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S02.E05 Paintballs of Fire

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I'm not sure I'm following the Lyle and K/Catherine drama.  I found myself rooting for him tonight.  Can that be right?  She's sleeping around?  Are they together?  Someone please instruct me.   ???

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I don't care about Catherine and Lyle or Hannah and Louis.  Yawn.  Do something about your lives or shut up.

Daniel's dilemma and situation with his father is interesting.  Danial is probably the most interesting person on the show.  Followed by Hagood. 

Still loved the Holiday decorations and....snow in Savannah?  Cool.

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I don’t understand Hannah and Louis when they are together they seem to barely know each other. She has more chemistry with Daniel. I mean it could be that she is closing herself off intentionally so she doesn’t get hurt because she actually did seem emotional when she was talking about it to her friends.

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29 minutes ago, smores said:

Why is Daniel afraid of shampoo?  His hair in the scene with Hannah was really gross.

He looks really cute when he has it pulled back and then he lets the ponytail down and its like - ewh!!  Dude, your hair is too thin to carry off whatever this look is you're going for.  It doesn't suit you.  Just cut it.

I'm getting whiplash with the constant changing sides of the Lyle/Catherine soap opera.  Is Catherine evil and selfish and been cheating on him the whole time?  Is Lyle secretly cruel to her and so she's lashing out - or is he being cruel to her because she is evil and selfish and cheating on him?  I don't think I care enough to ponder it any more than that.

Edited by TexasGal
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12 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I don’t understand Hannah and Louis when they are together they seem to barely know each other. She has more chemistry with Daniel. I mean it could be that she is closing herself off intentionally so she doesn’t get hurt because she actually did seem emotional when she was talking about it to her friends.

The one friend who told her if she marries him and he parties she can’t bitch because he’s not hiding it was correct. It was refreshing to hear good advice on a reality show. People rarely change!  

With that said I actually don’t see Louis as an eternal playboy type but I don’t see him fitting into Hannah’s idea of what “her” husband should be. I sound like a broken record each week but I feel they’d be happier with other people. 

I gotta go with Hagoods mom on getting other people to taste the Sake. I wanted to phonetically spell it like she says it but wasn’t sure how. Maybe you guys can help me. 

Thing about Hagood too is you believe her. When she says she hunted and is a good shot etc she’s got the resume to back it up. Girl is not a phony. I love that about her. And better she manages to do it in a way that endears instead of repels me. There’s a real fine line and she pulls it off. 

I think Lyle and Catherine should get married. I get a disconnect from emotions with either. Meaning I can’t imagine Catherine or Lyle  meeting “the one” and acting how Id expect when a person is in love. They’re both dull and I cannot connect with either on any level. Therefore my armchair advice is marry.  Be really weird together and call it a day. 

I’d like to see Hannah and Daniel together too but their scenes read one sided to me. She’d be in and he’s not so much. The breakfast he ordered looked divine. What did she get- tea and toast?  Daniel for the order win. 

I like Brandon because he says things I wish I could say. “That was fun but I’ll never do it again”.  He has no pretense. I love it!

@bosawks- You nailed it!

Edited by KnoxForPres
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I get a mean vibe from Lyle. He has said some hateful things to Catherine and he said them with a cold glare in his eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is emotionally abusive behind closed doors.  I think he is in love with her social position and lifestyle and doesn’t want to lose that.  No wonder the poor girl drinks. 

Louie will never be what Hannah wants. If they get married, I’m afraid she will always want more than he can deliver and she will continue to chastise him until he eventually leaves.  Best to part ways now. 

Brandon and Hagood are precious and I love this show!  It is such a nice break from the shrill drama of the Housewives. These people seem like real friends and the Savannah scenery is divine. 

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I thought Lyle came from money also?  Don't know where I got that impression...

Couldn't care less about Hannah and Louis - I say shake it up and make out with Daniel (either Hannah or Louis!)

Hagood's mom can take it down a notch.  Does she ever have anything positive to say?

Ashley sighting for next week!  Yeah!!  Anything to get this party started.  I'm not sure why I still watch..it's dreadful.

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I agree, Lyle and Catherine just need to get married.  Save the rest of the world from having to deal with the two of them.  Lyle is likely incredibly nasty behind closed doors.  I'm equally certain Catherine is as well.  They both embody the whole Southern fake nice to your face, perfect manners kind of thing to me. They say the right things, dress the right way, but it's blatantly hollow.  Oh, we've been together for 16 years, while both are clearly screwing other people, but no one talks about it, etc.  Just end it and get married.  Stop making everyone else have to pretend they give a shit about your drama, they have their own problems in life.

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Wondering why Hannah always greets Louis with a side hug, no kiss. They seem more like good friends although I did feel bad when she teared up with her friends. She was giggling around Daniel again, lol. 

Lyle may not handle his anger/rejection well but I get the sense that Catherine has played with his heart since the beginning of time. 

A couple weeks ago Brandon was annoyed that Catherine is a cheater and wouldn’t come clean to anyone. But now he is on her side against Lyle, it’s odd....  

I’m glad Ashley is making an appearance next week!  The show needs her. 

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39 minutes ago, Sage47 said:

I’m glad Ashley is making an appearance next week!  The show needs her. 

Yeah, anything to take the focus off Catherine and Lyle. Who ever in the BRAVO production world thought it would be a good idea to have these two as a main storyline should be fired. In fact, whoever thought it was a good idea for a second season of these losers should be fired. At least this season they are highlighting the beauty of Savannah so I will keep watching for that alone.  

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

At least this season they are highlighting the beauty of Savannah so I will keep watching for that alone.  

Literally the *only* reason I still watch this show is for Savannah sightings alone—it’s vaguely interesting to see where they film around town. Otherwise I couldn’t give two shits about these boring, gross assholes.

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On 8/14/2018 at 4:36 PM, KnoxForPres said:


I gotta go with Hagoods mom on getting other people to taste the Sake. I wanted to phonetically spell it like she says it but wasn’t sure how. Maybe you guys can help me.


Brandon calls it sock HEEYYYY! ;-)

Edited by sheetmoss
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I have to give it to Hagood and her industriousness (by SC standards)- she seemed to be doing more actual alcohol creating/brewing in her apartment than Austen ever did for “his” beer on the original SC. 

And I co-sign with everyone else who finds Lyle to be a nasty guy. He was the one who got kicked out of Savannah Country Day for taking pictures up skirts, right? Total creeper.

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3 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

And I co-sign with everyone else who finds Lyle to be a nasty guy. He was the one who got kicked out of Savannah Country Day for taking pictures up skirts, right? Total creeper.

omg forgot about that. He is disgusting!

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4 hours ago, MrsWitter said:

I have to give it to Hagood and her industriousness (by SC standards)- she seemed to be doing more actual alcohol creating/brewing in her apartment than Austen ever did for “his” beer on the original SC. 

And I co-sign with everyone else who finds Lyle to be a nasty guy. He was the one who got kicked out of Savannah Country Day for taking pictures up skirts, right? Total creeper.

Oh wow, I forgot about that too! Creepy.  Both he and Catherine are shitty people-they deserve each other.

I like to watch for the Savannah scenery aspect also. These people just aren’t compelling. 

Didn’t another cast member get kicked out of Country Day too? What a pretentious name, “Country Day”. A school for entitled and vapid assholes (Nelson anyone?). 

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Except for Brandon and maybe Hagood, I can't get into this show.  While I feel for Daniel coming home to help the family business while his dad was in jail and then not getting any part of the business, his appearance is scummy.

Just came her to say that paint ball hurts like a MF.  We used to have a women's laser tag team that would have fun while running up and down ramps.  Great workout.  Then the teams wanted to do paint ball and I was out.  This is before they had the safety gear and padding they do now.  These ladies thought it would be fun and yet came out crying like babies and had welts and one had to go to the ER for an eye injury...............................

It did not look like, except for helmets and visors, they had much padding.  I also laugh when people wear cute outfits that get ruined.

Edited by jumper sage
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