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Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue

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They'll probably give her a job at the hospital and then it will be "What? You whiny bitches wanted more stuff in the hospital.  Now we've given you Sonny's hospitalization and Nina working there.  Two of our biggest stars focused on the hospital!  Is there no pleasing you people?" 


I'm surprised they haven't shoved Franco back into the hospital as the "beloved" art therapist.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Where the story really went wrong as when Faison told Anna and Patrick was in danger and he knew where she really was, and then they totally ignored it. At the time, I think Ron was toying with Faison having Anna under some sort of mind control. At least that's how Fin & Anders player it IMHO.

Yup. And it's too late. There's just nothing these writers can do at this point to make it better. And they don't want to, clearly. Robin doesn't have a "right" to be mad. And Patrick and Anna and Co. are perfect.

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Those spoilers are so boring and bad, "Nina looks for a job? Nina goes to work?" They won't be able to compete with the DAYs/YR stuff.

TPTB : But, but but....we signed Finola and Genie to contracts, we have TR coming for a few episodes and have KMc for a short stent. Didn't you read the press releases!!! So watch now for sweeps and we will have the above characters on in December, after sweeps when we have played the main stories and characters we prefer.

Me: So none of the people you talkwd about in the press arr actually part of a sweeps storyy, continued ratings decline in 3,2,1

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Those spoilers are so boring and bad, "Nina looks for a job? Nina goes to work?" They won't be able to compete with the DAYs/YR stuff.

Please, for the love of John Bernardino, David Lewis and Anna Lee, quit trying to make Nina happen, show! I'm begging you!!

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Becky and Laura tweeted back and forth about working with each other today and the hastag was #ElizabethvsCarly...could THEY FINALLY be filming the lie being uncovered?  Gah, I hope so.


If they're just now taping, how much longer is this story going to drag on? 

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Oracle42, on 03 Nov 2015 - 11:01 PM, said:

If they're just now taping, how much longer is this story going to drag on? 

Jason's identity and Nikolas's part in it are coming out soon.  I guess Elizabeth's part in it takes a few weeks longer.

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Man, if Liz gets busted because she gets overhead talking to someone YET AGAIN...


I don't care HOW Liz gets busted. Just as long as she DOES. Sick of her getting coddled and pats on the head when she pulls her shit.

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So if Rebecca Budig is not involved in either part of the reveal...why are we still stuck with her?



Someone has to take Nik on a comfort rug romp to ease his pain after his public shaming. She isn't on contract is she...?

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When did Avery go from "World's Cutest Baby" to "Will Cut A Bitch"?  ;)

When she found out she might be stuck with Sonny and Carly forever.

That would be lame if Carly blows the whistle on Liz too when she's already the driving force in this week's reveal.

I think Hayden will out Liz knowing the truth…probably after Liz pokes the bear once again, or…

Man, if Liz gets busted because she gets overhead talking to someone YET AGAIN...

…this will happen. Either Sam or Jake will hear her talking to Nik or Laura.

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I firmly believe it'll come out by Christmas. They're betting everything on the Guza mob couples riding again, and that means Jason and Sam.

If that's what they're betting on oye. That's not going to beat DAYS going all supercouples returning with Justin & Adrienne, Hope & Bo, Steve & Kayla, Chad & Abby, and all the YR family and couples focus too.

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The last time we saw Robin talk to Patrick and Anna, she - at Helena's urging - spun some story that she left Crichton-Clark after Jason died and that she felt "broken" and was moving to Paris and was going to send Patrick divorce papers.  So while Patrick and Anna don't look great for not questioning this more, they at least thought she was out of immediate danger (Patrick was worried she was still in Crichton-Clark when it imploded, no?).

Wasn't the thing that "killed" Jason, according to Robin, when Patrick lifted the lid on the space egg thing carrying The Jason Morgan? Didn't she tell Patrick that?

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Wasn't the thing that "killed" Jason, according to Robin, when Patrick lifted the lid on the space egg thing carrying The Jason Morgan? Didn't she tell Patrick that?


No.  Patrick went to lift the lid and that's when Robin told him Jason died, to stop him from discovering one of the dead C's.

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They're not saying he's still in love with her from that time though or that he's been in love all along. He said it's a thing that happened in the past couple of months.

I'm confused then. I thought Dillon's movie script was presented as him not being able to get over the one that got away. He came to PC to get funding/make the movie, didn't he? The script was already written for the movie when he showed up.

Didn't Lulu read the script, cry, and think he was still in love with...her sister was it? But then we find out it's Lulu he's hung up on. I really am confused.

Edited by BunnyFooFoo
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Any moment I expect Dillon to break into this chorus from Wicked:


"You're perfect! I'm perfect! So we're perfect togetherrrrr!"


That would actually be entertaining though.

I could actually see Scott Clifton do that and pull it off ...

What is it with Frank hiring all these non-charismatic actors!!!!

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I could actually see Scott Clifton do that and pull it off ...

What is it with Frank hiring all these non-charismatic actors!!!!



All the good ones are busy apparently. But hey, when did lack of talent/charisma ever stop anybody?! The show must go on! 

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Jason's identity and Nikolas's part in it are coming out soon.  I guess Elizabeth's part in it takes a few weeks longer.

That sounds logical. People will be on information overload as it is. Also because we know that Nikolas has known the truth since Jan/Feb, and kept it to himself for selfish business reasons.  His ex-in laws and cousin deserve his rage immediately. I think Sam should go off on Nikolas first - it's a helluva slap in the face to find out your cousin has known for approx. 9 months that your husband is alive and lied to your face. Then Sam can tell off Elizabeth for keeping her husband from her and her son, and then yell at her cousin again for feeling that his friend deserved to hear the truth before Jason's own family.

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It made sense, to me, for Nik to tell Liz. That relationship is more important to him and of longer duration than his relationship with Sam and he didn't want her to get hurt when Jason got his memory back and left her.

However, I don't think any of the things he's done or the decisions that he's made since that point have made any sense at all and I've found them wildly out of character

Edited by Oracle42
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Oracle - I agree with you, re: how Nik thinks of Liz, as opposed to Sam. However, Jason's mother Monica and Jason's nephew, Michael, are still borderline family for Nik because he has not gone through with a marriage since he was married to, then engaged to, the now late Emily. Nikolas was friends with Emily, and thus connected to the Quartermaines, for nearly the same amount of time he's known Liz. Nikolas and Emily had their wedding in Monica's home. That all tells me he owes loyalty/truth to Monica as much as he does to Elizabeth. Nik would have never even met the "great love" of his life if not for Monica- she brought Em into the family   because she came to treasure the little girl while her mom, Monica's dear friend Paige, was dying of cancer. I can understand Nik justifying not telling Sam, but not the withholding the truth from Monica.

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I go back and forth on Nik telling Liz about Jakeson. He gasses on about how important his family is, yet he has no trouble screwing them over when he needs to. Stealing ELQ is nothing compared to lying to Sam about her husband and the father of her child.


But yes, everything after has been really OOC.

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from soap opera digest


It's OFFICIAL Kimberly is back on General Hospital as Robin but in a LIMITED Run!

It ALL BEGINS Friday, November 13, 2015!

Robin is once again being held hostage again by someone!

Kimberly says she has NO IDEA about who her captor is this time around she only filmed 1 episode so far.

Kimberly said she hasn't filmed with Finola/Anna or Brooklyn/Emma but she misses her "Mommy" and "Daughter."

Kimberly's dressing room for the day Teresa/Sabrina!


lol Seriously? Someone else has Robin?

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But that would mean Paul would be exposed as THE EVUL before the year is out, which seems way too soon.


Honestly, it still wouldn't surprise me: GH either drags crap out forever (hi, Jakeson!) or rushes through stuff to get to yet another plot point.


I guess it depends on how invested TIIC are in Paul/Richard Burgi. Honestly, I don't think those writing this crap know who has Robin, so I can see an answer being pulled out of their asses fast, since neither JT nor KMc are sticking around for too long.

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