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Good Witch - General Discussion

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And, they still won't mention the word "magic."  At least last night the three cousins had a talk about when they first realized they had heightened intuition.  And, they are using rune stones.  Abigail had "intuition" about what was in Joy's father's pocket. I still think that Hallmark is afraid of losing a base of fundamentalist Christians if they actually utter the word "magic" on the show.  *sigh*

I still thing the writing is better this year though.  

Oh, how about the Leopard Lodge being pulled out of nowhere though?  At least they are thinking of things for George to do, which I appreciate.  They had Stephanie acknowledge the age gap this episode too, which I also appreciated.  How come Adam seemed all fine with Stephanie telling him about her date though?

Did anyone notice that the mug they had Martha breaking was not one of the family's ever-present set of turquoise colored stoneware? (I was glad about that. I like those mugs.)

Edited by Cowgirl
Goofed and spelled "rune" as "ruin." *Gasp!*
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I'd be surprised if they can get another full season of the this show at the rate the storylines are going. Their best bet is to close out this season with a TV movie and put the actors out of their misery. 

Although these two seem to have having a swell time



Not sure of the rules on this site, I only come here to chat about Good Witch, so apologies if this snarky comment is offtopic or breaking the rules. But, catherine bell has a Jewellery line and has the show cast modelling for her. First of all, this is such an awkward pose, hope it was all done in photoshop. Secondly, it is such an awkward pose to show off Jewellery. Can't even see the necklace on Joy, is she even wearing one? I keep tilting my head to recognise the other two actresses. 


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I missed the last fifteen minutes. Did I miss anything important? Did Sam and Adam make up?

Does anyone else think Adam and Donovan look too much alike? I keep getting them confused. This show really has a type.


 I still think that Hallmark is afraid of losing a base of fundamentalist Christians if they actually utter the word "magic" on the show.  *sigh*

And yet . . . they decided to make Joy a lesbian. So, lesbians OK but witches bad. Alrighty then. 

So Joy's mother gave her father a "tea" (*cough*potion*cough*) that caused him to lose his memory for 27 years? I don't know of any "tea" that will do that so that's about as close to magic as anything we've heard about in awhile. This intuition crap is just a cop-out. 

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I just saw a preview for next week's show on the Hallmark site, and it looks as though George actually mentions Samantha to Cassie.  So, it sounds like they're resurrecting her from last season. As much as I grouse and gripe that characters just disappear, I worry that this particular character could grate pretty quickly on the nerves.  We'll wait and see though. 

Edited by Cowgirl

I used to absolutely love this show.  Now I can barely come up with any characters I like.  I loved the earlier stories and the cast with just a few exceptions (ugh - Brandon's wife, early Abigail).  I don't care for James Denton and I can hardly look at Catherine Bell.  The writers have really, really lost their way.  I also loved the B&B and the BB&C shop and the various town visitors.  The magic was a big part of why we were drawn to this show and now it's pretty much gone.  Joy, curses, Abigail and Donovan, Adam (really don't like him), no B&B and shop, grumpy and "cold" James Denton, plastic surgery, a real lack of warmth that was SO there earlier.  I miss Jake and Grace and the old "Good Witch" feel.

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I have been tempted to give up, but I am still faintly hoping they will pull a rabbit out of the hat (magic!) and tie all the stories together and make a run to the finish that makes this all worthwhile.  I really would like to see the resolution of the central Charmed storyline, but I do have my doubts they will accomplish this in a way we will be happy with.

I do have a question, because either I dozed off during this part (which is happening more frequently with this show - not a good sign) or I just don't remember.  How did they find Joy, or how did she find them?

On 6/15/2021 at 11:06 AM, iMonrey said:

I missed the last fifteen minutes. Did I miss anything important? Did Sam and Adam make up?

@iMonrey I will have to watch again. It was so unmemorable I have forgotten.  There seemed to be a subplot about the second-in-charge to the Grand Poobah AKA George, putting weird tasks in the jar. It sounded a bit like the guy was trying to get the leopard pledges to do his own work or something, but they didn't really flesh that out.  George finally called him on it and they all voted to let the pledges in, except for the bartender.  That guy turned out to be an old classmate of Adam's who Adam had humiliated by beating him in chess in four moves.  This set off a dominoe effect in the guy's life, which sucks as a result (supposedly).  George and the 2nd guy admitted they fight like they just did over the pledge tasks 10 times a day and always make up.  Adam gave the bartender a rematch, off camera, and the guy won in two moves.  The guys suspect Adam let that happen. Sam then admits that he was blaming Adam.  Their make-up was boring and fairly uneventful. 

Hello Donovan, potential voters.  You should be all over the Leopard Lodge! Hello director, why not show the guys doing the funny tasks?  Adam and Sam's pepper machoness was stupid. And, how was Sam supposed to mop blindfolded while his arm was in a sling? Maybe that's why they didn't show it. I got a feeling that a lot more was filmed in this episode and then edited, including Abigail and Joy's dad. 

Oh, and Cassie continued to be morose and she and Sam put her initials on her parents' kite and flew it.  

Edited by Cowgirl
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OT (not really). If you don’t mind kids, there’s an Amazon original called “Just Add Magic” that has more magic and mystery in just one episode than can be found throughout this weekly series. Although it revolves around 3 main adolescent actresses, the parents and several aged actors are instrumental as well. 
I’ve come to the conclusion that these new writers see this series as a comedy, rather than a drama with periodic comedic spots. 

I thought last night's episode was an improvement; at least there was one cohesive storyline, one which included some of the other storylines that have been going on.  Wishes coming true even provided a touch of magic.

But I couldn't help thinking, if the wishing well was so powerful at fulfilling wishes, why didn't people use it more often?  Toss a coin in it and poof! whatever you wish for is granted

  • Love 4

Omg. The only magic on the show is that the writers think we are enjoying it. Now we are supposed to believe that Cassie‘s husband was in a rock band. I guess the escapism in watching these super wealthy people just live in splendor, don’t have any real problems, takeoff to Luxurious vacations on the spur of the moment or are within reach of precious jewels on a whim. I think I’m getting too old for this nonsensical fantasy stuff I’ve lived in reality too long. 

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I liked the (still unbelievable but better than we've been getting) storyline about Cassie's mother's friend.  The radio coming back to "life" was a lot like the movies we all love (well, at least the later movies, when the magic was starting to get watered down and not like the earlier, better movies where there was magic).  They left it up to interpretation whether Cassie magically did it or if it was just a latent result of George's tinkering.  But, I loved that brooms fell down both at Grey House and the mother's friend's home! That harkens back to the tone of the movies a bit. Plus, they actually remembered Cassie's broom!!

Edited by Cowgirl
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Anyone catch who wrote this episode? IMDb is not listing a writer. I agree it incorporated "magic" more than the past several episodes.

Vincent Pagano wrote the 2nd episode of this season, which also had a little more "magic" than the usual fare of late. I'm wondering if he wrote this one too.

There may just be one writer who remembers or understands what this show is supposed to be about.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Anyone catch who wrote this episode? IMDb is not listing a writer. I agree it incorporated "magic" more than the past several episodes.

Vincent Pagano wrote the 2nd episode of this season, which also had a little more "magic" than the usual fare of late. I'm wondering if he wrote this one too.

He did (I re-watched the opening credits to check).

  • Useful 2

If you don’t mind kids, there’s an Amazon original called “Just Add Magic” that has more magic and mystery in just one episode than can be found throughout this weekly series.

I caught a few episodes of that, but that's a fantasy show so it's sort of apples vs. oranges. Good Witch, as a franchise, has always been more whimsical and just sort of teased the idea that Cassie might be a witch, with the exception of movie #4 (The Good Witch's Family). I honestly think that's where the tide turned and Hallmark (or someone) got skittish about being too overtly witchy. Once the weekly series started the concept was watered down even further. 

The two episodes I mentioned above, both written by the same person, do harken back to the first three movies more than the TV series has done for a couple years now.

  • Love 2

I was going to post about all of the things that I miss about this show (Cassie solving the bed and breakfast guests' problems, Cassie's shop, etc) but then I realized that the problems go deeper than that.  The show just feels muddled. I'm sure that's because Cassie is depressed over not telling her parents not to get in the car before they had the fatal accident.  I'm also sure it will be resolved in the final episode when they locate the two amulets.  But I think it was a mistake for the writers to go in this direction.  I watch because I want Cassie to be the problem solver. I want her to hand out the right herbal tea or to give someone the exact perfect gift to give someone.  I'm not enjoying this at all.

  • Love 7
On 6/16/2021 at 3:22 PM, Cowgirl said:

@iMonrey I will have to watch again. It was so unmemorable I have forgotten.  There seemed to be a subplot about the second-in-charge to the Grand Poobah AKA George, putting weird tasks in the jar. It sounded a bit like the guy was trying to get the leopard pledges to do his own work or something, but they didn't really flesh that out.  George finally called him on it and they all voted to let the pledges in, except for the bartender.  That guy turned out to be an old classmate of Adam's who Adam had humiliated by beating him in chess in four moves.  This set off a dominoe effect in the guy's life, which sucks as a result (supposedly).

The bartender messed with the pledge tasks in the jar to discourage Adam.


On 6/21/2021 at 12:21 PM, treeofdreams said:

But I couldn't help thinking, if the wishing well was so powerful at fulfilling wishes, why didn't people use it more often?  Toss a coin in it and poof! whatever you wish for is granted

It was backed up until this episode, for a long time, since Martha was in high school or before that. All the wishes made on it over the years started coming true after the cousins fixed it.

  • Useful 1
On 6/16/2021 at 3:22 PM, Cowgirl said:

Hello Donovan, potential voters.  You should be all over the Leopard Lodge!

Good point. I used to really like Donovan as a character, not sure what's been happening to him--he seems to only act as a mayor when it serves a (pointless) plot point. Even Martha, love her or hate her, is all mayor, all-the-time.

Speaking of Martha, I think the relationship moments they show between her and Tom are really sweet. They have more chemistry than Sam and Cassie, and a lot of that might have to do with how Sam has two modes: smug or dour. At least when Nick was around, we could see a vulnerable side. Now writing-wise we're asked to believe that he's a "rock star" surgeon, chief of medical at the hospital, AND a literal rock star who is a better guitarist than Jimmy Page (or whomever they name-checked). Some of it's the writing, to be sure, but at the end of the day I think it's:

On 6/15/2021 at 4:57 PM, Feech said:

James Denton is really getting hard to take.

The existential crisis he went through with his arm in a sling only made him even more unbearable.

The good:

Abby staying consistent, in being cocky with the other couple and challenging Donovan about throwing the tennis match.

Cassie's garden! And as a poster upthread mentioned, the return of her broom!

Joy's date/new girlfriend. Thank you Hallmark for ending the ambiguity about this new character as an actual love interest, and the status of Joy's ex-partner (business-only. And while we're there, thank you show for getting rid of her!). The new character already seems a lot more interesting than....well, Joy. And whoever's doing wardrobe may also dislike Joy too, because that date outfit was seriously fug. (What time was that concert anyway? Starting after their date restaurant had been closed for half an hour)

"Jelly" as a nickname. I was kind of tickled by that. And it was a sweet way for Cassie to get those letters about her as a child.

As others have noted, the wishes coming true all at once.

The unconventional casting of Stephanie's "first kiss" guy. Although seeing him flanked by Adam and Obnoxious French Tutor made me think of Stephanie as Goldilocks with the Three Guys--although none are "just right".

Maybe when Adam is reinstalled as a chaplain or whatever the right title is now that he has a church, he'll be somewhat appealing again. I think Adam as Chaplain was a bit like the male, organized religion version of Cassie. My eyes still burn from the sight of his hula hooping in the 50s episode, and it hasn't been improved with his lack of purpose and thirst for approval, from Stephanie as the girlfriend he discarded and Sam as the dour best friend who irrationally blames him for the results of a risk (injury from basketball) that Sam chose to take.

The return of George's love interest! And that she turned him down after he asked her to "go steady" after ghosting her for however long he did. She came around in a convincing way. But of course that could mean she disappears again after this episode. 

The bad:

Why is Cassie no longer the most interesting character on the show? I blame James Denton, since I tend to tune out whenever he's onscreen.

The ugly:

Joy's blouse.


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6 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:
On 6/21/2021 at 9:21 AM, treeofdreams said:

But I couldn't help thinking, if the wishing well was so powerful at fulfilling wishes, why didn't people use it more often?  Toss a coin in it and poof! whatever you wish for is granted

It was backed up until this episode, for a long time, since Martha was in high school or before that. All the wishes made on it over the years started coming true after the cousins fixed it.

The held up wishes were the ones where the pennies fell into the bucket.  Not all of them did.  So other wishes would have come true at the time they were made.

But it was  good storyline, with all the bucketed ones coming true after all that time.  Not that they were all welcome (like Martha spraining her ankle!)


3 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Why is Cassie no longer the most interesting character on the show?

 They dropped the story of her helping guests at Grey House (since they apparently don't have any guests and more) and helping the customers at her shop (ditto).  For me, that was the best part of the series.  Now the focus seems to be on Hallmark-like stories about relationships, and since Sam and Cassie got married there is apparently no more story to tell for her.  


3 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Speaking of Martha, I think the relationship moments they show between her and Tom are really sweet. They have more chemistry than Sam and Cassie

I SO agree - I love Martha and Tom!


3 hours ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

The return of George's love interest! And that she turned him down after he asked her to "go steady" after ghosting her for however long he did.

 That was so sweet, that he asked her to go steady.  Very old-fashioned and courtly.

Edited by treeofdreams
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, treeofdreams said:


I SO agree - I love Martha and Tom!

Sorry, I tried to quote both posters who said they like Martha and Tom, but my computer is evil.  Anyway, I agree - Martha and Tom have awesome chemistry.  It was one of my wishes that we'd see more Tom, and it's come true! My coin must've hit the bottom of the well instead of landing in the bucket.  

And, the poster who said Sam is either dour or glum was so right! I'm sick of him.  It irks me that his clinic has gone by the wayside too, and that the hospital in another town now seems to be nearby in Middleton.  

I thought George's love interest, Samantha, would be annoying, but I actually liked her when they brought her back this episode, so that was a happy surprise. 

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On 6/24/2021 at 11:13 PM, treeofdreams said:

The held up wishes were the ones where the pennies fell into the bucket.  Not all of them did.  So other wishes would have come true at the time they were made.

I guess most people have more of a sense of proportion than Martha. And if some wishes came true and others didn't, it still wouldn't give the well a reputation of always working that would make everyone eager to try it.

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On 6/24/2021 at 11:13 PM, treeofdreams said:

They dropped the story of her helping guests at Grey House (since they apparently don't have any guests and more) and helping the customers at her shop (ditto).  For me, that was the best part of the series.  Now the focus seems to be on Hallmark-like stories about relationships, and since Sam and Cassie got married there is apparently no more story to tell for her.  

ITA. Although a large part of telling relationship stories is showing where fundamental differences are resolved (as in the bogus Donovan wanting to throw the tennis match in order to win over an important client vs. Abby making it clear she's doing so because she loves him but feels its not honest) or not (as in Stephanie and handyman class differences).

While Sam's always been shown as a closeminded skeptic where "magic"'s concerned, it's now playing out that their marriage is working, largely in part because Cassie's largely suppressed that fundamental aspect where he's concerned, but mostly because we're told so by the Show. In all his moping around when his arm was in a sling, he still wasn't interested in anything she might be able to do? I miss Cassie with her vast knowledge of alternative healing/remedies!

On 6/25/2021 at 11:39 AM, Cowgirl said:

I thought George's love interest, Samantha, would be annoying, but I actually liked her when they brought her back this episode, so that was a happy surprise. 

I'm really glad they gave her a spine instead of making it seem like she was waiting around, ready to fall into his arms the moment he asked. I like George, but he really deserved that heaping serving of humble pie she dished out!

On 6/26/2021 at 11:49 AM, Noneofyourbusiness said:

if some wishes came true and others didn't, it still wouldn't give the well a reputation of always working that would make everyone eager to try it.

That's a great explanation for the inconsistency of Middleton magic, and why the town isn't a big tourist destination (except in the odd episodes when there's a rare blooming flower that we never hear about again)!

  • Love 1
On 6/24/2021 at 8:13 PM, treeofdreams said:

 They dropped the story of her helping guests at Grey House (since they apparently don't have any guests and more) and helping the customers at her shop (ditto).  For me, that was the best part of the series.

Quoting myself, I just want to clarify my thoughts:

The show is called Good Witch.  It was originally about a good witch who used her powers to help people.  That was why I watched it.  Now that whole aspect is gone.  Perhaps they should change the name to Life in Middleton.

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

I finally figured out what it is that bugs me about Adam.  It's his eyes.  He has crazyperson eyes.

Even worse:  He is a deadringer for an ex-boyfriend of mine.  I dated him over 6 years and he dumped me for my best friend!  But that notwithstanding- I agree about Adam's crazy person eyes.  They are too close set or something.

Edited by Cowgirl
On 6/21/2021 at 12:21 PM, treeofdreams said:

But I couldn't help thinking, if the wishing well was so powerful at fulfilling wishes, why didn't people use it more often?  Toss a coin in it and poof! whatever you wish for is granted

All the coins in the bucket….they never made it into the well, hence, those wishes (supposedly) didn’t come true until the women dumped it. After seeing the results, I’d bet those who dumped the coins in will return. The others, (those who tossed coins in the past) they have no way of knowing or associating the result with the wish. 

On 6/24/2021 at 9:59 AM, ShelleySue said:

I was going to post about all of the things that I miss about this show (Cassie solving the bed and breakfast guests' problems, Cassie's shop, etc) but then I realized that the problems go deeper than that.  The show just feels muddled. I'm sure that's because Cassie is depressed over not telling her parents not to get in the car before they had the fatal accident.  I'm also sure it will be resolved in the final episode when they locate the two amulets.  But I think it was a mistake for the writers to go in this direction.  I watch because I want Cassie to be the problem solver. I want her to hand out the right herbal tea or to give someone the exact perfect gift to give someone.  I'm not enjoying this at all.

Tried to isolate and quote your statement about it being a mistake for the writers to go in this direction (Cassie troubled over not warning her parents). I agree wholeheartedly! Surely this would have surfaced/and resolved much earlier in her life. As for the rest, I agree also. The intuitive confidence to steer folks in the right direction using the items sold in her shop. No matter how insignificant, they weren’t necessarily “talismans”, but through her suggestions, those objects helped the recipients. And most of the time she just “loaned” them out to folks. The shop either needs to come back or move to Grey House!

  • Love 1

Took out the witchcraft and dialled up the church.

Samora Smallwood/heart transplant doctor's hair always looks so greasy on the show. 


There's never any real danger so, this whole protection amulet thing is like those clearly fake rubies/gems. 


I wonder if the storylines were adapted for covid and they will bring guests back if they have another season? 


  • Love 2
22 hours ago, Cowgirl said:

I think the amulets are a way to sell Tree of Life jewelry.  The tree of life is everywhere recently, and I'd be willing to bet that Hallmark has a line of jewelry that includes the tree.  (The amulets and Joy's rock sculpture were perfect trees of life.)

I just can't help myself - I have another nitpick.

They keep saying the tree of life is a symbol of protection, but it is not.  There are various meanings, but none of them are about protection:


In fact, the meaning of the tree of life in the Wiccan tradition is:


In Wicca, trees are living things that are filled with the essence and energy of the Elements and the Divine. The Tree of Life is the embodiment of “As Above, So Below,” it signifies a bridge between the Earth and the Divine and that what is happening below, is reflected above; and what is happening above is reflected below. The Tree of Life also shows you how everything is connected; from the smallest organisms to our Earth being a part of the solar system, and the solar system being connected to the galaxies beyond. The Tree of Life is the gift of the gods to us, they have been a source of sustenance and shelter to our ancestors and they still do on this day.  "

(I also looked up Hallmark tree of life jewelry - you are correct!


Edited by treeofdreams
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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Also, was Catherine Bell wearing a wig in this episode? That opening scene in particular, her hair didn't look quite real. What's with the bangs? Covering scars from more plastic surgery? She's had way too many fillers, or too much botox, or something. Her face is just so puffy and weird looking.

Also, she has been wearing very baggy clothes this season.  That white sweater almost swallowed her up.  Pregnancy?  Weight gain?

19 hours ago, jada said:

Took out the witchcraft and dialled up the church.

Samora Smallwood/heart transplant doctor's hair always looks so greasy on the show. 


There's never any real danger so, this whole protection amulet thing is like those clearly fake rubies/gems. 


I wonder if the storylines were adapted for covid and they will bring guests back if they have another season? 


Heart transplant dr: Is she a transgender woman? I forgot. This show can be so boring I miss things.  And yes, her hair does not look as nice at it could be. Too much product? 

16 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Also, she has been wearing very baggy clothes this season.  That white sweater almost swallowed her up.  Pregnancy?  Weight gain?

Pregnant? I think that ship has sailed! Although I keep hearing of these way over 60 women  having babies & a) how & b) why!!

I've no idea as to whether Catherine Bell is still of childbearing age but my own grandfather was what was then referred to as a 'change of life' baby. His mother was somewhere around 50+ and his closest sibling was 20 when he was born.m I like to image the conversation around the dinner table; 'honey, I have something to tell you...'

It can happen. Within reason

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