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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion


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5 hours ago, mooses said:

I know JC wants to target Angela if he gets to decide, but would he take out Tyler over Kaycee? Also, the way he talks to them reminds me of the way Paul used to speak to others. I'll never understand how the HGs put up with it.

Looks like Tyler lost JC's vote too if Tyler and Kaycee are F2.  Kaycee has spent a TON of time with JC alone too the last couple of days.  So she worked him.


4 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Thank you for posting this.  I asked if someone could post it in the episode thread (Someone may very well have, I always come to this thread first and I have yet to check that one out yet.) so once again thank you.  Some of those posters were great and I will echo some of the others in saying that the posters were much better than this year's comics.

"Dan you will always be Judas to me!"

What did he say about Jerry?  I always found it odd that they became friends after the show.

HartofDixie posted all of them in the episode thread.  And I really appreciated it too because I can't access the link in this thread.  I need a http link to see anything on Twitter.  The link here just makes the whole post including the "link" disappear from here and takes me nowhere.  I do understand I'm in the minority.  Just think posters here should know at least there is a minority is all.  (Not on Twitter and will only use Foxfire browser for security reasons).

Edited by green
  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Thalia said:

Do they know that there is a surprise eviction this week?  Will they be given much time to talk before the vote? Tyler may be waiting until Thursday to talk to Sam.  What if he doesn't get a chance to do so at all? 

Tyler has been spending way more time with Angela than Sam. I know he had a pep talk the other day with her but I think he has pretty much advoiding her. Actually, I think Sam has been isolating herself from the rest of the house. SIster ain't well.

  • Love 2

I think Tyler chose the right time to evict Brett, as I believe it's given Brett enough time to process the betrayal and see it more as a game move than a personal betrayal. By voting day, I expect Brett will vote for Tyler to win.  JC and Sam -- I expect JC to be too bitter and feel too betrayed and played to vote for Tyler, but maybe he'll surprise me. Sam, I think will vote for Tyler because "she gave her word" or something along those lines.  Kaycee, if evicted at any point now = bitter and will give a spite vote to the non-Tyler person.

At this point I have no sympathy for people who go on this show and know nothing about it. Sam seems to think that "being a good person" is what should prevent her eviction. That is not how this game goes. No one ever won Big Brother because they kept the house clean. There's never been a jury member say, "I'm voting for you to win because you did my laundry all summer." 

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, mooses said:

I know JC wants to target Angela if he gets to decide, but would he take out Tyler over Kaycee? Also, the way he talks to them reminds me of the way Paul used to speak to others. I'll never understand how the HGs put up with it.

Bless his heart that he keeps trying I guess? 3rd times (person) a charm?

5 hours ago, Nashville said:

From Joker’s:

Mon 10:24 PM PT Tyler talks about bars in college towns called the Library. JC said that is a great idea.


I’ve been to The Library in downtown Albuquerque (on Central SW, not too far from the UNM campus).

It’s been a good while - but last time I went, there was a strip club directly across Central from it.

The name of the strip club?  If I recall correctly, it was the Executive Boardroom.  ;>

We also have a bar across the street from a college in town that is called the library, however no strip club ;)  

But they apparently make super delicious nachos. 

12 minutes ago, Jel said:

Kaycee, if evicted at any point now = bitter and will give a spite vote to the non-Tyler person.

I was about to say no way in hell to this, but then I remembered how arrogantly pissed off Kaycee was when she found out Brett wanted to target her and I was like well maybe.

Actually, it would be funny to me if Tyler cut Kaycee at F3 for Angela and then Angela won 5-4 with Kaycee's vote.

  • Love 8

Well, it looks like I won’t get my final wish of JC being on the block for the week as the TARGET.  Watching him sulk, squirm and beg all week long would have been delightful.

Every season there’s at least one houseguest that I hate not for their gameplay, but for who they are.  That would be JC.  He’s so rude and arrogant for no reason at all. The way he speaks to people — especially Fessy — is deplorable.  In fact, I believe his attitude toward Fessy and Bayleigh was quite demeaning and dare I say racist.  His sexual harassment of the male houseguests should not have been tolerated or whitewashed from the prime time show.  He has no respect for the producers or the rules of Big Brother.  He’s the first person I’ve encountered who can’t enunciate A. SINGLE. WORD in either English or Spanish.  He curses worse than a sailor, probably because his limited vocabulary renders him incapable of articulating a cogent argument.  And frankly, his big head and bulging eyes just make him look like the Devil’s spawn.

I hooe Julie brings up JC’s sexual shenanigans during the finale, but given her husband’s problems I doubt it will happen.

Edited by plotpointer
  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, plotpointer said:

I hooe Julie brings up JC’s sexual shenanigans during the finale, but given her husband’s problems I doubt it will happen.


When Fessi does it in week 1/2, barely anyone bats an eye.  When JC does it everyone loses their minds.


Both were pretty deplorable but there is definately a double standard here because he is gay.

Edited by RagePaige
  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I was about to say no way in hell to this, but then I remembered how arrogantly pissed off Kaycee was when she found out Brett wanted to target her and I was like well maybe.

Actually, it would be funny to me if Tyler cut Kaycee at F3 for Angela and then Angela won 5-4 with Kaycee's vote.

I'm becoming less and less convinced that Tyler will cut Kaycee at all. It seems like so many Tyler/Kaycee conversations are about how they're going to be in F2, while Angela has never talked past F3. If Tyler was hesitant on taking Kaycee to F2, you'd think he wouldn't talk about it with her, you know? Also, with Tyler making mistakes along the way, he's shown to not be a perfect player and he may make an emotional decision, rather than a logical one. And, for him, he made this F2 with Kaycee a while back. Yes, he's made other F2s, but we know those were never serious because he never seemed committed to them, such as his F2 with Sam. Unless he's lying to Kaycee to her face, which would be a bad idea, then he's probably not taking Angela after all and he isn't thinking about the jury.

I mean, there's a chance that he could take Angela over Kaycee, but he's risking a very pissed off Kaycee, especially if it's on finale night, where she has no time to process and make a logical decision. Kaycee won't like being lied to and I'm not sure she'd vote for Tyler if he cut her, like you said. But I'd need to see hints of Tyler willing to cut Kaycee and, so far, I see nothing.

Just now, RandomWatcher said:

Btw, does anyone else wish they would show feeds the moment they move in? That way we can see how everyone gets along, learn about everyone's quirks, see how showmances begin etc.

It worked great in BBOTT. They showed each houseguest moving in one at a time for that season and although it took all night, it was really fascinating to watch. I wish they'd do it too, because we miss so much vital stuff.

  • Love 4
13 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm becoming less and less convinced that Tyler will cut Kaycee at all. It seems like so many Tyler/Kaycee conversations are about how they're going to be in F2, while Angela has never talked past F3. If Tyler was hesitant on taking Kaycee to F2, you'd think he wouldn't talk about it with her, you know? Also, with Tyler making mistakes along the way, he's shown to not be a perfect player and he may make an emotional decision, rather than a logical one. And, for him, he made this F2 with Kaycee a while back. Yes, he's made other F2s, but we know those were never serious because he never seemed committed to them, such as his F2 with Sam. Unless he's lying to Kaycee to her face, which would be a bad idea, then he's probably not taking Angela after all and he isn't thinking about the jury.

I mean, there's a chance that he could take Angela over Kaycee, but he's risking a very pissed off Kaycee, especially if it's on finale night, where she has no time to process and make a logical decision. Kaycee won't like being lied to and I'm not sure she'd vote for Tyler if he cut her, like you said. But I'd need to see hints of Tyler willing to cut Kaycee and, so far, I see nothing.

It worked great in BBOTT. They showed each houseguest moving in one at a time for that season and although it took all night, it was really fascinating to watch. I wish they'd do it too, because we miss so much vital stuff.

Does Tyler initiate those conversations, or does Kaycee? I got a vibe from her that she's wondering about him a little since he's in the showmance with Angela, and so she brings it up with him?. If it's Kaycee that's bringing it up, then I think Tyler going along with it is another expression of his one major weakness at the "game" part. If he's bringing it up, then I think he probably does intend to take Kaycee. Though he knows Angela is disliked, so why bring Kaycee over her? Seems an odd choice for a player like Tyler.

ETA: When Kaycee was more of a non-factor in the game, I think Tyler wanted to take her to the end. Now that she's stepped it up so much, I am not so sure of that.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 2

This part of the season is such a drag.  There's nothing happening in the house,  feeds go off for days and sites like this turn to endless pure speculation.

"If he......., then she could.....but then they.....unless she......to him, who should then.......so they......."


Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

This part of the season is such a drag.  There's nothing happening in the house,  feeds go off for days and sites like this turn to endless pure speculation.

"If he......., then she could.....but then they.....unless she......to him, who should then.......so they......."


Yeah only a week left.  Last 2 weeks are generally pretty boring besides a couple of seasons.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Jel said:

I think Tyler chose the right time to evict Brett, as I believe it's given Brett enough time to process the betrayal and see it more as a game move than a personal betrayal. By voting day, I expect Brett will vote for Tyler to win.  JC and Sam -- I expect JC to be too bitter and feel too betrayed and played to vote for Tyler, but maybe he'll surprise me. Sam, I think will vote for Tyler because "she gave her word" or something along those lines.  Kaycee, if evicted at any point now = bitter and will give a spite vote to the non-Tyler person.


Well if Tyler takes her out then yeah maybe.  But that assumes that it would be Tyler that would take her out.  I see more a probability of a Level 6 final three with Angela being the decider and taking out Kaycee instead.  She knows Kaycee is extremely well-liked by the jury plus all the competitions she has been winning.  And if Angela thinks she can't win against her then why not set up Tyler for the win and keep the money in the "family" as it were.  Angela is linked to Kaycee in the House by others but we have never seen them make a minor alliance pact of a F2 with her.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, RagePaige said:

When Fessi does it in week 1/2, barely anyone bats an eye.  When JC does it everyone loses their minds.

Both were pretty deplorable but there is definately a double standard here because he is gay.

Well if there is a double standard here in this case it most definitely favors the gay JC.  That is unless I missed Fessy running around with an ice cream scoop trying to stick it up vaginas what to speak of groping people's privates against their clearly stated wishes.  Then there was the exposing and mortifying of Hay in the bathroom stall stunt JC did where she had to yell out for help from production.  Also at that time there was JC kissing and fondling Tyler while Tyler was asleep.  I wonder if a straight guy had done even some of this stuff let alone all of it if he wouldn't already be kicked out of the house. 

I think JC has been "using" his gay minority status and hiding behind it all season to get away with tons of crap all season long.  And BB just keep enabling him because they don't want to be seen as anti-gay or something.  But sometimes the gay person can be the bad person.  Minorities are not excused from having bad apples in their ranks.  People should be judged individually and not by the group anyway.

But for whatever reason, BB refused to stand up to him and just gave him endless warnings but did nothing while constantly filling their TV broadcast with "The Cute, Adorable Antics of JC" segments each week instead of showing what was really going on what to speak of stopping the little creep from his sexual assaults.

As for Fessy, yeah he was a creep too.  But Hay kept coming back giving him mixed messages.  If she just said no and meant it then we'd have a strong case against Fessy.  But she'd say no then a few hours later be hopping right back into bed with him again and wanting to cuddle.  She even said on her exit interview she wants to see him outside the house.

And Fessy sure wasn't running around with an ice cream scoop chasing her through the house.  And I don't even like Fessy but he did not remotely approach JC levels of sexual assault.  In fact he seemed to back away, albeit disappointingly, when Hay said stop.  He'd try again but then Hay was back to flirting one minute after she'd say no half the time.

Edited by green
  • Love 21
1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

Didn't anyone hear watch this show?  I wouldn't mind an allstar season rather have that than bring back a couple of vets every season.

I couldn't get into it at all and I don't think I watched the entire thing.  Trying to remember if that was before I started watching BB feeds or not but I remember being VERY excited about it because you could watch glasshouse feeds for free... but it was only during certain times... so I think maybe that's why I didn't like it... the contestants knew when the live feed was on and it didn't feel very genuine.  


So let's say Tyler and Angela make it to F2.... are they the first showmance to do that? 

38 minutes ago, green said:

Also at that time there was JC kissing and fondling Tyler while Tyler was asleep.


This is what I am talking about with Fessi and Haliegh week 1/2 before they were a thing.  Except Haliegh was awake and telling him no and he kept trying.


Granted this got alot better when she actually liked him later on but at first this was a similar case

Edited by RagePaige
9 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

This is what I am talking about with Fessi and Haliegh week 1/2 before they were a thing.  Except Haliegh was awake and telling him no and he kept trying.


Granted this got alot better when she actually liked him later on but at first this was a similar case

Actually, remembering back, Haleigh was awake but she didn't actually say anything to Fessy. I remember paying attention to this event, as it was the first of the night stuff happening and I was turned off by Fessy at that point, but I softened up when I heard the actual context. Though there were other incidents, to be fair, with Fessy pushing for a showmance with a reluctant Haleigh. These just weren't at night when we thought she was asleep. 

JC's incident with Tyler was the worst because we know he was asleep and JC was awake. It wasn't like the Kaitlyn/Brett incident where we thought she was awake and he wasn't, and it turned out both were half asleep and she wasn't giving him a handjob.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yes, which is one of many reasons why BBOTT is my fave and the best season in the past 5 years.

Seeing the comps, actually live, getting to watch HG's watch the comps as well from HOH room. Long DR's where HG, while pandering to americas vote but still giving real DR's.

Really enjoyed BBOTT.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm becoming less and less convinced that Tyler will cut Kaycee at all. It seems like so many Tyler/Kaycee conversations are about how they're going to be in F2, while Angela has never talked past F3. If Tyler was hesitant on taking Kaycee to F2, you'd think he wouldn't talk about it with her, you know? Also, with Tyler making mistakes along the way, he's shown to not be a perfect player and he may make an emotional decision, rather than a logical one. And, for him, he made this F2 with Kaycee a while back. Yes, he's made other F2s, but we know those were never serious because he never seemed committed to them, such as his F2 with Sam. Unless he's lying to Kaycee to her face, which would be a bad idea, then he's probably not taking Angela after all and he isn't thinking about the jury.

I mean, there's a chance that he could take Angela over Kaycee, but he's risking a very pissed off Kaycee, especially if it's on finale night, where she has no time to process and make a logical decision. Kaycee won't like being lied to and I'm not sure she'd vote for Tyler if he cut her, like you said. But I'd need to see hints of Tyler willing to cut Kaycee and, so far, I see nothing.

I feel like I say this a lot- but I just don't think he will cut Kaycee. I think at least I do- forget sometimes- that Tyler is a huge Big Brother fan cuz he's good at playing it off. But I think the allure of him & Kaycee potentially being looked at as one of the best Duos to play the game- is something that feeds his ego. Being compared to Derrick/Cody or Dan/Memphis I'm sure makes him really psyched. He also still tells her stuff- he hasn't cut off any conversation- he told her yesterday that he believes that if JC wins either HOH or Veto in F4- that he would want to get rid of Angela. To which then JC reinforced this literally less then an hour later in his conversation with Kaycee, mostly cuz I think JC believes that both Tyler & Kaycee would take him to F2 if they won- because he clearly doesn't know that they have a F2.  I actually think he hopes that JC wins Veto so he isn't the one that gets rid of Angela. I think right now he knows if he cuts Kaycee at F3 she's going to be SO fucking pissed at him- I think he would rather risk saying to Angela that he made a F2 with Kaycee on Day 2- and he stayed loyal to that the whole game and this is what their agreement was, and I can't go back on that even though I am in love with you, I think she would understand far more then people are giving her credit for. 

Kaycee & Tyler during their talk last night both said that Angela still hasn't mentioned anything to either of them about a F2- and that they both believe it's because she thinks that she's the middle person and will for sure get taken by either of them. 

  • Love 4

I think I watched Glass House. Was there a woman robot voice who made announcements about things called Ori or something like that? I remember liking it but don't remember anything else about it. I might have seen it before I started watching Big Brother (season 16.)

BBOTT was a good season! Good vs. Evil and Good triumphed at the end! I enjoyed voting for the house guest packages that would arrive by drone(?) each week and for the third nominee, and finally for the winner.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

I feel like I say this a lot- but I just don't think he will cut Kaycee. I think at least I do- forget sometimes- that Tyler is a huge Big Brother fan cuz he's good at playing it off. But I think the allure of him & Kaycee potentially being looked at as one of the best Duos to play the game- is something that feeds his ego. Being compared to Derrick/Cody or Dan/Memphis I'm sure makes him really psyched. He also still tells her stuff- he hasn't cut off any conversation- he told her yesterday that he believes that if JC wins either HOH or Veto in F4- that he would want to get rid of Angela. To which then JC reinforced this literally less then an hour later in his conversation with Kaycee, mostly cuz I think JC believes that both Tyler & Kaycee would take him to F2 if they won- because he clearly doesn't know that they have a F2.  I actually think he hopes that JC wins Veto so he isn't the one that gets rid of Angela. I think right now he knows if he cuts Kaycee at F3 she's going to be SO fucking pissed at him- I think he would rather risk saying to Angela that he made a F2 with Kaycee on Day 2- and he stayed loyal to that the whole game and this is what their agreement was, and I can't go back on that even though I am in love with you, I think she would understand far more then people are giving her credit for. 

Kaycee & Tyler during their talk last night both said that Angela still hasn't mentioned anything to either of them about a F2- and that they both believe it's because she thinks that she's the middle person and will for sure get taken by either of them. 

I'll be interested to see if Tyler would cut Kaycee. I think he might be thinking about throwing comps from here on out, but I also think he's smart enough to realize that throwing comps is also a bad thing. He may not want to make the really big moves with Kaycee or Angela himself, but he may have to. I think he'll want to win F4 HOH so that he doesn't need to cast the sole vote. However, I also still think that he wants JC in F3 with him and Kaycee. I know he's closer with Angela and I think he genuinely really likes her and maybe he's been lying about how he could cut Angela when he has to, but I guess I could also see him hesitant and maybe it'll be a more difficult decision. I guess I could see it going both ways, but I still feel like he'd keep Kaycee over Angela. 

4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'll be interested to see if Tyler would cut Kaycee. I think he might be thinking about throwing comps from here on out, but I also think he's smart enough to realize that throwing comps is also a bad thing. He may not want to make the really big moves with Kaycee or Angela himself, but he may have to. I think he'll want to win F4 HOH so that he doesn't need to cast the sole vote. However, I also still think that he wants JC in F3 with him and Kaycee. I know he's closer with Angela and I think he genuinely really likes her and maybe he's been lying about how he could cut Angela when he has to, but I guess I could also see him hesitant and maybe it'll be a more difficult decision. I guess I could see it going both ways, but I still feel like he'd keep Kaycee over Angela. 

I think Tyler is hoping to win the next HOH so that the Veto winner has to choose who to cut.  He definitely originally wanted JC is F3 with him and Kaycee (based on his Snapchat hit list), but I think that's changed since Angela and him have gotten so much closer. He has to be confident Angela would take him over Kaycee, and Kaycee would take him over Angela. That way, he could Derrick the final competition so he doesn't have to make the tough decision.

If JC is in the Final 3 with Tyler and/or Kaycee, I don't know that he could be as confident that JC would take him to the end. JC has repeatedly told Tyler how stupid JC thinks Kaycee is, so I could see him choosing Kaycee over Tyler - especially since JC just saw Tyler pull off that big DE move. Plus, I think he's just dying to reveal to JC that Level 6 has existed right under his nose and can't wait to Britney him at F4 since JC has become increasingly condescending and constantly trash talks his closest friends in the House to him. 

Would that it be best for his game to have Angela/Kaycee in Final 3, and be able to throw the final competition? I honestly don't know. If Angela wins, it could reenforce the "Tyler is Angela's Labrador" perception, but we don't even know if that still exists. If Kaycee wins, she'd have dominated the second half season of competitions, but, if the Jury realizes who was behind all the maneuvering, that might not matter. It'd be a big gamble, but so is having to make the decision to cut either your best friend or your lover. 

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

 I also still think that he wants JC in F3 with him and Kaycee. P

 In this final 3, either Tyler or KC wins and eliminates the other, with the winner and JC being the final two. I think either could win over JC unless Foote votes as a block. If it's Tyler, the voting could be a revenge vote - "anybody but Tyler". If it's KC, she wins.

ETA: At that point JC would be a viable candidate for AFP, for lasting so long and given his "cute" edit.

Edited by Skycatcher

It's werid when the feeds go down but the game is still being played. Of course, Sam is evicted but what will her reaction be? I'm curious to see if Julie grills her on her earlier play of bashing Haleigh & Kaitlyn hanging on the men?! Julie is having her own issues so I'm guessing she will drop that. Then there is the Final 4 HOH & Veto. Who wins? WIll Veto be played? We have to wait till Thursday night when no one is sitting in the 2 seats so it doesn't spoil the outcome for non feed watchers. It's actually kind of exciting no matter who is HOH & Veto holder are. I want to see JC's reaction live reaction if it's him who is evicted.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, mooses said:

That way, he could Derrick the final competition so he doesn't have to make the tough decision.

I don’t know, man, I still feel Derrick lucked out that Cody actually was dumb enough to go through with it.  And with the benefit of hindsight it’s been mentioned often as a truly stupid move, saying that Cody would have won if he had taken Victoria instead.  (I agree). Tyler being a super fan definitely knows about this, and about everyone saying it was a terrible move.  I just can’t see Tyler wanting to chance it. Better to be in the F2 and soothe ruffled feathers than to be in F3 and be cut 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, gunderda said:

Bless his heart that he keeps trying I guess? 3rd times (person) a charm?

We also have a bar across the street from a college in town that is called the library, however no strip club ;)  

But they apparently make super delicious nachos. 

Reason I mentioned the strip club was it followed the same naming logic:

  • College kid answering call from parents: “I can’t really talk - I’m at The Library.”
  • Married man answering call from wife: “I can’t really talk - I’m in The Executive Boardroom.”



5 hours ago, RagePaige said:

When Fessi does it in week 1/2, barely anyone bats an eye. 

We apparently don’t follow the same threads.  ;)



When JC does it everyone loses their minds.


Both were pretty deplorable but there is definately a double standard here because he is gay.

Yup!  JC has been getting free passes on a helluva lot more egregious behavior IMHO.  In the outside world Fessy’s behavior might quite possibly earn him a TRO, but JC’s behavior would’ve earned him a set of bracelets monogrammed by the LAPD.  Do you not remember Rachel laying down with her eyes closed while talking with some other female HGs in the Pink BR when JC walks in and, without a word, start rubbing on Rachel’s crotch???  Please name a state in the Union where a hetero man would NOT get arrested for the same behavior.  

Yes, there is a double standard - and JC is taking full advantage of it.


5 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

I hope this means he won't pull this stunt!


Oh, Swarles, just give it up.  It’s no longer even an issue of whether or not you’re in the same league - you aren’t even playing the same fucking sport.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

If it's Angela & Kaycee in the final the producers might want Swaggy to actually do it. LOL!!!

That would piss me off so much. Although I'd rather Kaycee versus Tyler and she destroys Tyler in the final vote and wins. Because I refuse to accept Nicole as the only woman to beat a man in F2. BUT I would be fine with an all female F2 and if Production thinks that they need to pad time (lol, right? That's all they do for the finale and then they leave us with so many questions and frustrations) and have Swaggy propose... man, my feminist side - which is really all of me - will be fucking livid. 

  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

That would piss me off so much. Although I'd rather Kaycee versus Tyler and she destroys Tyler in the final vote and wins. Because I refuse to accept Nicole as the only woman to beat a man in F2. BUT I would be fine with an all female F2 and if Production thinks that they need to pad time (lol, right? That's all they do for the finale and then they leave us with so many questions and frustrations) and have Swaggy propose... man, my feminist side - which is really all of me - will be fucking livid. 

Word. I don't want him to hijack the show. It would be different if they were in the Final 2/3 but he went out 2nd and she's on the jury. In fact, they won't even be sitting together. IIRC they are across from each other on stage. Anyway, hell to the nah with any proposal.

  • Love 5

I swear I thought that was Greg Nicotero doing that proposal.

I am not looking forward to this final, just because seeing how production seems to prefer FOUTTE, they are going to devote most of the time to Swaggy and his long lost love, making sure Scottie's mike is muted, Fessy and Hayleigh, and Rockstar trashing Brett (or vice versa). Then they'll point to the F2 and announce the winner or something, and call it a day. 

I've totally gone from thinking that Tyler has the win in the bag, to really thinking he loses against both Kaycee and Angela, though it would be close. I suppose Angela could really tank the jury questioning, because they will probably be hostile to her, and there's no way she'll be able to suck up to them like any good F2 person has to do, but still.  

If Tyler loses, it won't be that he really offended anyone (like Paul), but he just didn't work everyone at the end like he needed to, and didn't spell out his game well enough. That is a really frustrating way to lose, IMO.

I'm torn on Scottie's potential jury vote.

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