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Eva's family and those dynamics, man. So hard to watch. I really like how her husband expresses himself to them. Respectful yet firm. 


Nikki and Brie are everything. I love them and watching them together. I loved everything Brie said in this episode to Nikki about John/marriage/kids. To me, Nikki and John have a very off, unequal relationship. It's like principal/student when they talk. Nikki says they're true love and he's the one, and I just don't see it. It's smart for Nikki to get the eggs frozen because I think one day she'll regret wasting her "prime" years with John. We were all laughing watching her hide from John in that museum. 


I like Summer a lot, and hope she's not off for too long. Nothing against Rosa, but there's just so many now. Why add another? 


So glad this show is back! 

I hope there is more Trinity and John. I like them both and think they are funny.

Rosa's boobs seem really lumpy. I think her boob job is way too big and looks nasty on her. I never watched wrestling, but was/ is Rosa a good wrestler? Was she really popular? As an outsider,It seems like that there is only a few popular diva's and the rest of them really get no show time.

Edited by Suzy123
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I don't understand how Nikki says that John is "the one," yet constantly hides stuff from him. How can he be the one if you don't feel comfortable sharing anything with him?

Rosa's face looks odd to me. Its harsh looking. I love how she says she's 34, but looks like she's 24. Uhh, no girl you look 34. Not sure why they brought her back, they seem to have an abundance of divas.

Eva and her family are ffwd material to me. I thought the pictures were gorgeous, but not for save the dates.

Love Brie and Bryan. Not missing Summer at all. Glad to see Trinity and Jon are back next week.


Eva and her family are ffwd material to me. I thought the pictures were gorgeous, but not for save the dates.


That's the thing with Eva. None of her decisions make any sense. She said they did those photos because they wanted to be able to look back on them when they are old and gray. So why can't they do that with them anyway? No one is clueless enough to think those photos were appropriate for Save The Date cards.  


The religion thing was the worst though. She acted like getting Jonathon to change his religion was no big deal, like she's going to get him to change the venue or something. 

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Damn I love Nikki and Brie (they're my favorites) but they were in every other segment. There's too many girls on this show. Nattie, Eva and Rosa had like 30 seconds of airtime this episode, and like two minutes in the premiere.


Nikki is so bad at communicating with John. It's like he's her dad and she's afraid to tell him things because she doesn't want to disappoint him. Marriage and kids are pretty freaking important (to her), she should not feel ashamed to want them. I did like that John showed some humor and personality in the ending segment.


Glad Summer is coming back! I really like her. She's good at playing the "bitch" role they cast her in. Still don't care about Ariane, girl bye. I'm a little on the fence about Trinity's reaction to Ariane's news. I can't decide who I agree with. I just don't buy Ariane sobbing about how passionate she is about WWE. She wants fame and that's about it, I think.

I don't have a problem with Ariane wanting to go back to NXT.  I think that shows that she wants to get better and honestly, I think that would help her in ring skills more than being Trinity's valet.


I always wondered how the wrestlers get paid, especially the women since there's usually only one diva's match per telecast show.  I know they do other shows that aren't televised, but I wonder if they get paid on like retainer.


I figure the male wrestlers only really get paid once they hit the big time (I mean elite wrestlers) and especially if that translates over into movies (Rock, John Cena).

Do any of these women ever wear full shirts? I swear every other segment is one of em sporting a midriff. Sure they're all in shape and have good figures, but so do I and I don't run around baring my stomach for all to see. It's just weird.


Also, boo to Nattie for not leaving Summer on the side of the road. Frankly I would have drove off and left both their asses.

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There's a weird childishness to all the women. Every week they act out, are shown the error of their ways by the men (who always come off as the voice of wisdom), and by the end of the episode have learned a Valuable Life Lesson. For example, this week we have Eva trying to convert Jonathan [again!], Brie sneaking around for cash being Bryan's back, and Nikki giving away their joint funds without John's permission. Why is there always a bratty teenager/father-knows-best dynamic to these relationships? Can't these women just once make a sensible decision on their own?


And ew to Summer Rae reappearing. I guess every show needs a stereotypical, mustache-twirling villian.

Edited by Stella MD

I love Eva, but I'm tired of seeing her be so weak when it comes to her family. She was afraid to let them meet her fiance, then afraid to tell them they eloped and now she's trying to convert Jonathan so her daddy can be happy. Worst part are her asshole brothers, I seriously can't stand when they talk. They give off vibes of being losers who live in their parents basement and are always giving Eva and her husband a hard time and making snide comments. Best part of this show are Trinity and Jon and Nikki.

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And ew to Summer Rae reappearing. I guess every show needs a stereotypical, mustache-twirling villian.

I'm still trying to figure out how Summer is the villain and we're supposed to like Nattie.  Every bad thing we've seen Summer do or heard her say was in response to the others (especially Nattie) talking shit about her.  Hell in this episode, Nattie started right in with Summer before Summer even said anything at the gym.  And then there was the car with Nattie taking shots at Summer bringing up "the injury" (let's not even get into that timeframe from that episode which jumped from December to January to late January back to December), and saying that Summer and Rosa's live events were horrible.  Summer fired back, and Nattie gets pissed.


On this show they've certainly made it look like Nattie can talk crap about people and say whatever she wants about them, but the second they fire back, that's just wrong.

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It's the smirk. Everytime she says something bitchy, it's accompanied by a big 'oh yeah, I went there!' shit-eating grin, the tell-tale mark of an instigator. Plus the fact that it's not just Nattie who has an issue with her but also Eva, Brie, Nikki - when everyone has the same problem with one person, chances are that person is the one with the issue. (now, it's also likely that this is all staged for the show, especially since the WWE is hardly known for subtlety when it comes to villains)

For the record, I'm no Nattie apologist - I find her immature, catty, and emotionally labile to a maladaptive level. I also think she isn't a day short of 50 and looks old enough to be TJ's mom.

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I really dislike Nattie. D.Bry steals every scene he's in.


And good God, Cena lecturing Nikki again. I love Nikki, but I hate their relationship. Show me more Trinity/Jon scenes, I love them.


I hope Nattie and Summer have a match on Raw tonight (last week, to play off the show, Ariane/Trinity had a match). Summer and Nattie are both really good wrestlers. 

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I normally love Brie and she annoyed me a lot tonight...Bryan doesn't want debt/loan/whatever so her solution is to get a loan from her sister and her boyfriend?  Then got upset when the answer was no.  I thought it was a stupid plan that they hadn't really thought through, definitely a knee-jerk reaction to Bryan's injury.


He ended up being off a lot longer than they thought, no?  He's still off?  I only half-heartedly follow WWE so not entirely sure.


I kinda felt bad for Cena when Nikki sprung the money question on him.  Like he said, he is constantly getting hit up for money from everyone around him and then when the ideas don't pan out he loses out.  I thought he had a rational response to that question and I commended him for being willing to tell Brie/Bryan himself.  Thought it was one of his better moments from the show.

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Do Brie and Bryan still have their house in Washington?  If yes, why buy a house in AZ and not a Condo, since I thought they planned on living their post WWE lives in WA? 


I dislike both Nattie and Summer, but Summer slightly more. 


I wish there weren't so much cattiness among the women, it just makes me cringe.  That's why I have never watched any of the bachelorette shows and I stopped watching the Housewives show. 

Didn't TJ and Nattie just get married? Like, within the past year or so? That's odd to me that they'd need a break from each other so fast. Especially if they've been together as long as Nattie claims. Their relationship always seemed weird anyway, since she looks more like his mother than his wife. I'd be shocked to hear there's less than a 10 year difference in their ages.

I took my son to Monday's Raw taping for his birthday.  In case we didn't already know that some of the story lines on this show are fake, they've officially crossed over into fake story lines on Total Divas being promoted by fake stories on the regular WWE shows.  Nattie came out along with Rosa (Rosa was fighting, Nattie was just in her corner) and T.J.  He came down to the ring with earphones in, staring at his phone, and not paying a lick of attention to Nattie.  They showed the clip of Nattie complaining about his present for her, and then, later in the match, she got mad at him for ignoring her, and took his phone away from him.  

Damn it Jonathan, I was totally on your side on the whole religion conversion thing a few weeks ago, but now you go and pull the 2nd Amendment B.S. "Why do you hate America?" Really, dude? Pretty sure Eva just said she didn't feel comfortable with a gun in the house, not that she'd have the government lock you up. So chill, nobody's infringing on the Bill of Rights there.

Edited by dmeets

Episode 6: Eva's bachelorette getaway on the Caribbean island of Curacao turns heated when TJ destroys Nattie's hopes of rekindling their marriage. Also, Nikki believes she has lost her twin sister; & Ariane kicks Vinnie's desires to the curb.

Episode 7: Nikki is devastated to discover a secret John has been keeping from her; Rosa is unaware that she is competing for the attention of a NFL player; & Nattie's unsavory comments to a reporter lead TJ to take an extreme action.

Wow from the looks of this forum I must be the only idiot watching this ridiculous show!

Not a good sign for them I guess.

Both episodes were kind of boring. TJ and Nattie just got married and talks of divorce already. I get an odd vibe from them, I think the marriage was staged just to throw us off the scent that TJ is really gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that if he us, but why hide it?

You're not alone....I watch this every Sunday too, my husband used to watch it with me for the "pretty ladies" but he decided he couldn't handle sitting through this drivel for that.


I think (emphasis on think) Nattie and TJ have been together for ages, like since they were teenagers.  They definitely have more of a bro-sis relationship in my opinion, especially compared to the other couples.  TJ has pinged my gaydar a few times so maybe we'll see a reveal one day?  Doubtful in their industry though.

  • Love 1

I'm still watching...


TJ and Nattie totally have a brother/sister vibe.  I don't get any chemistry between them at all.  It just comes off as more of a marriage of convenience to me. 


As soon as Rosa introduced that football player to Summer, I knew it was over.  Nattie warned Rosa, but I guess she had to learn the hard way that Summer is not to be trusted.  Also, if Summer met him before why didn't she try and hook up with him before?  Now that you see him hanging out with Rosa, you all of sudden are interested?  That football player is a total douche and I guess he doesn't care who knows it.  He's on tv going out with Rosa and then later in the episode you are filmed going out with Summer?


I found Nikki annoying during Curacao trying to get Brie to drink.  After a couple no, leave your sister alone.  Not everyone needs to drink to have a good time. 

Loved Bryan telling Nikki not to dress Brie up like a hoochie. 


I don't know what Vinnie does for a living, but why is he with Ariane.  I get she's pretty, but she is so annoying and walks all over him.  Granted Vinny is annoying as well, but he treats her well.  Here's another couple with no chemistry at all.

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Maybe it's just me, but I'm not really feeling the Brie/Bryan relationship. Brie seems like she's just adapting to whatever Bryan wants her to be (I guess she and Nicki have that in common).

The constant capitulation to the men is annoying (especially since it's always painted as one of the Bella's 'coming to her senses'), but I at least buy Bryan and Brie as a couple much more than Nikki and John - with the latter I feel like I'm watching some terrible scripted show entitled My Robot Dad. They have zero chemistry (though not sure who would have chemistry with John Cena, he's so blank and flat) and I strongly suspect the show put them together to have the premise for the show - ie, the Bella twins both dating wrestling powerhouses. The WWE is all about storylines, after all.

Why IS Arianna still around, if she isn't a Diva anymore? She certainly doesn't make for a sympathetic character, and can get off my screen anytime.

Finally, I can't with Nattie and TJ anymore. I hadn't thought about the beard angle, but that might explain her current 'I need more romance!' meltdowns. As the story is currently presented, Nattie's comes across as a high-maintenance neurotic drama queen who likes to magnify minor issues just to have an argument. TJ looks blindsided every time they talk.

Yeah, Pat Patterson just officially came out on Legends House. And when Darren Young came out, WWE was super supportive…for about a month.

I could have sworn he came out years ago. Like, YEARS. Was that just in storyline or did I completely make that up?


Also, WWE fucked up giving Darren a push because he looks EXACTLY like John Cena in a wig, dipped in dark foundation

Not enough Trinity.


Yeah, I definitely think the Nattie/TJ thing is forced.  Although they've never struck me as a very romantic in-love couple.  More like life long friends who just decided to get married.  Does TJ even wrestle anymore?  I rarely see him on.


I don't watch the WWE regularly, but I tuned in a few times earlier on and it seems like the WWE only focuses on a few divas at a time.  Like this summer Alicia Fox was getting a big push and getting all the matches. 

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