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Season 20: Live Feed Discussion

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Winston's paranoia continues.  Now he's telling Brett that for some reason he just has a feeling it's going to be a double eviction this week.  So now they're discussing what they will do if it happens.

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Winston is telling Brett that they shouldn't try to win HOH if they don't have to this week.  He says that if Rachel is in position to win it, to just let her have it so that she can do their dirty work for them.  

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Somebody really is going to have to separate Brett and Winston. Those two could whisper and giggle at each other non-stop without noticing anybody else for hours. Maybe days.  They are like middle school teenage girls having a sleepover.

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Winston also is still stuck on the possibility of their being a double eviction this week.  He said he kind of hopes it is.  I would laugh so hard if even though it seems highly unlikely that there will be one, somehow there is, and he ends up walking out the door when all is said and done.

2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Somebody really is going to have to separate Brett and Winston. Those two could whisper and giggle at each other non-stop without noticing anybody else for hours. Maybe days.  They are like middle school teenage girls having a sleepover.

Earlier I would have said it seems like they're 10 year old boys.  At the time they were dying laughing in the Have Not room while they were having what could be best described as a fake fart off.

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

Earlier I would have said it seems like they're 10 year old boys.  At the time they were dying laughing in the Have Not room while they were having what could be best described as a fake fart off.

I think Winston read your thoughts. Right on cue, he just made a show of farting.

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I love how Winston thinks he's a genius for deciding that Swaggy and Faisal both need to be Have Nots when they put them on the block.  As if he can guarantee that he will have control over it and make it happen.

In case anyone is wondering what a Big Brother Mastermind looks like, here ya go:



Winston master mind.png

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Just now, vb68 said:

Brett has started to look like he's wondering how he can end this conversation and get Winston to politely stop talking.  

I switched cameras briefly and when I came back they were still talking away and Winston told Brett that this was exactly why they need to have a 5 minute talk like this every night.  5 minutes?  More like 45 minutes.  

Winston is taking a page out of Swaggy's playbook and talking about how if he and Brett steamroll through BB like he knows they will, they need to keep going and compete on stuff like the Amazing Race together.

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Steve was telling Faysal and Kaitlyn how earlier today Rachel flipped Winston in the pool. According to Steve, Winston was on a pool float just relaxing with his eyes closed.  But I guess he was being his typical jackass self to Rachel and she got sick of it.  So she said she was going to do a cannonball in the pool to get him wet.  She did it and he did get splashed.  Then he said, "Great job, Rachel." like it was no big deal.  At that point she just flipped the whole float over and he went under water.  He didn't see it coming because his eyes were closed.  Everyone around the pool started clapping and then they said, "Great job, Winston." to mock him.  I so wish I could have witnessed this.

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Love listening to all these delusional people (I’m looking at you Winston & Brett) who think they are the smartest people in the House when neither of them have won a competition . Predicting who they will eliminate without having any accomplishments to back it up.  

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38 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Love listening to all these delusional people (I’m looking at you Winston & Brett) who think they are the smartest people in the House when neither of them have won a competition . Predicting who they will eliminate without having any accomplishments to back it up.  

Coooolll story Casey

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9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maybe it'll be Julie telling Sam to pick a ball out of the box, and one will be an extra life and the other won't be.....but in reality, both balls will be rigged to get her back in.

I do think it'll be a quick chance thing. They'll do it before the HOH comp and it'll be a solo challenge of some sort. But with it expiring at week four, and it needing to be used, it's probably rigged for the person to get back in the house anyway. It's basically a battleback but with one person. 

Though why it's a "chance", I have no idea. Maybe they feared that the person who chose it would be unlikable or unmemorable. 

Yes! The word "CHANCE" seems like the kind of open-to-interpretation, but really "producers' choice" kinds of things they do in this "game" with the ever changing rules.  It could be done in many ways of course, but yes, if the producers want the person to stay, they will make that happen. 

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9 hours ago, zorak said:

Earlier when they were talking about the fact that the other side thinks Winston is a doctor, he and Brett decided that they were both going to act like the biggest idiots in the house so that nobody would think they are smart.

Well, that will be quite easy for them.

I'm torn between which side I want to get HOH next week. Who exactly would each put up? I assume Level 6 is doing Swaggy/Bayleigh. Is Foutte doing Winston/one of the women? Honestly, I'll probably be satisfied either way. Winston or Swaggy otb will be fun.

Although honestly I think there's a good chance both sides will chicken out and either nom Steve and/or Sam again or just do 2 women from the opposing side. This is Big Brother after all.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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9 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well, that will be quite easy for them.

I'm torn between which side I want to get HOH next week. Who exactly would each put up? I assume Level 6 is doing Swaggy/Bayleigh. Is Foutte doing Winston/one of the women? Honestly, I'll probably be satisfied either way. Winston or Swaggy otb will be fun.

Although honestly I think there's a good chance both sides will chicken out and either nom Steve and/or Sam again or just do 2 women from the opposing side. This is Big Brother after all.

Next week depending on who wins next HOH, Level 6 will nominate Chris and Faysal.  The other group will nominate Angela and Winston.  They have pretty much made their plans clear to Tyler.

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Coming from Winston this is rich. Also, are they complaining to Production about JC? Something tells me they aren't.

Kaycee's questioning of Swaggy's sexuality is not a good look. Maybe a bit of internalized homophobia tbh.

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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Who exactly would each put up? I assume Level 6 is doing Swaggy/Bayleigh. Is Foutte doing Winston/one of the women? 

Yeah, I would assume so. They always throw Winston and Angela as who they want up.

One more humorous bit I caught last night in the conversation that would never end. Winston may still be talking for all I know--

Winston-  This is great. We can crush TAR and then figure out what other shows to do!

Brett, confused-  Huh???

Winston, hyped as ever- This is the Bromance of the Century!!! We got to keep it going and do all the shows!!

Brett-- Sure, OK.

It should be said that a lot of them sit around and talk about getting on the Amazing Race. You know Swaggy does constantly. But I'm getting the impression that Winston wasn't lying  in his opening that it's just him and his dog. Dude acts like he's NEVER had a friend before now.  It's just rather strange.

Edited by vb68
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19 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Well, that will be quite easy for them.

I'm torn between which side I want to get HOH next week. Who exactly would each put up? I assume Level 6 is doing Swaggy/Bayleigh. Is Foutte doing Winston/one of the women? Honestly, I'll probably be satisfied either way. Winston or Swaggy otb will be fun.

Although honestly I think there's a good chance both sides will chicken out and either nom Steve and/or Sam again or just do 2 women from the opposing side. This is Big Brother after all.

What's so funny is that I'm reading your post about the logical choices for each side to nominate and I'm thinking to myself, "Come on, Peach, you know they're just going to end up chickening out and then convincing themselves that nominating ,like, Angie and Haleigh, is a big move" and you got there! :)

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Dixie is getting a welcomed break from her best bud’s continuous jabbering. How would you like to be “ man’s best friend”  ( and his only friend) to WINSTON? It’s got to be exhausting.

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Maybe he thinks all friendships are like the ones between people and their dogs. Dogs are always happy to be around their owners and constantly follow them around, so maybe he thinks that's what friends are like? 

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So, I watched the entirety of the Winston/Brett conversation last night and boy oh boy. It was entertaining because of Winston's delusions and Brett trying to calm him down.It really does seem like Winston has never had a guy friend before, because he doesn't spend much time away from Brett. It's to the point where, if Brett got evicted before Winston, I think there's a chance Winston's reaction would be like if his showmance got evicted. 

I'm really growing fond of Brett. He really seems exasperated by Winston sometimes but he really is the smarter of the two. Plus, he's been actively pushing away any chance of a showmance, which is refreshing for the jock bro of the houseguests. Meanwhile, Fessy and Swaggy just spent a good chunk of time on the hammock, bemoaning about Haleigh's teasing, how Fessy has fallen for the girl, how Swaggy has declared Bayleigh as his girlfriend, and how Fessy needs to play hard to get with Haleigh....also Fessy is planning to throw away his chances at winning the game for love. Yep, go screw off, Fessy. With Swaggy, he may like Bayleigh, but he's also playing the game.

Also, I watched the Kaitlyn's crew conversation about Dr. Winston and it started out funny but then Kaitlyn dove into the whole "He's rich so he doesn't DESERVE THE MONEY. I DESERVE THE MONEY" spiel. Kaitlyn really turns me off, but she's also super entertaining at times with her own delusions. If her, Winston, and Swaggy formed an alliance, they'd be an interesting one, that's for sure.

54 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm torn between which side I want to get HOH next week. Who exactly would each put up? I assume Level 6 is doing Swaggy/Bayleigh. Is Foutte doing Winston/one of the women? Honestly, I'll probably be satisfied either way. Winston or Swaggy otb will be fun.

I'm torn too. I do like most of Level 6 and don't want Brinston's bromance/romance to end with them turning into the biggest jerks. Their giggle sessions are actually really hilarious, and I enjoy Swaggy's delusions about him running the house when he's not. But Swaggy being HOH would truly end his game before jury, and that's what I'm here for. I'm here for Team Good Feeds and either side winning would likely provide that. Plus, Swaggy's side is already falling apart and I'm not sure which scenario would worsen the split.  

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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm really growing fond of Brett. He really seems exasperated by Winston sometimes but he really is the smarter of the two. Plus, he's been actively pushing away any chance of a showmance, which is refreshing for the jock bro of the houseguests.

Brett is honestly probably be best player in the house besides maybe Tyler.  I think he is already planning the long game and setting up his jury.  Where he going to struggle is the new "trending" part of the game if he keeps being low-key and avoiding things like showmances or confrontations. 

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I remember how Cody was sure he was going to run the house and then had one of the worst HOH reign that I had ever seen - losing almost his whole alliance in the process. Beware, Swaggy and Winston - pride goeth before the fall.

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Right from the start, I thought Brett's super-douchey early behavior was an act for the show and the more I see of him, the more that appears to be the case. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's still a pretty standard Big Brother Bro, but sadly, being a standard Big Brother Bro can be a fine strategy to have on this show. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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5 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Brett is honestly probably be best player in the house besides maybe Tyler.  I think he is already planning the long game and setting up his jury.  Where he going to struggle is the new "trending" part of the game if he keeps being low-key and avoiding things like showmances or confrontations. 

I hope he continues avoiding showmances. Besides, his only true showmance is with Winston. 

Anyway, even last night, with Winston pushing the Brett/Rachel idea, Brett seemed to push back with Winston/Rachel instead. It truly is refreshing to see him at least deflect right now. Seeing the love triangle mess on the other side of the house, it's smart. Plus, how refreshing that Level 6 has been drama free this first week? That's subject to change at any time, but usually there'd be tons of the drama with the frat boys and their model girlfriends, and it's nice to see the group completely loyal at the moment. They've been sharing everything with each other. Tyler's the only one keeping secrets, but that's for a good cause. 

And yes, I know that my opinion will eventually change, probably next week. It always happens, but I'm hoping some of my initial feelings stay the same. I'm kind of rooting for Brett, and am now happy I threw him in for my BB20 draft on here.

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11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:


It's also nice to see Sam getting comfortable with people. Now, girl needs to work on one of the girls from the other side of the house. Maybe Haleigh would be her best bet, though I don't know how Haleigh feels about her.

She tried yesterday with Hayleigh - Hayleigh and Rockstar were sitting outside talking and Sam came over to join them.  Rock star left (and went up to sit with Steve on the couches) and Sam asked Hayleigh to hang out with her and she said she would but then she ended up getting up to leave too and Sam asked her again to hang out with her and Hayliegh said "I will - I'm here all day!"  Sam then went up to Rockstar and Steve and basically told them that she doesnt think Hayleigh likes her and the whole situation made her sad. Rockstar and Steve tried to make her feel better. 

10 hours ago, zorak said:


How sad is it that Sam just said, "I'm 27.  I'm one of the oldest people in the house."?

I heard someone else mention that Sam is part of the old people group (I think Steve) and i'm like huh.. what???

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And, Faysal and Swaggy were talking about getting ore TV time. Especially Swaggy. Feels he needs to win some more comps for the TV time. I am entertained by Swaggy but his obsession with TV time is disappointing.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Anyway, even last night, with Winston pushing the Brett/Rachel idea,

Yeah, I was just going to bring that up. I heard Winston ask what Brett and Rachel were going to name their first kid.  And I was wondering where that came from, and I thought Brett had a similar reaction.  Didn't know they were that close. Brett mumbled something  awkward. I kinda wished he said maybe he'd know if he ever had some alone time to ask her.

Brett is a good enough player to realize he's gonna have to cut all that time with Winston down... I would say by half at least....but he's going to need to figure out how to balance it better.

I agree with whoever said Scottie is a strong contender for the next punishment. I hardly ever see him and then it's in the background of bigger groups. I know he had that little segment with Steve on the show last night and that's cool, but I would still say he's contributing the least right now. The flip side I have a feeling he would say that's by design, and he's willing to risk a punishment. Just my sense.  I wouldn't notice if he was missing until someone told me.  

Edited by vb68
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I’m waiting to see this exceptional athletic prowess that Scotty is supposed to possess and maybe surprise us with winning the HOH. I don’t know how long you lay low on B.B. (if that’s what he’s doing) but this first elimination has seemed to last forever. 

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Yeah, I was just going to bring that up. I heard Winston ask what Brett and Rachel were going to name their first kid.  And I was wondering where that came from, and I thought Brett had a similar reaction. 

Last night Rachel was getting mad/jealous that Brett wasn't spending any alone time with her.  She flocked to him on 3 separate occasions when he was in conversation with someone else.  He is smartly not going for the bait here as its clearly dangerous.

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7 minutes ago, RagePaige said:

Last night Rachel was getting mad/jealous that Brett wasn't spending any alone time with her.  She flocked to him on 3 separate occasions when he was in conversation with someone else.  He is smartly not going for the bait here as its clearly dangerous.

Winston kept telling Brett yesterday that if Brett won HOH, it was going to be all over for Brett, meaning that Rachel would want to sleep with him up in the HOH room, and good luck to Brett for having to navigate that.  Winston also was telling him that if Brett was in a showmance, all the other girls in the house would just drop him, which would not be good for Brett's game.  Brett said that being the object of all these girls' affection was his whole game, and he can't let a showmance get in the way of that.

27 minutes ago, missyb said:

And, Faysal and Swaggy were talking about getting ore TV time. Especially Swaggy. Feels he needs to win some more comps for the TV time. I am entertained by Swaggy but his obsession with TV time is disappointing.

Did you see yesterday when Swaggy was talking to us Live Feeders and laying out his thoughts and plans for us?  And then right after he went through all of it, he said something like, "Now I have to go through all of this again for CBS.", and then proceeded to start over from the beginning with everything he just said.  As soon as he said he needed to say all of it again for CBS (aka a tv ready version), I rolled my eyes and changed cameras.

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I watched the Kaitlyn's crew conversation about Dr. Winston and it started out funny but then Kaitlyn dove into the whole "He's rich so he doesn't DESERVE THE MONEY. I DESERVE THE MONEY" spiel. Kaitlyn really turns me off, but she's also super entertaining at times with her own delusions. If her, Winston, and Swaggy formed an alliance, they'd be an interesting one, that's for sure.

I think I saw on Jokers that last night Kaitlyn was talking about how she wants to win HOH and then out Winston as a surgeon during the nomination ceremony.  She was practicing a speech and said she wants to make a history moment on Big Brother.  

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Tyler are Kaycee are up in the HOH bed talking in the dark.  Tyler says that Faysal probably doesn't like him because Haleigh spends a lot of time with Tyler.  Tyler says Faysal knows Tyler can beat him and so he's sure there will come a point where Faysal tries to nominate him.  Kaycee says that's why Faysal needs to go ASAP.

The Robot Online message just played so I guess it's back to being a Sambot.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Tyler are Kaycee are up in the HOH bed talking in the dark.  Tyler says that Faysal probably doesn't like him because Haleigh spends a lot of time with Tyler.  Tyler says Faysal knows Tyler can beat him and so he's sure there will come a point where Faysal tries to nominate him.  Kaycee says that's why Faysal needs to go ASAP.

The Robot Online message just played so I guess it's back to being a Sambot.

Tyler finally told Kaycee that Sam has the power.  Its the perfect play.  Either Steve or Bayliegh is going home.

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

Tyler finally told Kaycee that Sam has the power.  Its the perfect play.  Either Steve or Bayliegh is going home.

Did Tyler and Kaycee say that Steve or Bayleigh are going home?  Do they think someone is being evicted this week if Sam uses the power?  I'm under the impression that nobody is going home this week as a result of Sam's power.  

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Just now, zorak said:

Did Tyler and Kaycee say that Steve or Bayleigh are going home?  Do they think someone is being evicted this week if Sam uses the power?  I'm under the impression that nobody is going home this week as a result of Sam's power.  

We aren't sure because the power says "Chance".  I was more talking from their point of view.

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1 minute ago, RagePaige said:

We aren't sure because the power says "Chance".  I was more talking from their point of view.

Yeah, I know the whole "chance" thing doesn't mean it's a sure thing Sam is staying.  I was just wondering if Tyler and Kaycee said out loud that Bayleigh or Steve is going home.

More Angela bashing from Haleigh and Kaitlyn in the hammock.  Haleigh is talking about Steve's story about Angela throwing pillows at Steve because she thought he was snoring.  Haleigh said she can only imagine how Steve's daughters must feel for him to be treated this way.  Haleigh said it breaks her heart.  Give me a break.  I wonder what they're going to say about Steve if the truth is revealed before the show is over that Steve has lied to them about his profession, given Kaitlyn's witch hunt about Winston.

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5 minutes ago, zorak said:

Did Tyler and Kaycee say that Steve or Bayleigh are going home?  Do they think someone is being evicted this week if Sam uses the power?  I'm under the impression that nobody is going home this week as a result of Sam's power.  

I thought it was only usable once someone is evicted and then will return to the game?  I didn't think it was supposed to simply cancel out an eviction.  So, Sam likely wouldn't use it unless she gets evicted or somewhere down the line, if she's still in the game, she may use it to bring back an evicted ally.

Am I understanding it wrong?

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4 minutes ago, GalvDuck said:

I thought it was only usable once someone is evicted and then will return to the game?  I didn't think it was supposed to simply cancel out an eviction.  So, Sam likely wouldn't use it unless she gets evicted or somewhere down the line, if she's still in the game, she may use it to bring back an evicted ally.

Am I understanding it wrong?

From what Sam told Tyler previously, she has to wait until the eviction takes place.  And if the "chance" wording truly means that it is no guarantee that Sam comes back, I wonder what the timeline is on how soon we'll know if she's coming back.  I guess I just assumed it wouldn't mean that someone else was getting evicted in her place if she does in fact return, but I don't know that for sure.  

Scottie's voice just now reminded me of Olaf from Frozen.

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47 minutes ago, zorak said:

I think I saw on Jokers that last night Kaitlyn was talking about how she wants to win HOH and then out Winston as a surgeon during the nomination ceremony.  She was practicing a speech and said she wants to make a history moment on Big Brother.  

I saw that too and it's hilarious, because Winston literally doesn't give a shit. Him and Brett have been joking around about his newly found doctor status. He really isn't going to give her the reaction she's hoping for. It's like when Swaggy actually confronted Winston yesterday about him being the next target (I totally missed it but it was apparently only a two minute conversation). Winston laughed about it because he already knew Swaggy's side was coming after him; it was old news because Tyler already told them early on, yet Swaggy thought throwing his alliance under the bus was going to rile Winston up. 

Just now, zorak said:

From what Sam told Tyler previously, she has to wait until the eviction takes place.  And if the "chance" wording truly means that it is no guarantee that Sam comes back, I wonder what the timeline is on how soon we'll know if she's coming back.  I guess I just assumed it wouldn't mean that someone else was getting evicted in her place if she does in fact return, but I don't know that for sure.  

I would assume it would be right after commercial break. Since Sam could use it on anyone, I think she declares the use of her power before the person walks out the door. 

15 minutes ago, zorak said:

More Angela bashing from Haleigh and Kaitlyn in the hammock.  Haleigh is talking about Steve's story about Angela throwing pillows at Steve because she thought he was snoring.  Haleigh said she can only imagine how Steve's daughters must feel for him to be treated this way.  Haleigh said it breaks her heart.  Give me a break.  I wonder what they're going to say about Steve if the truth is revealed before the show is over that Steve has lied to them about his profession, given Kaitlyn's witch hunt about Winston.

All the women LOVE to bash each other, and the men also like to bitch about each other equally. It's funny to see the return of the petty houseguests, only a couple of weeks in. 

I think the only woman that doesn't actively bash the other women is Kaycee, from what I've seen of her. I could be wrong, since she does hang out with Angela. 

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so once again Winston and Scottie are eating slop that Angela made for them. I know in the past HG's got creative with how they ate the slop but have we ever seen two people as unable to make their own slop as Winston and Scottie? It seems as if only Angela can make edible slop and they wait around for her to make it for them. 

ETA: Brett is now also eating the same special Angela-made slop. 

Edited by Growsonwalls
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22 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

All the women LOVE to bash each other

Sigh. Every damn season.


45 minutes ago, zorak said:

Did Tyler and Kaycee say that Steve or Bayleigh are going home?  Do they think someone is being evicted this week if Sam uses the power?  I'm under the impression that nobody is going home this week as a result of Sam's power.  

I'm confused how Bayleigh would even be a possibility for this week now? The veto was not used.

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8 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

so once again Winston and Scottie are eating slop that Angela made for them. I know in the past HG's got creative with how they ate the slop but have we ever seen two people as unable to make their own slop as Winston and Scottie? It seems as if only Angela can make edible slop and they wait around for her to make it for them. 

Kaitlyn was complaining about how Angela wouldn't give her the recipe for slop cookies. I guess Angela, somehow, makes it the best. I'm not sure whether she volunteered to make them slop or not. But they're going to have to learn how to make some good slop food eventually. 

1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Sigh. Every damn season.

It seems like it hasn't been THIS bad in a while, especially in the first week. Usually it's just one or two women at this point, but it's almost every woman this time around. 

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It might be because this cast skews so young. These are essentially college-age girls and they act like it's Saturday night in a sorority house. Now of course some of the most vile haters in the past have also been older (Christmas, Evel Dick, Mike Boogie, etc.) but these girls don't even have witty things to bitch/gossip about. It's all just so generic bitching.

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I think "chance" means that it will be exactly like when Cody had to win those extra challenges vs the other evicted houseguests to get back into the house.  So if Sam gets voted out, she'll have to chill until week four when she battles against the week four evictee to get back in. 

I do not hold out any high hopes for this.  We haven't seen Sam smashing any of the challenges so far. 

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I like Sam but if I hear her say that her being a robot has made it really hard for her to get to know people again, I just might scream.  I think being a robot has put her at a disadvantage but it just comes across as whiny at this point.  

Edited by zorak
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I'm by no means perfect, but I generally try to live by the belief that strong women lift other women up, not tear them down. Part of it may be an age thing, but it's sad that so many of these women aren't thinking the same way.

I don't know; you don't have to make it a love fest (and lord knows I love me a good fight on the feeds every now and then), but so much consistent cattiness is just disappointing.

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Rockstar just referred to Faysal as Finessi.  Please don't let that become a thing.

And now Tyler is talking to Kaycee about the possibility of this week being a double eviction.  I think Winston is spreading his paranoia around.

Robot cam view


robot cam.png

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7 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I think "chance" means that it will be exactly like when Cody had to win those extra challenges vs the other evicted houseguests to get back into the house.  So if Sam gets voted out, she'll have to chill until week four when she battles against the week four evictee to get back in. 

I do not hold out any high hopes for this.  We haven't seen Sam smashing any of the challenges so far. 

I can't imagine this being a Battleback type of power. It's a Bonus Life for the person who won it. If it's a Battleback, then someone else would be rewarded. Sure, this is only a chance, but I don't think the power would include rewarding someone else. Besides, unless they have a Battleback already planned, the first three evictees, if Sam hadn't been in danger, wouldn't be going into sequester after being eliminated. I think the power needing to be used is because there's 99 days in the house, a few more than last season, so one or two weeks will have to be elimination-free anyway. There's a higher chance of this power actually keeping someone in the house because they NEED to delay some evictions for as long as possible (see the Halting Hex power last season). I mean, look at BB18, where Victor got evicted a grand total of three times. We'll definitely get a pre-jury battleback...or we're getting the power guaranteeing someone coming back in the game. 

I think it's going to be more of a crapshoot comp where it's done very quickly before the episode is up. The power has to be declared right after the eviction anyway, so the whole house will know about it right after the votes are cast. And Grodner won't want the fall out to the eviction be delayed for a few more weeks. 

I feel 50% certain that Sam will get back into the house. I know Grodner probably has other ways to bring people back into the house in case this "chance" doesn't work out, but we'll have to see what this "chance" includes. I just see it as a solo competition. 

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I can't imagine this being a Battleback type of power. It's a Bonus Life for the person who won it. If it's a Battleback, then someone else would be rewarded. Sure, this is only a chance, but I don't think the power would include rewarding someone else. Besides, unless they have a Battleback already planned, the first three evictees, if Sam hadn't been in danger, wouldn't be going into sequester after being eliminated. I think the power needing to be used is because there's 99 days in the house, a few more than last season, so one or two weeks will have to be elimination-free anyway. There's a higher chance of this power actually keeping someone in the house because they NEED to delay some evictions for as long as possible (see the Halting Hex power last season). I mean, look at BB18, where Victor got evicted a grand total of three times. We'll definitely get a pre-jury battleback...or we're getting the power guaranteeing someone coming back in the game. 

I think it's going to be more of a crapshoot comp where it's done very quickly before the episode is up. The power has to be declared right after the eviction anyway, so the whole house will know about it right after the votes are cast. And Grodner won't want the fall out to the eviction be delayed for a few more weeks. 

I feel 50% certain that Sam will get back into the house. I know Grodner probably has other ways to bring people back into the house in case this "chance" doesn't work out, but we'll have to see what this "chance" includes. I just see it as a solo competition. 

I agree with this. I don't think it is a battleback. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a power. Essentially, it has to be used one week (between week 1 and week 4) which has to mean it doesn't apply to all of them. It will probably be something like letting the houseguests choose a reward for a punishment (returning a houseguest) or letting her do something individually to get back in. 

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1 hour ago, GalvDuck said:

I thought it was only usable once someone is evicted and then will return to the game?  I didn't think it was supposed to simply cancel out an eviction.  So, Sam likely wouldn't use it unless she gets evicted or somewhere down the line, if she's still in the game, she may use it to bring back an evicted ally.

Am I understanding it wrong?

She can use it on herself or anyone else BUT if at eviction #4 and she doesn't use it, then the person who is evicted that week gets the power.

25 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I think "chance" means that it will be exactly like when Cody had to win those extra challenges vs the other evicted houseguests to get back into the house.  So if Sam gets voted out, she'll have to chill until week four when she battles against the week four evictee to get back in. 

I do not hold out any high hopes for this.  We haven't seen Sam smashing any of the challenges so far. 

I thought something like that too but it doesn't make sense with this.  This power says only one person can use it and if it's not used at eviction 4 then the person evicted that week gets to use it.  Which one would assume that the previous evictees don't have that chance to return.   I think the wording is very confusing. 

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