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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I'm hoping they're not giving her a love interest just to make Barry jealous or whatever... Good for Iris, but yeah, I can see this separating her from the main cast even more.


It does but it also gives more weight to her storyline and her place in the cast. She isn't just there to provide support Barry. 

Another day, another Green Arrow putdown on The Flash. On the one hand, it's a funny in joke, but on the other hand, the next time Central City has a problem that Barry can't solve alone, I hope Oliver tells everyone in Central City to go fuck themselves.


Hey, we can't all open portals to other Earths, okay! 

It does but it also gives more weight to her storyline and her place in the cast. She isn't just there to provide support Barry. 


Here's hoping the storyline is actually about her, and they're not using her to introduce a new guy into the fold as a new hero/villain ala Ray Palmer.

  • Love 5

I honestly can't even take the FLASH with its "Speedforce" being the source & solution to everything on the show.... I just want someone to shake their fist to the sky and yell "curse you speedforce".


On another note, I missed the first 30min of Flash. I don't really care about the Francine or Patty subplots this episode, so I was thinking I could just skip those 30min. I generally enjoy Mark Hamil & Snart - is it worth it to watch it?

Another day, another Green Arrow putdown on The Flash. On the one hand, it's a funny in joke, but on the other hand, the next time Central City has a problem that Barry can't solve alone, I hope Oliver tells everyone in Central City to go fuck themselves.

It's getting to be really annoying. Shut up, Joe.  (I say that far too often these days.)


Here's hoping the storyline is actually about her, and they're not using her to introduce a new guy into the fold as a new hero/villain ala Ray Palmer.

This Flash episode would have been the perfect opportunity to even partially make Iris' brother about Iris.  Instead it was all about Joe and Barry.  Iris went to Barry to talk, Barry helped her tell Joe and when she did, Joe looked to Barry for confirmation because why would he focus on Iris?.  When Joe needed to talk to someone about how he felt about the idea of another child, he talked to Barry, and at the end he gave the watch his father had given him not to Iris, his own child, but to Barry who has a father of his own.


No one even thought to ask Iris how she felt about the idea of having a younger full-sibling.


So if the past is any indication of the future (and psychologists say it's the best predictor), this new character will be more important to Joe and Barry's story than it will be about Iris.


ETA:  kismet, it depends on what you want to watch for.  I've always thought Snart was over-rated although I love Miller's voice. Liam McIntyre is gorgoeous to watch and Mark Hamill has a ball with the Trickster.  I don't think I would advise Past Me to watch thought because I thought the dismissal of Iris in favor of Barry/Joe scenes was rage-worthy.

Edited by statsgirl
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I loved all of the parts with Mark Hamill as the Trickster, especially the part where the Trickster was making up words to his own Xmas carols. 


For Iris and Caitlin, it was a direct flip: last week, Iris said about one line while Caitlin ran around dealing with the problems of the guys, and this week, Caitlin lost her brain and thought about mistletoe while Iris ran around dealing with the problems of the guys. Patty went ahead and shot people in both episodes so that was consistent.  Unlike Statsgirl I didn't feel overly ragey about it, and at least the show let Candace Patton have some nice scenes, but if you are a fan of any of the women this might not be your favorite episode.


But Mark Hamill sang demented Christmas songs so I was happy.

  • Love 4

The whole Iris/Joe relationship makes me rage. Joe's weird hero worship of Barry annoys the crap out of me. 


Joe used to be a favorite and I used to like the Joe and Barry relationship. 


The villains are much more entertaining than the heroes. Mark Hamill makes me happy. Pretty sure he was even why I watched the episode. I also liked Snart and his reindeer cup.


This was the first episode I really got to see Patty. I like her and Barry/Patty. I knew the actress from OTH but that is not a ringing endorsement. She was better then I expected. I would trade her and Linda for Caitlyn full time. 

  • Love 1

On another note, I missed the first 30min of Flash. I don't really care about the Francine or Patty subplots this episode, so I was thinking I could just skip those 30min. I generally enjoy Mark Hamil & Snart - is it worth it to watch it?


I really enjoyed the whole thing, tbh, and wouldn't miss a moment of Mark Hamill hamilling it up for anything.


And I too am sick of Joe/Barry taking precedence over Joe/Iris every time, but I didn't even really care that much this episode because Candice was so stunning. She's, IMO, the strongest female actress in the Flarrowverse and she killed her scenes. I felt second-hand embarrassment to shift from that incredibly strong first scene with CP/GG to the Caitlin/Jay scene that was so flat.

She's, IMO, the strongest female actress in the Flarrowverse and she killed her scenes. I felt second-hand embarrassment to shift from that incredibly strong first scene with CP/GG to the Caitlin/Jay scene that was so flat.

I agree on both accounts. Candice killed it last night, and I'm actually looking forward to the secret kid storyline on The Flash because it was handled maturely and I loved the reunion at the end.

Jay is human toast but I find him cute.

Edited by apinknightmare
  • Love 2

Ok, you guys have convinced me sometime in the next few weeks I will tune into the first 30mins. Hamil is great. And any quality CP/IW acting is worth a look. Seriously, how do they not write more for this actress? It's appalling. Honestly I just don't feel like giving the Flash a boost in any of their numbers. Because I think overall they are writing a crappy season and relying too heavily on their guest & forgotten talents to sell poorly written stories.

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So what was the point of Caitlin coming over from the Mercury labs? Cisco gets to rack up all these skills sets (that make no sense in the real world given that he's only a mechanical engineer) but they can't find a way to do the same for Caitlin? It's all mumbo jumbo anyway (magnets...don't do that) so why not give her a way to show her BS (bad science/bullshit) expertise? Instead, she gets to occasionally hold a tablet. And Jay. What's the point of whatever is happening there? Who's remotely interested in that relationship? 


I've watched every episode so far but I can't remember. Do "good guy" characters in Flash ever get called out for their bullshit? Cause I need Iris to go to town on Joe. Is he supposed to come off so sexist and withholding? It's a very real issue that a lot of daughters in this world have to deal with but still! It's very clear that they've killed Barry's relationship with Iris and Henry for Joe West. Instead of filling the void that fake Harrison Wells left with someone who makes sense (IRIS, YOU IDIOTS!!) they just went with 2X Joe West. That's dumb.

So I watched last night's Flash again, and I have to say, I saw more chemistry with Snart and Barry then I ever do with Barry and Iris or Barry and Patti. If this was a different show on a different network I'd be pretty sure that they were going to hook those two up.

  • Love 6

That's usually the case with Grant though--he has more chemistry with his male co-stars than with the female ones. Snart/Barry, Joe/Barry, Oliver/Barry...all have more rapport than Barry/random female love interest. I know it's been discussed to death, but I do think it has a lot to do with Grant just not coming off to some viewers as the romantic lead. That's not meant to be a knock on him because he certainly can't help that he naturally looks so young, but I do think that colors people's ability to see him as a sexual creature.

  • Love 5

Yeah, I've seen the Barry/Snart chemistry too. And I have to admit, I always thought Eddie had far more chemistry with Barry than he did with Iris.

But I disagree that GG hasn't had chemistry with his female co-stars. Just my opinion, but I think Barry and Patty have had worlds of chemistry, and Barry has chemistry with Iris, Felicity, and Caitlin when they write them in situations to have chemistry (I thought Barry and Iris had some good chemistry in the scene last night where she told him about Wally).

But as we've discussed before, this may come down to different definitions of the word chemistry.

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 5

I don't know if it's because GG doesn't do romantic chemistry with his female co-stars or because the writing and directing for the women is so bad but yeah, Barry has more chemistry with the men, including Eddie, than he does with any of the women.  I mean, he's having deep intense discussions about his conflicts being the Flash with Joe and the other male characters, and Patty, his supposedly love interest, doesn't know just like Iris last season.  Come to think of it, Linda didn't know last season either.  I guess the rule is that the woman doesn't find out about his secret identity until she's no longer his love interest.



I've watched every episode so far but I can't remember. Do "good guy" characters in Flash ever get called out for their bullshit? Cause I need Iris to go to town on Joe. Is he supposed to come off so sexist and withholding? It's a very real issue that a lot of daughters in this world have to deal with but still! It's very clear that they've killed Barry's relationship with Iris and Henry for Joe West. Instead of filling the void that fake Harrison Wells left with someone who makes sense (IRIS, YOU IDIOTS!!) they just went with 2X Joe West. That's dumb.

This is the most misogynist show I know outside of things like Blue Bloods (which I've given up on because of the unfairness, sorry, D.R.).  It's twofold, part everyone idolizing Barry and acting as if he's a super special snowflake (Flash Day?  Joe saying why would someone want an action figure of the green guy), and also failing not only to write storylines for the women but also failing to write them into the storylines they should be in.


I've reached the stage where Flash becomes "I'll watch if nothing else is on" because I'm so tired of how special Barry is.  I felt the same way about Skey on AoS in s1 but they recognized and fixed that, somewhat.

  • Love 6

My brain couldn't handle a Barry/______________(insert person of your choosing) love scene.  Nope, nope *furiously shakes head*.  Don't want to see it.  Barry is adorable and works well with pretty much everyone, but that first love scene is going to be SO awkward.

  • Love 3

Honestly, I know I'm in the minority, but I couldn't care less about sex scenes. They do nothing for me. So when I think a couple has chemistry, it's not because I think their sex scenes would be hot. That just doesn't even come into the picture for me. YMMV.

  • Love 4

My brain couldn't handle a Barry/______________(insert person of your choosing) love scene. Nope, nope *furiously shakes head*. Don't want to see it. Barry is adorable and works well with pretty much everyone, but that first love scene is going to be SO awkward.

Which is why it should be with Captain Cold. He'll help break the ice. I'll see myself out.

  • Love 15

I skipped Flash last night but I do want to see Cold and Hamill's Trickster interact.  I wonder if it's bad that my main interest in Flash has become the villains?  Oh well. :)


In other news, I finished Jessica Jones and omg it was SO good!  I didn't get into Daredevil like I wanted to, in fact, I found it boring at times and the villain tale was 10 times better than the hero's on that show.  But Jessica Jones was fantastic and I am in-love with Jessica, Luke, Trish, AND Malcolm.  I'm shocked that I love this cast so much.  I'm hoping against all logic - considering he has his own show - that I will see Luke again on the next season of the show.  And I want them both in movies stat!


Oh and the Trish story - given who her comic book hero alter ego is - is exactly what they should have done with Laurel on Arrow - just saying. 

Edited by nksarmi

IMO the only woman Barry has had any romantic chemistry with is Felicity... And even then it's the 'adorable' kind of chemistry and not the hot heavy love interest sort of chemistry..

He definitely had his best chemistry with Felicity.  I've seen some sparks between him and Iris but not enough.  He "sparks" the best with Oliver and Cold lol.

Edited by nksarmi

Honestly, I know I'm in the minority, but I couldn't care less about sex scenes. They do nothing for me. So when I think a couple has chemistry, it's not because I think their sex scenes would be hot. That just doesn't even come into the picture for me. YMMV.


LOL, I wasn't saying chemistry = hot sex scenes.  I recognize that there are several forms of chemistry, but I was speaking only to the romantic/sexual type of chemistry.   And if I'm going to root for a couple (in the romantic shippy sense), there absolutely has to be the desire for me to see more intimate moments like hugs, kisses, flirting, etc.  If I'm actively cringing during those moments, no, I'm just not going to get invested in that pairing as anything more than friends.  Barry is cute and sweet, but other than that, he does nothing for me.

  • Love 6

And if I'm going to root for a couple (in the romantic shippy sense), there absolutely has to be the desire for me to see more intimate moments like hugs, kisses, flirting, etc. If I'm actively cringing during those moments, no, I'm just not going to get invested in that pairing as anything more than friends.

Well different strokes, as they say. I've never cringed at any of Barry's romantic or semi-romantic moments, other than the awkward makeout scene with Linda Park. But I think that was supposed to be awkward.

But I liked his kiss with Iris, in the alternate timeline last season, and I liked the kisses with Patty this season. I never thought any of those were cringeworthy. *shrug* Definitely a mileage varies situation.

  • Love 3

I also feel like the only female Barry has chemistry with is Felicity. Nobody else works. Barry/Iris aren't as bad as Laurivel no-chem zone, but they still don't make me think more than friends. Neither do Barry and Patty. As for males, I simply don't tend to look for romantic chemistry if the character is straight, unless it's painfully obvious.


Anyway, I'd enjoy the show way more if it dropped all romance or played it low-key.

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 1

I also feel like the only female Barry has chemistry with is Felicity. Nobody else works. Barry/Iris aren't as bad as Laurivel no-chem zone, but they still don't make me think more than friends. Neither do Barry and Patty. As for males, I simply don't tend to look for romantic chemistry if the character is straight, unless it's painfully obvious.


Anyway, I'd enjoy the show way more if it dropped all romance or played it low-key.


I don't tend to look for slash chemistry either and if I didn't see it before (SwanQueen for example) I tend to never see it even once it's pointed out.  But there is an exception to every rule and now I see it all the time between Barry and Cold.


Side note: In hindsight, kind of see it with Laurel and Huntress lol.

I don't tend to look for slash chemistry either and if I didn't see it before (SwanQueen for example) I tend to never see it even once it's pointed out.  But there is an exception to every rule and now I see it all the time between Barry and Cold.


Side note: In hindsight, kind of see it with Laurel and Huntress lol.

I really don't see it with SwanQueen.  Maybe it's because they share a son?  I have no clue.  My exception to the rule was Smallviille between Clark and Lex, but honestly Lex had chemistry with everyone.

  • Love 1

My brain couldn't handle a Barry/______________(insert person of your choosing) love scene. Nope, nope *furiously shakes head*. Don't want to see it. Barry is adorable and works well with pretty much everyone, but that first love scene is going to be SO awkward.

Didn't we already get it with Linda last season? Because I vaguely remember myself humming "minuteman" by Missy Elliott after watching their speedy hook-up.

I think GG/BA has chemistry, he just does not ooze sex. Like said above he is not a sexual creature. I want him in a healthy & happy relationship. But I have no desire to see it beyond a few kisses.

Honestly, I know I'm in the minority, but I couldn't care less about sex scenes. They do nothing for me. So when I think a couple has chemistry, it's not because I think their sex scenes would be hot. That just doesn't even come into the picture for me. YMMV.

I'm somewhere in between. If u have a hot couple that oozes heat than I want to see a sex scene. If it's gonna be awkward, I'd rather just see implied sex and cuddles.

But I agree good chemistry is not reliant on having or the quality of sex scenes. I have seen couples that have had great chemistry & awful sex scenes. And other couples that have had great sex scenes & awful chemistry.

  • Love 2

After tonight's episode, I kinda want LOT to get good ratings and get renewed with as many episodes as Arrow so Guggie will become oh so very busy and Wendy can take over EP duties on Arrow! Maybe they can get Ben Sokolowski as her co-EP/showrunner, too!


Totally blaming the plot-a-palooza of the crossover on MG! Tonight had fantastic characterization of everyone (even Laurel!). The OTA episode plus this, yeah, I'm becoming a believer that WM really gets the show/characters. I know she's had bad episodes/dialogue in the past but... Don't let me down, Wendy. You're my only hope!

  • Love 12

Back in the first two seasons, AK and MG seemed to somehow balance each other out. Then AK left for the Flash and MG made a plotty mess of Arrow last season.  I'm glad Berlanti & Co. bumped up Wendy Mericle this season because she seems to balance out MG's worst excesses.  Meanwhile AK has made the Flash into a modern day Boy's Own and as far as I can see, Gabrielle Stanton isn't doing anything to hlep.


I really don't see it with SwanQueen.  Maybe it's because they share a son?  I have no clue.

Maybe because you sense that two people bitterly fighting (as they were in the first two seasons) does not a romantic relationship make.   Regina not only mass murdered villages, she kicked Emma's mother out, turned her into an outlaw and repeatedly tried to kill both her and Emma's father, and later Emma herself. Regina was the reason Emma grew up alone and unloved.  Just because there are sparks between two people doesn't mean they're love sparks. Look at Malcolm and Felicity.

  • Love 2
I really don't see it with SwanQueen.  Maybe it's because they share a son?  I have no clue.


Maybe because you sense that two people bitterly fighting (as they were in the first two seasons) does not a romantic relationship make.   Regina not only mass murdered villages, she kicked Emma's mother out, turned her into an outlaw and repeatedly tried to kill both her and Emma's father, and later Emma herself. Regina was the reason Emma grew up alone and unloved.  Just because there are sparks between two people doesn't mean they're love sparks. Look at Malcolm and Felicity.


Lol.  Yeah, that might have been why I never saw anything between them.  I actually was trying to offer them sharing a son as a reason maybe why people did ship them.



Clex was somewhat deliberate, wasn't it? I mean, it wasn't canon - I'm not saying that. But I thought I remembered reading that some of the subtext was intentional in the first few seasons.


It sure seemed like it was planned and in later season there were times when they had to be writing to it on purpose but in the early seasons I think it was unintentional.  I mean, just the age difference would up anything intentional to a statutory issue so I wouldn't think that was their intent but when recappers start dedicating a special section to it each week, yeah, you know there not being subtle. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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So is it usual for the CW to release deleted scenes during the season? Like this Barry/Patty scene



Flash deleted scenes they've released while the season is still going. I remember at least 2 or 3 that they showed for season 1 last year. But, wow, this was the longest in my recent memory, but it was sweet. It was obviously cut for time, but it's kind of nice to know that these writers do work to try to establish some moments to strengthen the connections between characters, even if they do end up being deleted. The only main problem I have with this scene is the fact that I can't tell, but is that supposed to be Barry's room? In Joe's house? Where Joe or even Iris could just easily walk in or at least hear them from other parts of the house? It just feels uncomfortable to me.

So is it usual for the CW to release deleted scenes during the season? Like this Barry/Patty scene



I haven't watched Flash at all this season and don't know Patty but this scene is so adorable! They seem really sweet together

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