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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Kaitlyn and Tyler are talking about Winston and Brett.  Kaitlyn says she likes them.  Tyler says Winston and Brett really like her, too and how they will never say a bad word about her.

Tyler says, "Me and you?  We'll make these moves together."

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Tyler to Kaitlyn- "The bros love you so much they would never say a bad word about you".  "Brett genuinely thinks you are such a cool girl"


Tyler you dirty dirty player hahaha

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Now Kaitlyn is telling Angela how wonderful Tyler is.  It's just the 2 of them in the HOH room.  Angela is for sure being a sympathetic listener right now to everything Kaitlyn is saying.

Meanwhile, Bayleigh and Haleigh are talking.  I haven't been listening but Haleigh is telling Bayleigh about her talk with Kaitlyn last night.

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Yeah, Angela is doing a pretty good job in this conversation with Kaitlyn.  She started off "umm hmming" a lot, and sounded bored out of her mind, but she finally started engaging.  And of course agrees with EVERYTHING Kaitlyn is saying.  Yeah, those make-up talks are not really holding up, at least on Kaitlyn's end.  Good!  Implode, girl, implode!

Edited by Katesus7
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Her family aren't going to be cracking about the situation, they will be cracking up that Kaitlyn is getting played like a fiddle by Level 6. 

This is has been a masterstroke move by them.


This has been the best day of feed and its only been a few hours.

Edited by RagePaige
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12 hours ago, zorak said:

Swaggy is out at the pool table talking to Faysal.  When they first started talking he said that he, Bayleigh, Faysal, and Hayleigh are all that matter.  Clearly no mention of Kaitlyn there.  Now he's ranting about some interaction he had with Kaitlyn earlier tonight.  Faysal says Kaitlyn is freaking out thinking that she's being left out.  Faysal says, " She's starting to get annoying."  Swaggy says, "Starting???"  I love it.  Kaitlyn is going to crack.  I just know it.

Swaggy says he isn't telling Kaitlyn shit.  He says that either Rockstar or Haleigh told him that they were asking them in the DR about Kaitlyn liking Faysal and also having a boyfriend.

Faysal just now:  "Bayleigh or Haileigh?"  BB, take note.  This is why it is a problem when you cast people with similar names.  Even the people in the house have trouble with it.

Seriously, there's Bayleigh, Hayleigh, KayCee, Kaitlyn, Rachel.  Give them some alcohol and they'll be slurring names and we won't know who said what.

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Finally caught up!  :D



The Cloud could be just a complete do-over for something. Maybe a comp, or even the entire week.

Considering “the cloud” in Internet parlance refers to backup systems, I’m guessing it’s some version/rework of the BB16 Rewind twist.


18 hours ago, zorak said:

Bayleigh is telling Steve that she's very worried about Swaggy flying off the handle if someone does something to set him off.

Like... breathe without his permission?  :P


17 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Dip (or was it snuff you were referring to?) is actually a very old term, at least in the south.  My dad's mother was famous for "dipping snuff" and carrying her purse all over the house.

Snuff and chewing tobacco are two separate and distinct forms of the same thing.  Snuff is tobacco leaf pulverized into a powder, while chewing tobacco is tobacco leaf either shredded (“loose leaf”), compressed into a block (“plug”), or twisted natural leaf (“twist”).


15 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I think that the reason it got attention was because there were HG's who spoke about it and how uncomfortable it made them (Elissa, etc).

IIRC this was one of the first times BB actually made a significant social media impact outside its normal viewing audience, because of the universality of the racism issues raised.  CBS got caught in a quandary; on one hand it loved the significant ratings boost, but on the other hand the network was lambasted worldwide for providing an international broadcast platform for racists to casually vent without interference.


7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Meanwhile, Haleigh is leaning the fuck away from Faysal on the couch and practically cuddling into Kaitlyn's lap.


Even odds Fuzzy has visions of three-ways dancing through his head....

Edited by Nashville
Be bold!
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I'm real impressed with Tyler AND Angela when it comes to Kaitlyn. Seriously, Tyler's playing a solid first week social game.

I can only hope he plays this well the entire season.

And for all the complaints about Angela not socializing, she's doing a good job letting Kaitlyn vent. From what I read, Kaitlyn has started to trust her.

Dare I say there's hope for a flip for Thursday from Kaitlyn?!

Also, Haleigh/Angie also want to keep Sam.

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Brett now making Kaitlyn pancakes.

ETA: there was a convo at one point where Haleigh and Angie want to 'set up' the Bro's by making two hinky votes to vote out Steve. They want to see where the votes fall first so not sure how serious they were about it. If people believe it will be unanimous vote out Sam week, there is potential for a blindside.

Edited by kellog010
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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, Haleigh/Angie also want to keep Sam.

Did they actually say that?  If so, were they alone or who else was there?

4 minutes ago, kellog010 said:

ETA: there was a convo at one point where Haleigh and Angie want to 'set up' the Bro's by making two hinky votes to vote out Steve. They want to see where the votes fall first so not sure how serious they were about it. If people believe it will be unanimous vote out Sam week, there is potential for a blindside.

I saw that convo but they both acknowledged how risky it was and I don't think it's going to play out that way, but it would be glorious if it did.

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

Did they actually say that?  If so, were they alone or who else was there?

They've been kind of saying it casually for a day or so, but it was right after Sam left after offering Haleigh a head massage. I'm not watching and only reading recaps, to be fair. It was just them. Not that they'd flip at this rate, but they do seem to like Sam more than Steve.

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

They've been kind of saying it casually for a day or so, but it was right after Sam left after offering Haleigh a head massage. I'm not watching and only reading recaps, to be fair. It was just them. Not that they'd flip at this rate, but they do seem to like Sam more than Steve.

I was watching when Sam was in there and I heard them say something about Sam after she left but I didn't catch what it was.  But I'm pretty sure Swaggy and Faysal were also in the room at the time.

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1 hour ago, HighMaintenance said:

Which will most likely be disappointing - since after 20 seasons of BB, no one "big" (aka loudmouthed/villainous) goes home in the early stages of the game.

This is my fear. I just don't trust that anyone will actually go after the big guns.

21 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I can only hope he plays this well the entire season.

I'm interested to see how he handles it when he doesn't have HOH anymore. 

So weird feeds are off. I highly doubt it's a HN comp. That doesn't really make sense and they haven't done them for years. I'm guessing it's some kind of stupid 4th of July thing.

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11 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm interested to see how he handles it when he doesn't have HOH anymore. 

I think for at least the short term, he's in a pretty good position.  Kaitlyn told him earlier this morning that she feels that regardless of which side of the house gets HOH, she and Tyler will be safe this coming week because there are bigger fish to fry, which I think is true.  However, Haleigh seemed to be throwing a little shade about him and where is allegiance lies when she was talking to Bayleigh this morning.  After this week's vote, Swaggy is going to know that Tyler voted to keep Sam in, so who knows what Swaggy will do with that knowledge.

One thing that has cracked me up is how I've seen people from Swaggy's side bitch about people they perceive to be floaters and talk about how the floaters are not going to be long for this game because as Steve put it, if you're walking along a road, you're safest on one side of the road or the other, whereas if you walk in the middle of the road, you're definitely going to get hit.  Yet these same people who've been squawking about floaters also claim they're not afraid to make big moves and put up a big fish to get out when they win HOH.  But if they put up a big fish, guess what, the floaters will continue to be there, which completely contradicts their assertion that the floaters will not be tolerated and will not be sticking around for long.

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1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Tyler can't vote this week, no? 16 HGs, two on the block,  minus Tyler leaves 13 votes, so there can't be a tie.

So Tyler doesn't have to choose between Sam and Steve. 

Yeah, you're right.  I knew that.  I think the lack of sleep is definitely affecting me. 

I think what I meant to say is that going forward with this next HOH, Tyler is most likely not going to be doing what Swaggy wants, if he can help it.

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44 minutes ago, zorak said:

Yet these same people who've been squawking about floaters also claim they're not afraid to make big moves and put up a big fish to get out when they win HOH.  But if they put up a big fish, guess what, the floaters will continue to be there, which completely contradicts their assertion that the floaters will not be tolerated and will not be sticking around for long.

This ridiculous pretzel logic seems to rear it's head every season and still never makes sense.

Finally catching up.  Thanks everybody!

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Sometimes when I see Haleigh she looks like Charlize Theron to me.  Other times I look at her and think of Keri Russell  in the Felicity years.  And sometimes when I hear Tyler talk I'm reminded of Bill from Freaks and Geeks.  There's something about the voice itself but also his speech patterns at times that just make me think I'm hearing Bill talk.    

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10 minutes ago, tinderbox said:

BB must be pretaping something regarding the 4th of July.  Just a guess but nothing else makes sense. 

Tyler:  Hey, remember when we entered the house last week?

Brett:  That was great.  Let's watch a clip.

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54 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

This ridiculous pretzel logic seems to rear it's head every season and still never makes sense.

IKR???  IMHO floaters should be considered an opportunity to be exploited, not a nuisance to be discarded - but hey, maybe that’s just me.

FYI - Feeds still on reruns.

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Did anyone else catch Angela last night talking about how the DR gave her a hint to make sure she's hydrated for the next HoH comp? Angela and Rachel decided not to work out on the 4th because of it and to make sure they drown themselves in water because they think those hints mean that they're headed for an endurance comp this week. 

There was an awful lot of DR talk last night. And Big Brother wasn't really calling them out on it. Not just Swaggy and Faysal being horrible about "Bayleigh asked me" but the HoH crew just out and out saying "I was in the DR and they said..." without any warnings. 

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Sam appeared to be wearing latex gloves or some other kind of gloves as she was hanging up clothes.  Very strange.

JC is trying to feed some more bullshit to Rockstar about how Winston is going to vote.  He's definitely trying to convince her that Winston wants to vote to keep Steve and to just watch Winston when he's around Steve.  He says he's not sure how Brett is going to vote.

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I think maybe they were giving them practice for what the HOH competition is going to be like.  Rachel and I think Haleigh were up in the HOH talking about the thing they were doing while the feeds were down.  They were talking about getting the balls in.  One of them said they feel like there's going to be more targets, which I took to mean as more targets in the HOH competition game.

Edited by zorak
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Rockstar and Swaggy are in the bathroom discussing the risky plan of some of them voting to keep Sam there to try to shake things up and fire up Steve.  They say they can only go forward with the plan if it was guaranteed that Steve would actually stay.

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45 minutes ago, zorak said:

It does sound like it was some sort of competition.  Steve and Tyler are talking about little white balls exploding all over them.

I read that as "doesn't" which made this comment way more hilarious/confusing.

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Are Angie and Swaggy discussing making two "hinky votes" for Sam so that Steve thinks more people voted against him ( believing they know they have the votes to keep him) ?  Because Steve said he would go after whoever did not vote for him ( thinking he was staying for sure) .This is exactly what the other side has been hoping for. If the BRos promise they are voting for Steve to stay and they think it is an 10-3 lock, they would do it and blame it on the Bros. 
That would be incredible hilarious.

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Just now, missyb said:

Are Angie and Swaggy discussing making two "hinky votes" for Sam so that Steve thinks more people voted against him ( believing they know they have the votes to keep him) ?  Because Steve said he would go after whoever did not vote for him ( thinking he was staying for sure) .This is exactly what the other side has been hoping for. If the BRos promise they are voting for Steve to stay and they think it is an 10-3 lock, they would do it and blame it on the Bros. 
That would be incredible hilarious.

Yes, that is exactly what they were talking about.  Haleigh and Rockstar came up with idea previously.  They said it was risky because they had to know for sure that the bros were going to vote to keep Steve in the game, otherwise it will backfire.  I'm hoping they go through with it.  

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Yes, that is exactly what they were talking about.  Haleigh and Rockstar came up with idea previously.  They said it was risky because they had to know for sure that the bros were going to vote to keep Steve in the game, otherwise it will backfire.  I'm hoping they go through with it.  

Under those circumstances, I think it’d be hilarious if the Bros decided to split their votes, and Steve ends up going home.  Not that I actively dislike Steve, but I’d like it if Sam didn’t have to immediately play her advantage - I expect it would roil up the House more, especially if they don’t know its particulars.

Question: reckon when subsequent high-trenders get their advantage, the previously-selected advantages will still be on display in some fashion?  Personally, I think it would be better if subsequent winners don’t get any clue as to what advantages might already be in play in the House - anything which increases paranoia and tension is, by definition, good. :>

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Everyone in the house: "I should throw a hinky vote this week."

Later this week: "Steve, by a vote of 13 to 0, you are evicted from the Big Brother house."

From your lips to God's ears!

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1 hour ago, Nashville said:

IMHO floaters should be considered an opportunity to be exploited, not a nuisance to be discarded - but hey, maybe that’s just me.

Exactly.  That's the way it seems to work on Survivor, more often than not.  The factions work to get the swing votes to swing their way, or work on the weaker members of the opposing alliance to get them to turn.  Later in Survivor, when you need to have a solid alliance is only when the swing votes get targeted, but by then they've usually committed to one side or another.  But on Big Brother, for some reason the past several seasons, the house polarizes very quickly, and those left blinking in the dust are deemed to be "floaters" and are vilified.  They are also usually the "unpopular kids" too, which is unfortunate, though interesting from a sociological/psychological standpoint. 

You know what I'd love to see?  I'd love to see (if there were enough of them, and this time there may be) the floaters band together as an alliance to go after the other alliances.  But that never happens, because usually those floaters are trying to get in with the "cool kids" so they can belong.  Again, interesting from a sociological/psychological standpoint, but gawd, I wish these people would quite reliving high school interpersonal politics and play this game like grownups.

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6 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Under those circumstances, I think it’d be hilarious if the Bros decided to split their votes, and Steve ends up going home.  Not that I actively dislike Steve, but I’d like it if Sam didn’t have to immediately play her advantage - I expect it would roil up the House more, especially if they don’t know its particulars.

Neither than Tyler. He wants her to still have it so she can use it on him !! 

And also, good question about choosing the next advantage. Sam , if she can remember, has already seen them all so I am going to assume they will all be able to be seen. Leaving  the top winner wondering who got it.

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Lets face it.  Steve is cannon fodder.  He was an expendable walking into the house.  His age and his demeanor doomed him from the start.  They should just let him go and get it out of the way.  Very seldom does the older guy (or gal) make it very far.  Kevin from last season was a huge exception, but he read young (or, er, "clinging to youth") and he was kept around because he passively went along to be one of the cool kids, and he was guaranteed to do what Paul wanted.  Without being disgusting like the dying girl or Alex or Josh or Christmas.

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Hayleigh is sitting on the couch with Brett and Steve.  Brett's head is on a pillow, which is on her lap.  She is stroking his hair while they sit there.  No sign of Faysal.  I'm sure Brett jumped on the opportunity to fuel the Faysal jealousy as he and Winston discussed.

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5 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

But on Big Brother, for some reason the past several seasons, the house polarizes very quickly, and those left blinking in the dust are deemed to be "floaters" and are vilified. 

You can probably thank Rachel Reilly for that:


...and some folks, for various reasons, worship Rachel’s gameplay.  So there ya go.  ;)

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JC is telling Steve to not move to Miami if Steve wants peace.  He says there's too many different cultures there so everybody is always clashing.

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JC just said that since Have Nots started he's been sleeping in a different bed every night.  He said he feels like a prostitute.  Tyler said, "Are they paying you?"  He said, "Ok.  A cheap prostitute." 

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