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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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TNT's Teen Titans live action show has a team lineup:






ETA: this probably explains why they had to nix the use of "Oracle" on Felicity's episode.

Edited by dancingnancy

I love the Allison one. The only problem with the Oprhan Black Funko Pop's is when they make their legs that skinny they can't stand up.


Teen Titans sounds interesting, especially with the characters they choose. 

Edited by Sakura12

Is it really Teen Titans if we have Babs in her chair and Dick Grayson already suited up as Nightwing?   Doesn't that timeline move them well out of their teens? 


I don't know about this show.  It might surprise me but I'm getting a weird vibe about it.  One thing feel for sure, there will not be a Birds of Prey spin off. 

Having watched Gotham's latest episode last night, I can't help comparing the romantic relationships there with the ones on Arrow.  Jim Gordon started out with Barbara Kean, his live-in girlfriend, who just seemed whiny and weak.  Their relationship was angsty and unhappy a lot.  He kept secrets from her.  She got in danger.  She ended up leaving him, lied to him, and went back to her ex-girlfriend temporarily before returning home to live with her rich parents.  Barbara has been absent from recent episodes.  Now Jim is starting a new relationship with Dr. Leslie Thompkins (played by Morena Baccarin), who lightens him up, helps him, and makes him happy.  Leslie is a doctor and an equal.  She and Jim have a flirty, bantering vibe going.  They are both decent people in a city filled with corruption.  BM and MB have tons of chemistry, unlike BM and Erin Richards (who played Barbara).  When Jim and Lesley are together, you feel like everything is going to be alright.  Get the comparisons?


Unfortunately, I don't know how long Leslie is slated to stay on the show or what will happen to her, and I do know that

Barbara is returning in future episodes.

Edited by tv echo
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Having watched Gotham's latest episode last night, I can't help comparing the romantic relationships there with the ones on Arrow. Jim Gordon started out with Barbara Kean, his live-in girlfriend, who just seemed whiny and weak. Their relationship was angsty and unhappy a lot. He kept secrets from her. She got in danger. She ended up leaving him, lied to him, and went back to her ex-girlfriend temporarily before returning home to live with her rich parents. Barbara has been absent from recent episodes. Now Jim is starting a new relationship with Dr. Leslie Thompkins (played by Morena Baccarin), who lightens him up, helps him, and makes him happy. Leslie is a doctor and an equal. She and Jim have a flirty, bantering vibe going. They are both decent people in a city filled with corruption. BM and MB have tons of chemistry, unlike BM and Erin Richards (who played Barbara). When Jim and Lesley are together, you feel like everything is going to be alright. Get the comparisons?

Unfortunately, I don't know how long Leslie is slated to stay on the show or what will happen to her, and I do know that

Barbara is returning in future episodes.

I was thinking the same thing when I was watching Gotham.
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Yeah, I'm sad we won't get to keep Dr. Thomkins.  She fits with Gordon better aka isn't a weight around his neck.  I suppose they could have Gordon reconcile with Barbara, get married and not too long after, get divorced.  Depending on the comic, he doesn't always have a daughter, sometimes she's a niece or an illigetimate daughter he passes off as a niece.  See, no need to keep the LI not working around. 


One last comment about Gotham...somehow I'm finding it a much lighter show than Arrow.  That shouldn't be possible. 

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This will be your second superhero movie as the leading man. What did you learn from the first, Green Lantern, that you can bring to this one?

Well, script. When we shot Green Lantern, nobody auditioning for the role of Green Lantern was given the opportunity to read the script, because the script didn’t exist. I’m not complaining about it — it was an opportunity of a lifetime, and if I were to go back and retrace my steps, I would probably do everything the exact same way. But script, that’s what’s different on this one.

We’ve had a script for three years. The script got leaked, and people even loved that. That says a lot — if you can create a script around a comic-book character that is directly within the canon of the character and be embraced. That’s a huge step in the right direction. I’ve since learned that a lot of superhero movies don’t really have a fully functioning draft of the screenplay ready until they’re already well into shooting.

You know one of the writers for the Green Lantern, right?  Marc Guggenheim.


RR seems like a nice guy.

Now, we get to make the movie. We don’t get to make it with the budget of most superhero movies, but we get to make it the way we want to make it, so that’s even more exciting than having a catered lunch.

You know one of the writers for the Green Lantern, right?  Marc Guggenheim.


RR seems like a nice guy.

Both Berlanti and Guggenheim are credited as writers on that movie, I had a good chuckle when I read that part.

IMO, Ryan Reynolds is a far better fit for Deadpool than he ever was for Green Lantern.

I don't know enough about Hal, the only GL I am really familiar with is John Stewart. However, Reynolds is really perfect (IMO) for Deadpool.
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Does anyone else feel like The Flash is setting itself up to have viewers ship Barry with anyone else except the woman he's "supposed" to end up with based on comics?  I could be biased, though, because I find Iris completely useless.  I was so irritated last week when reporter Iris asked Dr. Wells a question (she literally just repeated the same exact question her colleague asked two seconds earlier), and everyone smiled at her like she was some goddamned genius. Why haven't they learned from Arrow?  

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Does anyone else feel like The Flash is setting itself up to have viewers ship Barry with anyone else except the woman he's "supposed" to end up with based on comics?


Not even in the slightest


Is it really Teen Titans if we have Babs in her chair and Dick Grayson already suited up as Nightwing?   Doesn't that timeline move them well out of their teens?


Hence them simply calling it Titans. I'm just glad Nightwing gets a live action version. 

I saw a teeny bit of romantic chemistry there too, and it's the first time I've seen Barry have romantic/sexual chemistry with anyone.  (To be clear, I think Grant Gustin great in the role, and has friend/partner/quasi-son chemistry with all the appropriate people.) .

Does anyone else feel like The Flash is setting itself up to have viewers ship Barry with anyone else except the woman he's "supposed" to end up with based on comics? I could be biased, though, because I find Iris completely useless. I was so irritated last week when reporter Iris asked Dr. Wells a question (she literally just repeated the same exact question her colleague asked two seconds earlier), and everyone smiled at her like she was some goddamned genius. Why haven't they learned from Arrow?

No. Westallen is the most popular ship on the show. This isn't another Lauliver situation.

Barry and Caitlin had some really cute moments tonight, which kind of got me rooting for them. Before, I would have been satisfied with them just staying friends but they really bonded nicely. The problem is I still don't see romantic chemistry with Barry and Iris and they've made Eddie into such a DECENT person that it's hard to get on board with WestAllen.


And there is no way Barry didn't sneak a peek.


I'm digging Linda though. Mostly because she's a female non-white sports reporter and I relate.


Nightwing is my favourite and I am absolutely torn on seeing him live action. On the one hand YES I have been waiting for this, on the other I'm terrified they'll screw it up. As for the love triangle....nooooo thanks.

Edited by Tangerine
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Does anyone else feel like The Flash is setting itself up to have viewers ship Barry with anyone else except the woman he's "supposed" to end up with based on comics? I could be biased, though, because I find Iris completely useless. I was so irritated last week when reporter Iris asked Dr. Wells a question (she literally just repeated the same exact question her colleague asked two seconds earlier), and everyone smiled at her like she was some goddamned genius. Why haven't they learned from Arrow?

I like Iris, but she needs to be in on the secret soon. As for shipping, I like the idea of Barry/Caitlin, but I thought most of their interactions tonight (Drunk!Caitlin, and the weird thing with her telling Barry he deserved a peek when he heled her get undressed/dressed) was forced ship bait. I do enjoy them more when it's not so in your face. I also like Barry and Iris, but I don't find myself fervently shipping anyone on the show. I just want Barrles to be happy. He's the cutest.

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Linda Park trended worldwide for a few minutes, when the new Black Canary barely gets anything. That's sad, a new character that had maybe 2 minutes of screen time gets some love, when a character that's been on a show for over 2 seasons can barely get mentioned. 

Edited by Sakura12

Linda Park was enjoyable.


Barry and Caitlin had some really cute momenCP ts tonight, which kind of got me rooting for them. Before, I would have been satisfied with them just staying friends but they really bonded nicely. The problem is I still don't see romantic chemistry with Barry and Iris and they've made Eddie into such a DECENT person that it's hard to get on board with WestAllen.

ITA with both those.  Iris seems like a nice person and CP does a decent job with her but I liked Barry/Caitlin from the first episode.  Also, Eddie seems like a good person and willing to  have Iris BFF be Barry, so I'm afraid he's going to turn evil.



  I was so irritated last week when reporter Iris asked Dr. Wells a question (she literally just repeated the same exact question her colleague asked two seconds earlier), and everyone smiled at her like she was some goddamned genius. Why haven't they learned from Arrow?  


It was because he didn't answer the reporter's question so Iris pushed it which made her "gutsy" and justified someone with no experience and little training being a report.  A real waste of Roger Howarth (the other reporter) though.

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ITA with both those.  Iris seems like a nice person and CP does a decent job with her but I liked Barry/Caitlin from the first episode.  Also, Eddie seems like a good person and willing to have Iris BFF be Barry, so I'm afraid he's going to turn evil.

This so much. I love me some Eddie and hope they don't make him evil either. Rick Cosnett reminds me a lot of Colin Donnell in that he's adorable and kind of funny. Eddie is essentially filling the same type of role on The Flash as Tommy did on Arrow (i.e. standing in the way of the hero and his lady), which is probably a bad thing considering what happened to Tommy. :(

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"Barry and Caitlin" also trended on Twitter. As did Gorilla Grodd. 


One thing does remind me of Oliver/Laurel: at least on the Flash forum here a couple of the Barry/Iris shippers (not all of them) are using "but comics!" which was (and still is) a major argument for Oliver/Laurel for awhile there too. I'm braced for more of that, since I do think that after tonight, Barry/Caitlin and Barry/Linda are about to get more popular.  

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To be honest, I thought the Barry/Linda scenes fell completely flat. Especially that first one in the bar. Just really awkward to me. (The sound mixing might have been an issue there though--anyone notice how quiet that bar was?) And I didn't feel much in the Barry/Caitlin scenes either. For now, the only Barry relationships I'm really interested in are those with his three father-figures.


But yeah, at this point on Arrow, I only cared about Oliver's relationship with Diggle and basically nothing else. So The Flash is ahead of the game, in that way.

Edited by Carrie Ann

I thought the Barry/Caitlin stuff was very cute but the vibe I got was they were going to make Caitlin fall for Barry while he kept her in the friendzone which :(


I'm torn.  I like Eddie so that's a problem.  I like Iris but she's happy sooo...  Then there's Caitlin.  Before Ronnie showed up I did see the SnowBarry, but now I want her to get her fiancé back too so I don't know who to root for or hope for.  Fortunately for me, I don't hate any of the possible combos. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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So I caught The Flash tonight but am I the only one who doesn't really feel any romantic chemistry between anyone on this show? Barry has good chemistry with mostly everyone but nothing that makes me want to root for any couple. The best relationships on this show are the ones between Barry/Joe and Barry and his father. Give me more of that, not this ship baiting stuff. I really think they should tread carefully with Barry/Caitlin. You'd think they'd learn after Arrow. I don't think they can have another Olicity. 

Why Stephen Amell’s Green Arrow Should be in the Justice League Movie

By Chad Langen on January 31, 2015


You know before the all bucklecanary thing i would have said Hell yea!, now my fear in connecting the TV and movie universes is that this means that WB may decide to keep shittynary as part of the universe and we'll have to suffer her presence in the movies. One universe with her is enough for me. Edited by foreverevolving

You know before the all bucklecanary thing i would have said Hell yea!, now my fear in connecting the TV and movie universes is that this means that WB may decide to keep shittynary as part of the universe and we'll have to suffer her presence in the movies. One universe with her is enough for me.

Unlike Marvel, I believe WB and DC are keeping their movie universe separate from their TV universe.

Unlike Marvel, I believe WB and DC are keeping their movie universe separate from their TV universe.

I am well aware of that. The article doesn't talk about Stephen being in the movies, but why he should.

Right now their universes are seperated, but you never know (did anyone think that Marvel would do the TV and movies as one universe? Very few).

As far as we know there may be a long term plan which they are not revealing at the moment. A recent article (or blog post) pointed out that the TV universe is after all doing the crisis story-line, so it could be possible that when the time comes they will decide to merge the two together and use each universe as it's own earth for the crisis storyline. which I think would be an insanely smart way to bind the two universes togethe temporarily and than seperate them once the crisis is over.

(did anyone think that Marvel would do the TV and movies as one universe? Very few).



 A decade ago, no. In 2009, after Disney bought Marvel, it was widely speculated that Marvel would run Marvel tie-in shows with either ABC or ABC Family, and would be publishing tie-in fiction through Disney's Hyperion (which since then has been sold to Hachette). I think at that point the Marvel Universe movies were just barely getting going - Iron Man I had only been out for a year or so - so the extent wasn't really imagined, but it was an immediate speculation.

Something else that Agent Carter does better than Arrow in regard to their depiction of a female hero in action...


When Peggy went to Russia on her mission, she pulled her hair back and secured to her head so it wouldn't get in her eyes while she's fighting or give the enemy something to grab - unlike the long flowing locks on our Arrow female fighters.

Edited by tv echo
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Replying to discussion in Spoiler Thread about possibility of Ray moving to The Flash full time next season -

I don't hate Ray either, but I think he creates the same problem for The Flash that he does for Arrow, in that he is a competing leading man, especially as "The Atom". He's just not supporting character material. The Flash is Barry's show just like Arrow is Oliver's, and Barry doesn't need to be overshadowed on his own show any more than Oliver does.

And since I care more about The Flash than I do about Arrow (which I have mostly given up on at this point), no, I really do NOT want Ray full time on The Flash. :(

If they don't do a spinoff with him, then he needs to be just occasional recurring, for either show. I don't think he should be full time on either one.


Edited by Starfish35
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There you go, Netflix' Daredevil:




Kind of gives me... Arrowy feels? Can actually be good. If they don't pull a Laurel with Elektra (if there is an Elektra).

Can't believe that's the guy (Charlie Cox) from Stardust...

I'm not sure what the shows are going to be able to do with Ray if the spinoff doesn't happen.  He's gotten a tepid response on Arrow, and it's not clear how, exactly, a high-tech superhero is going to work next to two vigilantes running around with bows and arrows and a third vigilante falling on trucks. But although his costume seems more fitted for Flash, I'm not sure the response is going to be that much better over on Flash, largely because there isn't really a clear role for him on that show.  


Flash already has at least one superhero, potentially six, depending upon what happens with Firestorm, Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie and Wells. So Ray's not needed in that role.  Flash already has the tech guy, so Ray's not needed there. Flash already has alternative love interests for two of Barry's alternative love interests; I suppose Ray could be the alternative for Linda Parks, but since she just showed up, for all I know, she also already has an alternative love interest.  (Also, she's a guest star, and it's not clear how large a role she'll be playing in the show.) So, apart from possibly Linda Park, Ray's not needed there.  Flash already has the wealthy guy bankrolling Star Labs, so Ray's not needed there. Flash already has three crime scene investigators/detectives (potentially four if Iris, as a journalist, starts moving in that direction), so beyond the issue that Ray hasn't shown any interest in that kinda thing, Ray's not needed there.  And I, for one, will howl if Flash loses Cisco, Eddie or Wells just so Ray can get into any of those roles.

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If Ray is actually meant to join The Flash full time, I'm fully expecting these EPs to do with Ray what they've done with Laurel.  They'll just shove him in the story even if there are plenty of other characters who fulfill the roles they've envisioned for him.  No matter if he's not working, they'll just keep shove, shove, shoving.

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