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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Whoo, boy.  You LoT watchers are in for some really iffy acting.  I wasn't impressed by Kendra, Hawkman (can't even remember the guy's name), or Vidal Sassoon.  Hawkman, in particular, is SUPER DUPER bland.    

Yeah, I am not watching the crossover or 4.09 because I hate the baby mama/angst crap, but Kendra was pretty bad in her prior Flash appearances.  The actress also always seems to have her mouth open, and it's distracting and not super attractive.  The guy playing Stein's counterpart is also pretty bad, and the firebug guy is the hambone king of all hambones.  

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I'm so sorry for people who like her but DP/Caitlin is so terrible and wooden, it makes me glad I don't actually watch The Flash anymore. They should definitely make more room for Iris because CP is a billion times better than her. Sorry! The whole side plot with Caitlin was snooze-ville.

Also Hawkman came across like a douche.

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Gonna post here as well because I lasted through about 5 posts over on The Flash forum (seriously...no thanks).

Thea's reaction to Barry as The Flash was golden, as was her interaction with Cisco. Diggle's "Everytime!" line to Barry was hilarious as well.

The best part of the crossover continues to be the Barry/Oliver relationship. I was very surprised at the amount of focus on Oliver's personal life between his relationship with Felicity and the baby mama. I continue to be puzzled as to why the producers feel it's the best idea to have Arrow's character development happen on other shows.

I wasn't the biggest fan of the Hawkman/Hawkgirl introduction. Seriously? Pushing Kendra off a building is going to transform her into a superhero. WTF? I think it's just that I'm suffering for costumed superhero overload at this point because that was rather stupid. I get that The CW/DC TV has a more the merrier attitude in these shows, but it's only reaffirming my total lack of interest in LoT or the superhero-palooza on both these shows.

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I am almost positive Hawkman is going to bite it on LoT so I'm not too worried about him.  I like Kendra and I thought the special effects for Savage were more than sufficient so I think he will be ok.  I do agree with whoever it was upthread who said they thought Savage would be bigger because I do think he seems a bit more "massive" in the comics.

Well Vidal Sasson does get more powerful with

the death of one of the triangle

, so yeah I totally see that being how LoT takes off through time with a suped up VS. Although I did enjoy VS's acting because I think he is supposed to be cheesy. Kendra's acting was just meh to boring again. I hope she has better chemistry with her team.

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Thea's reaction to Barry as The Flash was golden, as was her interaction with Cisco. Diggle's "Everytime!" line to Barry was hilarious as well.

The best part of the crossover continues to be the Barry/Oliver relationship. I was very surprised at the amount of focus on Oliver's personal life between his relationship with Felicity and the baby mama. I continue to be puzzled as to why the producers feel it's the best idea to have Arrow's character development happen on other shows.

Because I don't think the Arrow writers really care about the storyline or want to give it any importance. It's a drama stall and a legacy for alternatives when SA wants to leave. They'll handle the character fall-out on Arrow, but I feel like after 409 the impact of the storyline will be minimal.


And I agree with you the best part of the crossover is always Barry/Oliver relationship. Really without the relationship, I'm not sure I would still be bothering to watch the FLASH. Seeing BA with OQ makes me remember that I do like BA. Despite all of the whining the people in CC do. I know OQ needs his annual pep talks, but every episode of the FLASH feels like a  Fortune Cookie or self-help book with the amount of pep talks they give out.

Edited by kismet
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Because I don't think the Arrow writers really care about the storyline or want to give it any importance. It's a drama stall and a legacy for alternatives when SA wants to leave. They'll handle the character fall-out on Arrow, but I feel like after 409 the impact of the storyline will be minimal.

I wish I had your same level of faith re: the writers. I have a sneaking suspicion this is only the beginning of the kid angst. We pretty much know that there's already some Olicity angst--most likely centered around it--based on the preview for tomorrow night. Oh how I loathe this whole storyline.


And I agree with you the best part of the crossover is always Barry/Oliver relationship. Really without the relationship, I'm not sure I would still be bothering to watch the FLASH. Seeing BA with OQ makes me remember that I do like BA. Despite all of the whining the people in CC do. I know OQ needs his annual pep talks, but every episode of the FLASH feels like a  Fortune Cookie or self-help book with the amount of pep talks they give out.

BWAH! I hear you on the self-help vibe. I like Barry just fine, but the constant propping duty all the other characters have to do every episode does get old after awhile. I know people like to jump up and down on Oliver because of his flaws (and he has many) but at least things have to get pretty damn dire before the pep talks start. That's probably one of the big reasons why I don't really watch The Flash much. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. :)

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Yeah, I saw Berlanti's tweets, and I was expecting the switcheroo in tone and locations, but not really in content. This was such an Arrow episode, even the Central City B-plot felt like the flashbacks interrupting the A plot at worst times.


Now, now, even I think that's unfair to the Central City B-plot.

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I figured the whole Barry/Oliver convo about how happy and at peace Oliver is was a sign of drama to come.

There were just so many people in so many of the scenes. Overall I thought they did a good job balancing people, but still. So. Many. People.

I had to quit the Flash boards last year. Knowing other people have a hard time over there makes me feel better about running for the hills.

ETA: I like Barry, too, but sometimes feel like what he needs instead of a pep talk is a good kick in the pants. Put on your big boys pants and do your job, son.

Edited by bethy
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Now, now, even I think that's unfair to the Central City B-plot.

Oh, hey, I'm the single person on this forum who loves adores MY FAVORITE FOREVER Caitlin, and I wanna marry Jay on account of his building a Stargate a few episodes ago, but those cuts from Star City to STAR Labs were atrocious.

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Oh, hey, I'm the single person on this forum who loves adores MY FAVORITE FOREVER Caitlin, and I wanna marry Jay on account of his building a Stargate a few episodes ago, but those cuts from Star City to STAR Labs were atrocious.


I like Caitlin! Maybe not adore, but like!


But yeah, as much as I loved all of the Star Labs stuff, the cuts to them felt awkward. Part of the problem, I think, was that so much was going on in the main plot - more people finding out Barry and Oliver's secret, reincarnated ancient Egyptians, Malcolm Merlyn using his Power of Awesome Timing to deliver expositions - that the Star Labs stuff felt a bit forced - and I had a hard time believing that Caitlin wouldn't have at least tried to contact Barry for the bullet removal before injecting Jay with a still experimental drug.

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Oh, hey, I'm the single person on this forum who loves adores MY FAVORITE FOREVER Caitlin, and I wanna marry Jay on account of his building a Stargate a few episodes ago, but those cuts from Star City to STAR Labs were atrocious.

I also really like Caitlin...well, based on the first half of what I watched of last season, but I know a lot of people don't for reasons I don't really understand, but whatever. I, too, found the back-and-forth between STAR Labs and Star City pretty pointless and boring which makes me sad because I usually love me some Tom Cavanagh scenes.

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I visited The Flash forum earlier to see about venturing over there for the episode. I politely decline.


Episode was just kind of Meh for me. I was a little bored. I don't watch the Flash so I zoned out every time they went to Star Labs. I liked every scene with Barry/Oliver/Felicity. That was fun and cute.


I can't take Cisco and Hawkgirl seriously at all. I'm not sure I like that much Cisco either. 


I liked HawkDouche. 


Thea was fun too. I hate to say it, but I didn't see much point to Diggle being in the episode. He needed more to do or something to do. Why didn't he go to the loft?


Baby Mama. Ugh

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Sometimes I think about how we could have had Barry and Felicity in season 3 instead of Ray and Felicity.  *cries silently*  Their friendship is so sweet.  I wish I could bring myself to watch The Flash, but I don't want anything to do with the shipping stuff over there.


Patty was 100% fine, so I don't get all of the negativity over that character...and yum, I still find Teddy Sears very attractive.  


Whoo, boy.  You LoT watchers are in for some really iffy acting.  I wasn't impressed by Kendra, Hawkman (can't even remember the guy's name), or Vidal Sassoon.  Hawkman, in particular, is SUPER DUPER bland.

Hawkgirl was painfully bad. She was so bad that she made Cisco's actor horrible as well.

I was struck by the huge difference in acting skills between Arrow cast and Flash cast. Outside of Barry, all of Flash cast was pretty horrid. I don't remember them being this bad in the last crossover I watched.

I was planning on watching LoT but after seeing that acting, I am not sure I'll make it through an episode. I haven't seen acting that bad since Birds of Prey.

On a happier note, the cast of Arrow just clicks and makes more sense without Laurel. OTA + Thea have good chemistry and it is a reasonable cast size. The addition of Laurel just throws off the whole show. Bizarre.

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I wish I had your same level of faith re: the writers. I have a sneaking suspicion this is only the beginning of the kid angst. We pretty much know that there's already some Olicity angst--most likely centered around it--based on the preview for tomorrow night. Oh how I loathe this whole storyline.


BWAH! I hear you on the self-help vibe. I like Barry just fine, but the constant propping duty all the other characters have to do every episode does get old after awhile. I know people like to jump up and down on Oliver because of his flaws (and he has many) but at least things have to get pretty damn dire before the pep talks start. That's probably one of the big reasons why I don't really watch The Flash much. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. :)

It is a faith... and I don't quite know where my zen is coming with the ARROW writers this year... It really should be shaky after s3 which was atrocious, but somehow I am just so calm about a lot of the writing this year. It's really weird.


But here is why I am not concerned about the Love Child being an actual problem on ARROW - Child Acting Laws! It would be cost prohibitive to have a school age child on ARROW. So no child, no drama. Also whatever Olicity drama angst will probably be resolved soon considering we have the big WF coming up, the new castings and the fact that DD seems bigger than just run-of-mill torture/kidnap your Love Child. We saw how he was when Anarky took the Danforth daughter. I just don't see DD being a take your children kinda super-bad - perhaps he has anti-child rules too, they do require a lot of babysitting. Such a hassle for as busy a guy as DD.


So if the writers don't want him and the Villain doesn't want him, then I feel like it will be just fine in the end. A few melodramatic scenes and then we'll be golden again.

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Thea was fun too. I hate to say it, but I didn't see much point to Diggle being in the episode. He needed more to do or something to do. Why didn't he go to the loft?

He probably had to go home and take care of his kid. See? Kids ruin everything. ;)

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Can't say how much I hated the jump down from Thea, Oliver and Diggle. The slo-mo with the lights in the back ground, I thought I was watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. 80s version.

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Didn't one of the previews comment on something reminding them of TMNT?

That jump scene and the costume cabinet opening to reveal Flash/Arrow suits side by side are from the "wouldn't it be cool" line of thinking. You can tell it was done just because someone thought it would be iconic/epic/comic booky

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Hawkgirl is soo soooo bad. She does take my enthusiasm for LOT way down. I hope they learned early on that her acting is bad and just have her be in scenes. Which is also an annoyance because there is only 2 women in the cast. I like Hawkdouche well enough. He has some potential but I do feel he will die though will still be "in time". He was a late edition to the cast. 


Vandal is very comicbook or Cartoonish which I can deal with. He didn't take me out of the character unlike Ra's.

Edited by tarotx
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Can they hurry up and give Felicity a code-name? Oliver calling her Felicity/honey while out in the field with DD around didn't seem smart.


But it was an ok episode, not as epic as it should've been for part of a crossover though. I didn't mind the subplot that Wells had but I feel like when it comes to crossovers, stick to everything cross-overy. Laurel is in Central City which I assume means she is with Sara(?) and hanging with momsy but none of that will be shown.


I did like Arrow characters being lighter, shame Laurel couldn't be part of it. Weird that Thea is gung-ho now on Speedy. 


They went out of their way to find a reason to include Malcolm and Patty, even though it would've been REALLY easy to have Iris investigate Savage, she is a reporter, they investigate stuff!

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This episode did nothing to entice me to watch LoT. I was gonna tune in for the first episode to see Sara but now I'm not sure anything will hold me. Hawkman came across like an arrogant douche. Hawkgirl wasn't the best actress and Vandal Savage wasn't what I was expecting either. Kind of meh. Better than Ra's though, which is something I guess. 

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Credits question for people in the know.


How are they listed when a cast guest stars on a crossover like this?


I noticed that EBR was third billed, ahead of DR and WH. 

They were listed alphabetically (SA, JB, EBR, WH, DR, CR).

Edited by Sunshine
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Oh, god, that was an awful jump-down.  I did like NMcD having so much fun in that scene though.



Hawkgirl was painfully bad. She was so bad that she made Cisco's actor horrible as well.

I was struck by the huge difference in acting skills between Arrow cast and Flash cast. Outside of Barry, all of Flash cast was pretty horrid. I don't remember them being this bad in the last crossover I watched.

I don't know why she's so stiff but there is no chemistry between her and Cisco. At all.  Hopefully they limit her when LoT comes out and emphasize Sara, Rip and Carter.


Jesse Martin and Tom Cavanaugh are good actors but they and Grant Gustin are about it IMO.  I like Caitlyn, and Patty, and Candace Patton tries really hard with the material they give her but yes, the actors on Arrow, not just SA and Barrowman but DR and Paul B. and Willa Holland and EBR are good. Not just CW good but good.


I really wanted to talk about this episode on the Flash board but I can't take the hate by people who come right out and say they don't watch Arrow but complain that Laurel is being cheated by not more prominent.

Thanks for being here, guys.




They went out of their way to find a reason to include Malcolm and Patty, even though it would've been REALLY easy to have Iris investigate Savage, she is a reporter, they investigate stuff!

They investigate stuff over long periods of time.  If they had brought Savage into the show through Iris investigating him as someone on the Flash thread suggested, or maybe she was the one writing a story on the sceptre of Horus and the ceremony in the church, then it would have made sense to use her reporter skills.  But they didn't need a long think piece on Savage when he appeared at the loft, they needed facial recognition and a way to find who he is superfast. For that, a computer algorithm is worth more than a reporter.

Edited by statsgirl
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Yeah, that accent makes it difficult to take Savage seriously.


Enjoyed the various character interactions, particularly Barry and Oliver.

I am pretty sure that Casper Crump was doing his real accent.  He's Danish. 


Hawkgirl is soo soooo bad. She does take my enthusiasm for LOT way down. I hope they learned early on that her acting is bad and just have her be in scenes. Which is also an annoyance because there is only 2 women in the cast. I like Hawkdouche well enough. He has some potential but I do feel he will die though will still be "in time". He was a late edition to the cast. 


Vandal is very comicbook or Cartoonish which I can deal with. He didn't take me out of the character unlike Ra's.

My problems with Kendra aren't with Kendra.  They are with Cisco with Kendra.  Just couldn't buy it at all from her side and nothing she did with him really worked but there were some good moments without him that give me hope, like the times she climbed up on the ledge to jump.  I got a nice intensity there and in the previews, she actually looks awesome and fierce.  So I'll wait to judge her abilities as and actress for when she's not acting around a nine year old. 


I think I like VS.  But putting him aside, this episode made me LOVE NMcD all over again.  His reaction to Barry, gleefully wonderful. 


Ok, off to venture into no mans land.  (Flash board)  I may regret this.  ;)

Edited by BkWurm1
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They were listed alphabetically (SA, JB, EBR, WH, DR, CR).


Wait...is Bett Rickards her actual last name? I thought it was just Rickards.


As for acting...I'd say the casts are equal. They have great (Paul, Jesse, Tom), really good (David, Willa, Grant, Candice), good (Stephen, Carlos) and just ok to plain awful (Danielle, Katie, Emily) 

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IMO acting wise it goes like this: 


A - Stephen, Paul, Jesse, Tom, David (when given the material, he really knocks it out of the park), Susanna (because yes)

B - Grant, Candice, Emily (She's come a long way and thought her scenes this year were great. Even the emotional ones), Willa

C - Danielle (sometimes C-)

C-/D+ - Katie (because I don't really see any nuance in her acting, she always looks pissed off, and she doesn't emote, and basically she only turns on when it's her part)

Edited by wonderwall
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Why is it so easy for people to just waltz into these lairs? Both shows went out of the way to "upgrade" yet we still have people waltzing in unannounced.



It is stupid, but I laughed OUT LOUD at the entrance Malcolm and his junior league of assassins made.  Both times.  

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Having properly watched the episode, it was okay for me. I loved last year's crossover, but this one was just...okay. (I suppose I should reserve complete judgment until after Arrow tomorrow.) I liked the lair and hangout scenes with the whole group especially Cisco and Thea. However, that shirt...no. Oliver's shirt was not better in action. Please make it go away. 


The B plot didn't really fit and could've been saved for another episode. 


I agree that there's too many people to do everyone justice. Digg had how many lines? 


I'm really leery about part 2's flashback scenes. Are they really going to throw some eyeliner on a white dude and be all...Egypt. I'll stop now and wait and see what happens.

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Barry and Oliver are such a delight together, and the nice thing about the cross-overs is that they are a sort of check in on where they both are in their hero's journeys.  Stephen Amell is really one of the best straight men out there, and I feel like Amell is such a nice grounding presence with Grant Gustin.


I was planning on watching LoT because the ads had a nice caper feel and I liked the other actors, but the Hawks, both in concept and execution, really killed my enthusiasm.  I watch Arrow because I like my heroes a little more grounded, and the soulmates trope is my least favorite form of love story.  Coupled with not liking the actors and I think I'm going to take a pass.  I reserve the right to change my mind, particularly if there is less CGI and more capers.


Damien Dahrk is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.  I can't wait until he and Oliver really start going head-to-head.

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I liked Kendra and think she'll grow into her part. I absolutely could not buy into her with Cisco-EWWW. He is just too young-looking and adorable to be paired with a beautiful woman. Mostly, I just focus on how gorgeous Kendra is, not on her acting. I'm completely distracted by her fabulous skin and her beautiful mouth. She has a gorgeous smile that just fills her face.

I thought Hawkman was kind of hot, but I'm also worried about Egyptian guy liner on a white dude ("dude" is obviously the word of the evening).

I was a little peeved at first that Felicity was being dumbed down for Cisco, but realistically, computer scientists don't deal with the hardware. So, I can overlook Cisco pointing out the use of copper wire. I think it was mostly to highlight his engineering credentials. However, Felicity would know how to optimally set up the hardware, as she's set up complex systems before and is the CEO of a tech company. Great--now I'm peeved again!

Edited by EmeraldArcher
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Having properly watched the episode, it was okay for me. I loved last year's crossover, but this one was just...okay. (I suppose I should reserve complete judgment until after Arrow tomorrow.) I liked the lair and hangout scenes with the whole group especially Cisco and Thea. However, that shirt...no. Oliver's shirt was not better in action. Please make it go away. 


The B plot didn't really fit and could've been saved for another episode. 


I agree that there's too many people to do everyone justice. Digg had how many lines? 


I'm really leery about part 2's flashback scenes. Are they really going to throw some eyeliner on a white dude and be all...Egypt. I'll stop now and wait and see what happens.


Last year it was just a few characters visiting the other shows; this year it's crossover / 'oh hey, here's some people from the new show we want you to watch'.

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Barry called Oliver 'Ollie'.


I can't talk. 

Where & when did this happen? Because I completely missed it. I don't mind that nickname from TQ or LL, but OQ has never once introduced himself or called himself Ollie to anyone he did not know as pre-island OQ.  So no one else should be using that nickname, unless its done in a snarky way (preferably a villain)  - which I don't remember happening this episode.

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First and foremost, bless the few of you that are braving the Flash Forum.


It was a good episode. It definitely had it's moments and I enjoyed all of team Arrow + plus team Flash scenes.  Any episode that doesn't include Arrow's problem character is a good episode.


I think it bogged down big time about half way through with the Hawk stuff. The actor and actress just weren't very good. I was desperate for some sane person to show up on top of that roof and yell about how stupid that whole scene was. When guys we just meet are advocating that we jump off of a building so we can sprout wings it's time to call an adult into the room.


I don't watch the Flash anymore so I didn't care about Patty and Joe or Caitlyn and Fake? Wells.  There were long stretches where I was just zoning out.


Kinda disappointed I'm never going to get to see pot-belly, balding, but very happy Oliver from Earth 2.

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Where & when did this happen? Because I completely missed it. I don't mind that nickname from TQ or LL, but OQ has never once introduced himself or called himself Ollie to anyone he did not know as pre-island OQ.  So no one else should be using that nickname, unless its done in a snarky way (preferably a villain)  - which I don't remember happening this episode.

It was when Barry left Felicity to go talk to Oliver at the loft. I missed it at first but I was watching Olicity Queen's video and made the unfortunate discovery. 

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As fun as the interactions between the Arrow and Flash cast were... I gotta ask. 


What was the point of the Arrow cast in the Flash episode? It seemed like they weren't really needed. It's like they were there for the sake of having them there. 

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As fun as the interactions between the Arrow and Flash cast were... I gotta ask. 


What was the point of the Arrow cast in the Flash episode? It seemed like they weren't really needed. It's like they were there for the sake of having them there. 

To add to that: Why would Barry assume Savage wasn't a meta-human? Had there been previous experiences with magic-ish stuff? Why would he assume he and the team couldn't handle him considering all the stuff he later lists in the episode?


The set up was super poor. 

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Yeah, the crossover last season was much more focused and made better use of everyone. This year was clearly to set up LoT and it felt kind of lacking in places, mainly because the Hawks weren't really that great. I still enjoyed it but they didn't top last year.

Edited by Guest
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IMO acting wise it goes like this: 


A - Stephen, Paul, Jesse, Tom, David (when given the material, he really knocks it out of the park), Susanna (because yes)

B - Grant, Candice, Emily (She's come a long way and thought her scenes this year were great. Even the emotional ones), Willa

C - Danielle (sometimes C-)

C-/D+ - Katie (because I don't really see any nuance in her acting, she always looks pissed off, and she doesn't emote, and basically she only turns on when it's her part)

I'd swap Emily and Paul around. Paul has a tendency to overact and get really hammy.

My rankings:

A - Stephen, Jesse, Tom, Emily

B - Paul, Wila, Grant, Caity

C - Danielle

D - Whoever plays Cisco

F - Katie, whoever plays Kendra, Hawkman, and that blonde chick from Flash

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