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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I would like an Iris crossover. I don't think it should be connected to DD. Leave the Seasons BB to the show's own cast. I would have one of Iris investigations take her to SC. Maybe it's not something too serious at the start but she finds herself in need of help and Barry makes a quick call to Felicity and Oliver.

I could get behind Iris coming to Star City for an investigation of her own, she badly needs one.  But I don't want her involved in the DD investigation (what could she add that Felicity's computer search couldn't) and knowing these writers, they would have her in scenes with Felicity that would otherwise have Thea or Lyla.

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Why would Iris be looking for scoop on DD? She lives in Central City and works for a Central City paper, and he hasn't made any threats that would be on their radar at all. 


Ok but the whole thing with Oliver running for mayor, outing Darhk, and having his family kidnapped was national news.  I could see her running a piece on it for her paper.  Come to think of it, the best use would be to have uncover some HIVE clues in Central City and run a story covering HIVE operations nationwide.

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Ok but the whole thing with Oliver running for mayor, outing Darhk, and having his family kidnapped was national news.  I could see her running a piece on it for her paper.  Come to think of it, the best use would be to have uncover some HIVE clues in Central City and run a story covering HIVE operations nationwide.


Sorry, I still don't see the point in sending Iris over to Star City to do an investigative report on Damien Darhk if he's a non-entity in Central City. I'm aware that this is national news according to the show, and that IRL there would be people from all over reporting on it, but since this is fiction, if she can't bring some information that's helpful to this storyline over from The Flash, or bring information from this storyline over to The Flash, then the only point in having her over on Arrow is to say she's been on Arrow. It does nothing for her own story. 


Now, if she did an investigative report on something going on in Central City that brought her to Star City to do some research, then sure. I'm all for that. 

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Would Iris be Value Added?


For all the Flash fans didn't like Felicity on their show, the first time she came she pulled the various Star Lab characters into Team Flash.  The second time she helped defeat the episode's villain.


If Iris could bring something new to Arrow that the existing characters can't, I can see a point for her to be on.  But if she's just there to get screen time or to take the place of something one of the existing Arrow character would otherwise do, then no.  I don't want a Felicity/Thea scene replaced by a Felicity/Iris one.

Edited by statsgirl

Did I miss something...is this a thing that's gonna happen? Seems a bit random. 


As a reporter she could see things that Felicity could miss..small things not seen by a computer. Or she has a keen eye that'll tell them to focus on something on camera. 

Yep, everyone has their own logo, they use it to form LoT during the promos.




I've seen more floating arund the net.


Their IG has more



That clip seems to have the older versions of the logos. In it you can see they are still using a feather for Sara but the promos on TV recently have had the canary symbol instead. 

Did I miss something...is this a thing that's gonna happen? Seems a bit random. 


As a reporter she could see things that Felicity could miss..small things not seen by a computer. Or she has a keen eye that'll tell them to focus on something on camera. 

Just spec.

So the twitter fan account caitylotzarmy is doing an online birthday card for Caity Lotz. If you feel like it, could some of you sign it :)

Thanks :)


And Even the Villain is getting a logo for Legends so I do think it will be a part of the credits.



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That Opal City reference almost went over my head since I was more distracted with the Adam Foster name drop, since 

that's Blake Jenner's character, who's going to be Kara's next love interest.

I laughed since it seems to be a flimsy accidental reference to the Arrowverse. Who knows what would have happened if Adam lived in Coast City instead? Arrow, Flash, and soon LoT have already mentioned many other major cities in the DC universe except for Gotham and Metropolis.

I think my only problem with Supergirl thus far is that I don't really feel any sense of urgency, like I don't really worry that much about any of the characters.


That's true on my end as well. It's the same with me with the Flash. I get excited for things happening, but I can't get myself to care for the characters as much. 

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I sort of get interested in what's happening in the episodes (tonight it was Kara's conflict with Astra and Alura) but it feels a lot like the old Superman or Batman shows, they're comics rather than dramas about comic book characters.


I think one of the best things is Kara's relationship with Alex, and now Hank seems to be on board too.


Cat is getting more interesting to me as she gets more nuanced and Callista Flockhart seems to be having a ball with the role.  (And looking amazing for 51.)


I think Melissa Benoist is doing really well with both Supergirl and Kara as two different people.Mechad Brooks is trying his hardest with James but the role is so badly written, it's paper thin.  Jeremy Jordan is good as Winn although I cringe at the crushing on and possessiveness of Kara.


Is it wrong that I want Lucy to leave?  Jenna Dewan Tatum is good in the role but Lucy adds nothing other than to make the triangle into an even more uncomfortable (in terms of storytelling) quadrangle. 

Really not looking forward to when the quadrangle becomes a pentacle with Blake Jenner coming on as Adam Foster.

  • Love 4

Haven't seen this week's episode. But they need to drop the Jimmy/Lucy/Kara love triangle, it's just not working. Nor is the Jimmy/Kara/Winn triangle, but ay least that can be played off for platonic jealousy of Karas free time.

MB has good friend chemistry with them, but I just don't feel romantic chemistry.

I'm seeing a lot of comments on the TVLine review thinking that Cat knowing is going to be undone somehow, probably by MM standing in for Supergirl. What do people here think? On one hand, these writers haaaaate keeping the secret. On the other hand, it is early in the show, and Hank being MM provides them a really easy way to undo it.

Edited by Starfish35

I am really starting to like Supergirl.  To be honest, I kind of think Winn's crush is cute, but I worry a little bit about where it could go if they don't give him a different love interest eventually.  I actually don't mind Jimmy and Lucy as much now as I did initially - it seems like Kara is starting to get over it which is helpful.  I really don't want to see Kara pine for him while he doesn't notice and is happily in love/like with Lucy.  I didn't care for that in the Barry/Iris/Eddie dynamic either.


On Supergirl, it almost (knocks on wood) feels like they played with the different crushes early on to get the "ships" out of the way and test the chemistry waters but are going to settle both of these guys down into solid friend roles eventually - or perhaps that is just wishful thinking.  But I really hope they established a nice friend team and nix the romantic drama in that inner circle soon.


I find myself loving Cat and I didn't think I would at first.  And thank God they had her figure it out on her own - the woman is supposed to be really smart - she'd have to notice after awhile!

I'm seeing a lot of comments on the TVLine review thinking that Cat knowing is going to be undone somehow, probably by MM standing in for Supergirl. What do people here think? On one hand, these writers haaaaate keeping the secret. On the other hand, it is early in the show, and Hank being MM provides them a really easy way to undo it.

I really, really hope not.  I think Cat would protect her secret and since Cat basically figured it out because she's just that smart, she'd clue in again - even with a stand in. 

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I'm seeing a lot of comments on the TVLine review thinking that Cat knowing is going to be undone somehow, probably by MM standing in for Supergirl. What do people here think? On one hand, these writers haaaaate keeping the secret. On the other hand, it is early in the show, and Hank being MM provides them a really easy way to undo it.


I think that's exactly what's going to happen, to an extent, 

David Harewood mentioned a future scene in which Kara gets to see herself as Supergirl first hand, so I'm guessing MM becomes Supergirl to make her be in two places at once at least to wave off Cat's suspicions.

I think Cat's always going to have her suspicions, whether she knows or not, and that's going to be fun to see play out with Cat and Kara's relationship. Like, even if DD sees Oliver and GA in the same place at the same time, we don't doubt that he won't figure it out at some point. I get that these are two separate circumstances, but it's the same vibe I'm getting from both of the shows. 

Would it really be so bad if Cat knew Kara was Supergirl?  After a while, Kara inventing ridiculous reasons to rush off and be Supergirl is going to get old and tired.  Not to mention, all three of Barry's father figures know he's the Flash.


I was against Cat knowing from the beginning and pretending she doesn't because that would have made her smarter than Supergirl and everyone else but now that she's figured it out, I hope she keeps knowing. It's going to make it more interesting.


I hope Winn's current crush on Kara gets dealt with before

Adam becomes her next love interest

.  Maybe it will pick up again in a season or two but not this one.  I can see James being her longterm love interest after they've worked through all the things Berlanti loves to throw at his characters.


With MB standing for both Melissa Benoist and Mechad Brooks, it can get confusing around here.

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Quote of the Hour...


AK (referring to GB's first time crying over a comic book when Barry died in Crisis): "It was the first time he realized that comic books were basically just soap operas for boys."


That podcast is enlightening as to why GB seems to give preferential treatment to The Flash over Arrow.

Seriously, quote of the hour is an understatement. The bold is a quote for cross-stitch or engraving, put that quote is something prominent & permanent. It should be the disclaimer on any comments sections for media outlets!


I have not listened to the podcast, but in every interview or piece I've read about or with GB he has always seemed like more of a FLASH guy than an ARROW guy at baseline. He seems to crave a lighter vibe. He still loves his drama and melodrama but its lighter & intricate drama, not the dark twisted & tragic drama that other shows seem to run on. It's why I think a lot of his shows have secrets & lies (big & small) because that fuels the drama, whereas other shows will use tragedy & darkness (like addiction) to fuel it. Brothers & Sisters was a good example of how GB could make seasons of family drama that essentially used some version of secret keeping to generate episode & season long arcs. When he moved his attention to other shows is when the show started to do more tragic arcs like illnesses, divorces, deaths, infertility, etc.


I could see why the FLASH would be preferred over ARROW by GB, with its family feel and people keeping stuff from each other out of love. The Flash is all learning to co-exist & function together as most families or close knit groups do. They're finding ways to save people & be a Heroes. It's all more the sunnier side of herodom. There is very little cost ever associated with TF's decisions and then when cost is brought in, its always associated with morally grey people like Wells or glossed over with one pep talk (usually to BA). Whereas the ARROW is all about saving the city from the darker side of humanity. And it always is finding someway to blame or connect the tragedy to OQ or make him pay for something. Even now with the new & expanded team, it's lost that family feel to it that OTA had where they operated seamlessly together using their strengths, but still had the normal familial tensions of close-knit family/friends/group develop. It's far more regimented now and we all have to be a group because people's feelings are hurt if we don't do everything together. They are a group that fights together, not really a team.

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I finished watching the last few eps of Supergirl to clear up my DVR. I'm sorry, I just can't with that show it feels one notch above those Saturday morning action shows they used to have. Which were fun to watch but were completely forgettable after they were over. 


I liked that they had Cat figure out about Kara and list off the ways she came to that conclusion. It makes you wonder how dumb are the people of Star City since Oliver disappearances and returns always coincide with the Arrow's. Of course if Supergirl takes it back then it will make it pointless. 

The jacket needed to go as a mandatory part of her costume... it just didn't fit well. Now I wish they could do something better with her hair at least for the still shots. The oil slicked back is not the most flattering in a still shot.


I do really appreciate the Halter top though. It's practical and sexy.

Edited by kismet
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I'd feel bad about it, but since they invite the comparison...I don't.


Laurel looked like a dominatrix doll waiting to be activated. She didn't even hold her 'weapon' correctly. 


I could compare Sara's photo to the Laurel's fight club photo, but I'm not even sure there was enough of Laurel in that photo to compare.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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The Arrow writers might struggle writing romance storylines but they are soo much better than The Flash and Supergirl writers. Honestly, Supergirl is giving me flashbacks to The Tomorrow People on how early it's jumping on the romantic relationships and triangles.


Weirdly enough, this. Arrow gets criticism for having too much romance, but, IMO, I think that it is one of the only superhero shows that has romances that I care about. A close runner-up is FitzSimmons from AoS, but even then I almost appreciated how the Arrow writers treated Olicity in s3 compared with how the AoS writers treated FitzSimmons in s2. I get that romance isn't everyone's cup of tea, but, as a whole, I believe that the Arrow writers have done better with Olicity/Diggle and Lyla/Roy and Thea (barring the fact that Roy had to leave because of Colton) then the other writers do with their couples.

  • Love 12

Weirdly enough, this. Arrow gets criticism for having too much romance, but, IMO, I think that it is one of the only superhero shows that has romances that I care about. A close runner-up is FitzSimmons from AoS, but even then I almost appreciated how the Arrow writers treated Olicity in s3 compared with how the AoS writers treated FitzSimmons in s2. I get that romance isn't everyone's cup of tea, but, as a whole, I believe that the Arrow writers have done better with Olicity/Diggle and Lyla/Roy and Thea (barring the fact that Roy had to leave because of Colton) then the other writers do with their couples.

I think its because the Arrow writers are actually good at writing romance as an important part of life for their characters, but not as something that needs to take center stage. Its when the writers try to make the romance the main plot or drive up the drama through romantic angst & cliches that they suffer. When they just write the romance as an integral part of the character they excel at it. OQ packing lunch for FS's first day, Dig coming home after rough mission to Lyla/Baby Sara, TQ kissing RH to distract him from pain - all very romantic and yet innocuous scenes. It's when they try to amp up the DRAMA for dramatic value like they did in s3 that they run into problems. Although the failed romantic drama of s3 was only one of the major fails in a long list of execution problems for the writers in s3, because I could see how the romance they mapped up for s3 in theory might have seemed like a good idea before it was so poorly executed.

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They are both going by "Canary" so the show invited the comparisons by doing that. People are always going to think one is better than the other. Especially since they just now decided to make the sisters close instead of when they were both actually on the same show in Season 2. Blame the writers for that.


The fight club poster with Laurel had her twisted around all strangely just so they could get the T&A shot. No one could make that pose look good. 


I love that Sara's looks every bit the badass ninja she is with her pose. 

Sara and Laurel have very similar poses in their first photo shoots, but man what a difference.

It hadn't occurred to me until you mentioned it, but yeah, Laurel did have a similar pose in one of her Black Canary shots. Could someone post them side by side? I'm curious now.

Yeah, Sara's pic is definitely better. Although as much as I hate Laurel's costume, it's just a bad pic overall. The black on black background was a bad idea, and it's an awkward looking pose for her. Plus Sara has the advantage of not having to have the mask and wig (or the dark makeup that KC insisted on).

Edited by Starfish35
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