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S36: Ghost Island Preview and Speculation


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I think it was painfully obvious Ben was the winner a few eps from the end, but after the "hey, let's randomly change how the F4 works without telling anyone" in the finale I don't know how anyone could've expected any other winner.

I don't remember how I felt about most of the earlier seasons, but for the recent seasons the winner is usually painfully obvious to me by at least the beginning of the finale and pretty much always obvious by the time we know the F3. Sometimes I wish they'd make the edits way more balanced so the winners weren't obvious and therefore the endgames boring, but it probably wouldn't really work out well.

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Ben was definitely obvious when the F4 twist kicked in. Before that I think there was reasonable doubt, I thought. Sarah and Adam were both kind of obvious if you knew to what to look for, but maybe less so to the average viewer. 

On the one hand, I'd like some suspense going into the end-game, but on the other, when they do try to make it less obvious everyone gets all upset about it (YMMV but Michele is a perfect example of this for me). 

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27 minutes ago, MissEwa said:

On the one hand, I'd like some suspense going into the end-game, but on the other, when they do try to make it less obvious everyone gets all upset about it (YMMV but Michele is a perfect example of this for me). 

Yea, exactly. 

They need to find a way to make it so that we could understand how any of the F4 or 5 could win, but they obviously don't really know how to do that. ETA: And probably in a lot of cases some of the F4 never could win anyway lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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1 hour ago, MissEwa said:

Ben was definitely obvious when the F4 twist kicked in. Before that I think there was reasonable doubt, I thought. Sarah and Adam were both kind of obvious if you knew to what to look for, but maybe less so to the average viewer. 

I agree with this.  By the F4, I knew it was Ben, too. By the final 8, Ben had doubt and a huge distraction named Chrissy.  I have not seen a season in which the editors would show an obvious winner with so many people left.  Obvious winners usually have doubt and/or distractions.  If Dom wins, I am sure there were footage of survivors plotting to get rid of Dom they could have used to cast doubt with so many people still left in the game.  

However, Wendell has doubt (he is perceived as the stronger of the duo and has been targeted as such; Dom has begun to talk about the possibility of cutting Wendell).  He has a distraction (Dom).  Jury connections have been established (seashell scene), and it appears that he knows how to manage people and votes better than Dom (During the merge, after Chris takes everyone to get water and demands they split their votes for Wendell and Dom, Dom wanted to tell Jenna and Libby the new plan.  Donathan specifically tells Dom not to tell them, and Dom is flustered stating he doesn't know who to trust.  Wendell, a few scenes later is explaining the vote to the ladies stating that it shouldn't be a dictatorship, but a democracy, allowing them to come to his decision on their own.)

They are giving us enough information to show why Wendell could win (IMO), but distracting the casual viewer so it would be a surprise.  

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Caramoan was probably the worst (except for Redemption Island of course, a season with only two people in it and one of them Phillip), when Andrea was voted out, with three episodes and six people left to go, there was literally nobody else it could possibly be than Cochran.  And it didn't have to be that way -- they could have given something other than the Worst Edit Ever Given to Brenda, featured Erik more so his elimination could have been shocking instead of meh.  I know Sherri was a useless goat and Dawn too awful of an Ox for them to really work with, and Eddie is my personal choice for The Single Worst Survivor Player of All Time, but I don't see any excuse for Erik and especially Brenda.

I still think Wendell probably this season?  Of course Dom has plenty of objective game reason to win but I don't feel it, and Wendell has consistently gotten a complete-rounded-human edit -- the seashell for Sea Bass, birthday for his girlfriend, building his kitchen, constantly making things (he was beautifully braiding some fishing line or something this past episode), an epic vote-off confessional a la Parvati.  Stuff they have no reason to show but they want to.  But he could be getting the Malcolm edit, I suppose, and lose the bullshit fire challenge at F4.  I don't mind if it means he comes back, but Wendell!  Please observe the lesson of Malcolm, and don't play back-to-back!  It never works, not even for Amanda!

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Regarding winners and odds:

  1. 12 out of 35 is just a shade over 1/3.  That’s worse than weatherman odds.
  2. on any given season I generally end up with two picks - who I’d like to win, and who I expect to win - and they’re hardly ever the same person.



From that link given above, it says that in only 8 of the last 15 seasons did the winner have the most confessionals.  In the last 5, only the last 2 had winners with the most confessionals.  But the 5 before that, all but one did. 

I'm not trying to be argumentative, I think it's fun to look at this stuff.  I just don't see a strong enough correlation to think it's very predictive, especially with so many eps remaining.  

What I’d take from that is Production got wised up to the fact they were telegraphing winners, so they switched things up.  Which NOW means the person with the highest number of confessionals is less than likely to win.  ;)

If dom doesn't have a blubbery mess confessional next episode, I would start to be alarmed about his winning prospects.

Weird not having watched since Cambodia, and hearing all these strange names.  Picking a season at random, at this point was David wright the runaway pick for winner for his season?


Onto this next episode, synopsis is interesting enough: A visit from loved ones hits the spot for castaways at the reward challenge, and castaways must bond together to break up a power couple. 

it looks like the choice for a boot is between Kellyn and Sebastian ( strategic confessionals now? really?)

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Oscirus said:

Onto this next episode, synopsis is interesting enough: A visit from loved ones hits the spot for castaways at the reward challenge, and castaways must bond together to break up a power couple. 

it looks like the choice for a boot is between Kellyn and Sebastian ( strategic confessionals now? really?)

I hope Kellyn and Sebastian aren't considered a power couple lol.

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I'm guessing Dom/Wendell will get targeted again (because I really don't see who else would qualify as power couple).  Sebastian being seen as part of a power couple though is quite hilarious. 

Will we see an idol be played?  If Laurel/Donathan plan on staying with Dom/Wendell, this could be the turning point of the game (or basically the turning point where we go back to one alliance picking off the other next week). 

  • Love 1

Given the number of people who think that they are awesome strategic players who are not, I can see Sebastian thinking he is a part of a power couple. Not sure who his partner is, maybe Kellyn. Better yet, Chelsea. Chelsea I think is a strategic player who is doing a lot more then we are seeing because she is not deemed to be exciting or interesting.

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Will we see an idol be played?  If Laurel/Donathan plan on staying with Dom/Wendell, this could be the turning point of the game (or basically the turning point where we go back to one alliance picking off the other next week). 

Yea, exactly. I figure there will be talk of targeting Dom/Wendell, Laurel will decide she wants to stay with them, Donathan will do what she tells him to, and Dom/Wendell/Laurel/Donathan will pick off the remaining original Naviti.

But there is still that possible foreshadowing of Dom and Wendell targeting each other. If that happens I assume it'll be at F5 or maybe F6 though.

18 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope Kellyn and Sebastian aren't considered a power couple lol.

LOL. I probably shouldn't have put the synopsis first.  The power couple in question is clearly dom/Wendell, but imagine if Kellyn/ Sebastian was the couple? omg.

So we can assume one of the guys wins the reward and takes 2 of the guys on reward and sends the final guy to ghost island which is why all the women are by themselves.  Unless it's Sebastian picking two of the other guys, that's a bad mistake.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Oscirus said:

... but imagine if Kellyn/ Sebastian was the couple? omg.

I just imagined it and it was terrifying, but also intriguing lol.

4 hours ago, Oscirus said:

So we can assume one of the guys wins the reward and takes 2 of the guys on reward and sends the final guy to ghost island which is why all the women are by themselves.  Unless it's Sebastian picking two of the other guys, that's a bad mistake.

Where is this coming from? Is there a new promo? Oh who cares, I'll see it in a couple hours!

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Oscirus said:

LOL. I probably shouldn't have put the synopsis first.  The power couple in question is clearly dom/Wendell, but imagine if Kellyn/ Sebastian was the couple? omg.

So we can assume one of the guys wins the reward and takes 2 of the guys on reward and sends the final guy to ghost island which is why all the women are by themselves.  Unless it's Sebastian picking two of the other guys, that's a bad mistake.

Actually, maybe this is why Kellyn was so pissed in the promo.  She was mad for not getting picked for the loved ones visit, and since we see Chelsea/Angela they didn’t get picked, either.  I can see where Dom/Wendell might take Sebastian to sway him to their side.  

2 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

Oh, no, let us hope he doesn't find yet, another idol.

Since I doubt they want another Cirie situation, I doubt they'll release anymore idols unless Wendell or Dom plays theirs.


So I was half right not bad. Sadly the Kellyn Sebastian power couple is still going strong :s 


Wendell- Just jumped to the front of the line, his being a blubbering mess this week and getting credit for the Chelsea boot speaks well for him editing wise.

Dom- Didn't really do anything to fall off ( hell, the immunity win probably helps), just Wendell had a better week.

Laurel- Still narrating (good) still being edited as playing someone else's game (bad_

Donathon- At this point, you're creating a resume for the next season they bring you back.

Sebastian- We've gotten nothing from him. If he's  in the finals, he'd be ignored.

Angela- See above. Though I'd prefer to see her in the finals.

Kellyn- Not long for the game. She'd be happy to make the finals at this point.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

He probably wants to and he'll talk about it, but Laurel will be too scared so, once again, they will do nothing.

I think Laurel hopes anyone but her will get Dom/Wendell out so she can claim loyalty to them, won’t have to get her hands dirty, but increases her chances of winning.  How she’ll still claim she made any moves I don’t know.  I wish Donathan had been brave and forced a tie and got Wendell out on the re vote.  He could have possibly swayed Seabass or maybe Laurel would have jumped on board.  He could have argued to Seabass that Wendell had an idol so why not get him and his idol out.

Laurel was someone I wanted gone badly pre show because of all her talk about wanting to be remembered, making big moves, and running the game.  Saying ‘I want to be remembered” didn’t work out for Dan Foley like he hoped, and I don’t think it’ll work out for Laurel like she hoped.  She is nothing like that person in the pre show interviews.

I got thinking, doesn’t Dom have a fake idol?  Maybe he’s planting that, or letting Donathan see him with that so he’ll think he has two.

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea really. Though honestly if Laurel doesn't wanna do it then it would probably be a bad idea for Donathan to go ahead with it.


Honestly?  I kinda feel like if Donathan is truly looking to stand this season on its head, then he’s missing a golden opportunity - taking advantage of his inside information that Laurel’s vote will always parallel that of WenDom.  With that information, Laurel is (for Donathan, anyway) this season’s version of Borneo’s Dr. Sean and his alphabet-voting garbage.  Seems like Donathan could make better use of this bit of insider info; whether he hasn’t because of lack of opportunity or lack of vision, I don’t know.

Edited by Nashville
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I believe Laurel's cool with getting out Wendell but not Domenick. When the vote came about talking about getting rid of the two boys, Laurel quickly shifted the vote to Domenick.   Interesting tidbit from interviews so far, Domenick was talking with Chelsea about getting rid of Wendell and even revealed his idol to her. Which begs the question, does he have a plan in place or is he confident enough to take Wendell to the end at this point?

  • Love 1

I'm disappointed in the season.  At the beginning of the season, I saw 5 players who I thought would make interesting game choices- Stephanie, Michael, James, Wendell and Dominick.  Although Michael was able to prolong his demise, the other two were Pagong'd in the most boring way possible.  Wendell and Dominick are still playing well, but there is no able competition left to stop what seems at this point like an inevitable march to the end.  Laurel is so frustrating for refusing to make a move again and again (Desiree offering to work with Malolo was her last best opportunity IMHO).  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Nashville said:
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea really. Though honestly if Laurel doesn't wanna do it then it would probably be a bad idea for Donathan to go ahead with it.


Honestly?  I kinda feel like if Donathan is truly looking to stand this season on its head, then he’s missing a golden opportunity - taking advantage of his inside information that Laurel’s vote will always parallel that of WenDom.  With that information, Laurel is (for Donathan, anyway) this season’s version of Borneo’s Dr. Sean and his alphabet-voting garbage.  Seems like Donathan could make better use of this bit of insider info; whether he hasn’t because of lack of opportunity or lack of vision, I don’t know.

I've been wondering what would happen if Donathan were (and had been) more insistent about flipping on their Naviti allies—especially when Desiree flipped on Kellyn. If had just said to Laurel, "This is a good move because it means that we have more options going forward, without burning either of our two closest allies. And anyway, what do we owe Kellyn, really?" I think it would actually be better for Laurel's game if she had someone forcing her to justify her moves (because sticking with Wendell and Domenick is a move, even if it doesn't look or feel like one).

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Hera said:

I've been wondering what would happen if Donathan were (and had been) more insistent about flipping on their Naviti allies—especially when Desiree flipped on Kellyn. If had just said to Laurel, "This is a good move because it means that we have more options going forward, without burning either of our two closest allies. And anyway, what do we owe Kellyn, really?" I think it would actually be better for Laurel's game if she had someone forcing her to justify her moves (because sticking with Wendell and Domenick is a move, even if it doesn't look or feel like one).

You are right, sticking with Wendell and Dom is a choice.  Just not one that has made for great viewing!

7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Honestly?  I kinda feel like if Donathan is truly looking to stand this season on its head, then he’s missing a golden opportunity - taking advantage of his inside information that Laurel’s vote will always parallel that of WenDom.  With that information, Laurel is (for Donathan, anyway) this season’s version of Borneo’s Dr. Sean and his alphabet-voting garbage.  Seems like Donathan could make better use of this bit of insider info; whether he hasn’t because of lack of opportunity or lack of vision, I don’t know.

Good points. I think Donathan just feels really close to Laurel and that's why he continues to play her game. I think that's a big part of why Laurel won't turn on Wendell as well.

8 hours ago, Oscirus said:

I believe Laurel's cool with getting out Wendell but not Domenick. When the vote came about talking about getting rid of the two boys, Laurel quickly shifted the vote to Domenick.

She's cool with getting Dom out, did you mean? Her allegiance lies with Wendell.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Good points. I think Donathan just feels really close to Laurel and that's why he continues to play her game. I think that's a big part of why Laurel won't turn on Wendell as well.

I think Laurel doesn't want to turn on Wendell, because she likes him and trusts him. I would say also that Laurel is more playing Donathan's game than the other way around. She's too wishy-washy to have her own strong game, but Donathan is quite ruthless.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I got thinking, doesn’t Dom have a fake idol?  Maybe he’s planting that, or letting Donathan see him with that so he’ll think he has two.

Oh, I'd forgotten about that - there are way too many advantages this season. Theory: Donathan plans to flip against the four, Laurel snitches. Dom goes and "finds" an idol and is "caught" by Donathan. Dom makes out like only the two of them know about it, they'll share it etc. etc. then Donathan gets voted out when he tries to play it. Dom/Wendell/Laurel make F3 and Donathan's bitterness about the fake idol costs Dom his vote and Wendell wins. The end. 


Yeah, Dom I think had touched on his interesting story at the beginning of the season, or maybe I just remember it from the CBS web site bio.  But he lost a lot of weight and quit smoking and curtailed gambling after his first kid was born, out of concern for his lifespan.  They haven't really mined that yet.  Or Wendell's heroic journey, either, for that matter.  I'm guessing more on both are coming, if they make it to the end.  

6 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yeah, Dom I think had touched on his interesting story at the beginning of the season, or maybe I just remember it from the CBS web site bio.  But he lost a lot of weight and quit smoking and curtailed gambling after his first kid was born, out of concern for his lifespan.  They haven't really mined that yet.  Or Wendell's heroic journey, either, for that matter.  I'm guessing more on both are coming, if they make it to the end.  

Agreed.  They haven't made it clear, but I don't think the others know that Wendell is/was a lawyer and gave it up to do furniture design.


I imagine those things will come up at FTC.

I just hope Dom and Wendell are both in the F3 so that I don't know who will win before FTC even begins.

But there seems to be foreshadowing that one will get the other out pre-FTC, so I predict another boring and predictable final.

Edited by peachmangosteen
5 hours ago, Special K said:

Agreed.  They haven't made it clear, but I don't think the others know that Wendell is/was a lawyer and gave it up to do furniture design.

Is this what @Winston9-DT3 referred to as Wendell's 'heroic journey?" Because that's not much of a heroic journey lol. Interesting though. And somehow I had forgotten about him giving up lawyer-ing to be a furniture designer.

So from the interviews and confessionals, we get a picture of a rather interesting deleted storyline. Also the third swap seemed a bit eventful

Third swap Naviti- Dom and Chelsea bond, we know they got rid of Bradley, but they apparently also talked about getting rid of Wendel with Dom even revealing the fact that Wendel has an idol to Chelsea.

Third swap Yanuya-  After Wendel finds his idol he plants a fake one using the purple note to make the ruse work. Jenna  and Laurel go idol hunting and apparently find it.

Merge- Michael tells them the idol is fake, and we can assume by that it outs that Wendel has an idol to them. Either they deduce that Laurel has an idol or Laurel tells them later after Wendel tells her.  Somehow Wendel hears about his fake idol being outted as fake and runs to Laurel and does major damage control by showing her his real one.  Dom finds out  that Desiree was scheming to get the power players out and somehow Chelsea's name gets thrown in there and he abandons the get rid of Wendel plan as he doesn't trust Chelsea anymore. 

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Is this what @Winston9-DT3 referred to as Wendell's 'heroic journey?" Because that's not much of a heroic journey lol. Interesting though. And somehow I had forgotten about him giving up lawyer-ing to be a furniture designer.

I personally just meant whatever part of Wendell's life the show would choose to spin as a hero's journey.  As they do.  Not sure if they did it for Michele.  

People get law degrees and leave the profession in droves.  I can understand it, the career sounds horrible, but why get the degree?  I think Bradley even mentioned he's IN law school and will never practice.  Is it good for getting dates or something?  

I was watching this extra vid and Wendell said that among him and Dom there are 3 idols and an advantage. Which one has 2 idols and which one has an advantage/what is the advantage? I can only remember them each having 1 idol. Oh, maybe he was talking about his IC advantage from the last ep. Still, which one has 2 idols? I assume Dom, but I can't remember him having 2. Wait, there's the fake idol. Maybe that's what he meant.

Also, this video was intriguing to me. I was thinking Wendell might try to boot Dom at F6/5, but now I'm thinking he probably won't. Maybe Dom will try to get Wendell then and Wendell will catch wind and target Dom though.

But I'm still hoping they're both in the F3 so the FTC isn't boring and predictable.

On 5/11/2018 at 7:02 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

I personally just meant whatever part of Wendell's life the show would choose to spin as a hero's journey.  As they do.  Not sure if they did it for Michele.  

People get law degrees and leave the profession in droves.  I can understand it, the career sounds horrible, but why get the degree?  I think Bradley even mentioned he's IN law school and will never practice.  Is it good for getting dates or something?  

I think people see law school as good intellectual training for many fields.  But yes, droves of people never practice (or never intend to practice) and law school has become a kind of a holding pen for smart people who don't really know what to do with themselves.  I work in a non-legal field with a lot of "lawyers" and they have a very specific way of thinking/problem solving/writing. YMMV on whether this is a good thing or bad.  :)

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Coco88 said:

Looks like for the reward challenge the teams are:  Sebastian and Kellyn; Laurel and Donathan; and Wendell and Domenic.  Angela must be not picked.


That throws off a bunch of my theories. Since we know that Sea bass is on ghost island, that would mean all three teams would be accounted for. Meaning that the preview from last week was post IC not post RC like I originally thought. Interesting.

Final edition of weekly speculation:


Donathon- He's such a non threat , I can see him slipping into the f3, he's so annoying, I can see them getting rid of him next tribal.

Seabass- they spent the past two weeks getting rid of immunity threats. Take note.

Angela- such a non factor in the game that they'll likely boot her at this point just because she became a jury threat.

 Laurel- Could get second if one of the frontrunners is the overwhelming favorite among the jury and she gets Donathon's vote but second is likely as high as she goes

Dom-  Flip a coin.  I just happen to like Wendell's edit better. 

Wendell- See above. His  edit has been more indicative of a winner's edit then Dom.

  • Love 1

They didn't give us much to dissect from the previews this week.  I can't believe it's the finale already!  Overall, it hasn't been too shabby of a season.  I can't believe Donathan won't be a dead man walking.  Hopefully we get some after TC footage around the camp fire because I want to see the fall out there.  

So it might be a crucial vote at the final 6, but since Dom/Wendell have unplayed idols (real and fake) I have to think we will finally see them come out next week.  If Laurel really intended on making a move, she seriously misjudged waiting until the last minute.

On 5/11/2018 at 5:02 PM, Winston9-DT3 said:

People get law degrees and leave the profession in droves.  I can understand it, the career sounds horrible, but why get the degree?  I think Bradley even mentioned he's IN law school and will never practice.  Is it good for getting dates or something?  

I went to law school at age 37 because I decided I'd rather regret going to law school than regret not going to law school. 

Plenty of people go to law school thinking they want to be lawyers but not really understanding how tedious the profession is. Others go thinking that a law degree is their tool to save the world (that was my case), not realizing how ineffectual the law is to make change and how it's kind of a secret club open only to the wealthy.

In my school, which was among the top, no one really dropped out for realizing it sucked; no one really dropped out at all unless they couldn't make it (washed out) or they got a better offer (e.g., two people in my section quit to go to Quantico once they got accepted to FBI training). For those of us who could make it, the extreme pressure we put upon ourselves to succeed would not allow us to get out until we finished that bitch. I graduated cum laude and was appointed to "order of the coif" (a national honor society), and I am now a homemaker and a blogger.

Topic? Oh yeah - 

Y'all know I've been obsessed with Donathan's edit since week one; I posted most of my spec in the episode thread but I want to go into a little more detail here.

I still can't get over that first-week edit with Donathan achieving what big strong hot James could not. If he was just the also-ran he's been portrayed to be up to now, there was no reason for that. 

The week one story was a warning that you shouldn't underestimate Donathan. The F3 - and maybe winner, is the wrap-up of that story.

On 5/20/2018 at 4:01 AM, 303420 said:

The week one story was a warning that you shouldn't underestimate Donathan. The F3 - and maybe winner, is the wrap-up of that story.

That would be a wonderful ending to this somewhat tedious season. Donathan has been the saving grace of it from ep one, for me. Someone sweet and open and appreciative, as opposed to the usual smarmy slimeballs convinced they've got things locked up - and where are they now? Not on the jury, ha.

I have yapped about him in the episode threads and here, and most recently on his own thread, and haven't much more to say, other than it became clear to me a lot of people seriously underestimated him, and many are oddly still writing him off;  my only hope is that, from the opening double episode, the edit has been so weird, I could not see a man winning this thing - it lacked Jiffy's trad heroic man arc, smashing immunities, nodding wisely from the darkness of the shelter, sobbing a patriotic confessional in manly fashion - so I figured early on a woman must be winning it.

But my secret hope is growing still that it will in fact be the mighty Donathan!

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