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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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8 minutes ago, Diane said:

I just thought the others were funny too! So wanted to make sure you caught them.

Oh, I did. Twitter and I are very good friends. Thanks for making sure I saw the rest of it though :)


7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

So he's just a lying liar who lies. LOL

Since I watched every promo and trailer available out there, I feel like I watched the episode already so I can safely say he is a HUGE liar! ;)

Edited by goldy
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Just now, goldy said:

Since I watched every promo and trailer available out there, I feel like I watched the episode already so I can safely say he is a HUGE liar! ;)

I thought the same thing! I was like okay this is pretty much the episode isn't it? And then I thought well, either they showed us all the good stuff which means the rest might suck, OR they showed the stuff that won't completely destroy us and we are doomed. I go back and forth LOL

It always amuses me when I stumble upon articles like this.  I foresee much disagreement with this author's ranking.  ;-)

SPN Seasons Ranked from Worst to Best

I think my ranking would go:


But that could change, given my mood on any given day.  ;-)

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1 minute ago, DittyDotDot said:

S9 is definitely the worst for me at this point. I'm still trying, and failing, to finish rewatching it. I guess today I'd go:


I got stuck there on my last rewatch and skipped to season 11 MOW episodes instead.  Just can't finish season 9 again.

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I'm with the season 8 and 9 detractors, but my placement of season 4 in the list is at variance. Some of the others, too. Caveat: my list reflects favorites vs "best" and "worst," because I concur that many elements of season 4, for example, were of good quality... but I still didn't enjoy it as much as some other seasons. Similarly, season 3 suffers a little for me from highs and lows. It has some of my most favorite episodes, but also a bunch I find somewhat meh and skipable.... plus the introduction of and featuring on characters I wasn't particularly fond of.

My current ranking from least favorite to favorite...

Season 8
Season 9
Season 4
Season 3
Season 6
Season 10
Season 7
Season 1
Season 11
Season 2
Season 5

So weirdly, I agree with the article writer about my favorite season and that season 11 ended up my number 3, but almost everything else for me was different - especially season 7 and season 2 being higher, and season 3 and 4 being much lower. Yes, season 3 had probably my most favorite episode ever (I agree with the article writer on that one), but it also had a lackluster opening - 5 of the first 6 episodes were meh or worse for me - and it featured Ruby (bleccch) and Bela (and her oh so cleverness.) In contrast, for me, much maligned season 7 started out great, introduced characters I enjoyed (Dick Roman, Chet, Kevin, Frank... even Joyce and George and Charlie [sort of]).

What surprised me most about making my list - and looking over the episodes in each season as I did - was how far season 4 had fallen for me. Looking at the episodes, I saw only 1 or 2 from that season in probably my top 40, and one of those was more of a one-off. And there were quite a few I dislike now... and some that I just find super depressing. What a bummer of a season for me in retrospect.

What wasn't surprising? I still absolutely haaaaate season 8. There were only about 3 episodes for me I liked in that season - maybe 4 if I stretch it - but a whole bunch of ones I absolutely detested. There was 1 episode in my top 50, maybe, I think. (I'd need to consult my top 50 list in that thread.) In contrast, season 11 had at least 4 on my top 50 list... yay for the Carver years coming to an end. For me anyway.

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Misha, you are a sneaky one.  That whole thing was code for the political debate on his FB and Twitter pages recently because he's been actively campaigning for one of the candidates.

I can't.  I just can't use "Cass".  For... personal reasons.  Let's just say that I get momentarily confused when it see it.

*whistles innocently as she walks away*

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/rant on

After the last 3 weeks of Creation Entertainment changing the Convention rules so that the days are shorter and requesting that fans not provide detailed personal stories (as it's a bit too intense for the guests) in the Q&A sessions.... the SPNATL convention had TWO intense personal moments during the first 30 min J2 Gold panel.  

Did people not read the rules after CE has been making a big deal? Do they think they are above the rules? 

I just am ... frustrated.  They've severely limited the J2 autos to those already sold and in the future, they aren't selling them anymore (except for those with Gold/Silver passes).  Creation has brought in counselors to help people who get overwhelmed when at the convention (it happens, a lot, this is a good idea).  But the boys had to do this autograph limitation out of self-preservation, not selfishness.  I've witnessed really intense moments (saw a girl talk about cutting herself in front of Jared) and another say she didn't commit suicide because of J2.  Yes, that's a credit to them.  But it's also intense.  You just don't shake that stuff off as 'no big deal'.  Imagine if someone started a question out to you with that kind of pre-amble.  

Today's two moments in the Gold Panel - one person thanked them and said because of them, they've completed their gender transition program (now male based on the name) and asked them what it feels like when someone tells them this kind of a thing.  What they meant (at least how Jared interpreted it... which I believe is correct) is that J2 gave them the courage to be themselves.  But it can be simplified to 'because of you, I've changed my entire life'. How is that NOT intense? Yes, it's a good thing. But it's still INTENSE. Another gave a tearful thank you about AKF and then asked Jared what was his motivation to start the T-shirt campaign.  Which is (IMO) an invitation for Jared to talk again about his struggles with depression.  Yes, both were couched as "thank you's" but both were INTENSE moments.  These intense moments are naturally stressful for any normal human.  And stress dumps cortisol and epinephrine into your body.  How is that what people want when they say 'thank you'? Yes, these guys are actors and are paid for their appearance. But they are motivational because they share their personal side with us.  

The guys have asked people share these stories on Facebook. I get it -- there's no guarantee that they will, in fact, see YOUR story and you won't get to see their reaction.  But there has to be a balance.  Say "thank you for helping me through really challenging times in my life" or "thank you for your inspiration to be happy with who I am."  

Bottom Line: if we don't come up with a way to make people feel like they've had their moment or everyone starts to obey the rules, I'm afraid they boys will have to limit even further. And that will make THEM and US feel shitty.  How is this a good thing?


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This is probably a UO, but I think the boys *should* start cutting back on cons.   As someone (was it me?) noted a while ago, the cons are starting to feel very repetitious; but more, I think the boys are wearing themselves out (not just with the sad stories but because of the scheduling.)  As it is, I think in most cons the J2 appearances are *only* on Sundays, which makes for a *very* long day, assuming they fly in just the night before--starting first thing in the morning with the gold panels, then photo ops, autographs, and the regular panels.  No wonder they've had to cut back--there just isn't enough time in the day to fit all that in and keep your sanity, especially with all the emotions swirling around them at all times (and not just the sad ones).   I'm assuming most of that has to do with their shooting schedules, since they have to balance flying back and forth, trying to see their families occasionally, cons and actual work (which includes promos and publicity as well.)  (Do they have cons during the hiatus/breaks, or do they keep that time personal/private?...which I think is much healthier; but it does mean that they're squeezing a year and a half's worth of work-related things into 8 or 9 months...)  

If I were running things (yeah!) I would say fewer cons but longer, not so tightly-scheduled.  Let everybody have a little fun and relaxation rather than the regimented, "all those with ticket number XXX through XXX report to photo op line immediately.  Autographs with xxx will begin promptly at 1 pm."  

Have J2 come for 2 days (or at least 1 1/2), so they can do autographs/photo ops the afternoon/evening before and panels only on Sunday.  I would love to have them do another panel for those who can't afford/couldn't get a gold seat, instead of just one J2 panel per con...Maybe one together with Misha or Mark.)  Jensen can sing with the Saturday night concerts if he wants, or they could have private time to stay in or go out.  

To try to limit the sad stories:  Maybe they should put out a big box for people to write their thank you's/stories to give to Jared later and tell everyone that's the best/ONLY way to get your story heard.  (Also, Jared would have to stop giving hugs to everyone who tells their stories in person...)  

And maybe put up a big, blinking sign behind the boys, saying "NO CHICK FLICK MOMENTS."  

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I have no idea how many of these cons they attend, but it does seem like a lot.  Maybe limit it to one a month.  Obviously, the cast are not all required to attend, and I know it's a nice little paycheck for them, so I totally get why they do it, but the fans are going to ruin it for themselves, if they're not careful.  

I get that people want that moment with their celebrity crush.  And if a fan feels that an actor or a show has helped them get through some difficult times, I understand the desire to thank them.  But write them a letter.  Do not use a public venue to tell your story.  I'm sure many of these people are just genuinely overcome, but I also think many of them do it for the attention.  If you truly want to thank someone for helping you through a difficult time, why would you want to cause that person emotional distress in exchange for their help?  It makes no sense.

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I don't believe the actors are completely innocent in creating the level of familiarity that some fans feel. As far as I know, they all use #spnfamily in their tweets.

But, some fans have no sense of boundaries and a healthy sense of entitlement, which could be mitigated by limiting the number of cons. And maybe there would be fewer repetitive, personal questions and more show-related ones.

Of course I say all this as someone with no desire to attend one, so keep that in mind. ;)

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1 hour ago, SueB said:

I just am ... frustrated.  They've severely limited the J2 autos to those already sold and in the future, they aren't selling them anymore (except for those with Gold/Silver passes).  Creation has brought in counselors to help people who get overwhelmed when at the convention (it happens, a lot, this is a good idea).  But the boys had to do this autograph limitation out of self-preservation, not selfishness.  I've witnessed really intense moments (saw a girl talk about cutting herself in front of Jared) and another say she didn't commit suicide because of J2.  Yes, that's a credit to them.  But it's also intense.  You just don't shake that stuff off as 'no big deal'.  Imagine if someone started a question out to you with that kind of pre-amble.

It doesn't help the situation when there is a perception I've seen on SM that the auto and photo op changes are  more about Creation getting more money by forcing people to buy more expensive tickets to get certain autos and photo ops.  I have no idea if that is true or not.

Jared's in a tough spot on this. He put himself out there, shared much of himself and his darker (if not darkest) moments/thoughts with fandom, asking for their support and he welcomed others to share. The problem is the  horses are so far out of the barn that it might take HIM making a personal appeal via a diplomatically worded FB message or video for fans to dial it back. 

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I don't know about the Gold Breakfast, but when the boys take the main stage, all questions should have been selected from all the various entries with emphasis on show related ones and no duplication. If, when the person begins asking the question varies from what was written down, they should have the mic taken away and handed to the next person. I'm sorry but I've been to many cons and am really tired of spending money to hear sob stories and repetitious questions. JMO and sorry if I offended anyone.

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Honestly, I think we'll just have to wait and see.  As catrox said, it's up to the boys.  I really really don't think Creation dropped the autos.  They are losing money on that deal.  The math is clear.  Everything about how that went down suggests they got feedback from the boys and went scrambling.  

On the other hand, I think it was Creation who felt the need to write down the 'no kissing' policy (it's now on a sign, posted outside the photo ops room).  There was an article (did you post it catrox?) that talked about fans crossing boundaries and discussed that fan that kissed Jensen recently.  I'm kinda horrified people have to be told.  But... 'Common sense to one man is a revelation to another' - I used to think this was a Mark Twain quote but now I can't find the reference... still it applies. 

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19 minutes ago, SueB said:

 There was an article (did you post it catrox?) that talked about fans crossing boundaries and discussed that fan that kissed Jensen recently.  I'm

I don't think it was me. If it was, I have no recollection. I mean I'm kind of a general non-functional mess these days, so who knows. Maybe I did. LOL

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