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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Am I wrong in thinking that Robin has SKYPED a lot off screen?

Yes. But if it makes you feel better, sure. :P

Ron tweeted that there's going to be a Robin mention tomorrow. Oh....

Edited by HeatLifer
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Ron tweeted that there's going to be a Robin mention tomorrow. Oh....


"Daddy, it would have been so much more fun if Mommy was at the ball."  


"Mommy goes to balls in Paris."  

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"Daddy, it would have been so much more fun if Mommy was at the ball."

"Mommy goes to balls in Paris."

"I wish mommy was here."

"Sabr...Sam is your mommy now. Go make muffins."

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The Duke/Anna flashback made me cry because of Duke's impending death. Damn you, writers. I know he has sucked lately but there was so much history between those two, and it's going to be sad watching Anna mourn.

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Probably part of Duke's dying words. That would be so Ron.

I'll be surprised if it's anything more than a quick mention by Lucy.

Although I also wouldn't be surprised if it was part of Liz's speech...

"Jason and Robin would just be SO HAPPY for Sam and Patty, you guys! Let's make a toast to the Drake family!!"

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I'll be surprised if it's anything more than a quick mention by Lucy.

Although I also wouldn't be surprised if it was part of Liz's speech...

"Jason and Robin would just be SO HAPPY for Sam and Patty, you guys! Let's make a toast to the Drake family!!"

Insert all time high level viewer rage blackouts.

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Apparently, in SID, Ron confirms a wedding in the live episodes, but won't say who gets hitched.  Also, Ellie and Spinelli are both exiting shortly.  And (ugh) Rebecca Budig figures out Jake(son) is Jason.

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And (ugh) Rebecca Budig figures out Jake(son) is Jason.


That makes sense, for a change. Of course Hayden won't do anything about it except blackmail Nik (most likely). And demand lots of sex. Ugh is right.

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Apparently, in SID, Ron confirms a wedding in the live episodes, but won't say who gets hitched.  Also, Ellie and Spinelli are both exiting shortly.  And (ugh) Rebecca Budig figures out Jake(son) is Jason.


I thought BA signed a one year contract? I'm hoping Spin wises up and begs Ellie for another chance. Let Maxie go back to that talking tree so I can easily FF the both of them.

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That makes sense, for a change. Of course Hayden won't do anything about it except blackmail Nik (most likely). And demand lots of sex. Ugh is right.


I can't imagine she'll have to twist Nik's arm very hard on that last part.  "So, you'll keep my secret, and I get to get laid a lot?  Done!" 

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I'd be more hyped about Spinelli and Ellie most likely reuniting if a) Bradford didn't have a long-term contract and b) Ron doesn't love false conclusions that seem to re-affirm a couple, only to demolish them later. The real angle for him is lots more Maxie, Spinelli and Nathan IMO - Ellie is just collateral damage. Which is awful, because I love her. I am sure sooner or later she's going back under the bus, just as Ron had intended for her when BA was last on contract until he unexpectedly chose to exit.


And no, I don't think this is the end of Bradford's run. Lyft doesn't pay the bills! I think this is all a feint and he'll be back soon, otherwise why write him in for a few months to be beyond awful and OOC from how we last saw him, or make Maxie far more unsympathetic than she was at the start of 2015?

Edited by jsbt
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Apparently, in SID, Ron confirms a wedding in the live episodes, but won't say who gets hitched.  Also, Ellie and Spinelli are both exiting shortly.  And (ugh) Rebecca Budig figures out Jake(son) is Jason.

Why would she care? She's been busted and Nik still bangs her, I just don't get her interest. Maybe she finds out Liz knows and blackmails Liz and/or Nik to keep her own ass out of jail.

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I'd be more hyped about Spinelli and Ellie most likely reuniting if a) Bradford didn't have a long-term contract and b) Ron doesn't love false conclusions that seem to re-affirm a couple, only to demolish them later. The real angle for him is lots more Maxie, Spinelli and Nathan IMO - Ellie is just collateral damage. Which is awful, because I love her. I am sure sooner or later she's going back under the bus, just as Ron had intended for her when BA was last on contract until he unexpectedly chose to exit.


And no, I don't think this is the end of Bradford's run. Lyft doesn't pay the bills! I think this is all a feint and he'll be back soon, otherwise why write him in for a few months to be beyond awful and OOC from how we last saw him, or make Maxie far more unsympathetic than she was at the start of 2015?


Where did people hear that Bradford had signed a contract? I'd love for that to be true, since Spin's my fave, but I could have sworn I read an interview with him in SOD, after he came back this year, where he stated that he was on recurring but that he'd be available to the writers/show as long as they needed him. And I think he mentioned something similar on Twitter. Someone had asked him if he had signed a contract, because they wanted to know whether to get invested in the Maxie/Spinelli/Nathan triangle and he indicated he wasn't on contract.

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Why does Hayden care? $$$$$$$$$. She can blackmail Nik. I doubt she cares about the actual fact of it.


And I'm kinda rooting for her to take him to the cleaners.  Make Nik buy you a yacht, Rebecca Budig!

Edited by TeeVee329
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I would love for Hayden to ruin Nik's ELQ plans. I want her to do more than be Nik's fuck toy.


Yessssss. I don't want her to be crazy or a stalker but I'd love to see her blow up all of his crappy plans

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Where did people hear that Bradford had signed a contract? I'd love for that to be true, since Spin's my fave, but I could have sworn I read an interview with him in SOD, after he came back this year, where he stated that he was on recurring but that he'd be available to the writers/show as long as they needed him. And I think he mentioned something similar on Twitter. Someone had asked him if he had signed a contract, because they wanted to know whether to get invested in the Maxie/Spinelli/Nathan triangle and he indicated he wasn't on contract.


according to the latest issue of SID,  Bradford and Emily Wilson are both out

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They're KIDS! They need to be playing Uno, or hopscotch, or jump rope. This makes my head explode.

This is why i got on the barge several months ago. What Ron is doing with those children is Michael jackson levels of wrong and I dont give a crap who says otherwise

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Next week's spoilers: http://tvsourcemagazine.com/2015/05/general-hospital-spoilers-may-11-2015-edition-ghlive-begins/


Olivia’s baby is fighting for his life prompting Olivia to ask Dante for help. Later, she worries about the fate of her son.


So is Olivia's baby a boy?  Or is that second spoiler referring to Dante?


Nina has an announcement for Franco which catches him off guard



And now I'm worried the wedding is Franco and Nina. #gag

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Apparently, in SID, Ron confirms a wedding in the live episodes, but won't say who gets hitched.


Given that Liz and Jake are now an "item" (ahem), I'm wondering if the wedding isn't going to be theirs.

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What agency is Jordan working undercover for? And hasn't that spoiler about her cover being blown been going on for over a freaking year?

She and Anna currently work for Dept. Justice. She used to be a DEA Agent.

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It's funny how everyone thinks Sam and Patrick are happy. If only Liz knew all they talk about is Jakeson.


God, do I wish Patrick knew Jason was alive.  He doesn't have to now he's Jake, but I would be so much happier if he knew he was alive. 

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God, do I wish Patrick knew Jason was alive. He doesn't have to now he's Jake, but I would be so much happier if he knew he was alive.

Me too, dude. Me too. And I do wish he knew Jake was Jason. It has always made more sense for him to find out and keep it a secret. For him to see Jake not really investigating his own life/seeing Jake happy with Liz/thinking Sam and Danny are better off with him and deciding to keep the truth to himself.

Nik and Liz are saying all the things that Patrick would logically say.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Me too, dude. Me too. And I do wish he knew Jake was Jason. It has always made more sense for him to find out and keep it a secret. For him to see Jake not really investigating his own life/seeing Jake happy with Liz/thinking Sam and Danny are better off with him and deciding to keep the truth to himself.

Nik and Liz are saying all the thinks that Patrick would logically say.


Agreed.  It would make so much more sense coming from Patrick.  And, yes, it would dirty his character up a decent amount, but they could reel him back in with some kind of explanation about what an emotional mess he was after "losing" Robin more than once, and it manifested itself in the built-up resentment of Jason and some part of him thinking Jason "owed" him a wife/happy family.  They could also add in something like once he was really and truly into Sam, there's Jason in town with a new face, and his resentment was re-ignited, because here Jason was to potentially steal another love from his life.  


Hell, they've already screwed up Patrick's character with this story line, whether Ron may agree with that or not, may as well ruin him a bit more, and it would still be less of a mess than the shit they're doing to Liz.  

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Agreed.  It would make so much more sense coming from Patrick.  And, yes, it would dirty his character up a decent amount, but they could reel him back in with some kind of explanation about what an emotional mess he was after "losing" Robin more than once, and it manifested itself in the built-up resentment of Jason and some part of him thinking Jason "owed" him a wife/happy family.  They could also add in something like once he was really and truly into Sam, there's Jason in town with a new face, and his resentment was re-ignited, because here Jason was to potentially steal another love from his life.  


Hell, they've already screwed up Patrick's character with this story line, whether Ron may agree with that or not, may as well ruin him a bit more, and it would still be less of a mess than the shit they're doing to Liz.

Perfectly said. Also, my main problem with Patrick is that he's obviously a hypocritical asshole, but he's being portrayed as perfection. That's where Ron loses me. If they blamed him for something...anything...or if he were to make a fucked up choice, I'd have way more patience with the character.

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It would dirty up Patrick way less than Liz or Nik too. It would make some sort of sense to keep the Jason secret on this part. Liz, right now in addition to looking sad and pathetic, looks so stupid, which is what really kills it.

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She and Anna currently work for Dept. Justice. She used to be a DEA Agent.

Which makes no sense. With Frisco the head of he WSB why is Anna not working for him

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It would dirty up Patrick way less than Liz or Nik too. It would make some sort of sense to keep the Jason secret on this part. Liz, right now in addition to looking sad and pathetic, looks so stupid, which is what really kills it.

I still don't even think Liz would ever go this far.

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Which makes no sense. With Frisco the head of he WSB why is Anna not working for him


I thought Anna took Sloan's job when he quit to become commissioner, to stick it to him and give her the rank necessary to investigate him.

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Franco will probably end up getting all of Geary's screen time and Ron will use his salary to create 10 more newbies.


Good thing there are laws in place that limit how long/how much child actors can work -- otherwise, I'm pretty sure Spencer would be sharing in that extra screen time too.

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