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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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Good question. One just as good is: Why the HELL is there an actual fucking TRIANGLE with 8-year-old CHILDREN at all?!


Not that it's any better, but it was said today that Joss is 9. Spencer still looks like he's 6 to me, which makes the kiddie triangle even more ridiculous.


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Yikes, was that really 11 months ago? Back in January, right?


IIRC, Robert and Anna "took care of" Faison right as Robin was heading for the church to bust Patrick and Sabrina - end of November-early December? So, almost exactly a year now.

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Oh, one disclaimer about the Faison stuff.  Duke better not try and pull any "Now, we're even stevens!" stuff about Anna keeping what she and Robert did/didn't do from him.  She was dealing with a personal threat to herself and her loved ones.  He chose to be loyal to a mumbling mobster.  Not.  The.  Same.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Not that it's any better, but it was said today that Joss is 9. Spencer still looks like he's 6 to me, which makes the kiddie triangle even more ridiculous.


Spencer looks way younger than Joss. You know the little actress has to find it odd.

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I have an unsettling theory - based on the spoilers, I think Michael is going to browbeat Sonny into confessing so they don't have to use Franco's video and thereby implicate Carly too.


No, I think Sonny is going to be offered some deal that will give him a longer sentence in exchange for freedom for Duke and Carly.

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I could see that too (although weren't there rumors about a bunch of people behind bars?  I guess that could be Ava, Franco and/or Nina eventually too).  


I just am not about sad, self-sacrificing Sonny, throwing himself on the fire to save his tru wuv Carly and his bestest buddy Duke.  Icky.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I don't see Michael caring about what happens to Carly right now so based on today where he said he was going to clear AJ's name I would imagine that Michael wants AJ's recording and that is what he wants from Sonny.

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I would laugh my ass off if Sonny made the deal for Carly (which I fully expect him to do) and then someone mentions Duke and he's like "who?"


He might do it for Carly and Shawn, or Morgan. Duke? No.

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 I would imagine that Michael wants AJ's recording and that is what he wants from Sonny.


Does Michael even know about AJ's recording?  He saw Franco's video and Carly told him that AJ revealed it was Sonny on his deathbed, but I don't think anyone's mentioned the recording to him.

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Sonny mentioned it when he came clean to Michael.  He told Michael that AJ got Ava to confess on it.  He didn't tell him he had a copy of it but I would imagine there is a reason they had Sonny mention it to Michael and right now that's the only way Michael can clear AJ.

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I am so fucking sick of this Faison shit you have no idea. Any sane person on Earth with eyes, ears and a functioning cerebellum knew Anna and Robert did not kill Faison at least 11 months ago. Yet somehow Obrecht keeps talking about it, not doing shit about it and it's still supposed to be some mystery a year later. Just in time to pick up the story again!


This is not like some Lucky Spencer Is Dead shit, okay? You don't wait a year to "surprise" us all with Faison. We all knew damn well he wasn't dead and you just let the thing go because you have no ability to balance storylines. I don't care about what they did to Faison. I don't care that Obrecht is angry about it. Unless Anders Hove shows up to do someting significant as opposed to putting on funny costumes and camping it up with L.A. Gotti (Kathleen Gati) and Yung Lithpin' (Spencer), I do not fucking care. Stop it.





And I swear, if Kimberly comes back to this show, I will be convinced she's been drugged or hypnotized or something along those lines, because coming back for the fans reason excuse just doesn't cut it. I can't imagine her fans (and I'm a DIEHARD ONE) want to see the character of Robin annihilated, massacred, destroyed, over and over and over again.

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I don't see Michael caring about what happens to Carly right now so based on today where he said he was going to clear AJ's name I would imagine that Michael wants AJ's recording and that is what he wants from Sonny.


I never understood why Ava suddenly was all about helping Fluke and it required her to kill Michael. I think Michael will be on a quest to get Ava arrested to help clear AJ of Connie's murder and Ava trying to kill Michael will somehow come out. That will be what Ava tells Kiki that upsets her.

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I never understood why Ava suddenly was all about helping Fluke and it required her to kill Michael.


I think that whole thing with Fluke wanting Michael dead and eventually sending that assassin after him was just a patch while the show waited out Tony Geary's recovery.

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Spencer looks way younger than Joss.

Despite his highly inappropriate dialogue, he also sounds way younger. I'm tired of Cindy Brady Cassadine. Into the sun!


I just am not about sad, self-sacrificing Sonny, throwing himself on the fire to save his tru wuv Carly and his bestest buddy Duke.

That fits with Sonny's idea of being a martyr, though. But I agree with jsbt—Sonny would never make a deal for Duke.

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It was my understanding that CT, AH, and KMc all taped before the dark weeks in late Oct, but who knows when they will drop those scenes in.

Who was that guy at Nik's door in yesterday's preview? He looked familiar but I can't place him.

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Who was that guy at Nik's door in yesterday's preview? He looked familiar but I can't place him.


I believe that's the recurring character they were casting a while ago.  I think he might work for the WSB or something.


He did have a very familiar vibe to him.

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I think it would be hilarious if Sonny says he's going to take the fall for Carly, expecting her to say "oh, no, Sonny, I love you!  I can't let you take the blame for me!" and go off all half-cocked trying to implicate herself and save him, and, instead, Carly says "thanks, that'd be great, I need to get out of here."  

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"daytime drama's lion king". oh, shut up, Michael Logan.


and of course Luke is fine after months of being drugged up and being cramped up in one tiny room. Well, I guess I have no interest in seeing coma Luke, so it's fine but it just rubs me the wrong way lol.

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No idea.  I didn't think we were going to see him for another week or so.  And it doesn't look like a quick glimpse, we're probably going to see Luke rambling to himself, breaking free of the restraints, and then running into Fluke.  That's at least an episode's worth of material. 

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I just hope we don't get an end-of-Friday's-ep tease. It's not a big secret that TG is taping again, so I don't want his return treated like some giant surprise "He's back!" thing.


Especially given this promo lol.


It'd be like when Brenda came back and there were ads for months screaming not only that she was coming back, but exactly what episode it would be.  So what did the show do?  Keep her face hidden for the whole hour, like it would be some huge shock when it was finally revealed to be Brenda.  Huh?

Edited by TeeVee329
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A promo heralding the return of Luke and Fluke, which apparently is going to happen this week:




Okay this just doesn't look appealing at all. I don't even remember that cheesy talk to the camera thing Fluke did sooo long ago. Way to remind me of that gem show. ugh.


I may be the only one but I thought Luke looked like an 80 y/o man throwing that staight jacket off, he looks like he has osteoporosis and sure don't want to see some physical fight between he and himself. yikes!


I just hope this stuff will move along and bye Felicia! sigh I expect it go all the way to February sweeps though.....

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Okay this just doesn't look appealing at all. I don't even remember that cheesy talk to the camera thing Fluke did sooo long ago. Way to remind me of that gem show. ugh.


I may be the only one but I thought Luke looked like an 80 y/o man throwing that staight jacket off, he looks like he has osteoporosis and sure don't want to see some physical fight between he and himself. yikes!


oh, you're definitely not the only one


I think Kelly Thiebaud is already done taping. Some of the backstage crew posted this on instagram






and on the second one the kid who plays Spencer's mom posted "I'm so sad".

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Wow, maybe they will give up and try to de-Franco him. (It won't work)


I was thinking more that Franco and Nina go there to hide and we find out that Betsy Franco was stingy with the sweets or grounded Franco once and Nina will just marvel how Franco overcame such adversity to be the great man he is today. #vommmmmmmmit


Oh, and I'm sure there'll be some "You look so different, son!" meta joke.  Hardy har.

Edited by TeeVee329
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No idea.  I didn't think we were going to see him for another week or so.  And it doesn't look like a quick glimpse, we're probably going to see Luke rambling to himself, breaking free of the restraints, and then running into Fluke.  That's at least an episode's worth of material. 


This is GH, that's a week and a half.

I was thinking more that Franco and Nina go there to hide and we find out that Betsy Franco was stingy with the sweets or grounded Franco once and Nina will just marvel how Franco overcame such adversity to be the great man he is today. #vommmmmmmmit


Yeah, I suspect that's it.

Edited by jsbt
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