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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Why would OJ become Alexis' sponsor, to scare Julian into staying in line? I don't necessarily think she'd have to do anything other than give Alexis a fake last name. Given how isolated characters can be (and how ridiculous the writing is) it's entirely possible that Anna could find out she's alive while Alexis and the rest of the town are still in the dark. 

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17 hours ago, ulkis said:

Man, if that's the case, given what actually does air on the show it would have had to been absolutely disastrous.

I know, right? How bad/awkward could it be that they wouldn't show it in the first place? This is a show that thinks JaSam, CarSon and now Friz,  are sexy. Standards, people. Pick your battles.

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23 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Yeah, we know Julian was behind that hospital = condos scheme and I assume that was also on Olivia J.'s orders.

Likely OJ will play into TQ's exit storyline...bump her off, make condos. Seems simple enough, right?

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[Rebecca Budig] is about to shake things up at the hospital but those already connected to GH may not take to her new approach.

So a big hospital storyline...starring Rebecca Budig.  I fuckin' hate this show.

Overall, these spoilers are soooo boring.  These is sweeps?

Edited by TeeVee329
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Lulu is at the mercy of Valentin.

I assume this is in regards to her being able to see Charlotte. If Lulu documents it properly him refusing her her daughter, Lulu might be able to get full custody like she wanted.

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When was the last time a DNA test was treated seriously on this show? I know soaps change parentage at the drop of a hat, but in the past, they've at least made an effort to try and establish who is who, in situations like that.

I think the worse thing about the spoilers, other than the boredom, is the fact that the show chooses a picture of Sonny and Carly, Franco and Liz, and GRIFFIN. Two grossly dysfunctional couples, and one guy barely connected to anyone on canvas and who has so far proven to be as exciting as cold oatmeal.

Yeah, I wanna watch that.

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47 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Has it been legally established that Lulu is Charlotte's mother? That's the first step.

I think Lulu got the DNA test that showed she was the mother, but I'm not sure about legal establishment. If she wants to file for full custody she'd have to have it on record that she is the biological mother, wouldn't she?

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18 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I think so, and I'd also think the court would order a DNA test so that it's ostensibly done right. (Ha! Not on GH.)

I know GH court cases don't follow any semblance of realism but since presumably this Lulu/Valentin court battle will be for full custody, does that mean the losing party will be shit out of luck? Say Valentin wins. Can they force him to share custody with Lulu if she is the bio mom on record and Lulu can prove he denied her knowledge of her daughter's existence for ten years?

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I fully expect Jelly to retcon this crap at some point and say neither Valentin nor Lulu are embryo's parents. Claud is probably the mother and got knocked up by Tree or Sad Doctor-Priest. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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58 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Charlotte will need EXTENSIVE therapy by the time she's eleven.

Same thing would probably happen to her like it did with Michael: total nutcase until they recast and then it'll be like she was always rainbows and puppies.

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Also?  The promo reeks of misleading editing.  Tn bucks says Sonny actually has no idea about Olivia J yet.

Also also?  Sonny did a pretty good job framing himself by a) putting out a hit on Julian in the first place and b) confessing to it in front of witnesses.

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Oh lordy.  In what universe were fans clamoring for Olivia Jerome to return from the dead?   I realize this show now sputters along pathetically on mindless repetition, and so this is clearly intended to give Sonny yet another enemy, Julian yet another crazy sister, Anna yet another reason to be angry and miserable, and the cast yet another eccentric and vicious older lady (and bonus point:  she was on OLTL, too!).   

But who is actually going to care about tuning in for this?  Do the writers even have a target audience in mind anymore?  I'm actually old enough to remember original Julian and crazy Olivia, and this is just pathetic and laughable to me. 

No way the young'uns are going to care about even more crazy, older criminals joining the cast.  

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26 minutes ago, SlovakPrincess said:

to give Sonny yet another enemy, Julian yet another crazy sister, 

Nah, it was mostly done to give Julian an excuse for holding a knife to Alexis' throat. Today he actually said "I'm tired of living in fear of my own sister". I guess lame wimp is a better look than murderer, but it's not great.

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Honestly?  Olivia J./Tonja Walker's the part of the story I hate the least.  She's playing it much colder/less campy than I was expecting and her pretending to be Alexis' AA sponsor is soapy in the right way.

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48 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Nah, it was mostly done to give Julian an excuse for holding a knife to Alexis' throat. Today he actually said "I'm tired of living in fear of my own sister". I guess lame wimp is a better look than murderer, but it's not great.

That knife to the throat thing was stupid, and even if we retcon it to say Olivia J. made him do it...well he still did it.  I don't know how loser Alexis, or we the viewers, get past that, ever.

But Sonny also shot Carly in the head, I think when she was giving birth to Morgan, and he also threatened to kill her when Olivia notJ was shot and on death's doorstep, if she didn't survive.  But it is a happy and sunny Sonny and Carly world cause they are meant to be together!  I am sure there are other examples. I think at one point Jason threatened Sam.

But yeah, knife to the throat.  Tough to get past.  Apparently that is what will happen, cause #julexis.

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3 hours ago, SlovakPrincess said:

No way the young'uns are going to care about even more crazy, older criminals joining the cast.  

I'm waiting for another Jerome to show up. Preferably one that's been dead for awhile. That will be super exciting and will be a twist that changes Port Charles forever.

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I wish the show knew how to use characters on a short-term basis, but I'm pretty sure the writers will "fall in love" with Olivia J and she'll be a regular presence on the show. I don't begrudge Tonja Walker a job, but the last thing GH needs is another mobster, especially one who will inevitably come up short against Sonny. No, thank you.

Though another mobster vs. some dumb character like Nurse Amy? That's a tough one.

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I enjoyed Olivia J back in the day but back then all mobsters were evil and she was in a story with Anna and Duke and had crossed paths with Lucy and Scotty.Im not interested in anything to do with Sonny though.Hes one of the reasons I barely watch anyone.

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#GH - Ned makes a life-altering decision. {Feb 20} Ned looks to Dante for advice. {Feb 21} #Niv

So I guess Ned proposes to Olivia? And then they'll probably move to Brooklyn lol.

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I'm sure that's it, given the gigantic anvils we got in their last appearances. Neither seems ready, so of course there'll be a quickie ceremony. Shenanigans ensue as Dante calls Ned "Daddy" and everyone roars with laughter. /s

Edited by dubbel zout
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34 minutes ago, ulkis said:

#GH - Ned makes a life-altering decision. {Feb 20} Ned looks to Dante for advice. {Feb 21} #Niv

So I guess Ned proposes to Olivia? And then they'll probably move to Brooklyn lol.

Good for Ned, being in two episodes in a row.

I dunno, they're okay together, but it makes me itchy having a Sonny apologist marry into the Q's.  Although, c'mon to think of it, I guess Lois was too, wasn't she.

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3 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Good for Ned, being in two episodes in a row.

I dunno, they're okay together, but it makes me itchy having a Sonny apologist marry into the Q's.  Although, c'mon to think of it, I guess Lois was too, wasn't she.

So was Lila. Damn Guza for that. AJ would come home and be like "ah Sonny stabbed me in my stomach" and she'd be all "AJ dear, now it must have been very disconcerting for poor Mr Corinthos to get blood all over his floor."

But maybe Olivia won't bring it up much. Now that she's on recurring there really haven't given her random propping Sonny scenes, which I'm convinced they did just because they had to meet her contract minimum.

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12 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I'm waiting for another Jerome to show up. Preferably one that's been dead for awhile. That will be super exciting and will be a twist that changes Port Charles forever.

Victor! Or Evan "Edge" Jerome! Dig up their maggot-infested corpses and let 'em loose on Port Chuck! Maybe Victor can pull that necklace he choked to death on and try again to gift it to Lucy!

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19 hours ago, bannana said:

But Sonny also shot Carly in the head, I think when she was giving birth to Morgan

It never gets old for me when someone brings up this part of the Sonny/Carly history.  Not only did he shoot her in the head while she was giving birth, Sonny was offended and "betrayed" by Carly's behavior after she woke up from the coma that HE caused. The brain damage caused by "the bullet of love" left her in a coma and she had "coma dreams" of being happily married to Sonny's rival Alcazar.  Sonny could not forgive her for being traumatized and confused.  

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Bobbie gets an update from Felicia. {Feb 22}

Tracy has cause to celebrate.  {Feb 22}

Oh geez, Nelle's secret STILL isn't out by the end of February sweeps?

Is Tracy's cause for celebration a Ned/Olivia engagement?  Does Tracy like Olivia?

Edited by TeeVee329
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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh geez, Nelle's secret STILL isn't out by the end of February sweeps?

Is Tracy's cause for celebration a Ned/Olivia engagement?  Does Tracy like Olivia?

Not really but I guess she's being nice.

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Why the hell should Ned and Tracy have anything to do with Olivia?  I just have a hard time with the whole "Ned and Brooklyn are blackmailed for the ELQ shares" and Tracy is fine. And Ned lost his family's company protecting Olivia's lie about her son. And about 10 minutes later she goes back to PC and spills her guts to Julian. And Ned is like, sure, it is fine! My family just lost my grandparents' business, but we're good!

And I can't recall Tracy being angry and vindictive about Olivia at anytime.

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Two spoilery thoughts based on this image:

1) Sonny's free from house arrest.

2) Carly and Sonny are speaking to each other in an episode that probably won't air until March/April.  Does that mean the Nelle and Sonny "sleeping together" STILL hasn't come out yet?

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