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12 hours ago, Eliza422 said:

I watched two episodes and they were alright - but not interesting enough to have me come back. I was sorry about that.

I'm determined to finish the season just because. The episodes on escapes wasn't bad, and the one on scifi promises was ok, both actually involved some building so they had a bit more of a MB feel


And two samples of sculpting means nothing as well. Art if subjective, there is no true way to say if one sculpture is actually "better" than the other...

Not only that, but there are other, more objective ways to measure creativity.  For example, split the groups, and ask half of them how many uses for a brick can they come up with in five minutes.  Give the other half a phone book and the same question on uses.  Then get them buzzed, and give each group the other object.  (That way you're not measuring who is most creative, or which object is easier to come up with different uses for.)

In that one, the non-drinkers could be useful, to write down ideas or as another control group.

Painting with explosives was kind of an interesting main myth, and that they came up with a number of ways to do it, and none of them worked, really helped bust the myth.  (It might have been nice to give them a small c4 explosion to practice with, but I can see why that was impractical.)

Even in the early days of Mythbusters, Original Flavor, they had support people--it just wasn't until a few seasons in that they made them regulars.  It's hard for two people to carry an hour-long show once a week, and I hope some of the eliminated people get brought back occasionally.  (Maybe they know that, and that's a reason they're all being relatively nice; maybe some of it is that they ARE nice people, or have basic awareness that the camera is always on.)

I'm curious as to who "wins" each competition--mostly to see if they can get the myth to work.  The challenge for this show is that there's no one I want to get eliminated, and nothing I can do about that.  (And adding an internal villain, instead of Bad Science, would kill the dynamic of the show.)

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8 hours ago, marketdoctor said:

Not only that, but there are other, more objective ways to measure creativity.  For example, split the groups, and ask half of them how many uses for a brick can they come up with in five minutes.  Give the other half a phone book and the same question on uses.  Then get them buzzed, and give each group the other object.  (That way you're not measuring who is most creative, or which object is easier to come up with different uses for.)

In that one, the non-drinkers could be useful, to write down ideas or as another control group.

This would have been an outstanding idea!

I've only just now watched E01...

But, just so you know, Tracy is already signed into the unforeseeable future. Plenty of "ogling to do". Check!
Hackett is sort of a kind of intense. And here's why.
Allen is like so stoked he can barely hack it, I mean, like, you, literally, so, don't even know how stoked he is, it's really, really screwing hilarious. Everything!
And I'm just being uncharacteristically obnoxious.

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I like this weeks episode a lot more than the first two. Now that the obvious ones are gone things are going smoother. I think it also helps that Hackett went from a totally asshole in episode one to a likable almost Adam like character. Have him host along with the Asian(?) guy who's name escapes me right now and that pairing may just so happen to work.

I also liked how the blue team learned from their small scale and made a form. On the flip side everyone on the red team needs to go. They wasted way too much time on the small scales that both failed.

Edited by Skyfall
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6 hours ago, Skyfall said:

I like this weeks episode a lot more than the first two. Now that the obviously. Noice s are gone things are going smoother. I think it also helps that Hackett went from a totally asshole in episode one to a likable almost Adam like character. Have him host along with the Asian(?) guy who's name escapes me right now and that pairing may just so happen to work.

I also liked how the blue team learned from their small scale and made a form. On the flip side everyone on the red team needs to go. They wasted way too much time on the small scales that both failed.

Yeah the more we see of Hackett the more I kinda like him, I absolutely see Allan being able to do it, he was featured on an episode of Outrageous Acts of Science last year and was good then. Tracy is the eye candy. And I like Martin that won MVP this week. Tamara does nothing for me John is ok, and I liked Brian at the beginning but they're not showing much of him anymore, though we see his dog wandering the set.

I liked this week's big challenge but really next week is needle in a haystack? Really? been there done that, and the needles were even found. At least do a myth that people complained about not one that Adam and Jamie did successfully and now it looks like the teams will just rehash the ways they did it anyway.


Just so you know, Tracy is already signed into the unforeseeable future.

Uh, just so you (you know)... you were wrong.

I was.

But I do wonder if it were ever even a possibility that two women might have been The Chosen?


Like that no one was eliminated -- as no one "deserved" it.

As a matter of fact, just let's have all 6 of these remaining remainsters go on to do what they did this week: two builds for a thorough test of the underlying "myth" (this has really become a very loose term). With some mild competition and some nice cooperation... Mythbusters is never gonna be the same anyway anyhow. So change. It was Adam and Jamie's show; then should have naturally been handed to Grant, Tori & Kari(sps?); but all that has been done-for... These 6 people are interesting and interested enough. What needs be, most anyway, is some good things to investigate and experiment upon.

Edited by Zeditious
5 hours ago, Skyfall said:

I dunno a cast of 6 is too much and I have a feeling the reboot will be on Science so a smaller budget.

Why? Did you watch this episode? What about the episodes before with even more experimenters? Mythbusters had a cast of 5 for a long time.


And this is a bunch of science enthusiasts... not Geo. Clooooney and Stacy "Dumb As Dip" Dash looking for top dollar. These folk're doing this for the doing.

Always with the "why". Again with the "why", me.

3 hours ago, Zeditious said:

Why? Did you watch this episode? What about the episodes before with even more experimenters? Mythbusters had a cast of 5 for a long time.


And this is a bunch of science enthusiasts... not Geo. Clooooney and Stacy "Dumb As Dip" Dash looking for top dollar. These folk're doing this for the doing.

Always with the "why". Again with the "why", me.

First, the contestants aren't being paid host money for being on this show.

Second, did you not catch the fact I said it would have a smaller budget if it was on Science? You'll have 2 MAYBE 3 hosts.

Third, they probably had a planned no elimination week so they can have 3 people in the final and choose 2 as winners.

Thank God they got rid of Hackett. You know if he would have gone along with the team a little more often or admitted when his ideas just weren't working I could have handled it but he was just too much in his own little world. Now if they want to give him his own screwy show I might watch bc if nothing else it would be entertaining but I'm glad he's not going to be one of the new hosts. That said I like all five that are left not sure how they're going to narrow it down more. My son says he wants Tamara gone lol but other than that he likes them all. Have we ever heard how many they are picking? My assumption was two but I didn't know if we'd ever heard.

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On 1/4/2017 at 10:50 AM, Dobian said:

I had the Science Channel on nonstop over the holidays.  The only thing I hated about it were the endless commercials pimping the new Mythbusters and that street science guy.  The thing that made the original so great was that they weren't simply cast, they had all worked with each before, and in Kari's case she was a volunteer.  So they all knew each other and had a natural rapport.  With this new show they're casting it American Idol style.  I can't see them creating a successful show this way.  And I agree there is only one Mythbusters, if you wanted to keep doing Mythbusters you should have just kept making more Mythbusters shows.  Any new show they come up with shouldn't have the name.

That's  my problem with the show too.

There was no contest to find Adam  and Jamie.

I want the new show to work but I have serious  doubts that it can.

Not that I don't like those that are left but I was sure Allen would make it to the show, he's just so much like Adam. And I gotta say after others being eliminated bc they didn't share ideas, or didn't cooperate, or whatever he gets eliminated bc he spoke up and had an idea??? The other two could have vetoed especially after the first test run but no they just went along with it. I was sure it would be Allen and Martin. Ah well I'm sure he'll be on to visit or he'll be on Outrageous Acts more often. I just hope Martin is one of the chosen hosts, I really like him though hubby thinks he doesn't have enough personality and kiddo wants Tamra gone still LOL. It will be interesting to see if they go with two or three.

Are these two really going to get a show?  This thing reminds me of King of the Jungle on Animal Planet where they ended up with a winner who did one special and that was about it.  I don't get it.  The original got cancelled because the ratings dipped a little bit and the show was expensive to produce.  Plus they were starting to run out of ideas and had to resort to a lot of filler episodes debunking internet/you tube myths and such.  So if they weren't going to continue doing the show with established pros Adam and Jamie, why would they do one with a couple of guys with no television or hosting experience?  This makes no sense to me.

Edited by Dobian
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I was really hoping for Martin too, I thought he had really good chemistry with each of the others, not sure how Brian (I like) and Jon (I have a feeling will get on my nerves) will get along guess we'll see. From the FB page comments it seems a whole lot of people wanted Martin, wonder if they'll find a way to bring him on or give him his own show since he's so popular.

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5 hours ago, Lili said:

Congrats to them. Still, I was hoping Martin would have won.


4 hours ago, Kathira said:

My recording cut off before the end, but Brian and Jon are OK. I knew Tamara wouldn't make it, but I was kind of hoping for Martin. I really liked him.

I knew they'd have to pick at least one young guy to draw the YouTube demographic, but I was sure Martin would be the other person. He was competent, experienced, and level-headed and had much more of a team leader presence than any of the others.

And Jon is a deal-breaker. He appears to be mostly style over substance and is just too over-the-top goofy fanboy to me. I spent a lot of time muttering "Shut up, shut up, shut up..." when he got screen time. I don't think I could watch a whole hour of him. No -- I know for sure I couldn't watch a whole hour of him.

Brian's ok, but when he said half-jokingly "Safety third," on one of the builds I moved him to my shit list. Jaime would never say that and even Adam who could be an idiot sometimes would never take safety lightly.

Ehh, who am I kidding? Mythbusters was over for good when Adam and Jaime turned out the lights for the last time. I was curious to see what the network thought they could replace it with, considering all the changes in science-based popular entertainment since the show ran to its conclusion. Curiosity satisfied. As Jaime would say, "Bye bye."

Edited by CoderLady
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On 11/5/2017 at 2:19 AM, Lili said:

I plan to give it a watch. Sure, it won't be the same without Adam and Jamie around, but I'm thinking these new guys will at least be decent replacements. I'm still a bit bummed that Martin Pepper wasn't chosen as one of the new hosts though. Like I thought he was probably the best one in Mythbusters: The Search.

Honestly I hope the B team gets out of their Netflix contract and returns either as replacements or cohosts

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On 11/29/2017 at 8:16 PM, EAG46 said:

It's not as bad as I thought it would be.  The same narrator helps.  As does Bo the Mythdog.  [I like animals.]  I'm still annoyed that the Obvious Successors, I.e. Kari, Tory, and Grant, were not even considered, but I won't hold it against these two guys.

Couldn’t be considered because they had a contract with Netflix for a show that eventually bombed.

On 11/16/2017 at 7:14 PM, Lili said:

I just watched the first episode last night.

Is it just me, or is Jon similar to Adam, while Brian is similar to Jamie? They really do seem like their successors in not only being the hosts, but also in personality.

There's some definite similarity in their personalities in that one is more stoic and steady, while the other is silly and hyper. But the straight-man / funny-man setup dates back a lot farther than Jamie and Adam, and I have seen enough of these two guys to think that aren't trying to straight up imitate J&A.

The real problem so far, imo, is that Jon has taken all the more annoying traits from Adam and fully embraced them, with none of the geeky, kid-in-a-candy-factory charm that Adam brought. The cheesy re-enactments, terrible acting, and corny dialogue were all things that slipped in as the series went on. He earned the right to those by winning us over. Early Mythbusters was such a hit because it was basically two guys in a garage doing a whole bunch of awesome things everyone wishes they could do. They were just big kids having fun. Over time, as the budgets grew and the builds grew, it lost some of that charm, but it was basically the same show and everyone already loved J&A. But now they have none of the original charm, and no J&A.

I'm still watching, it's still okay, but I'm definitely not invested in it like I used to be.

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I hope someone can settle my confusion.  I stumbled on a Mythbusters Holiday Special tonight that was flagged as "new" from Season 20 in 2017 in my Comcast guide that had Jamie and Adam making a Rube Goldberg machine.  There also was another 2 hr. episode called "Star Wars: The Myths Awaken" also flagged as new from Season 20 with Adam and Jamie.  Were those just Comcast mistakes or were these new episodes?  I confess I don't watch the show often enough to know, and neither one was familiar to me.

I haven't watched 2.0 yet.  I wonder how the ratings are doing compared to the original version.

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