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S13.E16: ScoobyNatural

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On 4/11/2018 at 12:15 PM, Tyro49 said:

Well, I find myself still humming the Scooby-Doo theme all the time; it's on a loop in my head now and I can't get it to stop!! Funniest thing I've seen in ages, but I can't get it to stop!

It was in my head for over a week as well. It was replaced by the Daisy cottage cheese jingle. I prefer to have Scooby back. 

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On 4/12/2018 at 2:40 PM, bearcatfan said:

It was replaced by the Daisy cottage cheese jingle.

Oh, that is awful. Like why is that even a jingle? The only one worse is that Kars-for-Kids jingle from radio. Aaaand now that's going to be in my head (I heard it again yesterday).

Yeah, I might be YouTubing for the Scooby Doo jingle soon to get both of those gone. Heh.

4 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Oh, that is awful. Like why is that even a jingle? The only one worse is that Kars-for-Kids jingle from radio. Aaaand now that's going to be in my head (I heard it again yesterday).

Yeah, I might be YouTubing for the Scooby Doo jingle soon to get both of those gone. Heh.

I have now successfully replaced it with Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again" which was on the radio earlier when I was out.

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I was so thrown off by the lack of THEN sequence. During a fair amount of the fight with the stuffed dinosaur, I was just thinking, "Wait. I don’t remember this. When was this? And what's so special about it that we need to be reminded about it?" Don’t worry; I eventually caught on ?


So... Any theories on why the Fortress of Dean-itude only had two recliners instead of three? ?

I would have liked to have seen a cheap pool table (meaning not made with slate; something Dean could have feasibly wheeled in and assembled) and a poker table so I could imagine the guys practicing their hustling skills and calling each other out ("Dude, you flared your nose. You’re obviously bluffing.").


They never tried their cellphones. Not saying they even made it over to the cartoon, but I’d have been curious if they worked or had limitations, and cliched as it would’ve been we could have seen The Gang's reaction to the technology.


I didn’t even consider the 'lurking figure' following the cars was Cas. I actually completely forgot about it until Cas' flashback.


I loved seeing the "realistic gore" of SPN in cartoon form.


I think CartoonCas looked most like RealCas when he said "Well, I was looking for you at the bunker when..." Also, as much as I liked hearing about Cas' trip (King of the Djinn!), they never just walk in and start talking so that was super weird.


D: It’s called...

C: The Killer Stuffed Dinosaur in Love.

Me: Poor lovesick Cas



Daphne: Dean had him by the thigh!

Cas: He what?

Me: ???


Velma: Shaggy, brace yourself.

Shaggy: (displays arm brace)

Me: Wakka wakka!


I know I’m an idiot to look for realism, but what’s the point of chains around a washing machine if they don’t go around the door?


I tried putting a Destiel spin on Cas' reaction to the Cartwright Twins, but couldn’t deliver. Womp womp.


Aww, no Scooby Snacks ?


The font used for the credits!


I liked all the cartoonisms, but I bolded my favorite:

Hand impression from slap

Newspaper without actual words

Eating a huge sandwich

"Yes, haunted" on the will record

Book that isn’t painted into the background

Trench coat parachute

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38 minutes ago, takalotti said:

I would have liked to have seen a cheap pool table (meaning not made with slate; something Dean could have feasibly wheeled in and assembled) and a poker table so I could imagine the guys practicing their hustling skills and calling each other out ("Dude, you flared your nose. You’re obviously bluffing.").

To be fair, Dean did say it was still a work in progress ;)

21 minutes ago, takalotti said:

I thought he was just referring to the bar being a work in progress. But I'll pretend he was talking about the whole room and imagine hustling-practice-nights along with movie nights in the bunker.

You're right - but he's Dean. Once he gets to enjoying the bar and the foosball, he'll realize he needs the pool table. He probably just couldn't sneak it in for the big reveal. :)

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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This was a pretty great episode. I absolutely loved the Scooby gang -- I feel like SPN got those characters right on the money and, for me, that was the coolest part of the episode. As a kid, Scooby Doo was my favorite show for a while there (two episodes before kindergarten every day, like clockwork!), but I haven't actually watched it since maybe the age of seven. So this was all the right kinds of nostalgia.

One of my favorite parts was when Shaggy fell and hurt his arm -- first of all, I was terrified that Shaggy (and then Scooby, when he jumped after him) would actually get killed when they were plummeting off that balcony. That was horrific! The show had just set up that the characters really could be killed by the ghost, so I was just waiting for the Scoobies to start getting picked off. Anyway, I have never felt so swoon-y "oh, my hero!" toward Castiel as I did when he parachuted them to safety using his trench coat. And then when Shaggy was genuinely just freaking out right after and was like, "I've done all these much crazier things and never actually hurt myself before!" it seemed like just the right sort of meta.

And of course, I loved the Scoobies' existential crises ("am I going to hell?!") and I also loved when Sam, Dean, and Castiel re-cast the spell of their innocence and encouraged them to believe it was all corn syrup and unscrupulous real estate developers. I loved their innocence in general, and that Sam and Dean felt really driven to protect them. I loved that Fred had an elaborate plan that didn't work. I loved the theme song with everyone darting around (I spotted Scrappy!). Even though it was kind of cheesy, I actually loved Dean's ascot and his ridiculous "Scooby-dooby-doo!" closer once we were back to live-action. He actually did a pretty good job sounding like Scooby! And I especially loved his gasp when the "real" unscrupulous real estate developer said he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids.

The only sour note was Dean's incessant hitting on Daphne. The first time or two it was no big deal, but the joke went on way, way too long IMO. It made Dean look like kind of a jerk and made me feel bad for Daphne. I don't know why they decided to drive that one so far into the ground.

On the other hand, I did like the weird one-sided angsty hero worship thing that was going on between Dean and Fred. That was cracking me up. It's like, of course Fred is awesome. Just be nice to him and he'll like you, too, Dean -- don't worry. :P

On 3/31/2018 at 4:37 PM, DittyDotDot said:

If I was them I'd be keeping that address to myself. But, then again, I also wouldn't have invited anyone but trusted allies like Cass into the bunker, not even Crowley. Definitely not a Greek God, his one night stand and their love child only a few weeks after I found the place, but what do I know?

You know, I heard somewhere that pizza stores in rural areas actually have a lower portion of their orders delivered (rather than carried out) than more urban stores do. My ex is from a rural area and I asked him about it (before he was an ex lol), and he said that, among other reasons, people out in the country might not be comfortable having delivery people coming to their houses because they tend to be a lot more private than urban people are about people coming to their homes/land generally.

I don't know if he's right or if that's just something specific to where he's from, but I thought the idea of people being more private out in the country was interesting. That seems plausible to me, I guess, because I think the city version of being guarded and the rural version of being guarded can be pretty different. But obviously, I don't know a whole lot about it.

Me personally, if I were Sam or Dean, I probably would be fine with having delivery people coming to the bunker, though. Because isn't the whole point of the bunker that it's especially safe and impossible to break into? I mean, in practice, all kinds of beings seem to come and go. But the point of it is ostensibly that it's got amazing security. So I feel like if you're EVER going to a take a risk, such as by letting a delivery person know where you're staying so that you can get delicious delicious pizza at your convenience, that it's a lot better to take that risk in the bunker than in a regular motel room or something. If you're not going to take that risk at the bunker, where are you going to feel safe taking it?

*Cough* OK OK this is all just an excuse for why I think the Winchesters should be able to get delivery. Because I personally LOVE delivery. How wonderful is it to be like, "I'm hungry and I feel like [wonderful food that I can in no way cook]. Why don't I dial this phone and have that lovely food steaming on my table in thirty minutes, all while not bothering to change out of my robe?" OMFG delivery makes me feel like a queen. I want to imagine these guys feeling like that sometimes, too! :)

On 3/31/2018 at 5:57 PM, Wayward Son said:

Although, honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if the room was purely to facilitate ScoobyNatural and we never hear of it again. 

I wish they would use the Dean Cave more. It looked really nice and cozy! That seems like a much more comfortable place to hang out in than those tables in the cavernous library/dining room that they spend their time in.

Although the two recliners are weird. Definitely needs more seating. Maybe they can get a body pillow so Jack can lay on the floor. :P

I am also very curious what vinyl is in that jukebox! Where did Dean even get the records? In my head, I am imagining he got them in bulk at garage sales because he started out with a grand total of zero records, so his collection is all kinds of weird crap that nobody wants to listen to. Multiple copies of some weird French accordion music from the early 70s, stuff like that.

On 4/2/2018 at 2:02 PM, Iju said:

dean and sam wanting to protect the kids was just so sweet, but the kids freaking out for the last half of the episode was just so funny. "DID YOU THROW BACK THAT MONSTER BACK FROM WHENCE IT CAME?!?!?" "BURN IT WITH FIRE!!!!!" and of course "SEE? ME AND SCOOBY TRIED TO TELL YOU EVERY TIME THEY WERE REAL!"

Yes, I agree with all that! I loved the kids' innocence -- and I loved their existential crisis, too! Very fun.

On 4/3/2018 at 3:09 PM, Iju said:

this is totally a reach and "too in depth" of dean's character if you will, but because he and his brother were raised with basically next to no social lives it would also make sense dean would say these type of words/phrases because his life was pretty much uncensored. sam, being the one who is able to adapt to social life quickly and can communicate normally with people, would probably know how to censor himself around people and not rely as heavily on harsh or coarse words as dean would. but because dean is sort of socially awkward and frankly doesn't care about the little social niceties, that would be all the more reason for him to say stuff like this. and it's not just with swearing. the writers have been consistent with his social awkwardness - joking at times when he shouldn't, being too hard on a person when he should be lighter, sometimes just randomly saying something that was in his head he should have kept to himself (dean's line of "He could hump the crap out of your leg" when talking about demon hounds comes to mind), etc. so this would only add to a part of him that is already there.

I know you took some heat for this in the thread, but I actually agree to a certain extent. I don't think that Dean lacks social skills, but I think he doesn't always use them. I think he just doesn't always care about using them, because he's not that inhibited and he's willing to just let it all hang out a lot of the time. And I think he's never been in a situation where he's had to be ultra polite day-in and day-out, so he never trained himself to be more reflexively formal and polite, either.

My take is that Sam is mostly just more inhibited by nature. Plus, he probably would have had to train himself to be polite constantly/consistently, considering he seems to have been pretty academic and ambitious in high school and college. Not that teenagers or college kids are going to have incredibly high standards of behavior, but you also can't really be in class cussing up a storm and making lewd comments and expect people to take you seriously.

That said, I don't really care that they don't cuss more on this show. In fact, I think that sometimes they could stand to cuss less. I don't have an issue with cussing per se, but I think the "son of a BITCH!" thing especially is just so stale at this point. This is kind of a campy show, but it's not so campy that the characters need straight up catch phrases like that, you know?

I did love Dean's "oh HELL no!" in this episode, though. Just the right inflection haha.

On 4/4/2018 at 8:46 PM, ILoveReading said:

I agree with this.  Someone on my twitter timeline pointed out that the Scooby Gang was Deans' version of a Zanna.  They gave him comfort and a sense of security he didn't have otherwise.

Wow, that's such a sweet idea. Headcanon accepted :D

On 4/5/2018 at 7:33 AM, Bergamot said:

Nostalgia can be a very powerful force, but only if it is something to which you have a personal attachment. If the TV show they were trapped in had been one I myself loved as a child, I am sure that I would have been over the moon with excitement, but that aspect of it was missing for me.

Oh wow, yes. I'm imagining if I got stuck in my ultimate childhood favorite, Happy Days! That would be awesome. I would be rocking Mr. Cunningham's fez the whole time. And honestly, I feel like I could pull it off pretty well, too. Ooooh and riding Fonzi's motorcycle. Dancing and having a burger at Al's. Freaking awesome. You guys have any ideas on what show you would be trapped in, if you just so happened to fall into a childhood favorite?

How trippy would it be to fall into Quantum Leap? Or maybe that would be less trippy than another show, actually, since you'd know for sure you'd be leaping out of that world at the end of the adventure in any case. 

Honestly, I would watch a whole series of just characters jumping/falling into other TV shows. Like a series that was just continual crossovers. How fun would that be?

On 4/17/2018 at 6:26 PM, takalotti said:

I was so thrown off by the lack of THEN sequence. During a fair amount of the fight with the stuffed dinosaur, I was just thinking, "Wait. I don’t remember this. When was this? And what's so special about it that we need to be reminded about it?" Don’t worry; I eventually caught on ?

Hahaha yup, I was confused in the same way. The show has trained us pretty well, apparently!

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5 hours ago, rue721 said:

This was a pretty great episode. I absolutely loved the Scooby gang -- I feel like SPN got those characters right on the money and, for me, that was the coolest part of the episode. As a kid, Scooby Doo was my favorite show for a while there (two episodes before kindergarten every day, like clockwork!), but I haven't actually watched it since maybe the age of seven. So this was all the right kinds of nostalgia.

That episode was actually written by James Krieg, who wrote for What's New Scooby-Doo and Jeremy Adams who wrote for Legos Scooby-Doo.  


5 hours ago, rue721 said:

One of my favorite parts was when Shaggy fell and hurt his arm -- first of all, I was terrified that Shaggy (and then Scooby, when he jumped after him) would actually get killed when they were plummeting off that balcony. That was horrific! The show had just set up that the characters really could be killed by the ghost, so I was just waiting for the Scoobies to start getting picked off. Anyway, I have never felt so swoon-y "oh, my hero!" toward Castiel as I did when he parachuted them to safety using his trench coat. And then when Shaggy was genuinely just freaking out right after and was like, "I've done all these much crazier things and never actually hurt myself before!" it seemed like just the right sort of meta.

That would raise the question if they got killed would that mean that there could never be another Scooby cartoon?  Like ever?

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On 6/1/2018 at 2:02 AM, rue721 said:

You guys have any ideas on what show you would be trapped in, if you just so happened to fall into a childhood favorite?

Revisiting this since I missed it back in June...

Heh. Wow, I would've been in for a trip, because when I was a kid my favorite shows were either Speed Racer or H. R. Puff'n'Stuff (which was freaky actually)... or even worse the Creature Double feature... mostly for the Japanese style monster movies. My mom told me that I was fascinated by Godzilla and the other Kaiju since I was about 3 years old, and I loved them growing up. It was a fun way to spend wet, gray winter weekend afternoons while warming up with cocoa after playing in the snow. Come to think of it though, a Godzilla movie universe would be awesome... one of the ones where Godzilla was a "good guy" would be preferable though.

On 3/29/2018 at 8:07 PM, Jeddah said:

Well, I loved it! I liked how excited Dean was. I liked how the Scooby Gang has their G rated catchphrases and then Dean had his classic “Son of a Bitch!” Dean also got bleeped! I always feel like the boys would swear a lot.


This made me giggle so hard.


Y'all, I work for a hospital system and I am slammed working from home and homeschooling and I am catching like half an episode a night and I haven't been able to post (I will), but it has been such a shit few weeks with COVID 19. My siblings are on the front lines. I live in a hot zone (Nola) and have already lost a friend to the virus. I am working my ass off and not sleeping. I cannot describe how badly I needed this episode. It was so fantastic. I stayed up after the baby fell asleep to watch it, because it was the very heart of everything I needed.

I don't even know where to begin. The two shows were woven so well. Dean's enthusiasm never fails to make me happy. I didn't even mind the exaggerated charactistics because it was a cartion.

I loved that the bad guy was a shady real estate developer. I loved the heartbreaking and poignant ghost. I loved the existential crisis and the nightgown and the giant sandwich and the ridiculous trap. Even the subtitles which again had [Baby purrs] and [Baby revs]. 

Basically, I loved this episode. I don't have any smart insight. I just find myself glad I started this journey last year because this episode hit so perfectly.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, The Companion said:

Basically, I loved this episode. I don't have any smart insight. I just find myself glad I started this journey last year because this episode hit so perfectly.

I wish we had so many more that we all were so excited about.  But I do remember enjoying this one even if I thought some of Dean's characteristics were too much.  But the two stories did blend well, so I'm glad it uplifted you while your dealing with such stress.  Sorry about the death of the friend.  I hope you can keep yourself and your family safe.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, The Companion said:

I am working my ass off and not sleeping. I cannot describe how badly I needed this episode. It was so fantastic. I stayed up after the baby fell asleep to watch it, because it was the very heart of everything I needed.

My thoughts are with you, Companion. And please stay safe and try to get some sleep. Stress and lack of sleep can be bad for your health, both mental and physical. Sorry about the "Mom voice." I swear it's the hair. I need a haircut and won't be getting one soon - no hair salons allowed to be open - so I've got full-blown 80's "Mom Hair" that would put Daphne's to shame - heh.

  • LOL 2
6 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

My thoughts are with you, Companion. And please stay safe and try to get some sleep. Stress and lack of sleep can be bad for your health, both mental and physical. Sorry about the "Mom voice." I swear it's the hair. I need a haircut and won't be getting one soon - no hair salons allowed to be open - so I've got full-blown 80's "Mom Hair" that would put Daphne's to shame - heh.

I feel you pain! My hair has returned to its naturally wavy state and I may have have to release it back into the wild. 😆

Thanks, and I hope you are staying safe and coping well. It is a stressful time and there is no end in sight!

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, The Companion said:

This made me giggle so hard.


Y'all, I work for a hospital system and I am slammed working from home and homeschooling and I am catching like half an episode a night and I haven't been able to post (I will), but it has been such a shit few weeks with COVID 19. My siblings are on the front lines. I live in a hot zone (Nola) and have already lost a friend to the virus. I am working my ass off and not sleeping. I cannot describe how badly I needed this episode. It was so fantastic. I stayed up after the baby fell asleep to watch it, because it was the very heart of everything I needed.

I don't even know where to begin. The two shows were woven so well. Dean's enthusiasm never fails to make me happy. I didn't even mind the exaggerated charactistics because it was a cartion.

I loved that the bad guy was a shady real estate developer. I loved the heartbreaking and poignant ghost. I loved the existential crisis and the nightgown and the giant sandwich and the ridiculous trap. Even the subtitles which again had [Baby purrs] and [Baby revs]. 

Basically, I loved this episode. I don't have any smart insight. I just find myself glad I started this journey last year because this episode hit so perfectly.

Glad it brought you a much-needed smile! Prayers to you and yours!

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