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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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Oh I agree, that probably influenced those decisions quite a bit. It's just so frustrating because their dynamic was a healthy one - Kara's babbling puppy crush was very sweet, there was mutual respect and admiration, and while he supported her, he also called her on her less-than-noble actions when occasion arose. That's a relationship I would have loved to see. But as soon as the relationship becomes about The Relationship, all becomes pointless drama and pettiness, ruining what was already there and making everyone involved come across very poorly. And for some reason this is repeated across all of the Arowverse shows to the displeasure of all but they just keep. On. Doing it. Why. Just...why. 

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19 minutes ago, Karlophe said:

Kara's babbling puppy crush was very sweet

Eh.  Personally I was uncomfortable with the babbling puppy crush.  That's not really a dynamic I enjoy.  It's too "high school girl crush on big bro's college best friend".  Later on, as they got to be friends and started treating each other more as equals, and Kara got some of the stars out of her eyes, I was better with it.  Ironically, I've been more likely to ship them since they broke them up - I've liked that dynamic better than the awkward crush stage of season one.  It was the same with Winn actually.  I was more likely to ship them after he got over his crush on her, but before, it was all hell to the no. 

Edited by Starfish35
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And that's okay! Because at the end of the day, both were better when they just let the friendships exist and grow, in whatever direction that might be. Season 1 Winn made me want to tear my hair out, but season 2 Winn? I adore. The turnaround was amazing, but it's like Winn did a 360° for the better, and James for the worse.

Edited by Karlophe
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Ok, so I've been thinking about this, and a little bothered by it, and I finally decided to throw it out here to see what you all think.  

Yesterday Ausiello and company posted an SDCC wrap-up podcast, and at about the 13:00 mark, they started talking about the cast of an unnamed show who apparently got in a shouting match right before their TVLine interview.  And so people were trying to figure out who it was based on who looked the most upset in their TVLine video interviews.  

Well, the Legends interview was posted today, and that cast did not look all that happy.  Particularly Caity, who was back in the corner looking, I thought, rather pissed off (to me, anyway; maybe I'm projecting).  So that of course stirred up speculation that maybe they were the cast that Ausiello and company were talking.   I hope not - I don't want it to be.  I hate to think that there's trouble on my favorite show. :(  But I thought I'd throw it out there to see what you all thought.  

Edited by Starfish35
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@Starfish35 do you know much about the cast in terms of what they are like as real people?

At first I thought Caity, Dominic and Franz looked pissed but then Franz cheered up during the interview.

They don't strike me as yelling kind of people though! I just thought they were shuffling uncomfortably when they weren't speaking and maybe Caity was a bit over it. The others all looked reasonably cheery when they did speak (except Dominic and Caity).

Anyways in summary I thought they looked a bit awkward at times but not like a bunch of people who are spirited/angry enough to yell if that makes sense! 

I don't know anything about any of them though so they could all be insane or the nicest people on earth for all I know!

YAY TO A RAY PALMER EP!!!!! WOOOT!!!!! Looks like I'm going to watch it again! For Ray! 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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11 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Particularly Caity, who was back in the corner looking, I thought, rather pissed off (to me, anyway; maybe I'm projecting).

If you're projecting, so am I. Several people looked irritated throughout the vid. They seemed much happier on those jet pics and video. Maybe, as per the SG crew, they were just tired. 

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To @Mellowyellow, oh no, I don't know anything about them really.  And I don't want to think it's them - I'd be very happy to think they were all just tired and the "Blind Item" was about a different show altogether.  I'd like to think they all get along.

2 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

If you're projecting, so am I. Several people looked irritated throughout the vid.

Yeah, and Brandon kept giving Caity these looks like he was concerned about her or something.  I don't know.  Maybe I'm reading way too much into it because of Ausiello's stupid blind Item. I hope so.

Edited by Starfish35
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Unless there's more evidence or photos that show them giving each other dirty looks I wouldn't think it was them.

My theory is that even if no one will ever fess up to anything, you can usually find a mountain of grimacing or unpleasant photos of people looking mad at each other if they aren't fond of each other.

Yes anyone can have a bad photo at any given time but if you constantly came up with a bunch of side eye photos then you'd have more "evidence."

If you haven't got that, go forth and assume the cast get along!!!!! 

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Catching up:

I really liked James in s1 even though they were putting him through all the romantic cliches.  When Supergirl moved to CW, it seems to me they reverted to the old CW formula and lessened Supergirl in the face of the male characters of Superman and Mon El.  Winn was an improvement in s2 but everyone else lost ground and the worst was James.  There was a lot of professional and friends storyline available for him but the show seemed only to care for Mon El.  It's now a show 9 year old girls love.

That said, I think everyone in the Supergirl interview behaved badly. They were all "Fans be crazy".  Instead of saying "we didn't expect it; there's none of that current on the show" and telling Jeremy he was brave to talk about it, the tone should have been "we're so happy our fans love us enough to connect in ways we don't expect".  But tbh, watching them felt like I was arriving at the party at midnight where everyone else had started drinking at ten.

14 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Hideous for me as an Olicity fan to be stuck watching other characters I don't give a crap about at a wedding I've been waiting for, for ages. I want it to be all Arrow only. 

But I'd be super happy to watch a Flash Crossover wedding as I enjoy weddings in general.

Just no Olicity crossover wedding!!!!!

Double that from me.  I want an Olicity wedding to be about Olicity, not Cisco or Joe or anyone on the other three shows.  Not to mention, the last two crossovers have dumbed Felicity down badly and I don't want to see that on a happy episode.

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@Starfish35 I'll go you one better I was looking at the photos for the LOT cast from other events and they did not look happy all day. Or certainly not in the same way if you compared them to other cast photos. Like I think it might have been EW instagram I was looking at and that just didn't seem engaged or interested or just happy. I remember thinking how weird it was and I haven't even read the or heard the blind yet. So it  wouldn't surprise me if there was something off?

4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

That said, I think everyone in the Supergirl interview behaved badly. They were all "Fans be crazy".  Instead of saying "we didn't expect it; there's none of that current on the show" and telling Jeremy he was brave to talk about it, the tone should have been "we're so happy our fans love us enough to connect in ways we don't expect

Especially at the most fan driven event ever that's about celebrating fan culture.

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Is it the blind about a popular character being killed off in the premiere?

I have a hard time believing that one is about LOT.  (Sara in particular). Other then this weekend, the cast seemed perfectly happy on SM. No CH or KC goodbye vibes that I can 

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2 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Is it the blind about a popular character being killed off in the premiere?

No, not that one. Legends wasn't included in the list of shows for that one.  It's in this podcast.  They start talking about it about the 13:00 mark.

Edited by Starfish35
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1 minute ago, Starfish35 said:

The one in the podcast, talking about the people of an unnamed show.  

Oh I thought you were referencing one of his official Blind Items that he posted, I didn't realize he had called that a blind item.

It could have been them but I'm sure all casts have gotten into it at one time or another. 

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Just now, Chaser said:

Is it the blind about a popular character being killed off in the premiere?

I have a hard time believing that one is about LOT.  (Sara in particular). Other then this weekend, the cast seemed perfectly happy on SM. No CH or KC goodbye vibes that I can 

No I think she's taking about the cast they are discussing in the podcast who were arguing with each other in a way that was "uncomfortable [for the TV Line staff] and explained a lot" per Ausiellos words. The Tv line staff said the interview was filled with tension but came around in the end but there was yelling and afterwards they talked about needing to go shower afterwards to wash all the filth and negativity off or something.


The tv line staff did go on to explain how stressful these events can be for cast and how they are surprised what ever they witnessed didn't happen more.

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1 minute ago, Chaser said:

I just listened to the segment. I wonder what he meant by explained a lot. Were there previous problems with this cast?

If I getting it right it sounds like this happened after they interviewed the cast (whoever it was) so maybe it just explained to them why the interview was so tension filled ? 

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

If I getting it right it sounds like this happened after they interviewed the cast (whoever it was) so maybe it just explained to them why the interview was so tension filled ? 

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought it happened before the interview, because there was some comment about "they pulled it together" which I understood to mean the interview.

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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought it happened before the interview, because there was some comment about "they pulled it together" which I understood to mean the interview.

That's the impression I got.

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3 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought it happened before the interview, because there was some comment about "they pulled it together" which I understood to mean the interview.

You could be right. I'd have to listen to it again. 

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

@Starfish35 do you know much about the cast in terms of what they are like as real people?

At first I thought Caity, Dominic and Franz looked pissed but then Franz cheered up during the interview.

They don't strike me as yelling kind of people though! I just thought they were shuffling uncomfortably when they weren't speaking and maybe Caity was a bit over it. The others all looked reasonably cheery when they did speak (except Dominic and Caity).

Anyways in summary I thought they looked a bit awkward at times but not like a bunch of people who are spirited/angry enough to yell if that makes sense! 

I don't know anything about any of them though so they could all be insane or the nicest people on earth for all I know!

YAY TO A RAY PALMER EP!!!!! WOOOT!!!!! Looks like I'm going to watch it again! For Ray! 


BR always comes off as a big sweetheart/goofball.  Garber a class act.  I really like Purcell in interviews. Same with CL and Maise.  

All I can say about Franz is that in season one when I was following his Instagram, I never really warmed up to his character, but in the second season when I no longer subjected myself to constant images of him showing off his perpetual stream of sneakers, bling, and swag, I came to like Jax a lot.

And then there is Zano.  Think he might be roid raging?  That neck didn't come from nowhere.  

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13 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

BR always comes off as a big sweetheart/goofball. 

Hehe That's what I thought but I assumed I was projecting Ray onto him. I've watched him in quite a few things but whenever I see him I think "Ray!!!!!!!!"

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6 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah I don't know that I've ever heard anything bad about Brandon.

Well, except for that weird butter coffee thing he was pushing for a while. :)

Oh you have to tell me this! Please!

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Oh no, someone else I'm sure can tell it better. :) I don't remember the details.  Let me see what I can google.

ETA:  Well it's called Bulletproof coffee, and supposedly is the best thing ever, although to me it sounded like a heart attack in a cup. (I'm not claiming to have a medical license though.) I don't remember much, except that it seems like when he was on Arrow he was really trying to get all the cast into this stuff.  I could only imagine them hiding when they saw him coming - lol.  Haven't heard much about that lately though, so he may or may not still be into it.

Edited by Starfish35
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10 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

 Haven't heard much about that lately though, so he may or may not still be into it.

Pretty sure he's brought it up since the season has ended.  :D

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RE: Supergirl, I absolutely think that they should have just kept their mouths shut, because there was no way that this could've gone well.  However, I can also understand if they're frustrated with the um, crazier faction of the shippers. Just a few incidents alone last season, fans contacted Floriana Lima's grandfather to learn her ethnicity and she is still receiving tweets about brown face and other comments.  A few months back, Katie McGrath's brother was catfished by fans in order to learn some information about him.  And those are just a few specific incidents that happened, the cast receives more hate than I think any of the other Arrowverse actors...maybe not EBR. 


I don't know, this is the fourth TV show I've been a member of fandom where due to immaturity/ignorance of cast/showrunners and sheer insanity of shippers just caused the quality of the show and community to crash and burn.  I'm still reeling from Swan Queen over in OUAT land.  


IMO, the cast needs to shut up and just focus on the show, because every time a new excuse comes out it's just getting worse. On the other hand, all fandoms need to STOP sending hate to any of these people because it's just out of hand and lacking decency. 

It could be worse though, Ryan Murphy had one of his bisexual characters tell her boyfriend that she was scared to go public with him because of angry lesbian bloggers on the internet as a plot point.  THAT was freaking bad. 

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"She's definitely suppressing a lot of emotions about Barry's absence and him leaving and not really consulting her," Patton tells us. "She's forced to deal with that anger and resentment and abandonment by kind of focusing on protecting Central City...We're seeing a very different Iris, almost a very hardened Iris."

So what does that mean for her and Barry once he eventually gets freed from the Speed Force? "They have their issues," she added. "They have communication issues and so eventually I think we're gonna try and see them work through those." Especially since they already sent out those Save the Date invitations.


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I am honestly thinking there is not gonna be any wedding at all during crossover. Because i dont think even the Flash writers can make the couple get over their issues in a span of 1 month. 

Edited by Velocity23
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I suppose the LoT cast could be the ones who were in a shouting match, but I would be cautious about thinking that means there's trouble on the set for several reasons:

1) They're generally a tight cast. There are always pictures floating around of them goofing off or whatever.

2) I looked at that interview too, and while their expressions *could* mean they're pissed, it's also likely they're just exhausted. By all reports, LoT is a friggin' hard shoot physically and mentally - I suspect that's one of the reasons we don't get more episodes. And the cast was shooting on Friday and then on a plane early Saturday to San Diego. Even in the early arrival pics, they look tired.

3) I wouldn't go by Purcell's face - he looks pissed off most of the time. He's just got one of those faces. (I have too; whenever I'm thinking about something people ask me who I'm mad at!)

I'm not saying there wasn't a shouting match, there could have been. Even close families fight every now and again. I'm just skeptical and not willing to accept that a tired cast must really be assholes to each other due to a blind item.

Honestly, unless TV Line was willing to name names, they should have just kept their mouths shut. That kind of gossip can poison. It wouldn't surprise me if it was slightly exaggerated either - they're trying to entice people to watch all those interviews, and getting people to watch all of them for clues as to which cast was the yelly one means more eyeballs for them, and therefore more money.

Edited by Miss Dee
Expanded my thoughts.
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3 hours ago, Wishing Well said:

RE: Supergirl, I absolutely think that they should have just kept their mouths shut, because there was no way that this could've gone well.  However, I can also understand if they're frustrated with the um, crazier faction of the shippers. Just a few incidents alone last season, fans contacted Floriana Lima's grandfather to learn her ethnicity and she is still receiving tweets about brown face and other comments.  A few months back, Katie McGrath's brother was catfished by fans in order to learn some information about him.  And those are just a few specific incidents that happened, the cast receives more hate than I think any of the other Arrowverse actors...maybe not EBR. 

Floriana got everything she deserved, so did her family. If you think it's okay for someone to make a career of bastardising Latinx culture and stealing jobs from actual Latinas or you say nothing while a family member does the same then you're getting no sympathy from me. Almost her entire career is theft. 

And to compare Latinas upset that a white woman is paying a Latina, that yet again their culture is represented by someone who isn't a part of it, to racist brats unhappy they're not getting their racist ableist ship on screen and the cast took the piss, is out of order.

And yes Floriana has confirmed she is not Latinx. They have actually hired a white Latinx actress in Odette Annable (sp?), but she's playing an alien. 

I binned Supergirl the minute Katie McGrath was cast. Lena Luthor is disabled in the comics and should be played by a disabled actress. But this show's almost political agenda to centre white people who are slim, appear to be attractive to viewers, straight, brunette, non-disabled and neurotypical drove me and lots of others away. 

I know they have a lesbian couple but they are played by two white women who love queerbaiting. 

I saw a fancast yesterday for Sara Ramirez as Maggie Sawyer, and Santina Muha as Lena Luthor, it just remind me what a waste Supergirl has been. It had such potential to be a great progressive show. The only people who think it's progressive now are people who think two straight white women making out is progressive. 

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4 hours ago, Velocity23 said:

Yeah... They're definitely going to force issues between westallen for most of the season. When the cw actors talk about the ship facing problems it's almost certain forced drama is ahead... 

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The blind item about the arguing cast is sort of clickbait in the sense that it was pushed so people would listen to the podcast, but I doubt TVLine would ever outright say which cast it was, and even if they did, does it really matter? Maybe they all secretly hate each other. Maybe they don't and everyone was just tired. Or maybe it was just one person and the talking over each other got out of hand right before the interview. There's no way to glean ramifications from it, even if it's revealed, so -- eh.


That being said, to me the most proof of it being Legends (beyond the pictures)  was the comment that was quoted from Ausiello:

10 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah the "explained a lot" comment was interesting. 

Since I was looking at the words (rather than hearing them said on the podcast), my brain began to see the quote as "explained a LoT" -- which, if it is Legends, is probably the only clue available to give via podcast without giving it away. (But that's just spec, and also the extent of any spec I have on the matter.)

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7 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

Gawd that is so gross! The drink not BR! 

And I like butter! 

You know, that's what I thought until I tried it. Not Bullet coffee exactly, but buttered coffee. The millennials at work are all over it and it was surprisingly good. It was just like coffee with cream and it didn't look like it had an oily film or anything. 

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I don't think the blind implied that the cast hated each other - just that it was a jam packed weekend and they're surprised they don't see more arguments like that one because everyone is bound to be exhausted and cranky. The blind just stated it was a really uncomfortable moment.

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1 hour ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

You know, that's what I thought until I tried it. Not Bullet coffee exactly, but buttered coffee. The millennials at work are all over it and it was surprisingly good. It was just like coffee with cream and it didn't look like it had an oily film or anything. 

Did you make it or buy it? I remember going to a BBQ right after S3 ended and my cousin started talking about Bullet Coffee.  He then mentioned that he stopped making it because he could buy it at Wegman's or Whole Foods (don't remember which).

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23 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Did you make it or buy it? I remember going to a BBQ right after S3 ended and my cousin started talking about Bullet Coffee.  He then mentioned that he stopped making it because he could buy it at Wegman's or Whole Foods (don't remember which).

I think they bought it. They used to bring it in, from Whole Foods, I think. Although I do remember one time one of them decided to make it and it was not very good, LOL!

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