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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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12 hours ago, Cutty said:

Tyler talking about Rockstar: "She's one of the worst players ... in all one and a half seasons I've seen."

This isn’t a direct quote, right? Hasn’t Tyler made it clear he’s a superfan and has watched BB since he was a little kid? I’m pretty sure he has.

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Winston just told Brett that when Brett gets married he doesn't care if Brett makes him a groomsman because Winston is going to just make himself a groomsman no matter what.

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn was telling some story about how when she was little and learning colors.  Apparently her parents would point to something, ask her what color it was, and she would say the complete wrong color in such a matter of fact way.  She said, "This was me my whole life.  I was just so confident that I was right."  Not much has changed I guess.

Oh good god.  

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Just now, TimWil said:

This isn’t a direct quote, right? Hasn’t Tyler made it clear he’s a superfan and has watched BB since he was a little kid? I’m pretty sure he has.

He really did say that.  I know he's playing as someone who is clueless and doesn't really know the game.  I'm not sure if he's revealed the truth to any of them.

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26 minutes ago, TimWil said:

This isn’t a direct quote, right? Hasn’t Tyler made it clear he’s a superfan and has watched BB since he was a little kid? I’m pretty sure he has.

Not to the house. Only the viewers. His big secret is that he is a super fan. he almost blew that with Kaitlyn and did a quick cover which she missed completely. Her intuition was not on point !

Edited by missyb
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So as a bunch of them are hanging out in the blue bedroom, Faysal picks up an open condom wrapper and says, "This is how you know nobody is fucking in this house.  There's an open condom wrapper here and nobody thinks anything of it 'cause they're like nobody would fuck in this house."  Well, we know people have been getting it on (and he knows, too) but for some stupid reason they're not being safe about it.

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I guess it only took them one live show to realized they don't have to get ready so early.  So everyone is basically doing nothing. 

Oh wait, they haven't done HOH lockdown yet.  They are right now discussing what time they were told to be up there, either 11 or 11:30 which is either now or in a half hour. 

Weird that they've all been up for so long.

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Kaitlyn is doing more writing on Tyler's back (well shoulder) and now caressing it

Tyler's hand is on Kaitlyn's arm. also kind of caressing it. 

I really hope this guy does not have feelings for her. 

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

For the love of live feeders, cant CBS get some better microphones for the HG. DIdn't ABC's glasshouse use necklaces that had great voice pickup ?

Yah, I think Production must’ve caught a Blue Light Special at K-Mart for this year’s mikes.

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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Kaitlyn is doing more writing on Tyler's back (well shoulder) and now caressing it

Tyler's hand is on Kaitlyn's arm. also kind of caressing it. 

I really hope this guy does not have feelings for her. 

I'd like to say no, but we'll see after Kaitlyn's HOH reign is done and if he sticks with her.

26 minutes ago, zorak said:

Winston just told Brett that when Brett gets married he doesn't care if Brett makes him a groomsman because Winston is going to just make himself a groomsman no matter what.

It's one step toward becoming the groom :)

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Just now, gunderda said:

The writing continues on his upper arm (Tyler's position as shifted).

You can tell she's writing words because after each word she puts her hand flat as the 'space'

Shouldn't BB be telling her to "stop that"? At least verbalize your cheating, Kaitlyn!

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Time for HOH lockdown. just as Sam was doing Bayleigh's hair :( 


i think i'm going to update my operating system while they're on lockdown... my wifi has been funky and i hope this fixes it.  wish me luck!

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

DIdn't ABC's glasshouse use necklaces that had great voice pickup ?

I think so yea. And they have those on BB Canada. They're so much better, I don't undestand why BB doesn't get them. I guess they cost too much.

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@Nashville- I meant to leave a post that when a bunch of them were up in the HOH last night getting massages and chatting away, I distinctly heard Haleigh say, "BTW I'm Nicole's sister." So she knows there is a resemblance. I think she's trying to play it up for whatever reason.  

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before i go... they're showing clips and they're showing a black guy and i have NO idea who he is! i usually at least recognize people and say "oh yea, i forgot about them" but not this guy....

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I'm not saying Bayleigh needs to reevaulate that relationship once they're out, but she's going to have to sit down with him to lay some things out.

Bayleigh is a former Miss Missouri, for Pete's sake. What on earth does she see in Swaggy? She's a former beauty queen, surely she can do better than this poser. 

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This is one of the saddest BB10 episodes ever. Dan's complete snow jobbing of Ollie. letting Ollie think that he is the HOH and can name replacments. Ollie's complete faith in him. So sad.

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I love how Dan was intentionally trying to bring the tears while reading his HOH letter and how BB had the violin music playing for the viewers while he read it.

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I have been an avid feed watcher/poster for years.  I leaped to turn them on when I read they were off to see the old season footage.  Strong statement that this trumps the house action. 

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1 hour ago, zorak said:

Kaitlyn was telling some story about how when she was little and learning colors.  Apparently her parents would point to something, ask her what color it was, and she would say the complete wrong color in such a matter of fact way.  She said, "This was me my whole life.  I was just so confident that I was right."  Not much has changed I guess.

I just do. not. comprehend!! how someone can be that delusional about herself. I mean, it would be one thing if she told that story in a self-deprecating way, and added the "haven't changed!" punchline. But no. "Listen to this precious story about precious minime, and it's SO FUNNY because now I'm always right about stuff, thanks to my intuition." GAH.

[ahem. sorry. but she's seriously eating extra crunchy crackers, with her mouth wide open, the last couple of days!]

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4 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Aahhhh Haaa! That's it!  She's not a Rockstar.  She's a rock star.  Doesn't make much sense but it's the only possible explanation.

Angie, with the Brett Sommers glasses and brightly-coloured, look at meeee everything, somehow has the nick of Rockstar whereas Angela is frequently observed sitting with other L6ers while giving it her all to not be seen or heard. 

Meh. They both suck and can hit pavement anytime now. 

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Just now, cork dork said:

Angie, with the Brett Sommers glasses and brightly-coloured, look at meeee everything, somehow has the nick of Rockstar whereas Angela is frequently observed sitting with other L6ers while giving it her all to not be seen or heard. 

Given how much shit was being thrown at her head early on for her initial strong comp performances, I’m not going to fault Angela for trying to pursue a more low-key assimilation approach for a week or two - can’t blame her for wanting to shrink that barn-sized target a little.

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46 minutes ago, missyb said:

This is one of the saddest BB10 episodes ever. Dan's complete snow jobbing of Ollie. letting Ollie think that he is the HOH and can name replacments. Ollie's complete faith in him. So sad.

That was Ollie!?!? Wow... in my head he always looks so much different lol  I wonder if I get him confused with someone else 

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8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

So, I wake up to read the latest news on the Swayleigh drama on their last night together. So, Swayleigh totally had sex last night (shown on the feeds) and Swaggy was bragging to Fessy afterward about not pulling out, and now needing to go ask DR for Plan B (by the way, they told him that Bayleigh needed come in and ask). Oh, and Swaggy also told Fessy Bayleigh's Instagram password. 

He also don't know how the live feeds work (didn't know that live feeders have night vision cam so we could see the sex, and also didn't know that cams typically focus on the last houseguests awake so we did, in fact, hear him talk about Swayleigh needing Plan B), so we know his superfan status is only for TV.

Also, Brinston had more shennanigans last night and oh yeah, Winston will be heartbroken if Brett leaves before him. Brett was giving Winston an actual massage, at least.

Meanwhile, this happened in the middle of the sexfest: The Night Farter strikes again

Pretty impressive if it never broke Swaggy's stride. So to speak. 

And kids, for the love of God, use a condom.

ETA: Sorry, I should have said that the sex was in the pink bedroom, the fart was in the blue bedroom, but the walls are super thin this year (so everyone has complained about), so even if they didn't get stink bombed during the deed, they certainly would have heard all the shouting and laughing.

Edited by Callaphera
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51 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ollie was the guy who didn't do much but have constant sex with April in the house. 

That's about all I remember him for lol  

Dear God Paulie is on my screen.  Not going to lie I'm DVR'ing MTV's challenge so i can see him get his ass beat. 

Feeds are back

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JC is trying to convince Faysal to vote out Swaggy.

JC that he says that if Faysal votes for Swaggy to stay, JC will not try to convince Winston's group to not put up Faysal.

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Swaggy is working on Kaycee.  He says that he definitely has 6 votes now so it's going to be a tie.

Swaggy says his side is not together anymore.  Kaycee questions him. He says "well we're together... but just not stable"

Again with the "I won these comps.... Tyler won two comps.... bla bla bla...."

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Swaggy told Kaycee that the fact that people from his side will wear Swaggy C shirts tonight shows that they trust him.  Why he thinks that is a compelling argument to keep him in, I'm not really sure.

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I'm sure Julie will talk about his Showmance with Bayleigh during his talk with her- but I wonder if she will also mention that Tyler was actually his demise in the game, cuz he seems to not actually be seeing that. Or that he's a superfan- I have seen him a few times explain BB to Tyler. Haha.  

Edited by SiobhanJW
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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Swaggy told Kaycee that the fact that people from his side will wear Swaggy C shirts tonight shows that they trust him.  Why he thinks that is a compelling argument to keep him in, I'm not really sure.

What a nimrod. And wtf is wrong with the others, agreeing to wear his ridiculous merch? Don't encourage him, people!

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Just now, IndyMischa said:

What a nimrod. And wtf is wrong with the others, agreeing to wear his ridiculous merch? Don't encourage him, people!

I'll be honest; I want to see Haleigh/Fessy wear those Swaggy C shirts as they're voting him out.

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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Ollie was the guy who didn't do much but have constant sex with April in the house. 

Leading to one of the most cringeworthy but funny BY interviews ever:


Listening to this, I wouldn't say no one in season 10 played for a long time. I think a lot of people were playing the game from the beginning, Dan was just the best at it overall. Saying something like that kind of undermines his victory in a way.

[/season 10 defense]

3 minutes ago, IndyMischa said:

What a nimrod. And wtf is wrong with the others, agreeing to wear his ridiculous merch? Don't encourage him, people!

If this is true and he's not just bs-ing you just know Rockstar will have one on.

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'll be honest; I want to see Haleigh/Fessy wear those Swaggy C shirts as they're voting him out.

That is an excellent point - I will laugh my ass off if/when that happens.

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Kaitlyn was talking to Tyler just now.  She said something like, "Well, I moved here in November and Joe" except BB switched the camera before we could even hear Joe's full name.

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JC was just in with Haleigh.  One of the guys (I'm assuming Fessy) asked her if she was voting to keep Swaggy.  I think she said she wasn't sure because if they don't have the votes then she has to think about her own game.  That guy said that was selfish of her and not loyal.   Then JC got yelled at big time for not having his mic on. 

Haleigh telling JC that swaggy thinks he has rachel's vote and maybe kaycee's.  JC is telling her they're nuts for thinking that. they no way have those two votes.  

I think JC is trying to convince her to vote out swaggy to save herself from being targeted. 

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I actually liked Swaggy in his B-roll/intro package particularly when he referenced something along the lines of previous players over confidence and overplaying the game right out of the gate.  Once in the house, he became exactly that guy.  Some people want attention and some people want to win $500k. Swag's quick thirst for attention cost him a summer of being filmed by CBS and talked about by fans + a half mill.  No jury house. No guest shot on the Bold & the Beautiful.  No Amazing Race.  Bye Felicia.

Edited by hitchcock3011
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Faysal seems to firmly be on the keep Swaggy train.

Rockstar wants to change her dress because she says you can see her nipples through it.  A bra might take care of the problem.  Just a thought.  Her dress had a sheer back but they do make backless bras that would eliminate the nipple issue.

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