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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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1. Franco stalked and harassed Jason and Sam, violated Sam on their honeymoon, and had Michael raped. There was never any feud between them, Franco was just an obsessed freak.


2. Jason isn't DNAJ's "real" father. He's the sperm donor.


3. Are these motherfuckers REALLY about to have Franco become obsessed with Jason (and Sam) again? Really? Really?

4. If Jason isn't going to put a bullet in Franco's head then Julian needs to step up and do his job or Alexis can mow him down. 

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From the article:


We, the audience should worry, however, that the return of Jason memories causes a tweak in Franco and makes him seem to start obsessing over Jason and Sam.


But the tumor, I thought his obsession with Jason and the other SERIAL KILLER hialrity he got up to was the tumor's fault! #eyeroll

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Amy is a recurring role of a high-energy nurse named Amy. Amy is up on all the latest hospital gossip and is all too willing to share it.

So we have Dr. O to shit on John's memory and now this to shit on Shell's?  Hell no.  This is why I am staying on the barge. it is not that Frank ignores  GH history it is that he actively gives a big old FU to it.

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5/2 Mon

Sam begins to appeal to Julian; things begin to heat up between Jordan and Andre; Nikolas starts to play dirty with Hayden.

5/3 Tues

Anna begins to accuse Alexis; Franco shares some unsettling news with Nina; Hayden begins to plot his secret agenda which involves Nikolas.

5/4 Wed

Anna reaches the end of her limit; Franco begins to share his emotional trauma with a sympathetic ear; Jason begins to demand things from Liz.

5/5 Thurs

Alexis is done and confronts Julian; Sonny begins to take matters into his own hands; Griffin shares more about himself with Anna.


Dante and Lulu begin to weigh their options; Carly shares a heartfelt plea with Sonny; complications begin to arise with the PCPD

Franco's emotional trauma??????

  • Love 6

I'm interpreting this as:

The week begins with Sam pleading on behalf of justice for Duke? Andre and Jordan heating up, which means that maybe Anna and Andre will fall in love most definitely soon, and TC trying to do War of the Roses (and failing ) again. That eases into Tuesday, which has Anna figuring out that of course Lawyer Alexis will try to keep her husband out of prison and more Duke whining, Franco probably sacrifices the dog to save his relationship with Nina, God will they end this story with Nik/Hayden. Wed, Anna cries some more, Franco talks to Liz and she feels bad for him, haha now Jason is the bad guy in this soap fight. Thurs and Fri are Sonny gets involved and things get cliché.

So, Franco has to get rid of the dog, has a sad, Liz is sad because dogs are cool, Jason is not a dog lover, and everything else is the same.

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As far as Franco goes, I joked one time that Sam and Jason were being written like Nem. Now I guess it's official. When there's nothing you can do for a couple other than the same old, same old, year after year after stinking year, it's time to break them up forever, or write them off together.

I couldn't care less about anything Franco does to them. The murdering mobster and his cheerleader talking about how Jason is better than all the other scum because he killed for "good reasons?" can both be murdered by Franco, and Franco can take Nina and that new baby and run. Or go to jail, either/or, I'm not picky. 

And if it's Julian or Alexis who take out Franco instead, well, they go to jail, too. BYE. Because I don't care what the character has done, or who they've hurt. I'm tired of violence being ignored or rewarded or lauded on this show. ENOUGH.

It won't happen that way, though. Jason will get to kill Franco, because Franco is EVUL, but Jason, who has just as much blood on his hands if not more, is a-okay, because he kills for GOOD REASONS.

So this is May sweeps?

I get to skip it, then. More yay me. Not a thing that's been mentioned interests me in the least.

And it's not that I'm a Franco fan, or that I really care if Roger stays or goes. I think it's crappy they are  using him to prop JaSam, but JaSam cannot exist without outside angst. If someone weren't threatening one of them, they'd just be seen for the self righteous bores that they are. So SOMEBODY has to take one for the NuNem.

Bye, Franco. Take Nina with you !

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I don't understand why these people are so desperate to make Franco work. I guess RoHo is a "get" in the soap world, but so what. These jelly people didn't even create the character so they don't have anything at stake and shouldn't have a problem getting rid of him. Maybe Frank is responsible for him still being here, but I don't see why he would STILL be so eager to keep RoHo around, especially with Ron gone. His salary could be used to being on 10 more worthless newbies. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7

The past few HWs have seemed to hate those quiet moments.

They apparently hate all romance bc I still can't believe how they're dealing with Jason's amnesia. He still has only had like, TWO flashes of Sam, ONE which has been shown repeatedly (kissing on the bed). Even after sleeping together, he has no sense of familiarity. Like, what in the actual fuck kind of story is this!?

  • Love 4
I don't understand why these people are so desperate to make Franco work.


I don't, either. If they can give Michael Easton five different characters, they can give RoHo a character that isn't a SERIAL KILLER whose history was laughably retconned in the laziest possible way.


I'd accept a lampshade explanation that NewCharacter tried to be Franco because he thought he'd fit in better, and since it didn't work, he's going to be who he really is. It's no stupider than what we're being given on a daily basis.

  • Love 4

I don't, either. If they can give Michael Easton five different characters, they can give RoHo a character that isn't a SERIAL KILLER whose history was laughably retconned in the laziest possible way.

I'd accept a lampshade explanation that NewCharacter tried to be Franco because he thought he'd fit in better, and since it didn't work, he's going to be who he really is. It's no stupider than what we're being given on a daily basis.

If RoHo must be on the show and must play this particular character, it would be extremely easy to explain during a commercial break that either the real Franco or their go-to-gal Helena brainwashed someone else into believing he was Franco.

If Frank wanted it done as cheaply as possible he could have Valerie tell Dillion that Laura told her she found a letter explaining as such from Helena.

Edited by Tiger
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Interesting take. I kinda saw this as a set up for the eventual Franco /Liz pairing.


I doubt that's all it is, because it's already been established Jakeson dislikes Franco instinctively. Yes, knowing the past and having memories of it will make the hate stronger. However-the thing about O encouraging Franco's dark side, and him becoming obsessed with JaSam again? That can't lead anywhere good. Unless of course, they have Lizzy pulling him back from the dark side just in time.

Otherwise, I only see it eventually leading to Franco doing something so horrible, Jason "has" to kill him.

When really, if Roger wants to go or they want to fire him, all they have to do is have some Feds knock on his door one day and arrest him for one of his past crimes and take him out of town. Bada bing, bada boom. Over and done in a few episodes, the end result is the same-Franco has to go and pay for at least one of his crimes, and he leaves the show, and it actually might be a little sad because he might've been trying to really change and turn his life around for good.

I'll be really surprised if the spoilers don't lead to him becoming so bad again,that it is Franco's exit story.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I'd rather see Roger come back as a totally different character. Not a blonde though. That hair was terrible. The story sounds kinda like Liz falling for guy against all odds and warnings with Jason being the one warning her. I think they're probably trying to recapture that KDP/RoHo magic because Becky Herbst is a chemistry magnet. She makes everyone look good. Well, almost everyone because Nik/Liz was terrible.

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You guys, Franco doesn't need more redeeming.


He has a soooouuul now.


-Ron. C

Well, yeah. The plaid shirts made me feel the woobies. And he had a tumor, Kiki wasn't his, Carly broke his heart. People are mean to him. Gosh. And puppies.

But seriously, when he spilled the tea at the not wedding, I still loved it. Carly is the president of side chicks united in Port Charles, with no repercussions ever. So, that was cool.

  • Love 6

Well, yeah. The plaid shirts made me feel the woobies. And he had a tumor, Kiki wasn't his, Carly broke his heart. People are mean to him. Gosh. And puppies.

But seriously, when he spilled the tea at the not wedding, I still loved it. Carly is the president of side chicks united in Port Charles, with no repercussions ever. So, that was cool.


Franco spilling all at the not wedding was absolutely my favorite thing involving Franco (not that there's a lot of competition, but it was still great). 

  • Love 7

Well, yeah. The plaid shirts made me feel the woobies. And he had a tumor, Kiki wasn't his, Carly broke his heart. People are mean to him. Gosh. And puppies.

But seriously, when he spilled the tea at the not wedding, I still loved it. Carly is the president of side chicks united in Port Charles, with no repercussions ever. So, that was cool.


That is one thing about Franco. He doesn't care who he offends. He'll tell the truth, and that truth is: most of the people he's gone up against: Jason and Sonny, for instance, are every bit as vile as he is.

That's why JaSam will always be a giant joke to me. Yeah, I know. Woobie Sam and Jason were Franco's "victims". I just wonder though, how high and mighty Sam would be about what Jason did for a living, if every single child who no longer has a father, and every woman who no longer has a husband, because of Jason, came knocking on her door, or even better, became their neighbors. So then she could be faced every day with Jason's "victims". Doubt it would change anything, though. Sam would find a way to defend him.

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IDK. We've gotten poor innocent Jason would never-so why not Franco? I mean, who didn't BUST a GUT at Carly's proclamation that Jason "would never" intentionally try to kill someone? I laughed for days at that one.


At any rate, there's an easy way to find out who is watching JaSam. Just look for the character going around screaming "my EYES ! I'm BLIND!" After seeing them in the throws of um.....whatever you call that.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I actually don't have a problem with giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. I also can't help but root a little bit for someone accused of something they didn't do.  Especially when the people doing the accusing are being smarmy about it.  But for the accused to act like they could never, would never? Yeah, they can take a seat.


"rutting like farm animals!"

One of my fav. lines from a soap. Lucky was dragging Niz for filth and I loved it.



Oh gawd, we better not be in for some nonsense that Jason and Sam are being stalked and poor, innocent, baby lamb Franco is falsely accused because he would NEVER! #eyeroll

You just know this is going to happen. I swear if Sam has to apologize to that freak...


LOL where does the hay come from. Where the heck are they. I doubt they are at Niks house. 

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