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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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I just wish Elena would enjoy her new babies and leave this pile of crap in the dust.  Terra insults Tonya, Tonya tells Jasmine, Jasmine tells Terra, and so on and so on and on and on........This show is just a silly dramedy with no redeeming value whatsoever.  If it is to teach us about the lives of little people, it is failing miserably.  The "girls" are shown in a very unflattering light of gossiping, back-stabbing, arguing, cursing, low-class second rate "actresses."  What ever happened to Brianna's singing "career," or Elena's clothing line or her make-up products or Tonya's group exercise video or Terra's "booty" song or Jasmine's line of false eyelashes?  Lots of career shopping with no results!  The only person on this show with a modicum of intelligence and class is Preston--he should have HIS own show.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, 4leafclover said:

What ever happened to Brianna's singing "career," or Elena's clothing line or her make-up products or Tonya's group exercise video or Terra's "booty" song or Jasmine's line of false eyelashes?  Lots of career shopping with no results!  

It's all about making babies now. I'm so over it. 

  • Love 6

I don't see where Tonya's wrong about Brianna having an easier time with a little person child. She herself has an average sized kid. She was obviously very specifically talking about Brianna's personal situation, but one by one they get huffy with her.

Likewise, Terra's reaction to Elena associating dwarfism with health issues. Duh, Elena spent years in a hospital. The cast of this show and their husbands combined had dozens of childhood surgeries, and Terra's and Kristy:s daughters both have issues now. Todd tragically lost an infant child. Of course they will love their babies regardless, but wanting a smoother life for your child is not self hatred, it's common sense and compassion.

That said, I think Terra's right about the testing. Elena's afraid. Because if she truly didn't care you might as well find out sooner than later for logistical reasons - how to customize house/car for 3 little people and average Dad, or three average guys and little mom, or whatever combination. And, in Elena's case, relief that the kids won't face ongoing health issues from this specific thing, anyway. Or time to prepare if they might.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, kassa said:

I don't see where Tonya's wrong about Brianna having an easier time with a little person child. She herself has an average sized kid. She was obviously very specifically talking about Brianna's personal situation, but one by one they get huffy with her.

Likewise, Terra's reaction to Elena associating dwarfism with health issues. Duh, Elena spent years in a hospital. The cast of this show and their husbands combined had dozens of childhood surgeries, and Terra's and Kristy:s daughters both have issues now. Todd tragically lost an infant child. Of course they will love their babies regardless, but wanting a smoother life for your child is not self hatred, it's common sense and compassion.

That said, I think Terra's right about the testing. Elena's afraid. Because if she truly didn't care you might as well find out sooner than later for logistical reasons - how to customize house/car for 3 little people and average Dad, or three average guys and little mom, or whatever combination. And, in Elena's case, relief that the kids won't face ongoing health issues from this specific thing, anyway. Or time to prepare if they might.

I don't get the big deal about Tonya's comment either. She was clearly talking about Brianna and I happen to agree with her.  The producers probably told them to make something out of nothing because really what else do they have to talk about? 

Terra doesn't even make sense. She is maddening. Of course Elena is going to have concerns. Terra's  very own baby, Penny, has been through hell already. Wasn't she in the hospital near death (as Terra tells it) because of some health issue with her brain related to dwarfism?  Wasn't she really pissed that Tonya and Elena didn't come to the hospital to support her? 

For what it's worth did anybody notice that one of Elena's beautiful babies had a big, protruding forehead? Maybe one will be average and one will be a little person. Like the Roloff twins. 

  • Love 4

I've only recently been watching this, although I've seen a few episodes of TLF. Terra seemed so different on that. Here, she's just so obnoxious, and Joe is insufferable as well. I didn't quite know what to make of the glass flinging, but I tend to side with Christy. Terra did start the slinging, and Christy's continued offering to show the medical reports bolsters her claim that there was genuine injury. Terra's insistence that Christy is all at fault for filing is completely bass akwards. Had Terra not assaulted her and injured her, well there wouldn't be a suit. I think what someone earlier proposed, that it was withdrawn because of the show, or maybe even she felt bad for filing in the first place, bears more water than Joe's nonsense about the case being dismissed for lack of evidence and that medical records are meaningless. The "lack of evidence" had more to do, IMO, with the fact that it was impossible to tell if there was an injury from the video. However, the DA is not a physician, and the medical reports are the bottom line, not the court system deciding to dismiss, or Christy dropping charges or whatever. Terra owes Christy an apology, period, and if her own actions put her in a position to possibly be jailed, she can't put that blame on Christy.

I can see how people find Christy to be a pain, but I also felt she was not necessarily out of line to tell Brianna's parents about her hospitalization. Like she said, as a parent, it's hard to feel the right thing to do is leave someone's parents unaware that her life may be in danger. The whole hospital thing, "no one can visit you" stuff was beyond creepy. Matt is just creepy.

  • Love 2

Could not believe that Terra took what Tonya said about it being good that Briana's baby was a little person as a personal insult. She can't understand the point that Tonya felt Brianna might have difficulty in the future with an average sized male teenager if she was on her own? Shoot, an average sized woman can be under threat by her larger offspring. It's a way out thing to get too worked up about at this point, but it's not a put down of Terra. Sheeshe.

I have to say I find Kerwin kind of creepy. I would probably be a bit upset if I were him, but he is way OTT and creeps me out in general. I haven't seen much of Jaa, mostly just his reaction and well-wishing when Tonya cut him out of the business, but he seems like a real sweetheart. I sure hope this whole season isn't going to be a constant rehash of "Did you get the stuff from Jaa yet?" How boring. Just go get the stuff yourself, Kerwin and shut up. And shut up, Terra, about the logo.

I cannot believe they just sent Autumn home with that giant, painful cyst! Ordinarily, wait and watch is a good plan. Most cysts are not that large, and are of course, benign. But a baseball sized cyst in a tiny person? Really? It's like, let's just set a timer and wait for rupture or torsion. Why take the risk? Why let this poor girl suffer so much? Out, out damned cyst!

Edited by renatae
  • Love 5

Am I the only one who understood Tonya's comment  as against Matt?  I felt that Tonya thought Matt would twist an average size child against Brianna - and then it would be difficult for Brianna as the child got older, bigger, and stronger.  Also, let's get real.  I am 5'1" - my younger child was tall from the get go.  I had to stop carrying him around a lot sooner than my first one (who grew up to be 5'7").  Raising an average size child has got to be harder physically than a little child for a little adult. Look how hard it is for Terra to carry Penny around already.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Am I the only one who understood Tonya's comment  as against Matt?  I felt that Tonya thought Matt would twist an average size child against Brianna - and then it would be difficult for Brianna as the child got older, bigger, and stronger.  Also, let's get real.  I am 5'1" - my younger child was tall from the get go.  I had to stop carrying him around a lot sooner than my first one (who grew up to be 5'7").  Raising an average size child has got to be harder physically than a little child for a little adult. Look how hard it is for Terra to carry Penny around already.

I thought it was specifically about Matt.  A child seeing his father disrespect his mother could follow in Dad's footsteps and treat Briana badly - especially if the kid & Matt "bond" over being average size.

  • Love 11
21 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I thought it was specifically about Matt.  A child seeing his father disrespect his mother could follow in Dad's footsteps and treat Briana badly - especially if the kid & Matt "bond" over being average size.

It totally was only about Matt and Briana-- Tonya herself has an average sized adult daughter and raise her single, why on earth would she about face and say little women as a whole can't raise average sized kids? I wish she would've said that to Jasmine when she got faux-offended; I feel like the other cast mates don't remember or acknowledge that Tonya's already been through what they're just now starting out. 

  • Love 7

Jasmine and Terra were making no sense at all. Terra especially did not hear what Tonya was trying to say. Besides which, some of her comments were downright delusional. When someone, probably Tonya, I don't recall, asked her why she would wish for a little person in light of all the health problems the little people and their little children have had, Terra's response didn't even come close to addressing that issue. She acted like she is in lala land not even remembering what she's been through with worry over Penny. Talk about a disconnect!

Men who are abusive, even if "only" verbally abusive, do indeed teach their sons disrespect for their mothers. Often, even when the child is pre-teen or teen, he cannot bring himself to defy his father even when he witnesses him beating on his mother. Sometimes he cannot connect with her at all, feeling all the problems are her fault, and if not that, he is afraid to defy his father.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 4

I just watched the 'enhanced' replay of this -


Terra runs around and gossips about Tonya to everyone, repeats what Tonya said about Brianna to Brianna, cusses up a storm at a Habitat LA event.  What is wrong with her?  As for Tonya's clothing line - stay out of it, she didn't tell you how stupid your Twerking video was.  I don't get why these women think they have the ability  to start all these clothing lines, workout videos, etc etc  ... they all seem way to immature and tacky to be able to actually run a business. 

  • Love 3

Loved the onesie hanging in Briana's nursery with Daddy's wingman emblazoned on it.  They're not even trying to pretend anymore.  And I don't think Matt needs help seeking out other women.

i didn't know Todd was adopted, but it explains why he pushed so hard for a bio child.  I was adopted at birth, and have no children.   And while I would likely be interested in adopting if I were married, I've always craved that biological link.  I look like no one, and can't see myself in anyone.   

So Elena doesn't see a future for Tonya's clothing line "eever".    Did you see a future in your clothing line that failed?  How about your makeup line?  Elena should have kept out of it. 

I wonder if the root of Tonya's anger is Terra criticizing her line on camera.  That would damage any potential sales. 

Jasmine's husband is adorable. 

I dislike the on camera discussion of Christy allegedly taking drugs.  I'm supposed to believe the two people who hate her the most?  There better be a reason for this speculation, because I can't think of a more vicious thing to do to a recovering alcoholic. 

  • Love 5

So is Brianna cool with the girls now (except Christie) since they all decided to lay off Mooch? She's so uncomfortable she's about to birth that baby, she can hardly walk but manages to show up to the parties, henna days and spa days now? It's weird.  I guess she and Mooch realized they needed that TLC money so they better start playing nice. 

It's interesting that Tonya's daughter doesn't think Tonya and her own dad Kerwin aren't going to last. 

  • Love 3

I dislike the on camera discussion of Christy allegedly taking drugs.  I'm supposed to believe the two people who hate her the most?  There better be a reason for this speculation, because I can't think of a more vicious thing to do to a recovering alcoholic. 

Thank you for mentioning that - I forgot about it.  Christy seems pretty normal to me, in fact, more reasonable than a season or two ago.  This seemed like pure gossip to me unless something changes really quick.   

Did everyone notice how it was supposedly Christy's fault that Brianna got served a summons?  Brianna - you are attending an event being filmed.  Did you really think your location was a secret?  And, if you are actually in default to the ex-publicist., then you have to pay up.    I also do not get why it is such a betrayal that Christy hired Brianna's ex-publicist as her own publicist.  If Christy likes what Julie does, then she is free to hire her.  She didn't need Briannas' blessing to hire someone that Brianna no longer employs.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Thank you for mentioning that - I forgot about it.  Christy seems pretty normal to me, in fact, more reasonable than a season or two ago.  This seemed like pure gossip to me unless something changes really quick.   

Did everyone notice how it was supposedly Christy's fault that Brianna got served a summons?  Brianna - you are attending an event being filmed.  Did you really think your location was a secret?  And, if you are actually in default to the ex-publicist., then you have to pay up.    I also do not get why it is such a betrayal that Christy hired Brianna's ex-publicist as her own publicist.  If Christy likes what Julie does, then she is free to hire her.  She didn't need Briannas' blessing to hire someone that Brianna no longer employs.

I don't get the "betrayal" over the shared publicist.  I think Briana has said that Christy only hired Julie to get the dirt on her.  Well ..... your dirt's already out there, Briana.  Does she think publicists only handle one client?  How could they possibly make a living off of making a small percentage of one woman from this shit show?  It's more likely, IMO, that Matt didn't want Julie getting "his" money, and convinced Briana that Julie was BAD.

I've tried to be sympathetic with Briana, but it's so difficult.  She's so stubborn (and stupid) and has questionable discretion.  Her obsession with cutting her family out of her life - based solely on Matt - and depriving her children of her family just sickens me.  I wouldn't be surprised if she was in the process of alienating her daughter from her father, and teaching her Matt's her father (except Matt wouldn't want to lose the child support).  And the way she makes her cold pronouncements - "You're dead to me' - is completely over the top.  She adores how Matt is taking care of her right now, but what she doesn't realize is he relishes her illness because it makes her completely dependent on him.  It's part of his controlling of her.  She's just so blind it hurts.  And it sickens me that she's deliberately having a child with Matt, knowing what he really thinks of little people.  Briana is the type of woman I just despise.  She puts her need for a man above the safety and happiness of her own children.  And the funny part is she clearly feels she's above everyone else.

And as fragile as Matt pretends he thinks Briana is, it didn't stop him from having her pick up and help him with part of the crib.  Major loser.  And Briana had to insist he put that crib together.  He so disgusts me.  And the smart ass look he gets when he starts attacking people.  He shows himself to Briana over and over.  She just won't believe him.  And I don't want to see the fallout.  I don't want to take away her income, but I would prefer she just leave the show when Matt leaves her life gutted.  And I think the others simply tolerate Matt as a fuck you to Christy.

After the way she's shunned people in the past, I enjoyed seeing Terra and that troll she's married to sitting alone.

I'm liking Jasmine more and more.  But she probably doesn't realize the others are wholeheartedly embracing her to stick it to Christy.

Shallow positives:  Terra's makeup looked good in her THs, and Briana's haircut looks good. 

  • Love 5

Terra is a mean and nasty  busybody and her equally horrid husband seems to agree with this assertion. It wasn't Angelique's place to invite her to the Wild West bbq.  If her mother wanted her there, she would have invited her. Elena is usually the voice of reason, so I was surprised when she sided with Terra and went after Tonya the way she did.  Something seemed off.  I can't help but believe that there are a lot of things going on behind the scene to which viewers aren't privy. 

  • Love 5

Terra is a nut job plain and simple.  Her husband is just as bad too.  She wasn't invited to the party yet she goes behind Tonya's back to her daughter and asks to be invited.  I would be livid with my daughter doing that let alone going on tv not defending her but going along with Terra. So what if she invited Christy Terra.  You seem to be buddy, buddy with Briana now and Tonya isn't yelling at you about it.  Elena shouldn't have nosed in to the conversation.  I guess Tonya was right Elena, your line didn't do that well.  Brianna and Matt deserve each other.  I doubt a lawyer is going to be asking Christy where Brianna is.  I'm sure he had her where abouts long ago.  Don't blame anyone but yourself Brianna, you didn't resolve the matter.  That's the reason you were served. Or did you want to keep on dodging the lawyer.  I hate people like that who want to blame someone else for getting caught for something they did. 

I think they went to far with the whole Christy being talked about being on drugs.  I don't want to see people fall/fail but I hope Terra has a huge backlash and problems if that claim is false.

  • Love 6

Terra has no room to talk 

Like her latest video (or her entire "minimama" youtube channel) is something making her money?  I mean, look at this. And Tonya was right there looking a fool in that video with her, like a real friend. I bet she didn't complain about that video either. 

Edited by lilsadone
  • Love 2

Our favorite "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" stirrer is going to be on Dancing With The Stars, mind you she just gave birth via C section in early August. I'm all for bouncing back after baby, but DWTS is set to premiere September 12, and I'm sure they practice that first dance a couple weeks ahead of time.... It all just seems way too soon and like she's overloading her plate.  I can't see Dr. Jick okay'ing this.


  • Love 1

Our favorite "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" stirrer is going to be on Dancing With The Stars, mind you she just gave birth via C section in early August. I'm all for bouncing back after baby, but DWTS is set to premiere September 12, and I'm sure they practice that first dance a couple weeks ahead of time.... It all just seems way too soon and like she's overloading her plate.  I can't see Dr. Jick okay'ing this.

Terra is a nasty person so I am hoping she is voted off first and I say that with Ryan being on the show too.  I find her vile this season on her show so I hope she goes home first for the horrible person I see her to be.

  • Love 1

I was surprised that Briana wasn't upset when Terra said she went to Tonya's daughter to make a connection and get some answers, when that is exactly what Christy did to attempt to find a resolve with Briana's family, and ultimately be shunned by her.' they are playing.

Jasmine used to be the biggest pot-stirrer, but I am loving her edit now. '

I picture all of these women getting together and eating popcorn and watching how their reality BS is getting an audience, and enjoying the show every week.

I don't think Tonya has a right to be mad at Terra. Miss "the mini boss tells is like it is" needs to take her own medicine and just move forward. It's weird to see her be so sensitive.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 2

Tonya being mad that her daughter is close to Terra after 18 years of being in each other's lives is weird. Tonya is turning into quite the neurotic thing.

Best line of the night for me was Joe watching Terra squish Penny's hand into paint for a "memory project" and saying, "Damn you, Pinterest!" 

9 minutes ago, 4leafclover said:

Ughhhhh, another party!  What's with these "girls?" All they do is have parties and travel to places not one of them could afford outside of this show.

Agreed..... But would we watch if they just sat in their apartments and threw cups all episode? I get a kick out of watching them doll up in their clown outfits and freak makeup to show up for The Next Big Event...

  • Love 3
On ‎8‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 0:41 PM, mythoughtis said:

Did everyone notice how it was supposedly Christy's fault that Brianna got served a summons?  Brianna - you are attending an event being filmed.  Did you really think your location was a secret?  And, if you are actually in default to the ex-publicist., then you have to pay up.    I also do not get why it is such a betrayal that Christy hired Brianna's ex-publicist as her own publicist.  If Christy likes what Julie does, then she is free to hire her.  She didn't need Briannas' blessing to hire someone that Brianna no longer employs.

I found it totally suspicious that Brianna and Matt just happened to the front porch, ready to receive this mysterious guy in a suit. I think she expected it, ready to attempt to play victim and trash her former publicist. Matt seemed scripted and ready to carry out the dialogue to support this anti-Christy theory. Any good publicist knows where their clients are. I doubt Christy had a thing to do with this. 

  • Love 6

I can't stand Brianna. If you want to be friends with her, you have to accept her lying, cheating, scumbag husband, or she's not gonna film with you all ! She got what she wanted. Seems to me like her publicist/agent of whoever she was did a good job there. So why did Brianna fire her?  Or did she quit because Bri wasn't paying her? I'm not clear on that whole scenario. 

  • Love 4

I couldn't keep Christy's dad's pre-cancer/cancer/no cancer story straight...does he have isolated cancer cells in his esophagus, or pre-cancer? And does he have pre-cancer in his colon, or cancer? She made it sound like colon cancer was serious, but esophageal cancer would be no big deal. Last I checked, esophageal cancer could be pretty deadly.

I love how all the ladies are like, "Matt is scum! I hate Matt!" and in the background of all the "parties", their husbands and Matt are hanging out like old buddies.

I was wondering if at the name reveal, Briana and Matt would have combined their names to make a name for their son (like I assume Briana and her ex, Leif, did with Leiana), and his name could be Bratt ;)

And suddenly everyone suspects Christy is popping pills? So much manufactured drama.

  • Love 8

I couldn't believe they would accuse Christy of taking drugs with no proof. I don't know if I like any of them. Then Elena talking to Preston about "back door sex" on the air? I guess they don't have any shame. I see Elena seems over being a mom already and is more concerned about her figure and sex.

I do worry about Brianna because she seems so frail and Matt is such a jerk. 

  • Love 3

Terra and Brianna were wrong to accuse Christy of taking drugs without having concrete evidence.  This is how rumors get started and reputations ruined.  Terra doesn't have a storyline, so she makes sure to insert herself in everyone else's business.  If memory serves, she was the most vocal about Matt's proclivities, so I don't understand why her actions are forgivable and Christy's aren't. 

This show is beyond boring.  It's on its last leg.  There is nothing of interest to see here.  Time to cut the cord. 

  • Love 2

Christy and Todd are forever starting things and then dropping them. Todd's reasoning for not pursuing his medical history was ridiculous. So her dad has abnormal cells in his esophagus. How does that affect a P.I. locating his birth parents for his own health?

Jasmine choosing Matt's party to confront him is so typical of these idiots. Worst timing ever. And she is so gullible to fall for his tears. She is as bad as Briana.

These women really DO spend boatloads of money on the most boring parties ever. The men stand around and drink booze while all the preggo and nursing women stand around, drink iced tea and argue or spread rumors. Ugh.

Maverick Jax? OK.... Typical that they had to pick a "rebel" name. I am exactly not worried a bit about this rebel baby. They generate so much fake drama with their little cliffhangers.

Looking at the What's Coming This Season segment, more ridiculous parties! Their favorite place to argue!

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 5

I felt bad for Christy the way everyone was piling on her. Accusing someone of taking pills when you don't know their situation is really wrong. Terra kept saying she was taking pills for her head-if she was being prescribed pills wouldn't that make her better? Terra needs to just shut the hell up. Jasmine is just as bad; she acts all sweet and talks so sweet but she is just as bad as any of them.

The murder mystery looked really fun. I went to one once and half the people were duds who barely participated and kept asking things like "What am I supposed to do? What does this mean?". I had one friend who loves murder mysteries, scary movies and the like and she was the worst one! I liked the way Tonya and Kerwin really got into their parts. 

  • Love 8

Terra out one side of her mouth brings up Christy's son and blabs to everyone that they have a bad relationship. 

Then out the other says that the reason people don't like Christy is because shes telling other peoples business, and that she (terra) doesn't do that because she doesn't care about Christy's personal life enough to talk about it. Then she goes right in on how Christy and Todd have a "bad marriage" 


Ummmmmmm what? In what world does that make sense????

Terra is dirty, low down, and I'm actually more saddened by everyone else there for not telling her to shut her trap and keep Christy's personal business to herself because it had nothing to do with the conversation.  Who wants a friend like that, where the minute they get on their high horse, they are more than happy to sling your private business out for the world... and Terra was so proud of herself. 

I hope she gets voted off Dancing with the Starts immediately. She doesn't deserve any more success. She gets more disgusting each year. 

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, lilsadone said:


Terra is dirty, low down, and I'm actually more saddened by everyone else there for not telling her to shut her trap and keep Christy's personal business to herself because it had nothing to do with the conversation.  Who wants a friend like that, where the minute they get on their high horse, they are more than happy to sling your private business out for the world... and Terra was so proud of herself. 

I hope she gets voted off Dancing with the Starts immediately. She doesn't deserve any more success. She gets more disgusting each year. 

Same here, I hope she is the first to go.

She is the worst, I hate her.  I am sure the only reason they don't call her out on her BS is because she is a producer on this show and they are probably worried about losing their jobs. 

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Same here, I hope she is the first to go.

She is the worst, I hate her.  I am sure the only reason they don't call her out on her BS is because she is a producer on this show and they are probably worried about losing their jobs. 

I had no idea she was a producer. It all makes so much more sense now. 

  • Love 2
Just now, lilsadone said:

I had no idea she was a producer. It all makes so much more sense now. 

I think she is - I remember hearing that she brought the group together, or maybe she went to Lifetime with the idea.  Not sure how much "producing" she does, but I know she has a leg up on the other girls.

Briana is such a loser, I am baffled how much these chicks fight for her OR about her. She brings nothing to her friendships - it's all about Matt all the time.

I don't know if Christie is completely honest all of the time, but none of them are. And the way Tonya and Elena butted in and jumped on her, then said she was invited and welcome to the mystery party, then let Terra go after her again, was pretty shady. For once, Christie was a part of things (although I think Terra special ordered her to be the killer disguised as the savior because it was ironic and she is a vengeful person). Depressing when the evening went downhill yet again.

Briana is so ridiculous with her "Christie is dead to me" crap. She forgave her lame husband for some far more heinous things. She is SUCH a boob. 

Jasmine has always seemed like a pot-stirrer. She somehow does it with a sweetness that makes it seem like she cares, and I'm sure she does, somewhat. But mostly she loves to get in the middle and be on everyone's side. 

Terra going to Tonya's daughter about Tonya was NO different than Christie reaching out to Briana's family about Briana. They are either both right or both wrong. Tonya and Briana need to explain to me why one was OK and one wasn't.

Still loving Elena's approach to the girls. She is all "Bitch, please. So she is a bitch. We are all bitches! So let's just all move on." She seems to be the only who will speak her mind bravely and honestly AND be willing to forgive and move forward. None of the others can grasp that balance in life and relationships.

Edited by Chewy101
  • Love 7
On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 4:53 PM, lilsadone said:

Terra out one side of her mouth brings up Christy's son and blabs to everyone that they have a bad relationship. 

Then out the other says that the reason people don't like Christy is because shes telling other peoples business, and that she (terra) doesn't do that because she doesn't care about Christy's personal life enough to talk about it. Then she goes right in on how Christy and Todd have a "bad marriage" 


Ummmmmmm what? In what world does that make sense????

Terra is dirty, low down, and I'm actually more saddened by everyone else there for not telling her to shut her trap and keep Christy's personal business to herself because it had nothing to do with the conversation.  Who wants a friend like that, where the minute they get on their high horse, they are more than happy to sling your private business out for the world... and Terra was so proud of herself. 

I hope she gets voted off Dancing with the Starts immediately. She doesn't deserve any more success. She gets more disgusting each year. 

I totally agree about Terra. 


Jasmine is just as bad.  It baffles me that she blames Christy for Brianna getting served papers.  You don't pay your bills (and her perverted husband said on tv 'I told you to take care of that') you will get served.  They will find you, they always find you.  It's no ones fault but Brianna.  Did Christy make you not pay your debt too?  If they could spin it that way I am sure they would.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Crucial said:

I totally agree about Terra. 


Jasmine is just as bad.  It baffles me that she blames Christy for Brianna getting served papers.  You don't pay your bills (and her perverted husband said on tv 'I told you to take care of that') you will get served.  They will find you, they always find you.  It's no ones fault but Brianna.  Did Christy make you not pay your debt too?  If they could spin it that way I am sure they would.

No kidding!!

Also when you're filming a show tons of people know your schedule. I'd be surprised if it wasn't the producers themselves wanting to get it on camera!

Edited by lilsadone
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