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The bad sax case...


A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems.


Screaming? Really?  That is reserved for tipping a boiling pot onto yourself not when your blowing is sucking.  (take that Harvey!)


Spoiled brat.

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A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems.


While they won the case they lost the opportunity to teach the young man a lesson.  Every one you meet isn't going to be nice to you, get over it!!

Edited by momtoall
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A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems.

I have occasion to work with a couple of people brought up this way.  These little snowflakes are miserable all the time because Hey News Flash! - the world does not revolve around them and their fragile psyches.  Would have been a hellava lot easier lesson to learn as a child than in the workplace!


But that's only because I know there are ignorant people out there who think one represents all.

That's it! Tee-  What I should of asked was "do you see women like those two and think 'Thanks bitches for being fuel for the redneck fire'?"

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The bad sax case...


A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems.


Screaming? Really?  That is reserved for tipping a boiling pot onto yourself not when your blowing is sucking.  (take that Harvey!)


Spoiled brat.

That parent represented everything that's wrong with thies entitled generation. My son didn't get an apology. WAH!!! Somebody call the freaking wambulance! And I have no doubt that the first words out of her stupid mouth were, "I'm an attorney. I'll sue you." MM's right; there's nothing wrong with being an attorney or mentioning that you're one, but we all know how this woman mentioned it...threateningly. Was she also suing for legal bills? From whom? Herself?


Good on the owner for refusing to apologize to her 9-year-old son. I can just see her getting that voice mail while, no doubt, berating some poor store clerk at the mall and then deciding to march over there in triumph and demand an apology. Screw you and your entitled kid who's throwing tantrums at age nine.

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I was surprised MM found in favor of the mother in the saxophone case.  It seemed to me to be parallel to cases she's heard where someone purchases an item that comes with a warranty-- if there's a problem, you have to give the store the chance to fix it.  In this case, the item had a problem, and the store was able to fix it the very day it was brought to their attention.  It's only because the mom got her panties in a bunch about her kid's feelings possibly being hurt that she suddenly didn't want the sax anymore.  If she'd taken the sax back and there continued to be a problem with it, then I can see letting the mom return it.  Otherwise, nope. And the fact that the store was far from the mom's house really shouldn't even be taken into consideration.  Mom chose the shop.  If it's too inconvenient for her, she should have shopped elsewhere.

Edited by marny
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A 9 year old that is screaming because he is playing and gramma isn't applauding and whose parents demand an appolgy for hurting his little feelings has got much worse problems.

I was totally annoyed by this case and thought Judge Marilyn shouldn't have given Attorney Mom the money back (no legal reason - just for spite, hahaha **Seinfeld reference**). This is a perfect example of the special snowflake defense. Hope his mother enjoys making excuses for him as he gets older. (and can she really charge own fee to herself for her own legal expenses? **head spins**)



That's it! Tee-  What I should of asked was "do you see women like those two and think 'Thanks bitches for being fuel for the redneck fire'?"

I lived in Alabama for many years and still have a ton of family and friends there. I never met one person who didn't have their own teeth (that they were born with, not the ones they bought at WalMart).  I didn't meet anybody who used the n-word. Nobody had relatives with slaves. Not one of them lived in a trailer. Nobody played the banjo on the porch or married their cousin. They were fine upstanding people but LAWD I have to defend them all the time from stereotypes. 

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I lived in Alabama for many years and still have a ton of family and friends there. I never met one person who didn't have their own teeth (that they were born with, not the ones they bought at WalMart).  I didn't meet anybody who used the n-word. Nobody had relatives with slaves. Not one of them lived in a trailer. Nobody played the banjo on the porch or married their cousin. They were fine upstanding people but LAWD I have to defend them all the time from stereotypes.


My point exactly.  Not only is it exhausting, it's futile.  Narrow-minded and bigoted people are rarely swayed by logic.  They have their version of reality and they will only believe the things that they see that confirm their view.

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I lived in Alabama for many years and still have a ton of family and friends there. I never met one person who didn't have their own teeth (that they were born with, not the ones they bought at WalMart).  I didn't meet anybody who used the n-word. Nobody had relatives with slaves. Not one of them lived in a trailer. Nobody played the banjo on the porch or married their cousin. They were fine upstanding people but LAWD I have to defend them all the time from stereotypes. 

I once had a coworker say to me, "I'd like black people more if they were all like you." Stupid bitch thought she was complimenting me. Notice I said "once had a coworker." She didn't make it through that afternoon.

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OMG, the case where the woman was suing her ex boyfriend and father of her 2 kids because he didn't pay her back for the bail when he went to jail for not paying child support to his ex-wife?  And the ex-wife bailed him out for another arrest?  Plus he has kids with at least one other woman, for a total of seven?  What are women seeing in this guy?


"Oh, except for not paying me back for the bail, and except for not paying ME his child support (as well as his ex-wife, apparently), he's just such a great guy."

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OMG, the case where the woman was suing her ex boyfriend and father of her 2 kids because he didn't pay her back for the bail when he went to jail for not paying child support to his ex-wife?


I came here just for this. Someone needs to write a paper explaining what is going on that is making so many women so terminally desperate.


As JM, said, I don't know why the teacher plaintiff was smiling. Education really does not always = intelligence. She's the one who not only took on the pot bellied pig, but was more than willing to clean up his messes by showering money on him AND supporting him. WTF? I would eat the loss before I would let anyone know that I'm such a pathetic fool with atrocious taste.


All that's mind-boggling enough, but there are other women out there who not only voluntarily had sex with him, but wanted to breed with him, I guess seeing it as a privilege to be able to pass on those stellar genes of his.  He has seven kids and works sometimes so I guess his job at the local grocery store bagging food or stocking shelves fully supports all those kids plus himself.


We've seen desperation before, but this hit some new bar.


Oh, and Levin? Go fuck yourself, you slimy little shyster.



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I came here just for this. Someone needs to write a paper explaining what is going on that is making so many women so terminally desperate.

As JM, said, I don't know why the teacher plaintiff was smiling. Education really does not always = intelligence. She's the one who not only took on the pot bellied pig, but was more than willing to clean up his messes by showering money on him AND supporting him. WTF? I would eat the loss before I would let anyone know that I'm such a pathetic fool with atrocious taste.

All that's mind-boggling enough, but there are other women out there who not only voluntarily had sex with him, but wanted to breed with him, I guess seeing it as a privilege to be able to pass on those stellar genes of his. He has seven kids and works sometimes so I guess his job at the local grocery store bagging food or stocking shelves fully supports all those kids plus himself.

We've seen desperation before, but this hit some new bar.

Oh, and Levin? Go fuck yourself, you slimy little shyster.

I love when you mention Levin. I'm not a fan either, but your hatred of him amuses me for some reason!

That defendant was a real POS, and once again we wonder why these women put up with such losers. Is being alone so bad? If you must date a loser, why would you have children with him, especially when you know he doesn't support the kids he already has. Ugh.

Edited by teebax

Is being alone so bad?


To the women of these shows, ANY "man" (if we must call these specimens "men"), no matter how marginal, repulsive and cretinous, is better than none. I don't understand it and Judge M seems to be getting more and more disgusted, judging by her increasingly nasty mockery of these fools. You tell 'em, JM!


My hatred of Levin knows no bounds. Yes, when each case gets about 16 minutes, what I'm really champing at the bit for is another segment of that little bitch, shoving his microphone in the faces of his moronic peanut gallery, while he screeches and makes jokes that weren't funny even in the 1950s when he first heard them.

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OMG, the case where the woman was suing her ex boyfriend and father of her 2 kids because he didn't pay her back for the bail when he went to jail for not paying child support to his ex-wife?  And the ex-wife bailed him out for another arrest?  Plus he has kids with at least one other woman, for a total of seven?  What are women seeing in this guy?


I think we saw a flash of what they saw when he said 'c'mon you can admit it, it's not escaping you'

I myself am a sucker for witty repartee. It shows some brains and charm.  He must have had his moments. 

I would be with someone like that as opposed to a terminal dullard. I wouldn't give him money or bail him out but I sure would enjoy his company. 

I think we saw a flash of what they saw when he said 'c'mon you can admit it, it's not escaping you'

I myself am a sucker for witty repartee. It shows some brains and charm.  He must have had his moments. 

I would be with someone like that as opposed to a terminal dullard. I wouldn't give him money or bail him out but I sure would enjoy his company. 

You probably wouldn't have kids with him either.

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Anyone else get a 'swinger' vibe from the sawed-off photographer and his two bikini models?  I noticed just the slightest of slips when he said "This is my wife and our...her best friend".

I was coming here to ask the same thing. There was a weird vibe going on. I also noticed he said that sometimes her husband joins them but he wasn't there that day. I don't know about any of you, but my husband would not be happy if I spent the day on a boat, in my bikini, while some guy took photos of me.

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The creep doing his mating dance from the jet ski was a full on moron.


He probably thought they were swingers too and that those guys will screw anyone so I will do jet ski tricks until they have no choice but to invite me aboard. 


Lifestyle people will say 'I may be easy, but I'm not stupid with no taste'

The defendant in today's first case should have written a script, or something, she couldn't keep her story straight from one sentence to the next. She had no damage, but she went "straight to the person who fixes cars", Kmart doesn't open till 11 so she was just going to sit in the parking lot for two hours, she wasn't at McDonald's, but she was actually at McDonald's, then he actually hit her car, not the other way around. 

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WTH was the deal with the female defendants on this episode.  The woman in the McDonald parking lot case was like a pendulum.  She swung from one story to another.  The blonde defendant in the landscaping case couldn't tell a consistent story.  I'm still not sure what her defense was for not paying the plaintiff.

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That parking lot lady case wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her in the face. I know it's my naivete, but I'm always surprised when I meet older people who lie. That seems like more of a kid thing that a senior thing. Shouldn't you be finished lying by the time you're her age?


I'm in my early 40s, and I can't even remember the last time I told a lie (other than you don't look fat in those jeans, your new haircut doesn't look bad, or something like that).

Edited by teebax

Wow yesterday was crazy lady day!


The parking lot lady was a piece of work..getting times wrong, adding things like going to church, subtracting things...I couldn't keep up with her.  At least she wore the same lipstick since she was 15.  That was the only consistency.


Then we have OCD micromanager wedding album.  She was crazy too.  She wanted her money back and it seemed like the video was perfectly fine except for the word toast .  $5,000 back?  No freaking way.


I have no words for the landscaping defendant.  She had to be on drugs...

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I wouldn't have given the photo lady 10 cents let alone $750.00.  I would've had him change the title card and called it a day. I guess her special day is over and now she needs something to do. I watch 4 weddings sometimes. I haven't seen her episode. I bet she was a true delight.


McDonalds lady was a lying liar who lies. 

  • Love 2

Wow yesterday was crazy lady day!


The parking lot lady was a piece of work..getting times wrong, adding things like going to church, subtracting things...I couldn't keep up with her.  At least she wore the same lipstick since she was 15.  That was the only consistency.


Then we have OCD micromanager wedding album.  She was crazy too.  She wanted her money back and it seemed like the video was perfectly fine except for the word toast .  $5,000 back?  No freaking way.


I have no words for the landscaping defendant.  She had to be on drugs...

I give her marriage five years tops. There's no way someone would put up with that kind of lunacy much longer than that.

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I wouldn't have given the photo lady 10 cents let alone $750.00.  I would've had him change the title card and called it a day. I guess her special day is over and now she needs something to do.

These bridal cases just twist me off.  I wager that most of the time the self centered bitches break the bank for their "special princess day", realize it's over in the blink of an eye and have a financial hangover.  They look around and wish they'd saved for a house or taken a fabulous trip.  Then they have the nerve to start bothering the vendors for money back.  Photographers and food providers seem to be the easiest target because the "quality" is so subjective.

Just hate them.

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These bridal cases just twist me off.  I wager that most of the time the self centered bitches break the bank for their "special princess day", realize it's over in the blink of an eye and have a financial hangover.  They look around and wish they'd saved for a house or taken a fabulous trip.  Then they have the nerve to start bothering the vendors for money back.  Photographers and food providers seem to be the easiest target because the "quality" is so subjective.

Just hate them.

She mentioned in her hallterview that she needed the money to get the albums redone because she didn't have any money. So another genius who blew all their money on a stupid wedding.

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OMG, I just watched that horrid "Baby Jane" hag from the McDonald's parking lot who goes to church EVERY day. What I just love are these church going hypocrites who obviously haven't learned a damned thing in 50 years of their asses warming church pews and have no trouble lying, scamming and being despicable human beings. 


Bitch who shafted the handyman - she told JM she wasn't on drugs. I believe it and I think she was drunk. She was disgusting too.

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OMG, I just watched that horrid "Baby Jane" hag from the McDonald's parking lot who goes to church EVERY day. What I just love are these church going hypocrites who obviously haven't learned a damned thing in 50 years of their asses warming church pews and have no trouble lying, scamming and being despicable human beings. 


Bitch who shafted the handyman - she told JM she wasn't on drugs. I believe it and I think she was drunk. She was disgusting too.

While I have no problem with church-going folks (my parents are born again Christians but still support their gay daughter), anytime a litigant mentions they were on their way to church when something happened I immediately know not to believe them. 

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Lord, that crazy section 8 lady. I haven't worn a bow like that since I was little league cheerleader circa 1993.

Are you saying it's abnormal to sue a person for your car breaking down on your way to court? That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Yep, no crazy going on there!

I'm so happy to be able to work so I can support folks like her. I'm also surprised the seemingly-normal defendants agreed to rent to her in the first place. I understand there's a benefit to renting to someone on Section 8, in that you know you'll get your rent, but they should've sniffed out the crazy on the plaintiff well before agreeing to rent to her.

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Yep, no crazy going on there!


Just got caught up, and couldn't help thinking it was "Cartoon Week" on TPC. Batshit crazy cartoon-y Sec8 woman with big bow tying up her extensions,  and crackhead, cartoon-y dog owner, suing his heavily pierced ex-wife, would be a match made in Heaven...I mean, in Hell.


That nasty, sordid mess with Anwar was so seedy and the grammar so horrific ("wid him"...."wif him"...) I was unable to watch it all. Ugh.


Woman suing for four thousand dollars for a few flowers that weren't minty fresh and ribbon not the right shade of white? You really think this is going to get you the lottery? This really made her look like a scammer who was trying to get the whole affair paid for by the florist.


Things went wrong when I got married too, but it never occured to me to sue the DJ or the bakery for thousands of dollars because having the wrong song played traumatized me for life. As Judge Judy says, "GET OVER IT!"


Anyway, I hope the florist learned at least the complicated concept of having a client actually sign a contract. Duh.

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These court shows are bring out the cray cray for sweeps.  The litigants have been out here all right.  However; it's a nice change from the cases involving the 20 yr old hooty that some idiot buys off craiglist and is upset that it isn't in mint condition or some foolish woman who starts throwing money at a man ten minutes after meeting him and now wants her money back.  I say keep the cray cray coming.

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However; it's a nice change from the cases involving the 20 yr old hooty that some idiot buys off craiglist and is upset that it isn't in mint condition


Yuck. I hate those "Yes, it had 175,000 miles, was 12 years old and "as is" but I don't think that law should apply to me since I'm special and  I was living out a childhood dream that my sainted mother and grandmother (RIP) passed on to me and I was coerced, not in my right mind and the seller had such a well groomed beard that we had an instant connection and ..."


OH STFU!  It's an 1998 mechanical hunk of junk Kia, not the Ark of the Convenant.

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Woman suing for four thousand dollars for a few flowers that weren't minty fresh and ribbon not the right shade of white? You really think this is going to get you the lottery? This really made her look like a scammer who was trying to get the whole affair paid for by the florist.


Anyway, I hope the florist learned at least the complicated concept of having a client actually sign a contract. Duh.

The florist tried to make a valid point but it was not heard.  When exactly did she take the picture of the flowers?  Have your wedding - wait four days and take pictures of them wilting seems like a profitable scam.


And I hate those people who consider themselves famous for having a bad temper and the people who concede to it. Don't mess with her - she has a hot temper.  Those people can always control their temper when they want.  There is a comedy routine about rage issues. The comedian says something like 'say you have uncontrollable rage, you'restopped in the street by someone who puts a gun in your face and you turn into a simpering pussy in total control of your emotions'

The comedian says something like 'say you have uncontrollable rage, you'restopped in the street by someone who puts a gun in your face and you turn into a simpering pussy in total control of your emotions'


Oh, right! That reminds me of another case we saw, quite awhile ago. This loser beats on his wife and kid because he has a bad temper and can't control it, ever. So JJ asked about his job and if he ever lost that famous temper with his boss or other superiors. Why, no, that's one place he COULD control himself. How odd.


It seems that often the only times these people cannot control themselves is when they're going off on someone who can't fight back or who are weaker.

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The florist tried to make a valid point but it was not heard.  When exactly did she take the picture of the flowers?  Have your wedding - wait four days and take pictures of them wilting seems like a profitable scam.


And correct me if I'm wrong, but this was actually an anniversary party/vow renewal, yes? It meant a lot to the plaintiff obviously, but I'd be a little more sympathetic if it was an actual wedding that was "ruined" by the flowers. And when your budget is $250, you don't always have the option to get exactly what you're dreaming of. Sure, the florist should have had a contract and a better understanding and agreement of the job, but I had a really hard time digesting the plaintiff's case.

Edited by Arjay
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I don't even know why they have so many of the used car cases.  We know that 99% of them end up for the defendant because 100% of them never have a mechanic look at the car nor do they take a test drive themselves.  By now we all know the law with regard to used cars.


Unless it's in Massachusetts (I believe) where if the car doesn't pass inspection they can get their money back.


Basically the same can be said for the stupid dry cleaner cases although the percentage is more like 75% because the receipt always says they are only responsible for a certain amount.


I find them boring when I know the result ahead of time.

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