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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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I think it was Jessie's mask not just exactly like it because when Cisco picks it up he says, "Thank you, Jessie Quick," or something like that. I don't really understand why they couldn't make her own if they made her a suit since I'd think in show at least a mask would be less effort/time consuming than a costume to make.  Was the jacket of the costume the same jacket she was wearing when she got the powers? It looked really similar to me but if it was then Cisco just gave her back her own jacket and called it a costume.

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For comparison. I'm sure the mask was made for her, because they're molded to fit the actors faces but they could've given her something better. There's no reason why Cisco couldn't say something like: thank god I have all these masks, and pulled out a drawer with a bunch. Hell, that would've been a fun montage, her trying them on.

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Edited by JJ928
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The pilot for HBO’s adaption of the Watchmen graphic novel is expected to film in Vancouver this Spring.

What’s it about?
Costumed heroes alter the course of history leading to an American victory in Vietnam, a Richard Nixon presidency that stretches into the mid-1980s and America and Russia on a collision course for World War III. Set against this altered timeline is a group of crimefighters — Ozymandias, Silk Spectre, Doctor Manhattan, Nite Owl and Rorschach — who investigate the murder of one of their own.
*  *  *
Showrunner: Damon Lindelof (Lost/The Leftovers)
Director: Nicole Kassell

May or may not be relevant to the Arrowverse...

Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on This Is Us, Walking Dead, Good Doctor, Fosters, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Blindspot and More
By Michael Ausiello / March 14 2018


♦ The annual TVLine staple known as the May Sweeps Scorecard is coming soon and sources confirm to me exclusively that there will be a lot of death.

Edited by tv echo

From Eagle-Con, March 8-10, 2018...

Cal State LA honors Marvel’s Luke Cage creator, acclaimed science fiction writer at Eagle-Con
By Sentinel News Service  March 15, 2018


Hours after news broke that blockbuster hit Black Panther had surpassed $1 billion in box offices worldwide, Marvel’s Luke Cage creator Cheo Hodari Coker took the stage at Eagle-Con at California State University, Los Angeles.

Coker is the showrunner, executive producer and writer for the Netflix project that was the first TV show to star an African American superhero. Wearing a Black Panther comic book T-shirt, he accepted the 2018 Eagle-Con Prism Award on Saturday for furthering representation through artistic media.

“The success of [Black Panther] plays backward and forward because it helps across the entire realm of entertainment in terms of what people of color can accomplish,” Coker said onstage after receiving the award. “Now they can’t say that Black-themed projects don’t travel. They can’t say that there isn’t a diverse audience for fantasy and science fiction.”
*  *  *
Eric Wallace, co-executive producer and writer for The CW’s The Flash, shared insights into the writing and producing process of TV shows and comic books during a conversation with Los Angeles-based entertainment journalist Hannibal Tabu.

A panel on writing for science fiction and superhero TV shows touched on the importance of diversity in writer’s rooms.

“Diversity is a buzzword you hear a lot these days, but it’s so important so that you aren’t getting just one viewpoint conveyed,” said Christos Gage, who writes for Marvel’s Daredevil on Netflix and has worked on The CW’s Arrow.

Edited by tv echo
1 hour ago, way2interested said:

Wow, a lot of death already, with shows not even close to finishing their finales? Last year had 53 and the year before that was 57, they're already thinking that there's going to be a lot?

They already know. They're sweeps scorecard is based on info given by the networking/producers to help sell the May episodes.

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From programming schedule for the upcoming Awesome Con (all times are EST)...

Mar. 31 @ 4:15pm - John Barrowman Q&A
Mar. 31 @ 4:30pm - Cress Williams Q&A
Apr. 1 @ 10:30am - Stephen Amell Q&A

Full Guest List: http://awesome-con.com/guestsdc/

Edited by tv echo
29 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

They already know. They're sweeps scorecard is based on info given by the networking/producers to help sell the May episodes.

But even then I guess the network/producers still keep some close to the chest since their score card always ends up adding numbers to their list?

1 minute ago, way2interested said:

But even then I guess the network/producers still keep some close to the chest since their score card always ends up adding numbers to their list?

They don't always get info this far out. Sometimes they find out about it during sweeps or they don't know about something and add it in as an extra number after it happens.

What I'm saying is that TV Line's claim that their May Sweeps Scorecard (2018) has lots of deaths is because they know about lots of deaths, they're not guessing there will be lots of deaths.  It doesn't matter if they don't know all the deaths coming in May or all the marriages/proposals/character departures/etc.  What they're putting in the Scorecard is what they've been told by the Networks/Producers. 

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On 12/03/2018 at 4:17 PM, apinknightmare said:

She's grown Sara Diggle, born from the Speedforce, sent to make Barry pay for all the times he screwed with the timeline.

Cool theory but it would have been even more kick-ass if Sara Diggle had been Savitar in season 3. At this point, the "Barry screwed with the timeline and must pay!!!!" ship has sailed. *knock-on-wood*

1 minute ago, Katsullivan said:

Cool theory but it would have been even more kick-ass if Sara Diggle had been Savitar in season 3. At this point, the "Barry screwed with the timeline and must pay!!!!" ship has sailed. *knock-on-wood*

IDK I feel like they'd have a more compelling reason to make Barry's life hell and destroy the city than DeVoe does

6 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

IDK I feel like they'd have a more compelling reason to make Barry's life hell and destroy the city than DeVoe does

The Flashpoint ship has sailed.

Is DeVoe trying to make Barry's life hell/destroy the city or does he just have some highly intellectual endgame and Barry is in his way? Because (for once!) I don't get the impression that the villain is Obssessed-With-Barry, just that Barry is an obstacle in his way. Which I thought was a refreshing change. 

6 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

Which I thought was a refreshing change. 

While it's refreshing, I feel like the writers bungled DeVoe up so badly and is kind of an awful villain because his motivations have little connection to Barry. I just don't think the writers are very good at writing characters who have little connection to Barry (Iris/Caitlin excluded because the writers obviously don't know how to write women in general).

IMO the Flashpoint was a huge deal and Barry should continue to face the repercussions of it for a long time coming.

  • Love 1

Yeah they really didn't invest in a costume or a mask for Iris, the jacket she was already wearing before she got the powers and she just added leather pants and high heel boots to her look. For a costume an episode that was highly promoted they really didn't deliver.  I still think this episode should have been a two parter, but I guess with Barry in jail for several episodes they didn't want to spend another episode where he couldn't be The Flash.

27 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

Cool theory but it would have been even more kick-ass if Sara Diggle had been Savitar in season 3. At this point, the "Barry screwed with the timeline and must pay!!!!" ship has sailed. *knock-on-wood*

This was actually a joke, not a theory.

Although I hate Barry so anyone who wants to destroy his miserable life is okay with me!

6 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I feel like the writers bungled DeVoe up so badly and is kind of an awful villain because his motivations have little connection to Barry.

With the exception of Wellsobard in season 1, the Flash writers have consistently bungled up every season's Big Bad, so the connection to Barry isn't the deciding factor here. 

8 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

IMO the Flashpoint was a huge deal and Barry should continue to face the repercussions of it for a long time coming.

Maybe in the hands of better writers, I'd be intrigued to see what more they could spool out of that. But I think we've all come to realise by now that the Flash writers are not exactly Rowling or GRRM or even Whedon-level of good. Our expectations need to be kept low for our own sanity and I for one, was Flashpoint-fatigued long before Savitar stepped out of that freakshow of a suit. 

Now I am currently living (it up) in a post-Flashpoint era, and if we never re-visit that storyline again, I won't shed any tears. 

5 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

This was actually a joke, not a theory.

Although I hate Barry so anyone who wants to destroy his miserable life is okay with me!

I don't hate Barry - I think he suffers from Protagonist-Centered-Morality  like most white Teds on USA TV shows. But I agree that if this show ever wanted to end its run by turning Barry into a villain, the seeds are there. But that's as likely to happen as them casting a character to play Killer Frost and letting her actually kill anyone so..

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

With the exception of Wellsobard in season 1, the Flash writers have consistently bungled up every season's Big Bad, so the connection to Barry isn't the deciding factor here. 

Julian, Wally, Jesse, Ralph have very little connection to Barry and I feel like they've either all been wasted or are awful characters (Ralph). Heck, even Cisco has been shoved into the background now that he doesn't have as many scenes with Barry... 

It's not just villains, it's characters in general. It's the same on Arrow. Any character who isn't close or at least heavily connected to the titular characters tend to fail or tend to not be written towards as much if that makes sense.

I guess we can agree to disagree though. I liked the villains in season 1-2. Barry being the villain in season 3 sucked because it made zero sense I can agree with you there. 

I liked the idea because I like the idea of consequences. Something Arrow actually does quite well. But I guess I get why Barry fans wouldn't want Barry to face any.

10 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

Now I am currently living (it up) in a post-Flashpoint era, and if we never re-visit that storyline again, I won't shed any tears. 

Lol not asking you to

Edited by WindofChange
1 hour ago, WindofChange said:

This isn't a very good sign, and I thought LoT was more of a safe bet after seeing it stay steady... I guess the writers don't think it is? IDK

Huh, that's just really odd. I know CW hasn't renewed anything yet but, to put that tweet out there seems odd.

  • Love 1
Just now, apinknightmare said:

I think it was just their way of thanking the fans who coordinated to tweet at the CW to renew Legends during that "power hour," not necessarily indicative of the show being in trouble or anything. 

Ahhh I didn't know the context. Yeah I'm pretty sure LoT is a safe bet for this year at least... I'm unsure what they're going to do with Supergirl though

37 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

Julian, Wally, Jesse, Ralph have very little connection to Barry and I feel like they've either all been wasted or are awful characters (Ralph). Heck, even Cisco has been shoved into the background now that he doesn't have as many scenes with Barry... 

It's not just villains, it's characters in general. It's the same on Arrow. Any character who isn't close or at least heavily connected to the titular characters tend to fail or tend to not be written towards as much if that makes sense.

Like I said, the writing for this show isn't great. It's not the villains. They have cool ideas "in theory". Characters who aren't close to the titular character being written off/shaken off is basically how every story goes so I'm not sure what's unique in that. If anything, I think the Flash writers have a weakness to hold onto characters who no longer serve a purpose because they're fond of the actors. What's the point of the Many Faces of Harrison Wells? Caitlin should have turned villain and stayed villain. (If we're talking long-term effects of Flashpoint, that's actually a pretty profound one). Julian was completely redundant after he was un-Dragonized in the midseason finale. In retrospect, it's clear that Wally and Jesse were introduced too early and as much as I adored them, they probably shouldn't have been on the show at the same time. #toomanyspeedsters.

37 minutes ago, WindofChange said:

I liked the idea because I like the idea of consequences. Something Arrow actually does quite well. But I guess I get why Barry fans wouldn't want Barry to face any.

I don't watch Arrow so I'll have to take your word on that.  Not sure where you got the impression that I don't want because I'm a Barry fan when I made it clear that I don't want more Flashpoint because the Flash writers can't deliver on the premise. There's a fine line between consequences and Trauma Conga and that's what season 3 turned into. 

47 minutes ago, Katsullivan said:

Maybe in the hands of better writers, I'd be intrigued to see what more they could spool out of that.

Edited by Katsullivan
28 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I think it was just their way of thanking the fans who coordinated to tweet at the CW to renew Legends during that "power hour," not necessarily indicative of the show being in trouble or anything. 

Thanks for the explanation, it really didn't make sense to me, since I've been saying all 5 Arrowverse shows + SPN are a lock for renewal.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Katsullivan said:

I don't watch Arrow so I'll have to take your word on that.  Not sure where you got the impression that I don't want because I'm a Barry fan when I made it clear that I don't want more Flashpoint because the Flash writers can't deliver on the premise. There's a fine line between consequences and Trauma Conga and that's what season 3 turned into. 

IDK I think it's perfectly normal to not want to be reminded that of a favorite's awful decisions in the past. Flashpoint was definitely a low point of the series but it shouldn't be forgotten. I think that's awful storytelling.

CW Live + 7 DVR numbers (Week of Feb. 26-March 4)

Flash - 1.5 and 3.982 mil viewers

SPN - no info on demo but 2.59 mil viewers

Black Lightning - 1.0 and 2.803 mil viewers

Arrow - 0.8 and 2.132 mil viewers

Izombie - 0.6 and 1.656 mil viewers



2 hours ago, apinknightmare said:

I think it was just their way of thanking the fans who coordinated to tweet at the CW to renew Legends during that "power hour," not necessarily indicative of the show being in trouble or anything. 

Do you know if it trended?

I expected Arrow and The Flash to end the same week. My first thought was that Barry is going to mess something up again and that's why they need to end on The Flash. 

5 hours ago, Cleanqueen said:

Yeah they really didn't invest in a costume or a mask for Iris, the jacket she was already wearing before she got the powers and she just added leather pants and high heel boots to her look.  For a costume an episode that was highly promoted they really didn't deliver.  I still think this episode should have been a two parter, but I guess with Barry in jail for several episodes they didn't want to spend another episode where he couldn't be The Flash.

That's an odd choice for a hero whose main thing is running. 

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If they wanted to finish both show during May sweeps that was not possible. 

8 minutes ago, bijoux said:

I expected Arrow and The Flash to end the same week. My first thought was that Barry is going to mess something up again and that's why they need to end on The Flash. 

That's an odd choice for a hero whose main thing is running. 

1 minute ago, bijoux said:

May 15 isn't part of the sweeps? 

It is but May 22 is the last Tuesday during May Sweeps. And the shows airing on Thursday usually finish their season 1 week before their Monda to Wednesday shows. It was like that with LOT in their first season, SPN last season. 

Wow, Candice Patton sounds so over it in the new TV Guide interview:


"I mean, no one wants to see pregnant Iris," Patton said, "but yeah, I think the next step, I guess, would be eventually to see Barry and Iris have a kid. I don't know when that could possibly happen with what they're trying to do."


"For me the bucket list is checked. I mean, if you guys killed me off tomorrow, I feel like I had a good run," she said.

Edited by Trisha
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Okay, I didn’t know that. To be clear, I wasn’t even predicting this would happen, just that I’ve been conditioned to expect it.

Still, it’s Barry. The odds are good.

2 minutes ago, Velocity23 said:

It is but May 22 is the last Tuesday during May Sweeps. And the shows airing on Thursday usually finish their season 1 week before their Monda to Wednesday shows. It was like that with LOT in their first season, SPN last season. 

1 minute ago, Trisha said:

Wow, Candice Patton sound over it in the new TV Guide interview:

So, next season, new LI for Barry, throw him at Caitlin, or finally have him and Joe be alone and happy together? I’m being glib here, but it really sounds like she’s done after this season.

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TVLine's list:


8 pm Legends of Tomorrow Season 3 finale

8 pm Supergirl resumes Season 3

9 pm Black Lightning Season 1 finale

8 pm Jane the Virgin Season 4 finale (special time)
9 pm The Originals final season premiere

9 pm The 100 Season 5 premiere

8 pm Riverdale Season 2 finale

8 pm Supernatural Season 13 finale
9 pm Arrow Season 6 finale

8 pm Dynasty Season 1 finale

8 pm The Flash Season 4 finale

9 pm iZombie Season 4 finale

8 pm Supergirl Season 3 finale

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Ava DuVernay To Direct Jack Kirby Comic Creation ‘The New Gods’ For Warner Bros, DC


After making history as the first woman of color to helm a $100 million-plus live-action film in A Wrinkle In Time, Ava DuVernay will continue to play in the event film sandbox. She’s closing a deal with Warner Bros and DC to direct a big-budget screen adaptation of The New Gods, the creation of revered comic book impresario Jack Kirby. The studio has set Kario Salem (Chasing Mavericks) as the writer; he’ll craft the narrative and work closely with DuVernay.


There is no connection to the other DC worlds being exploited for film right now by Warner Bros, where studio boss Toby Emmerich and hisnewly installed DC production president Walter Hamada are moving forward with new approach to filmmakers on their DC-based fare.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Trisha said:

"I mean, no one wants to see pregnant Iris," Patton said, "but yeah, I think the next step, I guess, would be eventually to see Barry and Iris have a kid. I don't know when that could possibly happen with what they're trying to do."


"For me the bucket list is checked. I mean, if you guys killed me off tomorrow, I feel like I had a good run," she said.

Edited 4 hours ago by Trisha.

yiiiiikes, I don't know if I've ever seen any actor say that for shows they're not planning on leaving... Makes me wonder what's going down with Candice/Flash this season.

5 hours ago, Trisha said:

"For me the bucket list is checked. I mean, if you guys killed me off tomorrow, I feel like I had a good run," she said.

Wow, Candice sounds so over playing Iris. Not that I blame her, playing that character must be so boring, she doesn't really get to grow as an actor. Plus she probably sees WOC getting actual storylines on Black Lightning while she's mostly stuck being Barry's cheerleader. 

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