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S13.E17: The Thing

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Sam and Dean continue to collect the pieces necessary to open a rift to the other world in order to save their family. Their latest quest leads them to a Men of Letters bunker from the 1920s and a hungry God from another dimension. Meanwhile, Ketch makes a shocking decision about Gabriel after an unruly encounter with Asmodeus. John Showalter directed the episode written by Davy Perez.


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Honestly, I didn't really like this episode all that much, besides the last ten minutes. I wanted to, but it was just highly predictable. I guess I figured out that Sandy was this Thing the moment they found her in the room. I knew there was probably no way she was living all of this time. Also, either the actress was really super bad, or she was playing the way she was for a reason. She didn't seem to give a shit about being in the future. I was proven right when the reveal happened and the actress was marginally better (though, yeah, the actress was still not that good). 

Some ok Dean and Sam moments, but I didn't even like some of their moments at the beginning. Or maybe I'm feeling a little critical tonight since I have Arrow to watch right after this. 

As for the boring Asmodeus/Ketch/Gabriel stuff, the only aspect I actually liked was Gabriel. Richard was doing a pretty good job with having no lines and needing to emote through his face. I actually got concerned with how terrified he was, since that's not the Gabriel we know. So...from what I gather, if this is the real Gabriel, he didn't die in season 5 and has been trapped somewhere by someone until this season, where Asmodeus took over and continued the torture? Is this another realm Gabriel to relate to the whole arc of this season? If this is the real Gabriel, was he possibly brought back somehow and who's been holding him captive for eight+ years? 

I still tune out Asmodeus, mostly because his accent irritates me more than it should, and I really couldn't care less if Asmodeus beat Ketch up. Seriously, I'm looking forward to Asmodeus' demise by the end of the season. I mean, I hope it happens because he's been pretty meh as a villain. 

I will say that the final minutes, with Gabriel and Ketch showing up at the bunker, was what made me not consider this a total failure of an episode for me. I didn't mind Sam being wary to jump into the plan right away, because they do know that things go wrong. But I also understood Dean not wanting to waste time, because despite us knowing there's six more episodes to go, they don't. 

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2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So now we know at least part of what "Dean steps up in a big way" means. Through the rift he goes!

I haven't been able to see the episode yet but Twitter tells me he went with Ketch and no one bothered to call Cas? Is that true?

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1 hour ago, Lemuria said:

No Supernatural.  Yankees vs Baltimore!  ARRRGGGHH!

Somebody please give a brief recap--Please!!


Sam and Dean find a 100+ year old woman perfectly preserved and alive in a MoL outpost. She, of course, turns out to be the God/tentacle monster, who wants to feed and breed. Feed on people, breed with Dean, who 'has a pretty face'. They prevail with the help of some other legacies, and get the Solomon stone in return.

Meanwhile Assmodeus mainlines Archangel Grace (WTAF?) and beats the shit out of Ketch, who he says he 'owns'. Ketch says fuck that noise, busts out Gabriel, and turns him and his grace over to Dean and 'Sam in exchange for protection from Asmodeus. Dean tells Sam he's going alone, one of them has to stay behind in case the rift closes. Ketch insists on going with him. And through the rift they go.

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I haven't been able to see the episode yet but Twitter tells me he went with Ketch and no one bothered to call Cas? Is that true?

Yes. As far as I can recall, there is no mention of Cas at all.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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I loved it!  It was interesting and exciting from start to finish.  I didn't think these writers had it in them, but I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.  Dean fans will certainly be entertained.

Poor Gabriel.  I'm still curious to see just what his role is going to be in the end game.  His power has been drained off, though not completely.  I wonder how long arch angel grace lasts in a demon?  There really was no other way for them to go with Ketch except redemption, so I'm almost ok with that.  Of course, he's still self-serving, so I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I'm excited to see what happens next.

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3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Sam and Dean find a 100+ year old woman perfectly preserved and alive in a MoL outpost. She, of course, turns out to be the God/tentacle monster, who wants to feed and breed. Feed on people, breed with Dean, who 'has a pretty face'. They prevail with the help of some other legacies, and get the Solomon stone in return.

Meanwhile Assmodeus mainlines Archangel Grace (WTAF?) and beats the shit out of Ketch, who he says he 'owns'. Ketch says fuck that noise, busts out Gabriel, and turns him and his grace over to Dean and 'Sam in exchange for protection from Asmodeus. Dean tells Sam he's going alone, one of them has to stay behind in case the rift closes. Ketch insists on going with him. And through the rift they go.

Yes. As far as I can recall, there is no mention of Cas at all.


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4 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I loved it!  It was interesting and exciting from start to finish.  I didn't think these writers had it in them, but I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.  Dean fans will certainly be entertained.

Poor Gabriel.  I'm still curious to see just what his role is going to be in the end game.  His power has been drained off, though not completely.  I wonder how long arch angel grace lasts in a demon?  There really was no other way for them to go with Ketch except redemption, so I'm almost ok with that.  Of course, he's still self-serving, so I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

I'm excited to see what happens next.

I won't be surprised if (when) Ketch turns out to be double crossing Dean/still working for Assmo. So I guess we're going to get Sam working with Rowena and Gabriel 'here', while Dean and Ketch are on the other side?

I'm mostly okay with the episode, except for the larger unanswered questions as to how is Gabriel alive? LOL Canon! and how can a demon use angel grace? They have fucked with the lore SO much on the show the past couple seasons.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Asmodeus beat Ketch up

I couldn't help picturing  a bottle of mustard and a bottle of ketchup fighting.

I loved it when Dean said Jinkies.

I absolutely, positively can not believe that they thought Sandy was human.  Come on!!!!  Humans don't live in suspended animation for 100 years.  Maybe if there had been something magical around her, but it was just chains.

I can't believe they didn't kill Ketch.  They don't need him any more. Sure, he did them a favor bringing them Gabriel, but who cares?  Kill him.  I promise I'm not this bloodthirsty IRL.

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Hmm...I must have been in just the right mood, because I really enjoyed it.  But then I normally enjoy episodes that touch on the whole Men of Letters theme.  I've loved that idea from the beginning, and would be thrilled if they'd explore it even further.  I doubt they will, but I can hope.

There really wasn't time to call Cas, and Dean wouldn't have allowed him go with him even if he had been there.  It's tricky with Misha's schedule, because he is out of the picture quite a bit, and they don't always give a reasonable explanation as to where he is.  I'm guessing he was out looking for more ingredients for the spell, because where else would he be?

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For Dean fans - there is a pretty kickass fight scene. Of course as is Dabb's wont, he ends up on the ground and then saved by the GOTW, but the fight is pretty kickass. And he saves himself from the Big Boss tentacle god by picking handcuffs one-handed. Loved that.

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6 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I loved it!  It was interesting and exciting from start to finish.  I didn't think these writers had it in them, but I thoroughly enjoyed the episode.  Dean fans will certainly be entertained.

Indeed. And yes, one of the few in these last few years that was interesting from start to finish, IMO too.

And from Perez no less. Go. Figure.

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12 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Sam and Dean find a 100+ year old woman perfectly preserved and alive in a MoL outpost. She, of course, turns out to be the God/tentacle monster, who wants to feed and breed. Feed on people, breed with Dean, who 'has a pretty face'. They prevail with the help of some other legacies, and get the Solomon stone in return.

Meanwhile Assmodeus mainlines Archangel Grace (WTAF?) and beats the shit out of Ketch, who he says he 'owns'. Ketch says fuck that noise, busts out Gabriel, and turns him and his grace over to Dean and 'Sam in exchange for protection from Asmodeus. Dean tells Sam he's going alone, one of them has to stay behind in case the rift closes. Ketch insists on going with him. And through the rift they go.

Yes. As far as I can recall, there is no mention of Cas at all.


*sigh* Dean and Ketch?? Argh. Thanks for the recap!

Edited by DeeDee79
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Just now, DeeDee79 said:

*sigh* Dean and Ketch?? Argh.

This is my reaction. There is no GD reason for Dean to not have killed Ketch 5 episodes ago. He brainwashed Mary, tried to kill her and tried to kill Dean. If Ketch rescues Mary over Dean I will flip my shit. It's BS writing.

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I continue to hate Asmodeus and his painfully fake Southern accent.

I liked the episode, but it was too rushed at the end. Don’t tell Cas! Go in alone! No wait, take Ketch too! Wouldn’t they have at least waited to see what Gabriel had to say?

So who were the rest of the hooded figures outside? 

I hope Dean saying “Jinkies” does become a recurring thing. In light of last week’s swearing debate, I’ll say that if they can’t curse then I hope they just use Scooby Doo phrases from now on.

Edited by Jeddah
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Just now, MysteryGuest said:

Asmodeus was injecting himself with Gabriel's angel grace to power up.  

What the flying fuck?

That is the biggest pile of crap. I cannot fathom how that can possibly work! It's absurd!!

So are we now to understand that all the Princes of Hell, including Azazel got their power from archangel grace or what? Way to screw with Azazel, one of the top 5 villains in the show. Ugh. Are we sure Perez wrote this and not Buck Lemming?? UGH

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Just now, Jeddah said:

I continue to hate Asmodeus and his painfully fake Southern accent.

I liked the episode, but it was too rushed at the end. Don’t tell Cas! Go in alone! No wait, take Ketch too! Wouldn’t they have at least waited to see what Gabriel had to say?

So who were the rest of the hooded figures outside? 

I hope Dean saying “Jinkies” does become a recurring thing. In light of last week’s swearing debate, I’ll say that if they can’t curse then I hope they just use Scooby Do phrases from now on.

This was the first episode with Asmodeus where I thought he was at least mildly threatening/evil, rather than just cringeworthy.  It sounded to me like he'd toned down the Colonel Sanders schtick just a bit.  And it was fun watching him kick Ketch's ass.  He had it coming.

I think the other hooded figures were townspeople.  The one in the restaurant was a policeman or sheriff.  I think they were all working to keep the monster contained.

The throwback to the Scooby episode was fun.  It will take Dean a while to get over that, I think.

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Just now, catrox14 said:

So are we now to understand that all the Princes of Hell, including Azazel got their power from archangel grace or what? Way to screw with Azazel, one of the top 5 villains in the show. Ugh. Are we sure Perez wrote this and not Buck Lemming?? UGH

No, they have their own power.  He was juicing up with the grace so he could do the rift opening spell.  NOt really sure why he was injecting it.  But, it's most definitely not his original power source.  I agree that it shouldn't work, though. I mean, other angels apparently can only use other angels' grace for so long, so why would it work at all with a demon?

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

This is my reaction. There is no GD reason for Dean to not have killed Ketch 5 episodes ago. He brainwashed Mary, tried to kill her and tried to kill Dean. If Ketch rescues Mary over Dean I will flip my shit. It's BS writing.

I agree. I don't care about Ketch getting redemption and he shouldn't be a part of the big hero plot to save Mary. If Sam didn't go through the rift with Dean it should have been Cas who did. 

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Just now, Katy M said:

No, they have their own power.  He was juicing up with the grace so he could do the rift opening spell.  NOt really sure why he was injecting it.  But, it's most definitely not his original power source.  I agree that it shouldn't work, though. I mean, other angels apparently can only use other angels' grace for so long, so why would it work at all with a demon?

Ah, thanks for clarifying. I'm having to wait to watch it til later tonight.

Yeah, I would think angel grace would short circuit his demonity. It sounds really stupid.

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5 minutes ago, Jeddah said:

I hope Dean saying “Jinkies” does become a recurring thing. In light of last week’s swearing debate, I’ll say that if they can’t curse then I hope they just use Scooby Do phrases from now on.

I'm partial to "Zoinks!" :)

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One of the things I really enjoyed from the epi, was Asmodeus putting Ketch in his place about how he shouldn't really be acting morally superior.  Somebody had to say it.

Also loved DEan's fight.  And, I liked it that they poisoned Sam's food.  I feel like they get kidnapped too easily for how big they are.

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Just now, DeeDee79 said:

I agree. I don't care about Ketch getting redemption and he shouldn't be a part of the big hero plot to save Mary. If Sam didn't go through the rift with Dean it should have been Cas who did. 

I would have settled for Gabriel going with him for that matter. I would have settled for him going with just about anyone other than Ketch.  Someone on that show must love DHJ

Just now, DeeDee79 said:

I'm partial to "Zoinks!" :)

My fave is "Ruh roh".  Dean should just have a rotating lineup and vary them from time to time. :)

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Actually I wish Sandy had been from the '40s, so Dean could tell her that he killed Hitler.

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I would have settled for Gabriel going with him for that matter. I would have settled for him going with just about anyone other than Ketch.  Someone on that show must love DHJ

Apparently there is a rule that they have to work with someone sketchy. Since, Cowley is dead, they've moved on to ketch.  Eye roll.

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I agree there were a low of unanswered questions - demons using angel grace?  Where the hell has Gabriel been. But my biggest gripe is Sam and Dean trusting this 100-year-old woman they found and never being concerned. Just no. 


But there were some good parts; loved the archive montage of Dean and Sam researching. Loved the fight scene in the diner. Excited Ketch brought them two good weapons (depending on what's up with Gabriel.) Some good, funny lines. I still yawn at Asmodeus. I usually hate the brothers to separate but I'm kind of excited to see Dean and Ketch together in the AU. 

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1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I would have settled for Gabriel going with him for that matter. I would have settled for him going with just about anyone other than Ketch.  Someone on that show must love DHJ

I'm guessing it won't please you to know that before they did, Dean agreed to let him hide out in the bunker (in return for Gabriel and the grace and the archangel blade). It was basically 'I'll agree to anything if it means I get to open that rift right freaking now'.

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I forgot.  One of my favorite parts was when Dean did his little move where he throws up his hands to say he found something, and Sam asked him what, and he said nothing and just went back to researching.  I'm not sure if he thought he found something and then he decided it was nothing, or if he was just messing with Sam because he was getting bored.  Either way, it's totally a Dean thing.

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I would have settled for Gabriel going with him for that matter. I would have settled for him going with just about anyone other than Ketch.  Someone on that show must love DHJ

As annoyed as I was when they brought Ketch back, this particular scene didn't bother me.  The minute Dean realized they had the last ingredient for the spell, he was hell bent that they were doing it immediately.  And also that Sam was not going with him.  His argument was sound, I thought.  If the 24 hours expires and Dean's not back yet, he'll need Sam there to open the rift again.  And like he said about Ketch, he didn't care if he got killed over there, so he didn't need to worry about him.  At this point, Ketch is just running for his life from Asmodeus. 

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4 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

My fave is "Ruh roh".  Dean should just have a rotating lineup and vary them from time to time. :)

Since he's now said "Ruh roh" and "Jinkies" maybe "Zoinks" will be next!

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Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm guessing it won't please you to know that before they did, Dean agreed to let him hide out in the bunker (in return for Gabriel and the grace and the archangel blade). It was basically 'I'll agree to anything if it means I get to open that rift right freaking now'.

And, the thing is it was stupid.  He had already given them GAbriel and the grace.  He had nothing left to bargain with. Had he called them and said he had Gabriel and the grace and they could have them in exchange for security, OK.  Sam and Dean are honest in their dealings.  But, this way made no sense, IMO.

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So Dean went through the Rift, did they show where he ended up or are we assuming they got to the right place? I mean wasn't that the whole point of Kaia was to direct them properly and it's only because she freaked out that they went to the wrong place?

Yes, I know I'll have the answers in a little while but I'm curious.

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm guessing it won't please you to know that before they did, Dean agreed to let him hide out in the bunker (in return for Gabriel and the grace and the archangel blade). It was basically 'I'll agree to anything if it means I get to open that rift right freaking now'.



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Just now, catrox14 said:

So Dean went through the Rift, did they show where he ended up or are we assuming they got to the right place? I mean wasn't that the whole point of Kaia was to direct them properly and it's only because she freaked out that they went to the wrong place?

Yes, I know I'll have the answers in a little while but I'm curious.

No, they didn't show it.  But, they had to have an ingredient (dean's hair) that had been in the place they wanted to go.  Which actually could mean they ended up back in Mosnsterland.  Wonder why nobody thought of that?

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2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

No, they didn't show it.  But, they had to have an ingredient (dean's hair) that had been in the place they wanted to go.  Which actually could mean they ended up back in Mosnsterland.  Wonder why nobody thought of that?

Heh. Good point.

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3 minutes ago, scribe95 said:

I agree there were a low of unanswered questions - demons using angel grace?  Where the hell has Gabriel been. But my biggest gripe is Sam and Dean trusting this 100-year-old woman they found and never being concerned. Just no. 

I looked at this in the same way as when they found Dorothy.  She'd also been trapped in a spell that kept her young all those years.  I honestly wasn't sure what was going on with her until they mentioned the monster, then it clicked.  I thought that maybe she was going to be one of the keys they needed to do the spell, originally.  The boys tend to be suckers for damsels in distress.  The only real issue I had was when she left to go to the bathroom and didn't come back for what seemed like a particularly long time.

There certainly are things I could nitpick, but I'm just so glad to have an episode that was solid entertainment, that I'm going to try not to analyze it too closely.  I'm sure we'll get an explanation as to what happened with Gabriel.  He has yet to actually speak a word, so his story will be told, eventually.  As for demons and angel grace, I have no clue.  But they stopped being true to canon quite a while ago, so I'm just going to go with it.  

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1 minute ago, MysteryGuest said:

The only real issue I had was when she left to go to the bathroom and didn't come back for what seemed like a particularly long time.

I don't know that we have a monster reason for that. She doesn't appear to have done anything in there.  My boss takes at least 15 minutes in the bathroom.  I want to ask him what he does in there, but I'm afraid of the answer.  

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15 minutes ago, Jediknight said:

Tentacles?  So, Marie's a prophet.  When do we get robots in space?

Season 14. Space...the final frontier. Seriously, they've already done alternate worlds, there's only so many places left. 

Why am I such a sucker for a "Sam gets kidnapped" plot? Sam in danger, Dean all protective and ready to kill bad guys. Way too effective. And I like episodes with flashbacks. Loved the flapper dress. Tired of Ketch, but if Mary gets to beat the shit out of him, I might get over it.

Have we confirmed that this is our Gabriel, not alt-world Gabriel? 

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Just now, Katy M said:

I don't know that we have a monster reason for that. She doesn't appear to have done anything in there.  My boss takes at least 15 minutes in the bathroom.  I want to ask him what he does in there, but I'm afraid of the answer.  

I thought she was outside eating all the hoodie-folk.

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

I don't know that we have a monster reason for that. She doesn't appear to have done anything in there.  My boss takes at least 15 minutes in the bathroom.  I want to ask him what he does in there, but I'm afraid of the answer.  

No, I know she didn't do anything while in there, but I did think at the time, "what's taking her so long, and why aren't they checking on her?"  Not that she was up to something nefarious, but that she might have been in trouble.  

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1 minute ago, bettername2come said:

Have we confirmed that this is our Gabriel, not alt-world Gabriel? 

It was implied, but maybe not 100% confirmed.  I'm going to be ticked if it is unless they have a good explanation. And fooling Lucifer isn't going to cut it.  I call retcon.

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Gabriel doesn't look to be in any shape to go with Dean through the rift. Ketch had to drag him out when he was rescuing him.

I'm speculating that Gabriel took his "death" as an opportunity to run and do an angel witness protection sort of thing. Remember, he was hiding when Sam and Dean figured out he was an angel. He never wanted to get involved. I think he tried to hide and was found by someone. By the looks of him, he's been tortured for more than the few months Asmodeus has been around. I also believe it's our Gabe. Every other alt angel has had a different meat suit  from the original. 

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1 minute ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I thought she was outside eating all the hoodie-folk.

I thought her first food was the poor dude they sen toutside to check if the hoodies were gone.

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