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S06.E09: Foul Is Fair


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Good episode overall. Well, the non-Gabby/Brie parts, at least. They're continuing to be cheap with fewer rescues or other calls, but tonight's was still pretty good. Like the Hazmat guy but I still think Kidd and Severide are end-game. Too bad about Mr. Sprinkles, but Hermann's call at the end with the donation to the Humane Society was a nice touch. Also really liked Casey wanting to bunk with his men.

The Hazmat rescue bugged me a little in that they didn't call for FD as soon as it became obvious that the vic was overcome by fumes and the scene was not safe. But with time being critical I can see them risking a reprimand or suspension for going down and pulling her out. What really bugged me about that call was why the actual hell did they treat her in the damned house? Forget taping up the basement door, get the vic and her daughter into fresh air PDFQ. Especially when they initially thought it was CO. Get the kid outside, and call Main for FD backup. Also, I'm actually surprised they didn't call Truck 81, with the Hazmat guys backing them up. Truck companies ventilate and investigate minor incidents like that. 81 would probably have been the closest truck company anyways, and they'd still have gotten HunkyHazmatLT into the picture.

First rescue in the revolving door was decent, too, but I'm very curious how her foot could have gotten trapped like that in the first place. Makes no sense in two ways. There's virtually no clearance between the frame of a revolving door and the bottom plate, which serves as added insulation against cold air getting into the building, or keeping air conditioned air in the summer from leaking out. If the door somehow malfunctioned, and there was enough clearance to get her leg trapped, they could have just as easily propped the door up from below and pull her out. To me there seemed to be a risk for further damage from when the door frame tension changed after it was cut with the Hurst. The second bit of nonsense, is how a leg could even be at that angle in the first place. But I'll chalk that up to TV Physics.

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14 minutes ago, NJRadioGuy said:

Good episode overall. Well, the non-Gabby/Brie parts, at least. They're continuing to be cheap with fewer rescues or other calls, but tonight's was still pretty good. Like the Hazmat guy but I still think Kidd and Severide are end-game. Too bad about Mr. Sprinkles, but Hermann's call at the end with the donation to the Humane Society was a nice touch. Also really liked Casey wanting to bunk with his men.

The Hazmat rescue bugged me a little in that they didn't call for FD as soon as it became obvious that the vic was overcome by fumes and the scene was not safe. But with time being critical I can see them risking a reprimand or suspension for going down and pulling her out. What really bugged me about that call was why the actual hell did they treat her in the damned house? Forget taping up the basement door, get the vic and her daughter into fresh air PDFQ. Especially when they initially thought it was CO. Get the kid outside, and call Main for FD backup. Also, I'm actually surprised they didn't call Truck 81, with the Hazmat guys backing them up. Truck companies ventilate and investigate minor incidents like that. 81 would probably have been the closest truck company anyways, and they'd still have gotten HunkyHazmatLT into the picture.

First rescue in the revolving door was decent, too, but I'm very curious how her foot could have gotten trapped like that in the first place. Makes no sense in two ways. There's virtually no clearance between the frame of a revolving door and the bottom plate, which serves as added insulation against cold air getting into the building, or keeping air conditioned air in the summer from leaking out. If the door somehow malfunctioned, and there was enough clearance to get her leg trapped, they could have just as easily propped the door up from below and pull her out. To me there seemed to be a risk for further damage from when the door frame tension changed after it was cut with the Hurst. The second bit of nonsense, is how a leg could even be at that angle in the first place. But I'll chalk that up to TV Physics.

I want to watch your show. I'd certainly learn a lot....while loving it.

Edited by MaryHedwig

The most interesting part of this episode was the interaction between Joe and the woman in the clinic, Pilar. I love Joe and miss him being featured more heavily.


I also liked how Casey dealt with the jerk in the opening scene. Would have liked to see him take it even further though.


The Bria storyline is a BORE. 3 episodes of this. Seriously?! And it looks like it continues on into next week. Sigh.

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Yeah, pleasepleaseplease let that be Bria at room temperature in the morgue. Of course it won't be; it'll be Expendable Jane Doe #37, someone Saint Gabby has no personal interest in, and someone else's daughter, having bought the farm to advance this insipid plot along. To paraphrase one poster from last week, welcome to Chicago Social Workers, season 1, episode 4.

Edited by NJRadioGuy

This episode was awful.  Gabby is awful.  Hazmat guy is not that cute.  Who didn't know that the smell was Mr. Sprinkles from the very second the show started?  Why is Casey such a doormat?  And who. cares. about. Bria.  

Thankfully Chicago PD has been much better in the past 2 or 3 weeks, because this show has rapidly gone downhill.

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

This episode was awful.  Gabby is awful.  Hazmat guy is not that cute.  Who didn't know that the smell was Mr. Sprinkles from the very second the show started?  Why is Casey such a doormat?  And who. cares. about. Bria.  

Thankfully Chicago PD has been much better in the past 2 or 3 weeks, because this show has rapidly gone downhill.

Totally agree.

ETA: Otis is really obnoxious and dumb; I can do without him.

Edited by preeya
16 minutes ago, preeya said:

ETA: Otis is really obnoxious and dumb; I can do without him.

I know, right?  He didn't use to be; the new writing for him this year has been pretty bad.

Also, the woman in the revolving door??  I hate revolving doors!  Her scene is one of my worst nightmares come to life.  And the douchebag who kept trying to push the door!?!?!  OMG.  He needs to be arrested for assault for injuring her!

  • Love 2
52 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

And the douchebag who kept trying to push the door!?!?!  OMG.  He needs to be arrested for assault for injuring her!

If they'd dared taken some screen time away from Gabby (gasp!), what would have been a fitting ending for that scene would be to re-create the meme that was going around the Internet for a while. Douchecanoe is angry because he's late for an Important Meeting—a job interview—and it turns out to be with the victim, who's the HR manager.


55 minutes ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I know, right?  He didn't use to be; the new writing for him this year has been pretty bad.

Yep. Him, Cruz, and Mouch are nothing more than comic relief now, and it's all usually groan-worthy.


1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Who didn't know that the smell was Mr. Sprinkles from the very second the show started?  Why is Casey such a doormat?  And who. cares. about. Bria.  

Thankfully Chicago PD has been much better in the past 2 or 3 weeks, because this show has rapidly gone downhill.

Well, if they hadn't shown Mr. Sprinkles in the "previously" intro it could have worked. Decomp is a smell every firefighter and medic is well aware of, so I'm surprised they didn't tweak to the cause instantly. Agree about "PD" the last couple of weeks. We even got Voight's TortureCage™ back this week. How I missed that little element!

  • Love 3

The Bria storyline is a BORE. 3 episodes of this. Seriously?! And it looks like it continues on into next week. Sigh.

Well, two episodes so far, but yeah - of all the story lines to drag out for more than one episode, why this? Do they really think we find this so compelling, watching Dawson chase down some dumb teenager we've barely met let alone care about? WTF? And she looked like an inconsiderate ass leaving her husband out of the loop while at the same time working with Severide. 

I am partial to guinea pigs, we kept them as pets when I was little, and I did not find the situation with Mr. Sprinkles amusing in the least. I'd also like to know how the hell it made it's way into a wall like that. There would have had to be some enormous opening for it to get in there - guinea pigs do not gnaw their way into things like mice or rats. But I don't think the writers really understood what the hell a guinea pig even is.

  • Love 1
35 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I did not find the situation with Mr. Sprinkles amusing in the least. I'd also like to know how the hell it made it's way into a wall like that.

I completely agree with it not being amusing, however death is part of the story of first responders, and his passing advanced the overall plot of the show. The only redemption in that whole story was Hermann demanding the men pay up, with a big donation to the Humane Society. I'm thinking maybe there was a passageway behind that false wall for wiring or something similar, and there could have been a space somewhere underneath it that the animal might have crawled through.

3 hours ago, NJRadioGuy said:

If they'd dared taken some screen time away from Gabby (gasp!), what would have been a fitting ending for that scene would be to re-create the meme that was going around the Internet for a while. Douchecanoe is angry because he's late for an Important Meeting—a job interview—and it turns out to be with the victim, who's the HR manager.

Would have been a far better use of air time.

5 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

This episode was awful.  Gabby is awful.  Hazmat guy is not that cute.  Who didn't know that the smell was Mr. Sprinkles from the very second the show started?  Why is Casey such a doormat?  And who. cares. about. Bria.  

Thankfully Chicago PD has been much better in the past 2 or 3 weeks, because this show has rapidly gone downhill.

It has gone downhill...a lot! The writing is lazy and they just repeat storylines. Gabby is the biggest drawback this show has now!

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Meh.. just meh and I did fast forward through the Gabby parts. 

I did wonder why they didn't call the fire department but I would have thought the smell would have gone to the kitchen as well since the door was open. 

Not sure why but I expect Zach to either become a stalker or turn out to be married. Just not sure a woman should be giving out other woman's numbers though, not sure I would like someone doing that. 

I wonder how he got through that wall but I admit, I don't get why Herrmann was so upset, maybe because he would have to tell the kids? 

No, I don't think it would be Bria but do we want it to be? Dawson will be so upset and drive us nuts. 

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

And the douchebag who kept trying to push the door!?!?!  OMG.  He needs to be arrested for assault for injuring her!

I thought a fitting end to that would have been Casey telling the guy he had to wait for pd to arrive and interview everyone to determine if this was an accident or a crime.

So if the dead girl in the morgue isn't Bria, and Bria's family is a mess is Gaby going to try and adopt her too?

I don't get the hate for Bria, c'mon guys she's sixteen years old, how can you not have empathy for her?

Although I do get the Gaby hate, she thinks she just has to do what she does, hey Gaby, wake up this is your marriage talking, are you listening? I feel we are going to go down a Matt and Gaby breakup road....

Will some one please give Severide a true romance? Not a one night stand but something lasting. At this point I'm willing to concede to his roomie, even if I don't esp. Like her, I think she would be good for him

  • Love 1

I am actually different from a lot of posters in that I don't hate Dawson, I just hate her and Matt. I don't get why the show is so convinced they belong together. They are never on the same page, and it makes it look like Matt can't stand up for himself, and makes Gabby look selfish when she isnt even doing anything that wrong like wanting to foster or help a teen. Aggressively helping people has always been her character. She really isn't a bad character (the writers do dumb things like make her a firefighter instead of a doctor and completely shove her down your throat), but they do not compliment each other. I actually like her better with Peter or Severide. 

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well, two episodes so far, but yeah - of all the story lines to drag out for more than one episode, why this? Do they really think we find this so compelling, watching Dawson chase down some dumb teenager we've barely met let alone care about? WTF? And she looked like an inconsiderate ass leaving her husband out of the loop while at the same time working with Severide. 

For a very little while, I thought the show was acknowledging her horribleness, but then no.  How is it Casey's fault that his wife is such a bitch?  I thought for sure we were getting other characters criticizing the way she treats him, but then in the end, even her "apology" was somehow just to make Casey feel bad about himself.

Usually I do think you shouldn't be gibing out other people's numbers, but Stella was very clear about her interest in Zack, so I was ok with it.  And I didn't even realize Sylvie was interested in Zack until the scene when she called him for the smell.

I'm disappointed - I didn't think Zac was that handsome.  Also disliked the two women acting like morons over him - I was surprised the plot didn't end with him saying something about having a wife or boyfriend and Stella and Brett making wah-wah faces. 

I'm guessing the dead body will be the kid Severide was talking to, 

I kind of thought Casey was replaying Gabby's message because he just couldn't believe she actually admitted to doing something wrong.  It was a nice change for them to disagree over something and not have it end with Matt taking all the blame.  It's weird, I can remember in the first season being interested in Matt and Gabby maybe getting together, now I can't see what they see in each other.  And it must be nice to be married to the captain so you can just run off to investigate some random woman who made a comment on the Facebook page of the random girl you've decided is your responsibility.  If Stella is playing paramedic, wouldn't that leave the engine short handed?  Good thing they had nothing better to do than spend all shift ripping their house apart because they don't know what dead rodents smell like and didn't think to connect it to the critter that vanished in the house somewhere.

  • Love 2
On 20/01/2018 at 5:55 AM, Lyanna19 said:

I don't get the hate for Bria, c'mon guys she's sixteen years old, how can you not have empathy for her?

Although I do get the Gaby hate, she thinks she just has to do what she does, hey Gaby, wake up this is your marriage talking, are you listening? I feel we are going to go down a Matt and Gaby breakup road....

Will some one please give Severide a true romance? Not a one night stand but something lasting. At this point I'm willing to concede to his roomie, even if I don't esp. Like her, I think she would be good for him

Casey and Dawson break up road? Lots of us hope and pray this happens.

9 hours ago, athelyna said:

I'm disappointed - I didn't think Zac was that handsome.  Also disliked the two women acting like morons over him - I was surprised the plot didn't end with him saying something about having a wife or boyfriend and Stella and Brett making wah-wah faces. 

I'm guessing the dead body will be the kid Severide was talking to, 

I kind of thought Casey was replaying Gabby's message because he just couldn't believe she actually admitted to doing something wrong.  It was a nice change for them to disagree over something and not have it end with Matt taking all the blame.  It's weird, I can remember in the first season being interested in Matt and Gabby maybe getting together, now I can't see what they see in each other.  And it must be nice to be married to the captain so you can just run off to investigate some random woman who made a comment on the Facebook page of the random girl you've decided is your responsibility.  If Stella is playing paramedic, wouldn't that leave the engine short handed?  Good thing they had nothing better to do than spend all shift ripping their house apart because they don't know what dead rodents smell like and didn't think to connect it to the critter that vanished in the house somewhere.

Dawson just wants Casey for whatever SHE can get out of the relationship!  He needs to get his balls back and ditch her!

9 hours ago, athelyna said:

I'm disappointed - I didn't think Zac was that handsome.  Also disliked the two women acting like morons over him - I was surprised the plot didn't end with him saying something about having a wife or boyfriend and Stella and Brett making wah-wah faces. 

Considering how hackey the writing is for this show sometimes, especially for subplots and even more so for romantic subplots I was totally expecting Zack to reveal that he was gay. I was just waiting for a comment about how his husband would find Stella and Brett hilarious.

On January 20, 2018 at 10:55 AM, Lyanna19 said:


I don't get the hate for Bria, c'mon guys she's sixteen years old, how can you not have empathy for her?

Although I do get the Gaby hate, she thinks she just has to do what she does, hey Gaby, wake up this is your marriage talking, are you listening? I feel we are going to go down a Matt and Gaby breakup road....

Will some one please give Severide a true romance? Not a one night stand but something lasting. At this point I'm willing to concede to his roomie, even if I don't esp. Like her, I think she would be good for him


No one hates Bria per se, it's just really frustrating that the writers keep recycling the storylines. I could see it from a mile afar that it's gonna be Louie 2.0. It drives me crazy that the CFD rules are not applied to Dawson. She's never reprimanded for getting over attached to the victims. Do you remember Shay's famous quote from s1? "We get them to the hospital best we can and then we move on"...Dawson should have called the social services and let them handle the situation...

i get that she's feeling responsible now for Bria's disappearance but again, if she called her brother, I bet the police would have done a better job at finding the girl...instead, Gabby is skipping work (because she can...using Matt again) and going all Gabby Dawson AGAIN!!!! She is ready to jeopardise her marriage for a total stranger. Guess, it shows her priorities...

land of course Bria is alive and Dawson will convince Casey that they should take Bria into their home until her dad is cleared from the rehab center. Obviously, she doesn't care that her husband will get attached to this girl and his heart will be broken again like it was with Louie...

Also, I think that it was kinda creepy how obsessed Gabby acted. She looked borderline stalkerish when she peeked in Bria's aunt window. And isn't some kind of privacy violation? And calling herself Bria's friend? Really?!

1 hour ago, Ailianna said:

I think he means the girl whose cell phone he picked up and who told him where to maybe find Bria in exchange  for her phone back.

But I don't remember her getting a card from Kelly and I would think Kelly would have been called and not Gabby. 

EDIT: Yeah, i agree, I think it was the one the girl was talking to Kelly. 

Edited by Waterston Fan
On 1/19/2018 at 2:24 AM, NJRadioGuy said:

First rescue in the revolving door was decent, too, but I'm very curious how her foot could have gotten trapped like that in the first place. Makes no sense in two ways. There's virtually no clearance between the frame of a revolving door and the bottom plate,

I was wondering precisely the same thing. Even if the woman had somehow tripped and fallen, it would still be literally impossible for her foot to get caught the way that it was. 

On 1/21/2018 at 0:38 PM, Pallada said:

Also, I think that it was kinda creepy how obsessed Gabby acted. She looked borderline stalkerish when she peeked in Bria's aunt window. And isn't some kind of privacy violation? And calling herself Bria's friend? Really?!

As her supervisor, I would imagine that Casey - who knew from the start how inappropriately attached Dawson was getting - should have reported her to the appropriate persons. But of course, with THAT conflict of interest, we know that would never happen.

I also noticed that Gabby justified her involvement by saying that Bria reached out to her. Well, that may have technically been true; but it was only true after Gabby essentially forced it to be so. She followed Bria into her building, essentially forced her way into the apartment, gave Bria her cell phone number, and told her that she would be calling every day to check on her. 

As a side thing, would Gabby have been legally allowed to assist the paramedics who came to help Bria's father? Although she IS trained and able to do so, she wasn't on the job. I wasn't entirely sure if that was ethical or not. I could see if it was a matter of life or death, and there was nobody else around, as when they first showed up; but after that, shouldn't she have stepped aside?

On 1/21/2018 at 1:02 AM, athelyna said:

I'm disappointed - I didn't think Zac was that handsome.  Also disliked the two women acting like morons over him - I was surprised the plot didn't end with him saying something about having a wife or boyfriend and Stella and Brett making wah-wah faces. 


I thought Zac was very handsome but I thought so when he was over on Major Crimes (he was brought in last year to be the "hot young" cop). I'm just proud of myself for recognizing him!

On 21/01/2018 at 11:20 PM, Quark said:

It was an ok episode.

I definitely feel that there is going to be some conflict soon between Gaby and Casey. In that last scene in Mollie's, Dawson was having a conversation with both Kelly and Matt, but would only focus on Kelly...

Hopefully,this storyline leads to something positive for Matt, whilst I continue to detest Gaby.

We're all hoping that it will lead to Casey waking up and realising what a self-centred, obnoxious and rude person he has shackled himself to and that he will walk away from their toxic marriage. 

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