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9 minutes ago, raven said:

They end up getting into a huge fight, and Daryl parts ways with Rick at the end. But Daryl doesn't get his explosives. While they were beating each other up, the jeep explodes because of a gasoline leak and all those explosives go up with it.

Oh for fuck's sake.  Really????  This show, I swear.

It's like part deux of wacky fun time high Jinks with the supply truck only this time with explosives instead of the bottom of a lake.  

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5 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

 There isn't anyone on this show more obedient and under Rick's control than Daryl.



3 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

It's like part deux of wacky fun time high Jinks with the supply truck only this time with explosives instead of the bottom of a lake.  

I don't dislike Daryl but the show has no idea what to do with him.   They add characters "because comics" who don't really do anything, add ridiculous characters like the junkyard people and don't know what to do with the characters who've been here since the beginning.  We get decent character development for Ezekiel and then it's back to nonsense.

Now I'm annoyed that I said "characters" so many times, lol.

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It isn't just that the show has way too many characters, which it does, it is also that the characters on Team Rick are unnecessarily split up all so they can follow the comic. Having Maggie and Enid at the Hilltop and Carol and Morgan at the Kingdom is ridiculous. It also limits the character interactions, sucking out the potential drama. We could have some compelling debates about dealing with the Negan and saviors if they all lived at Alexandria, instead of endangering themselves having to meet up at various locations. 

Edited by SimoneS
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All joking about his adventures with Discount Daryl (Dwight) aside and for as much of a mess as the show has been for the last season and a half, I will give the show credit for at least trying to break out of the endless rinse and repeat of Daryl loses someone and Daryl feels so so sad about it they had been stuck on with the character practically since season 2.  It has to be tough figuring out what to do with him since we know at least part of this fandom inexplicably considers Daryl the hottest, baddest, greatest thing since sliced bread and is going to be resistant to anything that isn't him riding around on his motorcycle, greasy hair hair whipping in the wind, while he blows stuff up.  But there's something potentially interesting in the idea that the kidnapping and torture intended to break him down into becoming "Negan," along with Dwight trying to steal the identity that Daryl barely has on a good day anyway, broke him instead into someone completely out of fucks to give with Rick and his terrible decision making and everything that goes with it. 

That's my particular curse with both shows in this franchise.  I'm forever seeing all the potential and kernels of interesting ideas that they almost inevitably squander.

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49 minutes ago, nodorothyparker said:

That's my particular curse with both shows in this franchise.  I'm forever seeing all the potential and kernels of interesting ideas that they almost inevitably squander.

It's a curse.  I'm always writing storylines in my head that seem logical, satisfying, and maybe somewhat unexpected.  Not a one of them has ever materialized on the show, at least that I can recall. 

I'll reserve judgement on the Negan/FPP scene(s) until I see if they have an actual conversation, as opposed to endless monologuing.  Unfortunately, I dislike Negan so intensely, and am not invested in FPP, so even if they had a meaninful adult conversation (one of the hallmarks of earlier seasons that has been MIA), I'm not sure I could enjoy it.  But, since it might interest me more than all the unforgivably godawful monolgues, it probably isn't going to happen.

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Dwight should never have helped these idiots if they couldn't stay on track for ALL OUT WAR for even ONE FUCKING DAY.

Maybe Carl just kills HIMSELF in frustration.

Okay, Dwight, risk it all to defeat the tyrants, and we will go on an all out assault of all Negan's forces until we win.  But we won't kill more than ten people or blow anything up.  Boy, will we shoot up some motherfuckin' windows, though!  THOSE WINDOWS ARE TOAST.  Jesus took Negan's evil enforcers to live at Hilltop, and they'll probably want to have a word with you when this is over.  But you don't have to worry about the windows anymore.

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47 minutes ago, peach said:

Maybe Carl just kills HIMSELF in frustration.

I wouldn't blame him. Goodness knows the show is driving me in that direction. Honestly, I am not sure I am making it through this season.

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oh god.  The stupid, it burns.  Here's the latest from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page, from an admin:


TSDF Tracking: The Fate of the Trash Hipsters

We've touched a little bit on this a few months ago. However, we've learned some new information that we believe to be accurate at this time. We are still tracking this, but we're going to go ahead and throw it out there. Keep in mind anything could change and turn out differently by the time the episodes air. If we get any additional information or clarification we will update this post. Thanks to the sources that helped us with... this!

In episode 6 Rick will make a visit to the junkyard. When he arrives Jadis is painting while wearing nothing but an apron. (Hey, we all have hobbies. Naked painting just happens to be Jadis' hobby). After she changes, Rick uses his Polaroids as evidence to show that Negan is trapped and the outposts are fucked. He gives Jadis a choice. If her people want to live, they need to join Rick's side (FOR REAL THIS TIME, YO!!). Jadis turns Rick down at first and takes his clothes and locks him up. No idea why she insists on taking his clothes. Let's just go with eye candy. At some point Rick and Jadis seem to come to an agreement, and she decides to join Rick. However, it's unclear why she finally caved.

It appears some kind of an attack is launched on the Sanctuary by the trash hipsters. We've heard previously that there's a garbage truck that has crashed into the Sanctuary and caused walkers to kill several workers in episode 7/8. It seems that this is part of that attack.

The trash hipsters meet their demise in episode 10 or 11. (We've heard conflicting reports of which episode this actually happens. There's been a lot of episode fuckery this season so just roll with it.) Simon and a crew of Saviors make a visit to the junkyard. He screams at the trash hipsters about attacking the Sanctuary. Jadis tries to turn it around and explains that they brought Rick to them, but the Saviors shot at them. To which Simon responds with a loud "BULLLLLLSHIIIIITTTT!!!" Simon tells Jadis that Negan will accept if they come back over to the Saviors' side, but he will be taking all their weapons. The Saviors then proceed to strip away all the Scavengers' guns.

Simon continues probing Jadis about the junkyard and why she lives there. When she doesn't respond he gets pissed and talks about how he never did get a sincere apology. Jadis caves and tells him very stoically and not really meaning it that she's sorry. So Simon pulls out a gun and shoots Brion. He again demands a sincere apology. When Jadis finally does, he shoots Tamiel. Jadis hits Simon and he gets even angrier and commands the Saviors to kill all her people. He leaves Jadis alive. Jadis ends up luring her turned trash hipster family into a meat grinder to end it for good. RIP Trash Hipsters...

The only reasonable conclusion is that Kirkman, Gimple, et al hate the show, hate the fans, and want TWD to die a quick, painful death.  The level of contempt is undeniable imo.

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9 minutes ago, SnarkyTart said:

oh god.  The stupid, it burns.  Here's the latest from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page, from an admin:

The only reasonable conclusion is that Kirkman, Gimple, et al hate the show, hate the fans, and want TWD to die a quick, painful death.  The level of contempt is undeniable imo.

If this is accurate, it is one of the most ridiculous story lines I've ever read.

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2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

oh god.  The stupid, it burns.  Here's the latest from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page, from an admin:

The only reasonable conclusion is that Kirkman, Gimple, et al hate the show, hate the fans, and want TWD to die a quick, painful death.  The level of contempt is undeniable imo.

Nah, Kirkman thinks that he is clever and that his adaptation of the comic is good stuff. From his perspective annoying antagonists like Negan, Simon, Dwight, and Jadis are all quirky and compelling which is why we are stuck with them when they all should have died last season. I never blame Gimple because he has to appease Kirkman to keep his job. I can only imagine the worse ideas GImple managed to stop from coming to the screen.

Edited by SimoneS
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Is today, or next week, the winter finale? I'm hoping that these descriptions mean that Carl won't be killed off. It seems like that's the sort of thing they save for this time of year, isn't it? 

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2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

oh god.  The stupid, it burns.  Here's the latest from The Spoiling Dead Fans Army facebook page, from an admin:

That is the stupidest sounding episode for this show and that is saying something.  If it's accurate, the only good thing is that it sounds like the junkyard people, who end up being a waste and did nothing for the narrative, will be gone,   The actress who plays Jadis was added a series regular I thought?  So we may be stuck with her.

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Whaaaaat? Though I'm still in for Simon yelling bullshit at Jadis. But unless she feeds herself to the meat grinder too, I'm way disappointed in that ending.

I still have faith in the show because I love the core cast so much...but dude. The hell? I'd rather watch Negan and that's saying something.

ETA: is this actually a comic book storyline or something right out of Gimples brain?

Edited by CrazyDog
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Why the hell would Rick give the GPKs another chance after that betrayal?

Doesn't he get that Negan, the Saviors and the GPKs want them all dead?

Sounds like a filler episode, a reason to delay the inevitable.

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21 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Whaaaaat? Though I'm still in for Simon yelling bullshit at Jadis. But unless she feeds herself to the meat grinder too, I'm way disappointed in that ending.

I still have faith in the show because I love the core cast so much...but dude. The hell? I'd rather watch Negan and that's saying something.

ETA: is this actually a comic book storyline or something right out of Gimples brain?

The Garbage Pail Kids aren't in the  comics.

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4 hours ago, Anela said:

Is today, or next week, the winter finale? I'm hoping that these descriptions mean that Carl won't be killed off. It seems like that's the sort of thing they save for this time of year, isn't it? 

The winter finale is episode eight so in three weeks. We finally see Michonne again in next week's episode and we know that Carl is with her at Alexandria so this makes me think that TSDF got it right about Carl dying.

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The next episode sounds good. I will be watching. 

TSDF: Q&A Episode 8.6 "The King,The Widow, and Rick"

Can you describe what happens at the junkyard? 

When Rick arrives at the junkyard, Jadis is naked (except for an apron) and working on a sculpture (Hey, who doesn't love naked arts and crafts?). There's multiple nudists and we'll see some garbage ass. 

Jadis gets dressed and her people surround Rick in a circle while he explains that he's there to offer them the same deal as before. Photog Rick whips out his Poloroids as proof that Negan is surrounded and the outposts have been attacked. He tells Jadis that they can join him or they will be destroyed. In her usual Yoda-mode-speak Jadis responds, "No." 

What happens with the prisoners at Hilltop? Is there a conflict? 

Maggie finally decides to let the Saviors live and places them in a holding area made of barbwire. But our girl's got future plans for the Saviors. She reveals to Jesus that she's only doing this so she can potentially use them as bargaining chips. Any Saviors left over after this must die. And just like that, yet another attempt by Jesus to throw out a spark of humanity is shut down again. 

What are Carol and Ezekiel doing over at the Kingdom? 

Ezekiel is supposed to meet Rick at a rendezvous point, but Ezekiel has barricaded himself in the theater and won't come out. (Maybe he's contemplating building a CGI Shiva Shrine. Too soon?) Carol tries to convince him to step up and be the people's King. She makes a good argument, but he still says he can't. 

What is Rosita and Michonne's plan? 

To go and see the Sanctuary being surrounded by walkers and overrun with their own eyes. 

What are Daryl and Tara doing?

Goin' rogue! They are thirsty for revenge and hatch their own mission to take out Negan 
and the Sanctuary. Daryl basically recruits Tara for the plan Rick wouldn't let him go through with. (Chokeholds might be illegal, but Daryl seems willing to risk it.)

Do we see Michonne/Rosita and Daryl/Tara follow through with their plans?

No, not just yet. While Michonne and Rosita are making their way to the Sanctuary, they stumble on one of the Sanctuary's supply caches. Two Saviors are there, and they are trying to come up with a plan to make a path into the Sanctuary so that everyone can get out. Well, Rosita and Michonne crash that party, and Rosita kills one of the Saviors with an RPG that she finds in a crate. (Go big or go home). The 2nd Savior is killed by Tara and Daryl who crash a big dump truck into the Savior's car. Daryl realizes there are a bunch of weapons and possibly explosives at this Savior supply house, and that's when they start planning. 

What is Carl doing in this episode?

Carl tracks down Siddiq, asks him the 3 questions, and offers to take him to Alexandria. Siddiq eventually agrees to go with him. 

Does anyone get hurt or die? 

Except for a couple of Saviors, no.

How does the episode end? 

The episode ends at the junkyard with Rick locked naked inside a trailer car. We have no idea what Jadis is up to, but she walks by the car and marks it with the letter "A." Déjà vu, anyone?


- Maggie decides to throw Gregory into the pen they built for the Savior prisoners because she can't trust him. He cries like a baby. Hilarious!

Edited by SimoneS
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12 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Maggie decides to throw Gregory into the pen they built for the Savior prisoners because she can't trust him. He cries like a baby. Hilarious!

I will watch just for this!   

Edited by SnarkyTart
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I don't know if this is a "for real for real" spoiler, but thought I'd share it anyway.  Someone on The Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page posted that the crossover character will be revealed on this week's episode of The Talking Dead.  The person who posted it wasn't an admin and didn't cite a source for it, but stated it as a fact. 

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2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

I don't know if this is a "for real for real" spoiler, but thought I'd share it anyway.  Someone on The Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page posted that the crossover character will be revealed on this week's episode of The Talking Dead.  The person who posted it wasn't an admin and didn't cite a source for it, but stated it as a fact. 

So which will it be: Red Machete or Lucille?

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2 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

I don't know if this is a "for real for real" spoiler, but thought I'd share it anyway.  Someone on The Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page posted that the crossover character will be revealed on this week's episode of The Talking Dead.  The person who posted it wasn't an admin and didn't cite a source for it, but stated it as a fact. 

It's on the Walking Dead official facebook page, so I guess that makes it legit. Whether or not it's gonna be ridiculous is another story... 

I'd guess that they won't announce it until the very end of Talking Dead, so I'll probably miss it. 

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3 hours ago, SnarkyTart said:

I don't know if this is a "for real for real" spoiler, but thought I'd share it anyway.  Someone on The Spoiling Dead Fans facebook page posted that the crossover character will be revealed on this week's episode of The Talking Dead.  The person who posted it wasn't an admin and didn't cite a source for it, but stated it as a fact. 

Does this mean a FTWD character will show up here, or the other way around? I don't watch the other show, or TD (anymore), so I guess I'll wait for someone to mention it here. 

Edited by Anela
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1 hour ago, Anela said:

Does this mean a FTWD character will show up here, or the other way around? I don't watch the other show, or TD (anymore), so I guess I'll wait for someone to mention it here. 

I'm almost 100% positive it'll be a TWD character on FTWD. They're the ones who need a ratings boost. 

I'm curious as to how it'll play out. If it is Abraham, for example, will there be a 2-3 episode arc, or will it be a 5 minute standoff? 

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On 11/23/2017 at 1:11 PM, SimoneS said:

 There's multiple nudists and we'll see some garbage ass.

But why tho?  Puke face.


Maggie finally decides to let the Saviors live and places them in a holding area made of barbwire. But our girl's got future plans for the Saviors. She reveals to Jesus that she's only doing this so she can potentially use them as bargaining chips. Any Saviors left over after this must die. And just like that, yet another attempt by Jesus to throw out a spark of humanity is shut down again.

Well, that's something of a relief. 

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Gregory may be a weasel, but at least he feels like he could be an actual person.  I know it's a show based on a comic, but I don't really consider it a successful adaptation when characters still feel like flat line drawings spewing monologue bubbles dropped on screen.  

Sure, Maggie's a hardass about the prisoners.  This week.  Next week it will probably be her turn again to inexplicably hold the pacifist stick.

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On 11/24/2017 at 10:07 PM, Anela said:

Does this mean a FTWD character will show up here, or the other way around? I don't watch the other show, or TD (anymore), so I guess I'll wait for someone to mention it here. 

Unlikely that we will see a FTWD character on TWD because it is months or even years behind TWD in the timeline.

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1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

Unlikely that we will see a FTWD character on TWD because it is months or even years behind TWD in the timeline.

I would love to see Madison show up on TWD as a zombie.

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Let's say that Carl was bit last night. Now that he knows that he is dying and has nothing to lose, he might go kamikaze when the Saviors attack Alexandria in the mid-season finale. Maybe Michonne's scream is in reaction to seeing the bite? 

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On 11/24/2017 at 10:01 PM, SimoneS said:

I am confident that it is Abraham. If it isn't, they are fools. 

So, it's Morgan.  The timeline will be interesting because he was still filming TWD on this past Saturday.

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I am starting to worry about Carl. Rick's red eyed talk about mercy or whatever at the beginning of the season seem ominous. Like last night when Carl was talking about being different than your parent's (Rick).  I don't remember exactly what Rick said and don't want to re-watch to find out but even then I thought it probably had something to do with either Carl or Michonne but most likely Carl.

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2 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Let's say that Carl was bit last night. Now that he knows that he is dying and has nothing to lose, he might go kamikaze when the Saviors attack Alexandria in the mid-season finale. Maybe Michonne's scream is in reaction to seeing the bite? 

And I'm thinking of their declaration to each other on the porch that one night, that when you love someone, you take them out if they're going to turn.  Guess how much I want to see that scenario?  ZERO POINT ZERO.

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1 hour ago, peach said:

And I'm thinking of their declaration to each other on the porch that one night, that when you love someone, you take them out if they're going to turn.  Guess how much I want to see that scenario?  ZERO POINT ZERO.

Neither do I, but I rather Michonne do it than Rick who will already having a breakdown. It feels right that Michonne be the one to release Carl. 

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4 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

Are they going to kill Morgan in TWD? The first thought that came to my mind when he said about the farewell to the cast/crew, was like he would be killed in the finale???

I thought the whole point of a crossover, would be that he's the same character as on TWD. I hope they don't kill him. :/ 

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1 hour ago, SimoneS said:

Neither do I, but I rather Michonne do it than Rick who will already having a breakdown. It feels right that Michonne be the one to release Carl. 

Maybe it's Morgan who puts Carl down, and that's why he leaves? Of course, that would mean quite a time jump for FTWD.

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I’ll be the first to say I don’t know, but what is the time difference between the shows?  Is it just days or weeks or is it much longer? I’m wondering because they could justify a time jump on FTWD if they have the characters walk from So. Cal. to Austin. Obviously, that would happen off-screen. Still.

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51 minutes ago, Anela said:

I thought the whole point of a crossover, would be that he's the same character as on TWD. I hope they don't kill him. :/ 

He looked sad in that interview, if he won't be killed in TWD he should be happy coz he has 2 shows, as long as the filming dates don't have conflict.

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