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4 hours ago, sATL said:

How come he can make an appearance on this show but its hit or miss on RHOP ?

Even on this show he still managed to keep himself separate from Gizelle 😂.  They didn’t even arrive together and then have her head out with the ladies. 

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2 hours ago, geauxaway said:

Even on this show he still managed to keep himself separate from Gizelle 😂.  They didn’t even arrive together and then have her head out with the ladies. 

Plus, since he knew he'd only be with the men, he knew no one would be asking questions about where they (he and Gizelle) stood and the other women he may or may not be sleeping with, etc.

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On 5/6/2021 at 5:58 AM, geauxaway said:

Even on this show he still managed to keep himself separate from Gizelle 😂.  They didn’t even arrive together and then have her head out with the ladies. 

More proof they aren't really together.

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Now it been revealed  what's wrong/odd with Cecil...

I get being semi-retired after a layoff late in your  career can be hard, then kicking off a real estate career (which didn't seem like a burning passion) can make a person down, but he seemed off to me... 

Some people need to be working - granted he and Simone might not need his salary, but I think it is good for his self esteem. I wonder how hard is he trying to find anything in the field he was laid off from.

Mixologist - hmmm . I noticed he has been hitting the liquids a little more...That fully stocked bar of his in the basement , adding in having a  lot of time on his hands, can  be a  dangerous thing.. 

It's not Miles adulting to the work force and not college.. Its not dropping of Michael at college.. the man's dog passed..

Goes to show you that one never knows what a person is going through..

RIP Sam... Lord, please bring comfort to Cecil's heart...🙏

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Sister girl is a  medical scrub tech for 20+ years,  a porn star,  gives motivational sex sermons while selling self-pleasure products.

4 streams of revenue...

not sure if I should be jealous.. or taking notes... been trying to come up with revenue stream/side hustle ideas...

Toya was so busy arguing she missed out on being teacher's pet of the class  - Contessa was - got extra credit for knowing salary levels.  Sex is Toya's subject area. Wonder what  Toya's sex score would have been if she was paying attention - she could have set the test paper on fire...

Contessa looked like she was about to jump&shout during the teacher's lesson... Just what all happened before, during and after Nashville..hmmm


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I still don't know what the issue is with Contessa and Scott's marriage. 

I always like Quad until I'm reminded of how she goes 0-100 in a nanosecond. I can't take her yelling and screaming. Her "apartment" from the outside does look kind of sketchy. Where in the ATL does she live?

Cecil and Simone didn't do a very good job with Miles. Kid is spoiled rotten. I hope Simone keeps her word and doesn't pay his way through life. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Cecil and Simone didn't do a very good job with Miles. Kid is spoiled rotten. I hope Simone keeps her word and doesn't pay his way through life. 

I'm still trying to figure out Miles.. He  came in the door un-kept..

And what is their family's definition of "gap year".

Not every one can do (or should do) what Malia Obama did.I don't think her own sister followed her path (meaning I think she went directly from HS to college ). Malia's path had alot to do with her dad still being in office..

I thought gap year meant kid-adult gets real like adult experience, maybe traveling or working (full/part time)/volunteering/interning (paid or unpaid) , then will go to prior-accepted school the following fall. Meaning, kid-adult had already applied to school, was accepted and then school agreed that they could come another year later, without re-applying.

Or gap year could mean one just works for a year, trying to get a idea of what to do, then spend the time getting ready and applying - usually academically, but could be financial - for college.

I didn't think gap year meant one is going from HS to to fulll-time workforce, as I don't get what they are "gapping" to. And "year" means year - 365 days.

 I get that not every child's path will lead to college/trade school. Simone might need to come to terms with that. But I think their firstborn  needs self discipline and direction. Part of me was thinking that maybe he should join the military on the shortest contract possible to do some soul searching on his own time and dime.  And pray he doesn't become a father before he can take care of himself.

A part of my rant applies to Cecil. How many "gap years" does he need to take after being laid-off? Does Simone need to rescue him (again)  from the basement bar? He's too old to go join the service...

Edited by sATL
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44 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I still don't know what the issue is with Contessa and Scott's marriage. 

I always like Quad until I'm reminded of how she goes 0-100 in a nanosecond. I can't take her yelling and screaming. Her "apartment" from the outside does look kind of sketchy. Where in the ATL does she live?

Cecil and Simone didn't do a very good job with Miles. Kid is spoiled rotten. I hope Simone keeps her word and doesn't pay his way through life. 

The issue with Contessa and Scott's marriage is that they don't communicate well enough in private to have their life under the microscope in public. Say what you want about Heavenly and Damon, but they are on the same page about how they speak about each other publicly. They are a united front at all times, and even if/when they get on each others nerves, on camera they only speak about each other in respectful ways. 

Quad's very correct assessment of some of her friends is often lost in all the yelling, screaming and going 0-100. I too wish she could control that, because had she said to Toya, what she said to the ladies after Toya left, I think it would have resolved some of their issues. Toya, again is drunk and defensive and comes off looking and sounding crazy. While Heavenly may have been stirring the pot, Toya admitted that she knew that, and yet she took the bait anyway and went for the distraction. To me that means that she really didn't want to apologize for what she said or did. It was interesting to me that she was pissed at Jackie and Anila for not "stepping in" but she completely ignored the fact that ole' girl that RODE TO THE PARTY WITH HER, not only didn't have her back, she never even got up to check on her!! When the only person other than Simone who is interested in your well being, is the woman who called you a bird, you got issues. Toya needs to stop trying to tell everyone how fabulous her life as a lady-who-lunches is and start getting some therapy, yoga and meditation. She doth protest too much.

Cecil is right, Miles is going to need a LOT more time to mature, but I blame that entirely on how he and Simone raised him. When my son was about 9-10, he asked if we were rich. I told him that "we" (Dad and I) were not rich and worked very hard to make sure we could take care of our family, and we considered ourselves to be comfortable, but far from rich. However, I told him that HE was penniless, homeless and relied upon the kindness of others for his survival. He should not be confused about his circumstances in life and that our job was to teach him how to care for himself so that one day he would be able to care for his family in the same way. Miles seems like a very young 21 year-old and its going to be a couple of years before he's even close to being ready to be independent.

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The party was going okay, there was no need for that dumb fight.. Toya had called Quads place an apartment because she was mad that Quad said she had to beg, borrow and steal to get into her huge home that she constantly brags about but put on the market.  Toya and Quad both seem unhappy and protest too much. 

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2 hours ago, goofygirl said:

What the bloody hell is wrong with TOYA??? Miscarriage? Depression?  She has gone into hideous territory!

What's wrong with Toya is she will never be satisfied.  She's trying to keep up with the athlete wives in her new neighborhood but she doesn't have athlete wife income.  She's harassing her poor husband into working more and more to give her more and more but it will never be enough.  The man is stressed, tired and overweight from working himself to the bone to give her more and more but it will never be enough.  They can't afford to upkeep the house they have along with other expenses so they are trying to unload it.  If they were smart they would downgrade into a smaller house but dumb Toya will want an even BIGGER house (not thinking an even bigger house will come with even bigger expenses)...and Eugene will keep working himself to death to get Toya a bigger house...but it doesn't matter, Anila and the athlete wives have $3 million dollar houses so Toya wants a $3 million dollar house...


On 5/17/2021 at 11:32 AM, Rlb8031 said:

The issue with Contessa and Scott's marriage is

The issue with Scott & Contessa's marriage is

1) Contessa really doesn't want the responsibilities of being a wife and mother; she wants to be free.

2) Scott is not supportive of her desire to be free

2a) Part of the reason Scott is not supportive of Contessa is because she's flaky.  First she wanted to quit medicine to be a stay at home mom because she missed the children so much (so they dismissed the nanny).  Then she got tired of staying at home with the kids.  Then she decided she needed to go to school so she could be the surgeon general one day but instead of going to a medical school in Atlanta (home of the CDC) she decides to be an out-of state student in Tennessee (and didn't hire a nanny to help Scott with the kids).  Now she's no longer trying to be surgeon general, she wants to open this medical practice with Scott knowing it's a bad idea. 

3) Contessa stays throwing Scott under the bus in public

4) Scott doesn't want to go to counseling because he doesn't think he's done anything wrong and it doesn't matter because Contessa is going to do what she wants anyway. 

5) Contessa continues to accuse Scott of cheating/wanting to cheat on her.  If you're going to continue to be accused of doing something you aren't doing, you might as well do it to justify the constant accusations.

On 5/17/2021 at 11:32 AM, Rlb8031 said:

Cecil is right, Miles is going to need a LOT more time to mature, but I blame that entirely on how he and Simone raised him

Yes and no, because Michael was raised in the same household and even though he's a jokester, he seemed more "with it" as far as going to college.  Miles has burned through 2 colleges already.

Cecil & Simone treat Miles like a child so he acts like a child.  He needs to get a job or he needs to get out.  And if they want Miles to start acting like an adult, they need to start treating him like one.  One thing I didn't like was Simone wanting to take a look at Miles' bank account.  That's none of her business; he's not a minor.  They are enabling him to layabout, which brings me to:

On 5/17/2021 at 11:30 AM, sATL said:

A part of my rant applies to Cecil. How many "gap years" does he need to take after being laid-off? Does Simone need to rescue him (again)  from the basement bar? He's too old to go join the service...

You can trace Miles laying about directly to CECIL laying about.  Cecil can't credibly tell Miles to get up and get a job when he's not really working himself.  I know real estate has been very wonky in the past 18 months due to COVID but IMO real estate is the career many people try because they think they will get the big bucks quickly.  Then they find out that no, they would actually make more money working at JC Penney than in real estate and they lose interest quickly.  Real estate is HARD work.  If Simone wasn't bringing in a doctor's salary, Cecil would be forced to find another new line of work.  Cecil should be using his notoriety from the show to be building up clientele if he's not already.  I think you can draw a direct line from Cecil being flaky to Miles being flaky, while you can draw a line from Simone working to Michael working.  Shoot, Cecil should've started up a pressure washing business ...you know if a RHOA had ragged on Kandi's house needing a pressure wash she would've started up "Kandi Koated Pressure Washing" and made money off the insult.

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9 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Contessa stays throwing Scott under the bus in public

She is awful to Scott. I  think Scott is a handsome, successful, decent guy. He doesn't deserve the shit Contessa keeps throwing at him. He could do so much better. When they divorce, she will want him back because we know she changes her mind about everything. How did she ever get through medical school and the military? She flip flops all over the place. 

Simone and Cecil get on my nerves. They have a little dinner party to talk about how to have a successful marriage. Are they kidding? Not too long ago they couldn't stand to be in the same room, divorce papers were filed. Now they are the experts. GTFO I'm not buying their smug crap. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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17 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

How did she ever get through medical school and the military?

I’d like to know this too.  Girl is NEVER on time. And she’s not just late, she’s like LATE LATE.  All the time.  That don’t fly in the military and I would think not in medical school either.  

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It’s only a matter of time before Contessa and Scott divorce. They don’t like each other at all. Yikes. I wish Cecil and Simone would quit playing couples therapists. They’re not qualified to give any sort of helpful/useful advice. They are simply smug marrieds. 

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15 hours ago, Momager said:

It’s only a matter of time before Contessa and Scott divorce. They don’t like each other at all. Yikes. I wish Cecil and Simone would quit playing couples therapists. They’re not qualified to give any sort of helpful/useful advice. They are simply smug marrieds. 

My spouse and I were discussing this and I am unsure Contessa and Scott will divorce. They could be one of those couples who chooses to stay miserable together unless there is an intervening event. Both of them seem unwilling to just admit they aren't willing to do the work necessary or walk away.

I also imagine the financial split and prospect of two households for the kids will be too daunting for them. Scott comes off as so passive and more vested in being a "good man" than being happy. Contessa doesn't seem to have the planning skills or attention span to execute a divorce either.

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11 hours ago, red12 said:

My spouse and I were discussing this and I am unsure Contessa and Scott will divorce. They could be one of those couples who chooses to stay miserable together unless there is an intervening event. Both of them seem unwilling to just admit they aren't willing to do the work necessary or walk away.

I also imagine the financial split and prospect of two households for the kids will be too daunting for them. Scott comes off as so passive and more vested in being a "good man" than being happy. Contessa doesn't seem to have the planning skills or attention span to execute a divorce either.

I find it puzzling that they are their relationship challenges are well documented and real, but they decided to open a practice together? It seems a lot like couples who are hovering on divorce deciding that having a child will fix their problems.

Unless you deal with the problems between two people, introducing other factors just avoids or delays the actual dealing with the root cause of your relationship challenges.

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On 5/23/2021 at 10:06 PM, drivethroo said:

The issue with Scott & Contessa's marriage is

On 5/24/2021 at 7:37 AM, bichonblitz said:

Simone and Cecil get on my nerves. They have a little dinner party to talk about how to have a successful marriage. Are they kidding? Not too long ago they couldn't stand to be in the same room, divorce papers were filed. Now they are the experts. GTFO I'm not buying their smug crap. 

Yes to all the above!

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13 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t remember disliking Kari Wells in season 1 but I definitely can’t stand her this season. 
The paint party looked fun.  

I didn't see Season 1 but this woman seems insufferable. I had to laugh at how she used the term "medical mistress" twice. Obviously each profession has them however in my opinion those type of people are not offended by being called that and in fact seek it out. For example, my ex is a police officer and I dealt with quite a few "badge bunnies" in my time. 

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15 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I find it puzzling that they are their relationship challenges are well documented and real, but they decided to open a practice together? It seems a lot like couples who are hovering on divorce deciding that having a child will fix their problems.

Unless you deal with the problems between two people, introducing other factors just avoids or delays the actual dealing with the root cause of your relationship challenges.

I wonder if it's subliminal golden handcuffs. They can't fully admit to themselves or each other they should get out so, they dig the hole deeper so that they "can't". They think it's "why would we abandon all this?!"

Having a job where I tried to bury my misery with my work environment by telling myself "look at all the stuff I can buy even though I need an antidepressant to earn it." drove home for me that my mental health requires a balance of peace and stuff. If I get too far on one side, it's bad news. Luckily, I was in late 20's and not 40's with a husband and kids when the universe brought me that.

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On 5/25/2021 at 8:07 AM, red12 said:

My spouse and I were discussing this and I am unsure Contessa and Scott will divorce. They could be one of those couples who chooses to stay miserable together unless there is an intervening event. Both of them seem unwilling to just admit they aren't willing to do the work necessary or walk away.

I also imagine the financial split and prospect of two households for the kids will be too daunting for them. Scott comes off as so passive and more vested in being a "good man" than being happy. Contessa doesn't seem to have the planning skills or attention span to execute a divorce either.

I think they will at least stay together,  albeit miserable,  for the kids. That's about 10yrs from now until the  youngest is 18 and off to college.

Then when they are grown and either the practice is or isn't a success, or, they  see retirement in the very near future (ie Scott is 62),   they will deal with why they're unhappy together.

Re: their practice,  I do wish them the best . I just am having a hard time in seeing booming success,  due to not understanding what specialty they practice. The other DRs, I get what brings stable long term $$ in the door.

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I think I'm seeing more of the issue between Contessa & Scott: she tells him what to do and he doesn't like it, so he will refuse to do it.

I'm trying to understand how Heavenly was fat shaming when Lisa Nicole was the one laughing about the horse buckling underneath Heavenly's weight.  Heavenly just returned the energy she got from Lisa Nicole.

Both Lisa Nicole and Simone are very passive aggressive and childish and at their big ages it needs to stop. Just put the matter on the platter or be quiet.

LOL @ next week's preview with Lisa Nicole's face on the news talking about federal investigation.  LOL

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Quad's hair at the last dinner was a HARD NO. Lisa Nicole and the tape measure hug: had to laugh. And you just know all that "encouragement" to come back to the party was at least partially motivated by the hope that Heavenly would really get on that scale 😂

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35 minutes ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Quad's hair at the last dinner was a HARD NO.

Horrible. The blonde clashed with her skin and the two-tone was bad anyway. Throw that wig away, girl.

Was Simone holding Warnock for Senate signs when she went into Lisa Nicole's house? Why wouldn't she leave them in her car?

I am realizing, since Lisa Nicole is back-ish, that I did not miss her. She's petty and small.

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I hate the fat insults. Contessa did it to Toya and Eugene. Now Heavenly and Lisa Nicole. They are at an age where weight gain happens. 
The party looked lovely, there was no need to ruin it with a fight.

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This comment has more to the RH franchise - but was of numerous things the annoyed me in the current episode:

Whst the heck is the Bravo “celebrities” obsession with all of the Chanel jewelry., shirts, and way beyond advertising? Is Chanel getting a lot of promotional consideration? 

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Does Lisa own that lab or does Darren? It would make sense for her to put her husband's MD name on it somewhere for some credibility. (I REALLY wish Lisa Nicole would leave the show.)

I'm with Contessa on calling bullshit on Scott's life coach, especially if he's not paying her. That's his friend, or maybe his affair partner, if there is one. (I'm also not a fan of life coaching because there are no requirements or credentials - anyone can call themselves a life coach.)

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10 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Does Lisa own that lab or does Darren? It would make sense for her to put her husband's MD name on it somewhere for some credibility. (I REALLY wish Lisa Nicole would leave the show.)

I'm with Contessa on calling bullshit on Scott's life coach, especially if he's not paying her. That's his friend, or maybe his affair partner, if there is one. (I'm also not a fan of life coaching because there are no requirements or credentials - anyone can call themselves a life coach.)

Scott is definitely shady AF. Not holding out much hope for that marriage. Can't believe there are just two episodes left!

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Damn you, Scott! I was ready to defend him to the end but he showed his true colors. He's a shady cheater and then he got up and walked away when Contessa was questioning him. I hate when someone that is caught on the spot says "I'm not doing this right now" and walks away. It was more like he didn't want to be exposed on camera. Jerk. 

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What has been most disturbing to me is how Scott appears to utilize the children in his PR war against Contessa. I saw it first when she went away to school and now in the "daddy's girlfriends" exchanges involving his cell phone. 

His refusal to "be negative" and leaving after throwing the first rocks is a low point too. 

Contessa has her issues but, I think she is trying to the best of her limited abilities to connect with him.

The cruelty of referencing his unknown "life coach" in general was hard but seeing him save that bomb for the cameras hurt me as a viewer. It would be so much better for the family as a whole and even Scott's individual development to just end things instead of dragging it out like this. 


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On 6/7/2021 at 11:02 AM, Momager said:

Wow. Scott admitted to cheating on Contessa. Maybe he was feeling guilty and that was his passive way of coming clean. He’s a louse.

I missed this, although I have been half watching all of my Bravo TV viewing.

Did Scott actually admit he was cheating or was it what he implied by his conversations?

I think it is highly possible Scott might be “emotionally” cheating with his unpaid “life coach”. 

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1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

I missed this, although I have been half watching all of my Bravo TV viewing.

Did Scott actually admit he was cheating or was it what he implied by his conversations?

I think it is highly possible Scott might be “emotionally” cheating with his unpaid “life coach”. 

I don’t think he admitted to cheating, but I suspect this life coach thing isn’t on the up and up. It reminds me a little of Cecil and his friend. Simone said many times that she knew Cecil wasn’t sleeping with that friend but his friendship with her was too close for comfort. Scott’s is worse because at least Simone has always known Cecil’s friend - Scott blindsided Contessa.

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Scott didn’t outright say “I’m cheating on you”, but I believe he gave a passive admission. What else is one to think when he essentially said that he’s been seeing a girl for 6 or 7 months and he doesn’t pay her for her advice? I mean... when I say it out loud, it sounds like cheating. 😂 Contessa needs to read between the big old lines. 

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On 5/30/2021 at 9:21 PM, goofygirl said:

So, are Karie and Lisa Nicole back to being regulars on this show??  They've been showing up for EVERYTHING!

I hope not !! I think Toya just needed some friends . 

On 6/7/2021 at 9:27 AM, politichick said:

Scott is definitely shady AF. Not holding out much hope for that marriage. Can't believe there are just two episodes left!

Scott has already left the marriage , he just hasn't moved out yet . Emotionally he's gone. 

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just started this episode and two things so far.

1. Heavenly and Lisa were going at it, Heavenly went off on Lisa for offering COVID Testing without the equipment and Lisa’s response “Your mother’s a bitch”. So no refuting Heavenly’s accusation? I didn’t know that “your mother is…” was still the go to

2. It said 8 hours from Jekyll Island? What route are they taking, because that’s a really long time for a trip that should have been 7 hours max before the vehicle hit the road.

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Apparently, Lisa Nicole and Kary are part of the cast now!  They're on this trip and were on the DC trip too.

Too bad they couldn't find a big beautiful house to rent on Jeykll Island that would accommodate 8 or 9 women, a chef, a tennis court, ON THE BEACH like every other Howife trip but these women aren't Howives so I guess they don't rate the house porn.

What a shame.

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13 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

just started this episode and two things so far.

1. Heavenly and Lisa were going at it, Heavenly went off on Lisa for offering COVID Testing without the equipment and Lisa’s response “Your mother’s a bitch”. So no refuting Heavenly’s accusation? I didn’t know that “your mother is…” was still the go to

2. It said 8 hours from Jekyll Island? What route are they taking, because that’s a really long time for a trip that should have been 7 hours max before the vehicle hit the road.

The paid driver probably built himself in a rest break. And who knows  what kind of mpg that RV was getting. I didn't get why arrive somewhere beachy at 4-5 am, after sleeping in an RV chairseat most of the night. Leave Atl earlier to get a decent night sleep in a hotel.

11 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Who else thinks Lisa Nicole would steal $400 from a purse? 

I thought she would have gone for the actual purse, " if" she had to resort to stealing...resale on the back-market.

Edited by sATL
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14 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Apparently, Lisa Nicole and Kary are part of the cast now!  They're on this trip and were on the DC trip too.

Too bad they couldn't find a big beautiful house to rent on Jeykll Island that would accommodate 8 or 9 women, a chef, a tennis court, ON THE BEACH like every other Howife trip but these women aren't Howives so I guess they don't rate the house porn.

What a shame.

My guess is the lack of house porn may be COVID related. Its far easier to quarantine someone who gets exposed in a single room in a hotel vs a house where they would wipe out the entire cast and crew. This trip would have been last fall so before vaccinations were a thing, so you have to look at it through that lens. It's hard to recollect because no masks, etc. but this was all pre-vaccine, pre-election, pre-2nd wave. 

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I forgot about Lisa Nicole’s yelling voice. I didn’t miss it.  She’s had shady business dealings for awhile. Didn’t  her and Heavenly fell out over a relationship seminar? Anila should have invoiced her before complaining to the group.

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On 5/25/2021 at 8:07 AM, red12 said:

My spouse and I were discussing this and I am unsure Contessa and Scott will divorce. They could be one of those couples who chooses to stay miserable together unless there is an intervening event. Both of them seem unwilling to just admit they aren't willing to do the work necessary or walk away.

I also imagine the financial split and prospect of two households for the kids will be too daunting for them. Scott comes off as so passive and more vested in being a "good man" than being happy. Contessa doesn't seem to have the planning skills or attention span to execute a divorce either.

In light of the last episode and previews, I will edit this comment to say Scott appeared more vested in APPEARING to be a good man than being happy. I have no idea what the "el" (my 8 yr old's version of a curse) he is thinking. I don't see the upside of their storyline at this point.

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I've spent the last few hours watching the reruns of this season.  It really seems like Toya has some kind of problem that nobody can reach.  What exactly is her problem?  I;m actually curious.

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7 hours ago, goofygirl said:

I've spent the last few hours watching the reruns of this season.  It really seems like Toya has some kind of problem that nobody can reach.  What exactly is her problem?  I;m actually curious.

Toya's problem is she will never be satisfied with what she has, she will always want more. Anila has a 14,000 sq.ft. house, so Toya will want a 20,000 sq. ft. house.  Then somebody will build a 25,000 sq.ft. house, so Toya will want a 30,000 sq.ft. house, etc.

On 6/15/2021 at 8:59 AM, red12 said:

I will edit this comment to say Scott appeared more vested in APPEARING to be a good man than being happy.

Scott hasn't been happy with Contessa for a while.  He needs to do better image management, though. #kevinjohnson

LOL @ Anila charging the drinks to Lisa Nicole.  From one good scammer to another.

SMH @ Contessa and Scotts pulling a Michael & Ashley Darby.  Sad.

Edited by drivethroo
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The only thing I can say at this point is that Scott is distracting from the big con. He is throwing out illogical lies willy nilly and behaving erratically to distract from the essential thing he is doing. Keeping Contessa and even the viewers off balance and sure of nothing makes him able to continue with something else he is really trying to do.

I don't know if it's that he is organizing things financially for a divorce, solidifying a relationship with someone else so that he can do the Tarzan swing into a new household or what but, we need to hold on for the big reveal (probably after this season wraps). My best guess is the Tarzan swing where he is trying to grow the other relationship and demonstrate to that person that he really isn't invested in Contessa anymore and has moved on while he still has to stay for now. 

These reunion shows should be interesting.

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