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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Sonny wants Carly now, so he has to...omg I can't stop laughing. .....ghost divorce Connie or perhaps she's leaving him for what he's done since her death? If her scenes are a vicious tirade that ends with "By the way, you're gonna fry for the murder of a man who's not dead!" Then cut to Helena leading Robin to revive a man with a hospital bracelet that says AJ Quartermaine, I will forgive Ron.

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Micheal can't believe what Franco is telling him and nearly goes into shock.


LOL at "nearly goes into shock." Though that's how I'd probably feel if I learned my parents had sex on my sofa numerous times and didn't clean up afterward.


I hope Franco plays the EvilEye!Cam footage for Michael. It's the only way Michael will believe anything.

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I hope Franco plays the EvilEye!Cam footage for Michael. It's the only way Michael will believe anything.


He would have to.  If Michael believed the SERIAL KILLER who got him raped over his parents for no reason, without evidence, that would be some terrible writing.


And I definitely don't want Michael to go along with whatever Franco's game is for the "Hell Naw!" wedding he has planned.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm praying he hacks Carly's computer and gets Recording.

As far as they've said, Recording is somewhere Sonny hath stashed it and the other is has been in Carly's email. So really, hack her email and he's good. So I would guess, show Micheal the evil eye footage and then play recording. Hell, I'd just set it up on his voicemail.

Since AJ had an iphone I wonder if the recording could be in the cloud.  As the sex tape movie said no one understands the cloud. 


Also, is Franco willing to take Ava down too for Sonny and Carly banging because how does he bring up Sonny killing AJ without implicating Ava?  It happened in her apartment.  Maybe if Sonny killing AJ comes out someone with the town brain could have an "ooooooh" moment and realize the Ava and Connie connection.

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My guess as to why Kelly Sullivan is taping scenes? Just found out from a GH page on Facebook that MB re-signed, and they are going to have someone *else* be the killer of AJ, *not* Sonny. So....the asshat will still be around, forever and forever, some more. We just *can't* get rid of him!!! Arrrrgh!!!!


So bummed. At this point, since they undid every bit of evolution and growth in Carly by making her go back to the asshat, I'm done with her. I was honestly hoping *both* of them would go to jail, because she is clearly his accomplice.


I vote for Sam and Patrick as the new younger romantic leads, and Julian and Alexis as the older romantic leads. I also want a pony.

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My guess as to why Kelly Sullivan is taping scenes? Just found out from a GH page on Facebook that MB re-signed, and they are going to have someone *else* be the killer of AJ, *not* Sonny.


...how would new scenes with Kelly Sullivan/Connie change what Sonny did to AJ?  I could see that if they were going to somehow undo Ava being her killer.

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My guess as to why Kelly Sullivan is taping scenes? Just found out from a GH page on Facebook that MB re-signed, and they are going to have someone *else* be the killer of AJ, *not* Sonny. So....the asshat will still be around, forever and forever, some more. We just *can't* get rid of him!!! Arrrrgh!!!!



I think she is filming either to pat Sonny on the head or to berate him because Sonny is going to feel all guilty again (and if this happens the main reason will be because they can't get SK back).


Also, I think they can retcon it where someone came into AJ's hospital room and drugged him so his actual death won't be because of Sonny but how can they possibly make him innocent in this?  The only way would be for someone else to have shot him and that would mean Ava and Sonny have to be the most two stupid people on the planet based on what has been on screen.


The only way they can make Sonny look less horrible in this is for AJ not to be dead.   

Edited by ch1
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That moment where you are so pissed that you tweet the writer and the actor asking why.....why would Sonny skating on murdering AJ in cold blood be a good idea? And yes, I do blame Maurice because he actually has at times refused to show up to work for various reasons. I'm that angry. You want easy money, play the lottery, quit killing a genre I grew up with. That goes for a ton of actors. And writers, producers.

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My guess as to why Kelly Sullivan is taping scenes? Just found out from a GH page on Facebook that MB re-signed, and they are going to have someone *else* be the killer of AJ, *not* Sonny. So....the asshat will still be around, forever and forever, some more. We just *can't* get rid of him!!! Arrrrgh!!!!


Is GH ever going to be free of Maurice Bernard?  I was so hoping that he would finally leave/be shown the door this time. 


Whatever.  I knew Sonny wouldn't face any consequences for his actions.  He never does and never will.


I don't even know why I bother watching this show .  Nothing that happens means anything anymore.  Everything is immediately forgiven and forgotten about, or retconned, or shown to be a fantasy.  It's so stupid.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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I don't even know why I bother watching this show . Nothing that happens means anything anymore. Everything is immediately forgiven and forgotten about, or retconned, or shown to be a fantasy. It's so stupid.

I think it depends on the character. Liz and Robin, for example, always have shitty consequences with whatever they do.

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I can't blame MB for re-signing, nor do I blame him for Sonny, that is on the writers. Sonny could be an interesting and compelling character if the writers did not insists on making him the center piece of the show, and worse it's moral center. Sonny could pay for the murder of AJ, even if he avoids prison. But  Guza-Wolf were in love with him and Ron does not have the talent so Sonny remains a plague

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Does anyone know how long his contract is for?  He last resigned in 2013.  So is he doing it year to year or are they giving him year to year contracts?


I mean honestly it would put everyone out of their misery if they signed him to a multi year contract.  This year to year crap gets your hopes up (even though you really know he's not going anywhere).

I definitely don't want Michael to go along with whatever Franco's game is for the "Hell Naw!" wedding he has planned.


I actually think this would be fun... especially if we get "Et tu, Brute?" moment from Sonny.  If all we are going to get is teeny little moments of Sonny discomfiture, this will do.


Just found out from a GH page on Facebook that MB re-signed, and they are going to have someone *else* be the killer of AJ, *not* Sonny. So....the asshat will still be around, forever and forever, some more. We just *can't* get rid of him!!! Arrrrgh!!!!


This is my utter lack of surprise.

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I actually think this would be fun... especially if we get "Et tu, Brute?" moment from Sonny.  If all we are going to get is teeny little moments of Sonny discomfiture, this will do.


But doing so makes the reveal more of a Franco story than it already is.  The reveal should be about Michael, about getting justice for AJ.

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But doing so makes the reveal more of a Franco story than it already is.  The reveal should be about Michael, about getting justice for AJ.


It should be, but since Sonny is going nowhere, I don't expect any justice - or any long-term wrath from Michael. It'll be retconned into how AJ did THE TERRIBLE ACT! (whatever it is) and will have deserved to be killed.


And considering the rumors of AJ's killer being retconned despite what was ON SCREEN....well, I expect Sonny to truly pay (along with Carly keeping the secret) when pet unicorns are a reality.

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I'm hoping Micheal slowburns his anger. In smart writing, he'd go hmm. I am a Q. I wash my hands of these people. Then, he'd buy the Metro Court in the Quartermaine Name, buy stocks of Sonny's coffee business SonnyBucks, change his name, hire Diane (leave them with no defense, as I'm sure Carly sent Micheal a long comic sans font email telling him Alexis was fired), and get Jax involved because double burn, have the cops ready at the wedding to arrest anyone they could.

Happy Halloween! Franco has a trick, but in the end, Micheal gets the treat. When Franco announces it, he rises and calmly says "I know, Sonny. Caroline. " Dante comes in and arrests them and Micheal says as Carly blubbers "My name is Alan Edward Quartermaine III" Then, to save barf Sonny, cut to Robin, Jerry Jax, and Helena. Boom. AJ is alive and she has to defrost him.

And considering the rumors of AJ's killer being retconned despite what was ON SCREEN....well, I expect Sonny to truly pay (along with Carly keeping the secret) when pet unicorns are a reality.


Eh, that rumor doesn't really hold weight with me.  I think someone on the interwebs assumed Sonny killing AJ was an exit story and now that MB is supposedly staying, they would have to retcon it. 

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Morgan rubbing Ava's back made me all fluttery. My back hurts today too so if he could come over and rub it, that'd be great.


I am Team Sonny when it comes to Franco and all, but him casually contemplating various ways in which to kill Franco, and who to pin it on (!!), just brought home what a psycho he himself is.


Duke is leaving Anna's table for LUCY. Anna. Woman. Free yourself.


I won't be surprised if there is a voiceover tomorrow announcing that the roles of Mac and Felicia are now being played by Dominic Zamprogna and Emme Rylan.


ETA: Morgan doesn't know that Franco knows Sonny killed AJ, right? Some of the secrets need to blow simply for the fact that I'm starting to lose track of who knows, who knows what.

Edited by ulkis
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ETA: Morgan doesn't know that Franco knows Sonny killed AJ, right?


No.  Morgan and Kiki know via Ava so they don't know that Ava killed Connie.  Sonny, Carly, Ava, and Franco (and maaaaybe Shawn?) are the only ones who know the full AJ/Connie/Ava/Sonny story.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Duke knows as well, which is disgusting considering AJ was the only one to hire him when he first came back. Sonny bragged about it and he went from poor AJ to well um good job, bboss, yay. He also knows of the recording.


I thought Duke only knew about the Sonny killing AJ part, not the Ava killing Connie part.  In any case, yes, it was gross that Duke gave two fucks about AJ being murdered.

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Spoilers for next week: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2014/10/general-hospital-spoilers-october-13-2014-edition/


Oh Britt, girl.  Those spoilers for her/Nik/Brad sound like such a lazy photocopy from their story earlier in the year.


I'm more intrigued by this:


Bobbie and Brad inspire Lucas to explore his career options.
Edited by TeeVee329

I can't wait to see Nik try to justify forgiving Britt so he can still keep getting laid.  Even if Liz wasn't already grossed out and turned off by him almost giving Britt one more boink for the road before telling Liz he loves her, she's going to be caught up in the Jason stuff.  He's got nobody else to get some from, so he's going to have to talk himself into forgiving her after a suitable few days of token anger. 


And I love how the spoilers actually refer to Jason as "Jake,"  Like we all don't know he's Jason.  

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AJ Murder:

Carly: AJ told her, heard recording, Sonny bragged to her

Franco- heard Recording, Threatened Sonny, discussed with Carly

Shawn- Sonny told him, heard recording (offscreen)

Duke- told by Sonny

Lauren- told by Ava

Morgan - told by Ava

Nina- saw on Gross Eye Cam

Fluke - told by Julian / Ava

Julian- told by Ava

Jason Alive:

Robin: revived him

Patrick- told he was alive, then dead, technically he may have re killed him by opening the pod

Victor- owned the clinic

Helena- tried to get him, may try again

Liz- thinks he's Jake, some dude

Nina's List:



Franco- doesn't know for sure what it is, but has a vague idea

Silas- thought it was a Christmas list. Is questioning her, so may be questioning this too.

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