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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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The natural pairing during her intro would have been falling in love with her friend Dillon. Their scenes together were the only times I liked either of them. Unfortunately, she was never developed past Lante speedbump during that shitty affair story. 

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On 12/2/2016 at 8:18 PM, TeeVee329 said:

This is just speculation, but how much longer til Valerie gets put on an ice float and sent out to sea?  

Soon, I hope! I really can't stand looking at her face anymore.

On 12/2/2016 at 8:24 PM, Oracle42 said:

The natural pairing during her intro would have been falling in love with her friend Dillon. Their scenes together were the only times I liked either of them. 

I agree.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Valerie has been so wasted. They take the trouble to tie her to the Spencers, and it turns out it's only so Dante can have an affair with his wife's cousin instead of some random woman, because after that, she might as well be a random woman for all the familial connections they've shown us since. She didn't even get to have Thanksgiving with family! (Making a rookie cop work holidays makes some sense, but I don't think she explained it that way, did she?)

TFGH, as usual.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

 (Making a rookie cop work holidays makes some sense, but I don't think she explained it that way, did she?)

No, she did. She mumbled something like "Rookies get the holiday shifts," to Curtis when he was talking to her at Kelley's (?) when she was eating. 

I now need to wash my hands because I feel kind of dirty for saying something positive about a basically useless character. 

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4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Valerie has been so wasted.

As was Pat herself.  You introduce a long-lost sister of Luke and Bobbie's and, once she's done retconning their past to shore up the Fluke story, you kill her?  That's not good soap.

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35 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

As was Pat herself.  You introduce a long-lost sister of Luke and Bobbie's and, once she's done retconning their past to shore up the Fluke story, you kill her?  That's not good soap.

I don't think Pat's death per se was a bad thing, but as usual, it was handled in the worst possible manner. It was a plot point, nothing more. Morgan's death has had a bigger fallout.

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OK, so, from the spoilers, clearly we're going full steam ahead with the "Charlotte is the StavLu baby" thing, but, well, how the hell do they expect us to buy that, given the timing of all of it?  If it was just that Charlotte is clearly too old, that would be one thing.  SORAS and all that.  But... Someone correct me if I'm wrong here - wasn't Nathan already in town when the StavLu embryo was allegedly created?  I remember Lulu flirting with Nathan a little bit when she had amnesia, which was when she was rescued from being kidnapped by Stavros.  And, when Stavros returned the following year, he was looking to do something with that embryo, right?  So, how could a child whose age made it possible that Nathan was her father (and she would have had to be conceived before he came to town) be the result of that embryo?  Is Valentin a time lord?  He wandered into 2013/14 and snagged the embryo, then he wandered back in time to when Claudette was sleeping with both Nathan and Griffin, started up his own affair with her, and implanted her with the embryo?  Then he wandered back and forth in time to spend some time with Charlotte, so she knows him as her father, but also headed to 2016 to chill and wait for Claudette to show up in Port Charles?  

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50 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Someone correct me if I'm wrong here - wasn't Nathan already in town when the StavLu embryo was allegedly created?  I remember Lulu flirting with Nathan a little bit when she had amnesia, which was when she was rescued from being kidnapped by Stavros. 

Nathan actually came into town in the midst of the custody fight over baby Georgie.  That time Lulu was semi-flirting with him was during the super, suuuper brief separation between Lulu and Dante over that custody fight.

But Nathan was at Crichton-Clark when Stavros was brandishing the embryo, so yes, if Charlotte is from that embryo, there's no way she would have been able to have been passed off as a baby Nathan conceived with Claudette.

A follow-up question and someone correct me if I'm wrong - was Griffin's going to medical school before or after his affair with Claudette?  Because if it was after, again, no way the Stavlu embryo could be passed off as his child with Claudette.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The only moment in this entire storyline that worked for me were the scenes with Anna/Griffin talking about Charlotte. It gave both of them a purpose and it's the only time I've cared at all about Charlotte. 

What is the point of SORASing the embryo? If they're determined to do this awful embryo story why not do it with a kid who is at least close to the right age?

Edited by Oracle42
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1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nathan actually came into town in the midst of the custody fight over baby Georgie.  That time Lulu was semi-flirting with him was during the super, suuuper brief separation between Lulu and Dante over that custody fight.

But Nathan was at Crichton-Clark when Stavros was brandishing the embryo, so yes, if Charlotte is from that embryo, there's no way she would have been able to have been passed off as a baby Nathan conceived with Claudette.

Nathan came to town on NYE, so after the custody trial, but very closely.

If Ron were here, and Nathan was leaving, I think he would have the balls/idiocy (take your pick) to have Maxie's fairy godmother appear and say "and at midnight on New Year's Eve the spell will be broken" and pan to Nathan turning back into a tree.

Like I pointed out in the episode thread, I think they could say that Helena took Lulu's eggs right after the first kidnapping and implanted someone so it would be older than a child would have been if it was implanted after Crighton-Clark. But as you pointed out, that would still make Rocco a bit older.

1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

What is the point of SORASing the embryo? If they're determined to do this awful embryo story why not do it with a kid who is at least close to the right age?

I suppose so they could have a kid who speaks full sentences and I guess maybe reject Lulu and tell her she doesn't want to be named Rocceta or what have you.

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I suppose so they could have a kid who speaks full sentences and I guess maybe reject Lulu and tell her she doesn't want to be named Rocceta or what have you.

Not like the show has this kind of time left, but it would have been much more interesting to leave the embryo out there for a long time and then have the child show up as a teenager really resentful of Lulu, a la Laura and Nikolas.

I also think if they had SORASed Jake when they brought him back from the dead and really had him rebel against Liz/Jason/Lucky, that would have been much more interesting.

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11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

it would have been much more interesting to leave the embryo out there for a long time and then have the child show up as a teenager really resentful of Lulu, a la Laura and Nikolas.

I'm over kids showing up and being resentful of their parents, especially because the vast majority of the kids were better off having been given up, assuming the parent knew about the kid in the first place. There's almost always a very good reason the parent had to give up the child, which undermines the later chip on the shoulder. 

I didn't like much about Ethan, but I greatly appreciated how he wasn't angry or resentful about being adopted, and he had nothing but love and affection for his adoptive parents.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Thanks for helping me fill in the blanks on my memory of the time line.  So, basically, we're going to have to go with the Valentin is a time lord explanation.  No wonder Helena was said to have feared him.  He's the only member of the Cassadines with a power comparable to her "because Helena" powers.  

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16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I'm over kids showing up and being resentful of their parents, especially because the vast majority of the kids were better off having been given up, assuming the parent knew about the kid in the first place. There's almost always a very good reason the parent had to give up the child, which undermines the later chip on the shoulder. 

I didn't like much about Ethan, but I greatly appreciated how he wasn't angry or resentful about being adopted, and he had nothing but love and affection for his adoptive parents.

I totally get what you're saying.  My point is that the story is going to be even shallower with a younger kid (actor).  Charlotte will throw one tempter tantrum, Lulu will buy her some ice cream, and that'll be it.

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18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I picked up SOD. There's a new section wi/spoiler photos.  One has Franco With Tom in like a dog cage ! Caption "Franco puts Tom behind bars" ! 
Looks like Tom is wearing some sort of shock collar. 


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5 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:


"I LOVE JASON!!!!!!!!!"

I forgot about this gem.

I think the most embarrassing part is Carly trying to soothe the savage beast.

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Well, that explains why Liz's rapist is still a thing.  I guess GH is one of the few soaps who hadn't already done the "someone gets held in a cage" thing, so they had to tic that box eventually.  I'm almost morbidly fascinated as to how they'll write Liz being OK with this.  Or, St. Jasus willing, this will be what leads to her dumping him and hooking up with Griffin?  

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1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I think the most embarrassing part is Carly trying to soothe the savage beast.

I'm trying to imagine SJB's Carly doing that and I couldn't. I did imagine her dragging him and using her pillow she talked to in the psych ward to suffocate him, though.

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13 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

I swear Anna was held in a cage at some point. By whichever one of the Grants was evil. And was menaced by an evil dog? Did that happen or am I crazy?

I think it did.

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So, Franco is returning to form - But there's no way FV is letting him go. Which means they're either going to continue to pretend there's nothing wrong with the SERIAL KILLER, they're going to give FV the opportunity to ruin Todd again or RoHo is going to get a third character

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Years ago, Victor Newman on Y&R held one of his then wives or mistresses (I didn't watch this, was too young, but my mother remembered it and talked about it) lover in a cage for months. Look how long that character has lasted, and as a main player. Soaps are awful with a lot of the things they present as being okay. Sadly,  Tom is EVIL, therefore Franco will get a medal. And once again, questionable behavior will get excused. But if it's A-Okay for multiple murderer Alexis, Jason, Sonny, Julian, etc, etc,  why not Franco? Eh. I don't hate it because it's Franco. I hate it because it's disgusting. And with these writers, the biggest travesty is, it'll be boring.


I am so glad I don't watch anymore. Just wish JE would *finally* leave, so I can forget the show exists as a whole. Kinda already at that point anyway.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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15 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Years ago, Victor Newman on Y&R held one of his then wives or mistresses (I didn't watch this, was too young, but my mother remembered it and talked about it) lover in a cage for months. Look how long that character has lasted, and as a main character. Soaps are awful with a lot of the things they present as being okay. Sadly,  Tom is EVIL, therefore Franco will get a medal. And once again, questionable behavior will get excused. But if it's A-Okay for multiple murderer Alexis, Jason, Sonny, Julian, etc, etc,  why not Franco? Eh. I don't hate it because it's Franco. I hate it because it's disgusting. And with these writers, the biggest travesty is, it'll be boring.


I am so glad I don't watch anymore. Just wish JE would *finally* leave, so I can forget the show exists as a whole. Kinda already at that point anyway.

I'm gonna reply to this in the history thread.

Oh, darn it, I can't, this is still a spoiler. darn it. Anyway:

I hate it because it will be stupid and goofy, just like everything with Franco.

Say what you (the generic "you") want about Sonny and Jason, but their bad deeds have never been played as hijinx. Which is why I honestly think is THE reason Franco 2.0's reception has been so middling - he/RoHo are not as funny as FV/the writers think they are.

Edited by ulkis
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I actually think there's a chance they'll let  it-and therefore Franco, be somewhat dark. How can it not be at least a little dark, although it could be what they call "black comedy".  I agree though, Franco shouldn't be a comic character, per se. A few funny quips now and then is fine, but even his quips should be dark and disturbing.  This kind of story would be far more interesting if it were someone unexpected keeping him prisoner, and that person had to actually pay the price for kidnapping and wrongful imprisonment.

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