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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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22 hours ago, SiobhanJW said:
22 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

Am I dreaming or did Vegas post that Kaycee won veto?

You are dreaming- he hasn't posted anything about Veto yet. LOL. 

It would be funny if RealVegas is the camera man Sam is talking to.

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3 hours ago, gunderda said:

Cause she's still trying to hold back.  She has to retrain her face to let go!



1 hour ago, missyb said:

I thought that after JC left the room( or later on), she told Fessy it was a mistake. Scottie was an ally and not to put him up. I seem to recall her DR's saying "NO" not a good idea.

IIRC apart from some noncommittal um-hmms, Hay kept her mouth shut during JC’s dump-Scottie dissertation (partly because she was too wine-schnockered to form coherent sentences without slurring), and tried dissuading Fessy after JC’s departure.  Hay’s problem was she never realized how much Fessy’s jealous nature and ego would go glutton on the steady diet of suspicions JC was feeding him, or how much of that Fessy would regurgitate as animosity toward Scottie.


13 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Booting Brett was his first mistake.  It might have been bad for Angela’s game to keep Brett but not his.  

Have to disagree some on this point.  Brett’s comments about a first strike were already known by the remainder of L6.  Keeping Brett would’ve saved Tyler one ally - but at the potential cost of two (Angela and Kaycee, whom Brett was semi-openly targeting) or three (Sam, who was sitting opposite Brett OTB).

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5 minutes ago, gunderda said:

It will be curious to see what Kaycee says to Angela if she does evict her.  Does she spill that her and tyler have been F2 since the beginning with JC still there? Or does she just do a fluff speech so that L6 still isn't exposed. 

I'm going to guess she won't spill about the F2 - Tyler said he's going to do it in her GBM since he's scared she'll be upset (who knows if he really will or not, or if she/us will even see it). Kaycee/Tyler also told Angela they will wait for Finale to expose L6. From what I heard her say, she's just going to do a speech from the heart and just say nice, positive things about each of them. 

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18 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

But no one deserves to be treated like a leper for a sexual orientation they were born with.

I agree but I think a sexual molester (as defined by his actions, not his orientation) deserves to be treated like a leper.

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I think the biggest thing for this season has been Kaycee's background being substantially different from a typical female HG. Generally speaking, the HGs that they cast fall into the stereotypes of men who are into team sports and women who are not into team sports. That is why the really hardcore alliances with super duper loyalty have typically been male-dominated ones, as that feeds into the stereotypical dudes that they cast (and that is why Maggie holding together her alliance in BB6 was so amazing and also why Jun and Allison's plan in BB3 was so brilliant, as it went against everything people thought that they knew about those two).

Kaycee, though, specifically comes from the world of team sports and has been treating L6 as her team all season long and her Coast2Coast alliance as her ride or die. That's just her personality. Tyler really picked well by picking Kaycee - she's pretty much the perfect alliance-mate. She thinks in terms of the group over herself and she's insanely loyal. 

So, on that point, Tyler should probably get credit for that in the end, as he clearly drove the L6 bus. 

WILL he, though? I dunno. 

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21 minutes ago, gunderda said:

It will be curious to see what Kaycee says to Angela if she does evict her.  Does she spill that her and tyler have been F2 since the beginning with JC still there? Or does she just do a fluff speech so that L6 still isn't exposed. 

She said she's going to keep it pretty neutral- that she loves them both and this is a really hard decision. They don't want to spill the F2 nor spill Level 6 during the live eviction because JC is still in the house- and he believes that both of them would take him over each other and they are hoping that he doesn't really try hard during Part 1 & 2 of the HOH because he believes he's going to F2 regardless. 

They are both going to out Coast 2 Coast in their GBMs to her- and Tyler will out the Power App as well. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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1 minute ago, Nashville said:

Are all BB announcements broadcast on every speaker throughout the House, or does Production have the capability to isolate announcements to the HoHR alone?

They can isolate announcements. 

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What I dig about the most likely final two of Tyler/Kaycee is that, while I think Tyler is the more deserving winner, a vote for Kaycee is clearly not simply a "bitter vote" against Tyler. It would be a vote FOR Kaycee. She has a very deserving case to win. I think he has a MORE deserving case to win, but this isn't one of those things where he played a dramatically better game than her and that anyone who voted against him would be doing so just because they were bitter/intent on voting against him no matter what based on some predetermined jury pact. 

This isn't Dan vs. Ian here. 

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47 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Meh, pretty weak interview.  However it kinda makes me laugh that she didn't believe Tyler about his power app. 

Well it explains why she went off the deep end like that and never really got in close with Tyler again. She was convinced that he lied to her about the power app.

I really think Kaycee gets Sams vote in the end all because Tyler really lost touch with Sam in favor of Angela.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

What I dig about the most likely final two of Tyler/Kaycee is that, while I think Tyler is the more deserving winner, a vote for Kaycee is clearly not simply a "bitter vote" against Tyler. It would be a vote FOR Kaycee. She has a very deserving case to win. I think he has a MORE deserving case to win, but this isn't one of those things where he played a dramatically better game than her and that anyone who voted against him would be doing so just because they were bitter/intent on voting against him no matter what based on some predetermined jury pact. 

This isn't Dan vs. Ian here. 

I completely agree. She's 100% deserving of the win on her own merit. I think overall he's played a better and more cohesive game. But she's no slacker either. For me if Tyler wins he's in my Top 5 winners. Kaycee will fall around 10ish maybe slightly higher. But that's just my own personal preference. 

As long as JC doesn't win- I'm cool with either. 

Just now, Skyfall said:

So the 3 part HOH comp. will any of it be shown on the live feeds or should I go ahead and cancel all access seeing as I don’t know exactly when it’ll auto renew.

The last 2 years the Part 1 hasn't been shown on the Feeds- but prior to that it was. So I guess it's a toss up. 

Part 2 won't be on the feeds at all. 

Part 3 obviously will be on the live show on Wednesday. 

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3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

[Tyler and Kaycee] are both going to out Coast 2 Coast in their GBMs to [Angela] - and Tyler will out the Power App as well. 

For his own sake Tyler really needs that information getting into the JH pre-Finale, so the Jurors have time to puzzle over it - until Finale, when Tyler can say, “You want to know how good my social game was?  I got the second Power App - the Cloud, which I could have used any time I felt I needed to to protect me from going up on the Block.  I had that thing burning a hole in my pocket for TWO MONTHS.  But you want to hear something funny?  The relationships I’d built in the House were SO good, SO solid, I ended up letting the App expire on the shelf because I never needed to use it.  It was totally superfluous to my game.”

THAT could be a pretty powerful statement.


10 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

They can isolate announcements. 

Good.  Then maybe the other HGs will be spared the normal BB morning ritual of announcements telling JC to get his ass out of bed for the 3,468,732nd time.  Today.  :P

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9 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I completely agree. She's 100% deserving of the win on her own merit. I think overall he's played a better and more cohesive game. But she's no slacker either. For me if Tyler wins he's in my Top 5 winners. Kaycee will fall around 10ish maybe slightly higher. But that's just my own personal preference. 

As long as JC doesn't win- I'm cool with either. 

I would have had Tyler at #5, but he HAS slacked a little lately (my main objection was his blindsiding of Haleigh - that was the time to really come clean about her spot in the house), so I'm thinking he's probably closer to 6/7. And I agree, I think I'd have Kaycee at #9 overall if she won. Sadly (because I really don't want it to happen), I think I'd have to put JC #8 if he won. 

EDITED TO ADD: The key thing here, really, is that we're talking about a Final Three where ALL three would be Top 10 BB Winners. That's amazing. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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2 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I completely agree. She's 100% deserving of the win on her own merit. I think overall he's played a better and more cohesive game. But she's no slacker either. For me if Tyler wins he's in my Top 5 winners. Kaycee will fall around 10ish maybe slightly higher. But that's just my own personal preference. 

As long as JC doesn't win- I'm cool with either. 

The last 2 years the Part 1 hasn't been shown on the Feeds- but prior to that it was. So I guess it's a toss up. 

Part 2 won't be on the feeds at all. 

Part 3 obviously will be on the live show on Wednesday. 

We keep jinxing it - he's totally going to win!

Speaking of Part 3 - can they please change it into something that isn't just a total crapshoot? 

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3 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

The last 2 years the Part 1 hasn't been shown on the Feeds- but prior to that it was. So I guess it's a toss up. 

They’ll normally show the start of Part 1 at the very tail end of the live broadcast, but not stay for its conclusion; if memory serves correctly, Part 1 generally tends to be an extended quasi-endurance type of comp.

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2 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

The famous one where Steve beat Vanessa wasn't a crapshoot, was it? I sort of think of that one when I think of comps that JC could never in a million years win. 

Yeah, they always do the "know the Jury members" where it's a fill in the blank at the end. I usually get the majority of them wrong, and I've had access to their Exit Interviews, Jury segments, etc.

I think about how JC could totally win that also. Kaycee/Tyler really have to win Parts 1 & 2 to make it a sure thing.

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Sam's interview clearly shows that, right this second, she's on Team Kaycee, but I think we're getting a similar Sam that we did during DE night, where she felt one way in the moment but just needed someone to explain to her the truth and she was fine. For instance, she thinks Tyler is lying about having a Power App. Once Angela reveals that he DID have it, then suddenly she'll think differently about Tyler. I think she's a vote for Tyler. I think Angela, JC and Kaycee are also all votes for Tyler. The Hive, though, might all be votes for Kaycee, giving her the win. 

Plus, who the fuck knows with these things, right? I don't know where their heads are at, truly. 

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Gotta say I'm #TeamKC right now.  I think Tyler spoiled his game flying so far under the radar with his manipulations - who's gonna believe his claims in the end? We're already snickering at how delusional JC is. The jury is going to react the same way to Tyler's claims.

Second I think his distraction with Angela has tanked his game.

Cherche le femme.

Edited by Skycatcher
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I think Tyler's best argument IS Kaycee. Everything she is going to tell the group is going to directly back up Tyler's assertion that he controlled the game from the beginning. "Yeah, we were in an alliance that controlled the game from the beginning and...I guess I want to say that I was somehow the leader even though everyone here knows that's obviously not the case?"

Tyler's biggest drawback is that people think that Angela led him around. Do you really think Kaycee will suggest that Angela led their alliance? Of course not. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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34 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

They can isolate announcements. 

But they usually don't.  It's a constantly complaint each season of the HGs being woken up because someone is getting called to the DR super late. 

24 minutes ago, Skyfall said:

So the 3 part HOH comp. will any of it be shown on the live feeds or should I go ahead and cancel all access seeing as I don’t know exactly when it’ll auto renew.

It should be shown, because it's endurance but like someone else said it's a toss up. 

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So from Sam's interview we have:


Why do you think Tyler didn't do more to follow through on your Final 2 deal?
Sam: Because Angela has abs and they are both really tan.

Did you ever consider outing Tyler's Power App and his superfan status?
Sam: Honestly, I thought he was lying about the Power App so no, I never intended on outing him because I thought that it was just a ploy. I thought it was a trap.

If you won the last HOH, who would you have brought with you to Final 2?
Sam: Kaycee.

Why would Sam think Tyler telling her about the power app was "a trap" of all things?  It sounds like Kaycee has Sam's vote locked up until maybe Angela and her "tan abs" comes back into Sam's life anyway.

Just read on the Juie Chen thread about how, according to a gossip rag, she won't be back next season.  Nothing confirmed given the source but honestly I never thought she would period since her contract was up after BB20 and it would be up to BB/CBS to offer her another; not for her to decide to keep going on her contract.

So if true then this Finale could get a bit weird if Julie knows it is the last time she is on the show ever.  She tells them she doesn't need no stinking teleprompter anymore as she signs off one last time:  "This is Mrs Les "Moneybags" Moonves Esq saying good-bye forever from the Big Bitches House along with Taylor, Candy, Jason, Angel, Sandy, Snottie, Hayseed, Fizzy, Blockstar, Bayleaf and, of yeah, good ol' Brent."

Edited by green
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I'm good with either a Tyler or Kaycee win.  I think either or both deserve it, for different reasons.  For some reason, Angela bugs me, and has rubbed me the wrong way all season so I'm not OK if she wins. 


If JC wins, then there is no justice in this world.

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56 minutes ago, green said:

So from Sam's interview we have:

Why would Sam think Tyler telling her about the power app was "a trap" of all things?  It sounds like Kaycee has Sam's vote locked up until maybe Angela and her "tan abs" comes back into Sam's life anyway.


I think Sam believed Tyler was trying to trick her with a lie so she would vote out Bay.

Ironically, that is what started the end of  the Tyler/Sam alliance. She never trusted him again and he was pissed she didn’t vote his way. He spent more and more time with Angela and much less with Sam and her jealousy took over.

it would be funny, though, if he lost by one vote to Kaycee and Sam was the difference.

Not even sure he can count on JCs vote anymore. Or Brett’s for that matter.

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3 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

I think Sam believed Tyler was trying to trick her with a lie so she would vote out Bay.

Ironically, that is what started the end of  the Tyler/Sam alliance. She never trusted him again and he was pissed she didn’t vote his way. He spent more and more time with Angela and much less with Sam and her jealousy took over.

it would be funny, though, if he lost by one vote to Kaycee and Sam was the difference.

Not even sure he can count on JCs vote anymore. Or Brett’s for that matter.

Sam's interviews have been a bit all over the place- but she's been consistent in saying that she might not have trusted Tyler anymore towards the end- but she does think he's been playing a great game. 

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

IIRC apart from some noncommittal um-hmms, Hay kept her mouth shut during JC’s dump-Scottie dissertation (partly because she was too wine-schnockered to form coherent sentences without slurring), and tried dissuading Fessy after JC’s departure.  Hay’s problem was she never realized how much Fessy’s jealous nature and ego would go glutton on the steady diet of suspicions JC was feeding him, or how much of that Fessy would regurgitate as animosity toward Scottie.



I have to say, this was one of the better storylines this season, IMO...big, studly, handsome Fessy getting all butthurt jealous over self-proclaimed "dud" guy Scottie.  


2 hours ago, Irishsecra said:

Well it explains why she went off the deep end like that and never really got in close with Tyler again. She was convinced that he lied to her about the power app.

I just re-watched the ep where she DR's about this...she seems equal parts tearful and angry.  I've never quite understood why she thought he was lying, though...was it because he waited so long to tell her? 


1 hour ago, green said:

So if true then this Finale could get a bit weird if Julie knows it is the last time she is on the show ever.  She tells them she doesn't need no stinking teleprompter anymore as she signs off one last time:  "This is Mrs Les "Moneybags" Moonves Esq saying good-bye forever from the Big Bitches House along with Taylor, Candy, Jason, Angel, Sandy, Snottie, Hayseed, Fizzy, Blockstar, Bayleaf and, of yeah, good ol' Brent."


OH MY GOODNESS YES, and meanwhile I am doing that thing at work where I'm actually snort/laughing out loud but have to cover it up and pretend I'm choking.

Edited by laurakaye
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23 minutes ago, luluesq1 said:

Same boat. lol

i have actually never stuck it out this long before. And I can say a huge part of it was finding this forum and all of the contributors. I mean I tried talking about this stuff with casual viewers- but that meant having to give A LOT of backstory for them to get the punchline. And by then it was “oh forget it!” lol

i went thru a breakup in June so it really helped me recoup. I just found out my mom is pretty sick so I’m kinda scared not having this as a distraction to help thru this as well. 

We will be ok. But I did want to openly thank all of you guys for the fun dialogue and interesting conversation. ❤️

Hope all goes well for ya! It IS nice to know that we'll always all be here yammering about the next batch of HGs every summer. :)

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

It IS nice to know that we'll always all be here yammering about the next batch of HGs every summer. :)

Some of us will be back in a few weeks yammering about Survivor!

Which looks to have the stupidest "theme" yet this season.

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Both Kaycee and Tyler played good games but different games.  Tyler was the coach and Kaycee the MVP.  Neither one of them could have gotten this far without the other.   So the question would be: Who deserves the most credit?   The coach who came up with the plays or the player who executed them flawlessly and add a few saves, too?  

In the end, I’m looking forward to see what they have to say.  I think Tyler can explain himself better but it doesn’t mean the jury will buy or get it.  

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2 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

Both Kaycee and Tyler played good games but different games.  Tyler was the coach and Kaycee the MVP.  Neither one of them could have gotten this far without the other.   So the question would be: Who deserves the most credit?   The coach who came up with the plays or the player who executed them flawlessly and add a few saves, too?  

In the end, I’m looking forward to see what they have to say.  I think Tyler can explain himself better but it doesn’t mean the jury will buy or get it.  

But he's the coach who controlled everything who ALSO has just one less comp win than her (and depending on the final HoH, might end the season with the same amount of comp wins as her). 

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1 hour ago, green said:

Why would Sam think Tyler telling her about the power app was "a trap" of all things?  

Strange though this is to say, I believe Sam may have been overthinking the game a mite.  And I don’t know why, but when I first read Sam’s “trap” comment in the article my very first impression was Sam might’ve thought Tyler’s Power App reveal to her was a disinformation trap - a test to see if Sam would keep Tyler’s secret - so if Tyler suddenly starts hearing murmurs coming out of nowhere that Tyler has a Power App, he knows Sam is untrustworthy.

But... this is Sam we’re talking about.  I mean, really... SAM???  No way Sam is thinking that game-deep, right?


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So far as the winner goes, I’m ok with either Tyler or Kaycee.  Personally I think Tyler clocked in more of a full day’s work than anybody else this season - but I have Kaycee in the fantasy league, so I’m good either way.  

So long as it’s not that minion-fucking spunkmonkey.

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So, this is the first week that Angela and Tyler have to give eviction speeches, isn't it? That's pretty crazy. Tyler wasn't actually ever nominated by regular methods before this - the Hacker nominated him. The week that Haleigh was HOH, he could have been nominated without the Hacker Twist, but he also won Veto, and he had that Power App in his pocket. You could argue that he was only saved by the Twists, but who knows what would have happened (he could have won Veto anyway, Haleigh could have pulled a FOUETTE, someone could have kept nominations the same, etc).

That's pretty impressive.

Right now, Tyler are hemming and hawing about saying something about their relationship in their eviction speeches. Tyler's doing the, "You do what you want" Tyler thing, but he has to hope she doesn't say anything, right? It might not matter to Kaycee, but JC wouldn't be too happy and he still has the chance to win the Final HOH.

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7 hours ago, laurakaye said:

This actually bothers me so much.  If there is video footage of someone being inappropriate, turning it around on the victim is not the way to handle it.  Unless the HG's sign away any and all of their basic rights when they enter the house, there should be crystal-clear rules in place and production should be the ones making the decisions on how to punish violaters, not the person who has been harassed.  If the thinking is that it makes great TV, can the HG who was a victim come out of the house and sue the person who hurt them? Could they sue production for not watching over them when they were locked under CBS's control (albeit voluntarily)?  It's such a weird, slippery slope, but I get such a squicky feeling that the HG's are never going to be protected by CBS because after all, they sought this gig.

I may not be expressing myself well but TL;DR - JC should've been tossed a long time ago, and it should not have been up to Tyler and Hayleigh to make that decision.

IANAL but no and no to the bolded. The contracts that they sign are most likely air tight and takes away your ability to sue after the fact for anything that happens in the house. It came up a lot when Christmas broke her leg last season and pretty much almost every season (because sadly, don't we usually deal with some sort of sexual behaviour like this every summer?) but there's no way that the HGs can sue either the show or the other HGs for things that happened in the house.

Now if JC took an ice cream scooper to the finale party and started shoving it in Rachel's undercarriage or grabbed Tyler's junk on the dance floor, you might be able to get him tossed out of the club. 

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4 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

Unpopular opinion but if JC continues to come through in the clutch when it matters most and wins the last two HOHs, he totally deserves the win and I hope the jury gives it to him.

He'd have a strong case and I think he'd both win and be a strong winner if he did. 

Paul would have been a top 7 winner, as well, and that guy was an even bigger piece of shit than JC is, so yeah, I can certainly respect the game of even pieces of shit like JC.

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1 hour ago, laurakaye said:



I just re-watched the ep where she DR's about this...she seems equal parts tearful and angry.  I've never quite understood why she thought he was lying, though...was it because he waited so long to tell her? 



I think it was the timing. She really wanted Bay to stay and she felt Tyler was trying to manipulate her with a big lie.

plus, if it was true, then he had been lying to her for weeks.

i never understood why he told her then myself

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1 hour ago, luluesq1 said:

Same boat. lol

i have actually never stuck it out this long before. And I can say a huge part of it was finding this forum and all of the contributors. I mean I tried talking about this stuff with casual viewers- but that meant having to give A LOT of backstory for them to get the punchline. And by then it was “oh forget it!” lol

Its soooo hard to talk about it with casual viewers. Especially when theyre super duper casual, like they only watched last season and maybe some of celeb BB. my friend's husband asks me when I see them which is about 2-3 times a month currently and it's so hard to explain stuff to him when they aren't even watching this season. 

6 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

I think it was the timing. She really wanted Bay to stay and she felt Tyler was trying to manipulate her with a big lie.

plus, if it was true, then he had been lying to her for weeks.

i never understood why he told her then myself

Because at that time was the start of when she started to not trust him at all and was angry with him because he wasn't giving her any attention - when she felt Angela had taken her spot - so Tyler told her as a way to try and gain her trust back.  But looks like it backfired!

Edited by gunderda
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It's not good for Tyler that Level 6 never realized how close he really was with JC - JC came to him with everything, including conversations with Brett, Kaycee and all of FOUETTE. JC was a wealth of information for all of L6, but Tyler has had a really good hold on him - I don't think that Angela or Brett realize how much he really handled JC on his own.

I think all players left are deserving winners - no Victorias left. Tyler and Kaycee are a step above JC, though, because they really wrung him dry for his information. He's like the lackey who had no idea who he was really working for. Now, if he owned his game and really did see himself as the rat between L6 and FOUETTE, that'd make him a really stronger player in my eyes. But, he's basically been all about the "Team" that doesn't really exist.

That doesn't mean he wouldn't be an undeserving winner - especially because he'll have to win it out. But, it would be a little disappointing after L6 really did control everything (including him). It'd be like Vanessa getting knocked out at F3 levels of disappointment for me. It didn't mean Steve didn't deserve to win, but I wanted to see the person who ran that House get the grand prize.

ETA: Also, the way he goes on and on about everyone being stupid really rubs me the wrong way. I want him to get a reality check.

Edited by mooses
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3 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

I think it was the timing. She really wanted Bay to stay and she felt Tyler was trying to manipulate her with a big lie.

plus, if it was true, then he had been lying to her for weeks.

i never understood why he told her then myself

In truth?  Tyler had been taking his relationship with Sam for granted.  The two hadn’t had any one-on-one time for over a week - so when a situation arose where Sam might possibly become a critical swing vote, Tyler did the Guy Thing; he swooped in at the 11th hour with the effusive apologies and the figurative bouquet of convenience store flowers called a Big Reveal to Show Trust, and hurriedly shoved both at Sam.  The result was... predictable.

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BTW they made JC move out of the HOH room before noon since it is being locked up for the season.  JC was a little disappointed since he thought he would get to stay there in royal splendor until the end.  I assume the feeds are down now since it is going on three hours until the live show.

Edited by green
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26 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

IANAL but no and no to the bolded. The contracts that they sign are most likely air tight and takes away your ability to sue after the fact for anything that happens in the house. It came up a lot when Christmas broke her leg last season and pretty much almost every season (because sadly, don't we usually deal with some sort of sexual behaviour like this every summer?) but there's no way that the HGs can sue either the show or the other HGs for things that happened in the house.

Now if JC took an ice cream scooper to the finale party and started shoving it in Rachel's undercarriage or grabbed Tyler's junk on the dance floor, you might be able to get him tossed out of the club. 

This is not true. You cannot contract away all liability in California (this is true of most states).   There are plenty of causes of action that the HGs could pursue in theory. As a practical matter, though, it can be difficult to sue big companies.

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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

But he's the coach who controlled everything who ALSO has just one less comp win than her (and depending on the final HoH, might end the season with the same amount of comp wins as her). 

I agree with you.  Personally I think he should win. But I don’t have a vote. 

I think we all have different views on what makes a good team.  In this season, unlike most, the game was played like a team sport.  For L6, the alliance came first, which is why they were so successful.  Kaycee definitely played the game as a team sport, much like her real life as a football player.  Tyler was more of a coach.  My point is that they both were valuable to their team and their success. Who deserves to win is more subjective.  

It will be interesting how S6, JC and Scottie interpret Tyler’s and Kaycee’s part in the game. 

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Question for you all- If Coast 2 Coast make it to F2- and I guess even if they don't- F3 is still pretty good. Where would you guys rank their duo in the hall of famous BB duos? 

For me Chilltown is always #1- but I think C2C would for sure be in my top 4- I've really enjoyed them and their friendship and they were just fun to watch for me at least. 

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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

Question for you all- If Coast 2 Coast make it to F2- and I guess even if they don't- F3 is still pretty good. Where would you guys rank their duo in the hall of famous BB duos? 

For me Chilltown is always #1- but I think C2C would for sure be in my top 4- I've really enjoyed them and their friendship and they were just fun to watch for me at least. 

Have to give them credit for being one of the most unswervingly solid duos in the annals of BB history.

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19 minutes ago, Nashville said:

In truth?  Tyler had been taking his relationship with Sam for granted.  The two hadn’t had any one-on-one time for over a week - so when a situation arose where Sam might possibly become a critical swing vote, Tyler did the Guy Thing; he swooped in at the 11th hour with the effusive apologies and the figurative bouquet of convenience store flowers called a Big Reveal to Show Trust, and hurriedly shoved both at Sam.  The result was... predictable.

And that was the point in the game where Tyler dropped the ball on his game.  He laid a good foundation but did not continue to nurture his game after that, which was a mistake.  

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