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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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Gloria Monty was not sentimental about actors. She knew lightning in a bottle when she saw it (Luke and Laura), but she wasn't going to keep someone around if s/he didn't further the story. Frank and Ron need to learn that.

I don't disagree. I don't think she particularly cared about Hugo, the actor who plays Larry Ashton. But she must have liked something he was bringing to the table as Larry because the storyline ended and he was still there.


Maybe they just didn't feel the need or have the time to add in his involvement, but Gloria may have liked Larry as a thorn in Tracy's side.

Stupid tease of a show!  Clearly, they're wanting us to debate if Fluke is Lord Ashton or Faison.  Perhaps it's neither in some kind of an evil twist!


It reminds of the 11th hour fake out you'd get from soaps or mediocre prime time tv like Murder She Wrote (Hey, Angela Lansbury was awesome, but the writing was middling at best).


I'm still going with Bill Eckert. In part because of the alleged "no masks" mandate. And in part because it was all to conveeeeeeeenient today to have Luke show up today and have Faison there, but not, and Larry and his box.


I did say a long time ago that Ashton as Fluke kinda made sense because he was always skirt chasing. But there's a difference between skirt chasing and, well, Kiki chasing. Kiki comes across as a scruffy college- aged kid. Larry was all about a beautiful woman who was put together. Lucy in a tight dress or skirt was definitely more of his speed.


But today's heavy-handed approach veers me more away from the Ashton theory, and I'll sticking it out with Bill.

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I'm going with an off-the-wall theory that Fluke is really not-dead Joe Scully. I know it looked like he died, but, hey, this is GH.


1. He has the Jerry Jax and Faison connections.
2. He hates Sonny with a fiery passion of a thousand suns.

3. Tracy is his "ex." (Remember the first time Fluke was on screen he referred to Tracy as his "ex" when talking with Julian on the docks?)

4. Joe raped Connie. Fluke is a womanizer and would have raped Kiki if she hadn't fought him off.

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Joe Jr actually loved Tracy. Fluke thinks she's not good enough for him. Also, according to today, he was around with Luke's face at the time that Joe Jr was alive and either in New Orleans or being um with Tracy. If they ever clarify how long it took the Derek Wells Enterprise to be made.

I'll guess if it's any ex it'd be Anthony Zacahara. But most likely Bill Eckhart. Yawn.

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Yeah, he did love Tracy. That's a big glitch in my theory. But I was thinking that maybe Trey's death pushed him over the edge to seek revenge against Connie and Sonny. Joe Jr. "died" in 2012, but in GH time, that could have been 5+ years ago. I thought of Anthony Z, too. 


Whoever it is, I have a feeling it won't make any sense. 

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In my wildest dreams, it would be someone so off the wall like, I don't know, back from the dead but future Jake. He wants revenge for Luke running over him, Sonny for turning Jason into a mobster and not letting his dad be there for him, and probably because Sonny took his juice box one day. I'd buy that. Only one man can stop him. Luke.

Or it's Caleb Morley. Just. ....because no one has said him. Or the ultimate villain. Frons.

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Out of frustration of the sheer douchiness of Duke with Anna and the high-road "get the fuck over yourself" hatred of the Jeromes, we've decided that Duke is a fake ("Fuke") working with the Legion of Doom who finagled his way working with Sonny, getting Sonny jailed, and trusting Sonny to give him the organization, while bringing Anna down at the same time. So, we'll hear Fuke talking with Jerry/Faison/LoD that Sonny's organization is secure.


It makes more sense.


Fortunately, this also means that Ava and Julian are pawns in game of life, and that the Jerome empire was a red herring just to get Sonny's interests.

  • Love 3

Just my $.02, but I am legitimately confused as to who Fluke actually is. Like, the show has been slamming us over the head with that anvil that he's actually Faison in disguise, and then today they tried to suggest that he's actually Larry Ashton. I feel like it has to be someone completely different and, if it's not, I'll be sorely disappointed. Surprise me, show! 


ETA: Who knew that someone could say "actually" that many times in a single post? Someone call Guinness. 

I completely agree. I spent the entire episode yesterday saying (out loud, like a sane person), "The Luke with Julian is speaking with an accent and Faison's rhythm but the Luke at the Quartermaines clearly isn't acting like real Luke either." Faison in a mask has got to be a red herring because I can't buy that that was the real Luke at the mansion.

And now we know how Sonny will get away with killing AJ.  Real Sonny was locked up in Miscavige all this time.  ("Those bastards!  Don't they know poor Sonny is claustrophobic?  How dare they!!")  Someone in a Sonny mask killed AJ, banged Ava over his dead body, etc.  Then Michael can tearfully embrace Sonny, proclaiming that he should have known he'd never hurt him like that, begging him to forgive him for ever doubting what an amazing man he is.  And Carly will be forgiven because she was just a victim of Faux Sonny (Fauxny?) 


I'll just go vomit now. 

  • Love 9

And now we know how Sonny will get away with killing AJ.  Real Sonny was locked up in Miscavige all this time.  ("Those bastards!  Don't they know poor Sonny is claustrophobic?  How dare they!!")  Someone in a Sonny mask killed AJ, banged Ava over his dead body, etc.  Then Michael can tearfully embrace Sonny, proclaiming that he should have known he'd never hurt him like that, begging him to forgive him for ever doubting what an amazing man he is.  And Carly will be forgiven because she was just a victim of Faux Sonny (Fauxny?) 


I'll just go vomit now. 


OMG is it sad I could truely see this happen. When Jamie the Giant Baby is DNA tested the big reveal will be she is not a Corinthos spawn and the truth will come out. Then Ava will be in prison for killing Connie and the real baby daddy will be in prison for killing AJ. Since no one else can take her Fraina get to keep her. awwww eek!

After yesterday's show, I am really leaning towards there being only one real Luke and the scenes we've seen with two Luke's having taken place in his mind only.

I just hope they reveal whatever the truth is to the audience now, even if Anate, etc don't find out for months. Then I can fanwank that they're both so exhausted by the all the wild, unfortunately off-screen sex they are having, that they don't have the energy to figure out what is so glaringly obvious.

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I'll abide by that if we can have a reset on almost everything that sucks.

There was no Steve Burton. Micheal was always raised by AJ. AJ and Alan are alive. Jake is alive. Robin never got kidnapped. McBain is the Commissioner. Billy Miller always was Jason. Sonny has been in prison forever. Spencer died in the womb. Cameron is 18. Liz and Ric never split up. Morgan got a degree. There is no Kiki. Roger Howarth never played Franco. There is no Nina. Carly works at The Rib. Laura is married to Robert Scorpio. Johnny never went to prison. And we still never cared about Connie. Rocco has a better name.

  • Love 3

The panic room never happened. He and Liz had their own kid. One of Liz's kids is his. I'm even erasing Guza stuff. Jordan is Keesha. TJ is either AJ or Jason's son. He's a Quartermaine! Jake would be Liz and Ric's son. They may have named him Bob or Steve. He'd still be alive. Jason would have kids somewhere. Maybe he and Robin have a kid.

  • Love 1

I'll abide by that if we can have a reset on almost everything that sucks.

There was no Steve Burton. Micheal was always raised by AJ. AJ and Alan are alive. Jake is alive. Robin never got kidnapped. McBain is the Commissioner. Billy Miller always was Jason. Sonny has been in prison forever. Spencer died in the womb. Cameron is 18. Liz and Ric never split up. Morgan got a degree. There is no Kiki. Roger Howarth never played Franco. There is no Nina. Carly works at The Rib. Laura is married to Robert Scorpio. Johnny never went to prison. And we still never cared about Connie. Rocco has a better name.


I have long said that the perfect way to do a reboot on GH would be to have it turn out that everything we have seen since the night of the car accident that turned Jason Quartermaine into Jason Morgan was the visions Jason had whilst in a coma.

  • Love 3

I'll abide by that if we can have a reset on almost everything that sucks.

There was no Steve Burton. Micheal was always raised by AJ. AJ and Alan are alive. Jake is alive. Robin never got kidnapped. McBain is the Commissioner. Billy Miller always was Jason. Sonny has been in prison forever. Spencer died in the womb. Cameron is 18. Liz and Ric never split up. Morgan got a degree. There is no Kiki. Roger Howarth never played Franco. There is no Nina. Carly works at The Rib. Laura is married to Robert Scorpio. Johnny never went to prison. And we still never cared about Connie. Rocco has a better name.


No McBain, please. In my world he had to go back to Llanview, tail between his legs, and beg for Natalie's forgiveness.

What became of that house?

Bill moved out and wound up in the lighthouse that Lucy then bought.


Jenny and Paul, I assume had their own place once they were married.


I assume that ma Eckert lived there, and she and the house just faded away.  God that was a huge set. And I remember Mac and Bill having a tussle at the top of the basement stairs.




Lol if it were either Liz's house, Sonny's house, Brownstone, or Micheal's old apt building. Because just lol.


I thought Brownstone too, since it just reappeared.  Is anyone living there yet?  I'm assuming that Fluke is holding Luke in an abandoned place where no on can stumble upon him.


That's why my $20 is going on the Eckert house.  I'm fanwanking that the mother died, left it to Jenny and/or Sly, and Bill is stashing Luke there.


*Edited because Bill is considered dead on the show. Such as anyone is considered dead on the show.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

My 10 cent speculation is that it has been Luke all along. The whole mask thing is misdirection. While Luke was at held at Miscaviage  he was subjected to the Mind control and drug regiment du jour to split his personality. When he spit out the drugs and started to come back, Helena reprogramed him. All the scenes of the Lukes talking to each other are in Luke's mind. The personality they created is Fluke.

It's not too far out there as they are using it on Jakeson.

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My new theory on Fluke is that Luke has had an idential twin who never knew he was Luke's twin. He is an evil person and somehow got mixed up with Helena et al and he hates Luke b/c he had a terrible childhood while Luke got raised by their "real" family. I thought the line about did I have plastic surgery to look like this or is it something else? Either idential twin or Robin created a clone...yah clone that sound more like Ron. RME!

Dude, I'm not rehashing Carly Benson's life with Tracy as Jason. Hell no.

Luke is batshit crazy, probably due to drinking, raping his wife, or killing his grandchild. God, if Ron changed the script on TG and Frank was like "Fuck you, contract. Play it." I would respect Ron/Frank for a month. Because I'm done with TG.

Look, I'm sticking with my Bill Eckert theory. I'm like that country song, I go home with the one that brought me.


But re-watching Friday's show, I got such a Fight Club vibe. It *is* Luke Spencer after all!


It's definitely not someone with plastic surgery, given how Fluke looked his nose down that theory.


the bigger question -- WHY do I even bother myself with this?  The true answer is going to be a letdown ... and it'll come when I'm ready to cash my first social security check.

  • Love 4

Look, I'm sticking with my Bill Eckert theory. I'm like that country song, I go home with the one that brought me.


But re-watching Friday's show, I got such a Fight Club vibe. It *is* Luke Spencer after all!


It's definitely not someone with plastic surgery, given how Fluke looked his nose down that theory.


The only thing that would make it worthwhile is if you're right and  Fluke is Luke under mind-control, and that Luke is a schlub -- or maybe Bill Eckert himself, brainwashed.

Oh, and $20 says that Fluke is a time-travelling back-from-the-dead Jake Webber.

  • Love 3

I'll abide by that if we can have a reset on almost everything that sucks.

There was no Steve Burton. Micheal was always raised by AJ. AJ and Alan are alive. Jake is alive. Robin never got kidnapped. McBain is the Commissioner. Billy Miller always was Jason. Sonny has been in prison forever. Spencer died in the womb. Cameron is 18. Liz and Ric never split up. Morgan got a degree. There is no Kiki. Roger Howarth never played Franco. There is no Nina. Carly works at The Rib. Laura is married to Robert Scorpio. Johnny never went to prison. And we still never cared about Connie. Rocco has a better name.


Don't forget about Georgie. Georgie is alive and working for the WSB.

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