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Hopes and Fears: How Will We Survive This Island? (Speculation WITHOUT Spoilers)


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12 minutes ago, johntfs said:

I will say I'd like to have at least one "girls night out" with Dinah, Felicity and Thea.  I'd like to see those three become BFFs.

I want this so much. But if this happens, I wouldn't be surprised if it's off-screen while we see the guys all out fighting with Curtis on comms. 

3 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I want this so much. But if this happens, I wouldn't be surprised if it's off-screen while we see the guys all out fighting with Curtis on comms. 

I could see this, but I'd want it to be something like the boys dealing with the minions of some meta-human guy and as they get ready to take the guy down, the girl come in with the guy in cuffs going "Yeah, we came, we saw, we kicked his ass."

  • Love 1

I will say I'd like to have at least one "girls night out" with Dinah, Felicity and Thea.  I'd like to see those three become BFFs.

So much!

I tend to think a girls night out might still be a long shot but MG seemed a lot more up for an all girls team up than he has before when asked about it.  So if not a girls night out, just the girls saving the day all on their own would go a long way toward appeasing me.  

1 hour ago, BunsenBurner said:

Do you ever wonder if the writers are trying to set up Rene, Curtis and Black Siren or Dinah to go on another show? There are times when I was watching the show this season that was their goal.

I would have sworn at times this season that they were setting Rene up to kick Oliver off his own show, lol.  So I can see why you suggest maybe they intended for a spin off.  The only thing is they haven't done near enough work on Dinah to make her be able to lead her own show.  (And yes, if Rene was positioned as the lead, the idea is dead to me.) Things could change in season six and Dinah could be shown to have more leadership skills, but if they did a BC centeric show, why would they pick Rene and Curtis and not a Birds of Prey type crew?  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:


I would have sworn at times this season that they were setting Rene up to kick Oliver off his own show, lol.  So I can see why you suggest maybe they intended for a spin off.  The only thing is they haven't done near enough work on Dinah to make her be able to lead her own show.  (And yes, if Rene was positioned as the lead, the idea is dead to me.) Things could change in season six and Dinah could be shown to have more leadership skills, but if they did a BC centeric show, why would they pick Rene and Curtis and not a Birds of Prey type crew?  

I was kind of thinking Birds of Prey but it kept coming back to at least Rene and Curtis along with the rest of the ladies. There never can be a female centric show on CW without a lot of men in it. They especially need men on a superhero type show. I don't agree with this just saying for the CW. Rene and Curtis don't really do that much so they would stay in the background but would be known to viewers of Arrow and maybe even the Flash.  It just looks and feels fishy to me.

7 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Nooooooooo. :)  I loved Roy.  I miss Roy.  I totally get why Colton left, but I still miss Roy on the show.  

At least we have our mutual Sara Lance love. :)


7 hours ago, bijoux said:

I'm honestly curious, how is Rene better than Roy?

I just like Rene better and find him more interesting than Roy was.. I'm glad he's a series regular now & I hope he and Thea happen. I don't think he's as bad as everyone here does. JMO.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Proteus said:

I just like Rene better and find him more interesting than Roy was.. I'm glad he's a series regular now & I hope he and Thea happen. I don't think he's as bad as everyone here does. JMO.

I never really disliked Rene except maybe from the "Jesus, there's a shit-ton of people on this show" concept.  He fit the role of the "hot-blooded rookie" who was supposed to learn how to be a real hero from the more experienced Oliver.  Except that Oliver was frequently positioned to be a fucking moron.  I did like that Rene ultimately found a better mentor in Quentin.

As far as Thea/Rene, it's one of those things I wouldn't mind, but aren't actively seeking.  If Rene finally gets custody of Zoe, I could see an opening where Zoe's school is pulling shenanigans by sticking her in a "slow-learner" class or putting blame on her for something another (richer/influential) kid did.  I could see Rene complaining about it but unsure what to do because that's not really a "shoot people full of holes" problem.  At which point Thea could step in with the school and explain that unless they quit their shit she would "rain legal brimstone down on you so hard it will make God jealous."(still one of favorite Abby lines from Sleepy Hollow)  and otherwise get her Malcolm/Moira on in defense of little Zoe.

52 minutes ago, johntfs said:

As far as Thea/Rene, it's one of those things I wouldn't mind, but aren't actively seeking.  If Rene finally gets custody of Zoe, I could see an opening where Zoe's school is pulling shenanigans by sticking her in a "slow-learner" class or putting blame on her for something another (richer/influential) kid did.  I could see Rene complaining about it but unsure what to do because that's not really a "shoot people full of holes" problem.  At which point Thea could step in with the school and explain that unless they quit their shit she would "rain legal brimstone down on you so hard it will make God jealous."(still one of favorite Abby lines from Sleepy Hollow)  and otherwise get her Malcolm/Moira on in defense of little Zoe.

I honestly can't see Arrow ever doing this type of storyline. It's too everyday problems for this show.

  • Love 2

The problem I had with Rene is he had no substance, no layers.  He is a boring, cocky and has a thinks he knows everything mentality and wannabe badass.    I like characters that show different emotions.  The show waited, as usual, too late to show me a different side to him and even then it felt false.  I don't hate him, don't love him, he is just there in the background where I like him.  

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, tv echo said:

Hey, if Manu Bennett gets that Deathstroke spin-off show that he wants, then maybe he'll get his own team. Just imagine Slade having to deal with Curtis, Rene, and Dinah or Black Siren.

I think Dinah might win his respect but I can see Slade just getting fed up with Curtis, Rene and Black Siren, whack, whack.

2 hours ago, ladylaw99 said:

The problem I had with Rene is he had no substance, no layers.  He is a boring, cocky and has a thinks he knows everything mentality and wannabe badass. 

Agreed.  And this I think it was so smart to move him out of the Arrowcave and into Quentin's office.  With the rest of Team Arrow, he thought he knew it all, even though he didn't, and proudly proclaimed that he doesn't listen to instructions.  But in the assistant mayor's office, he knows he's a fish out of water and so he's not as arrogant or obnoxious.

8 hours ago, johntfs said:

As far as Thea/Rene, it's one of those things I wouldn't mind, but aren't actively seeking.  If Rene finally gets custody of Zoe, I could see an opening where Zoe's school is pulling shenanigans by sticking her in a "slow-learner" class or putting blame on her for something another (richer/influential) kid did.  I could see Rene complaining about it but unsure what to do because that's not really a "shoot people full of holes" problem.  At which point Thea could step in with the school and explain that unless they quit their shit she would "rain legal brimstone down on you so hard it will make God jealous."(still one of favorite Abby lines from Sleepy Hollow)  and otherwise get her Malcolm/Moira on in defense of little Zoe.

There are better ways to show Thea getting her Moira on.  Frankly that situation would be a better fit for Felicity, who could hack some information the school didn't want to know and threaten them with it.

The problem for me here is that except for Dinah, who treats him like a not-so-bright kid brother and who Rene respects because she's a better fighter than he is, Rene's attitude towards women is everything I hated about the jerks in high school.  He calls Felicity "Blondie" and ignores her when she tells him to stop it.  He puts the moves on Thea and when she turns him down, he still keeps pushing it like he's god's gift to women.  He doesn't respect either of them (not good enough with guns I guess) so why should he do what they ask?

Another problem is that unlike Oliver, who has put the good of other people ahead of his own self-interest since he got back from the island, Rene still puts himself first.  It takes Quentin to argue and push him to consider that Zoe needs her father, Rene just abandoned her because it is easier for him to fight with his guns rather than fight the system for his daughter, never mind what she needs.

Rene's okay with Quentin who he respects because he knows Quentin is better at those wordy things than he is as well a being a good cop, and he's okay with Curtis because they've got a humorous bromance when Curtis isn't crossing the line but I wouldn't want the current Rene within a mile of any woman I cared about.  Keep him away from Thea until he grows up enough to be a decent partner to a woman.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 6

I would prefer Thea get her Moira on in a situation completely independent of any male character on the show. 

Rene definitely mellowed towards the end of the season but early on he seemed to be the representative of a specific viewpoint with his disrespecting Felicity and constantly hitting on Thea. I truly disliked him just for the daughter situation though. That was unforgivable and hopefully they will continue to fix it. 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, ladylaw99 said:

The problem I had with Rene is he had no substance, no layers.  He is a boring, cocky and has a thinks he knows everything mentality and wannabe badass.    I like characters that show different emotions.  The show waited, as usual, too late to show me a different side to him and even then it felt false.  I don't hate him, don't love him, he is just there in the background where I like him.  

And imo they haven't found a balance even now. He went from being an ass to everyone to acting like a kid with Lance. I think his scenes with Curtis were the ones where he was written better but now with Lance they are writing him as a problematic teenager with Lance as his father figure. They are doing what they did with Roy. I wasn't particularly fond of that either and WD has a ten years old daughter so writing him like this doesn't make much sense to me. Season 2 Thea could have been paired with him but she seems to have grown up at this point.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry for how long this is. I just wanted to put my (unrealistic) hopes together instead of each character tag. I hope they start writing the show as more of an ensemble. Yes, Oliver is still the main character, but there's no reason why every arc has to connect to him, which connects to his past, like it has since the pilot. I'm sure SA would like to have some more time off for his family and characters that have been around for years finally deserve more in depth characterization.

Oliver: For him to grow. No more: am I Arrow or Oliver/ Am I mayor or Oliver? He's all those things, let him deal with it like an adult. Stop with the guilt over every little thing, it's been 5 years time to change things up. I want an Oliver that has learned from his mistakes & will learn from the mistakes he'll make in the future. Let him value his team and the role they play in his life both personal and vigilante. And finally, let the man be happy. Let him have his relationship w/Felicity sans drama, let him see his kid that doesn't get kidnapped every year... there are other ways for the big bad to ruin his life without being so repetitive. We know he's gonna be tortured because he is the hero of the show, but there's no reason why all aspect of his life need to crash at that same time every season. Stop making him so dumb in order to make the villains better. I don't expect Oliver to have Felicity's level of intelligence but I expect him to have common sense. Also, let him have some solo time on the field or just him and Digg. JV squad can have their group outing to take down lesser evils but let Oliver & Oliver/Digg take down bigger threats. Everyone can come together every 4 or 5 eps for a big fight.

Diggle: If David gets his wish, (hope he does) let them explore him dealing with ARGUS and the fact that Lyla runs it (what they did this season doesn't count). I wouldn't mind getting some background on his family... even if it's just exposition or him dropping off his kid so his mom can watch him, It's something that the rest of that characters have been afforded. Also, can we have an ep or two of him doing solo missions with Argus like we had in season 2? I'd enjoy a couple of Diggle focused eps where he's running a mission instead of playing therapist to newbies. I've always imagined Digg eventually having his own security firm (if s7 is the last and I hope it is), I'd like 6B to start putting that idea out there & hopefully make it something that happens going into S7.

Felicity: Smoak Tech. I want to see Smoak Tech happen and I want it to be on her own terms, without Curtis (please he ruins scenes for me). I want to see her get that chip out into the world (she can buy it from Curtis and he can go make more balls). I want Caden James to be someone who's connected to her (not her dad necessarily), and I'd like her to shut Helix down (maybe she can turn Alena and recruit her for her company). I want to see her and Oliver to have a normal relationship without unnecessary drama, we're going into season 6 there's plenty of places to draw melodrama from that isn't their relationship. Also, I'd like her presence on Team Arrow to not be minimized for these stories. I'd also like to see more of her and Thea bonding & get some fight training. 

Thea: It'll be 5 moths after MM died, let her move on by then. I wouldn't mind if she mentioned she decided to take some classes, we don't have to see her in school but I'd like to see her work towards something. I don't want to see anymore blood lust or crappy romances for her (Rene needs to date Curtis anyhow lol). Let her get involved in doing some good. Why can't she volunteer somewhere, start a program for kids, or teach Martial Arts at the Y... give back somehow. I'd like Thea to find herself and stop being defined by her crappy parents. Also, I'd like her to decide to become speedy again because of the good she's doing elsewhere.

Lance: To finally prosper in his career without the Arrow ruining it for him. I'd like him to be strong and not allow BS to manipulate him again, and finally find some closure over his daughter's death. Stay sober. I'd like to see Lance visit the Arrow cave and every now and then, and to be told pertinent things (like his daughter having an E2 doppelgänger). Maybe he can go on vacation, I don't know. I don't find Lance super necessary as the other characters but I would like him to stick around and actually be involved in the episodes he's in. Maybe if he went back to the police force, it'd be easier to write him into plots.

Rene, Dinah, & Curtis: To become wallpaper a la Laurel, and not get on my nerves. I have zero interest in these characters, whenever they're on I am rolling my eyes and wishing I could ff. 

If Deathstroke comes back, I hope they use him well but don't overuse him. I've always been a Slade fan (tho I can't stand Manu) but he's best in doses. Also, please don't make him totally good. I rather anti-hero, I think he's gone too far to ever be a hero.

Vigilante: Please God, let him be Adrian's twin. lol I just want Josh back, I love the actor I think he's elevated horrible writing. He's the only newbie that I have truly enjoyed and loved since Felicity.

BS I have no hopes for nor do I care. I don't think she's gonna get much focus tbh, I don't think she'll be treated any differently than LL. I can see her getting an E2 ep & it may be interesting to see everyone else's doppelgänger, which is the only way that ep would interest me (and let's be real Arrow can't help but to show at least Digg, Felicity, & Lance's Doppelgängers).

I hope we see Nyssa again, I don't think she and Talia are done.

My guess (not hope because she ended up being kinda lame) is Talia will be the big bad in s6 with BS working for her. As much as I'd love to think Artemis is gone, I feel like we'll see that BS freed her and they'll both be Talia's minions. BS for Dinah and Artemis for Rene or Curtis.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, JJ928 said:

My guess (not hope because she ended up being kinda lame) is Talia will be the big bad in s6 with BS working for her. As much as I'd love to think Artemis is gone, I feel like we'll see that BS freed her and they'll both be Talia's minions. BS for Dinah and Artemis for Rene or Curtis.

My only issue with this, is it would be repetitive, seeking revenge for Oliver killing her father.  But she could be a bad guy, just not the big bad.

  • Love 1

Possible season 6 villains:

  • Vigiliante
  • head of Helix (James or someone else like Noah Kuttler)
  • Talia
  • Black Siren

Did I miss anyone?

6 hours ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

And imo they haven't found a balance even now. He went from being an ass to everyone to acting like a kid with Lance. I think his scenes with Curtis were the ones where he was written better but now with Lance they are writing him as a problematic teenager with Lance as his father figure.

Tbh, I think he always behaved the same way only worse.  I'd rather see him as a problematic teenager who is willing to learn than the arrogant jackass he was in the first part of the season.

  • Love 1
16 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Possible season 6 villains:

  • Vigiliante
  • head of Helix (James or someone else like Noah Kuttler)
  • Talia
  • Black Siren

Did I miss anyone?

Tbh, I think he always behaved the same way only worse.  I'd rather see him as a problematic teenager who is willing to learn than the arrogant jackass he was in the first part of the season.

One thing that occurs to me is that we may be seeing some thematic repetition from the first three seasons into the next three seasons.

Season One had Malcolm Merlyn plotting the Undertaking(the destruction of the Glades); Season Four had Damien Darkhe plotting Genesis (the nuclear annihilation of all but a chosen few, which would leave him with godlike magical powers).

Season Two had a crazed Slade Wilson seeking revenge on Oliver for the death of Shado; Season Five had Adrian Chase seeking revenge on Oliver for the death of his father.

Season Three had a formerly allied organization (the League of Assassins) becoming an enemy because Ra's wanted Oliver to be the new leader of the group.

Perhaps Season Six will have Helix turning on Team Arrow because they want Felicity to be their new leader.

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 2
2 minutes ago, way2interested said:

If that would be the case, then I think that it would be more likely that the Bratva would be the enemy (and then maybe subsequent organizations being part of subplots, like Diggle vs. Argus, Felicity vs. Helix, etc.) since they have a closer tie to Oliver.

I could sort of see that, but it also seems unlikely.  I could see the Bratva as an enemy but not the enemy.  Considering all the resources Oliver can bring to bear now (Team Arrow; Argus; the Star City police force since he's a popular mayor), I don't see them wanting to try something in hostile territory.  Now if Oliver goes to Russia for some reason, I can definitely see them taking potshots at him.

I will say that Helix being secret bad guys would help redeem Season Five for me.  Suppose Helix wanted to recruit Felicity Smoak, one of the greatest hackers in the world.  They know she was a former hacktavist and that she's reluctant to do that again (except for the Green Arrow).  So, they approach Adrian Chase and feed him information on a regular basis (Oliver is the Green Arrow, Oliver also killed Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul can be at such and such place and would be interested to know that).  Chase wants to leave Oliver a broken, isolated man.  If Oliver is isolated, he's also isolated from Felicity, given Helix a chance to recruit her.  They also play another angle by helping Felicity with Chase to indebt her to them and recruit her that way.  Chase as a tool of Helix goes a long way toward explain how he seemed to know everything about everything.

One of my wishes for S6 is more domestic moments with Oliver & Felicity ala Season 4A. But I want the moments to be more couple-y, more than just hanging out in the balcony or their couch. Maybe having them both getting dressed, getting ready for work. A shower with exposition (although that might defeat the purpose of catching up the audience because I have a feeling a lot of us are going to be distracted). I want to see Felicity shaving Oliver, not a full shave but using trimmers with settings. A morning where they both plan to sleep in (or pretend to) but get interrupted by the team, mayhem or Donna Smoak. 

  • Love 10

I'd love some quieter couple-y moments for Olicity like 4a, too. I don't need them to be long scenes, just little moments that establish that they're together. I've never needed huge moments like engagement parties and stuff like that to be happy. I just want them to be together.

Throw in some sexy shower time and maybe a date here and there and I'd love it. I just want scenes that fit in and around their vigilante lives, like it's no big deal. 

A lot of it doesn't even have to be in the writing. Just give them setting and context and let SA and EBR do their thing since they're obviously (imo) more comfortable doing scenes between each other that have some emotional charge between them. It reminds me of another show I watched where they got the main couple together in s2 but broke them up near the end of the season and left them ambiguous for the season finale and didn't get them back together until near the end of s3 to up the stakes for their finale (sounds familiar...). Problem was that the writers had their relationship talk happen off-screen (also sounds initially familiar) and kept them s1-style friends in their writing awkwardly until they came back to it later, and funnily enough the leads made subtle jabs about it being harder to act around each other because they didn't know where the relationship stood.

Kind of off-topic but the ending of the story was after they got back together they spent the entire last season together with literally no relationship drama (except one episode when they talked/debated about their future), supportive couple moments, and all the small couple moments the two leads/writers could add until the series then ended with a flash-forward of them being married with kids, and I hope Arrow could do the same.

  • Love 5

Times like this I wished TBTB lurked here. 

But hey we did get bunker sex so maybe implied shower sex is in the stars.

Lol they did give us Bunker sex.......

Is shower sec too messy to film though? All that water? They might not do it just based on logistics.

Which show was this @way2interested

Edited by Mellowyellow
23 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is shower sec too messy to film though? All that water? They might not do it just based on logistics.

I was thinking actual shower scene might be difficult to film so I'd be happy with Felicity stepping out of the shower, ostensibly naked, and Oliver waiting just outside (towel already wrapped around his hips) with a huge towel for Felicity and he just wraps her in it while they talk. (Yes, yes, I'm aware it's kinda similar to the scene with Laurel in the 100th, but I'm confident Stephen and Emily can sell the intimacy a lot better).

Or maybe a tub scene? :)



Edited by SmallScreenDiva
  • Love 4

Haha If they gave me that scene I'd be too busy squeeing to bother about remembering the 100th ep.

Or they could do a bath!? I assume the actors can wear cozzies under the water so no big deal. Sooooooo many bath stories in fan fic. Can't incorporate singing in the bath though...

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I was thinking actual shower scene might be difficult to film so I'd be happy with Felicity stepping out of the shower, ostensibly naked, and Oliver waiting just outside (towel already wrapped around his hips) with a huge towel for Felicity and he just wraps her in it while they talk. (Yes, yes, I'm aware it's kinda similar to the scene with Laurel in the 100th, but I'm confident Stephen and Emily can sell the intimacy a lot better).

Since they stole borrowed an Olicity line in that scene, I say they should balance the ledger and re-do that scenario with Oliver and Felicity. And ours would be in real life, not an alien hallucination ;)

  • Love 13

Two of my hopes for season 6: more of Felicity training and for her to get credit when she should. (I got annoyed all over again about WM giving Chase the credit for Diggle being free earlier.) 

When it comes to Olicity, I just want them together, happy and "stupid drama"-free. I've seen other shows write couples well and keep them together. I see no reason why Arrow can't do that with Olicity. 

  • Love 8

The weird thing is I think Arrow writes Olicity really well when they are drama free.

Even in 519 when they wanted conflict but didn't want to blow up the couple they did it really well. It's when they try and manufacture drama that things go to sh@t so I am hopeful that if (always an if with these people) they decide to have Olicity together with no more nonsense, it will actually be REALLY good because clearly they have the ability to do it.

Question: In 320 when Felicity takes off her bra, would EBR be wearing boob pads or chicken filets (we call those sticky bra things chicken filets here) so SA does not cop an eyeful?

  • Love 3

I feel like Scandal has had some fairly steamy (heyo!) scenes at 9PM on a Thursday, so perhaps all your hopes and dreams may come true! 

I hope they have no relationship drama with Olicity but they can have work related disagreements if they want some conflict but please nothing about Myson, hear me Gods of the Television. 

I think the Myson drama just didn't fit wth the relationship that Oliver and Felicity had at the time. (since it was a story meant for Laurel, obvi) 

Edited by leopardprint
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Question: In 320 when Felicity takes off her bra, would EBR be wearing boob pads or chicken filets (we call those sticky bra things chicken filets here) so SA does not cop an eyeful?

She could have been wearing adhesive bras, which just stick in front :)

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Or maybe a tub scene? :)

I just got an image of them doing that scene from BvS between Clark and Lois only maybe Oliver can remember to take off his shoes. Basically like the end of 402 only in the bathroom.

32 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Which show was this @way2interested

Ahhhhh, it's a guilty pleasure show that would completely mortify me to try to explain why I was so obsessed with it when it aired (but yet I always compare it to Arrow with my best friend since it did very similar things with their couple that Arrow did/does, even setting them each up with love interests post-breakup that no one liked only to have them never to be heard of again). It basically set me straight onto remembering that at the end of the day these are tv shows that follow tropes because they literally can't help themselves but that the couple as endgame is always the main plan.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Two of my hopes for season 6: more of Felicity training and for her to get credit when she should. (I got annoyed all over again about WM giving Chase the credit for Diggle being free earlier.) 

When it comes to Olicity, I just want them together, happy and "stupid drama"-free. I've seen other shows write couples well and keep them together. I see no reason why Arrow can't do that with Olicity. 

This is exactly how I feel.  I want more of Felicity training and sometimes in the field so that she gets the credit she deserves instead of being Baby put in the corner.  And I want just enough coupley stuff to show that they are together and happy, like the hand-holding in 4x05 before they find out Sara is hunting Thea.  But not so much that comic fanboys start campaigning again to get rid of Olicity and the Arrow producers listen to them again.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 4

Ahhhhh, it's a guilty pleasure show that would completely mortify me to try to explain why I was so obsessed with it when it aired 

We all have our guilty pleasures.  Ages ago I got obsessed with reruns of Pettycoat Junction because of a ship.  Now that's embarrassing.  

31 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

And I want just enough coupley stuff to show that they are together and happy, like the hand-holding in 4x05 before they find out Sara is hunting Thea.  But not so much that comic fanboys start campaigning again to get rid of Olicity and the Arrow producers listen to them again.

That may be an impossible standard to meet, lol.  They've never stopped campaigning.  

2 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Even in 519 when they wanted conflict but didn't want to blow up the couple they did it really well.

Having a valid conflict made a big difference.  It wasn't drama for the sake of conflict and no one had to look stupid.  The complexity of not having a clear right or wrong and having two passionate people that both clearly cared deeply about the other just elevated everything about the scenes.  

  • Love 7

I'd also like quiet group moments like OTA going for drinks in 403, or Felicity and Thea at Dig's place for dinner in S3. And Felicity and Dig being shown to have a deep friendship. This has been missing for me for a while and they can start with it straight in the premiere when they (presumably) flash back to some of the stuff happening on Lian Yu after the bombs went off.

  • Love 9

I still crave a girl's night with Dinah, Felicity and Thea.  If Sara could somehow drop in from LoT for that, it would blow my damn mind.

But even if they can't/won't do that, there is a possible wedding with Barry and Iris.  Three words:  Superhero Bachelorette Party.

Can I get a Hell Yeah?

Edited by johntfs
  • Love 1

I want an Olicitot as the S6 finale shock! Yes I know you're all actively rooting against me but I don't care!!!!! I like tots (sort of) and I waaaaant an Olicitot by S7. They can keep him/her off screen most of the time! 

And I would like to see Felicity working again and not holed up in the Arrow cave like in S5! 

And if we are going to indulge in special pipe dreams, I want BR to guest star. Not for any drama but I just want to see Ray and Felicity be friends. Maybe work on something together. 

6 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

She could have been wearing adhesive bras, which just stick in front :)

I think she wasn't wearing them because there's a moment when they are kissing and she is on her back and you can see..well more than you would if she was wearing them, LOL

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Midnight Lullaby said:

I think she wasn't wearing them because there's a moment when they are kissing and she is on her back and you can see..well more than you would if she was wearing them, LOL

When you posts comments like this I must go back and re examine the clip *sigh*

8 hours ago, johntfs said:


I still crave a girl's night with Dinah, Felicity and Thea.  If Sara could somehow drop in from LoT for that, it would blow my damn mind.


I'd love an episode with just the ladies, but not girls' night out or bachelorette party.  I want to see them in the field on a mission together.  Here or on Legends - I don't care.  Maybe they could come up with an excuse for Sara to kidnap them for a time mission for an episode.

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44 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I'd love an episode with just the ladies, but not girls' night out or bachelorette party.  I want to see them in the field on a mission together.  Here or on Legends - I don't care.  Maybe they could come up with an excuse for Sara to kidnap them for a time mission for an episode.

I would love that. Will it ever happen? Probably not. We're more likely to see Sara snatch up all the masks while Felicity's left in the bunker and Thea's out of town for a reason that probably doesn't make sense. 

That makes me think of something else I want - something on-screen that suggests the teams all talk to each other when it's not crossover time outside of that one text message Felicity sent Cisco on The Flash (I think in 322?). I get that it might be harder for them to talk to the Legends while they're traveling through time, but it's ridiculous when there are problems that could be solved a lot easier with a phone call to another team. Let the heroes be smart. Don't make them look dumb. 

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20 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

That makes me think of something else I want - something on-screen that suggests the teams all talk to each other when it's not crossover time outside of that one text message Felicity sent Cisco on The Flash (I think in 322?). I get that it might be harder for them to talk to the Legends while they're traveling through time, but it's ridiculous when there are problems that could be solved a lot easier with a phone call to another team. Let the heroes be smart. Don't make them look dumb. 

Don't make them look useless, either.  Are Barry and Oliver friends (or at least allies)?  Sure.  Would Barry be glad to zip over to Star City to help out Oliver and co. with something (like he did in Season 3 by going all the way to Nanda Parbat)?  Sure he would.  Would Barry (or Cisco or Wally or Caitlin) helping out resolve situations faster, easier and with less casualties?  Sure they would.  If all that is so, shouldn't Team Flash be on all of Team Arrow's speed-dial?  Sure it should.  So, why the fuck do we actually need a show called Arrow when the Flash or the Legends could solve Arrow problems much faster and easier?  I guess we don't, so let's cancel it and make room for something else.

On another point, those other shows have plots as well.  the Flash has shit to do in Central City, so he can't come racing to the rescue even if it happens to be really, really important.

From the Social Media thread

2 hours ago, way2interested said:

Seems Bruce Campbell is excited about s6. Warning for potential spoilers in SA's original tweet. 

Please let Bruce Campbell be one of the Bads next season.   He's too old to be Cayden James but maybe he could be bankrolling Helix. Or a city Boss who Oliver runs afoul of when he's doing his mayor stuff.

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