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Catelynn (and Tyler)

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Tell all about what? Sorry but they're just like their parents. It seems like they want sympathy and use their background as a crutch. Yes it was bad that they both had shitty childhoods but they are both grown ass adults with a child now. They should strive to do better. There are tons of people with similar stories but they strive to be better. Catelynn and Tyler are just low lives. And Tyler having sex with 10 year olds? How old was he? Isn't that pedophilla. And 1+1=3

Edited by Darknight
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As far as the adoption is concerned, my opinion would normally be that short of some sort of abuse or danger, the open adoption should be respected (with extremely clear boundaries from day 1)... However I 100% would not blame Brandon and Theresa for closing that right up in this situation. They never seemed too comfortable with the TV thing, and they probably just thought this was a 1 time TV show, and likely had no idea teen mom or even 16 and pregnant would become what it is. It infuriates me that Catelynn and Tyler even think they have any claim to posting pictures of Carly. And I don't want to minimize birth parents in any way, but they always refer to themselves as another set of parents to Carly... But now that they have nuvaring they are gushing about how great it is to be parents... I'm not saying they can't be excited or anything, what bothers me about the situation is that they inserted themselves into that position with Carly... But now that they have this second baby, they act like its brand new all over again. I don't think I'm expressing my point well. It's like they have it both ways... They wanted recognition as Carly's parents... But now everything is first time parents with nuvaring.

  • Love 2

As far as the adoption is concerned, my opinion would normally be that short of some sort of abuse or danger, the open adoption should be respected (with extremely clear boundaries from day 1)... However I 100% would not blame Brandon and Theresa for closing that right up in this situation. They never seemed too comfortable with the TV thing, and they probably just thought this was a 1 time TV show, and likely had no idea teen mom or even 16 and pregnant would become what it is. It infuriates me that Catelynn and Tyler even think they have any claim to posting pictures of Carly. And I don't want to minimize birth parents in any way, but they always refer to themselves as another set of parents to Carly... But now that they have nuvaring they are gushing about how great it is to be parents... I'm not saying they can't be excited or anything, what bothers me about the situation is that they inserted themselves into that position with Carly... But now that they have this second baby, they act like its brand new all over again. I don't think I'm expressing my point well. It's like they have it both ways... They wanted recognition as Carly's parents... But now everything is first time parents with nuvaring.


I completely agree. I get that they were young and had no idea what to expect or how they were going to truly feel once Carly was born BUT between that horrible adoption counselor and Tyler's mom (who seems reasonable and realistic) someone should have gotten them some intensive private counseling. I feel ashamed for watching because MTV took advantage of them from the very beginning. After the Teen Mom money goes, I see a life for them not much different than the one they said they didn't want for Carly.

Edited by AmyFarrahFowler
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I know a girl who gave her daughter up for (open) adoption when she had her as a teen. Even though she's older now, her maturity level is WAY below that and she'll make posts on Facebook using profanity, the "N" word...just all sorts of stuff that's totally inappropriate. But then she posts updated pictures of her daughter every other day as well saying how everything she does is for her daughter and how "her baby" is so awesome.

It's like she's torn and has no idea if she wants to pretend to be this girl's mother (she's not, as the girl is being raised by her adoptive parents), or if she wants to live a life of drugs and partying. Like Catelynn and Tyler, I think if ties had been cut when her baby was adopted she could have moved on with her life, but instead she's stuck half pretending to be a mom and claiming ownership of a child that she had no hand in raising.

Catelynn and Tyler need to move on and parent the baby they have now. Maybe once they get 6 months into night time feedings, diaper changes, colic, and spit up they'll rethink how unfair they've been to Brandon and Theresa in expecting any of their wishes to be respected with regards to Carly.

Edited by SlothLoveChunk
  • Love 7

To be fair Ty and Cate didn't have to do anything with Carly but moon over her from afar. This time they're the ones up all night and doing all the diaper duty. That part is new.

If I were Brandon and Theresa I would have been extremely specific about acceptable contact and use of photos especially after Teen Mom came along. As things stand I think they almost have to go to photos once a year at most and no presents or visits for Carly and her brothers sake.

You are right, they are still having a lot of firsts, regardless of what they did with Carly. I didn't mean to take the joy of all of the firsts from them, I just meant things like them making comments about novalee being their first child, while we heard them bemoan season after season about how essentially Carly belonged to them to some degree... So if that's truly the case... Then novalee is not their first child. I guess my point is that they can't have it both ways, Carly was not the child place holder to fill the void until they had another child. Edited by leighroda
  • Love 5

Caitlin and Tyler feel entitled. And they did get taken advantage of by MTV. But now they're not teens, made all these promises, and are in the same position they were 6 years ago. They need to understand Carly has a mom and dad. The also has birth parents. I'm sure she's loved by all of them but right now they need to let go. If Carly wants to seek them out she'll seek them out. Caitlin and Tyler should get some therapy. Adoption is like a loss and they need to grieve, but they also need to stop thinking about themselves.

  • Love 4

I've been sitting here watching this marathon (don't look at me like that!) and I'm seeing that

1) Catelynn and Tyler were on the fast track to higher education. During a few episodes they are meeting with admissions counselors talking about how they want to be everything from EMT's to Veterinarians to Astronauts. Just all over the damn place. Catekyn is saying she gets all A's and B's and the next shot of her report card shows C's and D's. I might have seen a damn E on the paper. What's an E??

They had no clue they didn't have enough credits to graduate? Had they never spent any time with their guidance counselor? See where they were semester by semester? Baby or no, these two were headed for a GED never a Doctorate.

2) Tyler has never had a chance to get away from Cate. Getting her pregnant with iCarly sealed their fate. I think MTV cameras made Tyler into this crazy ideal of what a boyfriend should be and breaking up with Cate would have ruined that for him. All of the Americas saw him As this awesome boyfriend and went on and on about how lucky Catelynn was to have him. Pfffftt! She wasn't going to let that go. Having this play out on camera ended any chance for these two to break up like they should have long ago.

  • Love 3

So wait? They still aren't married? I don't get it. It's really bizarre to me that they wouldn't just get married, especially when they've been together since high school and are having a new baby together. Just ... what's the hold up? It makes me not trust Tyler at all.

One of them is secretly holding out for Mr. Right, and it isn't Catelynn.

  • Love 9

It's like Brandon and Teresa adopted 3 kids, Carly, Catelynn, and Tyler.  I think all parties involved had the BEST of intentions, but it is time to cut the cord.  Brandon and Teresa need to CUT OFF CONTACT except for once a year photos and updates.  Base on what we've seen they've gone above and beyond in their support and understand of Cate and Ty.  They have their own baby now, time to MOVE ON.

  • Love 10

Any word on what University Tyler is attending?  I was just curious since he wants to have his degree by the time the baby is three so Catelyn can then go get her degree.  I checked a few schools but I didnt see any with  dual Astronaut/Psych courses.


Just wondering...

That also gives time off for the reality show appearances. They will never give that up.

  • Love 1

It's like Brandon and Teresa adopted 3 kids, Carly, Catelynn, and Tyler.  I think all parties involved had the BEST of intentions, but it is time to cut the cord.  Brandon and Teresa need to CUT OFF CONTACT except for once a year photos and updates.  Base on what we've seen they've gone above and beyond in their support and understand of Cate and Ty.  They have their own baby now, time to MOVE ON.

Honestly, as brutal as it sounds, I don't think they should even get updates anymore if Brandon and Theresa cut off all other contact.  There needs a complete and total break, period.  I think Catelynn and Tyler have dwelled on it far past healthy (mostly due to the show, I'm sure, but regardless), and now that Carly is getting older and able to understand more things, it could be damaging to Carly's well being if C & T keep bringing up her name and likeness every. single. time. they are on TV or in the news in some manner.  Enough is enough.

Edited by LIGirl
  • Love 8

Something about Tyler just bothers me. He seems off IMHO. When he started going off about how he wanted the pregnancy to be a magazine spread ; I could not help but to think it was just because he wanted money. I truly believe he stays with Cate because he knew it was his ticket to fame. He seems bored ; but knows if he bounces out , he'll lose his "good" image. 

  • Love 11

What happened to Tyler's acting career? Didn't he move to New Orleans (with some guy) to pursue becoming the next Ryan Gosling? I wonder why that didn't take off with New Orleans being the entertainment hot bed that it is.


LOL What?  This seriously happened?  Tyler's even dumber than I thought.


I recently realized that he has what I call "Bieber Syndrome."  They are guys who are obviously past puberty, but still have the body, face, voice, and maturity of a 13-year-old.


Edited to add:  Tyler could possibly go ahead and just play the ditch Catelynn card.  It would give them a storyline and possibly more money with the media if he leaves her.  I mean, they're living life so "happily ever after" (despite the lack of marriage) now with their new baby girl, so what's so intriguing about them now?  Not that I'm advocating for this; I'm just saying I totally wouldn't put it past him/them if they thought it'd bring them more money and "fame."

Edited by LIGirl

What happened to Tyler's acting career? Didn't he move to New Orleans (with some guy) to pursue becoming the next Ryan Gosling? I wonder why that didn't take off with New Orleans being the entertainment hot bed that it is.

New Orleans has actually become a huge spot for filming. Louisiana has crazy tax incentives for movie makers. It's even called "Hollywood South." More movies are filmed in Louisiana than Hollywood now days.

"A report released late last week by the nonprofit Film L.A. -- the city of Los Angeles' film office -- shows that the Louisiana film industry in 2013 overtook that of California for the title of the film-production capital of the world."


You'd probably be surprised what movies and TV shows were shot in Louisiana - some are obvious, like the 1st season of "True Detective" - but others ("Dallas Buyers Club,"

"Oblivion," "American Heist," etc) might be surprising: http://www.filmneworleans.org/for-the-local-community/filmed-in-new-orleans/filmography/

Granted, I'm not really sure if moving to New Orleans is the way to break into the industry as an actor. I'd think a lot of auditions (at least for larger roles, and who are we kidding, Tyler would probably not want smaller roles) would still be in LA, as well as more reputable acting coaches, agents, & other people to network with. But I guess Tyler moved to New Orleans because it is the place where the biggest number of films are being made.

I can't think of a single instance where someone who was on a reality show went on to have a legitimate acting career, with the exception of maybe a few former Real Worlders (depending on how you want to judge an acting career as really being successful). Tyler should have spent that time in college or better yet, trade school of some type.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 4

I have a feeling that the baby they just had is exactly Tyler's ticket out. He's now permanently attached to Catelynne in a much more concrete way guaranteeing him reality tv inclusion and he's soon going to figure out he'll get a solo story line if he leaves. May even ditch her to get another season, like how Leah has babies and divorces for seasons.

  • Love 4

Ugh. Stawwwwp. Just Stawwwwp with the "trendy" names already. I used to think  my name was boring but I thank my parents now!

I want to thank Mr. and Mrs. Dusted too for your beautiful name. :-) 


Tell me about it. I didn't like my name growing up, but I am so thankful my name doesn't conjure up a thought of a stripper or a birth control method.


I forgot these two had a book out. Did anyone read excerpts from it? Did anyone actually read it?


  • Love 3

Once I read somewhere about how Tyler and Caitlin told Brandon and Theresa they owe them Carly, then brought out their infertility issues I lost the little sympathy I had for them. The Adoption needs to be closed for now. When Carly gets older and asks about her birth family then she can seek them out if she wants. Parents like Caitlin and Tyler makes it harder for the adoptive family to connect and keep communication open.

Caitlin and Tyler probably planned this pregnancy. For MTV money and to try to replace Carly. Tyler and Caitlin are clearly not in love. Tyler is playing Caitlin and her emotions, the girl is just to dumb to see it.

  • Love 3

Something about Tyler just bothers me. He seems off IMHO. When he started going off about how he wanted the pregnancy to be a magazine spread ; I could not help but to think it was just because he wanted money. I truly believe he stays with Cate because he knew it was his ticket to fame. He seems bored ; but knows if he bounces out , he'll lose his "good" image. 


Yeah this in particular didn't sit right with me at all. Also the part about they "missed out" because it got posted to Facebook or Twitter or something. Also... when he was talking about "how should we announce" my first thought was to scream at the TV "oh I don't know maybe call or visit the people who care and tell them?"  But no, he was just trying to figure out which social media outlet to hit up first.

  • Love 2

The time will be right, but it won't be Catelynn. I hope she does better and finds a more willing partner. I can't imagine arm twisting someone through life or being lead. For the things she has done: given up her child for Tyler, given up her child for Carly, raised her younger siblings, taken custody of her younger brother, and waded through a lifetime of abusive addicts.


She hasn't gone to college and maybe she'll never live up to the things she says. She seems like a loving person, the world could do worse.

  • Love 9

True. I actually grow a lot more sympathetic to Catelynn as time goes on, and a LOT less sympathetic to Tyler. I think they were both dealt crappy hands in life but I think she's a kind, loving person. The more I see of him the more I think he's cruel and heartless. (and it's super weird posting this knowing Tyler will most likely read it and freak out about it while Catelynn's feeding or playing with the new baby... although they do seem to be more into Twitter/Facebook/People)

  • Love 3

It bugs me that he leads Cate down a primrose path when he already knows that it isn't going to happen. On the other hand, if Cate hasn't figured it out by now she never will.


This is what makes me sad for Catelyn.  I've been Catelynn.  Maybe we all have at some point, but at least for me I had a mom and older co-workers and friends who could sit me down and say to me ''WAKE THE HELL UP!! HE WILL NEVER MARRY YOU!!"  It doesnt seem like Catelyn has anybody who can be that honest with her.  They just listen to her tell whatever new tale Tyler has spun for her and nod their heads.


April seems sober now.  She got away from Butch and his bullshit, why cant she counsel her daughter to do the same?


My mom once told me that you can be in love with someone and not be with them.  Sounds simple but that was like a lightbulb moment for me and sense then it has helped me move of from many a pointless relationship.



I just want Cate to stop putting her future in Tyler's hands.  She can pitch herself to Teen Mom as a newly single gal raising a baby.  Something.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 4

This is what makes me sad for Catelyn.  I've been Catelynn.  Maybe we all have at some point, but at least for me I had a mom and older co-workers and friends who could sit me down and say to me ''WAKE THE HELL UP!! HE WILL NEVER MARRY YOU!!"  It doesnt seem like Catelyn has anybody who can be that honest with her.  They just listen to her tell whatever new tale Tyler has spun for her and nod their heads.


April seems sober now.  She got away from Butch and his bullshit, why cant she counsel her daughter to do the same?


My mom once told me that you can be in love with someone and not be with them.  Sounds simple but that was like a lightbulb moment for me and sense then it has helped me move of from many a pointless relationship.



I just want Cate to stop putting her future in Tyler's hands.  She can pitch herself to Teen Mom as a newly single gal raising a baby.  Something.

I don't believe April has those skills, sober or not. Drug and alcohol abuse stunts your emotional growth at the age that you start using. Cate is the mature one between those two.

  • Love 4

The time will be right, but it won't be Catelynn. I hope she does better and finds a more willing partner. I can't imagine arm twisting someone through life or being lead. For the things she has done: given up her child for Tyler, given up her child for Carly, raised her younger siblings, taken custody of her younger brother, and waded through a lifetime of abusive addicts.

She hasn't gone to college and maybe she'll never live up to the things she says. She seems like a loving person, the world could do worse.

Cate needs some serious therapy. Then have the strength and courage to let Tyler go.

  • Love 1

See, that's what I want for Catelynn and so many other women to know, its OK to be alone. The universe will not spin off its axis if you have to be alone.

10 percent of something does not always trump 100 percent of nothing. And Tylers love is a bunch of nothing.

Get a damn job. Find a hobby. Travel. Show Novacaine there's more to life than begging a man to love you.

  • Love 11

Its really true, she'd be alone. April is broken and manipulative. I'm sure she has friends and her father seems normal, if distant. It must be scary for her. I wish I could call her and tell her afraid is better than captive.


THIS and....

See, that's what I want for Catelynn and so many other women to know, its OK to be alone. The universe will not spin off its axis if you have to be alone.

10 percent of something does not always trump 100 percent of nothing. And Tylers love is a bunch of nothing.

Get a damn job. Find a hobby. Travel. Show Novacaine there's more to life than begging a man to love you.




I have a fantasy of all of us on a conference call to Catelynn driving it into her head to get a clue and some self preservation.

  • Love 3

I watch those two and it's so depressing. Tyler is such a douche for continuing to string her along and Catelynn buys it all hook line and sinker. She has no one in her life to tell her to wake the fuck up and leave his loser ass. The only reason he hasn't left is because of MTV and maybe the guilt of giving up iCarly. Even if he does give her a wedding it will all be on his terms, not hers. He will dictate everything in their relationship til either he drops dead or she gets the balls to leave his loser ass. Their angle was cool for the original TM series, but why follow them now? They're not teens, and yes they're about to be parents again, but they have not been raising a child for the past 5-6 years, just mooning over iCarly and being bitter that the adoptive parents have basically cut off contact. They don't belong on this show. All they have to show for themselves is they bought a house....big deal. In 5 years (without the extra issue of raising a child) they could have both gotten degrees and jobs and made something of themselves, instead they chose to remain trailer trash....just without the trailer.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 2

If you don't know how you made 'em, Tyler, maybe you're not smart enough to be making 'em.


1) Catelynn and Tyler were on the fast track to higher education. During a few episodes they are meeting with admissions counselors talking about how they want to be everything from EMT's to Veterinarians to Astronauts. Just all over the damn place.

LMAO! You should switch that around, it goes A to practically Z, like a kindergarten job chart. LOL. And how are you going to want to be a medical anything (EMT or Vet) and not even know the basics of how (girl) babies are made? Shouldn't you have some medical interest? Sheesh!


Any word on what University Tyler is attending?  I was just curious since he wants to have his degree by the time the baby is three so Catelyn can then go get her degree.  I checked a few schools but I didnt see any with  dual Astronaut/Psych courses.


Just wondering...


This is hilarious.

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