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S04.E09: The Kids Are Alright

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Just stopped to think... the spider is at the top part of Pip's (or anyone else it attaches to) spine, connected to the brain, right?

I just grossed myself out, because while I am s* at anatomy, how does it enter one's mouth and end up where it does??  Like, does it carve through stuff to get back there?!

I knew there was a reason I f*ing hated spiders.....

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I honestly had a great suspicion when he told Zeph he was going along, but the very second that Turin said the self-destruct code had to be done manually - because don't they just always have to be done manually by sacrificial heroes?[/sarcasm] - I knew Pip's road was at its end.  Coulda been Fancy, but he hadn't the tragic personal arc like Pip's this season.

Those scenes and dialogue between Zeph and Pip when he was in the process of starting the detonation, and then Johnny holding her when she was agonizing as it happened?  *sniff!*  Wow, it suddenly got really dusty in here. 

I will say this about this Show, when the feels need to be done right, they do it even better.

Hot damn, even Turin has been likeable lately - and no, not just because he's a walking hair product commercial.  Liked how the actor really sold his feeling bad about Weej and the killjoys when they first discovered the bio-shield.

Must say that I'm very glad we already know there will be a 5th season and not having to wonder if next week would be the last because of cancellation, but I'd be freaking the f* out right about now.  "There's no way they'll be able to finish this right without rushing the hells out of everything".

Just hoping, but I hope we get to see it play out as described in season opener's message "... and the thief who saved you / who will save us all." next week.  Even before Dutch body-switched to Aneela at the end, she told Johnny he was the thief who would save her.

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15 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

I knew there was a reason I f*ing hated spiders.....

If it weren't for spiders we'd be ten feet deep in insect shit.

Poor Zeph.  I did like how well Pip understood her "She'd never get over failing to save me, but she will get over me doing this." 

I was pretty well braced for Pip to go out what with the spider death sentence, but Weej was a shock.  Well played, show, well played.

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Damn, I did not expect that I had to watch this with my 'Call the Midwife'-emergency kit at hand! Yeah, well played show!

And to think I was actually worried for a moment it would be Turin, never thought I would care for Red so much one day. So again: well played show.

Everything about Zeph and Pip was fantastic - including Zeph's reckoning in her last scene with Dutch. Even if it was unfair her simply accepting what had happened would not have been realistic. 

There was some humor if you managed to keep your sobbing under control. The pillow-fight was wonderfully choreographed. I loved the call-back to Fancy being the designated ass-hole, he! And the whole badasses with bang-benefits dialogue. Speaking of which: I liked how they addressed John's feelings about the changed dynamics and highlighted his loneliness by slowly panning away from him working alone in the hull.

It's been a while since I watched this with earphones on, so it's possible I just wasn't paying enough attention - but since when does this show feature such an epic score?

On a lighter note: DSK was rocking some fantastic lipstick (because right at the beginning of this episode my vision wasn't getting increasingly blurred for some mysterious reasons, so I could pick up details like that).

Edited by MissLucas
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The necklace scene proved Pip wasn't good enough for Zeph, so it's really a happy ending. Justice is served.

Johnny admitting to Lucy he doesn't have a full life of his own is supposed to be a moment of weakness, not a shout out about how fundamentally toxic Johnny/Dutch really is. 

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Definitively think they are working up to another major life change for Johnny. (Not that I think J/D are toxic, just that they are on different paths now.)

So, Weeg. They got me there. Was expecting Pip going out a hero, so that was okay.  Always nice to see a Scarback moment, even a former Scarback.  Still, for a penultimate episode, I was a little underwhelmed. Maybe it was because I had to watch episodes 408 and 409 back to back and it kind of changed the dynamic.. 

Also, I don't mind Jaq but calling him the heir started a chain reaction by reminding me of BSG's Hera and then there was Zeph channeling Firefly's Kaylee.  Dutch and D'av are now  Aeryn Sun and John Crichton (Farscape).  Thankfully, Turin and Fancy made it feel more Killjoys-y than a random amalgamated scifi show. 

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Ah, Killjoys!  I see you are holding to tradition when it comes to the penultimate episode!

I knew Weej's death was just the beginning since as much as I've been enjoying him, he was still relatively new.  But as soon as Pip revealed he was going on the mission, I had a feeling this meant his ticket was punched.  Especially since despite Zeph's best efforts, it seemed like they really weren't anywhere close to figuring out the spider problem.  At least he went out saving everyone else, but it was still sad.  Can't believe how much I grew to like him.  And now not only is he gone, but Zeph seems to be leaving as well, because she's upset and blames Dutch for not "bringing him home."  Rough waters are ahead, no doubt.

While not as bad as what happened to Pip, I did feel bad for Turin losing both Weej and the actual RAC ship.  Again, it's amazing how much I've grown to love his rigid, trash-talking ass.  And despite the jokes, I like that everyone actually does seem to respect him as a leader: in their own way, of course!

At least saving the kids was a success!  And I'm reminded how much I love the D'avin/Fancy team!  It's like they're a psychotic version of Gimli and Legolas from Lord of the Rings!  I would totally watch a spin-off of those two on missions together.

John's talk with Lucy does make me wonder what is in store for him going forward.  Granted, after next week, everything could flip on a dime.

And the episode ends with Dutch and Aneela switching bodies, so Aneela is now back in Westerly with the boys, and Dutch is back in the green world.  Should be fun!

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9 hours ago, sjohnson said:

The necklace scene proved Pip wasn't good enough for Zeph, so it's really a happy ending. Justice is served.

See, I thought it proved the opposite.  Pip didn't get it, but he was okay with not getting it.  He was okay letting Zeph be Zeph.  And he brought that home when he called her "Zephyr."

I think one reason Zeph wanted to get space from Dutch was because she's wondering if Dutch manipulated Pip into making the sacrifice he made.  Of the four, Pip, who was dying anyway, was the most expendable.  Maybe Dutch pushed him a little to... expend himself.

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2 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I am guessing I was the only one that thought Fancy was dead, since D'av shot him. No one has even mentioned that scene or why they thought D'av did it.

Fancy won their  bet by one Hullen so D'avin shot Fancy on stun and claimed he was worth two Hullen since he was a special ex-Hullen. He therefore wins the bet and gets to keep his gun. I  personally don't think Fancy will agree with his reasoning but we'll see if he retaliates.

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4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I am guessing I was the only one that thought Fancy was dead, since D'av shot him. No one has even mentioned that scene or why they thought D'av did it.

Maybe D’av is gunning for the designated arsehole title. 

It looked to me like the show was playing it for laughs as Fancy was just stunned and not killed. But it’s not cool of D’av to be cheating his way out of a bet. 


Poor Pip. I’ll admit that of all the potential deaths, his was the one I’d least disliked the thought of. (That is, I do like the character but I would have blown him up myself to save some of the others). 

Poor Zeph. Pip was right though. She’d have never forgiven herself. Now though she’s going to blame Dutch. And am I a bad person for thinking - even through my tears at Pip’s death - that maybe Johnny and Zeph would make a good couple?

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Poor Space Hippies. Such an easy target for ridicule.

I feel horrible for Zeph too, but Pip did make his choice. I do give the show credit for not having Zeph Macivering some way to save him.  Like inventing a Star Trek-type transporter.

Edited by marinw
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I am surprised that the team don't consult Lucy for their biological problems, I thought they incorporated the Kravn computer program into Lucy's computer shouldn't Lucy now be a bioengineering genius.  Zeph never once asked Lucy if she had any solutions to Pip's spider problem or the other biological problems like the canister of liquid that kills the Green.

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7 hours ago, marinw said:

Poor Space Hippies. Such an easy target for ridicule.


The Sixties is regarded as the era of civil rights, revolutionaries, the sexual revolution and...the hippies, who were somehow symbolic of it all, despite being a fringe movement. Ridiculing hippies expresses disdain for the whole package. Consider the opening credits of Watchmen, where a hippy flower child putting a flower into a rifle is shot down, which gets the idea across more strongly. (By the way, the sexual revolution really hit in the Seventies. And esoteric cults had nothing in particular to do with hippies per se, barring the Jesus People...but they didn't really get mainstream until after The Late Great Planet Earth infiltrated pop culture. Self-improvement cults like Scientology and est were distinctly non-hippy.)

The show lampshading its repetitiveness with the sequel jokes was self-referential.

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I figured that Pip would be the one to go, but damn, they still made me feel every second of it. I grew to like him so much this season, and it was so heartbreaking watching him slowly realize that he was going to have to stay behind. Damn those manually activated kill switches! I really loved him saying goodbye to everyone, and his final thoughts to Zeph. He was right, she really would have blamed herself for his death if he died by spider. Poor Pip, and poor Zeph. He really did grow so much, and it just sucks so much that this had to happen.

I admit it, some tears might have been had when Zeph was crying hysterically into Johnny's arms when she heard Pip go down with the ship. And it was so sad hearing how she blamed Dutch for what happened. Its irrational, but sometimes its easier to blame someone else than just accept that someone died because of tragic circumstances, or because of a choice they made. I can see how she might, in her grief, think that Dutch might have manipulated him into sacrificing himself, even though we know that wasn't the case. 

I love Fancy and D'avin as a team, they're both such petty dicks to each other, its hilarious, even when the work together. Not cool tasing Fancy to try to get a point, D'avin. Is he trying to get Fancy's job as Designated Asshole? But I do kind of wish he could have gotten Fancy's ponytail...

Poor sweet Weej. I know he was new, but I was already attached to him, and I really felt for Turin and how hard he was taking his death and the other Killjoys. His redemption arc has been pretty successful, but that means that now he has to deal with this whole "having a heart" thing, which can be a real bitch. I loved the scene where the gang was waiting to be dismissed to their jobs, and were snarking about him being leader. Even though you could tell that they do actually consider him a leader, its weirdly sweet. 

Poor Johnny. I am concerned about him getting back in touch with the goo, and felt left out with D'avin/Dutch* pairing off. I mean, on the one hand, it could mean more of Johnny getting an important plot of his own, and thats great, BUT it could lead to more angst for poor sweet Johnny, and maybe even the vision Dutch had of murderous Winter Soldier Johnny, which was seemingly averted...but...


Now, back to my tissue box.

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On 9/16/2018 at 10:20 PM, tennisgurl said:

I figured that Pip would be the one to go, but damn, they still made me feel every second of it. I grew to like him so much this season, and it was so heartbreaking watching him slowly realize that he was going to have to stay behind. Damn those manually activated kill switches! I really loved him saying goodbye to everyone, and his final thoughts to Zeph. He was right, she really would have blamed herself for his death if he died by spider. Poor Pip, and poor Zeph. He really did grow so much, and it just sucks so much that this had to happen.

I admit it, some tears might have been had when Zeph was crying hysterically into Johnny's arms when she heard Pip go down with the ship. And it was so sad hearing how she blamed Dutch for what happened. Its irrational, but sometimes its easier to blame someone else than just accept that someone died because of tragic circumstances, or because of a choice they made. I can see how she might, in her grief, think that Dutch might have manipulated him into sacrificing himself, even though we know that wasn't the case. 

I love Fancy and D'avin as a team, they're both such petty dicks to each other, its hilarious, even when the work together. Not cool tasing Fancy to try to get a point, D'avin. Is he trying to get Fancy's job as Designated Asshole? But I do kind of wish he could have gotten Fancy's ponytail...

Poor sweet Weej. I know he was new, but I was already attached to him, and I really felt for Turin and how hard he was taking his death and the other Killjoys. His redemption arc has been pretty successful, but that means that now he has to deal with this whole "having a heart" thing, which can be a real bitch. I loved the scene where the gang was waiting to be dismissed to their jobs, and were snarking about him being leader. Even though you could tell that they do actually consider him a leader, its weirdly sweet. 

Poor Johnny. I am concerned about him getting back in touch with the goo, and felt left out with D'avin/Dutch* pairing off. I mean, on the one hand, it could mean more of Johnny getting an important plot of his own, and thats great, BUT it could lead to more angst for poor sweet Johnny, and maybe even the vision Dutch had of murderous Winter Soldier Johnny, which was seemingly averted...but...


Now, back to my tissue box.

I agree with all of this except that Johnny and Lucy are *true love.* 

Poor, poor Zeph. At least Pip got a good send out. He finally got to be the brave one. 

It was fun to see everyone get back together again. The ensemble cast of this show is so great together. They have an incredible chemistry.

Lost in all of the action was the quiet and awesome competency of Pree and Gared, calmly saving all the kids. I am glad I wasn't holding my breath that we were going to lose one of them.

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Just now catching up on this show, and I agree with the posters above. This show works best when everyone is a part of a team. I love the family theme this season with inferences to Killjoys as a dysfunctional family which is exactly how I see the show.

One other thing the show does surprisingly well with a very low budget is a large us vs them showdown. It will never have the sweeping shots of large armies like Game of Thrones, but I think the vibe is still the same. I'm not sure if it's the writing, the cast chemistry, the music or all of the above, but I get emotionally invested very quickly when they start building toward a war between our heroes and whoever the baddies of the season are.

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