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I thought this was a smidge better than usual. Cassie knew Eileen was texting Adam before the text even came through, and she made the coat fall off the coat rack. More significantly, Abigail clearly did something to Donavan to make him blurt out the truth about his brother. You see her touch him and he begins to cough, then she hands him a glass of water and says "this should do the trick" then he spills the news about his brother, then looks surprised he said anything. It's like she put truth potion into his drink or something. It would have been even better if they had shown her putting something into the glass but I guess they still want to be cagey about this. I have no idea why; we actually saw her using a voodoo doll in Good Witch's Family.

Down side: for someone so concerned about table etiquette and napkin folding, Mrs. Davenport had the seating all wrong. She and her husband should have been sitting opposite of one another, as should have Abigail and Donovan. The seating was set up for camera shots rather than protocol.

I thought everyone looks cute in their Grease costumes but, honestly, nobody under 50 is going to get into 50s stuff. 

I don't get what they're doing with Abigail and Donovan or with Stephanie and Adam. It's like they know they won't have any more story for them if they just get together and get married so they just keep stringing this out. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Daff said:

(really dumb boat and apparently deserted island scenes). 

This is so bugging me.  Where are they supposed to be, with the White Cliffs in the background??  Middleton is just northwest of Chicago, and I grew up in the northwest corner of Chicago.  Trust me, there are no white cliffs closer than Dover - or deserted islands, for that matter.


48 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't get what they're doing with Abigail and Donovan or with Stephanie and Adam. It's like they know they won't have any more story for them if they just get together and get married so they just keep stringing this out. 

Just like they kept stringing out the Sam/Cassie wedding drama.  At least they are finding a way to give Sam some way to be in the story, unlike last season.


1 hour ago, Daff said:

George-?  Did any of the writers bother to research his significant roll since the beginning of this show? If he’d had such a close relationship with Cassie’s grandmother (great?), we certainly would have known about it before this.

George...is a puzzlement.  He was Jake's father, and had no relationship to Grey House that was ever mentioned.  Now it turns out that he was a close confidant of...who was it again?  The grandmother of one of the Charmed three?  Or great grandmother?  Who knew so long ago that the three Charmed ones would be together some day and George could give them some dirt?  I guess this is some of the magic that is supposed to be back again.


More new characters and new storylines, as though they didn't have enough already.  The hospital administrator's girlfriend, the foster kid, Adam's brief girlfriend who got discarded after only one episode...did I miss anyone?

Edited by treeofdreams
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Daff said:

Do you suppose we are possibly seeing the best they could do filming this due to Covid restrictions?  The indoor sets are limited: cafe, Grey House kitchen and foyer, small office at hospital; no B,B&C shop, no clinic, town hall, busy street scenes (you’d need extras).  They seem to have filmed as much as they can outside (really dumb boat and apparently deserted island scenes). 

Maybe, but what was up with filming the Cornhole game inside? Unless there really was rain on filming day for that scene. 

I like the Abigail/Donovan storyline.  

They seem to have dropped/forgotten, as per usual, the storyline from last year (or was it two seasons ago?) where George was going to date "Sam Radford," the feisty older lady at the hospital. Guess she is also buried in the crawl space under Grey House along with Gwen, his  last wife who mysteriously disappeared from the storyline, and other characters who have also disappeared, never to be mentioned again.  I think George might be a serial killer. 😜

It was a bit lame, but I appreciated their attempt to spice things up in the opening scene with Cassie and Sam discussing doing it again tonight but we're out of whipped cream.  Oh dang it - now I'm seriously craving a banana split! It rather annoyed me though that Martha did not even actually apologize to Sam for running over his golf clubs, nor did she offer to replace them.

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29 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

Adam's brief girlfriend who got discarded after only one episode...did I miss anyone?

Oh yeah, what the hell?  That was annoying.  Also, while I usually like Stephanie's character, this whole "finding herself now" storyline is not enjoyable.

Did it bother anyone else that, while they kept mentioning the new kid's foster mom, no one ever saw her? Must have been a cost-saving measure.  

I did like seeing Tom Tinsdale in his 50's sweater.  I thought the 50's costumes were cute. I kept wondering how the show got money to license those little bits of Grease.  Must be why they couldn't afford to pay an actress to come play the foster mom.The whole foster kid storyline is reminding me of Candice Cameron's Christmas movie this year, where she adopted the foster kid.  (Although I do love that Hallmark promotes foster parenting!)

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

Oh yeah, what the hell?  That was annoying.  Also, while I usually like Stephanie's character, this whole "finding herself now" storyline is not enjoyable.

They really are all over the place with Stephanie.  They have stopped mentioning her other businesses (food truck, catering business) and she is always hanging out in her bistro.  Then it was relationships.  Now it's finding herself.  How does she even find time?

I wish they would stop with the multitude of storylines and really develop a central few, instead of having brief bits here and brief bits there. So far this season has just seemed like a tangle of worms.

  • Love 1

Season 7 episode 1. Cassie and Sam are finding it hard to find time to spend together. The adopted brother suggests they take his boat out. Maybe it is just me but, the problem wasn't the lack activities rather the time to do them. Not sure how offering his boat was a good solution...alas! it was and suddenly, they both have time for this boat trip.

The adopted brother was so casual that his birth mom lived an hour away from Middleton. This news should have illicit a bigger reaction...of all the places in the world she could live an hour from?

Cassie and their cousins just leave their dirt bags lying around? 

Edited by jada
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1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

Where are they supposed to be, with the White Cliffs in the background?? 

Not that I think the writers know this, but on the south central shoreline of a different Great Lake-Ontario, there’s quite a stretch of sand cliffs. It’s called Chimney Bluffs. Not anywhere near as tall and not as white-more tan-as the ones on GW.  I think they took shots they had from the movie set in Ireland-As Luck Would Have It, because the shorelines of the Great Lakes, for the most part, are pretty rocky with wild vegetation. 

Look at Chimney Bluffs State Park (Foursquare has a lot of pictures to give some scale). 

  • Useful 2
20 hours ago, Absolom said:

I don't care about 90% of the characters.  

I'm with you on that note.

15 hours ago, Pegasaurus said:

This show:

I watch because....well, I'm not sure why. It's a time-filler, I guess.  I think Grey House is pretty and some of the scenery is nice. And Cassie always has yummy-looking food in her kitchen.  

So far, the ads promising more spooky stories are bogus.  Instead, we get silhouettes of these fools dancing to "Grease" in the park.  That's the "magic"?  What's wrong with these people? Perhaps the real magic is that all the people of Moronville have had a curse placed on them that makes them boring beyond comprehension! If so, it's an effective curse.

Time filler is the correct use for this. I think at this point I would be happily surprised if there was a bubble over Moronville (very good name for it) that Cassie/Abigail/Joy have set up ala Wandavision. Keeping the residents under some spell and in happy spirits.

2 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

George...is a puzzlement.  He was Jake's father, and had no relationship to Grey House that was ever mentioned.  Now it turns out that he was a close confidant of...who was it again?  The grandmother of one of the Charmed three?  Or great grandmother?  Who knew so long ago that the three Charmed ones would be together some day and George could give them some dirt?  I guess this is some of the magic that is supposed to be back again.

I'm sorry. Wasn't George actually Jake's father-in-law (his former wife's father?) 

The lines are worse than a 70's Harlequin romance novel.  Sam: "Last night was great." Cassie: "We used up all the whip cream."  (me at this point thinking -ok some steamy progress).  Sam: "You can't make banana splits without whip cream."  

WTF? Seriously show.  I know you want to keep it PG and all but seriously show?!?!?  Married couples do have something called s-e-x. I would respect the show more if they just admitted it.


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3 minutes ago, jada said:

Rewriting George's back story so suddenly he has been in their life for a reason and what - knew they were witches this whole time? He knew when his son married Cassie? What if Cassie had tossed him out after her husband died? 

Yes that’s what I thought George is her ex father-in-law correct?  so he is the grandfather to her daughter that is now written off the show. But they treat him like he isn’t even family. It was thought that was very strange.

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1 hour ago, chediavolo said:

Yes that’s what I thought George is her ex father-in-law correct?  so he is the grandfather to her daughter that is now written off the show. But they treat him like he isn’t even family. It was thought that was very strange.

Yup, he is the father of Cassie's dead husband. Grace's grandfather. 


ETA: looks like I was wrong. 

Edited by jada
  • Love 1
50 minutes ago, jada said:

I need to show to publish a Nightingale/Merriwick family tree with friendships, relationships and marriages. 

Yes please.  Also add in Jake's family because of George.

Actually, Nightingale would not show up as it is not Cassie's real name, just one that she invented.  Cassie (Cassandra) is not her real name either.  

Edited to add after a visit to Google: Cassie's real name is Sue Ellen Brock.

Edited by treeofdreams
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Google is our friend!

"George is the father of Jenny Russell and former father-in-law to the now-deceased Jake Russell. He has two grandchildren via Jenny, Brandon, and Lori Russell. He is also a grandfather figure to Jake's daughter, Grace."

George O'Hanrahan | The Good Witch Wiki | Fandom

https://thegoodwitch.fandom.com ›

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

I think George is the father of Cassie's dead husband's dead wife.  Still Grace's grandfather.  :)

I'm not sure he is still Grace's grandfather if he has no biological relationship with her. Sound like he is more like an adopted grandfather. The fact that he is so far removed yet had a friendship with Cassie's grandmother and waited all these years to give her + her cousins bags of sand, makes all this more ridiculous/hilarious. 

14 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

Google is our friend!

"George is the father of Jenny Russell and former father-in-law to the now-deceased Jake Russell. He has two grandchildren via Jenny, Brandon, and Lori Russell. He is also a grandfather figure to Jake's daughter, Grace."

George O'Hanrahan | The Good Witch Wiki | Fandom

https://thegoodwitch.fandom.com ›


WOW! I can't believe how much I blocked that out. I guess assuming he was Jake's father helped his presence make sense. 

Edited by jada
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41 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

I think George is the father of Cassie's dead husband's dead wife.  Still Grace's grandfather.  :)

Not her grandfather then. No relation. 

29 minutes ago, jada said:

I'm not sure he is still Grace's grandfather if they have no biological relationship with her. Sound like he is more like an adopted grandfather. The fact that he is so far removed yet had a friendship with Cassie's grandmother and waited all thee years to give her bags of sands, makes all this more ridiculous/hilarous. 


WOW! I can't believe how much I blocked that out. I guess assuming he was Jake's father helped his presence make sense. 

What bullshit that George would even be sticking around and even worse would have  had any connection to anyone and Cassie‘s family. Do these writers  even know what they are doing?

49 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

Yes please.  Also add in Jake's family because of George.

Actually, Nightingale would not show up as it is not Cassie's real name, just one that she invented.  Cassie (Cassandra) is not her real name either.  

Edited to add after a visit to Google: Cassie's real name is Sue Ellen Brock.

Sue Ellen Brock? 😆Not very magical!!

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WOW! I can't believe how much I blocked that out. I guess assuming he was Jake's father helped his presence make sense. 

It's strange that George is still around since they wrote off Laurie and Brandon. Wouldn't it be odd to live with your wife's dead husband's father in law? The only connection he still has on the show is that he was asked to run Grey House (as a B&B) when Cassie moved in with Jake. Now she's back living there so he still works as a caretaker, I guess. 

I agree the re-write is total b.s. How could he have been so close to Cassie's great grandmother when nobody had ever heard of her before Cassie came to Middleton? 


It rather annoyed me though that Martha did not even actually apologize to Sam for running over his golf clubs, nor did she offer to replace them.

And she walked right in without knocking, too. Is Grey House open to the public now?


I wish they would stop with the multitude of storylines and really develop a central few, instead of having brief bits here and brief bits there. So far this season has just seemed like a tangle of worms.

There were entirely too many scenes of Adam and Eileen - these are two fringe characters who are far removed from the central part of the show. 

I don't mind the part with Sam's boss and his girlfriend if it's just a one-off. But we spent enough angst last season on Stephanie and Adam. They split up, he went on a mission, he met someone else, he came back, now he decides he wants Stephanie back but she's not sure anymore . . .  UGH! Enough of this merry-go-round. 

Same with Abigail and Donovan. They spent two seasons acting like it was the end of the world because they couldn't be together because of this curse, then they finally break the curse and get engaged and now they want to pump the breaks . . . but oh wait, let's talk about having kids now. WTF.

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2 hours ago, jada said:

I need the show to publish a Nightingale/Merriwick family tree with friendships, relationships and marriages. 

Another point of confusion for me: Joy/Abigail/Cassie are cousins?  What ancestor do they have in common - is that the grandmother or great grandmother?  I don't think George could have been friends with the great grandmother, it doesn't seem like he would have been old enough then.  So he was friends with the grandmother?  Is anyone here good at doing that math?


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They never should’ve killed off Cassie‘s first husband. The show went downhill after that. And James Denton is just a bad actor, don’t like his real life persona either, so it makes it hard for me to even watch this show. Everyone in town is quite wealthy lives in a mansion wears beautiful clothes, have perfect make up & hair, their businesses thrive, well I guess it is magical!!

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28 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

They never should’ve killed off Cassie‘s first husband.

He didn't want to sign up for the TV series after the movies were done. I don't know what else they could have done to explain him away- they couldn't just disappear him the way they have done with other characters.  At least he got to go out as a hero.

When the TV series started, it was an interesting beginning, with Sam moving in next door and beginning a new relationship for Cassie.  I think the early seasons of the TV series were done well, with Sam scoffing at Cassie's herbal substitutes for medical treatment, but he came to respect her witchy ways (until they were written out of the series).  It was an interesting dynamic.

It was when they started revising the series that it went off track in the many ways that have been discussed here.

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1 minute ago, treeofdreams said:

He didn't want to sign up for the TV series after the movies were done. I don't know what else they could have done to explain him away- they couldn't just disappear him the way they have done with other characters.  At least he got to go out as a hero.

When the TV series started, it was an interesting beginning, with Sam moving in next door and beginning a new relationship for Cassie.  I think the early seasons of the TV series were done well, with Sam scoffing at Cassie's herbal substitutes for medical treatment, but he came to respect her witchy ways (until they were written out of the series).  It was an interesting dynamic.

It was when they started revising the series that it went off track in the many ways that have been discussed here.

They should have recast himself kept that storyline going. 

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I appreciated Stephanie’s decision to just work on herself for a while, and I’m glad she didn’t fall right back into Adam’s arms when he decided he wanted her back. Good for her (they have godawful chemistry anyway). I wonder if this show can handle letting her be a strong single woman learning to be alone. It’s Hallmark, so probably not.

This show has zero sense of continuity. Mrs. Davenport commenting on the film projector like it was a rare artifact when Middleton has an old-fashioned cinema (refurbished by Invisible Ben the Handyman)! Retconning George’s connection to the Merriwicks! Though if I’m really leaving behind my disbelief, it at least can explain why he stayed on at Grey House after Jake’s death and the bio grandkids disappearing into the ether. 

I agree that this show is ridiculous, but honestly I watch it (and equally vapid Hallmark fare) just because it lets me shut my brain off for a while and take a break.

Edited by sharifa70
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26 minutes ago, sharifa70 said:

I appreciated Stephanie’s decision to just work on herself for a while, and I’m glad she didn’t just fall right back into Adam’s arms when he decided he wanted her back. Good for her (they have godawful chemistry anyway). I just wonder if this show can handle letting her be a strong single woman learning to be alone. It’# Hallmark, so probably not.

I was just thinking about this "relationship".  First he goes off on a mission for...a year?  Then he comes back with a new girlfriend, then decides he still wants Stephanie instead, expecting that she had been waiting for him, but he is about to go on another mission and no doubt if they did get back together he would expect her to wait for him again.  Good for her for saying no.  But I just saw the preview for next week, and it looks like she meets someone and it will probably, this being Hallmark, turn into another romance storyline for her.  Which would seem to answer your speculation about letting her be alone for a while.

And I have a word for Mr. Hospital Administrator (no idea what his name is)...and for all men for that matter.  DO NOT propose to a woman in a restaurant, at a party, at a football game on the big screen, at a family dinner, or when you are with friends.  It puts her in a horrible position if she does not want to get married.  Either she has to say No and embarrass you in front of everyone, or she feels pressured to say Yes because of the situation and she has to take it back later.  Duh!

And about Donovan's mother pressuring her sons to compete with one another the way she has apparently been doing...No.  Just no.  Not if you want family harmony.  Not if you want your sons to get along.  What was she thinking??

Okay, I'm done nitpicking...for the moment.

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42 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

But I just saw the preview for next week, and it looks like she meets someone and it will probably, this being Hallmark, turn into another romance storyline for her.  Which would seem to answer your speculation about letting her be alone for a while.


Also: I agree completely about surprise public proposals. If my boyfriend did that to me I’d have to take a good hard look at whether this crossed boundary was a fluke or a habit. I found the sudden shift to the four of them being Couples Who Do Things Together seemed unearned, but that’s par for the course where Cassie is concerned.

Mama Davenport doesn’t appear to be growing/improving as a character. I would have thought the writers would learn from the movie version Awful Martha. That character just doesn’t fly.

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9 hours ago, sharifa70 said:

I appreciated Stephanie’s decision to just work on herself for a while, and I’m glad she didn’t fall right back into Adam’s arms when he decided he wanted her back. Good for her (they have godawful chemistry anyway). I wonder if this show can handle letting her be a strong single woman learning to be alone. It’s Hallmark, so probably not.


I appreciated it for a a hot minute till I saw the preview for the next episode and looks like there's a new guy in town for her to lust after. 

Okay, I admit that I gave up watching this show a few years ago but still enjoy reading these comments so...as to the lack of continuity; most TV series have what's referred to as the bible (small B) which give writers/directors and whomever else would need info the backgrounds of all characters, plot/character arcs going back to the beginning, proposed future arcs, important locations and so on. Obviously the reason for this is keep things from running off the rails regarding continuity.

Maybe Good Witch doesn't have one, maybe it was tossed out, maybe the show has no ongoing plot/character arcs or maybe it's just flying by the seat of it's collective pants.

It seems to me like it's a bit adrift, has lost it's original concept regarding a quasi-mystical main character and traded it out for inoffensive sanitized pap. But, again, I virtually never manage to make it through more than about 10 minutes before apathy and boredom take over.

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22 hours ago, chediavolo said:

What bullshit that George would even be sticking around and even worse would have  had any connection to anyone and Cassie‘s family. Do these writers  even know what they are doing?

17 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

I was just thinking about this "relationship".  First he goes off on a mission for...a year? 

23 hours ago, jada said:

I need the show to publish a Nightingale/Merriwick family tree with friendships, relationships and marriages. 

Sorry I screwed this up so I can't comment in between the separate quotes I copied. Anyway, No, I don't think the writers know what they are doing and I think the George retcon is a bit insulting.  At least they made Abigail comment something like, "How could we not have known that?" about his knowing their great grandmother.  On the other hand, I DO like that they have kept George and are giving him a storyline.  I wish they'd pursue his love interest he had last year though.

It sounded, from this episode, like Adam's mission was only two months!  So, this makes their breakup and whining even more annoying.  Who can't just live their life themselves for two months?!  Stephanie was whining in the first one that she just stayed home and made coffee.  Her solution in epi 1 was to re-do the diner.  In epi 2 now it's all just about an alcove? *Snore*

The Hallmark site did have a family tree up, at least last year. I'm at work, and am not going to go search for it now, but it used to be there and was helpful.  I do wish it had other characters' relationships on it too. 

Well, Abigail showed some growth.  She went from being a hyper-competetive trash talker to not even gloating over her team's little win.

I also liked that Martha stopped her snark when Mrs. Davenport said she needed a friend, and sat right down to talk and commisserate. 

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

I also liked that Martha stopped her snark when Mrs. Davenport said she needed a friend, and sat right down to talk and commiserate. 

Martha continues to be my favorite character!

How about a poll for everyone - who is your favorite character?  Also maybe  throw in who is your least favorite character.

Anyone care to chime in here??  

Edited by treeofdreams
15 minutes ago, treeofdreams said:

Martha continues to be my favorite character!

How about a poll for everyone - who is your favorite character?  Also maybe  throw in who is your least favorite character.

Anyone care to chime in here??  

I'll chime in -- Martha for me too as my favorite!

Least favorite -- Adam -- he creeps me out.  Always has and now his return behavior makes it even worse.  I actually felt sorry for poor Eileen.  

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Adam and Stephanie have always been an odd pairing.  She seems about 10 years older than him especially when you see the new girl he fell for.  They need to break up and he should go on another mission and not return, he does seem to be Sam's only male friend though.  Sam and the Administrator are not going to get along, the egos are too big there.

The sand mystery is dumb, I'm guessing it's going to lead the Merriwick women to some kind of family tree and they'll realize they are related to even more people in town!

I miss Bell, Book and Candle where Cassie was always giving stuff away and everything had a hint of magic.

I do think Covid really affected the season.  All of their storefronts are missing, everything is shot on typical sets or wide open spaces outside. 

I thought the Grease plot was dumb, none of them are old enough to celebrate the 50's that way...except maybe George.  George by the way, did get married in the movies, it's still odd they made him single again for the series.

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1 hour ago, treeofdreams said:

Martha continues to be my favorite character!

How about a poll for everyone - who is your favorite character?  Also maybe  throw in who is your least favorite character.

Anyone care to chime in here??  

Favorite: yeah, it has to be Martha. She is both hyper-annoying and endearing, and I’ll take it. 

Least favorite: That’s a tough one. Fortunately, the ones I *really* hate (ahem, Joy’s business partner) don’t stick around for too long, but I’m gonna have to go with Adam as well. Bland, uninspired, pointless. Even being Stephanie’s love interest didn’t make him interesting; he was about as riveting as her specials board.

Edited by sharifa70
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23 hours ago, MerBearHou said:

Least favorite -- Adam -- he creeps me out.  Always has and now his return behavior makes it even worse.  I actually felt sorry for poor Eileen.  

I hated that entire portion of the episode! Never liked this character from the beginning. Agree with creep factor, much preferred the carpenter. There are a million ways, every day that you can improve someone’s life, if you only look around you.  The compulsion to travel thousands of miles to do the same kind of thing reeks of grandiose aspirations and narcissism (oh, don’t we now call that “virtue signaling”?). 

Ok, that was kind of harsh. I’m talking about the loner, going off to “save the world”. The one who turns it into a lifestyle in order to be “the most interesting conversationalist in the room”. And that’s the feeling I get from the Adam character.
I truly appreciate the efforts of the doctors who devote a specified amount of time helping the sick/infirm who wouldn’t otherwise receive any care (like the cleft palate repair ship). Or the vets who go to poor communities because those folks can’t afford vet services (Dr. Jeff comes to mind), but he makes sure he’s affordable to anyone in his own community first and foremost!

Edited by Daff
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But I just saw the preview for next week, and it looks like she meets someone and it will probably, this being Hallmark, turn into another romance storyline for her.  Which would seem to answer your speculation about letting her be alone for a while.

Sounds like we're in for another triangle. 🙄

Also, does anyone else think Adam and Donovan look too much alike? Sometimes I mix them up.


It seems to me like it's a bit adrift, has lost it's original concept regarding a quasi-mystical main character and traded it out for inoffensive sanitized pap.

I noticed the movies really started to back away from the magic after Good Witch's Family, so by the time they got around to starting the TV series most of the magic was already gone, really. But the loss of Bell Book & Candle really does make a difference, and there's just way too much focus on Abigail and Stephanie's love lives. 

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One character I really don't like is Donovan's mother.  Her relentless pressuring of Abigail and Donovan to set a wedding date was out of line.  And she has set up some very bad family dynamics, to the point where Donovan was afraid to tell her he and Abigail wanted a long engagement, and his brother was afraid to tell her that he had been fired.  I can only imagine what their childhood had been like with her setting them up to always be competing with one another..

Edited by treeofdreams
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On 5/24/2021 at 5:39 PM, treeofdreams said:

Another point of confusion for me: Joy/Abigail/Cassie are cousins?  What ancestor do they have in common - is that the grandmother or great grandmother?  I don't think George could have been friends with the great grandmother, it doesn't seem like he would have been old enough then.  So he was friends with the grandmother?  Is anyone here good at doing that math?


George met Laurel (great grandmother) when he was 17 and she hired him to paint the gazebo and stuck around to do gardening.  We don’t know how old Laurel was at that time so the scenario is hard to figure out mathematically.


My favorite character is Martha, followed by Joy, Cassie, and Abigail.  I miss Derek.  He was formerly my favorite.  OOOOOh, Tom is my very favorite too.  Love him! Donovan's mother is my least favorite.  I didn't like the foster brother, Vincent, when he was partnered with Stephanie on the food truck, but I kind of like him this time around. 

I'm glad they are rehabilitating the hospital administrator guy, and am also glad Joy's stupid partner left. I miss Martha's assistant guy who used to run around after her.  I'd rather see more Tom and George though. Hmmm...we haven't seen the woman who runs Sam's office in awhile either. She's probably buried under the floor boards too. 

One more thing - I did like that Abigail did some magic in the last episode, with Donovan's throat and drink. (Though it's debatable if doing magic like that on your loved one is a good thing, even if it's for his own good.)

Frankly, I'm glad Grace is gone.  I never really warmed to her character. 

I was shocked that Martha seems to have stopped over-accessorizing.  She only had a scarf on at the 50's night! Not a scarf, pin and necklace.  She's slipping. 😄

Edited by Cowgirl
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I laughed my butt off when Cassie referred to the bags of dirt as “satchels”. Apparently she doesn’t know the word sachets. Given the number of times I’ve heard “and I” when it should be “and me” in TV and movie scripts lately, I can believe nobody proofreads scripts these days. But seriously, nobody picked up on that mistake when she said it?

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1 hour ago, Koalagirl said:

Was Abigail around way back when Cassie was pregnant? I thought she started coming around way after Grace was born.

I hope they’re not going to try to make the new French teacher be Stephanie’s new love interest.  He looks like he’s barely out of high school. 

No, she wasn’t. This show has no continuity. It’s especially glaring to me because I binge-watched the first five seasons on Netflix and it’s crazy. Scenes will go from snowy to summery. Grace and Nick took five years to graduate high school. Every year had a different absolutely crucial Grey House Halloween tradition. All. The. Festivals. No restaurants except the Bistro, but suddenly there’s a pub. It made my brain hurt trying to keep up.

Also, Abigail had to get introduced to everyone when she showed up in town in season 1. Except Laurie, who got to have a “stay away from Abigail the troublemaker” subplot with Grace.

Edited by sharifa70
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