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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Geoff Johns and Greg Berlanti are Looking at Garth Ennis and John McCrea’s Hitman for TV
Posted by Rich Johnston January 13, 2018


From the Q&A session at the first panel of DC In DC, the event going on at the Newseum in Washington DC today. There will be plenty to talk about (especially President Diane Nelson getting down to Uptown Funk before the cameras were meant to be on) but just for now, Bleeding Cool correspondent Will Romine lets us know that after a questioner expressed keenness for the character of Tommy Monaghan, the Hitman from Garth Ennis and John McCrea‘s series from two decades ago, Geoff Johns said that yes, he and Greg Berlanti have been in discussion about a TV version of Hitman.

Geoff Johns: Hitman TV Series is Something DC is ‘Discussing Now’
By Mansoor Mithaiwala  January 13, 2018


DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns and Arrowverse and Supergirl creator Greg Berlanti were asked about a potential Hitman TV series in a Q&A session at the comic publisher’s DC in D.C. event this weekend. Johns was open to the idea by saying “anything’s possible” and that it’s actually something he and Berlanti are “discussing now.”


Edited by tv echo

Today We Learned Why The Superheroines Of DC TV Don’t Wear High Heels…
Posted by Rich Johnston January 13, 2018


Joining the Wonder Women panel at the DC In DC in Washington DC were actors Candice Patton, Caity Lotz, Danielle Panabaker, Camren Bicondova, Jessica Lucas,  Erin Richards, executive producer Sarah Schechter, writers Julie Benson and Shawna Benson, Mariko Tamaki and Shea Fontana and artist Agnes Garbowska.
*  *  *
They talked about actors having control of characters when there are multiple directors on television shows, Camren being asked “would Selina do that” to reply “yes, yes she would.” Sarah Schechter talking about how actors know who their characters are and everytime Melissa Benoist has said that “she’s right”. And about challenging preconceptions, “saying ‘why did the woman walk in the room if she’s not going to say anything’ and the guys are just like ‘ohhhhh'”….

How there’s a different perspective on women’s costumes from women producers, “we added a skirt… she was wearing nothing.” Danielle Panabaker talked about pushing back on extreme cleavage in costumes, Camren Bicondova talked about a Gotham scene in which they both were written as torturing a man in their underwear, so as not to get their clothes dirty, but a scene they knew was there to be titillating, execs asked them if they were comfortable with it, they said they didn’t want to do like that,  and said that were fine.

Julie Benson talked about when creating the current Batgirl & The Birds Of Prey comic, talking about moving away from the “boobs out, butts out” and making the clothes functional and making sense, lacing up the cleavage on Black Canary.

Mariko Tamaki talked about her discussion with a Wonder Woman artist who had her deep sea diving and in a bikini, rather than an appropriate diving costume. She pushed back and got different bikini designs back and had to say “step away from the bikini”.

But also we learned that a focus group of children was responsible for the DC TV women superhero characters not wearing high heels, like some of them do in the comics. The kids said that “you can’t fight in those” and that they should wear running shoes. And that’s why the characters are generally seen wearing flats across the Arrowverse shows.


Edited by tv echo

I'm stunned (but not really) by the lack of Arrow representation at the "DC in D.C." event.

They have cast members from all of the other Arrowverse shows, but no one from the Arrow in Arrowverse - you know, the show that started it all.

Edited by tv echo
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3 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I wonder why Keiynan, Echo and David weren't invited to join The Many Shades of Heroism: DC Heroes Through the African-American Lens panel for the DC event today. 

Along with Maisie and Franz.


I know he's at least busy on the other side of the country.  

Bruce Timm Wants to Do a ‘Superman: Red Son’ Animated Movie After ‘Gotham by Gaslight’
Posted by Rich Johnston January 12, 2018


Bleeding Cool’s Will Romine has just seen the DC animated movie version of Mike Mignola and Brian Augustyn‘s Batman story Gotham by Gaslight, premiering at the DC In DC event tonight. He says it’s awesome and we look forward to a more verbose review later.

But he also reports that Warner Bros.’s Bruce Timm says he wants to do Red Son as an animated film next, another Elseworlds-style story, this time focusing on Superman — a Superman whose fleeing spaceship from Krypton landed several hours later than on the DC Earth — and so hit a collective farm in Soviet Russia rather than Kansas.

And gives us a communist Superman, in the full knowledge that Stalin means Man of Steel….
*  *  *
Well, now it seems the ball is in Bruce Timm’s court. He said that if Gotham by Gaslight does well, showing an audience for animated parallel dimension stories, then he wants to do Red Son next.

Edited by tv echo

I loved the Red Son, I wouldn't mind if it were adapted but just thinking about it im like jeez...in almost every elseworlds story they have Wonder Woman always taking Supermans side and fighting alongside him when he is turned into "the enemy" instead of her fighitng against him and she always has to sacrifice herself for his "greater good"

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Black Lightning Strikes: Cress Williams Hails The CW's New Superhero Series as 'Completely Unlike Anything Else'


Ahead of the series’ premiere this Tuesday, Jan. 16 at 9/8c (where it will lead out of The Flash), TVLine invited Williams to forecast the impact Black Lightning might make on the broadcast-TV landscape.

2 minutes ago, Trini said:

They're squandering an opportunity here.

If I was anyone in TheCW hierarchy or on any of the shows best believe I would strike while the iron is hot, Not only promotional material but an episode to go with it that they would most likely get a good bit of press on. 

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This is a very interesting and thoughtful (and lengthy) interview with Dean Cain - I only quoted portions...

A Man for All Seasons: An Interview with Dean Cain
Gary Bettinson January 12, 2018


Critics praised your “chemistry” with Teri Hatcher, as if chemistry is something mystical or fortuitous. I tend to think that this downplays the work that actors must do to create energy between them. Was chemistry something the two of you had to actively cultivate and develop over time?

Chemistry is a mystical thing, in a weird way. There was an attraction between Teri and I, there’s no question. And there was a respect. Again, Teri and I didn’t audition together; they cast me first. She finally went to network with two other Lois Lanes and there were only two Supermen – myself and Kevin Sorbo. I worked with both the other Loises and never got to work with Teri. They never put us together. So it was really interesting, the way Robert Butler and the producers worked. But I think they can see chemistry. Yes, there’s a lot of work that goes into it as an actor, but then there is something else that happens when two people are together, and I just don’t think it’s a tangible thing. I can tell when there is a spark between actors. You can see it happen when you’re in a scene. I think if Teri and I didn’t have any spark together, if there wasn’t a magic or a chemistry, the show would have died immediately. It’s funny, Teri was a much better actor than I was when we started, for sure. I put her abilities way above mine. I would just try to be natural and react. She had a lot more savvy and a lot more experience. She was great, and it was really easy to play off of her and the things that she did. I really enjoyed that.
*  *  *
You told the producers in your audition that you had a fresh take on the character. What exactly was the concept that you took into that first audition?

I felt that the character was shouldering huge responsibility. That was Clark’s secret. He knew he was the most powerful being on earth, and he was juggling that responsibility with the desires and ambitions of a young man. “Listen, I can do all this amazing stuff. Why can’t I just do it? Why can’t I just be ‘the man’?” It was that shouldering of responsibility that I thought maybe other actors wouldn’t bring to the role. Truthfully, I really respected the character. And there was probably an innocence in me that came through without my realizing it, a quality that I think is so important in the character. Melissa Benoist has that same quality in Supergirl. It’s an honesty and earnestness, and that’s what I think Superman and Supergirl have to have. Henry Cavill is wonderful as Superman, but I don’t see that innocence in him. It’s not that Henry doesn’t have that quality as an actor, but that’s not what Zack Snyder wants to do with the character.5 They want to do something completely different, making Superman an angst-ridden Christ figure. And that’s not my favorite take on the character.
*  *  *
Some reports cite poor ratings as the reason for Lois & Clark’s cancellation in 1997. But the show had been picked up for a fifth season, hadn’t it?

We were definitely picked up for a fifth season. Tony Jonas was the president of Warner Brothers Television at the time. I remember he brought Teri and I into his office, and said, “There are two giant-screen TV sets in there for you – we have been picked up for season five, here we go.” First of all, I loved the giant-screen TV. I don’t think Teri was so happy with the TV. “I’d rather have jewelry” – she said something like that. I remember she left, actually, and I said to Tony: “Tony, if she doesn’t want her TV I’ll take that one too!” Tony said, “Dean, get out of my office.” [Laughs] We were picked up for season five. We weren’t cancelled because of falling ratings. They had started to move our time slot around, which is always a dangerous thing. There was plenty of on-set strife going on, and that makes it a little bit more difficult to continue a show. And then Teri got pregnant and literally had a doctor’s note saying that filming was detrimental to both her health and that of her unborn child. I remember saying to Tony, “Listen, let’s do season five with limited amounts of Lois. Have her be pregnant. Maybe she’s pregnant with Clark’s baby.” Tony said, “No, it’s Lois and Clark; we’re not going to do that.” And there it is: it was over. The truth of the matter is – at that time, for me – it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. I suddenly had time – to do anything, to breathe. I didn’t have to be on set tomorrow morning at 5 a.m. and be looking at the clock thinking, “If I go to bed now I’ll get seven hours of sleep,” every minute of every day. I was on set filming a movie in Toronto when I heard that the show was cancelled, and I was happy. I was ready to do season five and I wanted to. But I was quite happy.
*  *  *
When you went to work on Smallville and Supergirl, did you feel any sense of continuity with the world you had established in Lois & Clark? Or did you regard each series as an entirely separate endeavor?

Well, Smallville I see more as a separate endeavor. Smallville was a different world. It was fun to do, but it was certainly a different animal. But I think that Supergirl is much more along the lines of Lois & Clark – it’s in the same vein, it feels much more like the same universe. So when I go on to Supergirl, it does feel like the same world. It’s a little more serious than our world was, because they’re dealing with more serious issues. I don’t know that they necessarily have to, but they are. And they’re doing it well. I do like some levity, though, in those shows.
*  *  *
Do you see yourself as part of a continuum that includes Christopher Reeve, George Reeves, Kirk Alyn, and others that have played Superman?

Absolutely, I do. I see myself in that realm. I see Melissa Benoist in that realm. I think Tyler Hoechlin is in that category as well. I like Tyler’s Superman a lot. The Brandon Routh and the Henry Cavill versions – it’s not their fault, but I don’t see them in that same vein, because they did different things with the character.9 The group of actors that you mentioned – their versions of Superman have a tonally different feel than Man of Steel [2013] and Batman v Superman [2016]. I didn’t really love Superman in either one of those incarnations.
*  *  *
These recent big-screen portrayals of Superman have not been particularly well received. How do you respond to the view that Superman is no longer relevant to the times we live in?

I think Superman will always be a relevant character. There is a thing about it, though, that does rub people the wrong way. Superman upheld three things: truth, justice, and the American way. Now in this globalist world, people get very upset about saying “the American way” – but the American way is about freedom. It’s the freedom part that people have a real problem with. The American way is supposed to be based on equality of opportunity for everybody. Superman would never choose one person over the other because of their gender or their sexual orientation or their religion. He would do what is fair and just for everybody. The way he is being played these days, though, is not in that same ilk. You know, when they’re flying through the buildings in Man of Steel, as impressive as that is, it results in a thousand dead people. Superman would never allow that to happen, because those are innocents being killed, and that has always been his greatest weakness: he’ll protect the innocent. His goodness is his weakness. Superman would do anything he could to stop civilians being hurt. He’d put himself in peril first. That’s a selfless, wonderful thing, and I think that Superman will always be relevant.
*  *  *
Let me ask you about your taste in acting. Do you admire a particular style of performance?

I admire underplaying as opposed to theatrics. There is a saying: acting on stage is twenty-feet across, so that the audience can see and hear it; acting on television is eight feet across; and acting on film is half an inch. And the little things that you can do on film can have tremendous impact. When you’re projecting across that whole screen space, the littlest eye twitch or movement – even a breath – can be so telling on the screen, whereas if you do that on stage no one sees it. I do prefer the naturalist style of acting. There are transformative actors like Daniel Day-Lewis, who probably speaks with an accent all day long and doesn’t break character. Sean Penn does a lot of similar things. That has just never been my style. I take off my hat to it, but there’s no burning desire for me to do that.

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Marc Guggenheim Teases Next Arrowverse Crossover
By JOSEPH SCHMIDT - January 13, 2018


"We always sort of talk about it… I always say, the crossover is a really difficult labor," said Guggenheim. "It's like going into the room of a woman who just gave birth and she's still swaddling her newborn and you ask 'so how about the next one?' At the same time, we've had discussions.

"We know that the crossovers are a fact of life. I do think that there's a big desire on the part of all of us, as well as the studio and the network, to do the crossover differently than we did this past year. In part because I honestly don't know how we top it. And also because the level of ambition was so high that it affects a lot of different things. It affects schedules, it affects casts, it affects budgets."

Guggenheim hinted that they might not go the typically comic book-inspired route of bringing every character together for an epic battle, much like they did in "Crisis" and in "Invasion!" That said, the plans are still up in the air.
*  *  *
"We haven't talked any specifics but we have talked about a general agreement of thinking outside the box and doing something a little differently than what we've done in the past," Guggenheim said. "What that is, I have no idea. None of us really know."

There's also the possibility of newest series Black Lightning being involved in the crossover, though Guggenheim was careful not to confirm the character's involvement.

"My preference actually would be to start talking about it sooner rather than later. Because it really is like doing — I know there's now five shows along with Black Lightning, that's not to say that Black Lightning is a part of the Arrowverse, that's above my pay grade — but I will say whether you consider it four shows or five shows, doing the crossover is like doing a fifth or sixth show. And getting out as far ahead of it as possible is always good."

Edited by tv echo

Huh. Didn't they already do Cyborg's origin story in Justice League? Are they going to cut in scenes from Justice League into the Cyborg movie?...

Joe Morton Opens Up About Potential Cyborg Movie (Exclusive)
By Jennifer Drysdale‍ 11:54 AM PST, January 11, 2018


A solo Cyborg movie is in the works, according to Joe Morton. 

Though the film was originally slated for a 2020 release in the early days of the DC Extended Universe, its future seemed up in the air amid the DCU's other projects. Morton, who plays Cyborg's (Ray Fisher) father, Dr. Silas Stone, in 2017's Justice League, however, tells ET that a Cyborg movie is definitely a possibility. 

"From what I understand, there will be a Cyborg movie. It will be about him and I, and about the family that he came from, how he becomes the Cyborg, et cetera," Morton reveals. "But from whence he came, as well."
*  *  *
"I think it's very exciting," he continues. "I think it's exciting because there aren't that many, if any, black superheros, and in his case in particular, because there is no alias, because there is nothing for him to hide behind, and that he has to be who he is all the time."

"I think it's a great kind of allegory for what it means to be black in this country," he adds. 
*  *  *
Warner Bros. has declined to comment.

Edited by tv echo

I have zero interest in this movie - Zachary Levi is an okay singer, but I've never been a fan of his acting. Also, I read his Maxim interview and side-eye his comments (quoted below)...

Warner Bros. Dates DC/New Line’s ‘Shazam!’ For Spring 2019
by Anthony D'Alessandro   January 12, 2018 


Warner Bros. already had April 5, 2019 RSVP’ed for a DC titles and today they revealed that movie will actually be David F. Sandberg’s Shazam! 

Pic,which is scripted by Henry Gayden and Darren Lemke, will also play in Imax. Interestingly enough that date is not Easter weekend, a time frame that WB took advantage of when they launched Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice to $166M. No other major studio has even dared yet to program against Warner Bros. on April 5.  Zachary Levi stars as the title superhero.

WB also announced that the untitled DC movie that was dated for this summer, July 27, is now off the calendar.

SEAN ABRAMS   MAY 27, 2016


What’s one thing a guy should never do on a first date?
Just don’t be a dick. Dating is so fucking dumb man, it’s so weird. It’s so fascinating, girls say chivalry is dead. And it’s like if it’s dead, you fucking killed it. Because it used to be a guy could be a guy and a girl wouldn’t be offended if he got the door or something, and now it’s like “I can get the door for myself, I’m a strong woman,” and then it’s like “Fuck! I don’t know anymore." First, know the type of girl you’re going on a date with, and if she’s into chivalry, that's great, and if she’s not, then she’s not.

Edited by tv echo
3 hours ago, tv echo said:

But I think they can see chemistry. Yes, there’s a lot of work that goes into it as an actor, but then there is something else that happens when two people are together, and I just don’t think it’s a tangible thing. I can tell when there is a spark between actors. You can see it happen when you’re in a scene. I think if Teri and I didn’t have any spark together, if there wasn’t a magic or a chemistry, the show would have died immediately.

I love this response, because as much as some people (including that interviewer) seem to pooh-pooh the idea of chemistry, it IS something that Hollywood folks see and believe in. And it is not just romantic chemistry. I mean there's that famous story of George Lucas auditioning actors in threes to find his Luke, Han and Leia. But yeah, chemistry is very important and execs know it can save or kill shows, hence the Arrow pivot. 

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17 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I love this response, because as much as some people (including that interviewer) seem to pooh-pooh the idea of chemistry, it IS something that Hollywood folks see and believe in. And it is not just romantic chemistry. I mean there's that famous story of George Lucas auditioning actors in threes to find his Luke, Han and Leia. But yeah, chemistry is very important and execs know it can save or kill shows, hence the Arrow pivot. 

I think even in real life, some people just get along and some people just don't. It's a really important thing because it dictates not just your romantic relationships but who you work best with and who makes you 'shine'. If you're working with people and you don't have that chemistry, the work you produce isn't going to be as good as the work you would have produced if you were working with people who you do have chemistry with. 

As a slight aside, I think Lois and Clark is a good example of why chemistry is so important. I was willing to watch through kidnapping, frog eating clones and amnesia just to see them get down the aisle because I had so much fun watching them together and bouncing off of each other. 

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I assume Black Lighting takes place on, like, Earth 73 or something, and eventually the Earth 1 gang will show up, either by accident or trying to stop some bad guy. 

Chemistry is very underrated when it comes to casting. If the actors/characters dont gel, even if they're talented actors and well written characters, it just wont work well as when actors have a natural chemistry together. Its not something you can fake or fix, it just is what it is sometimes. And if the writers decide to change things to accommodate for actors having or not having chemistry, I think its a good thing. 

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On 1/13/2018 at 1:03 PM, tv echo said:

But also we learned that a focus group of children was responsible for the DC TV women superhero characters not wearing high heels, like some of them do in the comics. The kids said that “you can’t fight in those” and that they should wear running shoes. And that’s why the characters are generally seen wearing flats across the Arrowverse shows.

This isn't accurate though? They all wear wedge heels or stacked heels of varying degrees, at least on CW DC. Wedge heels are most definitely not equivalent to flats. I guess Supergirl's boots can be characterized as flat. 

ETA: I forgot Speedy wears the sneaker style boots but she's essentially wearing Arsenal's costume. 

Edited by leopardprint
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51 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I' pretysure they were talking about Superhero Best Friends or whatever it's called. You don't do a focus group with children asking them about adult tv shows. 

Is that in the actual panel because that certainly makes more sense. But why refer to DC TV women superhero characters and include quotes from the prime time actresses and comic book writers in the article?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Edited by leopardprint
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18 minutes ago, leopardprint said:

Is that in the actual panel because that certainly makes more sense. But why refer to DC TV women superhero characters and include quotes from the prime time actresses and comic book writers in the article?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The panel was just The Women of DC in general so it had actresses/comic writers/animation showrunner. 

Whoever reported it just got confused.

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32 minutes ago, raven said:

She does, I just wish she would stop pursing her lips like that.

Funny thing is, I don't think she's doing duck face here. I think her face just looks like that, lol.  


28 minutes ago, garnetarden said:

Hate the sheer top, but love the skirt.

Agreed.  . 

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38 minutes ago, raven said:

She does, I just wish she would stop pursing her lips like that.

I don't think she's doing anything weird with her lips - not in this pic.  She just has her mouth closed.  That's just her face.  I think she looks gorgeous.

32 minutes ago, garnetarden said:

Hate the sheer top, but love the skirt.

Agreed.  Who's the fourth woman?

Edited by Starfish35
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6 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Just saw a promo for Black Lightning on TNT. It was well done, except for the fact that it only said "coming soon" instead of giving the premiere date.

They've been playing that one on TNT for awhile. I'm surprised they haven't updated it with a date.

I'v also seen promos on FX and ESPN. Plus lots of stuff on Twitter, Facebook and a giant ad on Yahoo.

Painel David Ramsey e Emily Bett Rickards na HVFF Portland 18 - NÃO LEGENDADO
Published on Jan 14, 2018, by Olicity OTA Arrow

-- (Near the end of the video) SA: "The only thing for me that was missing from this year on 'Crisis on Earth-X' was more Diggle... Purely from a selfish standpoint, I don't know why you couldn't have been my evil doppelganger and just been the - just been, you know, the super evil guy. It would've been way less work." EBR: "It was your holiday. Picking up the crossover for you." DR: "It was awesome. Worked two days on that crossover. It was great. But they were very important days because one of those days, I got to marry you guys." (Audience cheered)

Edited by tv echo
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Given the source (CBR used to be ComicBookResources), I'm surprised by some of the rankings (Arrow is ranked higher than Daredevil, The Punisher and The Flash! Plus, recognition for OTA!)...

Every Current Superhero TV Series Ranked From Worst To Best
January 14, 2018  by Stephanie Holland


... However, true comic book fans can find something to like in the most horrible TV series, so here are the current comic book TV series ranked from worst to best.
*  *  *
From the moment he was introduced on Arrow, Grant Gustin was the Barry Allen fans had been picturing all those years they were reading the comics. He was awkward, sweet and brilliant. Over the course of four seasons, he has evolved into a confident, experienced hero, who now helps others find their way along the same path.

The series began as a light-hearted alternative to the seriousness of Arrow. However, since its debut each season has gotten progressively darker and depressing. It’s only through the chemistry among the fantastic cast has the show stayed somewhat watchable. Barry’s scenes with Joe and Iris are the highlights of every episode. If the show can find its way back to that season one magic, it can speed back up to the top of the list.
*  *  *
Let’s take a moment and discuss the Pilot episode of Arrow, which featured the most perfect hero introduction seen on TV in a very long time. It instantly establishes everything we need to know about Oliver Queen. He’s a former party boy, who now has superior fighting and archery skills. He wants to clean up his city and will do anything to make that happen. That first episode set up character traits that the series is still mining six seasons later.

Arrow also established an entire superhero universe on The CW and that is influence that can’t be taken lightly. There is literally a hero for everyone in the Arrowverse and those roots can be traced back to Oliver, Diggle and Felicity starting their small team together.



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Black Lightning is gonna air on Netflix in Canada and will be labeled as an Netflix Original


Fear not, Canucks — Black Lightning, the latest DC Comics-based TV series, is indeed coming to the Great White North.

However, it will be taking a route different from fellow superhero shows like Arrow, The Flash and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. While those series (and most comic book shows, really) air on CTV or CTV Two in Canada, Black Lightning will instead be branded as a “Netflix Original” in the region, exclusive to the popular streaming service.

While the series is set to debut Tuesday, January 16 in the United States (over on The CW, of course),Black Lightning will make its Canadian debut January 23, on Netflix.

This is an unusual route for a superhero show in Canada (even Runaways is airing on Showcase), but it’s not totally unheard of — Riverdale is also branded as a “Netflix Original” in Canada, and has found great success as one.

So, if you’re a Canadian and want to catch the live-action take on Jefferson Pierce/Black Lightning, you’ll want to keep your eyes on Netflix, one week after the series debuts in the U.S.


4 hours ago, tv echo said:

Every Current Superhero TV Series Ranked From Worst To Best

Interesting list. I would have bumped The Walking Dead down quite a few (the last few season have been the dullest zombie apocalypse ever), and switched Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, and moved Gotham and Defenders up, but I agree on the high placements of LoT, AoS, and Legion.

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