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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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32 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Here's a bit of a funny story.

When my mom was in the hospital, the speech pathologist who was trying to help us had a shirt with the anti-possession tattoo and unfortunately I didn't have a chance to talk with her about the show but I wanted to say HEY!!! SPN FAN !!! but I never did.

Here's a story that I've never been able to tell because I thought it might sound too strange, even here...

When my mom died, the hospice nurse came to her room to sign all the paperwork.  While she was writing, her cell phone went off, with her ringtone "Carry On Wayward Son."  I looked over at her (and she blushed) but it was my sister (who is NOT a SPN fan but has dealt with my obsession for years) who asked, "Supernatural?"  The nurse said yes, and I mentioned the SPN Con in Denver (which had just been about a month before).  It turned out we had been sitting just a few rows apart there.  But we couldn't discuss it further...definitely wrong time, wrong place.  (BTW, at least two of the (male) caregivers at my mom's nursing home were also SPN fans and had asked me to bring my photos so they could see them.)   

  • Love 4
9 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Friends  recognize TVD, Buffy, Angel, X Files, etc., but look at me blankly when I rave Supernatural is the bomb.  Who's photo is that on your phone? ... Jensen Who?  Grrrrrr....

4 hours ago, catrox14 said:

the speech pathologist who was trying to help us had a shirt with the anti-possession tattoo

Sometimes it seems like the SPN fandom is a secret society and instead of a secret handshake, there are ringtones and t-shirts and anti-possession pendants and tattoos to identify us. :} 

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4 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Sometimes it seems like the SPN fandom is a secret society and instead of a secret handshake, there are ringtones and t-shirts and anti-possession pendants and tattoos to identify us. :} 

Exactly. LOL My ringtone is Dean's Dirty Organ.  My email and text notifications are a snippet from Oh Death. LOL

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Friends  recognize TVD, Buffy, Angel, X Files, etc., but look at me blankly when I rave Supernatural is the bomb.

I talk about the show all the time when we're discussing our fave shows at work and no one else watches. However...I talked about it so much that my boss who loves horror genre shows ( X-Files, TVD, Grimm to name a few ) decided to check it out on Netflix. That was approx. 1 month ago and she's already starting on season 5! Best part: she's a total Dean girl! :)

  • Love 5
29 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I talk about the show all the time when we're discussing our fave shows at work and no one else watches. However...I talked about it so much that my boss who loves horror genre shows ( X-Files, TVD, Grimm to name a few ) decided to check it out on Netflix. That was approx. 1 month ago and she's already starting on season 5! Best part: she's a total Dean girl! :)

My positive SPN experiences have been when I'm wearing my SPN t-shirt, with the brothers and Baby on it. Invariably, it will be younger girls who notice and say 'love your shirt!'. I always say 'Dean or Sam?' To date, every one has been a Dean girl :)  ETA: @catrox14 my ringtone is Jensen and Jared, ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE! but my text notification is Smoke on the Water. :)

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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24 minutes ago, Frost said:

I'm curious about Jensen's initial response to the question about what he most enjoys about SDCC:  that it would be easier to come up with what he doesn't like about SDCC.

I can't imagine that he'd insult them right on camera, so I think he meant that there's so much he does like that it would be easier to name one of the few things he doesn't like.  At least that was my take.

  • Love 4
42 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

I love Misha in the one where his arm is outstretched and he's wearing sunglasses! I don't know why, maybe it's the glasses, but he has something of a rogue vibe going in that one! Very unMishalike haha

It reminds me of Cas with sunglasses. LOL

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Wayward Son said:

I love Misha in the one where his arm is outstretched and he's wearing sunglasses! I don't know why, maybe it's the glasses, but he has something of a rogue vibe going in that one! Very unMishalike haha

IMO, Jensen and Misha were acting as bodyguards for Jared. That's why Jensen has his finger to his ear like he has an earpiece and Misha is shoving some pap away.

  • Love 2
45 minutes ago, auntvi said:

Is there any video up yet from today's panel? I can only find a piece of Kansas's performance and a random minute from the panel.

Here's the full panel--I haven't watched it, so fair warning to those of you who avoid spoilers, it's probably chalked full of them:

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, auntvi said:

Is there any video up yet from today's panel? I can only find a piece of Kansas's performance and a random minute from the panel.

I can't believe they had Kansas open up for them. I loved when the camera panned over and you could see the S1-12 retrospective 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Absolutely. I don't even know what to say about that.

I was pretty infuriated when I first heard about it! But to be honest, as Misha fan, I am pretty used to him being constantly disrespected by the show and those associated with it. So I wasn't as mad as I probably would have been if I wasn't already used to it. I'll leave it at that, or change threads, because I don't want to go off topic.


ETA: Generally, I wouldn't be his biggest fan, but to his credit, at least Bob Singer was the only one to show some decency and swapped seats for a bit :) 


((I'm happy to discuss further, but we should probably move to the PTB thread :) <3 ))

Edited by Wayward Son
21 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

So was Kansas appearning the 'chills' and OMFG! that Michaels was teasing?

I would assume so.

21 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That was quite the visual for Misha fans, putting him in the little seat. :O

I wonder if Mark Sheppard is laughing at that whole thing now. I remember the year he was on the panel and everyone else had a name place card except Mark. Seems like there's something like this every year.

4 minutes ago, auntvi said:

I read - and it was probably third or fourth hand - that it was a joke and Misha's idea. YMMV

That wouldn't surprise me at all. Still, the visual is a kick in the nads to fans who are already freaking out over his 'death' and other perceived insults (right or wrong). It's a bit of a tone-deaf joke, IMO. I am a casual fan at best (respect and admire the man, indifferent to the character) and it made my eyebrows climb when I saw the images in tweets. I haven't watched the actual panel yet for context.

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Kansas was F*CKING amazing. And yes, based on Michael's tweets, he was involved in that.  

The othed amazing thing was that they pulled back the curtains from the side walls and we had a 270 deg theater of Supernatural!  You couldn't keep up with the imagery and sounds.   

Everyone was on their feet. All 5000 seats.   It was rock concert class screaming with everyone singing the lyrics.  


Seriously, someone at Warner Brothers loves the boys.  They gave us all free T-shirts when we walked in.  That's Warner Brothers Movie-class swag.  Typically we get nothing.  Some TV shows hand out pins or other trinkets.  

Im not sure why the boys were treated so well this year but it was great. And when you went by the WB booth when they were signing?  A mass of humanity taking pictures.  

On the short chair -- it was CLEARLY done with love IMO.  Likely Misha's idea.  The boys ruthlessly teased him -- which IMO was a sign of comaradery vice disrespect.  And Jensen hugged Misha at the end. 

Great panel. 

Edited by SueB
  • Love 9

I'm not sure why people were offended with what they did with Misha.  Obviously, it was done with love and his involvement.  And the teasing of him is no different than what goes on everyday with this cast.  He absolutely is an  important part of this cast.  Like Jensen has said, there is no show without Misha.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I'm not sure why people were offended with what they did with Misha.  Obviously, it was done with love and his involvement.  And the teasing of him is no different than what goes on everyday with this cast.  He absolutely is an  important part of this cast.  Like Jensen has said, there is no show without Misha.

Not to enter bitch vs jerk territory, and I could be wrong, but I actually think it was Jared who said "there is no show without Misha".

2 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Okay, one interview I saw said that Kansas invited Jensen to sing with them.

Jensen turned them down, and said he was going to watch (after he changed his pants).

Why Jensen why?

Aughhhhh, man. Jensen you should have done it! :(.  Maybe he wasn't ready in his head to do it. Damn.

  • Love 2

Kansas's response to this tweet

I love that it was them that wanted Jensen to sing and approached him to join them and supported fans wanting to see Jensen perform with them.  They don't seem to have a problem with it, or believe Jensen joining them would make it about Jensen.

Edited by ILoveReading
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