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Vampire Diaries In The Media

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Heh! TVD must be the only fandom that actively declares "Enough is enough!" about our show.

I would imagine the Grey's fandom is right there with you guys.

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Heh! TVD must be the only fandom that actively declares "Enough is enough!" about our show. We really have a way about us don't we?

I know!

Shocking Julie Plec doesn't appreciate us more???


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Heh! TVD must be the only fandom that actively declares "Enough is enough!" about our show. We really have a way about us don't we?

No, the Revenge fans are the same way, you should've seen the cancelation reaction: "Whoo-hoo, we're freeeeeeee!"

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No, the Revenge fans are the same way, you should've seen the cancelation reaction: "Whoo-hoo, we're freeeeeeee!"

Haha haha that's fantastic! TV is really letting us down these days.

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Haha haha that's fantastic! TV is really letting us down these days.


I've gotten into some relatively older fandoms (usually through reading crossover fic), and have sometimes been able to find stuff from back when those shows were on the air. And it's amazing how similar complaints about those shows were to complaints about current shows. For example, the Forever Knight fandom (a show from the 90s) was way before my time. But the hatred some fans had for the last season (not to mention the series finale), and how many wished it had been cancelled sooner, is almost legendary. Even now, I see fans who watched the show back in the day ranting about that last season.


And the last two seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there were plenty of fans who kept watching out of a sense of loyalty, but couldn't wait for it to be over so the pain would end.


So fans being disappointed enough in a show to want it to end, or wishing a show had ended sooner, isn't a new thing really.

Edited by Bitterswete
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Funny you should bring up Forever Knight, that was the first show I did background for haha! Bizarre. At any rate I imagine the internet will damn near break (or at least twitter) as a result of whatever happens in next week's episode. I'm sure there are quite a few fandom trends planned. It would be nice for ND to see a trend on her last episode, hopefully she's got enough faithful ND fans to make it happen.

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Hate-watching seems so counterproductive, yet I think so many of do it out of optimism.  I found Forever Knight when it was airing its last season, so I didn't hear or would have understood the hate.  I LOVED Vachon, who was cute and sexy, and I wasn't online at the time.  The finale was indeed a letdown, but I had already seen Blake's 7, so was no stranger to shocking finales where all the mains die.  (This has me worried for Supernatural, but I digress.)  I waited for Buffy to get better in its later seasons and it never did.  I waited for Smallville to recover its Clark/Lex dynamic in its mid-stretch and I stopped watching after season seven.  Red Dwarf didn't recover its early brilliance.  TVD started out this season strong with Bamon and Kai, and just withered when Damon was thrust back into Elena's orbit.  Just waiting for Supernatural and TVD to limp to their ends so the pain can be over.  The only thing that can save TVD for me is if Bamon and Defan have good scenes in EVERY episode next year.

Edited by Goldmoon
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If I was Ian or Paul and getting paid close to 1 million $ a year, that would certainly focus my mind!

11 seasons though, crazy.

Paul is one of the richest actors. I'm sure he'd be fine either way. lol

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Post Mortems from season finale:






Nina will return for the series finale, when ever that is.



However, it might not be that different considering that Dobrev has said she’d be happy to return for a series finale. “Nina has always said that if there’s something for her to do in the series finale that she will be there to do it,” Plec said. “When she left, she said, ‘I want to see this character to its end at the end of the show, so I can’t wait to come back and put her to bed again.’”

Edited by Artsda
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This is a pretty thorough interview with JP (eta: same as the link above). (Not spoilery unless you count a few hints about what might come in S7.) But this part irked me, and I don't even need to explain why:


There reached a point early this season with Damon and Bonnie where their chemistry was so fun and they were so hilarious as friends, and we all looked at each other and realized this character has become as valuable as anybody else.
Edited by Carrie Ann
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Characters are only worthy if they have sexual chemistry with a Salvatore.

LOL at Enzo not even having a last name, though. What a well thought out character!

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Ian's beyond thrilled. He's getting his season 1 Damon back.



And for Damon Salvatore, it means getting back to being the not-so-sweet Salvatore that fans first met in season 1. “That’s what I’m very excited about,” Ian Somerhalder said. “Season 1 and 2 of the show is where people fell in love with this guy; it’s where I fell in love with this guy.”

And now, with all of the changes in Mystic Falls, Somerhalder said, “The story is just going to change form and I think that we get to go back to this really awesome dark, edgy, volatile [story]—all the s–t that we all love.”

TheVampireDiaries postmortem: The Vampire Diaries' Bosses, Nina Dobrev on Elena's Emotional Exit


Vampire Diaries EP Explains Elena's Exit, Stefan's Big Move; Previews 'Dark' Damon, Season 7's Big Bad and More


Tyler left with Jeremy? They should have taken Matt with them.

Edited by Artsda
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There reached a point early this season with Damon and Bonnie where their chemistry was so fun and they were so hilarious as friends, and we all looked at each other and realized this character has become as valuable as anybody else.


Like I said, Amelia Bedelia of writers. You've heard of the ambiguously gay duo? Plec and Dries are the ambiguously racist duo. Oh do I wish it was KG that left instead of ND so I could be done with this KKK show.

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"If the ratings hold up"


My precious Veronica Mars only sees 3 seasons but this travesty keeps on trucking!

I said this out loud, while watching the finale, tonight.

Also, everyone, I was back on the first or second page of this thread, and saw a post from October 1, 2014, in which there was a link to a rumor that one of the big three was holding out, about signing on for a season 7. The link itself is broken, and I couldn't get the quote thingie to work for both that post and the above post. I just wanted to mention it, because it sort of supports Dobrev and the party line that she'd only ever wanted to do six seasons. At the very least, it wasn't a, "If you're engaged, I'm leaving," sort of exit.

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Oh wow, it took 6 seasons for her to deem Bonnie "worthy"...WTAF? No wonder she gets all the hate she does on twitter. Plec is one of those showrunners that just needs to never speak...EVER.

I can't even with this. Seriously? After going back to the beautiful S1 feathers scene in the finale? Does JP even understand her own show?

Edited by Jads
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They already pitched season 8? Are Ian and Paul even contracted for that?


I literally burst out laughing in second hand embarrassment for her. Also, weren't they the ones to cut off the Bonnie/Damon interactions after season 2 because it was making people consider them as a romantic option? They should have known then that their buddy comedy stuff was what people liked. It also makes sense now why they use her so sparingly until they need a Bonnie ex machina and that also explains the suckfest that is Bonnie/Jeremy. I never understood why they went back to that even if they felt like she needed a love interest. Heck, they could have made Luke straight (or Liv a boy) and have him as a love interest after she got back as the anchor since he and Liv clearly had an agenda on Bonnie and Elena. Anyone but Jeremy who cheated on her with a GHOST. Like really?


I can't even with this. Seriously? After going back to the beautiful S1 feathers scene in the finale? Does JP even understand her own show?

Well, this is the woman that keeps on repeating the story was always about the brother at the core so... My guess is her interpretation of them being at the core of the show is the leading lady wanting them both or something. Notice how they seemed to not be able to handle Stefan after Stelena was pretty much nuked? What I wouldn't give for Michael Narducci to be writing for TVD... I love the cast of TVD and that's why I watch but TO is just effing awesome and the writing is on point. 

I am just praying for Damon to not have romance next season and just have him being fun but not as much of a douchebag as in the beginning. I will also say that I found Damon boring until this season so the fun bad boy thing wasn't working for me.

Good thing is, since they made Elena's coma Bonnie dependent, that should rule out romantic Bamon because after this episode, it would reach optimal levels of gross and creepy. Although, in their weird minds, it might have been them trying to elevate Bonnie to "worth sacrificing for" status and therefore making her a viable love interest...but I hope not. Actually, I think it's unlikely because Delena peeps were pretty much told Delena is a retelling of Beauty and the beast.

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They apparently said something about it going the distance like Supernatural? 11 seasons??? Are you kidding me.


If they're going to do that then we should start a petition for a crossover. The Winchesters and The Salvatores. Can you imagine all the potential snark? (also the hotness of these 4 on one set?)

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Can't Damon just be mature for once?  He did the right thing in the S6 finale.  Why do they have to mess that up?


I think the writers probably promised him more badness than I envision will actually end up being onscreen in Season 7. Plec`s and Dries` interviews paint a bit of a different picture for me. I imagine three or four eps into the Season and he will go "fuck...no...why, this is not what I thought" when reading scripts. 

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I know it probably won't happen, but with Elena gone, I would love a version of Season One Damon who cares about Stefan, Alaric, Bonnie, and Caroline, and will do anything to protect or save them.  Damon can be bad with a purpose.


I was surprised when IS and PW decided to renew their contracts.  They have seemed unhappy with the writing for several seasons now.

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It's not funny but it is.


I don't think it's funny at all, these same wingnuts send Kat Graham and Nikki Reed death threats and vitriol on their social media feeds. I'm not laughing. Plec's an idiot.

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I don't think it's funny at all, these same wingnuts send Kat Graham and Nikki Reed death threats and vitriol on their social media feeds. I'm not laughing. Plec's an idiot.

Oh wait, they're going after Kat, not Bonnie? I just thought it was funny because I don't know what they think the writers can do unless they want them to kidnap Nina. As for the ridiculousness of attacking Nikki Reed, well, to that I will just say I can't even. That's stupid. 

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was surprised when IS and PW decided to renew their contracts. They have seemed unhappy with the writing for several seasons now.

I think Paul seemed happy once Stefan escaped the clutches of Elena after season 3.

Ian, I can't see leaving until the show gets cancelled.

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Oh wait, they're going after Kat, not Bonnie? I just thought it was funny because I don't know what they think the writers can do unless they want them to kidnap Nina. As for the ridiculousness of attacking Nikki Reed, well, to that I will just say I can't even. That's stupid. 


Indeed. I'm entirely confounded as to how so many people can be so incredibly stupid. I want to say mob mentality but that's far too terrifying.

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I said this out loud, while watching the finale, tonight.

Also, everyone, I was back on the first or second page of this thread, and saw a post from October 1, 2014, in which there was a link to a rumor that one of the big three was holding out, about signing on for a season 7. The link itself is broken, and I couldn't get the quote thingie to work for both that post and the above post. I just wanted to mention it, because it sort of supports Dobrev and the party line that she'd only ever wanted to do six seasons. At the very least, it wasn't a, "If you're engaged, I'm leaving," sort of exit.


I have so missed your OUAT TWOP Recaps!

I'm not sure if we can talk about other Blogs or Boards on here but if you're writing somewhere send a smoke signal or something and I'll google stalk you, like I would any old friend I run into.... kidding.... Well sort of.... you guys know what I mean!

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As much as I valued, loved and Miss Like Hell TWoP, its rules about Boards on Boards (and other rules) seemed too restrictive.  For the most part, the rules let the forums stay mature and articulate, but I like the more relaxed feeling here at Previously.  Or is that Ptv?

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I don't miss TWoP at all, happy here. Which brings me to a conundrum. As much as I like talking about her, I'm puzzled as to why Kat Graham is still on this show. I just saw an interview where she said she was staying with and recording with Prince.....Prince!!! (Gonna try to find it) What the fuck are you doing under the ignorant helm of the hacktastic Plec when you're working with Prince? PRINCE? Girl, bye.

Here it is:https://youtu.be/HNST1wm7SSE

Edited by slayer2
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After the things that former Prince protegées have said about their time with him, Kat should run straight back to TVD and Bonnie's non-storylines!


The dude's a genius though, I would happily happily happily trade in TVD days or any days really to work with him. It's a musician's dream. She's pretty nonchalant about it all.

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Gah! You're insulting 36yr olds everywhere. We're not THAT old.

I am glad Elena is human again though, she never wanted to be a vampire so I think it's a nice bit of continuity that she returned to form. Human Elena has always been pretty awesome and autonomous.


I didn't think it was old, either, when I was 36. Unfortunately, men my age thought it was old for a woman, so I ended up feeling old and unattractive by default - when I dealt with men like that. It was refreshing to see Alaric in an age-appropriate relationship, and not chasing his college students. 


They apparently said something about it going the distance like Supernatural? 11 seasons??? Are you kidding me.

I don't see how they can do that, unless they bring in a new generation of Mystic Falls residents. Ian and Paul really don't look as young as they're supposed to, and another five years will show, no matter how cute they are. 

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Gah! You're insulting 36yr olds everywhere. We're not THAT old.

I am glad Elena is human again though, she never wanted to be a vampire so I think it's a nice bit of continuity that she returned to form. Human Elena has always been pretty awesome and autonomous.


I didn't think it was old, either, when I was 36. Unfortunately, men my age thought it was old for a woman, so I ended up feeling old and unattractive by default - when I dealt with men like that. It was refreshing to see Alaric in an age-appropriate relationship, and not chasing his college students. 


They apparently said something about it going the distance like Supernatural? 11 seasons??? Are you kidding me.

I don't see how they can do that, unless they bring in a new generation of Mystic Falls residents. Ian and Paul really don't look as young as they're supposed to, and another five years will show, no matter how cute they are. 

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