this, the husband who was drugged up and catatonic came back suddenly no longer drugged with no explanation of really why he had been drugged and then undrugged, she seemed like she was a helpful partner to Cassiopeia in the nightclub, now she is working well with Julia, but in the end, she's back to being evil again, but it's explained that the dad is controlling her and Arthur.  

Enough already.  Arthur is now dead.  Either keep her evil or make her good, but don't try and ping pong back and forth.  Maybe the idea is that she is a grey character, but the writing is not good for her.  It seems inconsistent and it's like she is being written by different writers who did not get the notes on what the overarching story is for her.

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I'm somewhere early in Season 9 (just saw the episodes with Crabtree in prison and William Shatner playing Mark Twain). I started watching at Season 6 or so. I'm ... torn. There is SO much silliness in SOME episodes that I want to FF over them, yet there are also some reasonable mysteries and some good character moments. I enjoy Murdoch and Crabtree, a little less so Julia and Brackenreid. I definitely read the episode synopsis before I watch an episode and have given some episodes a pass. Does the "silliness" level stay the same or get worse as the series goes on?

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18 hours ago, WildPlum said:

I'm somewhere early in Season 9 (just saw the episodes with Crabtree in prison and William Shatner playing Mark Twain). I started watching at Season 6 or so. I'm ... torn. There is SO much silliness in SOME episodes that I want to FF over them, yet there are also some reasonable mysteries and some good character moments. I enjoy Murdoch and Crabtree, a little less so Julia and Brackenreid. I definitely read the episode synopsis before I watch an episode and have given some episodes a pass. Does the "silliness" level stay the same or get worse as the series goes on?

Wait until you see The Dominion of New South Mimico. But then you have The Accident which is as harrowing and un-silly as you can get.

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A couple of posts about Season 16 Episode 11: DOA suggested this is based on an Alfred Hitchcock Presents show.  As much as I liked that dark and quirkey show, I have to assume this episode was based on the 1950 Edmund O'Brien film D.O.A. where O'Brien plays a man who has been poisoned and tries to find who poisoned him before he dies.

Edited by buckboard
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On 11/23/2022 at 9:04 AM, Grundoon59 said:

Season 16 Episode 11: DOA -

Good things:  I thought it was beautifully photographed and they made good use of it being in black and white,  For quite awhile, it kept me guessing as to whether this was "real" or some sort of fever induced dream that Murdoch or someone else was having.  I like Julia and Mrs. Hart working together to try to find answers.  White he is not the most colorful villain they have ever used, I did like thought he did a good job with the role. 

Not so good things:  I didn't get why both Julia and Mrs. Hart looked like they were headed to an evening out (loose hair, glam makeup) rather that a normal working day.  Would Higgins ever refer to himself as lazy unless it was in someone else's dream?  The whole Angel of Death imagery left me cold both with Murdoch and the condemned man.  I wasn't thrilled by either Julia or Brackenreid's actions (I understand both but I sometimes tire of "good" characters being allowed to use any means necessary without consequences while other times, they clutch their pearls at the actions of others).


On 11/24/2022 at 6:35 PM, statsgirl said:

Season 16 Episode 11: DOA -

I approached this dreading it but it's like an episode of the old B&W Alfred Hitchcock Presents show, so much so that I was looking for a commentary and a cameo.  That was always a very creepy show*, Murdoch Mysteries really caught the flavour. 

Kudos to the writing and production team for trying to keep it fresh in season 16.  The shot of Mr. Bent's brain on the table with Julia and Mrs. Hart standing there with blood on their aprons was gorgeous.

Honestly, with the mindset that this was a Hitchcock homage, I loved it.

I was spoiled that a named character died and got scared. Fortunately I don't care about Frank Rhodes. I thought that Krista Brides was good as the Angel of Death. Susannah grabbing Brackenreid's face was cute, you can tell that he has children of his own.

Wow, that black & white was harsh. Everyone looked a lot older.

* I will never forget the episode where

  Reveal spoiler

the wife kills her husband by hitting him with the frozen roast, and then cooks and serves it to the police.


On 11/25/2022 at 6:33 PM, Grundoon59 said:

@statsgirl - I did get the film noir/Hitchcockian allusions - I just didn't think they worked, at least they didn't for me.  I will never knock writers/directors/actors/producers for trying something different and/or for swinging for the fences when they do.  But as I said, it just didn't work for me. 

And I will utterly admit, it may just have been me - I was coming off a pressure filled 10 days of work while doing Thanksgiving prep in my head.  I will try to give this another watch when it becomes available on Acorn and see if I view it differently then. 

Since there won't be new episodes until the New Year and I don't know how much posting will be going on until then, I want to take this chance to wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.  The sense of community on these forums have meant a lot to me in the past couple of years.  Even when I disagree with someone hear, I enjoy the interactions. 

Agree with the last comment.  I get that it was a film noir / Hitchcock homage.  I just didn't "get" why they did it.  This show is set around 1910s in Toronto.  Why make an episode to make them seem like they are in 1940s America?

I don't know if this episode was filmed out of order or not, but it added nothing to the show's continuity.  I was particularly annoyed that Violet Hart didn't say or do anything about her dead husband.  When she went on her rant about how Murdoch has been accusing her of crimes ever since she got there... well yeah lady, you're shady as hell!

I'm especially annoyed that she's been coroner for 6 seasons now, the longest of the non-Julia coroners, and I still feel like we really don't know her at all.  As I mentioned a few posts upthread, the writing for her is completely uneven.

Has there been any word on a Season 17?  I can't imagine they would end the show.  But eventually it will have to end, right?  Why can't they bring back some characters from the past instead of always resorting to bringing back people like Terence Meyers and James Pendrick and other villains that I'd rather not see.  I want to see people like Emily Grace, Rebecca James, Dr. Dixon make a return guest appearance.

Edited by blackwing
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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

I get that it was a film noir / Hitchcock homage.  I just didn't "get" why they did it.  This show is set around 1910s in Toronto.  Why make an episode to make them seem like they are in 1940s America?

I assume as a palate cleaner for the creative staff and maybe for the audience. It's 16 seasons in and they need to figure out ways to keep it fresh. They've already done melodrama and other things from 1910..

Edited by statsgirl
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9 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Why is Henry’s wife never mentioned?  Or have I missed it?  It’s a bizarre omission.  

I've been wondering where Ruth has been, I feel like it's been ages since she was last on the show.  I think she's too annoying to be on all the time, but I don't mind an occasional appearance.

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4 hours ago, blackwing said:

I've been wondering where Ruth has been, I feel like it's been ages since she was last on the show.  I think she's too annoying to be on all the time, but I don't mind an occasional appearance.

I think I saw her recently but I'm not sure if it was on a newer episode or one of the older ones they've been running on Ovation. And yes, she is best in minuscule doses.

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On 1/3/2023 at 12:33 PM, Trey said:

Porcelain Maiden January 2, 2023 Ep. 12, Season 16

I enjoyed this episode very much.  That Higgins! He's always messing up somehow, usually due to his own cupidity or laziness. I did love Higgins and Watts working together - Higgins even came up with some good ideas of his own.

It seems quite natural that Watts would become a private detective.  Even when he was on the police force he often worked alone.

I liked that the case was solved by working it from both ends.

And Julia's montage of Baby Suzannah was adorable.  Yes, endless possibilities for Suzannah.


On 1/3/2023 at 2:06 PM, Grundoon59 said:

Porcelain Maiden January 2, 2023 Ep. 12, Season 16 -

I agree @Trey, it was a most enjoyable way to start the New Year.  Loved how all the plot lines were interwoven without anyone really catching on until near the end. 

Like the Watts/Higgins working relationship and there were lots of moments for each to shine.  Daniel Maslany is so good with the physical stuff and this was a showcase for him.  Also agree him being a private detective makes sense. 

Good to see Brackenreid & Murdoch working together and to see Julia whiz by on her motorcycle from time to time. 


On 1/7/2023 at 9:07 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

16.12 Porcelain Maiden

I still have all the questions I have after the last Watts' episode (namely why he chose to come back to Toronto, and why all his co-workers magically know where he is), plus a new question (who the heck is he living with???), but overall I did enjoy the episode. The two cases came together nicely, and I'm glad Watts/ Higgins got to take the spotlight over Murdoch/ Brackenreid. I can never get enough Daniel Maslany, and the brief not-fully-dressed scene was... very nice.

Overall the whole "Watts' journey of self-exploration" that they've done this season has been very disjointed and tonally strange, but Maslany always gives it his all, and Watts being a private detective has the potential to be an interesting storyline (though it seems likely his somewhat reduced role this season will continue, sadly?). 

Was that what it was meant to be? I could not recognize the tune, and was very confused what they were trying to do with it.

I enjoyed this episode very much.  I liked seeing Watts and Higgins working together although I agree that I have questions about Watts being back in Toronto.  He quit the force, but what is he doing for a living?  He only just decided to become a private detective, so how has he been supporting himself these past few weeks?  Who is the guy he is living with?

The scene of him stepping in "sick" and then all of the gymnastics and moving around... hilarious!

My favourite part of the episode was how all three plots would just randomly intersect yet none of the players knew.  Watts and Higgins running away from the angry pawn shop clerk.  Murdoch and Brackenreid hearing the commotion but deciding not to investigate.  And Higgins almost hitting Julia on her motorcycle and not knowing it was her.

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Season 16, Episode 13 - Vengeance Makes the Man

I really enjoy the recurring characters on Murdock Mysteries - e.g., George's aunts, Terrence Meyers, James Pendrick - but I find the return of supposedly "dead" characters very annoying: Allen Clegg, Violet's father,  James Gillies, etc.  

In Vengeance Makes the Man, they basically said that we haven't seen the last of Violet's evil father.    

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On 1/10/2023 at 12:36 PM, Grundoon59 said:

Season 16, Episode 13 - Vengeance Makes the Man

Since I like both Mrs. Hart and Brackenreid, I suppose I am glad at the outcomes from their events but it seems like there should be some consequences (other than many more people knowing what they have done).  I will be interested in what the writers do now with Mrs. Hart given the change in her circumstances.

I know it is in Murdoch's character to be morally upright but he crossed over in to being a little bit too sanctimonious for me. Dude, you have done some really questionable things when you thought it was right.  Granted it was not the same outcome as that which occurred from Thomas' actions but I was definitely on Julia's side when she was talking down from his high perch. 


On 1/11/2023 at 8:03 AM, cardigirl said:

I'm always glad to see the show, but this episode really made it difficult for me to suspend my disbelief at times. Brackenreid walking down a dark alley by himself when he knows someone is after him? Not very smart. 

I loved Murdoch yelling at him, and thought Julia was a little easy on Brackenreid. But maybe that's because I don't much care for Brackenreid a lot of the time. "That's the way of the world, isn't it?" is his go-to so often. Gah. 

Murdoch, don't you feel bad. You toe that straight line. I've often seen you temper things with mercy, so you keep being you.

I have never understood the reasoning behind Mrs. Hart's story, but if things are going to start being revealed, good. Her poor husband though. I know he wasn't a great guy, but after she got him off the drugs, they seemed to be making a go of it.

And of course her father witl return. "Sometimes they come back" must be the theme for this season. 


On 1/11/2023 at 10:53 AM, peacheslatour said:

I didn't like the epsiode at all. I didn't find it believable in the least. And no Watts. Bleh.


20 minutes ago, buckboard said:

Season 16, Episode 13 - Vengeance Makes the Man

I really enjoy the recurring characters on Murdock Mysteries - e.g., George's aunts, Terrence Meyers, James Pendrick - but I find the return of supposedly "dead" characters very annoying: Allen Clegg, Violet's father,  James Gillies, etc.  

In Vengeance Makes the Man, they basically said that we haven't seen the last of Violet's evil father.    

Once again, Mrs. Hart ping pongs between being good and bad, even within this very same episode.  Her actions make absolutely no sense.  From her hospital bed she claims that she pretended to go along with her father to the train so she could buy some time so they could save the inspector.

However, if she had spoken up earlier, then Brackenreid wouldn't have been kidnapped?  After Arthur was killed, why wouldn't she just ask for help?  She already gave her father the salon and all of her money.  Why was she so eager to help her father still?

She should be charged with obstruction of justice and other crimes.  But of course, the show has her take the bullet so now are we supposed to exonerate St. Violet for everything?

I'm so frustrated with this character and the way the characters on the show keep making excuses for her.  When Murdoch confronted her in the morgue, she could easily have told him.  But now all is well because she dropped the flask to help Murdoch?  Why not just actually tell Murdoch where he was?  Aargh.

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On 1/24/2023 at 3:47 PM, Trey said:

Breaking Ranks Season 16 Episode 15 January 23 2023

Another very good episode of the old school variety.  No Watts and I missed him but it was still good.

I see Violet is already back to being Miss Hart.  Her old friend seems like a good person; maybe Miss Hart's life will take a turn for the better.  Since he (I've forgotten his name and cannot find it online yet) is a private detective, maybe he'll team up with Watts.

I see there's no new episode next week, not until Feb. 6.


On 1/25/2023 at 8:24 AM, cardigirl said:

Her husband was killed by her father several episodes ago. 

I did like this latest episode, as @Trey mentioned, it felt old school, with a large part of the cast involved, some humor, and a good murder mystery to boot. I'm sad we have to wait two weeks for the next episode, but if it's as good as this last one was, it will be worth it. 


On 1/25/2023 at 8:33 AM, Grundoon59 said:

Breaking Ranks Season 16 Episode 15 January 23 2023

I also liked this episode - the mystery was enjoyable, I guessed part of the who but not the why and liked the journey of getting to the result.  It was good to see Miss Hart and Murdoch working together successfully.

The secondary plot with the IQ tests was delightful to me - the right balance of lightness and the crime plus a good way to involve several characters not working on the primary investigation.  

I didn't even notice that they were back to calling her "Miss Hart".  I think I noticed that Violet was calling Cassiopeia "Mrs. Bright".  Is Cassiopeia married?

Regardless, apart from Miss/Mrs. Hart mentioning recovering from the shooting, absolutely nothing else was said about her involvement in the crimes committed by her father, etc.  Are we to assume that the police are A-OK with it all, since she took a bullet?  She was still obstructing justice multiple times.

I find it hard to believe that Murdoch is OK with her, after having suspicions about her for years and then having his suspicions confirmed.

On 2/8/2023 at 9:40 AM, Grundoon59 said:

Season 16, Episode 16 - An Avoidable Hinder

I enjoyed the episode - maybe I was a little distracted, but I clearly got who done it (in fact had sort of pre-guessed) but not entirely clear on what the motive for the original killing was.  Was it an accident that led to a cover up?  Was it all to get the girl?  Or was there some other motive I missed?

Favorite part was the Brackenreids & George.  I know nothing about handball but learned enough through the episode to follow the match.  George as coach was wonderful and it is always fun to see Margaret.  I was very glad Thomas reached the conclusion he did - also happy that the priest was not written in a too heavy-handed manner.  It was a good balance of people concerned about Bobby's future.  


On 2/8/2023 at 10:19 AM, peacheslatour said:

I thought the priest was okay but Bobby was acting like a zombiefied cultist.


On 2/8/2023 at 11:02 AM, Grundoon59 said:

@peacheslatour- I agree - that has sort of been his demeanor since his religious conversion.  I can't tell if it's an acting choice or directing decision.  I understand new convert enthusiasm/zeal but it seems a bit much.  I haven't even been 100% sure it is the same actor who played Bobby before he went to prison.  

I agree that the best part of the episode was the handball.  Although I thought for sure that Brackenreid would be the one to do the avoidable hinder move that George told him to do, win the game, and then feeling guilty and giving the win to the priest.

I don't like the new/newish Bobby.  He has an odd manner of speaking.  And he does sound robotic.  But he sounded like that even before his newfound religious zeal.  So it doesn't seem to be because of finding religion and purpose.  Either the actor just talks like that or it's some kind of acting choice.

It would be nice to see John again soon.

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On 2/14/2023 at 9:45 AM, Trey said:

16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

I've been waiting for PI Watts to join up with the constabulary to solve a case and here it is.  I'd say it worked very well, even though Watts thought he was a failure.

It was a good story with interesting characters.  I did figure the Kid (and murderer) was Gert Dotson although not really too early in the episode.

I liked hearing Watts, at the end, expressing overall satisfaction with his life, now that he is back home in Toronto with his friends.

On 2/14/2023 at 2:49 PM, Grundoon59 said:

16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

I also enjoyed the episode - after the Watts/Henry episode, it was nice to see George & Watts working together.  Glad to see Watts finally realizing that he has a place in Toronto. 

Got a very big laugh out of George walking into the station insisting that he would use his own pillow or he wouldn't be able to sleep followed by him taking first watch because he couldn't sleep leading to him so sound asleep that someone was able to steal the coin. 

I must admit I lost mental track of Gert Dotson as a character but the reveal fit well into the story.  Did anyone else think the scene by the tracks when she was arrested really looked like not great CGI?  It hit a nerve with me.  

On 2/16/2023 at 7:42 AM, cardigirl said:

16/17 Ballad of Gentleman Jones February 13, 2023

I enjoyed this episode for all the reasons that I enjoy Murdoch. Lots of humor mixed in with a serious mystery, and a lot of the cast back together. Hooray! Let's hope Watts sticks around, and becomes a main player again. Daniel Maslany is fun to watch. 

Poor Ogden, chafing under her life. Was the ship Murdoch showed her a model of a yacht he was buying for them? 

I really enjoyed this episode as well.  I loved seeing Watts working with Crabtree, I feel like it's been ages since that has happened.  Hope he sticks around as a regular or maybe even rejoins the force so we can see him more regularly.

On 2/23/2023 at 1:27 PM, cardigirl said:

16/18 Virtue and Vice February 20, 2023

I'm very surprised to see no comments yet about this latest episode. I enjoyed it very much, although I knew from the start where Ogden's story was headed. 

It had all the signature elements of Murdoch that I enjoy, with much of the cast participating. Some humor too. It's difficult to wait for next week. I hope Ogden's stay in jail won't be too horrific. 

I thought it was odd how easily and quickly the pornography storyline was resolved.  But I pegged the grandson as the killer right away.  I think I hated him on sight because of his uncanny resemblance to Governor JB Pritzker of Illinois.  He also had a really high pitched voice which didn't seem to match.

Sorry to see that Mrs. Prescott is dead, but at least now I will no longer confuse her with Margaret Brackenreid.  Did anyone else have that issue, or just me?  Julia getting arrested was predictable.

Loved hearing the mention of Rebecca James, I wish Julia and Mrs. Prescott had made it there to see her.

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On 2/22/2021 at 5:12 PM, peacheslatour said:

We get CBC here, so we get the new episodes at the same time Canadians do.

Well, I'm in Iowa and I cannot get CBC, darn it.  Plus, I don't have broadcast tv and can't afford Acorn/whatever.  So, I find the episodes where I can.  I'm currently watching s15 and trying to figure out what happened to Violet's husband.  Last I saw he was drugged by her and she was having him sign everything over to her.  Now, she uses Hart again - is she divorced?  Did she kill him?  I'm glad to find this thread.  I don't mind spoilers.  Thanks

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1 hour ago, lengel46 said:

Well, I'm in Iowa and I cannot get CBC, darn it.  Plus, I don't have broadcast tv and can't afford Acorn/whatever.  So, I find the episodes where I can.  I'm currently watching s15 and trying to figure out what happened to Violet's husband.  Last I saw he was drugged by her and she was having him sign everything over to her.  Now, she uses Hart again - is she divorced?  Did she kill him?  I'm glad to find this thread.  I don't mind spoilers.  Thanks

Her story is very confusing to me also.

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As of Season 15 Violet is still married to Arthur and he is still alive.


In season 17 Arthur is killed by Violet's father, in self defense it is true, but Violet's father is a very bad man and Violet is afraid of him. 

Here is a site with a lot of information about the show.  It appears that they haven't updated it lately though.



Edited by Trey
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On 2/21/2022 at 10:10 PM, auchic said:

Episode 15.16 - Bloodlines

I quite liked Mrs. Hart during this episode; she's much better when the plots don't involve her idiot husband. I also liked that Brackenreid came in to help trusting her and her friend. I hadn't known about the Niagara Conference and it being in Canada, so I'm interested to learn more.

Harry's plot was sweet. I love that he is basically William Jr. being an inventions geek. 

No Watts or George, boo. Fingers crossed for next week

  Reveal spoiler

which has Terrence Meyers!!!

I'm trying to delete my comment.  Sorry to post this


Edited by lengel46
I was grumpy and shouldn't be
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On 3/7/2022 at 10:34 PM, auchic said:

Episode 15.18 - Brother Can You Spare a Crime?

Another enjoyable episode, although the case was a little boring. I called it being the brother, but I figured he found out Opal was giving the camp folks money/food and got pissed off.  Sad how it actually happened, and wow that they were willing to keep the truth a secret after their father killed Morris. More of Watts and Murdoch working together please! 

Ah Brackenreid. Liked him sticking up for the waitress but yeah, it's going to cost more if she and the rest of the staff are getting paid a living wage. And it was nice they showed how close many people are to being unhoused, even with a full-time job.

Margaret gets to be awesome again. I liked that she was able to help the baby and the mother, and that she was able to reassure Julia that no one is born with motherhood knowledge, it's something that has to be learned. 


Next week: 

  Reveal spoiler

JAMES PENDRICK!!!! God I love him. Fingers crossed that he interacts with Watts; I think my heart would explode with happiness.


Sorry, but you are not talking about ep 18.

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I haven't seen any formal announcement of renewal anywhere but cbc.ca says Season 17 will premiere Fall 2023, another 24 episode season.

It seems that every year they are so secretive about renewal status even when production has already started. Don't know why.


Edited by Trey
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I haven't seen any formal announcement of renewal anywhere but cbc.ca says Season 17 will premiere Fall 2023, another 24 episode season.

It seems that every year they are so secretive about renewal status even when production has already started. Don't know why.

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Your annual reminder to go vote for various Murdoch Mysteries-related nominees in the Primetimers: https://forums.primetimer.com/forum/3310-the-primetimers-awards/

I am curious to know whether whoever nominated Higgins for the "That Guy Used to Suck: Favorite Character Redemption Arc" category this year is the same person who nominated him for the "Character Who Could Disappear and No One Would Notice" category last year. :)

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On 2/28/2023 at 1:08 PM, Trey said:

16/19 Whatever Happened to Abigail Prescott February 27, 2023

I almost didn't watch because I was worried that they wouldn't be able to exonerate Julia.  So I'm glad I did watch; it was a very satisfying takedown of the alderman. And a great job by Violet Hart and the other coroner. At least the judge opened his mind up a little to allow the exhumation.  Abigail's poor mother - she finally realized that it was her action that led to her daughter's death - very sad.

On 2/28/2023 at 1:39 PM, Grundoon59 said:

16/19 Whatever Happened to Abigail Prescott February 27, 2023

I did find this week's episode more engaging than last week's but still probably not going to be high on my rewatch list.   I did like Miss Hart and the other coroner working together (and basically ignoring the audience), good police work by George and Henry and the reactions of non series regulars like the hotel owner being indignant about the cost of the phone call and Abigail's mother realizing what her phone call set in motion.  

I enjoyed the resolution of this episode, especially the good police work and Violet and the other coroner finding the button in Abigail's mouth.  Glad to see the alderman get locked up.  

On 3/7/2023 at 8:43 AM, Trey said:

16/20 Just Desserts March 6, 2023

Well, I was certainly surprised to see Leslie Garland pop up.  Still a loser though he has a lot of charm (and good looks).

I enjoyed Julia's plot more than the Murdoch murder. Loved the way Julia just took over and solved it all herself. Sounds like the victim was yet another man who deserved - or at least, earned - his fate.

On 3/7/2023 at 11:59 AM, Grundoon59 said:

16/20 Just Desserts March 6, 2023

I enjoyed the episode, more Julia's mystery than Murdoch's (since I guessed correctly at the cause of death in that one very quickly) but I am continuing to like Miss Hart more and more, especially in her new relationship.   

Both stories moved along nicely and I almost didn't notice that there many regular characters were not in the stories (always glad to see the Crabtrees, Higgins and Watts but didn't really miss them last night). 

I was almost liking Leslie Garland until he reverted to type.  Julia as investigator was good but there were a few too many red herrings in her plot.  

I agree that I liked Julia's story more than Murdoch's.  I was surprised to see Leslie Garland.  Not surprised he tried to pin the murder on Julia.  At the end, Julia told the constables to take him away as well.  I was wondering what kind of charges would be laid against him... obstruction?  He didn't commit the murder.

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On 3/22/2023 at 6:34 PM, Trey said:

16/21 Murder in F Major, March 20 2023

Overall a good mystery and a pleasant episode. 

I laughed at Margaret falling asleep when the music started - I think she's more into music hall.

The appearance of Julia's former stalker beau seemed so random and pointless.  Although they did get a good fight scene out of it, up high in the rafters.

Otherwise, everything was good although there isn't really too much to say about it.

On 3/24/2023 at 12:45 PM, Grundoon59 said:

16/21 Murder in F Major, March 20 2023

I enjoyed the episode as well but could have done without the Julia's suitor subplot.  I was somewhat annoyed that she was so taken with all the flowers he sent, especially when she told Effie that he had been slightly creepy previously. 

I did like everyone's reactions to classical music and especially George's logical questions about the conductor's role.  I mostly figured out the who done it part but there were enough red herrings to make the journey enjoyable. 

I really enjoyed this episode, with the exception of the ex-boyfriend.  Not really sure why we needed him in this episode.  I too was irritated at how enamoured Julia was with the flowers.  She had told Effie that the guy was creepy, and then she's gushing over the creepy flowers he sent?  Didn't make any sense.  He got exactly what he deserved.

I thought it was hilarious when George was asking why the orchestra needed a conductor, because I've often thought the same thing.  The musicians are experienced, they know how to play, to me it often seems like the conductor is extraneous.  But every conductor I've known always acts so self-important.

On 3/29/2023 at 12:23 PM, Trey said:

16/22 Scents and Sensibility, March 27 2023

I enjoyed this episode. Rupert Newsome is equally annoying/hilarious.  Crabtree seems to hate him as much as he hated his brother, Roger Newsome. But, at least Rupert was able to help pin down the poison that killed the bride.

I liked seeing Miss Hart and Julia working together - I think they've done this before in some previous season.

I have no pity at all for the murderer.  If she couldn't afford to keep up and felt humiliated by her friend and the others, she should have just moved on and got into a different circle of friends who had more in common with her.


On 3/30/2023 at 10:57 AM, Grundoon59 said:

16/22 Scents and Sensibility, March 27, 2023

Count me in with those who enjoyed this episode.  Thomas and Margaret are always a delight to watch together - especially their reactions to where the gift came from/what it was/what he would be doing to make it up to her.  Loved Effie's commentary on society weddings.

Miss Hart and Julia were fun and I really enjoyed Miss Hart staring down Rupert at the crime scene after he wasn't listening to either William or George.  Clearly, he knows to obey strong women.  

Did get a little confused on who all the bridesmaids were and how they connected to the bride but that may have been on me (my viewing got interrupted for a wonderful reason - one of my neighbors brought me over some of their Ramadan dinner).

I agree with @peacheslatour - it did feel old school in the best possible way.  Like @Trey I am worried about the possibilities indicated in the preview for last two episodes but hope it is a temporary situation or a misdirect.  

This was my favourite episode in a long time, I agree that it did feel like Old School Murdoch.  Rupert Newsome (in small quantities) is a complete hoot.  I loved how he seemed so concerned with confirming that he and George are friends, and George was obviously annoyed with him but trying to be restrained about it.  Too bad Ruth couldn't have put in an appearance as well.  I miss Ruth.  She is fun in small quantities too.

I also had trouble keeping apart all the bridesmaids, but no matter.  I enjoyed seeing Violet and Julia working together, especially when doing chemistry to distill the poison.  I laughed when George came into the room in a hazmat suit.

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Can’t wait to hear thoughts on the two new episodes “The Long Goodbye, Pt. 1 and 2”.  16/23 & 24.  Just saw tonight on Ovation.  Really good.  

Edited by MerBearHou
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Poor, poor pitiful me. The remote for my Roku has stopped working, so I can't watch MM.  Damn.  I've ordered a new one, but it's coming "Ground Transport" from California to Georgia.  I think the plastic part that covers the laser has gotten scratched, so the laser's not making contact with the receiver.  Well, I'll just have more MM to binge once I get it.  Y'all enjoy!!


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Finally saw the season finale, The Long Goodbye, PT 1 & 2, s16e23&24.

It was.... ok.

I liked the Brakenreids, I liked George, I liked Watts, it really wasn't bad until I realized it was going to end in a cliffhanger. I hate cliffhanger season finales, too many shows have been cancelled on a cliffhanger. And while I know it won't happen with this show I still hate them.

And.....I'm really really tired of one or both of the Murdochs getting kidnapped. 

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On 4/4/2023 at 9:32 AM, Grundoon59 said:

16/23 The Long Goodbye, Part One 4/3/23

I don't want to give away the plot but yikes what was that?  Lovely to see so many core characters but I don't think I was happy about what happened to any of them.  Hopefully Part Two will resolve some of the plot strands in a way that leaves the characters in better circumstances.  Last night left me feeling a little unsettled.  


On 4/11/2023 at 8:37 AM, Trey said:

The Long Goodbye Part 2 Season 16 Episode 24 -April 10 2023

I enjoyed this episode so much.  The Brackenreids will be returning, Watts is rejoining the constabulary, Crabtree is getting the recognition he deserves, and the wretched new inspector has been given the boot. Plus, Miss Hart is happy and was instrumental in saving Watts' life and they are good friends.

Did not like Higgins and Crabtree being beaten up by other cops.

I also enjoyed the cotw with all its twists and turns.  Quite the unexpected ending to the case! I know the Murdochs will be all right but I am very curious as to the main objective of the father/daughter criminals.

Yes, it will be a really long summer!



On 4/11/2023 at 9:31 AM, Grundoon59 said:

The Long Goodbye Part 2 Season 16 Episode 24 -April 10 2023

I agree with everything you said @Trey and will add that I am glad Miss Cherry did the right thing by the end.  I was also pleased so many people cared about Watts (including Miss Cherry) that he finally realized his voice did matter and that he needed to accept their help.  

I was counting on the Brackenreids returning (but realized I was using a web-episode of Frankie Drake as my "proof") so happy to see some evidence last night that they were not finding Yorkshire as good a fit for them as they anticipated.  

An excellent cliffhanger for the end of the season but having been burned by Frankie Drake, I am not sure I will rest easy until I see confirmation of Season 17's existence.

I enjoyed the two-part season finale, but I didn't like the cliffhanger with Julia and William being locked up somewhere, seems like perhaps a boat?

I had the eyepatch guy pegged as the criminal from the beginning, but admit I was surprised at the twist that he was the father.  I think I missed the explanation of why the daughter was working with him.  What was the reason?  And is that really the daughter or an impostor?

I'm glad the interim Inspector was fired, does this mean he will get fired from his regular job as a detective at another station house as well?

I did feel for George when he said that it's some people's lot in life to never get noticed (like him).  Then he jumps from Constable to Interim Inspector?  Good for him.  I assume that when Brackenreid comes back that he will take back his position and that George will be made Detective.  I noticed that George's name was mispelled as "Carbtree" on the door.  Poor George, he can't even get that.

What is the endgame for Murdoch?  I would like to see him get made Inspector before the show ends.  I'd love if Brackenreid retired but became a consultant and Murdoch assumed the Inspector position.  He's been toiling away as Detective for 17 years.  In one of the past seasons, wasn't he going to take the Inspector job at some other station, or am I making this up?

Glad that Watts is coming back.  These two episodes were not good for Julia, she was barely in them and had pretty much nothing to do in the little bit she did appear.

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2 hours ago, blackwing said:

I noticed that George's name was mispelled as "Carbtree" on the door.  Poor George, he can't even get that.

I missed that! Poor George, indeed.

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On 6/15/2023 at 12:23 PM, blackwing said:

I thought it was hilarious when George was asking why the orchestra needed a conductor, because I've often thought the same thing.  The musicians are experienced, they know how to play, to me it often seems like the conductor is extraneous.  But every conductor I've known always acts so self-important.

If you've ever performed with a choir or a symphony, you would understand the need for a conductor. While it looks easy (unnecessary), the conductor beats time and prepares the musicians in rehearsal, but most importantly the conductor considers every aspect of the music and how to make it as inspiring and incredible as possible. The individual musicians do not have the time to do that, they are busy performing their part of the collaboration. 

I don't know how many conductors you've known, all of the conductors I've worked with have been thoughtful musicians dedicated to creating music. Some were more serious than others, but none acted self-important.

Edited by cardigirl
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This was a great episode to me.  Besides all the things that make the show wonderful, my grandfather was a hope in the late 1920s and 30s.  His wife died in childbirth and he couldn't handle it.  He left his two boys and became a hobo for 8 or 10 years.  Like riding the rails and everything.  He wouldn't talk much about it, but I was always enthralled whenever the subject arose.

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On 6/18/2023 at 2:19 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

Poor, poor pitiful me. The remote for my Roku has stopped working, so I can't watch MM.  Damn.

FYI: You can download a free Roku app for your mobile (Apple or Android) that works as a remote, among other things. Very handy!

Edited by Ms Lark
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2 hours ago, Ms Lark said:

FYI: You can download a free Roku app for your mobile (Apple or Android) that works as a remote, among other things. Very handy!

Thanks, but I don't have that kind of phone.  Well, the envelope with the remote arrived - empty. The side seam on the envelope came open & the remote slipped out. Or someone in the USPS stole it.

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5 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Thanks, but I don't have that kind of phone.  Well, the envelope with the remote arrived - empty. The side seam on the envelope came open & the remote slipped out. Or someone in the USPS stole it.

Either way, it's not your error, so Roku should ship you another one.


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On 7/19/2023 at 3:40 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

I'm disappointed. I wanted to see the picture of the woman and the octopus that baffled George.

A little late, but here you go: This is a real Hokusai woodprint. It came to resurrected fame in Mad Men. It hung in Bert Cooper's office and Peggy carries it out with her when she leaves in the finale. It's called "The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife" and it's basically octo-porn (NSFW), so you've been warned! Poor George. 😆

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Season 16 I liked

I liked seeing Lucy Maud Montgomery and it was great to see Nina in Promising Young Ladies. She was one of my favorite of George's girlfriends.

Julia getting a motorcycle and her leather outfit was great.

I liked the exploring of the Mennonites and one played Flo on Frankie Drake Mysteries.

I liked George and Effie's honeymoon in Hampshire and how they met King George.

Procelain Maiden was a lot of fun. Of course Henry messes up. I do think

William was a bit of a hypocrite when he found out about the murder Brackenraid allowed to happen. William did let a murder suspect go.

William returning to his logging camp was fun and I'm glad he helped his friend.

Poor Abigal Prescott she finally gets away with Julia's help and her mother sells her out. I guess it's nice that her mother realized it was her fault. But a little late.

The last two episodes were really good even if I don't like how it shook everything up. The new Inspector was terrible and selective. It was okay that his rich friends partied on Sunday but no one else. I'm not sure why Breckenreid thought he'd retire in England. He always has a terrible time visiting relatives. Can't wait for him to come back. I like George was finally promoted.

Season 16 I didn't like 

Not enough of Watts. I don't like him being a part from the department or that he had to leave his boyfriend. I'm not sure why he thought the Mennonites would be more welcoming. 

I'm tired of William and Julia being kidnapped. I'm tired of Terence Meyers and James Pendrick.

I'm worried George will be dropped back down Constable. He should have been promoted a long time ago.

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Season 17 Ep. 1 Do The Right Thing Part 1 Oct. 2 2023


When Murdoch and Ogden are abducted, newly appointed Inspector Crabtree’s first order of business is finding them.

So many storylines! So many murders!

Kidnapping little Susannah was the lowest! I hope everyone involved in that is severely punished. Sorcha Cusack, who played Mrs. Fanshaw, also played Mrs. McCarthy on Father Brown.

I am so happy to see Watts back on the force. It's a good thing he is back because Crabtree really needed his help. Miss Cherry is a good ally too since they redeemed her from her evil ways in earlier seasons. Those are interesting murders they are investigating.  I am looking forward to finding out who did them.

The Brackenreids on the boat were a hoot. Margaret was seriously miffed about being sidelined after having a taste of investigating and went off on her own.  Of course, she got a knock on the head for her efforts but I'm sure she'll be okay and possibly got some important information about the murder.

There is so much more to say about this jam packed episode but this is enough for now.





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@Trey - thanks for the report!  My cable went out late Sunday night and despite best efforts, I was not able to get it fixed in time to see the episode - will have to watch when it appears on Acorn.  So glad the show is back and hope to be able to watch it in real time soon.  

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5 hours ago, Trey said:

Season 17 Ep. 1 Do The Right Thing Part 1 Oct. 2 2023

It really was a very good return, all the main characters and many of the recurring ones.  17 seasons in and the show's still got it.

Margaret, noisy and  whispering to Brackenreid "I think they're saphists" was a hoot. They're done a good job rehabilitating her from the shrewish bitter person she was in early seasons.

I wonder if Mrs. Fanshaw will the a season long villain. She has the feel of one but Sorcha Cusack lives in the UK (and is in her seventies).

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Season 17 Ep. 1 Do The Right Thing Part 2


So George is going to be on leave again? For how long this season? Last season he was on his honeymoon, and was missing from a lot of the episodes. This season he's gone searching for his father. Just when I thought the whole gang was back together again. 


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