PrincessPurrsALot May 13, 2018 Share May 13, 2018 Description will be added prior to the show. One thing I am expecting, Ralph Angel will be the worst. 3 Link to comment
Neurochick May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 (edited) I keep thinking, imagine if RA was your dad. Yuk. I liked that scene at the game, and some dumb white person screams “ go back to where you came from” to black people, who’ve been here as long as you. BTW, the USA became a world power due to slave labor so STFU ignorant douche with the loser confederate flag. Racist white cop looked like Jerry Sandusky. I thought the guy was a pedo at first. There must not be too many men in that town if the girls are hitting on Ralph Angel. Remy, loser number two, right after RA. Edited May 30, 2018 by Neurochick 12 Link to comment
NowVoyager May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 (edited) Dang! The OWN channel kinda slid the premiere in, didn't they? No big build up, or marathon of previous episodes. I didn't even know it was on until the episode was half over. Omg. That scene with the cop beating turned my stomach. About 50 minutes in Charley gets an email. If you're sensitive to depictions of violence, you should have your hand on the remote. So! We finally find out if Ralph Angel is the baby daddy! I won't spoil it for you... Edited May 30, 2018 by NowVoyager 2 Link to comment
Dee May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 (edited) It's only been one episode of the new season and I'm already beyond tired of Hollywood and Remy. Charley has set herself up to be the show's whipping girl. And it's hard to sympathize with her this time since she did it on purpose. Blue needs a serious time out. Micah does too. Mr. Prosper is the best. That said, it doesn't look as if he'll make it to the end of the season. Nova is doing too much. She needs to focus on one thing and stick to it. Auntie Violet got some cute new wigs in Italy! Edited May 30, 2018 by Dee 4 Link to comment
AgentRXS May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 Charley, just go full-on bitch with Remy and flirt with as many men as possible in front of him. What a manipulator. I would have given him the finger every time he looked over at me. Fuck him. Darla is looking great! See what being RA-free does for a woman?! Oooh, the things the new generation gets away with. If I continued a phone conversation while an adult was clearly trying to speak to me, and then had the nerve to ask them to shut the door behind them as they go, I would be picking my teeth up off the floor (even if it was followed with a please). I know Charley is still shaken over the video and the incident with the cop but Micah still needs to show his mom a little respect. Bigots are the biggest idiots in the world. Why don't they go back to the mutated swampland they come from? 12 Link to comment
mrsbagnet May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 (edited) 16 hours ago, NowVoyager said: Dang! The OWN channel kinda slid the premiere in, didn't they? No big build up, or marathon of previous episodes There was marathon scheduled on Sunday and Monday, though I don't know if it actually showed. There was 30 min special about the new season, too. The weird thing is that my TiVo saw the older episodes and this new episode as two different shows. The new eps disappeared from my To Do list, and I had to go in and add a whole new season pass to record the new episodes. Some weird programming glitch. Charlie's biggest flaw is that she thinks she's always the smartest person the room. The Landrys have been at this game for a long time. They won't be easily defeated. I feel bad for Ralph Angel, but um, was he just gonna screw that chick up against the side of the house? Edited May 30, 2018 by mrsbagnet 8 Link to comment
Empress1 May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 What do y'all think about RA deciding to get a paternity test? I am not sure I would (I also didn't think Darla should have told him). If he's committed to raising Blue as his own as he said last episode, how much difference would knowing make? It's not like the other guy is going to go after custody - he doesn't even know Blue exists. I also doubt his being mature enough to handle the knowledge that Blue isn't his, and it looks like that will come into play as the season goes on. 8 minutes ago, mrsbagnet said: Charlie's biggest flaw is that she thinks she's always the smartest person the room. The Landrys have been at this game for a long time. They won't be easily defeated. Agreed. I like them as foils though. I was yelling at Nova to TAKE THAT MONEY. A bigger platform means more people hear your voice. I know her heart is in grassroots activism (I loved the way she IMMEDIATELY rose and put her fist in the air, beaming, when the kids knelt on the court) but she doesn't have to abandon that altogether. Vi and Hollywood were so cute. For the "big game," there sure weren't many people in the stands. 8 Link to comment
AgentRXS May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 1 hour ago, Empress1 said: What do y'all think about RA deciding to get a paternity test? I don't blame him for wanting to know for sure. If he is in full custody of Blue for the time being, it's probably good information to have for medical reasons. Doctors usually ask for the family medical history. Of course, I don't think he is mature enough to handle the information. It's already pretty bad that Blue is feeling the resentment that RA now has for Darla without understanding why. Blue is acting out partly in return and partly because that is normal behavior for a 6/7 year old to test boundaries. I don't have high hopes that he won't lose his temper with Blue and say something that can't be taken back. After seeing a social media post about a riot breaking out after a basketball game, I was so nervous about Prosper and Vi attending that game. I honestly thought that the racists were going to start some shit then or after the game and that either Vi or Prosper were going to get injured in the melee. 4 Link to comment
Sheenieb May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 Quote What do y'all think about RA deciding to get a paternity test? I'm OK with him wanting to know for sure. I still hate this storyline, though. Especially since the reason for it was weak. I'm side-eying Ava DuVernay for even bringing up Blue's light skin as a reason to question RA being his father. I hope Charley succeeds, although we all know it won't be easy. Girl needs a win. I really hope she doesn't go begging for Remy's affection again. This is one of the things that frustrates me about Nova. I get that grassroots activism is part of her brand and what she cares most about, but girl, there is nothing wrong with advancing and looking out for yourself, professionally. 5 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 (edited) When something seems too good to be true it usually is. Be careful, Nova. Where my gifts? Poor Ralph Angel. Poor Blue. I actually got teary-eyed at that scene. But then RA's self-soothing solution was to get with the first available set of boobs and orifices. Alas, grief sex is solid soap opera trope. Watch her get pregnant to try to trap him. Quote Racist white cop looked like Jerry Sandusky. I thought the guy was a pedo at first. We don't know that he isn't one. It was odd the way Charley was so taken with the little boy he had with him. But yeah, interesting casting. Quote I also didn't think Darla should have told him. Me either. Sadly though, these kinds of secrets have a way of coming out at the worst time. I just hope RA doesn't accidentally blurt it out to Blue. Edited May 30, 2018 by Joimiaroxeu Link to comment
Chick2Chic May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 I don't dislike Remy but I thought last season highlighted why he isn't the man for Charley, at least Charley when she's strong. It was strange to me seeing folks on twitter saying Charley needed to apologize and get back with Remy. And I'm like "for what? why?" I don't think he's a bad man but at this point, I don't see him being anything other than someone dragging Charley down and making her doubt herself. Pass on that. I did chuckle at Ava quoting someone on twitter last night asking when Davis and Charley will get back together and seeming stunned by that comment. Ralph Angel has always been terrible with dealing with his emotions and now he's trying to deal with serious heartbreak over Blue as well as Darla while raising Blue solo currently. SMH. I cringed watching Blue act out and Ralph Angel's responses. He's so emotionally stunted himself that he's not able to give that little boy the comfort he needs in the current chaos. Nova likes to make things harder on herself. Watching that offer scene made me wonder did she ever pay back that 10k? I can't recall. Anywho, I missed the season preview since my DVR stopped at 10p before it aired so I will have to look for it online but I am curious if the show will go with Nova/Remy. That gave me weird vibes in last season's finale. 3 Link to comment
Neurochick May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 13 hours ago, AgentRXS said: Darla is looking great! See what being RA-free does for a woman?! Laughing at this. Darla's FREE and sober and she needs to come back and take Blue away from that loser, glad they didn't get married, or else Darla would have been stuck with him. 6 Link to comment
Empress1 May 30, 2018 Share May 30, 2018 3 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said: When something seems too good to be true it usually is. Be careful, Nova. Where my gifts? Poor Ralph Angel. Poor Blue. I actually got teary-eyed at that scene. But then RA's self-soothing solution was to get with the first available set of boobs and orifices. Alas, grief sex is solid soap opera trope. Watch her get pregnant to try to trap him. We don't know that he isn't one. It was odd the way Charley was so taken with the little boy he had with him. But yeah, interesting casting. Me either. Sadly though, these kinds of secrets have a way of coming out at the worst time. I just hope RA doesn't accidentally blurt it out to Blue. I laughed at that. A couple of years ago my ex went away on a business trip and didn't bring me back anything (I asked him for a particular thing native to where he'd gone) and I was like "... But for real though, where is my gift?" Him not bringing me that back was a running joke for the rest of our relationship. Having worked in publishing, while a six-figure book deal is rare (the advances you DON'T hear about are much more common and much, much smaller, like "don't quit your day job" smaller), if Nova's built up enough of a following, I can see it. There's some dramatic license taken, but it's not totally out of the realm of possibility. And if they really believe she could be successful for them (publishing is a business, after all) I could see them throwing $100K at her. If they'd said a million, I'd be like " ... Yeah, no." 2 hours ago, Neurochick said: Laughing at this. Darla's FREE and sober and she needs to come back and take Blue away from that loser, glad they didn't get married, or else Darla would have been stuck with him. The fact that Blue is with RA and not Darla bothers me. I mean, the show's not about Darla so I get it, but it stands to reason that she'd take him back to her parents'. I wonder if her suing for custody would be a storyline? Legally RA has no claim on Blue, right? 1 Link to comment
Neurochick May 31, 2018 Share May 31, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, Empress1 said: The fact that Blue is with RA and not Darla bothers me. I mean, the show's not about Darla so I get it, but it stands to reason that she'd take him back to her parents'. I wonder if her suing for custody would be a storyline? Legally RA has no claim on Blue, right? I wonder if RA's name is on Blue's birth certificate. I almost gave up on this show. I hated the way the Bordelon family treated Darla, I always did. I wish she'd take Blue back to her parents and keep him away from those awful people, especially RA. Edited May 31, 2018 by Neurochick 3 Link to comment
Arcadiasw May 31, 2018 Share May 31, 2018 (edited) 21 hours ago, AgentRXS said: Oooh, the things the new generation gets away with. If I continued a phone conversation while an adult was clearly trying to speak to me, and then had the nerve to ask them to shut the door behind them as they go, I would be picking my teeth up off the floor (even if it was followed with a please). I know Charley is still shaken over the video and the incident with the cop but Micah still needs to show his mom a little respect. Bigots are the biggest idiots in the world. Why don't they go back to the mutated swampland they come from? Instead of telling Keke he’ll call her back, I can’t believe Micah just carried on a conversation with her in front of his Mom after coming in late. My Mom would’ve snatched the phone out of my hands, tell my friend to not bother calling me because I’m grounded for the next week. Charley lets him get away with too much. I attended a rally where someone yelled, “Go back to where you come from!” Someone yelled back, “Pay for my trip since your ancestors brought mine here against their will!” Got a lot of laughs and cheers for that. 14 hours ago, mrsbagnet said: Charlie's biggest flaw is that she thinks she's always the smartest person the room. The Landrys have been at this game for a long time. They won't be easily defeated. I feel bad for Ralph Angel, but um, was he just gonna screw that chick up against the side of the house? Seems like it. I rolled my eyes at his mopey face. Won't be shock if RA doesn't wrap it up and entrapment girl gets pregnant. 14 hours ago, Empress1 said: What do y'all think about RA deciding to get a paternity test? I am not sure I would (I also didn't think Darla should have told him). If he's committed to raising Blue as his own as he said last episode, how much difference would knowing make? It's not like the other guy is going to go after custody - he doesn't even know Blue exists. I also doubt his being mature enough to handle the knowledge that Blue isn't his, and it looks like that will come into play as the season goes on. I think RA should have the test. He needs to know just like any guy raising a kid that might or might not be his If you're wondering, get the test. Like you said, he's isn't mature enough to handle the truth. We saw how he was throughout the episode and how it ended but I still think he should know. 9 hours ago, Chick2Chic said: I don't dislike Remy but I thought last season highlighted why he isn't the man for Charley, at least Charley when she's strong. It was strange to me seeing folks on twitter saying Charley needed to apologize and get back with Remy. And I'm like "for what? why?" I don't think he's a bad man but at this point, I don't see him being anything other than someone dragging Charley down and making her doubt herself. Pass on that. I did chuckle at Ava quoting someone on twitter last night asking when Davis and Charley will get back together and seeming stunned by that comment. Nova likes to make things harder on herself. Watching that offer scene made me wonder did she ever pay back that 10k? I can't recall. Anywho, I missed the season preview since my DVR stopped at 10p before it aired so I will have to look for it online but I am curious if the show will go with Nova/Remy. That gave me weird vibes in last season's finale. That's one of the reasons why I avoid Queen Sugar twitter and facebook. Too many people praising Remy and RA and giving them passes (mainly because of their looks) and not seeing their flaws as all the characters have and throw constant shade at the women. I would be shock if Nova pays that 10k back. If she's like most family, that money is gone forever I think Hollywood should listen to Charley and invest some of his money. Like she said, “Make it work for you.” I think in the preview to the new season it was said Hollywood got at least a million. It seems a lot and it is but he should build on that especially if he’s gonna frivolously spend his money. Unfortunately when people who aren’t used to money suddenly get it, they lose it all in a few years because they didn’t spend or invest wisely. Edited May 31, 2018 by Arcadiasw 4 Link to comment
TVForever May 31, 2018 Share May 31, 2018 On 5/30/2018 at 12:13 AM, AgentRXS said: Darla is looking great! See what being RA-free does for a woman?! She's back home with her parents, I think, being taken care of, getting stronger. If I've gotten the background story right, Darla was a (upper?)middle class college girl when she and RA met. She fell in with the wrong crowd and the wrong game, and fell WAAY off track. Her shame at her situation kept her separated from her family for so long. Now that she's back with them, I see her coming for Blue at some point, with her parents having her back. It will definitely be sad, because the Bordelons are the only family Blue has ever known. On 5/29/2018 at 10:37 PM, Neurochick said: There must not be too many men in that town if the girls are hitting on Ralph Angel. Well admittedly, that man is pretty. And the world is full of women who will chase after a good-looking loser, especially one whose family (I don't think it's common knowledge that RA is actually the sole owner now) owns 800 acres. On 5/30/2018 at 7:46 AM, mrsbagnet said: I feel bad for Ralph Angel, but um, was he just gonna screw that chick up against the side of the house? Better question: Was she actually going to LET herself be screwed up against the side of the house? He told her "not in the house," and she followed him anyway. 4 Link to comment
Empress1 May 31, 2018 Share May 31, 2018 2 hours ago, TVForever said: She's back home with her parents, I think, being taken care of, getting stronger. If I've gotten the background story right, Darla was a (upper?)middle class college girl when she and RA met. She fell in with the wrong crowd and the wrong game, and fell WAAY off track. Her shame at her situation kept her separated from her family for so long. Now that she's back with them, I see her coming for Blue at some point, with her parents having her back. It will definitely be sad, because the Bordelons are the only family Blue has ever known. Well admittedly, that man is pretty. And the world is full of women who will chase after a good-looking loser, especially one whose family (I don't think it's common knowledge that RA is actually the sole owner now) owns 800 acres. Better question: Was she actually going to LET herself be screwed up against the side of the house? He told her "not in the house," and she followed him anyway. I think it was more that her family held their bottom lines. She thought they wanted nothing to do with her ever again, but it was more that they had to put some distance between them and her when she was using because it was too hard on them. If you've ever watched Intervention, that's a big part of what they tell you to do. I remember when she told them she was doing well and getting married, they were warm and receptive and came to see her, and they basically told her, "Look, you put us through a lot and we couldn't deal, and we had to save ourselves." Her mother said she fell off the wagon herself due to the stress; her being an alcoholic was news to Darla. But they were happy she was healthy and well. Given that the woman basically told RA "I heard you're single. I'm down to fuck," I have no doubt she let RA do whatever, wherever. 3 Link to comment
tennisgurl June 1, 2018 Share June 1, 2018 Am I an asshole that, when the kids started their protest, and Novas eyes lit up, I actually groaned? Not at the protest itself (live your truth kids), or Nova being into it (thats her jam) but because its her latest excuse not to advance her career and finally gain a bigger platform, even when she has a six figure book deal right in front of her. She is gonna turn it down to mentor these kids or something, even though she could totally do both, AND get more money for events and to help people AND would have exposure to help black people around the country, AND would have a huge boost in her career, but...I guess not. Really, I think her inevitably turning this deal down to focus on grassroots stuff is an excuse because she fears being considered a "sell'out" for being successful, mostly to herself. Its just sad. So, did the bigots know about the protest in advance, and brought their flag to try to start stuff? Or do dumb rednecks just carry their giant confederate flags with them everywhere, even to high school basketball games? And while there is so much wrong going on from them, what killed me that hasn't been mentioned is that they kept yelling about respecting America...waiving a confederate flag...the flag of an army that faught against America and tried to leave it! Not exactly respectful, huh? You dumb non history class listening to motherfuckers! RA finding out that Blue wasn't his was sad. This secret never should have come out, no good was going to ever come of it. But, I worry that, no matter what RA says, this will hurt his relationship with Blue. RA isnt at all mature enough to deal with that, in addition to his farm. He is still super hot though, so theres that. No wonder random women are all over him in parking lots. Charley is really smart, and I love her, but I think she is way to cocky about this Landry deal. They are many things, but dumb isnt one of them. I see all of this backfiring really badly. I thought the scene with the two older guys complaining about the teens protest, and Nova getting into it with them a bit was interesting. 5 Link to comment
TGinKY June 2, 2018 Share June 2, 2018 (edited) It annoys the hell out of me how the actor who portrays RA whispers every.last.line. I guess that makes him the Sugar Cane Whisperer. But seriously, speak the hell up! Edited June 2, 2018 by TGinKY 5 Link to comment
jhlipton June 3, 2018 Share June 3, 2018 On 5/29/2018 at 8:18 PM, NowVoyager said: Dang! The OWN channel kinda slid the premiere in, didn't they? No big build up, or marathon of previous episodes. I didn't even know it was on until the episode was half over. My DVR recorded the 30 minute preview. I noticed that everyone talked about their future except Darla. I hope she isn't being written out. On 5/30/2018 at 4:57 AM, Empress1 said: What do y'all think about RA deciding to get a paternity test? He ahould have got it, for medical reasons, as mentioned above. But why can't someone, ANYONE ask RA if Blue was adopted, would he be any less RA's son? But,no, he's so butt-hurt he can't see how much courage it took Darla to tell him. But RA never supported Darla's sobriety, because it's always all about him! Look up "toxic masculinity" and there's a picture of RA (with Remy peeping from the sideline, looking right back. On 5/30/2018 at 5:17 PM, Neurochick said: I hated the way the Bordelon family treated Darla, I always did. I wish she'd take Blue back to her parents and keep him away from those awful people, especially RA. TRUTH! 5 Link to comment
Clanstarling June 9, 2018 Share June 9, 2018 On 5/29/2018 at 8:18 PM, NowVoyager said: Dang! The OWN channel kinda slid the premiere in, didn't they? No big build up, or marathon of previous episodes. I didn't even know it was on until the episode was half over. They did, and I didn't even realize it was on until two episodes had aired. Somehow it was removed from my DVR list. Thankfully, they do rerun the episodes. On 5/29/2018 at 9:13 PM, AgentRXS said: Oooh, the things the new generation gets away with. If I continued a phone conversation while an adult was clearly trying to speak to me, and then had the nerve to ask them to shut the door behind them as they go, I would be picking my teeth up off the floor (even if it was followed with a please). I know Charley is still shaken over the video and the incident with the cop but Micah still needs to show his mom a little respect. I might have said out loud "shut the door your own damn self." With my kids, I usually said "are your hands broken?" On 5/30/2018 at 4:46 AM, mrsbagnet said: Charlie's biggest flaw is that she thinks she's always the smartest person the room. The Landrys have been at this game for a long time. They won't be easily defeated. I think she probably is the smartest person in that room. The Landrys may have been in the game a long time, and have a playbook that's worked so far. But their biggest flaw is that they seriously underestimate Charley because of their own prejudices - both race and gender. On 5/30/2018 at 9:21 AM, Joimiaroxeu said: But then RA's self-soothing solution was to get with the first available set of boobs and orifices. Alas, grief sex is solid soap opera trope. He did the same thing with Darla early in the show. So he's consistent, if nothing else. On 5/31/2018 at 10:29 PM, tennisgurl said: So, did the bigots know about the protest in advance, and brought their flag to try to start stuff? Or do dumb rednecks just carry their giant confederate flags with them everywhere, even to high school basketball games? And while there is so much wrong going on from them, what killed me that hasn't been mentioned is that they kept yelling about respecting America...waiving a confederate flag...the flag of an army that faught against America and tried to leave it! Not exactly respectful, huh? You dumb non history class listening to motherfuckers! This frothing at the mouth about the flag - while they do more to disrespect it than anyone they claim is doing it, drives me crazy. Waving the confederate flag is the biggest, most idiotic hypocrisy (and it's not just in southern states, there are plenty in this west coast town I live in) but they also use the American flag as an accessory (clothing, jewelry, bumper stickers, condoms, the list goes on). Hateful motherfuckers. 3 Link to comment
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