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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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8 minutes ago, auntvi said:

I was going to comment on how very, very, well he's aged.  :P

Ha. It's just because he bulked up and grew longass sideburns (not the mutton chops though that I could tell.

3 minutes ago, SueB said:

But is Jensen (or Jared) that skilled in Photoshop?

I wasn't intending to imply that Jensen did it. LOL.  But someone did!

Yeah, it's an old photo someone just shopped that logo onto. It actually wouldn't be that hard if the logo was already vector art...I digress.


Anyhoo, I'm thinking it's from S6. The background and their wardrobe reminds me of the intros they did to the anime series back then. It's been ever-so-long since I've seen them--there's a couple episodes included on the S6 DVDs--so I can't be sure, but that's immediately what I thought of when I saw the pictures.

ETA: Should've known to just go to YouTube: ;)

Edited by DittyDotDot
Hope that link works now!
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Note: I'm providing some info regarding cons because I think it's relevant.  I don't want to cause a wank storm.   If folks want to provide long discussion about a particular element of fandom, please DM me.  I don't think any particular element of fandom is responsible for these changes. 

Two changes have come out this week regarding conventions:

1) Photo Op policy - Creation clarified what Photo Ops are allowed/not allowed; identifying the interest of time to keep things moving. There was a re-emphasis on not going into detailed personal stories.

2) Autographs for J2 - They've cancelled the J2 autographs for non Gold/Silver and offered a refund for TorCon (ONLY).  All future J2 autographs as sold out (through 2017).  This essentially limits it to Gold/Silver. This is apparently a change in status from recent. I don't know the implication for those who already have tickets for non-TorCon and are not Gold/Silver. It could be just a one-off issue for TorCon due to scheduling (as stated) or a shift in policy or a combo of both. 


- Some comment in the videos indicate the long lines were a concern to J2 and they were appreciative of attendee patience.
- Twitter chatter (which I believe truthful due to multiple sources): the volunteers were aggressive in Dallas in getting people to move along during photo ops

Personal Opinion:

- I've first-hand witnessed fans have a full-on meltdown in front of Jared (more than Jensen) and Jared just stops everything and helps the person.  He's very very good at it. You would think he was a trained therapist.  But I also know this took a toll on him in the past when he had to pause signing autographs at a convention due to the intense nature of some of the comments.  These are not "I love you" meltdowns. These are "I used to (take drugs, contemplate suicide, cut myself, etc...) on a daily basis but now I don't because you (Jared Padalecki) inspire me."  I've been to two conventions and those three samples actually happened.  
- They done a bit of a crackdown on the panel questions (you have to tell the volunteer your question before you ask) so there are no longer so many of the heart wrenching stories in the open panel.
- If you look at some of the photo ops, it's clear some of them require a bit of time for set-up. That's hard to make work when the lines are so long.
- The pace of the conventions is outrageously frenetic for the stars. There is someone herding them to a new place constantly.  Hardly any break time.  I'm not surprised to see Jensen's t-shirt change at the Dallas convention, these guys break a sweat.

Bottom Line Opinion: 
- For whatever reason, it would appear they've dropped J2 autographs unless you bought a Gold/Silver ticket.  I wouldn't be surprised if they drop them all in the future as they always are at the very end of Sunday and the boys look exhausted by then.  I suspect Gold/Silver was probably something they felt they couldn't drop at this time.  It'll be interesting to see what happens with 2018 conventions.
- If it was the cast who asked for these things, I'm kinda glad they did.  I think Creation would try to squeeze every last bit of cash out of the boys they could.  And pretty much EVERYTHING J2 ends up selling out completely.  I want J2 to leave the convention refreshed. If that means they do less, I'd rather that was the case.  
- I think we're lucky we get the level of engagement we do.  I hope a balance is struck to make it a positive experience for everyone.  


ETA: There's chatter on twitter that the autographs being sold out may be an error and we should wait for an announcement before presuming it's a done deal.  Personally, I'd buy that if they hadn't sent letters for TorCon.  I'll be surprised if the autographs suddenly become available again.  

Edited by SueB
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10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I guess I don't understand.  Does this limit autos ONLY to those who have a pass? Did people pay just to get an autograph and not attend the panels?

You must have a pass to do anything (panels, photos, autos, and even the vendor room).  You can have General Admission or Copper (which is not everywhere) passes to see stuff and then buy an autograph ticket.  Some people buy the General Admission pass to save money for autographs and photos because they'd rather have the one-on-one interaction (for 10 seconds) with someone than be closer to the stage for the entire convention.  

Edited by SueB
15 minutes ago, SueB said:

You must have a pass to do anything (panels, photos, autos, and even the vendor room).  You can have General Admission or Copper (which is not everywhere) passes to see stuff and then buy an autograph ticket.  Some people buy the General Admission pass to save money for autographs and photos because they'd rather have the one-on-one interaction (for 10 seconds) with someone than be closer to the stage for the entire convention.  

Or some people (especially first-timers) find that, when they go to buy tickets a year in advance, *all* the silver and most of the gold are already sold out, except for a few scattered on the fringes--ie, one row before the general admission seats start.  *sigh*  That's a problem when they allow past con goers to reserve their seats for the next con before opening up to newbies.  So...I wound up on the far far left in Copper and bought a photo op with Jensen.  And there's no guarantee I can improve my seat next time, even if I have the money to spare.

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20 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Or some people (especially first-timers) find that, when they go to buy tickets a year in advance, *all* the silver and most of the gold are already sold out, except for a few scattered on the fringes--ie, one row before the general admission seats start.  *sigh*  That's a problem when they allow past con goers to reserve their seats for the next con before opening up to newbies.  So...I wound up on the far far left in Copper and bought a photo op with Jensen.  And there's no guarantee I can improve my seat next time, even if I have the money to spare.

You can improve for next time by getting there early. There's a lotto for seat improvement and the numbers are handed out a registration on Thursday night. It SUCKS but if you get a low lotto number, you can move up.  Now, I cheated (I'm being honest here).  I spent a shit-ton on the VIP experience and sent my daughter in early to get the VIP tickets.  We had a separate line and they let us draw when we registered.  Because we picked up our VIP tickets at the time the registration started, we drew right away. That gave us a number below 10.  I don't know how far in advance you have to be to get a low number but I suspect it's 3-hr wait (easy).  Still, do it one time and you hop forward.  We actually hopped to front row (because yes, this is how I spend my spare money... no judging please).  

  • Love 2

Is that only for VIP passes or people who come before the con starts?  I didn't see anything on the website about the possibility of improving your seat before I went, or maybe I would have gone Thursday night.  As it is, I got to the hotel around noon on Friday (which I think was the first day) and never heard or saw anything about changing seats.  (They did have a lottery to see if you could get to ask your question at the panels...)  *sigh* Things have certainly changed since the old Star Trek conventions I went to back in prehistoric days. 

Luckily (?) they're not scheduled to be back in Denver in 2017 (or 2018 as far as I can see) so unless I win the *real* lottery I probably won't be at any cons in the near future. 

Edited by ahrtee
I always forget to ask something the first time...
2 hours ago, ahrtee said:

Is that only for VIP passes or people who come before the con starts?  I didn't see anything on the website about the possibility of improving your seat before I went, or maybe I would have gone Thursday night.  As it is, I got to the hotel around noon on Friday (which I think was the first day) and never heard or saw anything about changing seats.  (They did have a lottery to see if you could get to ask your question at the panels...)  *sigh* Things have certainly changed since the old Star Trek conventions I went to back in prehistoric days. 

Luckily (?) they're not scheduled to be back in Denver in 2017 (or 2018 as far as I can see) so unless I win the *real* lottery I probably won't be at any cons in the near future. 

It's for anyone who has a 3-day pass.  So it won't work for single day people or general admission. See note below on Pre-Registration:



At  pre-registration (on Thursday), you can re-up for next year.  When you make that commitment on Thursday night,, they give you a little slip of paper with a number and they call the numbers one at a time to get seats not already re-up'd.  You can re-up anytime before about 2pm on Sunday BUT, you don't get  your little number (and thus your spot in line) until you give them the money.  You are guaranteed your current seat but no better.  By setting the deadline at 2pm, this gives them 3 hrs to figure out how much they've already sold for the next year.  By definition, those seats not re-up'd are open for the next year.  THAT's how you get a better seat.  This blurb (above) does not talk about the re-up process.  I think you see it on the full detail schedule they put out the day before.  When it comes out next Wednesday for TorCon, I'll try to find it and copy/paste the wording in here.

Is it rigged?  Yeah, pretty much.  I got a GREAT seat the first year at MinnCon because it was the first year MinnCon happened.  They have some new locations (New Orleans?) coming up, you can get a better seat when that opens up if you want to go there.  You need to put yourself on the mailing list or follow them on Social Media (twitter, Facebook) to know when they are about to put tickets up for sale.  Like I said... totally rigged and designed to sell, sell, sell.  Takes a lot of shine off the experience but honestly, having been at other conventions, it's far more organized than most and the access to the talent is far greater than anywhere else I've seen.  

Edited by SueB
14 minutes ago, SueB said:

Is it rigged?  Yeah, pretty much.  I got a GREAT seat the first year at MinnCon because it was the first year MinnCon happened.  They have some new locations (New Orleans?) coming up, you can get a better seat when that opens up if you want to go there.  You need to put yourself on the mailing list or follow them on Social Media (twitter, Facebook) to know when they are about to put tickets up for sale.  Like I said... totally rigged and designed to sell, sell, sell.  Takes a lot of shine off the experience but honestly, having been at other conventions, it's far more organized than most and the access to the talent is far greater than anywhere else I've seen.  

Thanks for the information, Sue.  I'm pretty disillusioned with the way they run things (yes, it's organized, but, as you say, rigged and *so expensive for everything* and everything is so regimented that there's almost no chance at unexpected/serendipitous happenings, which always had been the most fun at the cons I used to go to. )   I don't know if it's worth an extra hotel night on the off-chance that I might get a better seat; and, in looking at all the places I might possibly be able to get to in the next year (and that includes New Orleans!) there are *no* silver seats and only the back two rows of gold left anywhere already--even a year away.  I guess I'll wait to see when/if they come back to Denver and try to do better then.      

10 hours ago, ahrtee said:

I'm pretty disillusioned with the way they run things (yes, it's organized, but, as you say, rigged and *so expensive for everything* and everything is so regimented that there's almost no chance at unexpected/serendipitous happenings, which always had been the most fun at the cons I used to go to.)

I'm not a con goer and I had no idea it was like this. I can see why people are frustrated with creation. It appears that they want to wring every last cent out of fans. I really feel for those who can't afford the more expensive tickets. Are there any Supernatural cons not run by creation that you could go to?  Either way, good luck, ahrtee!

  • Love 1

I've never been to a convention, and I don't see that ever changing.  It's just not my thing.  But I do enjoy watching the videos that people are kind enough to upload.  

It does seem that things have been changing in the past few years, however  People seemed more respectful before, and were just happy to be there.  Now the audience never seems to shut up.  They just shout out whatever comments they want, and at least in my opinion, I don't think it's appreciated too much by the actors.  They tolerate it, because really...what can they say, but watching their facial expressions, I don't think they like it.  I'm not sure whether that's a symptom of having the same people in the audience all the time.  I think there's a certain sense of entitlement that comes with being a "regular".  I could be wrong, but that's just my opinion.  

I understand that people want to be able to thank Jared and Jensen (and the rest of the cast) for helping them through difficult times, but it has to be overwhelming for the actors.  For simple self-preservation, I totally understand why they might want to minimize their contact with the fans.  And if you are someone who also suffers from bouts of depression, it's doubly difficult to listen to people pour their hearts out.  It's not that you don't care, but you simply can't take all of that on without it affecting your own emotional well-being.

Edited by MysteryGuest
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7 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

It does seem that things have been changing in the past few years, however  People seemed more respectful before, and were just happy to be there.  Now the audience never seems to shut up.  They just shout out whatever comments they want, and at least in my opinion, I don't think it's appreciated too much by the actors.  They tolerate it, because really...what can they say, but watching their facial expressions, I don't think they like it.  I'm not sure whether that's a symptom of having the same people in the audience all the time.  I think there's a certain sense of entitlement that comes with being a "regular".  I could be wrong, but that's just my opinion.

I've had a similar feeling over the last couple years. I actually don't keep up with the videos much anymore. I used to really like to hear them talk about the show, but more and more the questions have become about their personal lives. Which, I'm sorry, I'm just not all that interested in. Some of the earlier cons seemed more free-flowing and off-the-cuff; fans just happy to be with other fans and having a good time. I don't really get that sense much anymore. But, like you, I'm not a con-goer so maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture?

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Conventions can be really fun experiences but I have to say with the way Creation has been monopolizing - and flooding - the US market with them, a lot of the "magic" if you will has gone out of them. At this point there are 12-15 a year? with the same schedule basically, the same cadre of actors and the same people asking the same questions. Nothing is new or spontaneous or cute or funny or even different really.

Fans have lost a lot of sense for boundaries. Which is kind of unusual compared to conventions for other shows but frankly, I know of none other where the leads are available to fans at so many conventions each year. Normally, it is a privilege to see a lead actor for a change. But if you see someone more than you may even family members, that familiarity can feed into delusions that those actors are no longer strangers but...friends. Frankly, I think everyone should cut back on doing so many Cons but it`s a valid cash cow for Creation and good money for actors so they won`t.  

  • Love 3

I don't want to discourage anyone from attending a con.  It's always interesting, and you can mix and mingle with a lot of fellow fans, which is especially good if you don't have any other obsessed friends!  It all depends on your expectations.  

I had a few strikes against me in the first place:  I went alone, knowing no one there; I'm much, much older than the average con goer and so didn't mingle much, and I don't party (and the music at Karaoke and the Louden Swain concert, while I liked it, was so loud it nearly made my ears bleed); and mostly, I had expectations based on the way I remembered cons way back when.  The first con I went to was a lot like the one in The Real Ghostbusters.  This was more like Disneyland with long lines, strict rules that were tightly enforced, with "volunteers" at every point to keep things moving and make sure no one was out of line, and everything cost money.  Is that better?  Things certainly went a lot more smoothly, more people got in to see their heroes, and those who didn't mind/weren't expecting anything else certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves.  

Personally, I enjoyed the more casual atmosphere of earlier cons, where not all questions were carefully vetted, and the guests gave less polished, more "real" answers.  But a good part of that, I think, is, Aeryn noted, lately *everyone always asks the same questions.*  I've watched a lot of con videos, and there were the same questions (and answers!) almost every time.  I imagine it might be a little boring to the guests to have to repeat themselves so often, and I assume (sorry, Dittydotdot) that might be why more people are asking personal questions:  because the stars aren't allowed to give any spoilers, and all the other questions about the show *have already been asked.*  I also think that's part of the reason why there are so many personal/sad stories from the audience: they're trying to connect with the stars in a personal way, and (for good or bad) Jared set a precedent by hugging so many of the people who had a sad story, so now everyone is trying for a Jared hug!  This, unfortunately, is emotionally draining for him, and kind of annoying to the audience, because it does bring a 45-minute panel to a complete standstill for the duration.  

Bottom line:  it was an interesting experience.  I certainly enjoyed my 2 seconds with Jensen at the photo op, even if I came out looking like a deer in the headlights (I wasn't expecting a hug and then to be ushered off *immediately* before I even realized it was done).  It's good for meeting other SPN-obsessed fans and having some interesting talks with them.  But if you can't afford the extras, stay home and watch the videos.  (I especially enjoyed the Nerd Central interviews from ComicCon.)  

  • Love 5
26 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

 I imagine it might be a little boring to the guests to have to repeat themselves so often, and I assume (sorry, Dittydotdot) that might be why more people are asking personal questions:  because the stars aren't allowed to give any spoilers, and all the other questions about the show *have already been asked.*

No need to apologize. I get why it's happening, and, the guys answer the questions. So it obviously doesn't bother them to talk about their personal lives. So, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's just I don't even want to know that much about my own personal life, let alone people I don't actually know.

It's funny, I don't actually want to meet any of the actors, but I might be tempted to buy a ticket for some time with Jerry Wanek. And if Kim Manners was still with us, I think can imagine being tempted to buy a ticket for that. I know, I know... .

13 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

No need to apologize. I get why it's happening, and, the guys answer the questions. So it obviously doesn't bother them to talk about their personal lives. So, I don't think there's anything wrong with that, it's just I don't even want to know that much about my own personal life, let alone people I don't actually know.

It's funny, I don't actually want to meet any of the actors, but I might be tempted to buy a ticket for some time with Jerry Wanek. And if Kim Manners was still with us, I think can imagine being tempted to buy a ticket for that. I know, I know... .

I think it's actually a good thing for fans to be able to separate the actor from the character so I'm always interested in hearing about personal lives.  

As for Jerry Wanek and Kim Manners, well, I think I mentioned before that I went on Star Trek cruises (between 1997-2000).  They were a lot more fun than the cons--partly because you actually got to mingle with the guest stars (it was understood that you were supposed to be respectful of their privacy and treat them like any other cruise guests) and mostly because they had so many other interesting activities, including panels with special effects/makeup people, writers, production supervisors, etc.  I love learning BTS stuff (even took a special effects filmmaking class way back when) so, yeah, I'd be in line behind you for the Wanek/Manners panels!

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I've told my office I'll travel again (Joe, my son, is doing much better for those keeping up with my personal drama).  So, as luck would have it, I can go to the EW Popfest.  Compared to Creation it's dirt cheap.  VIP is $199.  OTOH, I expect literally zero talent interaction.  I expect them to be on a stage and talking to the audience, like San Diego Comic Con.  I'm going (maybe... I'm still playing it by ear depending on what's happening that week...but I bought the ticket anyway) more to 1) Support the boys and 2) See what it's like compared to Creation.  I don't expect anything new to come out.  I'm going to need to find other Supernatural peeps going so I don't look like a stalker.  

I do find it interesting that J2 are pretty much headliners for Day 1 on the EW con part.  I suspect the lucrative Creation circuit has gotten EW's attention and SPN is the biggest success for Creation.  I think an interesting side-effect of BOTH the cover win and the EW Popfest is that EW has been giving us a shit-ton of free publicity.  The CW DID declare #SupernaturalDay but that was a low-key on-line activity.  But EW has put out something every few days since the cover.  Personally, I expect the Team SPN approach for Supernatural to continue until EW Popfest (because, sales).  That's alright by me.  Perhaps that's why J2 agreed to the gig in the first place.  It's not like they are desperate for public engagement.  

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, sarthaz said:

Attending a Creation con in the future, and family issues preclude me from seeing both Friday Night Karaoke and Saturday Night Special.  Recommendations on which to attend?

I went to both, hoping to see Jensen.  (He didn't show.)  

I think they usually schedule the Js on Sunday, so many times they don't even show up at the con till Saturday night.  (I think they come earlier/spend more time at the bigger ones, like Vegas and VanCon, and ones closer to their home.)  IMO, Karaoke is more about the fans; the Saturday night concert is more about the music, if that makes sense.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, FlickChick said:

I think she does. But that's the problem with SM, maybe she was laughing when she wrote it - sort of as a fun jab back. Who knows?

This is why we need a sarcasm font.

I assume that she wouldn't tweet it unless she was sure that he would take it well. I'm sure she wants to keep working on the show.

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