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Little Women: LA - General Discussion

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1 hour ago, nurse1 said:

Does he even have a job yet? NO!...so Briana is his meal ticket to (in his mind) fame and fortune!! So sad

Don't think he ever had a job! Gotta admit he's got this thing figured out. Brianna may be stupid, but he is definitely not. 

He latches on to Brianna, gets her to marry him fast so that when they divorce (I have no doubt he intends to divorce,he's just waiting to get out at the right time) he gets half of all the money she makes from this show. Cali is a 50/50 state, right? Then he can continue to send his dick pics out to the world without the pain in the ass "oompas" ruining his good times. Easy payday for Matt without ever having to get his ass off the couch. 

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Yes, that was quite the shit show, wasn't it?   Kevin was wonderful and he deserves an award for dealing with these crazies.

When Matt leaves, Briana will blame the ladies cuz they drove him away.  Yes, I believe that she is that stupid--plus it paves the way for more loud, nonsensical fighting--which is what drives this show.

I thought Terra looked ridiculous with the silver lame and long extensions, although they really shoveled the makeup onto ALL the ladies, didn't they?

Elena is turning out to be the reasonable one, plus she has the best husband.  They may be able to get their own show when the twins come.

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Yes, I caught that "oompas" comment, couldn't believe I heard correctly.  That comment shows Matt's true character, which is grossly lacking.  I guess he doesn't realize his own unborn child might be an "oompa."  

As for all of the hair extensions, what I found most distracting was their constant playing with their hair.  It's as if they must caress it to make sure it's still there!

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Christie is a hypocrite for always being on Todd about his weight.  She ain't no svelte darling, and for anyone to recommend any kind of bariatric surgery (very poor results, and lots of really bad side-effects) should be criminal.

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Terra could be the poster-child (and I do mean child) for the "Well, that escalated quickly" meme.  She goes from zero to over-the-top-asshole in no time flat.

And the worst part is that everytime the host (who should be moderating all of these reality reunions, because he brought a case of "Bitch Please!") would step in to stop the screechfest, Terra would throw her cackling head back and laugh.  As if it's all one big joke.  And maybe it is and the joke is on those viewers who take this shit seriously.  

But I did love Elena, with her numerous artificially "enhanced" body parts, insisting that she's not fake.

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What a disgusting piece of garbage Matt it.  How convenient he remembers nothing of the sexting, pics, and disgusting behavior. This isn't the first time Brianna heard he sent pics of his garbage. This was brought up last season no?  Funny how he never mentioned he abuse then.  I don't believe him and think he's lying.  Did he say when he was having trouble with Brianna he goes and looks for the gratification?  His ass would be no where near my daughter and my home.  What's to say if he doesn't get that gratification online and sexting he goes for what is near.  This episode what such a turnoff. But then they go ahead and reward that with a special.  Brianna is just as bad as Matt to want to continue to put this on tv futher.  That check must be worth it all.

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For those who don't know, Briana is currently in the hospital while the doctors are working to try to stop her from delivering her baby so early.  Hopefully, everything turns out alright.

What a strange finale. I get wanting to help your friend but constantly berating her and belittling her choices is pretty much turning her back to Matt. Use  a different technique, Terra.

I love that Matt tried to be an angel on tv but once the cameras went off, his true colors came out.

I'm really starting to feel for Brianna. Her friends berate her, and Matt isn't any better. The poor girl is basically all alone.

I agree with everybody that this host needs to handle all little women reunion shows from now on.

I love the way that Jasmine tried to start shit with Elena but Elena had no fucks to give.

Also Terra, if you would've apologized when you hit her with the glass, you probably wouldn't be dealing with the aftermath.  Yea Christy was wrong to file charges but still you didn't help matters. As for whether or not Joe loves her, I'd say Joe loves her just fine.  He's just not a fan of her crazy friends.

Terra did annoy me when Elena and Tonya both conceded that she was right and agreed with everything she said about their not being there for her and she kept going with it. It's like she just wanted to argue with them.

Please get Tonya a storyline?  Having her just serve as a backup  to Tera is getting old.

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If Terra wanted her friends at the hospital, then she should have said so.  She told them not to come, they are not mind readers.  What a selfish, self-absorbed person she is.   Can you imagine growing up with a mother like Terra? 

Elena is better than the rest at being polite around people who are not normally her friends.  These women are not friends - Brianna only found out Terra was pregnant a week before the reunion was taped, and Terra was 18 weeks along at the reunion.  I bet they do not see each other except during filming. 

Jasmine is even more self absorbed than Terra.

These women are only making it more difficult for Briana to leave Matt.  Most of them are Moms - they need to learn that you don't convince your relatives or friends to leave their significant other by yelling.  That only pushes them further together.  That's what happened when Brianna's family were so strident about their objection to Matt.

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

If Terra wanted her friends at the hospital, then she should have said so.  She told them not to come, they are not mind readers.  What a selfish, self-absorbed person she is.   Can you imagine growing up with a mother like Terra? 


These women are only making it more difficult for Briana to leave Matt.  Most of them are Moms - they need to learn that you don't convince your relatives or friends to leave their significant other by yelling.  That only pushes them further together.  That's what happened when Brianna's family were so strident about their objection to Matt.

Agree 100% on both of the above.

FTR, nothing annoys me more than people who tell you NOT to do something, and then get all pissed off when you don't do it. Personally, I've always seen that as being very passive-aggressive behavior. It may just be the Yankee in me, but I much prefer people who are direct (don't confuse this with the current generation's definition of "honest," which now seems to mean "I can say anything I want, even if it's terribly hurtful and rude, because I'm just being honest')

If I ask you what you want for Christmas, don't say "I don't want you to get me anything" if you're planning to go out an buy ME an extravagant gift and then proceed to pout and talk behind my back because I did precisely what you asked me to do and didn't reciprocate. Same thing.

I also agree with the Matt/Briana relationship comment. Briana's family and so-called friends are just making it harder for Briana to leave Matt gracefully, because she knows she'll be plummeted with "I told you so's" into eternity. They will never let Briana forget they were right all along, and she was wrong. Once they all told her their misgivings about Matt initially, that should have been the end of it insofar as their input into their relationship. From that point on what Briana needed was to be assured every one of them would provide her with a soft place to fall regardless of her decision and the outcome.  

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On 5/1/2016 at 7:38 PM, Oscirus said:
On 5/3/2016 at 8:36 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

These women are only making it more difficult for Briana to leave Matt.  Most of them are Moms - they need to learn that you don't convince your relatives or friends to leave their significant other by yelling.  That only pushes them further together.  That's what happened when Brianna's family were so strident about their objection to Matt.

If Brianna had a brain, she would have agreed with them after at least the second red flag. Because she is NOT a kid. Rebellion is beneath her. This chick is thick. But I think she is still pretending to deal with Matt because now they have their own series. Matt did pick the perfect mark.

On 5/1/2016 at 7:38 PM, Oscirus said:

Also Terra, if you would've apologized when you hit her with the glass, you probably wouldn't be dealing with the aftermath.  Yea Christy was wrong to file charges but still you didn't help matters. As for whether or not Joe loves her, I'd say Joe loves her just fine.  He's just not a fan of her crazy friends.

Terra didn't get a chance to apologize before Christy filed a fake report about her fake injury where a glass waved as it flew by her "super mesh" hat. I'd have a hard time apologizing after that farce as well. Although, I would never throw a glass in the first place,, so I guess I am safe from all of this.

Edited to add: Is anyone else struggling with the quote feature? My posts are a mess. I am sorry to those I quoted, I hope it is somewhat clear. 

Edited by Chewy101
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On 4/29/2016 at 4:17 AM, jhlipton said:

Christie is a hypocrite for always being on Todd about his weight.  She ain't no svelte darling, and for anyone to recommend any kind of bariatric surgery (very poor results, and lots of really bad side-effects) should be criminal.

She has at least been acknowledging and trying in her own life. Plus, she is not in the morbidly obese range. She is on my last nerve this season for many reasons, but I actually think her getting on him out of fear of losing him is fair enough. It would be nice if he cared about their health as much as well. The "mind your business, you can't talk" is not productive for a couple.

I DO have a difficult time trying to figure out a healthy weight range for any of them.

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I just watched, rewound, and  and freeze-framed the fight. Terra threw water first (black straw). She held on to the glass, just emptied it on Christy. Then Christie threw a red straw drink. The straw, liquid, and cup hit Terra. She also threw a napkin at her. Christy was the one who threw something hard first. Then Tara threw the glass but it did not hit Christy, angle was wrong, it glanced off her hat and sailed away. Christy was probably mostly injured from her shaking the table and sliding off to the ground in a harsh matter. She does have previous injuries from her physically abusive ex, so maybe the fight exacerbated old injuries. 

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Who has a wedding with one week notice? That is some shady low class shit. That's even worse than a shotgun wedding. Sounds more like a production storyline than a real wedding, especially since they are already married. I'm so sick of Brianna. I hope she doesn't come back next season. Love the comment up thread about devil spawn. I think her getting pregnant is more of the ride or die brainwashing by Matt and another thing to use as a tool of rebellion against her family. Poor kid. Hopefully the kid will force Brianna to think of someone other than herself, otherwise, that bambino is double screwed, cos socio-Matt isn't going to stop his selfish ways. 

Love Elena this season, She keeps it 100 all the time. I think it could be with her pregnancy, but I love this new attitude. Total no fucks given she just does and thinks what she feels. And if she isn't feeling it, she doesn't show up. I have twins, and a twin pregnancy is no joke. I was waddling everywhere, and didn't want to do anything in my 2nd or 3rd trimester. The bloat and fat is real, and you feel stuffed all the time even if you don't eat anything. Looking forward to seeing her cute babies. 

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  • Was it just me or was part II just more of the same as Part 1...

Terra and Tonya shouting at Christy and vice versa, but mostly Terra.

The ladies continuing to give Brianna unwanted advice

Jasmine continuing to think it is all about her and how hurt she was by Matt

More of Matt and Brianna, their special, asking all the guys about Matt and Brianna

Terra throwing a beer bottle in New York.. now that was a chargable offense of vandalism as the bottle damaged the door.  I don't know why she thinks that being charged in LA is so much worse than the behavior that anyone can see just by googling her name on the internet. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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So I haven't watched is show in weeks and I'm binge watching today. It's so funny watching this wedding knowing that during this whole time Matt is still talking to random women online. Briana really is extremely gullible to fall for socio-Matt hook, line, and sinker, when he has shown himself over and over again to be untrustworthy. On their 2-HR special coming up on May 11, Briana's rose tinted goggles finally come off and she realizes what her family, friends, and world all know, Matt is a lying scumbag. On her Facebook page, everyone is sympathizing but I'm sure the folks in her life will watch this saying, hate to say I told you so, but I told you. Especially Terra. Now that will be some reality tv. Matt is so shady....oh my gosh, so shady. 

Who is Lisa? Her 'good friend' that we've never heard about until now. She would rather a friend walk her down the aisle than her own parents? 32 seats and only half were filled. Pathetic.I actually paused to count how many guests were there at the main part of the cere I actually paused to count how many guests were there at the main part of their ceremony. Only 15,  and that includes Jasmine and Christy's kids. They were only 13 adults there. A post-nuptials wedding, a year after her eloping, and that was her turnout?  32 people that support her relationship she could not even find. Meanwhile, she knows that Matt is flirting online. Brianna, the universe is trying to tell you something. Why are you not listening? If I was her, I would have skipped the wedding, but her narcissism and ego wouldn't allow that. 

 The relationship montage that the show there was filled with so much sarcasm by the crew...lol. So many digs. 

Jasmine is such a hater. Why ruin such a good friend moment between Briana and Christy? She talks about Christy being two face when she is actually the two faced one. I wouldn't trust her with a ten foot pole. I know it's probably because she felt that Christy may usurp her friendship with Briana, but that's not a log she can lay at Christy's feet but Briana's, if she allows that to happen. I think the statement that stung Jasmine is that Christy came wearing red, Briana's color, something her own maid of honor didn't think to bring a backup red dress once she saw that funeral attire the seamstress gave her. There is something about Time-Tested friendships, and Jasmine, for all her good intentions isn't there yet, I think she also questioned Christy's motives in case Briana was moved by emotion to include her in the wedding...

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On April 15, 2016 at 0:38 PM, MrsPatrickBateman said:

There's some study that says that couples that smash cake have a higher divorce rate than those who don't. I thought that was ridiculous when I heard it after y first marriage where we smashed cake. That marriage ended. I'm not saying smashing of cake was the reason but it may have been issues under the surface.

Notice that it was Matt that smashed the cake. Briana made excuses for him in her TH. Childlike quality? More like seething anger and manipulation. A person who loves you wholeheartedly would not smash cake in your face on your wedding day. She was leaked irritation, but she covered her annoyance with a fake laugh. 

Production must have paid for this dedication/sham of a wedding. 

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Does anyone know if Elena & Preston with their twins are getting a spinoff? That's the spinoff I want to see. That baby shower was no fun. Talk about awkward. Multiple levels of awkward.

Christy wants Terra to take the high road and issue a public apology? But then she doesn't want to do it in front of all the girls? Wow...that is taking the victim-hood to the hilt. She is milking this for all its worth. Although Terra should not have thrown the glass, Christy exacerbated the fight. If anything, it should be a mutual apology. I bet Terra is kicking herself for not filing charges against Todd & Christy back in Season 2 during midget floor wrestling. 

These are the trivial lawsuits that clog up our legal system and make it hard for real court cases to get done properly. The judge will probably watch the video and throw it out, hopefully with a fine to Christy for wasting the court's time. 

I'm so sick of hearing about little people gestation and pregnancies. 

Briana deserves every tear she is shedding. Call me mean, but I don't feel sad for her. I know love is blind, but is it deaf, dumb, and stupid too? 

Edited by Spiderella2
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This was the best reunion show. The host was amazing. He was so professional, but he didn't get walked over. Even better than BravoAndy. I love how he didn't let any of the women control his show. He should be the reunion host of all shows going forward. 

I wish they would put all the posts on their website. 

Matt is a two face liar. Briana is taking her anger on the girls instead of lying Matt, a lying liar that lies. He claims now that he doesn't remember? Lies.  He claims that he doesn't know who he talked to or what he said? Lies. Meanwhile dumb Briana is eating all his lies up. She will defend him even if she walks into the room to see some other woman having sex with him. 

 Briana posted on her Facebook page a link to People.com that he was by her side the whole time she was hospitalized. As if he should get a gold star for doing something that every good man would do for his wife anyway. As soon as this cash train ends, he is going to leave her and get with the next woman who will put up with his crap. Probably half his cheating was him looking for an exit strategy. 

I was going to watch their special, but now I'm over it. From the preview, Matt is so manipulative. Matt is never going to stop setting other women, and Briana is never going to leave him. She will lose her family, friends, job, money, house, kids...and she will still be with him to her dying day. Cos she is Bonnie to his Clyde. 

My mama always said there is a sucker every minute, apparently Briana is that sucker. 

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I think he did what he could, considering they didn't know him from Adam.  Think of how the housewives would act if Andy Cohen didn't have veto power over their continued existence on the show?  (Come to think of it, think how they HAVE acted when they've temporarily forgotten -- Teresa, Jill, Porsha...)

I just liked that he would come right out while they were handwaving their bad acts and say "no, what you did was wrong.  Acknowledge that it was wrong. Accept that what I'm saying is the truth, because we have the footage to prove it."  More handwaving, but accompanied by "yeah, whatever" instead of a steadfast insistence that their version of reality is what happened.  

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The only other reunion shows I have ever watched has been Dance Moms and Below Deck. And none were like this. I couldn't even make out what folks were trying to say it was just chaos.

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More yelling.  Name-calling. Husbands, except Joe (not there), waffling on Matt and Briana staying together.  Yawn.  

Nothing interesting.  

Wonder why no one brought up Briana being a role model for her daughter, re how men should respect women.  Kids çan tell when things are not right in the house.  

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I thought the host was awesome.  Short of having a "mute" button, he did everything to put Terra's repeated cackling screech in its place.  Andy Cohen would've kid-gloved Terra the whole time.  I even thought his "do you want to return to your seat now?" question to Jasmine was dripping with all sorts of unspoken "you dumb bitch."

I can barely sit through this once, so I couldn't bear to rewind, but did Terra actually refer to US Weekly as "U.S. Weekly" (as in United States)?

Christy is full of shit too.  There's no such thing as "acute concussion syndrome".  There is something called "post-concussion syndrome".  Beyond that, there really is no "test" to definitively diagnose a concussion.  It's more a matter of looking at a constellation of symptoms that are consistent with "the brain having been concussed."  That's why the technically correct phrasing is that someone is suffering from "post-concussion syndrome" not from "a concussion."  It's possible that Christy got the terminology mixed up in her big stupid head.  She's not the brightest bulb to begin with.  But she almost certainly would've been given an information sheet at discharge from the ER which said "You've been diagnosed with . . . . . " and describing what she can expect.  No reason she couldn't have brought that with her.

Also, no reason she couldn't have brought the cowboy hat.  Look, I'm a lawyer.  I handle personal injury cases.  The the reason Christy's lawyer told her not to bring it (assuming that's true) is that her story falls apart after the first look at that hat and how stiff it is.  Certainly Christy's weak explanation that it was "just a mesh hat" (and thus presumably could not deflect the glass in exactly the way we saw happen on tape) goes out the window.

Ultimately the fact that the show busted out that raw footage from multiple camera angles, confronted Christy about refusing to bring the hat and the medical records, and caught in her the fact that she was failing to tell others that she threw the first glass/cup/fucking-single-serving-beverage-container, suggests that the show is fucking pissed at her and/or preemptively trying to ensure that they don't get sued by either of these harpies.

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On May 9, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Alapaki said:

I thought the host was awesome.  Short of having a "mute" button, he did everything to put Terra's repeated cackling screech in its place.  Andy Cohen would've kid-gloved Terra the whole time.  I even thought his "do you want to return to your seat now?" question to Jasmine was dripping with all sorts of unspoken "you dumb bitch."

I can barely sit through this once, so I couldn't bear to rewind, but did Terra actually refer to US Weekly as "U.S. Weekly" (as in United States)?

Christy is full of shit too.  There's no such thing as "acute concussion syndrome".  There is something called "post-concussion syndrome".  Beyond that, there really is no "test" to definitively diagnose a concussion.  It's more a matter of looking at a constellation of symptoms that are consistent with "the brain having been concussed."  That's why the technically correct phrasing is that someone is suffering from "post-concussion syndrome" not from "a concussion."  It's possible that Christy got the terminology mixed up in her big stupid head.  She's not the brightest bulb to begin with.  But she almost certainly would've been given an information sheet at discharge from the ER which said "You've been diagnosed with . . . . . " and describing what she can expect.  No reason she couldn't have brought that with her.

Also, no reason she couldn't have brought the cowboy hat.  Look, I'm a lawyer.  I handle personal injury cases.  The the reason Christy's lawyer told her not to bring it (assuming that's true) is that her story falls apart after the first look at that hat and how stiff it is.  Certainly Christy's weak explanation that it was "just a mesh hat" (and thus presumably could not deflect the glass in exactly the way we saw happen on tape) goes out the window.

Ultimately the fact that the show busted out that raw footage from multiple camera angles, confronted Christy about refusing to bring the hat and the medical records, and caught in her the fact that she was failing to tell others that she threw the first glass/cup/fucking-single-serving-beverage-container, suggests that the show is fucking pissed at her and/or preemptively trying to ensure that they don't get sued by either of these harpies.

Love your post. I think Terra probably also had a hand in this. She is an Executive Producer, and she probably wanted her name cleared as much as possible. Usually shows don't reveal unedited multiple angle footage in the reunion, but it did seem like the producers were fully intent on revealing how bonkers Christy's personal injury claim was. I'm still suspect that if she had any real  injury, it is residual exacerbation from her years of physical abuse at the hands of her ex, and her falls while drunk. Maybe  her leaping off the table so quickly caused something to shift out of place, but no way her symptoms were caused by the grazing of the glass bouncing off her hat. The glass didn't even hit the middle where her head was, just bounced off the rim of the hat. And of course, she went to the ER, and they didn't find anything and sent her home. But she kept playing sick and victim for close to 2 weeks, it  sounds like. 

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There are 2 parts to this but I didn't see a discussion. Think we can have both here. 


After learning the extent of her husband's infidelity, Briana tries to figure out the future for her family; Briana and Matt see each other at the "Little Women: LA" reunion.

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Okay, ummmm, I am going to snark on this. I can't help myself.

 Briana, call your family! Stop being stubborn. Matt has shown you his true colors. She is still sipping the Matt kool-aid. There is no way she is going to divorce him. She has to stay with him for the sake of her pride, and Briana has alot of pride. All she is doing right now is trying to save face with viewers and her friends that she is drawing a hardline. 

The therapy session that Matt had with that guy was hilarious. Full manipulation of the therapist, and that guy bought it hook, line, and sinker. 

These ladies do not look good without makeup. Wow. 

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Stupid, stupid,  stupid  Briana. 

Boo hoo, poor Matt, blaming mean ole Briana for their relationship problems. He'll make it up in court for show $. 

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This was the first time we actually got to see Matt's full manipulative potential. We all knew he was manipulating her, but I had no idea that he was that good at it. I always just kind of assumed that Brianna was just going along with everything and blindly in love. But when I saw Matt reading the list of reasons why he loves Brianna, I thought damn he's got this to a science. He can get her to do anything, and the worst part is it's so obviously fake. He's feeding her lines so hard, and it's so fake. When he was reading the list I could see her wavering and wanting to smile but then being like "no, no Brianna stay strong, remember the thousand and one dick pics he sent."

It's so weird that this is actually Brianna's real life. Personally, I think she rebounded hard after her first marriage failed and she wanted to show people it was her ex-husband and not her with the problems. So she ran out and grabbed a guy, got married, got knocked up and was trying to say "look at me, I'm normal, I have no problem finding people to love me." 

And after all that, I still have no idea about Matt's initial intention for getting with Brianna. It was for the attention I think. He's begging her to please let him stay (on the show.)

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I think that Christie is looking for a cash cow to pay her medical bills for life.  She will get what she can out of Terra , and then sue the network for any little boo boo in the future. 

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I haven't even finished watching this episode, but I want to punch Matt and Briana in the face. 

I want to punch Briana in the face bc she is being so incredibly stupid. She has such a need to be wanted, she is putting herself and her daughter in a horrible situation. 

I want to punch Matt for all the reasons everyone else does. Watching this episode makes me angry. He fake cries, blames Briana for everything, and says he has a "behavior" that causes him to act the way he does. Your "behavior" is that you're selfish! When you're rejected you need immediate attention from someone else?  Yep. That's just selfishness. He doesn't care about Briana. He just cares about the "fame" from the show and the money. 

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I'm going to play devil's advocate here for just a second.

Some of the issues that manifest in adults who were victims of child molestation are depression, anger, rage, hypersexualization, promiscuity, inability to form relationships, substance abuse, sleep disorders, hypochondria, eating disorders, panic attacks, etc.

These apply equally to both male and female child sexual abuse victims.

My question for everyone is this; if an individual who had been a victim of child molestation were exhibiting symptoms such as hypersexualization and promiscuity (as evidenced by sexting and the other behaviors we've seen in Matt) were a woman, would people be as eager to attack her as they have Matt?

I suspect if it was a woman exhibiting the same behaviors as Matt, and it was discovered she had been a victim of child molestation, most people would rally round, offer her sympathy, and support any efforts she might make to get the help she needs. Society seems to treat men who are victims of sexual abuse much differently than female victims, almost as if we feel a man should just "get over it" while we dismiss any long-term effects/negative behaviors that might possibly be the result of that abuse as him just being an a**hole - and that really concerns me, whether we're talking about Matt, or any other man.

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A woman would be slut-shamed to the max if they did as Matt has done. Consider all the names for women who have  acted that way....whore, skank, c--t. Harlot, Jezabel, and worse. But I don't want to think about those words.  

What does society call males who act that way.?  Men.

I understand abt the child abuse legacy. Hurting another person---especially your Spouse--is heinous. Matt's savvy enough to know he's got a problem and why, so why wasn't he in therapy long before now? 

Briana may be codependent or desperate or just dumb. Interesting that the show didn't get her a therapist, instead of her fake friends-- who she doesn't listen to anyway.  

Edited by Tosia
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So Matt is blaming Brianna for not giving him enough attention, blah, blah, and now we find out he leaves her at home while he goes out partying at night  which tells me this relationship has been in trouble for a long time. Didn't she admit to kicking him out of the house once before? They are just fronting to all of Brianna's "friends" about how in love and devoted to each other they are. Ride or Die my ass. 

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I'm so glad I missed this special and came here to read some comments and I like some of them.  What I thought before haven't changed from reading this.  This guy knew all along what he was doing and got his end result.  He got on tv, getting some fame, and playing 'house' with one of the stars on tv.  The guy is disgusting and it wouldn't matter if the roles were reversed either.  If Matt was a female doing this to a male, I would be crushing her the same way. 

I hope the drama is for "show" only because if it's real and they guy has his sexual issues to cheating, texting, etc and Brianna not giving enough attention, then what's the next step if he isn't satisfied?  He needs his craving....no one online...Brianna not home...he is watching her daughter.  I will make that leap because I think that would be the next step for him if this "stuff" is real.  But you never know with fame hungry people.  This is what is so irritating with reality tv, you never know what's real.  Doing this crap is just irritating.

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On ‎5‎/‎14‎/‎2016 at 8:39 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

My question for everyone is this; if an individual who had been a victim of child molestation were exhibiting symptoms such as hypersexualization and promiscuity (as evidenced by sexting and the other behaviors we've seen in Matt) were a woman, would people be as eager to attack her as they have Matt?

Yes, Yes I would.   I'd say the same thing about them I am getting ready to say about Matt.  Matt has 2 children and 1 on the way.   He's not 19 or 20, he's at least 30?  He's an adult, a parent, and it is time to grow up and act like one.  People don't get to blame every single bad behavior they exhibit on the things that happen to them in childhood.  Child molesters and rapists who were abused as children still go to prison.  Alcoholics and drug addicts who were raised by addicted parents still go to jail for DUI.   I don't see Matt actually taking responsibility for his behavior, he still wants to blame his childhood and be allowed to continue the bad behavior.   He hasn't learned anything from the poor choices he's made prior to Brianna:  his domestic violence charge, etc.  I'm not saying that victims of abuse aren't victims, and that they don't need help... they do, and they should be encouraged and helped in getting it.  But, they still need to realize that they have to STOP the bad behavior and the acting out. 

I am saying this  as an adult who was the grandchild of an alcoholic, and the step child of an alcoholic and a mean drunk.  My childhood is the typical unstable, often relocating, cash-poor, neglected and abused childhood that comes with that.  I went thru my own wild times, but I straightened myself out, and went to therapy, so that I could be a good parent and be happy. I haven't yet heard Matt say he needs to do that for his kids, he just doesn't want Brianna to kick him to the curb.   

Edited by mythoughtis
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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Yes, Yes I would.   I'd say the same thing about them I am getting ready to say about Matt.  Matt has 2 children and 1 on the way.   He's not 19 or 20, he's at least 30?  He's an adult, a parent, and it is time to grow up and act like one.  People don't get to blame every single bad behavior they exhibit on the things that happen to them in childhood.  Child molesters and rapists who were abused as children still go to prison.  Alcoholics and drug addicts who were raised by addicted parents still go to jail for DUI.   I don't see Matt actually taking responsibility for his behavior, he still wants to blame his childhood and be allowed to continue the bad behavior.   He hasn't learned anything from the poor choices he's made prior to Brianna:  his domestic violence charge, etc.  I'm not saying that victims of abuse aren't victims, and that they don't need help... they do, and they should be encouraged and helped in getting it.  But, they still need to realize that they have to STOP the bad behavior and the acting out. 

I am saying this  as an adult who was the grandchild of an alcoholic, and the step child of an alcoholic and a mean drunk.  My childhood is the typical unstable, often relocating, cash-poor, neglected and abused childhood that comes with that.  I went thru my own wild times, but I straightened myself out, and went to therapy, so that I could be a good parent and be happy. I haven't yet heard Matt say he needs to do that for his kids, he just doesn't want Brianna to kick him to the curb.   

Bravo, mythoughtis! You said it better than I could, with personal experience to back it up. Gender doesn't matter, but whoever you are and whatever happened to you, you should try to take care of your business before you drag another person, especially kids, into your mess. Matt hadn't appeared to even address the issue until he got caught on reality TV, but his reasons for it seem less personal and more oops, got caught, so he needed to do something to seem like less of a jackass. I wonder if this same issue is what ended his first marriage. His willingness to get therapy does not appear sincere, especially after that manipulative display he put on in this episode after filming the Little Women: LA reunion special.

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I'm sorry to admit this, but I don't feel sorry for Briana--only her daughter and her unborn baby.

She said that her life changed in the blink of an eye---but it didn't.  Her "friends"and family were telling her for months about Matt.  She chose to believe him.  

Is her pride that dominant that she couldn't/can't get over an "I told you so"?  She needs to accept it and move on.  Ask family and better friends for support with the baby…..and never talk about Matt unless she brings him up--then he's fair game for honesty from whoever she's talking to then.

But that's not reality tv, is it?  

This debacle will dragggggggggggggg onnnnnnnnnnnnnn.  

Please, let one of the other little women get a better story line--maybe Elena with her twins and lovely husband.  I don't like the others.  

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Brianna decides to stay with Matt. 

This show should be shown to middle school and high school students in order to learn abt mistakes in relationships . 

So Brianna doesn't want to think abt the bad stuff that Matt did and burned the sexts.  Get ready for a lifetime of that shit, Bri.  

You're embracing the victimhood...not exactly constructive behavior. ..but then your issues and Matt's issues can be the stuff of shows forever so TLC can provide you, a good salary so neither of you ever have to work again.  Healthy plan. 

There is no cure,  without banning Matt from ever using ALL social media or a phone ever again. Idiot. 

I helieve Layanna' s dad was on t h e show to set up future fights over custody...rightly so.  Bri has sold her soul for tv $. 

Edited by Tosia
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Brianna's ex is obviously in his daughters life.  He cares about the school district and his time with his daughter.  Regardless of how well he and Brianna get along..... she has NO business trying to sabotage that by steering the daughter toward Matt as her Dad.  Who in their right mind would kick their new husband out of the house for the reason she has and then invite him to take  her daughter to a dance?

Continuing to watch - I didn't know that Brianna had been abandoned at 10 by her birth Mom... so she probably thinks of her adoptive  parents as also  rans (they are not, they are her REAL parents) and that is why she treats them so badly.   I can see that this birth Mom is overtalking her guilt about abandoning her and Brianna is twisting it to think that kicking Matt out of the house is the same thing as her Mom abandoning her.

Matt says he's going to be 40 - its' way way past time for him to quit blaming his behavior on his childhood abuse.  He talks a really good game, but he's creepy.

Edited by mythoughtis
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Her ex has always been barely civil to her. When he showed up with Leanna's backpack and jumped right into "Does he abuse you?" I thought it was weird. This whole thing is beyond scripted, and that was the jumped shark for me. 

The problem is, I don't know that any of this is good for little kids, scripted or not. Leanna's life is being ruined because her mother is a complete codependent moron.

Edited by Chewy101
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I didn't watch this trainwreck special...I find Matt so repulsive especially after some of his texts were released...it's obvious that this relationship is bad and very very unhealthy..and reading the recaps it's quite apparent that Briana has some mental health issues, which sad as it maybe there is an innocent little girl being used to make a very bad relationship seem stable!!

I don't want to see this couple on television anymore.  Scripted or not, they are toxic and nasty, please lifetime don't bring them back.

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