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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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1 minute ago, Skycatcher said:

Hopefully one single win close to the end of the season can't be considered "a roll".

"Hopefully" is the operative word here.  Grodner's little pet all season hasn't been Tyler in the least.  It has always been JC who should have been escorted off CBS property a long time ago but is instead showcased as "the cute, little guy" on TV.  I don't put this last win past her manipulations until I see what that comp was so I can't put this next one past her either just yet.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, kellog010 said:

I want to see Brett's face when one of Level 6 show up in jury. While I'm glad JC won this HOH, I look forward to his losing in Final 3. In my perfect scenario it's a KC and Angela F2. 

It would be at the jury roundtable, which means we'll actually get to see his reaction! If it's Kaycee or Tyler, he'll be stunned. If it's Angela, he won't be as shocked, although I think he'd be shocked at who the HOH was.

26 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

What I would like is for Shaggy to stand up, straighten his best Slaggy C t-shirt, strut on over to Bayleigh, clear his throat and reach into his pocket, and then Winston jumps up and drops to one knee and mock-proposes to Brett.

Someone needs to let Winston know about this because he totally would do it. I just don't want Swaggy to have the satisfaction of getting more airtime, and you know he would. His ego is big enough where he'd do anything for the attention.

7 hours ago, LordBowen said:

Angela goes home if she doesn't win veto.  Tyler goes home if she does.  My 2¢.

Also, wonder if it was Glass House that called Dr. Will?

Tyler isn't going anywhere, I don't think. If Angela wins veto, Kaycee might go. However, it depends if Angela is willing to cut Tyler and thinks she can beat Kaycee. We don't really know who Tyler wants to take, but we also don't know Angela's ideal F2. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Sara2009 said:

I can’t keep track anymore. Could JC ever get enough votes to win?

I think he could. It's not a guarantee, but I think he's done enough where people will recognize his game. JC's biggest move now is winning HOH to split apart the trio. That's a huge advantage for him right now. No matter if it's Kaycee or Angela who leaves, he's gotten a good mark on his resume that could hand him the win if he's sitting next to the right person. Brett is bitter at Tyler and Angela and although he's admitted that he doesn't necessarily want to be a bitter juror, he could very well be, as he named JC and Sam as the two he wants to win. If JC isn't sitting next to Kaycee, he has a great chance of winning, even against Tyler. I think JC's best bet is Angela, but he's targeting her today and tomorrow so he may screw himself out of an easy win.

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

The sad thing about the show slowing down is that this thread slows down too.  As usual, I'm really going to miss getting the over-nights with my coffee in the morning once the season is done.

This. Even though I've been bored as hell by most of this season, this thread was a part of my day every day for 3 months. It's always so hard to let go of that lol. But hopefully there will be a good bit of us back here for Celeb BB so the process can start all over again.

I hope Tyler or Angela wins veto just because it's not clear what either of them would do. I think the likely case is that Angela would cut Kaycee and Tyler would cut Angela, but there's a sliver of hope that something unpredictable would happen and Tyler would cut Kaycee (less likely) and Angela would cut Tyler (more likely, but still not likely lol).

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Brett is bitter at Tyler and Angela and although he's admitted that he doesn't necessarily want to be a bitter juror, he could very well be, as he named JC and Sam as the two he wants to win.

I don't think that if Brett votes for JC it will be a bitter vote.  I think Brett respects JC's game and they got extremely close in the final weeks and were probably the only actual duo outside of L6

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope Tyler or Angela wins veto just because it's not clear what either of them would do. I think the likely case is that Angela would cut Kaycee and Tyler would cut Angela, but there's a sliver of hope that something unpredictable would happen and Tyler would cut Kaycee (less likely) and Angela would cut Tyler (more likely, but still not likely lol).

I just want to see their cards being shown. With Kaycee winning veto, she evicts Angela. If JC wins veto, he'll likely not use it so that Kaycee can vote out Angela (I bet he'll tell Tyler that he can convince Kaycee to evict Angela, despite the fact that we know she'd do it anyway). I think JC would be too afraid in Tyler evicting Kaycee instead of Angela, although there is a chance JC thinks he can still control Tyler and get him to evict his showmance so...it could go either way with a JC veto win. So I think anyone but Kaycee winning veto would be interesting.

Man, I don't want JC to win the game but he HAS been playing and it IS for Team Good Feeds for him this week. It disappoints me that he's getting rewarded by not getting evicted, but he definitely wouldn't be the worst winner for me. His personality sucks, but his gameplay has been good. I'm really torn here.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

JC must be a nightmare for the editors since every other word out of his mouth is an obscenity.

As much as I'm a member of #TeamGoodFeeds I too hate the idea of JC anywhere near the finals.  His HOH does make it interesting if I can drink enough wine to get past my uncontrollable cringing.

Wondering if Tyler threw this’un as the only way to get out either Angela OR Kaycee without any BOHH....


1 hour ago, Broken Ox said:

Wait, wait, WHAT?

OH yeah; back then good ol’ Uncle Joey (Dave Coulier) liked his chicken younger and tenderer than anything Tyson was selling - as in, “too old” = old enough to drink legal.  :P

  • Love 6

So if Angela is evicted tomorrow- does Tyler tell her in his GBM that he has 2 more secrets (he's always asking her if she has more secrets- and she says no-meanwhile we all know he has them- lol) aka the Power App & that he's a Superfan? I imagine he doesn't want her to find this out from anyone in Jury, and would rather her hear it from him. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

It would be at the jury roundtable, which means we'll actually get to see his reaction! If it's Kaycee or Tyler, he'll be stunned. If it's Angela, he won't be as shocked, although I think he'd be shocked at who the HOH was.

They all should know that it doesn't matter who the HOH is- it's the person not on the block that controls the vote- so if it's Tyler that is the Veto holder and evicts Angela- they are all going to lose their minds- because I would imagine they would think he would evict Kaycee in that scenario. 

  • Love 1

Theres no way Angela evicts Tyler. They've only been cuddling in bed together for the last month or so. You can tell she's way too into him to think straight. And this isn't a Janelle/Will type situation where Janelle found out Will had been leading her on. Angela really believes she and Tyler will be a couple after the show.

And I would never tell anyone to throw F4 veto but if Tyler knows what's good for him he might have to do that to avoid burning KC and Angela.

Edited by Growsonwalls
  • Love 2
14 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

If Angela wins the veto this week I think JC has a very very good chance of winning this season.  I think Angela takes him (Wants to make the big move) and I think hes a favorite in the part 1 of the final HOH.  Part 3 is a crapshoot

I'm confused- JC is automatically in F3 right now- so Angela would have to choose either Kaycee or Tyler to go with them. If you are talking about who she would take to F2- if she won Part 3 there is absolutely no way she takes JC- she'll take whomever is left between Kaycee or Tyler. 

The only way JC makes it to F2- is if he wins out. The two left in L6 will take each other. 

Reason JC wants Angela out- is he perceives her as the lynchpin- and if removes her that means that Kaycee & Tyler would take JC to F2 over each other- because he doesn't know that they are actually a duo. 

He's basically backed himself into a corner he doesn't know he's in- and he has to win out. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

I'm confused- JC is automatically in F3 right now- so Angela would have to choose either Kaycee or Tyler to go with them. If you are talking about who she would take to F2- if she won Part 3 there is absolutely no way she takes JC- she'll take whomever is left between Kaycee or Tyler. 

The only way JC makes it to F2- is if he wins out. The two left in L6 will take each other. 

Reason JC wants Angela out- is he perceives her as the lynchpin- and if removes her that means that Kaycee & Tyler would take JC to F2 over each other- because he doesn't know that they are actually a duo. 

He's basically backed himself into a corner he doesn't know he's in- and he has to win out. 


I really think she does take JC.  She has stated in one of her DR segments that she wants to make her signature move (as tweeted from Vegas a few weeks ago) by cutting Tyler.  I would not be surprised if she does.  I think she will realize there is no realistic way she beats Tyler in the F2 (Which she cant beat JC either) Even if he doesn't I think JC is the clear favorite for the Part 1 of HOH.


I agree with you he should not want Angela out which is why I prefaced it by saying if Angela wins HOH.  I think he will realize he needs to take her to the F2 if he wins out.

Edited by RagePaige
9 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

I really think she does take JC.  She has stated in one of her DR segments that she wants to make her signature move (as tweeted from Vegas a few weeks ago) by cutting Tyler.  I would not be surprised if she does.  Even if he doesn't I think JC is the clear favorite for the Part 1 of HOH.


I agree with you he should not want Angela out which is why I prefaced it by saying if Angela wins HOH.  I think he will realize he needs to take her to the F2 if he wins out.

That was weeks ago, though. We don't know where Angela's head is at now, much like we don't know where Tyler's head is at now. If she wins veto, then JC has a chance to recognize the better move. 

I don't think JC has the part 1 HOH locked down at all. We all saw him in endurance comps, like the wall, where he was said to be the favourite and mistakes happen. JC might not win either part and it won't matter in the end.

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I went into the season thinking that JC would be good at endurance comps, but he's actually been AWFUL at them. I think he just has a weak body (not his fault, of course, just how his body was built). 

If JC wins, he'd be one of the most impressive BB winners ever. In my personal tier system, I'd have him as roughly Tier 3, along with Andy, which is someone who wasn't necessarily the LEADER of a big alliance, but controlled enough of it to give them a lot more credit than the typical BB winner (which is a member of a big alliance who outlasted everyone else because the bigger threats got eliminated ahead of them). Kaycee and Angela are moving up my charts as possible winners (while Tyler is falling - I would still have him Tier 2, but probably back end of Tier 2, behind Derrick and Hayden), so I could see either one of them possibly being Tier 3, as well, when I always had them pegged for high end Tier 4 players. It's great to see so many strong players this late in the game, although, of course I don't want JC to win (I'd put him higher than Angela and Kaycee as a winner specifically BECAUSE the odds are so much lower for him). 

  • Love 2

I'm thinking Kaycee woudl cut Angela if she wins Veto.  Angela & Tyler are huddled together and she's with JC mostly and JC didn't put her on the block. I think she's most loyal to Tyler but a lot of sucking up to JC can't hurt. Either way, I think Tyler/Angela or Tyler/Kaycee would win POV over JC and he would go home................I think. I just never thought JC would win HOH. It never really crossed my mind. Of course, it was possible but I still didn't think it would happen. We will have a lot more answers tonight and get to see how it all played out. I don't know if I mentioned this but I am still in a state of shock that JC won HOH. Did I mention that?! LOL!!!!

2 minutes ago, Irishsecra said:

Have there been any leaks regarding how Sam left the game?

i hope she left it classy, no crazy time.

I read some where that she left with no drama. Although, they said she didn't see any goodbye messages. I think production wanted to surprise the HG that an eviction was happening on Tuesday. That said, I'm not sure how her exit interview with Julie went.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

I'm thinking Kaycee woudl cut Angela if she wins Veto.  Angela & Tyler are huddled together and she's with JC mostly and JC didn't put her on the block. I think she's most loyal to Tyler but a lot of sucking up to JC can't hurt. Either way, I think Tyler/Angela or Tyler/Kaycee would win POV over JC and he would go home................I think. I just never thought JC would win HOH. It never really crossed my mind. Of course, it was possible but I still didn't think it would happen. We will have a lot more answers tonight and get to see how it all played out. I don't know if I mentioned this but I am still in a state of shock that JC won HOH. Did I mention that?! LOL!!!!

Kaycee 100% cuts Angela if she's not on the block tomorrow night. She's the only certain one in this scenario. Everyone is is more up in the air. JC winning veto is a little more clear; he'll likely keep noms the same since he wants Angela gone. Tyler and Angela are the wild cards. Angela winning veto means she's likely to evict Kaycee. Tyler winning veto would be the most interesting. He'd have to decide which one to cut, and that'll be difficult for him. I want to see him squirm. He's the best at days, which means if he loses, then he's thrown it. Kaycee sucks at days and I don't think JC knows the days either, so it'll be between him and Angela, and I can see him throwing it to Angela.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I read some where that she left with no drama. Although, they said she didn't see any goodbye messages. I think production wanted to surprise the HG that an eviction was happening on Tuesday. That said, I'm not sure how her exit interview with Julie went.

I saw that too on Twitter- someone that was in the audience said that she was really sweet when she came out and her interview with Julie went really well and she’s not mad at anyone.

3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Throwing it to Angela would be super risky, though, no? 

Oh yeah- no way he's throwing it. I think he would rather guarantee his spot in F3- and potentially make someone pissed at him then risk getting evicted. 

If he didn't throw that DE HOH- that everyone said he should so he wouldn't get blood on his hands- no way he's throwing this. This guarantees him F3. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Throwing it to Angela would be super risky, though, no? 

It might be, but it depends on how the comp is played out. I guess it could be like last year's, where it was individually timed. Which...now that I remember, is usually how it goes. Yeah, Tyler will most likely win it, which isn't great for him. He knows he's not going anywhere so he doesn't need to win it. 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It might be, but it depends on how the comp is played out. I guess it could be like last year's, where it was individually timed. Which...now that I remember, is usually how it goes. Yeah, Tyler will most likely win it, which isn't great for him. He knows he's not going anywhere so he doesn't need to win it. 

I guess it depends on how he's reading Angela. He's obviously set with Kaycee, but is he really that confident with Angela?

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I guess it depends on how he's reading Angela. He's obviously set with Kaycee, but is he really that confident with Angela?

 I have no idea, and that's the issue. That's why I need Tyler to win. I just want to know where his head is at. I don't know who he's truly loyal to. The Tangela fans would say it's Angela 100% because their showmance has grown so much in the last two weeks. But the things he's talked about with Kaycee make it seem like he's loyal to her. I think his wish is to not choose, but I think he'll have to. I could see it going either way since Tyler is so tight lipped about what he's thinking and what he's feeling. I can't say for certain that Tyler would choose Angela or Kaycee unless he has to. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I guess it depends on how he's reading Angela. He's obviously set with Kaycee, but is he really that confident with Angela?

I do kind of love how we have a Showmance that has professed their love for each other but we aren't sure if they will keep each other. LMAO. This season is wild. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
  • Love 18

Does Tyler know that the perception of him is that he is controlled by Angela?  Under normal circumstances, I would say that all 3 should be trying to take Angela to the end.  But in Tyler's case, maybe it would be better to cut Angela here and show the jury that he's playing independently.

However, if Kaycee cuts Angela - I really don't think that will help Tyler's game since it looks like she freed Tyler from Angela's control.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, zenithwit said:

Does Tyler know that the perception of him is that he is controlled by Angela?  Under normal circumstances, I would say that all 3 should be trying to take Angela to the end.  But in Tyler's case, maybe it would be better to cut Angela here and show the jury that he's playing independently.

However, if Kaycee cuts Angela - I really don't think that will help Tyler's game since it looks like she freed Tyler from Angela's control.

Yes- he knows that they have this perception. Hay said something to him about it during her drunken bathtub talk with him- also Fessy said in his eviction speech that Angela has Tyler wrapped around her finger. 

I think it goes both ways for Tyler whichever way it swings- if he wins Veto and evicts Angela it would be seen as a power move by the Jury as they have this perception that he is being controlled by her- so it will show that he knew what he was doing all along and cut her at the right moment. 

Also- the Jury has this perception that Angela is the lynchpin- she's the top of the Pyramid and that she's always safe because Tyler/Kaycee would choose her over the other. We of course know that isn't the case- Tyler/Kaycee have a bond that started Day 2- and have hidden it for this exact scenario. It can go either way for Tyler if Kaycee evicts Angela- they will either realize that wait a second maybe it was Tyler that was actually the top of the Pyramid NOT Angela - or they might think that Tyler convinced Kaycee to evict what they perceive as her #1.  

I think also it depends on what is said in GBM's- I think Angela would be shocked if Kaycee cut her over Tyler- But I imagine that Kaycee probably outs Coast to Coast in her GBM- it's possible that Tyler does as well- along with his App & Superfandom. Which then of course Angela would tell the Jury. 

  • Love 4

I think though that if Tyler cuts Angela Angela will take it super personal. She's not a warm and cuddly person but she's laid her feelings out for Tyler on national TV. She's going to be that embarrassed girlfriend. However if Tyler cuts KC I don't think KC will take it that personal. She's a low-key, level-headed person and will respect the game move.

  • Love 4

I think there's a very slim chance that JC can win any of the final HOH comps. He sucks at endurance and while he might have the smarts to put stuff in order, there's no way he does it faster than tyler, kaycee or angela.  He just doesn't have the body type. 

Kaycee cuts Angela for sure but I'm not sure what Angela or Tyler do. I think there's a better chance Angela would keep Tyler NOW since they weren't all cuddly when she said she would cut him.

I'm kinda bummed we might have to wait till the final eviction for them to actually tell the person being evicted that L6 has been a thing since the beginning. 

6 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think though that if Tyler cuts Angela Angela will take it super personal. She's not a warm and cuddly person but she's laid her feelings out for Tyler on national TV. She's going to be that embarrassed girlfriend. However if Tyler cuts KC I don't think KC will take it that personal. She's a low-key, level-headed person and will respect the game move.

I think the opposite, actually. Angela isn't the cold ice queen that she was nicknamed for; she has feelings and emotions that do dictate her actions. I think, though, Tyler cutting Angela will be seen as a strategic move. For Angela, she'll recognize that she never talked F2 with Tyler and although they're assumed to be closer than Tyler/Kaycee, she'll understand that it was a choice that had to be made. I think she'll be hurt by the move, but I don't think it'll affect the way she votes. 

Kaycee, on the other hand, has been shown to be more emotional during moments of betrayal. Exhibit A: Tyler told Kaycee that Brett was talking about putting up Kaycee/Angela for the DE. In a single moment, she flipped on Brett. She was totally gung-ho on Level 6, despite also talking about cutting Brett once they got to F4, that she couldn't process that their team was going to be split up sooner. She was happy to flip on Brett and was very vocal with how hurt she was over Brett's confession to Tyler. 

Her and Tyler have discussed F2 for so long, and they've discussed Angela not making any F2s, that despite knowing that one of them has to go, she won't take kindly to Tyler breaking his deal with her. Even if she likes Tyler and Angela as a couple and is all about L6, she'll be hurt by the move. She's a team player first and knowing that her team member betrayed her personally, it'll sting. Again, it may not affect Kaycee's vote either, but I don't think she'll be totally chill about it. I can see her putting on a brave face when she's sitting with Julie and she'll say "Let's go" and "it is what it is" a whole bunch of times, but I don't see her being happy or seeing it as a game move; I could see Kaycee thinking it's Tyler choosing his showmance over his ride or die. 

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Yes- he knows that they have this perception. Hay said something to him about it during her drunken bathtub talk with him- also Fessy said in his eviction speech that Angela has Tyler wrapped around her finger. 

And Scottie, although Scottie’s intimidation was less about Tyler being wrapped around Angela’s finger and more about Angela being wrapped around... never mind....  ;>


27 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think though that if Tyler cuts Angela Angela will take it super personal. She's not a warm and cuddly person but she's laid her feelings out for Tyler on national TV. She's going to be that embarrassed girlfriend. However if Tyler cuts KC I don't think KC will take it that personal. She's a low-key, level-headed person and will respect the game move.

Like @Lady Calypso, I think the opposite; Angela is an extremely pragmatic personality who has made a regular habit of putting her emotions on the back shelf.  While Angela would certainly be disappointed at getting cut this late in the game, I don’t think Angela would take it personally - even if it was Tyler doing the cutting.

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, Nashville said:

And Scottie, although Scottie’s intimidation was less about Tyler being wrapped around Angela’s finger and more about Angela being wrapped around... never mind....  ;>


Like @Lady Calypso, I think the opposite; Angela is an extremely pragmatic personality who has made a regular habit of putting her emotions on the back shelf.  While Angela would certainly be disappointed at getting cut this late in the game, I don’t think Angela would take it personally - even if it was Tyler doing the cutting.

I can see why the assumption is that Angela would take it personally. It's not like we haven't seen Angela react emotionally before. The whole Rachel thing was purely based on an emotional reaction. Yes, part of it was based on logic (Rachel turning on L6 when she wasn't even in danger means she could do it again) but Angela herself didn't think about it logically. She took it personally. She was ready to call Rachel out and she was genuinely 100% hurt by her ride or die's actions that week. Her goodbye message was 100% personal and not based on gameplay. So perhaps Angela could take it personally, but my feeling is that she won't in this situation. 

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I think this situation is different though. Angela's never been in a situation where she's had to send out someone she really cared about. It's easy for her to be like "oh well" when she's evicting Brett, Rachel, Winston, Sam, etc. She liked them but she wasn't that close to them. Tyler is different -- they've kissed, talked about moving in together after the show. She's even dropped the "L" word. 

Another issue is that Tyler as a superfan knows how much BB fans can get when they "ship" a couple. Tyler probably knows that there are already Tangela videos all over YT and tumblr. I don't think he wants to be perceived as the asshole who cut his gf at F4. Tyler's not Mike Boogie or Will Kirby. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

I guess it depends on how he's reading Angela. He's obviously set with Kaycee, but is he really that confident with Angela?

I don't think Kaycee would automatically save Tyler.  She and JC have gotten very very chummy this last week and have promised each other's backs etc with a lot of game talk with JC using the gay pride lever.  She could see this opportunity as being able to make the big move and vote out Tyler.  Then either Angela or JC would take her to F2 for sure since each of those two are targeting the other.  I hope she remains true to her F2 with Tyler but I don't see it as any kind of given after this week with JC working her hard.

Glad to hear that Sam went out with class.  I still like her.

Edited by green
  • Love 1

Kaycee has told Tyler about JC using the LGBTQ angle with her. She's obviously playing it up with JC, too - she could be in danger this week, and she's trying to work him to take her to F2. 

I don't think it shows anything about her intentions with Tyler - she's always seemed the most "all in." I'm much more concerned that Tyler has changed his mind, not Kaycee. 

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think the opposite, actually. Angela isn't the cold ice queen that she was nicknamed for; she has feelings and emotions that do dictate her actions. I think, though, Tyler cutting Angela will be seen as a strategic move. For Angela, she'll recognize that she never talked F2 with Tyler and although they're assumed to be closer than Tyler/Kaycee, she'll understand that it was a choice that had to be made. I think she'll be hurt by the move, but I don't think it'll affect the way she votes. 

I agree with this- I have said for awhile that I think she would understand the move if Tyler makes it. Do I think their feelings for each other are genuine I really do- I don't think either of them drop the "L" word so freely- especially Ms. Cold Heart. When push comes to shove and Tyler is in the F2 and she has to vote for either Tyler v. JC/Kaycee- she votes Tyler because if he wins $500K- in her mind she wins it as well- as she is in love with him and I'm sure he would buy her something or take her on an awesome vacation. I imagine she thinks this is an awesome way to start their life together. I think she also understands Loyalty as well- he has had a F2 with Kaycee since Day 2- and they have worked together the whole game- closely. Whereas yes they were in an alliance together- but they didn't start working VERY close together until halfway through the season. 

6 minutes ago, green said:

I don't think Kaycee would automatically save Tyler.  She and JC have gotten very very chummy this last week and have promised each other's backs etc with a lot of game talk with JC using the gay pride lever.  She could see this opportunity as being able to make the big move and vote out Tyler.  Then either Angela or JC would take her to F2 for sure since each of those two are targeting the other.  I hope she remains true to her F2 with Tyler but I don't see it as any kind of given after this week with JC working her hard.

Kaycee has told Tyler that JC has been using the "gay pride" angle with her- so he is aware. I never am as confident about someone NOT voting someone out as I am with Kaycee- she will always keep Tyler over Angela 100 million times. Not to mention the fact that JC the HOH- wants to keep Tyler over Angela. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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