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S03.E04 No Haven in My Shadow

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RA, you could learn a lot from Darla, if you weren't an asshole.

Sometimes I get tired of Vi's schtick; the woman's supposed to be close to my age (58) and she acts like she's at least 20 years older.

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So Vi can berate Charley to do things while she struggles to bake her pies and Nova can work on a commemoration for Ernest while ignoring Charley but neither of them can bother to offer Charley alternatives to her plan. only judgment. Hmmph.

I like seeing Darla stronger but not cruel about circumstances nor in the face of Ralph Angel's petulance in her return. I hope that backbone she has now lasts. 

Remy and Nova having several moments? Hmm

Hollywood is trying to help Vi and she is being stupidly stubborn. SMH. At least she finallybtook him up on his truck offer.

Davis ain't shit! 13 year old daughter? I hope Charley kicks his ass when she finds out.

The background music in the Jacob and Charley scene was different. Was that a sax? And also odd. Another hmmm.

That promo for ep 5! Whew. 

Edited by Chick2Chic
addition... addition!
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2 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

Davis ain't shit! 13 year old daughter? I hope Charley kicks his ass when she finds out.

Just came here to say this! What a low-down dirty dog! Charley should be so glad that she is free of his POS self. I hope she gives him a nice swift kick in the balls next week.

2 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:

So Vi can berate Charley to do things while she struggles to bake her pies and Nova can work on a commemoration for Ernest while ignoring Charley but neither of them can bother to offer Charley alternatives to her plan. only judgment. Hmmph.

I love how Vi expected Charley to rearrange her whole schedule to take Prosper to the clinic as if Nova's "shopping" is more important than Charley's business. I get that the plot called for Charley to take him in order to move the Landry story forward, but it came off as another way for Vi to be dismissive of Charley. Also, since Hollywood isn't working these days, it would seem more logical for Hollywood to have the time to take Prosper rather than Charley.

2 hours ago, Jeopardy15 said:

Are they really going there with Nova and Remy?

Both of them are so ugh. A woman like Nova would NEVER entertain her sister's leftovers.I know this is essentially a soap, but I'm hoping they don't go there.

Darla & RA: I'm so happy she isn't entertaining his petulant child act and is in full mom mode. As she should be. She can and will do so much better than RA in time.

Vi: I get where she's coming from but girl, its a delivery truck. Its not that serious. I would let him pony up for that industrial stove too. I can't stand holier-than-thou church ladies, so there is no way I would deal with Ms. Effie for more than 2 seconds if I didn't have to. She can always pay Hollywood back in installments if she doesn't want to owe anyone.

Edited by AgentRXS
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Really Vi? Why is it Charley has to push aside something important she needs to do for something someone else can do? Nova can shop or prepare for Ernest commemoration later. Why can’t Hollywood take Prosper? We know he’s not working.  What the hell Aunt Vi talking about Charley being on her high horse? Is there anyone on a higher horse than Miss Independent Vi now? She’s transporting her pies through storage containers in her SUV? Don’t get me started on that. At least she’s finally accepting Hollywood’s help but still. Speaking of Vi and her pies it’s one thing to not wear gloves or a hairnet when cooking for family members but it’s another not wearing gloves or a hairnet when cooking for a business! I would feel sorry for Vi with the church lady but she got karma for how she treated Charley. 

Charley, give Romero a shot!

Hey, Micah, are you gonna treat your mother better now?

During the commemoration with RA, I kept thinking, "Don't worry about Blue not being yours by blood RA. With the way you've been spreading your seed, you'll have a child by your blood soon."


8 hours ago, Neurochick said:

RA, you could learn a lot from Darla, if you weren't an asshole.

Sometimes I get tired of Vi's schtick; the woman's supposed to be close to my age (58) and she acts like she's at least 20 years older.

My Dad told me being older doesn’t automatically means you’re mature, wise or got it together. You can be an asshole and an idiot at 20 and still be that same asshole and idiot when you’re 50.


8 hours ago, Chick2Chic said:


Davis ain't shit! 13 year old daughter? I hope Charley kicks his ass when she finds out.

The background music in the Jacob and Charley scene was different. Was that a sax? And also odd. Another hmmm.

That promo for ep 5! Whew. 


I know! I had to rewatch that promo a few times. I hope the reveal with Davis doesn't send her dancing with Jacob.


7 hours ago, Jeopardy15 said:


How does Davis have a whole d@mn kid somewhere else?!?!

Are they really going there with Nova and Remy?

Why is Vi so stubborn?

Can RA and Darla make this work for Blue’s sake?

1. I honestly thought Davis was gonna say his daughter is one maybe two years old. But 13?!! Damn Davis! Just damn!

2. Yep. They've been teasing them since the season finale.

3. Because Vi likes making one of the biggest mistakes people do with their relationships; bring old baggage into their current relationship.

4. Nope because RA is RA.


5 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Just came here to say this! What a low-down dirty dog! Charley should be so glad that she is free of his POS self. I hope she gives him a nice swift kick in the balls next week.

Both of them are so ugh. A woman like Nova would NEVER entertain her sister's leftovers.I know this is essentially a soap, but I'm hoping they don't go there.

Darla & RA: I'm so happy she isn't entertaining his petulant child act and is in full mom mode. As she should be. She can and will do so much better than RA in time.

Vi: I get where she's coming from but girl, its a delivery truck. Its not that serious. I would let him pony up for that industrial stove too. I can't stand holier-than-thou church ladies, so there is no way I would deal with Ms. Effie for more than 2 seconds if I didn't have to. She can always pay Hollywood back in installments if she doesn't want to owe anyone.


Actually, I think a woman like Nova would. She was a mistress for several years. Going after her sister's leftovers wouldn't be a stretch. However, it does seem Remy is brought in just so he could do something since his character isn't essential to the series right now. 

Edited by Arcadiasw
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6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Just came here to say this! What a low-down dirty dog! Charley should be so glad that she is free of his POS self. I hope she gives him a nice swift kick in the balls next week.

I love how Vi expected Charley to rearrange her whole schedule to take Prosper to the clinic as if Nova's "shopping" is more important than Charley's business. I get that the plot called for Charley to take him in order to move the Landry story forward, but it came off as another way for Vi to be dismissive of Charley. Also, since Hollywood isn't working these days, it would seem more logical for Hollywood to have the time to take Prosper rather than Charley.

Both of them are so ugh. A woman like Nova would NEVER entertain her sister's leftovers.I know this is essentially a soap, but I'm hoping they don't go there.

Darla & RA: I'm so happy she isn't entertaining his petulant child act and is in full mom mode. As she should be. She can and will do so much better than RA in time.

Vi: I get where she's coming from but girl, its a delivery truck. Its not that serious. I would let him pony up for that industrial stove too. I can't stand holier-than-thou church ladies, so there is no way I would deal with Ms. Effie for more than 2 seconds if I didn't have to. She can always pay Hollywood back in installments if she doesn't want to owe anyone.

I agree. He was talking about buying a junker, too - how much money could it be? Let him do it! Is that better than messing up her inventory schlepping your product in your car? She could call it a loan and pay it back if she really feels a way about it, but sometimes you just have to let people help you.

Nova and Remy are going to get together, and it's gross for both of them. I know a guy who is married to his former best friend's ex (they were friends since childhood; she left the first one for the second) and he also used to sleep with his wife's sister. Messy! Like, at Thanksgiving, everybody knows he's seen both sisters naked.

I like that Darla found a backbone. She's right, she shouldn't have to ask permission to see her son.

Davis ain't SHIT. Three years after his son was born he was running around? A whole-ass teenage daughter? Lying for 13 years??

Charley needs to get with the cute nurse or doctor or whatever he is and stop blocking blessings!

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2 hours ago, Empress1 said:


Davis ain't SHIT. Three years after his son was born he was running around? A whole-ass teenage daughter? Lying for 13 years??


And he's only telling him after the mom died. So when he couldn't hide it anymore he decides to tell his son. Smh. 

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So does Darla know that RA knows that Blu "ain't" his son? 

Re: Davis. It's not unusual for big time ballers to cheat. It happens all the time. There's probably a whole lot of them with kids running around that their poor wives don't have a clue about. I'm just sorry it has to happen to Charley. She's been through enough with that jerk. I just hope the show doesn't try to bring the girl in to the family for Mica to get to know his sister. So not interested in that.  Keep the show about the adults, please!

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I don't understand how Darla and RA are fighting over Blue. RA should have zero legal say in Blue's life at all, that is if Darla wants to push it. Given her history though a custody battle could get real ugly. Frankly, given both their histories, but it can't be denied that RA isn't still stepping up for the boy despite now lacking a biological connection.

Okay, happy to be wrong about Romero. He's <probably> not a Landry henchman, and he's cute. Go get it, Charley.

Tia? Does Charley know Davis had an outside kid who's only a few years younger than Micah? (It's possible she does know but never clued Davis in.) I hope Davis has been paying some kind of support for his daughter, though it's hard to imagine how he could've done that for 13 years without Charley knowing since she handled their finances.

Nice version of Waterfalls at the end.

I just don't get what Nova would see in Remy. He's so patriarchal in hus basic attitudes and that's already proven to be a big no-no for her.

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26 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Tia? Does Charley know Davis had an outside kid who's only a few years younger than Micah? (It's possible she does know but never clued Davis in.) I hope Davis has been paying some kind of support for his daughter, though it's hard to imagine how he could've done that for 13 years without Charley knowing since she handled their finances.

I think the answer to this question is in the promo for next week's ep.

26 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I just don't get what Nova would see in Remy. He's so patriarchal in hus basic attitudes and that's already proven to be a big no-no for her.

He's about the community, like her,  so I can see that being an appeal to her. But It's a bad idea IMO even if Charley is 100% over Remy. It makes both of them look shady. That said, if Remy is going to be foisted on one of the Bordelon sisters, I'd rather it be Nova than Charley, since he and Nova can be judgmental together instead of him trying to dim Charley's shine. 


1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

So does Darla know that RA knows that Blu "ain't" his son? 

Hadn't he been giving her the cold shoulder since she left to get better? I don't think he told her he took a test and it was negative that he's Blue's bio father. I think had the result been positive, he would have told her, though.  


3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I agree. He was talking about buying a junker, too - how much money could it be? Let him do it! Is that better than messing up her inventory schlepping your product in your car? She could call it a loan and pay it back if she really feels a way about it, but sometimes you just have to let people help you.

I kinda got where she was coming from when she explained about her abusive ex-husband but she was still doing too much about Hollywood's offer and feeling like she needs to do everything... well except take Prosper to the doctor... all by herself. I agree that if it was about power and owing someone, then she could have made it a loan situation regarding the truck and paid Hollywood back rather than it being a gift she would feel forever indebted to hanging over her head. 


7 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

I know! I had to rewatch that promo a few times. I hope the reveal with Davis doesn't send her dancing with Jacob.

Maybe but they were already setting the stage in this ep, if that's the case, with the different vibes towards the end of Charley's scene with Jacob. The music made me pay more attention to their verbal and non-verbal interaction. 

Edited by Chick2Chic
fixed something.
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Every time I start to warm to Davis just a teeny bit, we learn shit like this. He has a 13 year old daughter? Who he has known about this whole time? What a piece of crap. Yeah, I`m sure that cheating and fathering kids with their side pieces is pretty normal for professional athletes, but its still low down, especially after everything else thats happened. 

Another day of everyone treating Charlie like crap for the horrible crime of doing her job. Why is Vi acting like what Charlie is doing is so much less than important than Nova shopping, and like Hollywood or anyone else cant take Prosper to the hospital? Its ridiculous the amount of passive aggression, or actual aggression, Charlie has to deal with from her own freaking family. I kind of felt bad for Vi when the church ladies were giving her shit, but it also kind of felt like karma. I did like Charlies scenes with Prosper though, and I hope she goes out with the cute hospital guy. Get it Charlie!

Darla should be fighting for her rights to see Blue. RA has proven a million times he isnt fit to be a parent on his own, and while he certainly loves Blue, we all know this paternity thing is eating him up inside. 

Nice cover of Waterfalls. I've always loved that song, TLC was my jam when I was in elementary school, so that really hit my nostalgia buttons. 

I did like seeing Remy with the Future Farmers of America kids, and it reminded me of why I liked him in the beginning, but Remy and Nova? Nope. Just...nope. 

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Ernest was a REAL asshole.

He constantly bragged about Charley while he was living, and made it a point to leave Ralph Angel the entire farm after he passed away.

I can understand why Nova is bitter.

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So does Darla know that RA knows that Blu "ain't" his son? 

Re: Davis. It's not unusual for big time ballers to cheat. It happens all the time. There's probably a whole lot of them with kids running around that their poor wives don't have a clue about. I'm just sorry it has to happen to Charley. She's been through enough with that jerk. I just hope the show doesn't try to bring the girl in to the family for Mica to get to know his sister. So not interested in that.  Keep the show about the adults, please!

I bet $5 we meet the half sister. The mother died, so she may be coming to live with Davis.

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18 hours ago, Neurochick said:

RA, you could learn a lot from Darla, if you weren't an asshole.

Sometimes I get tired of Vi's schtick; the woman's supposed to be close to my age (58) and she acts like she's at least 20 years older.

Yes, I'm happy Vi, finally came to her senses, now at least I understand why she was so adamant about not letting Hollywood help her. When women have suffered abuse in a prior relationship, it carries over into the next one. Okay guys, it seems as if Charlie and Jacob may go there after all. I'm not feeling Nova and Remy, It seems as if Charlie is looking for anything to numb the pain. Her ex -husband is a real trip, now he has a 13 years old daughter on top of all of his other whoring ways. Darla is stronger than she realizes, it seems as if all of the wrongs were made right in last night's episode. I know it hurts that she did not tell him about Blue in the beginning, they need to see Darla for who she is now, not for who she was. Blue may not be RA biological son, but Darla is his biological mother. They had no right to try and keep her from him.

Edited by byrd
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On ‎6‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 10:05 PM, Jeopardy15 said:


How does Davis have a whole d@mn kid somewhere else?!?!

Are they really going there with Nova and Remy?

Why is Vi so stubborn?

Can RA and Darla make this work for Blue’s sake?

I believer RA is softening toward Darla. He loves sher and Blue, once he gets past the pain, I believe they will be okay, Darla's attitude is humbling to RA. I loved when RA searched for Darla in every crack house he could find and she was actually in the pool swimming. I believe it showed RA something about her character and her strength, she could have easily turned back to drugs over this drama.   

Edited by byrd
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11 hours ago, Arcadiasw said:

Really Vi? Why is it Charley has to push aside something important she needs to do for something someone else can do? Nova can shop or prepare for Ernest commemoration later. Why can’t Hollywood take Prosper? We know he’s not working.  What the hell Aunt Vi talking about Charley being on her high horse? Is there anyone on a higher horse than Miss Independent Vi now? She’s transporting her pies through storage containers in her SUV? Don’t get me started on that. At least she’s finally accepting Hollywood’s help but still. Speaking of Vi and her pies it’s one thing to not wear gloves or a hairnet when cooking for family members but it’s another not wearing gloves or a hairnet when cooking for a business! I would feel sorry for Vi with the church lady but she got karma for how she treated Charley. 

Charley, give Romero a shot!

Hey, Micah, are you gonna treat your mother better now?

During the commemoration with RA, I kept thinking, "Don't worry about Blue not being yours by blood RA. With the way you've been spreading your seed, you'll have a child by your blood soon."


My Dad told me being older doesn’t automatically means you’re mature, wise or got it together. You can be an asshole and an idiot at 20 and still be that same asshole and idiot when you’re 50.


I know! I had to rewatch that promo a few times. I hope the reveal with Davis doesn't send her dancing with Jacob.


1. I honestly thought Davis was gonna say his daughter is one maybe two years old. But 13?!! Damn Davis! Just damn!

2. Yep. They've been teasing them since the season finale.

3. Because Vi likes making one of the biggest mistakes people do with their relationships; bring old baggage into their current relationship.

4. Nope because RA is RA.


Actually, I think a woman like Nova would. She was a mistress for several years. Going after her sister's leftovers wouldn't be a stretch. However, it does seem Remy is brought in just so he could do something since his character isn't essential to the series right now. 

Nova is self serving, if it will satisfy her for the moment she'll do it. Nova will do whatever she wants to do, take her sisters money , date a married man, sleep with several different women  whatever , it's all about Nova when it comes to relationships and her sexuality.

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8 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I agree. He was talking about buying a junker, too - how much money could it be? Let him do it! Is that better than messing up her inventory schlepping your product in your car? She could call it a loan and pay it back if she really feels a way about it, but sometimes you just have to let people help you.

Nova and Remy are going to get together, and it's gross for both of them. I know a guy who is married to his former best friend's ex (they were friends since childhood; she left the first one for the second) and he also used to sleep with his wife's sister. Messy! Like, at Thanksgiving, everybody knows he's seen both sisters naked.

I like that Darla found a backbone. She's right, she shouldn't have to ask permission to see her son.

Davis ain't SHIT. Three years after his son was born he was running around? A whole-ass teenage daughter? Lying for 13 years??

Charley needs to get with the cute nurse or doctor or whatever he is and stop blocking blessings!

I am hoping that Charlie will give him a chance also, However , I am curious to see what develops between Jacob and Charlie...because..."IT'S PASSION LIKE FIRE, KEEP IT SMOKIN" LOL !!

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Davis ain't SHIT. Three years after his son was born he was running around? A whole-ass teenage daughter? Lying for 13 years??

Charley needs to get with the cute nurse or doctor or whatever he is and stop blocking blessings!

Yeah, Davis's ain't shitness was on a stratospheric level. And then! Having the nerve to preface it by mentioning how much he loved Ernest and now good Ernest was to him. That's how you repay Ernest's love? You bullshit his daughter and have a whole-ass child with another woman. He must've set up the world's most secret bank account for her. 

Yes, Charley. Get you some Romero!

Edited by Sheenieb
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1 hour ago, OoogleEyes said:

I know this show has it's flaws, but cinematography certainly isn't one of them. It so beautiful 

Also a great soundtrack..

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20 hours ago, byrd said:

I am hoping that Charlie will give him a chance also, However , I am curious to see what develops between Jacob and Charlie...because..."IT'S PASSION LIKE FIRE, KEEP IT SMOKIN" LOL !!

I am open to this for the sheer drama of it. While Jacob's family is shady, nothing he's done at this time has me totally writing him off. And there is some chemistry. 

Besides, after Davis spent years screwing her over and Remy is nothing but judgmental towards her nowadays while also making cow eyes at her sister, at the very least, maybe it'll be a great roll in the hay for Charley. 

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Vi could pay Hollywood back just from the pies she saves.

On 6/13/2018 at 10:08 PM, AgentRXS said:

Darla & RA: I'm so happy she isn't entertaining his petulant child act and is in full mom mode. As she should be. She can and will do so much better than RA in time.


She already is!

On 6/14/2018 at 3:31 PM, Sheenieb said:

Yeah, Davis's ain't shitness was on a stratospheric level. And then! Having the nerve to preface it by mentioning how much he loved Ernest and now good Ernest was to him. That's how you repay Ernest's love? You bullshit his daughter and have a whole-ass child with another woman.


Davis loved Ernest so much, he thought having two wives was the lesson Ernest was teaching him!

Edited by jhlipton
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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 11:50 AM, Chick2Chic said:

I am open to this for the sheer drama of it. While Jacob's family is shady, nothing he's done at this time has me totally writing him off. And there is some chemistry. 

Besides, after Davis spent years screwing her over and Remy is nothing but judgmental towards her nowadays while also making cow eyes at her sister, at the very least, maybe it'll be a great roll in the hay for Charley. 

Lol , now that's what I'm talking about !  I know Jacob is no good for Charley, but sometimes a girl just got to do,  what she needs to do.

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21 hours ago, byrd said:

Lol , now that's what I'm talking about !  I know Jacob is no good for Charley, but sometimes a girl just got to do,  what she needs to do.

Even though there is possible blood relation, as thin as it is, I'm slowly coming on board with this. Charley is damned if you do, damned if you don't with her family so might as well. Hopefully she's smarter than RA with night guests and she at least gives Romero a shot. 

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On 6/15/2018 at 11:22 AM, OoogleEyes said:

I know this show has it's flaws, but cinematography certainly isn't one of them. It so beautiful 


On 6/15/2018 at 12:37 PM, byrd said:

Also a great soundtrack..

From the very first scene of the series. The production values deserve Emmys. Seriously.

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On ‎6‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 3:17 PM, byrd said:

I believer RA is softening toward Darla. He loves she and Blue, once he gets past the pain, I believe they will be okay, Darla's attitude is humbling to RA. I loved when RA searched for Darla in every crack house he could find and she was actually in the pool swimming. I believe it showed RA something about her character and her strength, she could have easily turned back to drugs over this drama.   

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